• Homemade masks for hair shine - the best recipes and reviews. Hair rinse: homemade recipes


    Dull, brittle and dry hair can spoil the image of a girl even with the most ideal facial features. How to add shine to hair at home? There are many proven ones for this. effective ways. You can do without buying expensive masks and concentrates, because often the contents of the refrigerator are enough to prepare an effective composition. The most popular ways to quickly add shine to your hair at home are described in the article.

    Why does hair become brittle and dull?

    Here are the common reasons why hair loses its beauty:

    1. Poor nutrition, diets and hunger strikes are almost guaranteed, after a couple of months, to lead to a deterioration in the appearance of hair. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals accumulates quite slowly, as a result of which the effect on hair after severe diets is not noticeable immediately, but only after a while. Most often, two months after the diet, girls notice that their hair, previously shiny and thick, has become dull and breaks off along its entire length. It is necessary to drink a vitamin-mineral complex and restore healthy eating.
    2. The use of low-quality combs, the constant use of a hair dryer and tongs to straighten hair also inevitably leads to delamination and drying out of each hair. As a result, the hair loses its healthy shine and looks simply terrible. Many girls who regularly use hair dryers and curling irons are forced to get a short haircut. How to add shine to your hair at home if you have to constantly blow-dry it? Simple recipes will help: oils, gelatin, egg yolks - these are the components that will help solve the problem and avoid short haircut
    3. Constant stress chronic fatigue and sleep problems also negatively affect the condition of the hair. Sometimes it is enough just to establish a normal psycho-emotional background in order for the hair to once again begin to please the owner healthy shine and stopped breaking off along the length, thereby creating unsightly “roots”.

    How to restore shine to your hair yourself at home?

    As mentioned above, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to purchase professional masks and concentrates to give healthy shine to hair. Here is a list of the most popular ingredients for this purpose:

    • gelatin;
    • herbal infusions;
    • burdock, olive, castor, linseed oils;
    • egg yolk;
    • bananas;
    • sour cream, kefir, ayran.

    How to restore shine to hair at home after coloring? Hair after using permanent dyes is practically impossible to save - most often the structure is so burned that it is not possible to restore it in any way (even if professional products are used). However, you can try gelatin masks, in some cases they can help (if the hair structure is not radically damaged).

    Mask with gelatin: lamination at home

    Gelatin is a powder that, when diluted, is a substance that can fill hollow areas of the hair cuticle. Of course, the effect of using this component is temporary: after a few washes with shampoo, the cuticle becomes hollow again and the hair loses its shine.

    How to quickly add shine to your hair at home? Gelatin lamination is worth a try. Reviews from girls about this procedure are enthusiastic. Just keep in mind that for a permanent result you will have to repeat the procedure about once every five to six days. IN otherwise, judging by the reviews of the girls who performed this procedure, the hair will again very quickly become dull and brittle.

    Ingredients for the laminating mask:

    • a glass of gelatin steamed with boiling water and completely dissolved;
    • tea spoon citric acid;
    • a teaspoon of vinegar (has an excellent conditioning effect, gives extra shine and smoothness to the hair);
    • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    Apply the mixture to your hair after the gelatin steamed with boiling water has cooled to room temperature. Insulate with a bag and a scarf. After an hour, rinse with cool water and shampoo.

    Mask with olive and linseed oils

    Oils are a universal way known to almost all girls to add shine to their hair at home. The most effective in this regard are olive and flaxseed. Burdock and castor oils also add shine, but their use is aimed primarily at treating hair loss and accelerating hair growth. To add extra shine to both colored and natural hair, try a mixture of olive and linseed oil.

    Just mix a tablespoon olive oil cold pressed and the same amount of flaxseed. If desired, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or table vinegar - this is an excellent conditioning additive.

    After this, apply the mixture to the entire hair, insulate it with a cap and leave for an hour. Wash off the oil from your hair with warm water and shampoo, and lather twice so that the oily film is washed off your hair. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by reviews.

    How to add shine to hair at home using olive oil? You can simply apply it only to the canvas. If you can't find it on sale linseed oil, then it is quite possible to make a mask using exclusively olive oil.

    Mask with castor oil: making hair thick and shiny

    Castor oil is a universal and cheap product that can restore shine and thickness to hair, and also reduce hair loss. Reviews about the effect of castor oil on hair are enthusiastic: girls make comparisons that the volume of hair has actually become thicker. In addition, reviews indicate that with regular use of masks with this component, the hair begins to shine very much and literally shimmers in the sun.

    How can blondes add shine to their hair at home? Mix a tablespoon of castor oil, one egg yolk and a spoon of honey. This composition will give shine precisely blonde hair thanks to the presence of honey in the composition.

    How to add shine to hair at home for brunettes? Apply a mixture of castor oil and egg yolk to the surface of the hair. There is no need to add honey. An hour after application, wash off the mask with warm water.

    Egg yolk mask for hair shine

    You can mix many ingredients with egg yolk, and in each case it will be great mask, adding shine. Yolk is the base, one of the main ingredients for homemade masks. In the yolk chicken egg contains fatty acids that envelop the hair, making the hair fiber after the procedure look dense and beautiful, completely healthy.

    A mask of honey and castor oil with the addition of vinegar is good with egg yolk. You will need the following ingredients:

    • one yolk;
    • a teaspoon of vinegar;
    • a tablespoon of castor oil;
    • a teaspoon of honey.

    Mix all ingredients and apply to hair for an hour. It should be borne in mind that the honey in the composition can lighten the hair a little - reviews of girls who have tried this mask on themselves warn about this.

    Banana-sour cream mixture to add shine to hair

    The ingredients for this mask are as follows:

    • one ripe banana (crush to pulp);
    • a tablespoon of sour cream;
    • a teaspoon of vinegar.

    Apply to hair, starting from roots to ends. To prevent the mask from dripping, you should choose thick sour cream.

    Few people now make homemade shampoos - mostly everyone uses store-bought ones. But even if you buy the most expensive bottle, after washing the shampoo will still leave a little “chemical” on your hair, which will gradually dry out both the strands and the skin under the hair, causing dandruff and allergies.

    Rinsing your hair will help you completely clean every curl: homemade recipes will not only help you say goodbye to the periodic table, but will also treat split ends, fragility, loss of brightness, hair loss, and dandruff.

    But not only shampoos harm the beauty of hair - even water itself washes out the protein from the hair, “undermining” it. A properly selected rinse recipe will thicken the keratin “shell”, making your “mane” become fuller and thicker, and each strand will become silkier and softer.

    How to rinse your hair: the best home recipes

    Any of these compositions will not only be suitable for pouring over washed hair, but will also replace conditioner.

    Rinsing hair with vinegar

    Buy this product if you have normal or oily hair. Apple cider vinegar washes out not only “chemicals” and dirt, but also the remnants of sebum: goodbye, boring greasy shine! Rinsing smoothes the hair scales, making the “mane” literally begin to sparkle.

    Composition: 50 ml apple cider vinegar for 1 liter of water. Instead of the latter, you can brew a decoction of the herb that suits you (2 large spoons of herb per liter of boiling water). If you are blonde, brew green tea, chamomile or linden. If a brunette - rosemary, nettle, oak bark. Rinse your hair with this mixture after washing it.

    • Vinegar for hair: beneficial properties, recipes for rinses and masks

    Rinse with essential oils

    Compositions with esters pleasantly scent the hair and improve its external beauty. But don’t forget: each hair has its own ether.

    Yes, girls with oily hair You should choose citronella, sage, bergamot, geranium, mint, pine or eucalyptus, cloves or ginger, lemon, tea tree, lemon balm, cedar or cypress, cajuput, juniper or verbena.

    For those with dry hair, ylang-ylang, incense, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, palmarosa, mandarin and orange, chamomile, lavender, and myrrh are suitable.

    Well, if your “mane” is of a normal type, buy calamus, verbena, cedar, ylang-ylang, incense, mint, rosemary, tea or rosewood, petitgrain, coriander, cypress or pine (in the form of ether, of course).

    Ingredients: add 4 drops of ether to 1 liter of water (or the same herbal decoction mentioned above).

    • Essential oils for hair: beneficial properties, how to choose and use

    Nettle for hair rinsing

    This plant is not very respected in dachas and villages, but meanwhile, nettle is an excellent cosmetologist: it suits all hair types, treats a dozen problems (including hair loss), and copes with impurities with a bang. But if you are blonde, remember: this rinse can leave an unexpected tint on blonde hair.

    Ingredients: 1 large spoon of dry nettle leaves, pour 1 glass of water, place in a water bath, let it boil, gently simmer for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain, add enough water for your hair length, and use.

    Chamomile hair rinse

    Fortune teller flower - best friend blondes. It treats dandruff and flaking, itching, and your hair will also like it - it will soften it, moisturizing each hair. If you use this herb often, it will change the shade of your hair to a sunnier one.

    The recipe for chamomile rinse is the same as for nettle.

    Honey water

    Don't miss this recipe if you suffer from dry, damaged hair. Honey “glues” problem hair ends, restores dull hair, makes it more manageable and beautiful.

    Ingredients: dilute 2 tablespoons of the bees' gift in a liter of water.

    Lemon hair rinse

    This product is suitable for dull hair, as lemon literally “illuminates” it, saturating it with a healthy shine. And besides, it will finally make restive hair obey you and go into styling. Important: it is not suitable for dry hair, as it can only aggravate the problem; but it’s perfect for fatty and normal people.

    Ingredients: squeeze about 100 ml of citrus juice into a liter of water.

    Rinsing hair with tea

    For brunettes and brown-haired women, any tea (green and black) is suitable, and for blondes - only green. This simple ingredient will give your mane shine.

    Ingredients: for 1 tablespoon of tea leaves - 500 ml of boiling water. The tea should brew (5 minutes - black, 3 - green). When it cools down, pour it over clean hair.

    Beer rinse

    Did you know how rich in minerals and vitamins this intoxicating drink is? If you find a good dark beer, and not the cheapest one, make it homemade cosmetics. It will give your hair volume, make it manageable, remove excess oil, strengthen each hair, and accelerate growth.

    Before use, it is better to heat the beer and release the “bubbles” in advance. By the way, it is best to use this product after you take a steam bath in a sauna or bathhouse. It can be used in different ways.

    1. “Bathe” your hair in beer, let it “drink” a little of this intoxicating “cocktail”, and then rinse with clean water.

    2. Mix 100 ml of beer, 200 ml of water (heated). Rinse your hair with the mixture, do not rinse.

    Rinse with medicinal herbs

    Herbal decoctions are a natural source of beauty and health of hair. You should choose the herb based on your hair type and characteristics. Herbs moisturize hair and saturate it with useful substances. The decoction should be brewed at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. By mixing several ingredients, you will enhance healing properties the resulting rinse aid. Below catalog medicinal properties herbs will help you make the right choice.

    Flower water and hydrosols

    These products are obtained as a result of production essential oils. Hydrolates have a huge range; they are extracted from almost any plant. This fashionable product can be seen on the shelves of any cosmetics store. By rinsing your hair with hydrosol after washing, you saturate your curls with the beneficial substances of these plants, your hair becomes manageable, shiny and fragrant.

    Hair rinses for shine

    Mineral water. This leave-in rinse not only gives your hair shine, but also removes the winter “dandelion effect” and nourishes the scalp. Important: use mineral water without gas!

    • Mineral water: beneficial properties for hair, how to use

    Apple peel decoction. The main ingredient of the decoction contains natural wax. Thanks to this, rinsing makes hair manageable and shiny. Recipe: Peel several homemade apples and boil in a liter of water. When cool, use immediately after washing (each).

    Rinsing dark hair

    Black tea, nettle, sage and rosemary - this rinse is suitable for brunettes. All ingredients can be used separately or mixed in equal proportions; take 3 tbsp per liter of water. l. mixture, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes;

    Onion peel – ideal for red and brown hair. Has anti-inflammatory properties and eliminates dandruff. To rinse your hair you need to make a strong decoction onion peel, use warm.

    Ground coffee will help saturate dark hair with color and give a beautiful shine. For half a liter of boiling water you need to take three tablespoons of coffee.

    Conditioners for blonde hair

    Blondes' favorite rinses are herbal decoctions of chamomile, rhubarb, linden, lemon peel, lemon juice, glycerin solution, honey water.

    To prepare ether-based rinses, blondes should pay attention to ylang-ylang and lemon oils. These products add radiant shine to blonde hair and have a slight lightening effect.

    Rinse dry hair

    Rinsing your hair with a glycerin solution will help make your hair soft, smooth and moisturized. The recipe for such a conditioner is simple: one teaspoon per liter of cool water.

    Milk. Softens, “smoothes” each curl, giving volume, and also effectively moisturizes the hair. Pour about 5 large spoons of high-fat milk into 1 liter of water (or the same herbal decoction). If your hair is dry or split, also add a spoonful of honey, and if your hair is oily, add salt (a small spoon; preferably sea salt). After application, the rinse does not wash off.

    Herbal decoctions for moisturizing dry hair: chamomile, calendula, linden, string, hop cones, sage, nettle, elderberry, flax seeds, birch leaves.

    Birch. A decoction of birch leaves will appeal to those with dry and often tangled hair. Have you been invited to the bathhouse? Scoop up some water from the bowl in which the brooms were steamed and pour it on your head at the end of the bath procedure. Among other things, such care will speed up the growth of your braid.

    Birch juice (from the forest, not from a store-bought jar) is an excellent hair conditioner. It treats dandruff and prevents its occurrence; softens harmful “straws” on the head; gives fluffiness and silkiness.

    Rinsing oily hair

    If your hair quickly becomes dirty, decoctions of the following herbs will help: nettle, mint, plantain, pine and fir needles, coltsfoot, oak bark.

    Rinse aid with added ammonia will quickly help eliminate the problem of oily curls. To prepare it, add a teaspoon of ammonia to a liter jar of water.

    We all dream of beautiful and healthy hair, but unfortunately, this is not given to everyone. Constant stress, busy work days and the poor ecology of big cities contribute to the gradual weakening of the immune system and a significant lack of vitamins and nutrients. All these troubles are reflected in a person’s appearance.

    As for the hair, you need to remember - if it is healthy, then the shine will come on its own. If the hair needs treatment, then it can be given shine artificially, and appropriate treatment is necessary to maintain the effect.

    What is glitter itself? Glitter creates a reflection of light emanating from a surface. Straight hair is much more reflective than curly hair. Also, the shine is more clearly visible on dark hair oh, rather than on light ones. But now you can find a huge number of products that allow even blondes with curly hair gain a beautiful shine.

    The first thing you need to understand is that to acquire a beautiful shine, you need a flat surface, in other words, the scales must be leveled, the damaged parts must be healed.

    • You should wash your hair with warm water, and rinse it even better with cool water. Hot water, which many people use when washing their hair, due to the effect of temperature, severely damages the hair structure;
    • After shampoo, you should always use conditioner, and ideally carry out this procedure while still in the bathroom. Under influence elevated temperature the composition is better absorbed, sharing vitamins and nutrients with the hair;
    • if you use shampoo frequently, it is better to dilute it slightly, or stick to using the same brand, this will be much less harmful to the hair than a variety;
    • Be sure to use nourishing hair masks, at least once a week. They must be used regularly, otherwise no effect will be achieved;
    • It is undesirable to use hair dryers, curling irons, etc. devices for drying and styling hair, since they severely damage the structure. If possible, it is better to let your hair dry on its own;
    • It is recommended to use mousse during styling, since in addition to their fixing properties, they have the ability to protect the surface of the hair;
    • split ends should be cut off, they should not be spared;
    • After bathing in salt water, it is necessary to rinse your hair, otherwise it will dry out.

    There are many ways to add shine to your hair. One of them is the use of masks.

    Several ways to prepare masks for shiny hair

    Method No. 1

    In a ceramic bowl, mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg, add crushed oatmeal. The mixture is poured with warm boiled water and stirred until smooth.

    This composition must be applied to the head, insulated and kept for at least half an hour. After the specified time has passed, the mask should be washed off with shampoo and rinsed with slightly acidified water.

    Method number 2

    A strong brew of black tea is placed in a ceramic container; three tablespoons of full-fat milk and one egg yolk should be added to it. The resulting mixture must be beaten, after which one teaspoon of honey is added to it, and everything is mixed again.

    The composition must be distributed on the scalp and hair, distributed evenly, insulated and kept for about an hour, rinsed with shampoo.

    Method number 3

    To prepare this mask you need banana, butter and yogurt. The banana should be mashed well, added to the resulting mass, add butter, then yogurt, and stir well. It is best to take burdock or castor oil.

    Using a comb, the resulting mixture should be distributed on the scalp and hair, insulated, kept for at least half an hour, and then rinsed thoroughly.

    Method number 4

    A very fresh recipe, a summer option. To prepare this mask, you need to chop several pieces of watermelon and strain the juice. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and hair, distributed over the entire length, then insulated and left for at least 20 minutes. When rinsing, add watermelon juice to the water, this will help make your hair not only shiny, but also silky.

    In addition to masks, you can use hair shine sprays. Of course, to get results, they need to be used regularly. The spray contains substances that create a protective film that smoothes the hair scales. A product such as a spray cannot cure hair, but it can externally give it smoothness and shine, masking imperfections. When applying the spray, you need to keep a distance - the product is sprayed at a distance of about 30 cm from the head, onto the finished hairstyle.

    There are also folk remedies for restoring and maintaining the natural shine of hair.

    Stinging nettle

    Nettle is a medicinal plant, everyone knows this. It copes with many diseases, including being very beneficial for hair health. To add shine to your hair, you need to collect fresh nettles, grind them to obtain juice, and add the resulting solution to water while washing your hair.

    If it is not possible to collect fresh nettles, you can buy dried ones at the pharmacy and make a decoction. It is worth considering that this method is more suitable for owners of dark hair.


    This the product will fit for hair of any shade, but looks most impressive on blondes. Squeeze the juice out of a fresh lemon. It should be added when washing or rinsing hair. Lemon will give your hair strength and mirror shine.

    Birch leaves

    To prepare this decoction you need to find birch leaves coated with resin. They should be cut as finely as possible, pour boiling water over them and let stand for about 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with the prepared broth after washing. This product perfectly strengthens hair and gives it shine.


    Last on the list, but far from the last in terms of its magical qualities. To add shine to your hair, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of olive oil (it can be replaced with burdock or castor oil), mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, then apply to your hair. wet hair, distribute evenly, insulate. The composition should be left on the hair for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo.

    The shine of our hair primarily depends on the health of our body and nutrition. Since all the nutrients that our hair needs daily are supplied to the hair roots through the blood, and if there is a problem with the body, it sends vitamins, microelements and other nutrients to more important organs, and they reach the hair last. It is important to eat at least some daily and be sure to drink about two liters of water daily.

    Don’t forget to nourish your hair with complex hair vitamins, preferably twice a year (beginning of autumn and beginning of spring).

    Wash your hair with warm, not hot water, this is one of the reasons for dull hair. At the end you can rinse with cool water. Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just lather the roots, and when you rinse the shampoo from your head, it will flow down your hair and wash the length of your hair.

    Use only clean combs, curlers, straighteners, and stylers. Otherwise, the remnants of conditioners, styling products and sebum will end up on the hair. It is advisable to wash combs once a week with mild shampoo, and wipe irons and stylers with alcohol.

    When choosing hair care products, look at the composition for components such as lipids, keratin, amino acids, seaweed, herbal extracts, aloe extract, oils, there are even special series for hair shine, which include shampoo, conditioner, mask, leave-in product. The main thing to remember is that we select shampoo according to the type of scalp, and masks and conditioners according to the type (condition) of hair length.

    What causes dull hair?

    We sometimes, without knowing it, destroy the shine of our hair with various manipulations and styling products:

    • perm;
    • frequent use of ironing and curling irons;
    • aggressive exposure to sunlight;
    • washing hair with hard water
    • using excessive amounts of styling products;
    • using dirty combs and rough handling of hair (combing wet hair, washing your hair with hot water, using metal hairpins and elastic bands).

    Folk home remedies for hair shine

    Hair rinsing lemon juice or vinegar. This is the easiest way to smooth cuticles and add shine to your hair. To do this you need to add a spoon lemon juice or vinegar per liter of boiled water and at the very end, after shampoo, mask or conditioner, rinse your hair. Gently dry washed hair with a towel without rubbing or twisting it.

    Natural base and essential oils for hair. Each oil has a unique complex useful substances which have a beneficial effect on hair. The following oils are best suited for hair shine: argan, cocoa, coconut, jojoba, avocado, sesame, linseed, olive, macadamia. Essential: ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, myrrh, patchouli, chamomile. You can read about ways to use essential oils for hair.

    Oils used for hair should be cold pressed and good quality, otherwise, there is no point in using them on hair, even if they do no harm, there will be no benefit from them.

    Masks for hair shine. Homemade masks for hair shine help not only restore shine to hair, but also strengthen it, give it softness, elasticity and restore healthy looking hair

    Mask with vitamins A and E

    • 1 teaspoon avocado oil;
    • 1 teaspoon linseed oil;
    • 1 teaspoon honey;
    • 2 teaspoons aloe juice;
    • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
    • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
    • 1 yolk.

    Mix all ingredients and heat to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mask to the roots (do a light massage) and distribute along the entire length. Leave the mask on for about an hour and wash off with shampoo; this mask can be done once a week.

    Hair shine mask

    • 1 tablespoon cognac;
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil (cold pressed);
    • 1 tablespoon honey;
    • 1 egg yolk.

    Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl (can be heated). The mask can be applied not only to the length of the hair, but also to the scalp; it is advisable to warm it and keep it for 40 to 60 minutes.

    Mask with natural henna

    • spoons of henna (preferably colorless);
    • 1 teaspoon honey;
    • 1 teaspoon cognac;
    • 1 yolk.

    Add cognac and henna to the honey and mix well, then add the yolk and heat in a water bath. We apply the mixture to the length of the hair, for about one hour, you can insulate it. Wash off the mask with shampoo and balm or mask.

    Rinse your hair with herbs after every hair wash, natural herbs restore hair balance, transform appearance, add softness and shine to hair and have a cumulative effect, read in more detail.

    To maintain your hair length in good condition, you can make a cream for the ends of your hair at home; you can read the recipe and reviews.

    Store-bought hair shine products

    Store-bought spray glosses or hair fluids give shiny and well-groomed appearance hair, after such products the hair instantly acquires shine, and dyed hair acquires a rich color.

    Today, manufacturers in the field of hair care products offer a huge variety of different sprays - a spray with a brilliant shine, a spray with a healing effect for dry and damaged hair, a spray with protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation.

    Shine and radiance of hair after using this light texture product is achieved through the use of three main natural oils, which are included in all Orofluido hair care cosmetics - argan, cyperius and flax.

    After application, the spray is instantly absorbed into the hair without weighing it down or tangling it. Thanks to natural ingredients, which are part of the product, the spray is suitable for girls with any hair type.

    Moisturizing spray-shine, heals and saturates damaged, dry hair with moisture. Moroccanoil has created a unique, ultra-light, non-greasy formula that preserves and enhances hair's shine, leaving hair looking incredibly silky and healthy looking. Moroccanoil combines traditional methods with modern needs.

    Spey gives hair glossy shine, and the light spray formula covers the hair with a thin protective veil, providing long-lasting flexible hold. Makes hair bouncy and more elastic, and also has powerful thermal protection. Protecting from negative influence external environment, the spray prevents unwanted hair frizz.

    The formula contains the Ceramide A2 component, which is a building material, an intracellular “cementing” substance. It is able to penetrate deep into the hair structure, giving the strands silkiness, volume and shine, maintaining beauty and health.

    The formula was also enriched with lemon extract, which is known for its cleansing, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and tonic properties. This component promotes radiance, activates cell regeneration, and normalizes water balance, stimulates local blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    Gel-fluid serum for shine L’Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast Nutriceride Serum Gloss

    This serum is intended for colored, highlighted hair. The fluid gel is based on Nutriceride technology, developed on the basis of active polymers. It is very easy to use the gel fluid; it does not require rinsing. The active formula of the serum has a beneficial effect on colored hair, emphasizing the contrast of highlighted strands.

    The serum, enriched with keratin, is based on an innovative formula. The product gently restores damaged structure hair, nourishes, moisturizes and protects curls from negative impact environment.

    The anti-frizz components that make up the serum gently smooth the hair, make it smooth and shiny, and are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. After using the serum, hair is easy to comb because it has an antistatic effect on it.

    Two-phase conditioner “Nutrition-shine” Acme Professional Fortesse Sprey Gloss

    Included in this cosmetic product contains wheat proteins that help rapid recovery split ends of hair and maintaining the natural structure of the strands. Thanks to its unique composition, Fortesse two-phase conditioner spray restores depleted strands vitality and amazing shine. Also, the components included in this care product make hair drying and combing easier and give elasticity to the curls.

    Looking for effective remedy for hair care? Then go ahead and you will learn how to restore your hair.

    The beauty of hair and its health are very close concepts, because, in fact, one is impossible without the other. And the shine of our hair plays an important role here, because when the hair is dull and lifeless, this is a clear signal that it’s time to sound the alarm and seriously take care of its condition. SalonSecret experts will tell you how to add shine and silkiness to your hair.

    The surface of hair, the cuticle, is responsible for the shine of hair. When its scales fit tightly together, the hair reflects light and has a glossy surface. But as soon as the scales begin to bristle, the hair becomes, firstly, dull, and secondly, fragile and brittle.

    There may be several reasons why hair loses its natural shine, and they can be divided into external and internal.

    Let's tell you in more detail.

    Causes of internal origin

    It is responsible for the appearance of hair, nails and skin, and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the head. Biotin is produced in the intestines and comes from certain foods (such as dried fruit and egg yolks). To avoid biotin deficiency, you need to take care of your intestinal microflora, do not abuse alcohol and eat right.

    Psycho-emotional stress also negatively affects the condition of the hair, and, as a rule, has a delayed effect.

    If you notice that your hair suddenly begins to fall out or becomes dull and brittle, look for the cause in recent (2 to 6 months) experiences.

    On appearance Hair loss is greatly affected by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, taking antibiotics and other medications.

    So if you want your hair to be shiny and healthy, start with your health first.

    Causes of external origin

    Both too high and not at all low temperatures weaken the hair cuticle. This group includes both factors of natural origin (for example, bright sun in summer and frosty air in winter), and all kinds of electrical appliances: hair dryer, tongs, curling iron...

    To protect your hair, you need to wear a hat or scarf in the summer, a cap in the winter, and also do not neglect heat protection products for your hair during styling.

    Hair can lose its shine after frequent dyeing, washing, curling, etc. Their acidity changes, they lose strength, begin to break down and, as a result, become lifeless.

    How to add shine and silkiness to your hair at home?

    Experts say: to return your hair to its natural shine, you should start with nutrition! Add foods containing zinc and iron, vitamin H and the amino acid tyrosine to your diet.

    And follow these simple tips.

    Basic care for hair shine

    Comb your hair with a special comb twice a day

    A brush with thick and short bristles is suitable. This is necessary to smooth the hair scales. This combing is also called “polishing.”

    They put pressure on the hair and contribute to its fragility.

    Choose the right shampoo and conditioner

    Perhaps the reason for dullness is that the care products are not suitable for your hair type. If you find it difficult to do this yourself, contact a specialist in the salon, he will help you determine your hair type and advise you on how to properly care for it.

    Make nourishing hair masks regularly depending on your hair type

    Besides daily care do not neglect - they deeply nourish the hair and saturate it with essential vitamins and microelements.

    Natural masks for hair shine

    Some masks that will give your hair shine and smoothness can be prepared at home from natural ingredients.

    For normal hair

    A similar mask is made from egg yolks and honey and apply to hair along the entire length for 30 minutes.

    Some users note that such a mask helps to quickly give hair smoothness and shine, but we would not advise you to trust them unconditionally: no one can ever tell you exactly how these components will behave on your hair!

    For dark hair

    This mask is made from cocoa powder, warm milk, yolk and cognac.

    This mask is said to give a glossy shine like that of an Oscar-winning actress, but cocoa powder is a powerful allergen that can negatively affect the scalp and even cause dandruff. And cognac, if you make a mistake with the dosage, can even burn your hair!

    For blonde hair

    Before making this mask, users go to the pharmacy for castor oil and to the store for honey.

    Do you need such complexity if you can just choose professional care for blonde hair?

    For dry hair

    To make this mask, you will have to find the softest avocado and honey in the store, and also look at the pharmacy for burdock oil.

    They say that if you hold it on your hair for 25 minutes, it will give it a mirror shine. But are you sure that you will accurately calculate all the components and will not harm your hair?

    Professional products for adding shine to hair

    How to add shine and silkiness to your hair? By using professional cosmetics, which is recommended by our stylists.


    Restores the structure and surface of damaged and. Contains pro-keratin, a protein that mimics the function of creatine and repairs hair from the inside.

    Cleans hair from impurities that make it look dull, nourishes and gives glossy shine.

    Free from parabens and silicones, suitable for colored hair.

    Hair balm

    Cares and nourishes hair, making it manageable and shiny.

    Preserves the color and shine of dyed hair for a long time.

    Hair spray

    This light and weightless product contains cationic polymers that smooth and protect the surface of each hair. The spray protects against exposure to humidity and sunlight.

    Hair oil

    Heat protectant oil makes styling easier and adds shine to hair.

    Argan oil for shine and hair restoration with omega-6 and keratin.

    Salon treatments to add shine to hair

    Modern salon treatments will help you quickly and effectively restore shine to your hair. Consult your stylist - he will help you choose the one that suits your hair.

    This is perhaps the most popular procedure for restoring shine to hair, based on applying a special laminating substance made from dietary supplements and vitamin E to the hair.

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