• What are freshwater pearls? Sea and river pearls: how to distinguish by color or shape River and sea pearls

    Eleonora Brik

    Exquisite pearl products have long been adorned female body, endowing the owner with a mysterious charm and emphasizing the sophistication of the image. In Eastern countries, precious stones are the measure social status person, telling about the spiritual values ​​and worldview of the owner of the mineral. Only strong-willed people can cope with the inexplicable magical properties of pearls, so not all female representatives are suitable for an energetically powerful stone as a body accessory.

    Pearls appear as a result of a foreign body entering the shell of a mollusk, which over time “overgrows” with nacre, acquiring rounded outlines. Organic minerals bring longevity, prosperity and beauty to the owner, and have a healing effect on the body. Stones stabilize intestinal function, improve the condition of the nervous system, respond to changes in acid balance, detecting the formation of tumors no worse than medical equipment. Jewelry Pearls become dull in a short period of time if a person develops cancer.

    Queen Cleopatra of Egypt drank a cup of pomegranate juice every day with the addition of crumbs of sea pearls.

    According to historians, such an “elixir” helped the ruler preserve her life for a long time. natural beauty and youth.

    Current ways to distinguish real pearls from artificial minerals

    The level of demand for pearls determined the appearance in stores of artificial fakes that imitate the structural features of an organic mineral.

    Silver brooch with pearls and cubic zirconia, SL; silver brooch with pearls, SL; (price on the link)

    Reliable ways to know the difference between a gemstone and a cultured pearl:

    Lack of thermal conductivity properties, because pearls are a cold stone.
    The rough coating of the mineral differs from the smooth surface of fake jewelry.
    If you rub “peas” of pearls against each other, crumbs or dust will form, which is not typical for artificial materials.
    Natural products are heavier than hollow fakes.
    Round-shaped pearl stones bounce when dropped on the floor, while synthetic “peas” do not have such properties.

    Natural pearls vary in place of origin, as they can be obtained from both marine and freshwater shells. Such products have different prices, so when choosing stones, pay attention to the structural features of the mineral.

    The process of stone formation inside shells is the same for both natural and cultivated minerals.

    However, the influence of sea water, which contains much more organic substances, changes the visual characteristics of pearls, determining the cost jewelry».

    The main differences between sea pearls and river minerals

    Saltwater pearls differ in cost from freshwater stones, so when purchasing expensive jewelry, you need to be sure of the origin of the mineral. In the 21st century, several proven methods are known that allow one to visually determine the habitat of the shells from which mother-of-pearl is extracted.

    Silver ring with pearls and cubic zirconia, SL; (price on the link)

    The visual characteristics of the stones will help the buyer to distinguish sea pearls from river minerals:

    Shine. Mother of pearl, formed in the shells of sea mollusks, shimmers in the light, and river minerals often have a matte surface.
    Color. The shades of sea pearls, unlike river stones, are rich and monochromatic.
    Surface. The coating of products formed in salt water is much smoother and the shape is more rounded than the texture of “peas” from fresh water bodies.
    Time. River stones retain their original appearance for many years, but on products made from sea minerals, abrasions and roughness are noticeable.

    You can determine whether a sea pearl or a fresh one is by visually inspecting the stone. The main thing is to remember the above rules to help you make a choice in favor of the option you need. In the photo it is impossible to distinguish an organic mineral by origin, because illustrations are often processed using special programs on a computer. You should only choose pearl jewelry in jewelry stores, where, in the presence of a sales consultant, you have the opportunity to look at the product, touch the stone, paying attention to the texture of the mother-of-pearl.

    When purchasing bracelets, necklaces and pendants made from pearl peas, consider the degree of matching of the stones.

    Jewelry made from sea mother of pearl is more expensive due to the similarity of the round shapes of pearls, in contrast to river minerals.

    Purchasing gemstones is a significant financial investment, so before purchasing, be sure to ensure the authenticity of the organic mineral. Knowing how to determine the origin of a stone presented in a store, you can have no doubt about the quality of the jewelry.

    November 25, 2014, 11:50

    Occupies cultivated, that is, grown in rivers and lakes. A huge share of pearls comes to us from China, which annually supplies tens of tons of pearls to the market.

    Freshwater pearls even grow in flooded, unused rice fields in China. There is a comfortable microclimate for mollusks, where they can quickly reproduce and grow beautiful pearls.

    Freshwater pearls are obtained from river and lake oysters. They live mainly in clean waters of rivers with not very strong currents. The size of river mollusks reaches 18 centimeters in length, weighs up to 300 grams, and their age sometimes reaches 50 years.

    Mollusks that live in fresh water belong to the family Unionidae. A well-known representative of this family in Europe, Margaritifera margaritifera, is valued as a producer of pearls, and its shell is also used to produce beautiful buttons. It is believed that these amazing creatures can very quickly adapt to a new environment with changes in climatic, physical, biological and even chemical conditions. They are long-lived, and in natural conditions some individuals sometimes live up to 250 years.

    River pearls, unlike sea pearls, do not have a nucleus, that is, they are grown using a nuclear-free method.

    A piece of foreign tissue is planted into the mantle of the mollusk, which begins to be enveloped in layers of mother-of-pearl. This method is called nuclear-free, since sea pearls use a special ball core for this purpose. That is why it has a thicker layer of mother-of-pearl than marine mother-of-pearl.

    The nuclear-free method makes it possible to add several seeds to a mollusk and get several beautiful gems from one pearl mussel at once. One river oyster can simultaneously grow 12–16 pearls. As the pearls grow, they need to be turned over to prevent them from becoming flat. Despite this, perfectly round pearls make up a small percentage of the total number of freshwater pearls and are much more valuable.

    In 1.5 years, a river pearl grows up to 3 millimeters. In 3 years it can become 7 millimeters in size. River pearls will grow more than 7 millimeters only if another 4 years pass (7 years in total). Very rarely they are more than 10 millimeters, and their price in this case increases greatly.

    Freshwater pearls are very popular due to the variety of shades, shapes and sizes. Pearls have a diameter from 2 to 8 mm, their average size is 4–6 mm.

    The hard nacre of these pearls is more matte and does not have such a strong shine as sea pearls, but it is considered more durable and resistant to abrasion, which is not bad for jewelry. The color is a little uneven and may shift slightly from one shade to another.

    Freshwater pearls come in a variety of colors, but the tones are a little muted. The following shades are found: white, cream, pink-orange, lilac, champagne, pale purple, brown.

    River pearls are more common irregular shape. The shapes of freshwater pearls are different - drops, ovals, unusual shapes (baroque pearls). Perfectly round large pearls are very rare. Since the price of freshwater pearls is less than that of sea pearls, this allows you to create beautiful, affordable jewelry.

    Since ancient times, the sophistication of pearl products has amazed and captivated the eyes of men and women. The mysterious birth of pearls has made the jewel one of the most mysterious. Not all representatives of the fair sex can control the magical properties of pearls, because only a strong, self-confident girl can cope with them.

    Pearl is born in a very unusual way - in the shell of a mollusk. Once in the shell, the foreign body is simply overgrown with nacre, becoming a real pearl. However, not many people know that not only sea mollusks can create pearls, but also river mollusks. Freshwater or river pearls are very different from sea pearls, and the difference is not only in price:

    • A pearl born in the sea shines much brighter due to the high salt content in the water.
    • The color of freshwater pearl will be less pronounced, while sea pearl will be white as snow.
    • The shape of a sea pearl is always extremely round, while a river pearl can have an oval shape and be extremely uneven.

    Of course, freshwater pearls are not as attractive as sea pearls, but they still have their value and beauty, unlike cheap fake jewelry. How to distinguish cultured pearls from artificial ones?

    How to distinguish fake pearls?

    There are many different methods for detecting counterfeit. By resorting to basic tests, you can distinguish a fake from a piece of jewelry.

    • It is often recommended to try pearls “for the tooth”. A real jewel will creak in your mouth.
    • Having rubbed natural pearls, dust will form between them, but fake pearls will damage each other.
    • Having tried on this product, you will feel a slight coolness even on the hottest and stuffiest day. The fake decoration will not show itself in any way and will rather be at room temperature.
    • Of course, an x-ray will help to 100% accurately determine the naturalness of a pearl jewelry, which will see the contents of the pearl.
    • Real cultured pearls, unlike fake ones, cannot have a perfectly flat and smooth surface; on the contrary, each pearl is unique, has roughness, abrasions, uneven edges and individual shine.
    • Natural cultured pearls glow in ultraviolet rays green light. The artificial one does not glow at all.
    • You can distinguish black pearls from fakes using the following methods. Also pay attention to the edges of the drilled hole of the bead; a smooth and even edge is a sign of a fake.

    You can purchase products with real pearls by visiting the online store of natural precious and ornamental stones in St. Petersburg. Here you will find wide choose jewelry inlaid with precious gems and minerals, you will learn how to distinguish natural pearls from artificial (photo), how to choose a talisman stone and choose an amulet that attracts money.!

    There are many ways to classify pearls, but did you know that where they are grown can have a big impact on their quality and price?

    Let's see how saltwater pearls differ from those grown in fresh water.

    Freshwater pearls are grown by mussels that live in rivers and lakes.
    Today, most of these pearls are formed in the fresh waters of China.

    Saltwater pearls, on the other hand, are created by oysters in the oceans and come from places like Thailand, Australia, Indonesia and Tahiti, among others.

    Cultivated in Japan, as well as China and Vietnam, Akoya pearls are one of the most popular and high-quality sea pearls, prized for their excellent luster and near-perfect finish. round shape.

    How are pearls created?

    Most pearls are not grown naturally.

    This means that a small piece of fabric or bead was placed into the shellfish, which coated it with nacre, the material the pearl is actually made of.

    A pearl created in this way is also called "cultured" and the longer the growing season for it, the better the nacre is formed in terms of quality.

    However, material that is grown over a longer period of time is also more expensive.

    Contrary to what some people think, most sea pearls are not natural, but cultured.

    Natural specimens are very rare, and that is why they are inaccessible to most people. The same applies to freshwater pearls - they are also predominantly cultured.

    What is the difference between freshwater and saltwater pearls?


    Because the nacre of freshwater pearls is thicker and different in composition from sea pearls, they are less lustrous and less glossy.

    However, in last years There have been improvements in farming methods, and there are now freshwater pearls whose luster is comparable to that of the sea.


    Sea pearls have a thinner nacre coating, ranging from 0.5 mm to 6 mm.

    Freshwater, on the other hand, is composed almost entirely of nacre.

    The reason for this difference is that the core (what the nacre is formed around) found in river mollusks is much smaller than in marine mollusks.

    Shape and color

    Pearls grown in fresh water have a greater variety of shapes (round, oval, etc.) and colors.

    Marine ones are usually only round, which is the most popular shape.


    Previously, freshwater pearls were grown over shorter periods of time (less than 2 years), and as a result, they were smaller in size and had poorer shape and pearlescent coating.

    In recent years, however, many producers have begun to grow them for longer periods (three to six years), and the resulting material has become larger (8-15 mm) and has a quality comparable to that of the sea.


    Freshwater pearls are cheaper for several reasons.

    First, river mussels are larger and can thus produce more material at one time than sea oysters. As a result, they are grown in abundance.

    It is also worth noting that the sea grade is mainly round in shape and best shine- characteristics that are more valued.

    Buying: river pearls versus sea pearls.

    Because the nacre layer of river pearls is thicker, they are more durable than sea pearls, which are more vulnerable to wear and tear and are also more prone to chipping.

    Marine ones, on the other hand, are shinier and have a more round shape.

    As you can see, when choosing between these two varieties, you need to weigh appearance vs. durability and decide what trade-off to make.

    Finally, if you can find river specimens that have been raised using modern methods, you'll find that their shine and shape often match those of the marine ones, but at a more reasonable price.

    How to distinguish a fake?

    There are fake pearls that can be easily distinguished from real ones, while others are more difficult to recognize. Here are some tips to help you figure out if you are dealing with originals.

    Dental test.

    If you rub a real pearl against your teeth, its surface should be rough. If the surface is too smooth, it is usually a fake. However, this method is far from scientific and is not the most accurate.

    Real pearls are rough.

    If you look at a natural pearl through a magnifying glass, you will clearly see that its surface is uneven and slightly rough.

    You will also be able to see how uniform or smoother the surface of the fake is.

    Real pearls have imperfect color.

    Examine the pearl closely in a well-lit environment.

    If it is genuine, the color will be uneven and you will be able to see the transition to different tones. The fake will not show the same effect - its color will not vary.

    The holes in real pearls should be small and even.

    Real pearls tend to have smaller holes than fake ones. Because great attention The focus is on preserving the integrity of the pearls; holes are drilled as small as possible.

    Another clue is that upper layer fakes tend to peel off easily and the holes will appear uneven. A similar effect is not observed in real pearls.

    The shape of real pearls is uneven.

    There are no natural pearls perfect shape, because the natural process that creates them is not as precise as a machine.

    Genuine pearls will also have irregularities on their surface.

    Fake pearls, on the other hand, have a spherical shape that looks too perfect, as if the pearls were made.

    Warmth test.

    Real pearls usually take longer to heat up when held in your hand than fake ones. If the pearl is relatively warm to the touch, this may be a clue that it is not real.

    However, this test is far from perfect and is highly dependent on the material from which the fake is made. Plus, you'll need a real gem for comparison.

    A real pearl often weighs more than a fake one. Genuine pearls are typically heavier than fake pearls, which are often made from plastic or other lightweight material.

    However, this rule is not necessarily true in all cases, so use the weight simply as another clue and not a definitive proof.

    Pearls are perhaps one of the most famous natural stones. In many cultures it was valued for its beauty and unusual properties. The Slavs called such a stone “tears of joy.” There are sea and river pearls. Each of them has features. Often on the shelves you can find pearls cultured in freshwater reservoirs.

    Sometimes there is something foreign in the body of a freshwater mollusk. This is where the pearl is formed. It usually appears in the area of ​​the valve closing muscle or on the upper part of the body fold (mantle).

    Mother of pearl covers the inner wall of the shell. When a foreign particle enters, for example, a grain of sand or an insect larva, the nerve endings of the mollusk become irritated. As a response, the epithelial tissues divide and a special sac appears - a cyst. Next, the mantle secretes nacre, which forms a pearl.

    Sometimes a clot of mother-of-pearl appears without a foreign body. It is necessary for the epithelial cells to be inside the mantle. This happens, for example, due to injury or pathology.

    In fresh waters - lake and river - most stones are obtained from mollusks of the genera Margaritifera and Dahurinaia. First of all, these are pearl mussels: European, Daurian, Kamchatka. Pearls are also found in toothless and pearled pearls.

    Freshwater pearls take three to twelve years to mature. The timing depends on the species, environment, and age of the mollusk. The older he is, the smaller the pearls. River mollusks produce small, irregularly shaped minerals.

    In the 19th century, a lot of river pearls were mined in the Russian Empire, especially in the north of the country. Nowadays, minerals of different origins end up in jewelry workshops. They are mined and grown in Russia, China, Germany, Great Britain, and the USA. Cultivation is practiced on farms.

    You can try to find a river pearl on your own. But it will take a long time and does not guarantee positive result. The shells are collected from the bottom. A sign of what they have precious mineral, are irregularities or tubercles on the valves.

    Types of freshwater pearls

    There are two types river stone: natural and cultivated. The first is sought in habitats of suitable mollusks. Such pearls are rarely found on sale, since mining them is unprofitable. Although large natural specimens, if they good quality, with glitter - the most expensive. For example, in 2008, a single freshwater pearl was sold at Christie's for $713,000.

    The cultivated product is obtained on special farms. Foreign body They are independently implanted into promising species. The implant consists of mother-of-pearl, which speeds up the process, but in nature pearls usually mature faster. Then the oysters are sent into the pond, surrounded by nets.

    The undisputed leader in the cultivation of freshwater pearls is China. They began to develop the direction here in the 70s of the last century. Mussels produce 15-35 pearls at a time. Just one shell of a mollusk brings 3-4 “harvests”.

    Farm-grown pearls tend to be smooth and have more regular contours. It is difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. The following types are distinguished by shape: circle, pear, drop, oval, button, baroque.

    More often you come across mother-of-pearl stones, less often - green, gray, brownish. There are no blacks. Freshwater pearls have approximately 120 shades. The color depends on the characteristics of the foreign particle, the composition of the water, and the type of mollusk.

    There are stones following sizes:

    1. Pearl dust. Diameter - up to 3 mm. It is often used to decorate expensive clothes.
    2. Beads - stone up to 3-5 mm. Such specimens can be grown on farms in 1.5-2 years. They are used to make jewelry.
    3. High-quality freshwater pearls are the most expensive. It is more difficult to grow. Size - 5-10 mm in diameter. Better suited for jewelry.

    Some species are sometimes confused with saltwater pearls. When grown on modern farms, their sizes have become comparable. Colors and other features are often similar. Differences between sea pearls:

    • rounder and smoother surface;
    • brightness, river - dimmer;
    • wide palette of colors - from white to black;
    • The mother of pearl layer is thinner.

    Sea pearls

    Natural black or bright pink river pearls are not found.

    Healing and magical properties

    The stone is used in medicine. The calcium carbonate in its composition normalizes the acidity of the stomach. Pearls are also used:

    • to strengthen the nervous system;
    • for hypertension;
    • for healing the kidneys and liver;
    • for eye diseases.

    U different nations pearls were attributed magical properties. Europeans expected longevity from him, the Chinese - prosperity, the Arabs - protection from the evil eye.

    Pearls do not always help a person. Decorations with them suppress the flight of thought of travelers, actors, and writers. The mineral plunges you into a world of dreams, sometimes gloomy ones. Capable of breaking a psychologically weakened person. It brings melancholy to the lonely. It is not advisable for children to wear products with mother-of-pearl beads.

    Brings fidelity, peace and understanding to couples. Resists betrayal and unkind thoughts. In this case, the jewel becomes tarnished.

    How to distinguish natural from fake

    There are products made from fake pearls on sale. In addition, there are now technologies for growing beads without shellfish. It is important to remember the differences:

    1. Natural stones should be cool to the touch.
    2. If you throw real pearls on a table, they will easily bounce off the surface.
    3. You can lightly rub two stones against each other until a powder appears. Scratches on natural pearls disappear when you run your finger over them. On a fake, the mother-of-pearl may be worn off, revealing another material behind it.
    4. Gems are heavier.
    5. Counterfeits are often cheaper.
    6. Fakes have traces of paint around the edges. They look unnatural: the shine of the stone is too bright, the shape is spherical, too regular.
    7. Natural pearls differ from each other, artificial pearls can be the same in shape and color.

    Stone selection

    Even good freshwater pearls have flaws: spots, dents, bumps. Quality is determined by the main characteristics: size, origin, shape, brightness and others. Expensive copies undergo examination. The standards were developed by Americans. The assessment is based on 6-7 parameters. So, round ones are less common, so they are more expensive. River pearls are valued less than sea pearls.

    When choosing jewelry, it is important to know:

    1. Jewelry where the size of the beads gradually increases or decreases is considered more beautiful and of higher quality.
    2. The pairing, geometry of parts, and overall impression are important.
    3. River pearls in jewelry sometimes come in different colors or are combined with others precious stones.
    4. Sets of beads, earrings, and rings are popular.
    5. Flaws are better visible against a dark background under strong but diffuse lighting.

    Freshwater pearl jewelry is beautiful and usually inexpensive. They can be worn for a long time without loss of quality and passed on by inheritance.

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