• Pearls: properties of the stone, to whom it suits according to their zodiac sign. Pearls: characteristics of natural and cultured stones


    Pearls draw their history back to before our era. Yes, humanity has been interested in such a treasure since time immemorial. And the popularity and significance of pearls continues to this day. Let's look at why there is a lot of attention around pearls, and why they have always played a significant role in creating jewelry.

    Yes, initially humanity did not delve as far as the properties of pearls. IN jewelry he received the calling only because he did not need any processing. In essence, ready-made material was extracted. But, like any other gemstone, it has a certain effect on the body and health of people. And it is worth noting that this is not an easy component of decoration.

    So let's dive into this issue a little more:

    • In general, each country has its own ideas about this stone. For example, in Greece pearls are a symbol of marriage, and in India they are considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. But, in any case, its properties are aimed at protecting against many diseases and improving family life.
    • Also, a girl used to be given such a necklace for her wedding. It was believed that such a stone would protect her from her husband’s infidelity.
    • By the way, with unrequited love such a stone also helps to cope. After all, it brings peace to a girl’s life and spiritual harmony.
    • It also helps preserve youth and beauty. Perhaps that is why young girls do not wear it.
    • But! Much depends on which person gave it. If he is evil and has bad thoughts, then such a gift can only bring trouble.
    • If the young lady is too proud, narcissistic, greedy or deceitful, then the stone will also refuse to help her. Moreover, he will try to break such character traits and change the person for the better.
    • By the way, there is a version that the stone helps smooth out conflicts and find mutual language with many people. It also endows the owner with wisdom and restraint.
    • And also, he could protect the house from thieves, and the owner from the evil eye.

    IMPORTANT: This stone cannot be passed on by inheritance. It can only have one owner. Otherwise, trouble will overtake both the former and the new owner.

    Useful properties of pearls:

    • It should be noted that pearls have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve memory (or even help restore it), and also make the psyche more resilient and resilient.
    • It is also believed that such a stone has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys. And it can even overcome some of their diseases, or rather, recover from the disease faster. After all, as you know, without drug treatment Any illness is very difficult to cope with.

    • Normalizes blood pressure. Moreover, both increased and decreased.
    • Improves the functioning of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
    • Pearls are also a good hemostatic agent. Especially in powder or tincture form.

    IMPORTANT: You can make pearl water by steeping pearls in water (in a decanter) overnight. This water is very useful to take internally.

    • Fights eye diseases and even helps improve vision.
    • By the way, to cleanse the body and the entire circulatory system, you need to hold such a pebble in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.
    • Pearls can also indicate the presence of a disease. If it has lost its shine or, even worse, darkened, then you should take care of your health in the near future.

    In general, pearl jewelry has always been more popular among women. No, of course, men (especially those of noble birth) also decorated their outfits in every possible way or wore other attributes. And they also resorted to such jewelry as pearls. But its effect on the female body requires special attention.

    • Yes, all of the above points apply to both women and men. It equally produces a general strengthening effect.
    • But it should be noted that pearls help with various female diseases. For example, it will help to remove painful sensations during critical days or will help improve your general condition during menopause.
    • Such a stone will help a woman feel the joys of motherhood. After all, the stone in question will allow pregnancy to proceed calmly, and childbirth will be quick and without complications.
    • Such decoration will protect single women from non-reciprocal love and even help you meet your soulmate.

    • For married ladies, it promises a happy family life and obedient children (or simply the stone will give the owner a lot of peace of mind in the matter of raising them).
    • And in general, it acts as a charge of calm and prudence. After all, the life of any woman is full of surprises and experiences. And with such decoration the girl will be in harmony with herself and the world around her.
    • And, of course, it is useful to take it internally (for example, drink pearl water) or wash your face with such water to preserve beauty and youth.

    Black pearls: properties

    Very attractive, alluring and incredibly expensive. Yes, among all varieties of pearls, the black type is considered the rarest, and it is much more expensive than the others. By the way, its meaning and impact on life, as well as the health of the wearer, is slightly different.

    • It is immediately worth noting that black pearls act like a fireman for overly emotional individuals. He has great calmness and prudence, bestowing them on his master.
    • But you should wear it very carefully. Below we will look in detail at whom pearls are suitable and for whom they are strictly contraindicated. The fact is that black pearls can also have a negative effect - it can evoke sadness and melancholy. Naturally, if you choose it incorrectly.
    • This stone (and any pearl in general) is considered more of a feminine stone, since it is with such a mistress that she can reveal her full potential.
    • But young and unmarried girls such pearls should be avoided. Because it can cause depression.
    • But for widows and divorced women, on the contrary, it will help overcome sadness and make it easier to survive separation.
    • Black pearls are strictly prohibited for men! It will only bring more trouble, sadness and bad weather.

    • There is even a product name for the face “Black Pearl”. We will not delve into its composition and examine for the presence of crushed black pearls. But this stone really helps rejuvenate the skin. Yes, it works great against wrinkles. And for a clear result, it is enough to wash your face with water infused with pearls.
    • Another property of black pearls that cannot be ignored. It not only calms, but forces the mind to look at the world soberly. It will protect you from rash actions (or unnecessary purchases).
    • Overall, it has a positive effect on immune system. It will help improve relationships with people, as well as smooth out conflicts - both at work and at home.
    • And, of course, if the stone has dimmed or lost its shine, then this indicates future illnesses or family problems.

    Gray pearl: properties

    Pearls happen various shades. There are white, cream, pink, gold or brown. It can also be blue or green. Grey colour, of course, is no exception. It also occurs in nature. It can be darker or lighter, and sometimes comes with a blue or pink tint. Nature has not stinted on imagination in this matter.

    • Its properties are the same as those of pearls of other colors. It has a positive effect on overall health, prevents aging and calms the nervous system.
    • But such pearls are not recommended for unmarried girls to wear, as they can create depression and melancholy. It is not contraindicated for widows, but, for example, black pearls will have a more favorable effect.
    • You also need to take into account that pearls must be worn in pairs. That is, there should be a pair of jewelry with pearls. Otherwise, he will induce sadness, irritability and even aggression.
    • The gray color harmonizes well with a business suit, but this stone does not like everyday fuss. And also those who occupy a leadership position and have a very domineering character. He can take this part of the power for himself.

    • It is also undesirable for weak-willed people to wear it, since they can become even more dependent on the opinions of others. And in a neglected state, depression and disappointment in the world around you will appear.
    • It should be noted that gray pearls help fight migraines.
    • For married women it is considered ideal as it will help strengthen marital bonds and avoid unwanted quarrels.

    Freshwater pearls: properties

    Everyone knows that there are two types of pearls: sea and river (there is no need to go into details - the names speak for themselves). Overall, the two species are not very different from each other. They can also come in different colors and sizes. But! Freshwater pearls have a matte shine and a slightly oval shape, and are also significantly smaller in size. And their properties also have some differences.

    • The main difference is versatility. Sea pearls are more suitable for married women. River stone can also be worn by young girls. It does not carry any negative energy.
    • He is a great assistant in love affairs. It will help single people find a soul mate, married people - improve family relationships, and widows - quickly learn to enjoy life again.
    • Just like sea pearls, it serves as a source of longevity and physical strength.
    • It also has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases immunity and improves well-being.

    • Freshwater pearls are more suitable for women (sea pearls, in principle, too). It makes them softer and more flexible, as well as calmer and more balanced. But for a man, you must admit, these are not the most necessary qualities.
    • And one more thing you need to know - this stone does not like to travel. He must not only have one owner, but also one place of residence. Otherwise, he may show his character and turn his help in an unfavorable direction.
    • He also doesn't like small children. This does not mean that you cannot have a child if there is freshwater pearls. It’s just that, for example, teachers shouldn’t wear such jewelry at work.

    The magical properties of pearls

    Basic magical properties pearls mean preserving youth and strengthening family ties. At least, this has been thought since time immemorial. All the properties of pearls have already been indicated above. But there is one more aspect that needs to be addressed. Pearls are not always just strung on a string. And what material the frame is made of is a significant indicator.

    Very often pearls are combined with silver. But it is important to understand how compatible a stone is with a given metal. To do this, let's look at the properties of pearls in silver:

    • The first and most important meaning is a warning. The fact is that both pearls and silver tend to darken if a person is sick or will be overtaken by an illness in the near future.
    • Another important condition is good man and good intentions. Taken together, pearls and silver can make this known. Pearls can even crumble or become deformed if a person is greedy and deceitful.
    • Silver is a noble metal that also purifies and tries to outshine bad character traits. If a person has a lot of them (or they are too weighty), then the silver jewelry with pearls will turn black.

    • Such decorations protect their owner from negative impact those around you. That is, it will help remove the veil of deception or slander. It will also help protect your home from thieves.
    • Such jewelry will help improve relationships with people, especially with colleagues at work.
    • By the way, pearls and silver do not like betrayal. So wear them the better who is faithful to his chosen one. And in some countries it is believed that, on the contrary, it can warn against fornication.
    • They also have a positive effect on the reproductive and urinary systems. That is, they help, for example, with kidney stones or various female diseases. They also help solve the problem of infertility.

    It is important to understand that pearls are not for everyone. As you remember, men are highly discouraged from wearing this stone. Well, women will be able to get advice according to their zodiac sign. So which zodiac sign suits pearls:

    1. Aries. It is immediately worth noting that Aries is a fire sign that is under the protection of the Sun. And, since pearls belong to the water element and are considered moonstone, then it is not advisable for Aries to wear pearls. It can even harm and deprive you of that natural energy and enthusiasm.
    2. Taurus . But for Taurus it is even useful to wear a stone. However, they do not have an ideal combination - the stone will not fully reveal all its qualities. But! It will help Taurus become more balanced and less hot-tempered. Pearls will especially help you not take your anger out on others.
    3. Twins. This is the most fickle sign of the zodiac. Therefore, pearls will help them accept the right decision and do not change it for the next hour. Moreover, it will calm down their overly active temperament a little, and also protect them from stupid actions.
    4. Cancer. This is a water sign, so pearls are a good match for Cancers. Pearls will help him in health matters, especially in terms of the nervous system. It is also a stone of fidelity, so it will protect Cancer from all kinds of temptations. A Cancer woman will be helped to reveal her inner potential and find harmony with the world around her.
    5. A lion. Another fire sign under the auspices of the Sun. Therefore, such people should not wear pearls. And black pearls should be avoided altogether. Leos have very strong personalities, and it is believed that pearls can take away some of this strength.
    6. Virgo. A bit of a controversial issue. It has already been said that the stone is not suitable for overly domineering and overly weak-willed individuals. Therefore, if Virgo is persistent enough, then pearls can help her avoid rash actions and deception. If Virgo is too dependent on other people’s opinions, then the stone can completely suppress her.
    7. Scales. Overall, a very calm sign. Therefore, with such a stone they will become even more balanced and reasonable. The stone will have a positive effect on the health of the owner, and will also help in family life. And even unmarried girls will be able to find a match.
    8. Scorpion. Although this is a water sign, pearls are not suitable for Scorpios. This is a too stubborn and hot-tempered sign, which will only cause a negative reaction from the stone. True, you can wear black pearls. It is believed that it will help in matters of the heart.
    9. Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the third fire sign, so pearls are not its birthstone. Water will extinguish the fire, which will have a bad effect on the health and luck of Sagittarius. But! You can wear black pearls only if everything is going well and smoothly for Sagittarius. Just to enhance the positive energy.
    10. Capricorn. Pearls suit Capricorns well. It can help them calm down their character a little and allow them to adequately assess the situation. But astrologers recommend choosing only sea pearls.
    11. Aquarius. A sociable sign that even needs pearls to protect against lies, gossip and rash actions. But during periods of sadness, Aquarians should avoid such a stone, since they can even fall into depression.
    12. Fish. Pearls are ideal for Pisces. They are in the same element, the stone will help not to commit unnecessary actions. It will also improve communication with people and make them more balanced, especially when contacting the outside world. It will also protect Pisces from unrequited or unhappy love.

    The beauty of pearls is simply mesmerizing in its simplicity. After all, at first glance, it is a simple stone, but it is capable of decorating and charming with its tints. Choose the best option for jewelry with pearls, but remember that such jewelry is not suitable for everyone.

    Video: “Properties of pearls”

    Pearls, according to the modern classification approved by the International Mineralogical Association, do not belong to the class of minerals, but despite this, this stone is highly valued in the jewelry industry. Pearls can be natural or cultured; each of these types, depending on its origin or cultivation methods, is divided into sea and river.

    Pearls are the oldest jewel known to mankind. The Roman Empire used two different names for pearls. Large, perfectly round pearls were called “unio”. Literally translated, this means “unique.” The second name of pearls is “Margarita”.

    In the Russian language, the word “pearl” appeared presumably in the 12th century from Turkic roots in the form of “zhonchu”, which is a borrowing from Chinese. The literal translation of “zhonchu” consists of two parts: “zhon” - real “chu” - pearls.

    Pearls of the highest quality were traditionally called “sloping” or “sloping” in Rus'. This characterized the shape of the pearls, ideally round, i.e. the pearls could roll.

    Until the 19th century, pearls surpassed all known precious stones in price, including. Although diamonds have been known to the world of jewelers since the 15th century, they became unrecognizable jewels for most people much later, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. In “pre-diamond” times, pearls served as the most “status” jewelry.

    Society's attitude towards pearls has changed over time. If during the Renaissance a scattering of pearls looked like a desirable adornment for any men's suit, then modern aesthetes believe that a man should not have a single pearl. This is a purely feminine jewel. The only exceptions are handmade mother-of-pearl buttons.

    In this article you will learn about the properties of pearls, the Zodiac Signs for which this stone is suitable, production methods and evaluation criteria that affect its value.

    There are four types of pearls on the modern jewelry market:

    • natural sea;
    • natural freshwater;
    • cultured marine;
    • cultivated freshwater.

    These photos show different types pearls:

    Natural river and sea pearls: characteristics and photos of stones

    Only those pearls that are formed in nature independently, without human intervention, can be called a natural stone. The absence of human intervention is the main condition for “naturalness”. Like many thousands of years ago, such pearls are extremely rare in nature. Therefore, even today it is very expensive.

    What is the human intervention that turns a priceless pearl into a cheap commodity? To find out, you first need to understand how pearls are formed in nature.

    Mollusks are unsociable creatures. Therefore, irritant objects do not often get inside them. But since there is no irritant, there is no pearl. The role of man in creating a pearl is that the irritant is forced into the mollusk. Thus, the mollusk has to surround with a layer of mother-of-pearl what a person placed in it in order to get rid of discomfort. The result is a pearl whose characteristics are the same as those of natural pearls, the only difference being that the pearl grew not at the initiative of nature, but at the request of man. Such pearls, grown with human assistance, are called “cultured”, as opposed to “natural”.

    Since the “naturalness” of the appearance of the irritant object inside the mollusk has a key influence on the final price of the pearl, a complex and expensive examination is carried out to determine the nature of the pearl. Only in this way can one be guaranteed to confirm or refute human intervention in the process of creating this natural jewel and, accordingly, set a fair price.

    In nature, natural pearls come in two types: river (freshwater) and sea.

    Large, high-quality freshwater pearls were mined in Russia, Germany and China until the beginning of the 20th century. Uncontrolled fishing of pearl mussels, as well as pollution of lakes and rivers, has led to the almost complete disappearance of this type of pearl.

    The extraction of natural sea pearls previously took place exclusively in the waters of the Persian Gulf. By the end of the 19th century, due to the completely barbaric destruction of the mollusk population, pearls in the Persian Gulf became extremely rare. Nowadays, only a few pearls are found there and are sold through auctions.

    Natural freshwater pearls are a huge rarity these days and are very expensive. For example, a necklace made of natural pearls and diamonds was sold at a 2008 Christie's auction in Dubai for $1.7 million. At the same auction, another string of freshwater pearls went under the hammer at a price of $1.4 million. Also in 2008, a single natural freshwater pearl found its buyer for $713,000.

    See what natural pearls look like in these photos:

    Cultured sea and river pearls: what they are, criteria and prices

    Cultured pearls, like natural pearls, are formed in nature inside mollusks. The only difference is who initiates the formation of the pearl. In the case of natural pearls, the reason for the appearance of the pearl is a random natural factor, while in the case of cultured pearls, the seed for the growth of the pearl is placed inside the mollusk by a person. Even knowing what cultured pearls are, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural ones without special examination.

    Natural and cultured pearls are judged using the same criteria. Russia does not have its own pearl grading system. In the rest of the world, pearls are graded using a system developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

    According to the GIA system, the quality of pearls is assessed according to 6 or 7 parameters, depending on what it is jewel. If the jewelry is a ring, earrings, bracelet or pendant with one or more pearls, the quality of the pearls is assessed according to 6 criteria. In the case of a necklace or string of pearls, there is a seventh evaluation parameter called “fit.” It only applies to necklaces or "strings" of pearls, where multiple pearls are drilled through and threaded onto a string.

    Below are all the evaluation criteria:

    • Size;
    • Shape;
    • Color;
    • Luster (English: Luster);
    • Surface quality;
    • Nacre Quality;
    • Matching - only for necklaces or pearls.

    There are four types of cultured pearls available in the jewelry market. Three of them are grown in salt sea water and one in fresh water.

    • "Akoya" (sea);
    • "Pearl of the South Seas" (marine);
    • "Black Tahitian" (sea);
    • “Freshwater Chinese” (another name is “Chinese non-nuclear”).

    Akoya pearls. The Japanese king of cultured pearls, Kokichi Mikimoto, invented a method for growing this particular type of pearl. The name "Akoya" comes from the Japanese word "Akoya-kai". This is the name given in Japan to the bivalves in which this type of pearl grows.

    This is one of the most round types cultured sea pearls. Its main properties: small size of pearls, perfectly round shape, bright shine and high clarity of reflection. Up to 80% of akoyas are round or nearly round in shape. In Japan, there is a special name for perfectly round akoya - “hanadama”, which in Japanese means “flower pearl” or “ round Flower" Hanadama is the highest grade of roundness in a pearl.

    Prices for sea pearls Akoya highest quality are in the range of $30-$600 each, depending on size. Akoya pearl strands, standard length 45 cm, are estimated at $1,300 to $15,000.

    South Sea Pearls. This type of pearl is grown closer to the equator - in warm waters off the coast of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar. The mollusk that creates this type of pearl is called Pinctada Maxima, and its shells are simply huge. In nature, mollusks grow up to 30 cm in diameter.

    Pearls obtained with Pinctada maxima are the largest and one of the most expensive in the world. Small pearls are considered to have a diameter of 8-10 mm, and large ones reach 20-22 mm in diameter. The average size of a South Sea pearl is 13 mm. With a diameter of 8 to 13 mm, the price per thread is not very high, but if the diameter of the pearls in the thread exceeds 13 mm, then the amount for this piece of jewelry increases significantly. A string of pearls with a diameter of 13-14 mm usually costs twice as much as a string of similar quality made of pearls of 10-12.5 mm.

    Pearls are round and almost round shape are relatively rare, usually no more than 18-20% of the total mined volume.

    Individual top quality South Sea pearls, depending on diameter, are valued at $400 to $4,500 each. A 45cm strand of cultured South Sea pearls can cost between $10,000 and $50,000.

    Black Tahitian pearls. This type of saltwater pearl is second in price to South Sea pearls. It appeared on the jewelry market relatively recently, in the early 1970s. Until this time, no one suspected its existence. The special type of mollusk in which these unusual pearls grow is called Pinctada Margaritifera Cumingii.

    Tahitian pearls are the only pearl of all types that are naturally black in color. All other types of pearls acquire black color only as a result of artificial dyeing.

    The range of colors of black Tahitian pearls is quite wide: all shades of gray, black and brown with hints of pink, purple, green and blue.

    Only this type of pearl is used to describe the colors “Eggplant” (black, with a dark, grayish-lilac tint) and “Peacock” (black-gray, with a greenish or bluish tint). These are the two most expensive shades.

    Prices for individual premium black Tahitian pearls in Peacock or Eggplant colors range from $400 to $900, depending on size.

    Cultured freshwater pearls from China

    Cultured freshwater pearls, as a commercial mass product, have recently appeared on the market. This is the most inexpensive and accessible type of modern pearl. The Chinese began experimenting with shellfish in fresh lakes back in the 70s of the last century.

    Unlike all types of marine mollusks, freshwater mussels are capable of growing from 15 to 35 pearls at a time. After extracting the pearls, the mollusks do not die, so it remains possible to collect another 3-4 “pearl harvests” until the mollusk dies for natural reasons, from old age. The quality of pearls deteriorates with each new harvest.

    The peculiarity of freshwater cultured pearls is that there is no core inside the pearl. A freshwater pearl consists entirely of mother-of-pearl, just like natural, non-cultured pearls. Therefore, the quality assessment parameter “thickness of the nacre layer” for such pearls does not make sense.

    China produces not just a lot of freshwater pearls, but a lot! All inexpensive Jewelry made of pearls from 500 to 50,000 rubles, sold in retail jewelry stores, these are in the vast majority of cases Chinese freshwater pearls, the properties of which are low, but this does not affect the beauty of the stone at all.

    Prices for a strand of premium, standard-length 45cm freshwater pearls made in China typically range from $10 to $900, depending on the diameter of the pearls.

    These photos show inexpensive pearls from China:

    The magical properties of pearl stone

    From the point of view of modern astrology, pearls are ideal for all people born in May and June under the sign of Gemini.

    He was born in water, so in ancient times it was believed that the pearl stone had the magical properties of the element of water. The ruler of the seas and oceans, responsible for the ebb and flow of the tides, is the Moon. Alchemists also considered the Moon to be the patroness feminine“Thus, for many centuries no one doubted the lunar or “female” nature of pearls. Therefore, the pearl stone was often endowed with properties that had a beneficial effect on marriage and childbirth.

    In ancient China, pearl stone was of high importance for treating the stomach. And this recipe, unlike other mystical practices, really works. The fact is that natural pearls consist of calcium carbonate CaCO3 and completely dissolve in stomach acid, neutralizing it. Even in modern medicine, given the properties and meanings of pearls, stone particles are an essential component of anti-heartburn medications.

    The creator of cultured pearls, Kokichi Mikimoto (1858-1954), at the age of 94, noted that his good health he owes it to two pearls that he has swallowed every morning since he was twenty. Mr. Mikimoto lived to be 96 years old.

    The origin of pearls and their properties have been of interest since ancient times. People still risk their lives to get this precious stone from the depths of reservoirs. It has amazing beauty and is revered in many countries around the world.

    How does a pearl appear?

    In the 19th century, people learned to grow this gem themselves. The natural mineral is obtained from coastal creeks with conditions that are optimal for the development of mollusks. Various bases for the future pearl are placed through the shell doors. As a result, a mother-of-pearl pea is formed in each shell. In one shell there can be up to several dozen of them.

    Physical properties and description

    A pearl is a solid substance, most often round in shape. Pearl contains calcium carbonate and conchiolin, and therefore its chemical formula is CaCO3. Pearl is a stone that has a pearlescent luster, and its color depends on the health and nutrition of the mollusk, the quality and temperature of the water. Despite the fact that many are accustomed to seeing white pearls, they can be blue, green, black and even yellow.

    Gray pearls have always been considered a noble stone. The most exquisite is pink and black stone. Gray pearls are mined off the coast of Australia, yellow pearls are found off Central America, and black pearls are found off the coast of Tahiti. Green color is the color of pearls that are most often found off the coast of Japan.

    The pearl can break down and fall apart. This occurs under the influence of acids and alkalis. The stone is not very strong by nature, but it is not easy to break even with a strong blow.

    Types of stone

    Depending on the place of origin, the following types of stone are distinguished:

    1. Sea pearls. It is smooth and round. Highly valued on the market, especially if they are large pearls.
    2. Freshwater pearls. These pearls are small compared to the first group and are cheaper.

    Unlike the first type, freshwater pearls are formed due to freshwater mollusks and do not have correct form, its radiance is dull.

    There are other types of stone that differ in their habitat. Short description the most common:

    Using a gem

    Freshwater pearls are of great importance in jewelry production. The fashion for this precious stone does not go away over the years. White pearls are popular jewelry stone. Every fashionista must have jewelry made from it in their collection.

    Colored pearls are combined with all kinds of metals and gems. Huge color palette helps create various decorations.

    Exist special classes, which are used to divide pearls in jewelry production. Classification is carried out according to certain criteria. This system divides pearls into classes from “A” to “AAA” depending on their quality.

    Pink pearl

    Eastern women love pink pearls very much and attach great importance to them, because they wonderful properties can rejuvenate the skin and protect against unhappy love. The mineral is especially suitable for women who have the following problems:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • kidney disease;
    • nervous breakdowns;
    • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Pink pearls have amazing properties that help determine the presence of tumors in their owner. If a person has serious problems with the body, the color of the stone will become dull and it will stop shining.

    Pink pearls look great on both young girls and ladies over 50. When choosing jewelry, you should take into account the size of the stone and the proportions of the body.

    Green mineral

    Green stone is not as common as pink pearls, but is the most precious variety. The green mineral has medicinal properties. Lithotherapists talk about its ability to treat the kidneys and restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The stone helps maintain immunity and restores blood pressure. If green color it gets dark, this indicates that a person’s health is at risk.

    It is better to wear a necklace made of this gem. It is the ring that surrounds a woman’s neck that helps maintain chastity and gain true love. The owner of the stone will be able to feel its wonderful properties on himself only if the mineral is real.

    Black pearl color

    The black gem is considered a symbol of wisdom and an excellent amulet. It protects its owner from negative magical influences, warns against rash actions, and keeps a person calm in any situation.

    Pearls grown on special plantations on the islands of France are black in color. They are called Tahiti and are considered the most beautiful among other varieties. In fact, they come in many shades. There are gold pearls, silver pearls and even coal pearls. Pure black color is very expensive and rare.

    Who is the mineral suitable for?

    Freshwater pearls are presented as a gift to someone from whom they want to achieve love and fidelity. You cannot wear someone else's pearl jewelry. Colored pearls will bring happiness to a good person, and misfortune to a vain and evil person.

    Many zodiac signs would benefit from purchasing pink pearls as a talisman. It suits Taurus, Pisces and Gemini most of all. The black gem is suitable for Aquarius; it will protect him from gossip and envy. Scorpios will also truly appreciate the black mineral. Women of this zodiac sign will be able to find their love, find joy and happiness in life. Cancers are advised to purchase a talisman with a pearl. The properties of the stone will help them calm down and relax at the right moment, better open up and show their qualities.

    How to distinguish natural stone

    Sometimes an imitation analogue is passed off as a pearl. The following rules will help you distinguish it:

    1. The low price of the stone indicates that it is most likely not natural.
    2. Real precious mineral jumps high if you throw it on the floor. Fake diamond pearls are not so elastic.
    3. A natural gem makes a squeaking sound if you rub it against your teeth.
    4. When rubbing against each other, the stones should slide and not cling.
    5. Natural pearls do not have a perfectly smooth surface.

    Even those people who are indifferent to jewelry admire the elegance of pearls. In addition, their birth can be called a real miracle of nature. The stunning properties of the stone will be appreciated by both women and men. Jewelry with pearls will be a great gift for a loved one or friend, no matter what color the stone is: green, black or blue.

    Pearl is a mineral that is of organic origin. According to their color variations, you can find white, silver-white, cream or rich pearls Pink colour. Rarer types of pearls are golden brown or black in color.

    In total, there are two types of pearl names: oriental (also called oriental pearls) - the place of its extraction is the Persian Gulf or stingray pearls - these are round river pearls in appearance. The most popular types of pearls are saltwater and cultured ones, while freshwater ones are also found, but are less popular.

    1. Jewelry with this mineral relieves kidney pathologies, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract (especially the liver), and helps lower blood pressure.
    2. Since ancient times, pearls have been used to treat cataracts and other eye diseases. Residents of Ancient China believed that the stone would increase visual acuity and also heal ear pathologies.
    3. The well-known treatise of Tibetan medicine “Zhud-shi” indicates that pearls improve memory, eliminate disorders of the nervous system and increase the overall tone of the body.
    4. The mineral also has an excellent hemostatic effect. Thanks to this, it was ground to a powder and various infusions were made from it, which were designed to eliminate bleeding gums and blood hemorrhoids. You could buy powdered pearls in any medieval pharmacy until the 18th century.
    5. It should be noted that the healing properties of pearls are by no means exaggerated: the microelements that are included in its composition have an activating and general strengthening effect on the human body. It is not surprising that during the Middle Ages, children who suffered from anemia were advised to drink milk, to which crushed pearls were added.

    Today, more and more often you can find powder and powder made of pearls on sale, which are recommended to be used for cosmetic procedures, as well as as a dietary supplement to improve your condition. skin to heal wounds, burns and so on.

    1. Lithotherapists recommend using therapeutic and health-improving drinking pearl water, which is produced according to the Ayurvedic system. It has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and hemato-restorative effect. This healing water will help strengthen the immune system, successfully cope with inflammation, poisoning, fever, liver pathologies, cholelithiasis, and bring you back to normal. menstrual cycle among women.

    Getting pearl water is quite simple - you just need to leave a couple of pearls in a container with water overnight. If desired, you can also boil the pearls in this water.

    The magical properties of pearls

    • In Europe, pearls symbolized a long century. The people of India revered it as a symbol of prosperity and well-being, as well as a happy family life. The stone also represents honesty and complete perfection.
    • This natural mineral will help improve mental processes in the body, give spiritual harmony, and make its owner more peaceful.
    • Another positive attribute mineral - it will protect its owner from unrequited feelings, and will also indicate the onset of the disease, beginning to lose its shine.
    • Residents of the East revere pearls as a stone that protects against theft, dishonest fraud, the evil eye and other negative phenomena.

    Pearl controls the functioning of the Sahasrara and Vishuddha chakra.

    Has receptive Yin energy (tends to collect energy).

    Refers to the earth and water elements.

    The patron planets of the mineral are Neptune and the Moon.

    The stone will help people with the following names: Eugene, Oleg, Sergei, Valentin, Inna, Irin, Claudius, Lily, Margarita and Sophia.

    In ancient times (in the 13th-17th centuries), pearls were the most commonly used stone, which was used to decorate items of clothing, women's headdresses, and clergy robes. Today, the mineral is used to make various decorations(rings, earrings, brooches, necklaces and others).

    Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

    Before making a purchase of a pearl item, it is a good idea to find out how the precious nugget relates to your zodiac constellation.

    • For Gemini, the stone helps to get rid of their inherent fussiness and haste, and will protect them from envious people and avengers. Thanks to the mineral, women will more easily determine their professional path.
    • Aquarians - thanks to the mineral they will also protect themselves from negative external influences and empty gossip. Pearls will help stabilize them emotional sphere, will help restore mental balance. And black pearls help the fair sex fulfill their innermost dreams.
    • Pisces - adds harmony, sharpens intuitive abilities, protects against unrequited feelings, and also contributes to the disclosure of mental and creativity its owner.
    • Scorpios - it is recommended to use only black stone. Thanks to him, women will sooner meet their destiny, become more cheerful and vigorous.
    • Cancer - for representatives of this zodiac constellation, the mineral allows timely diagnosis of various pathologies, normalizes blood pressure and helps to calm down. Thanks to him, Cancer women increase their sensuality in relationships with a man.
    • For Taurus, the mineral adds calmness and balance; the stone makes Taurus girls more sensitive and attentive.
    • Libra are representatives of this zodiac sign due to magical influence stones will successfully cope with heart pathologies, establish harmonious relationships with others, and get rid of excessive arrogance and pride. And the weaker half of humanity, using jewelry with mother-of-pearl, will increase their chance of family happiness.
    • Pearls are suitable only for those Virgos who are confident in their own abilities - it will protect them from unnecessary risks.
    • For Capricorns - it will relieve excessive stubbornness and promote spiritual harmony.

    But there are three zodiac signs that must definitely refuse to use jewelry with pearls:

    • Sagittarius - the stone belongs to the water element, it is contraindicated for use by Sagittarius. As an exception, we can only name white stripe in the life of representatives of this zodiac constellation, when it is permissible to wear jewelry made of black mineral.
    • Aries - hot Aries are patronized by the planet Sun, and the ruler of pearls is the Moon. As a result of the opposition between these two planets, Aries needs to stop wearing mother-of-pearl. They need to focus on brighter and more voluminous stones.
    • Leos - the use of any pearls, even black ones, is strictly contraindicated for Leos. The stone is completely incompatible with the solar nature of this constellation and will have a sharply negative impact on health and life in general.

    Finally, review interesting video about pearl stone:

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    Pearl is a favorite stone in the East. Among the Japanese, pearls and jasper are considered means of restoring youth. Pearl, like opal, is considered an unlucky jewel, since it contains the negative power of the Moon and brings the owner loss of illusions and hopes, although through changes in color it can also bring health. In “Svyatoslav’s Collection” you can read that pearl promotes prosperity and longevity. It was stated that in order to protect yourself from the evil eye and have the ability to foresee the future, you need to drink crushed pearls with buffalo milk.

    According to Indian doctors, pearls contain important primary elements: Water, Air and Earth, which explains its cooling and calming effect. Pearls, in addition, have restorative properties and increase vitality and strength.

    Pearls should be worn in a silver frame, preferably on the right ring finger. In Tibetan medicine, pearl powder is added to a potion to cleanse the body and stimulate its protective properties. In ancient times, it was claimed that pearls had a beneficial effect on blood composition and soothed heart pain if kept in the mouth. Pearls, like turquoise, die from the fumes of a diseased body. Just like turquoise, it is spoiled by acids and fats, it is sensitive to heat, and can fade from dampness. Pearls give a person the opportunity to objectively evaluate a person, reconsider his positions, and eliminate mistakes.

    Pearls are a guarantee of fidelity in love, protection of this fidelity, it strengthens marriage bonds and home. There is a belief that pearls fade on a person who makes a deal with his conscience and betrays his principles. Therefore, pearls can be made a “barometer” of human behavior.

    The name comes from the Latin word "pernula" - sea shell. The word "pearl" comes from the Chinese "zhenju", Arabic "zechuk", Tatar "zenju". Other names for the mineral and its varieties: skatenie, pearls, oriental, magarite, pearl grain, beads.

    Pearls are plates of aragonite, consisting of calcium carbonate. Pearls come in white, yellow, blue, red, and black. There are sea and river pearls.

    Pearls are mined in warm seas off the coasts of Japan, Australia, Venezuela, etc.

    In Rus', the word “pearl” first appeared in 1161. The British, Germans, and French call the gem pearl.

    Compound. On average, pearls contain approximately 86% potassium carbonate, 12% comchiolin and 2% water.

    Features of education. Origin: sedimentary-organic, product of molluscs. The shells of mollusks consist of three words: the outer one, composed of organic matter - conchin, or conchiline, the middle one, prismatic, composed of microcrystals of arogonite and the inner one, mother-of-pearl - the pearl itself.

    Place of Birth. In previous centuries, they were obtained only from the sea or river depths of warm seas, and the profession of pearl diver was considered very dangerous. Now pearls are grown on special plantations. Natural pearls are mined in Iran, India, and Tahiti.

    Physical properties

    a) color. Known for more than 6000 years, highly valued in Ancient Egypt, white with shades (the most valuable ones have blue and pink tints), gold, silver, green, black, rainbow,
    b) hardness is 31.5-4 on the Mohs scale,
    c) the density of black pearls is lower than the density of ordinary natural pearls from 2.61 to 2.69. The normal density of Gulf pearls is 2.175 and 9%,
    d) opaque.

    Medicinal properties

    Pearls are credited with the ability to alleviate hypertensive crises, cure diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines. It also stabilizes the activity of the nervous system. Lithotherapists say that the stone can be used as an indicator for identifying neoplasms (various tumors), since it reacts to changes in the acid balance of the body - it becomes dull and loses its shine.

    Magic properties

    In Ancient Egypt, pearls were considered a stone that brought longevity and beauty to the owner. It is known from history that the famous Queen Cleopatra not only wore pearl necklaces and bracelets, but also daily drank a drink made from pearls dissolved in vinegar, mixed with pomegranate juice (sometimes written with donkey milk). Contemporaries of the famous heartbreaker claimed that it was thanks to this drink that the queen managed to maintain her youth and attractiveness for a long time.

    In the Middle Ages, there was a custom to give the bride a string of pearls on her wedding day, as it was believed that it strengthens the love of the chosen one and guarantees her fidelity. This should have been done either by the young spouse or his parents. She never wore the pearls inherited by the bride, as it was believed that they would bring bad luck. She wore the jewelry given by her husband only on special occasions.

    Astrologers say that this stone can only be worn in the form of bracelets or beads. This jewelry must be handled very carefully. Pearls are harmless only for strong-willed, self-confident people. Pearls completely disorganize a weak, weak-willed person. People who work with children, actors and travelers should not wear this stone. Pearls bring good luck, happiness and love to Aquarius and Pisces. The rest of the zodiac signs can wear it, taking into account the specified warnings.

    Talismans and amulets

    As a talisman, pearls help its owner to establish close relationships with other people, pacify his pride, knock down arrogance, and relieve him of vanity. He helps business people do right choice, makes it possible to achieve maximum benefit in any transaction, provides a path to retreat.

    There are many beliefs associated with pearls. In the Roman Empire, pearls were considered a symbol of power and wisdom, and for women it was a stone of happiness and sweet dreams.

    According to the revelation of John the Theologian, the gates of heavenly Jerusalem consist of pearls; pearl crowns symbolize divine powers.

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