• Personal life: divorced his wife. Potap. Personal life: divorced from his wife Last visit Potap divorced from his wife



    “We have such a strong friendly love. Although we separated a long time ago, we actually never parted, as we worked together. It probably seems strange from the outside that ex-husband and my wife communicate so warmly. But we are truly close, we share the most intimate things with each other,” says Potap, coach of the “Voice.Children-3” project.

    Speaking about their marriage, the couple notes that it was very happy. However, the most difficult moment was my own decision to terminate it.


    “The happiest (period) was the beginning of our relationship. Alexey was 19 then, he was like a flower that had just blossomed. There wasn’t a speck of dust on him! (Smiles.) And the most difficult one was the period when we realized that we were breaking up It was difficult to accept this fact. We had to think about what to do next - how our production center, which we created together, would work. At that time, we had victories at work, we vacationed together, but there was no longer a family,” he says. Irina.

    Already in a relationship ex-spouses There was also a place for jealousy. The couple explains this fact by the publicity of their work.

    “In general, Ira is very calm and balanced. So, she became popular after our relationship ended. Before that, she was in my shadow, working for a common cause. And of course there was jealousy, it always exists when people love . Ira - very sexy woman, half of Kyiv was and is running after her: businessmen, bandits, cool dudes. She is energetically very strong, filled feminine energy", emphasizes Potap.


    According to Irina Gorova, she and Alexey already tried to start their family, but they failed.

    During conversations with journalists, the ex-spouses thanked each other for their children, which, in addition to their daughter and son, also include a joint production center. The stars emphasized that they have “personal lives separate from each other.”

    The couple filed for divorce two years ago.

    Rapper Potap divorced his wife. Irina Gorovaya, the wife of Alexei Potapenko (Potap), announced this on her Instagram page. The ex-couple appeared on the cover of the Ukrainian glossy magazine “Rest” and told how their love story ended, hochu.ua reports.

    Recently, rumors have increasingly appeared that the Potap family is not as idyllic as they show fans. Some even said that Potap was dating Nastya Kamenskikh, but there was no official confirmation of this. And then, out of the blue, a message appeared that Potap and Irina Gorovaya had divorced. Officially, they told the publication “Relax” about this in a joint interview.

    To everyone they seemed like an ideal couple. Irina Gorovaya and Potap were an excellent tandem in all areas of life: they created together the production center MOZGI Entertainment, several musical projects, received many prizes and awards, and also raised two children - 19-year-old Natasha (daughter from Irina’s first marriage) and 8 -year-old Andryusha. But as it turned out, they have not lived together for 5 whole years (!!!), and officially divorced 2 years ago. Irina Gorovaya shared the news of the divorce on her Instagram page.

    Judging by the interview, and previous events in the couple’s life, they really have an excellent relationship, although they are not together. Potap's wife, we are sure, will shock many of their fans with her next statement.

    Yes, we got divorced, it's true. We have been living separately for five years now, and we officially filed for divorce two years ago. And we are indeed a strong, but not a married couple.

    For many, such a peaceful and quiet separation of Potap and Gorovaya can become an example of how values ​​become higher than the division of property and grievances. Despite everything, they continue to work together and remain close to each other.

    “We have such a strong, friendly love. Even though we separated a long time ago, we never really parted, since we worked together... It will probably seem strange from the outside that the ex-husband and wife communicate so warmly. But we are really close, We share with each other the most intimate..."

    Also in a new interview, Irina Gorovaya told how the children reacted to their separation.

    “My son doesn’t want to talk about divorce at all. It’s as if she doesn’t exist.” Lesha and I were once standing, he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, and my son: “Hey, you don’t need to kiss. Hold the hand - you will have other men with whom you can kiss!" However, Andryusha is sometimes jealous, because for him dad is the main authority in life. They have a special connection. As soon as Lesha has a free minute, he immediately comes to us comes. Plays games with Andrei, they go for walks together. Our children are already accustomed to this regime.”

    It is known that both already have soul mates, but so far they do not want to advertise this fact. However, there are rumors on the sidelines of show business, and fans, in view latest changes in Potap’s work: after the release of the song “I……I” and the fact that Potap got a tattoo with the name Kamensky, they say that they are having an affair and will soon officially announce it.

    They themselves didn’t notice how family relationships They grew into workers, and love into friendship, but they managed to part ways with dignity, maintaining a common business, warmth and respect for each other. How co-producers Potap and Irina Gorovoy managed to do this was learned by the magazine “Relax!” (Ukraine).

    Everyone knows that Potap's union (Alexey Potapenko) And Irina Gorovaya incredibly successful: they created the production center MOZGI Entertainment, several musical projects, received many prizes and awards in the field of show business, and are raising two children - 19-year-old Natasha (daughter from Irina’s first marriage) and 8-year-old Andryusha. But it turns out that they are no longer husband and wife. Let's find out the sensational details first-hand!

    Alexey, Irina, many are still sure that you are a strong married couple. Is it true that you got divorced and no longer live together?
    Irina: Yes, we got divorced, it's true. We have been living separately for five years now, and we officially filed for divorce two years ago. And we are indeed a strong, but not a married couple. (Smiles.)
    Alexei: Why didn’t we advertise that we weren’t married for a long time? Yes, somehow there was no time, we worked a lot: we put the group “Time and Glass” on its feet, developed the group “Potap and Nastya”, created the group Mozgi, recorded the song Michelle Andrade... But now we already have different personal lives, and it’s time talk about it...
    How would you characterize your current relationship?
    Irina: We are parents business partners, we are true friends... If I have a problem, Lesha is the first person I turn to, and he is the only person I trust 100%. We are an unconventional couple - a symbiosis of two people who cannot exist without each other.
    Alexei: We have such a strong friendly love. Although we separated a long time ago, we never really parted, since we worked together... Probably, from the outside it will seem strange that the ex-husband and wife communicate so warmly. But we are truly close, we share the most intimate things with each other...

    You have been together for more than 15 years. Can we say that it was a happy time?
    Irina: We had interesting life! We went through a lot: poverty, Lesha's development as a popular artist, nerves, my leaving work - I held a high position in a bank, childbirth... We separated and came together... I am grateful to Lesha that all this time he tried not to hurt me.
    Alexei: It was happy marriage, that’s why, after getting divorced, we stayed kindred spirits, partners and associates.
    Which period of your marriage do you consider the happiest and which the most difficult?
    Irina: The happiest is the beginning of our relationship. Lesha was 19 then, he was like a flower that had just bloomed. There wasn't a speck of dust on it! (Smiles.) And the most difficult time was the period when we realized that we were drifting apart. It was difficult to accept this fact. We had to think about what to do next - how our production center, which we created together, would work... At this time we had victories at work, we rested together, but there was no longer a family.
    Alexei: At first it was also difficult for us, because we were getting used to each other, adjusting. I am a creative person, and Ira is a mathematical-pragmatic person. I am a free wind, an artist, I must create... When I become too correct, I send myself on some adventures just because I need to draw inspiration from there. I got married officially because I adjusted to Ira - she taught me to take relationships seriously. I fulfilled Ira's wish. (Smiles.) There were also difficult moments: buying a new home, moving to a new apartment, taking out some loans, then paying them off…. But I spent all my money on my woman, on my family. I remember the episode when I received one of the first fees for a concert and used all the money to buy Ira mink coat. We went into the store, she thought we would buy some kind of jacket... And I had already chosen a fur coat for her in advance. The happiest moment is, of course, the birth of a son.

    There are always many temptations in the artistic environment. Were you jealous of each other?
    Irina: Naturally, I was jealous of Lesha - I am a terrible owner. (Smiles.) Success came to him at a time when I was sitting at home with the child, and he was the center of attention. A real boom began for “Potap and Nastya” - there were a lot of beauties hanging around Lesha... Before Andryusha was born, I worked in a bank for 10 years and was not used to sitting at home. I felt uncomfortable. I did not return to the bank and decided to work with my husband. I started doing PR, signing contracts, organizing concerts...
    Alexei: In general, Ira is very calm and balanced. Yes, she became popular after our relationship ended. Before that, she was in my shadow, working for a common cause. And of course there was jealousy, it always exists when people love. Ira is a very sexy woman, half of Kyiv has been running and running after her: businessmen, bandits, cool dudes... She is energetically very strong, filled with feminine energy.

    How did you decide to divorce? Was it mutual?
    Irina: It doesn’t happen that you wake up and realize it’s time to get a divorce. Love falls apart bit by bit. At first we argued, and then we sat down and talked. We decided to live separately and see what happens. I admit, we honestly tried to save the marriage. But after trying a couple of times, we decided to build something new.
    Alexei: Change is always hard. But I wasn’t afraid of change, I was afraid of not taking this step. Now we understand that he was correct.
    Did the divorce somehow affect your joint business?
    Irina: Some people expect that after the breakup our business will fall apart. Can't wait! There will be no Hollywood divorce with showdowns either! All passions subsided five years ago.
    Alexei: For me, this is not a divorce, our relationship has just moved in a different direction. For the sake of some work issues, personal ambitions were abandoned, because we had been working for so long on our dream: to create a company that carries out the entire cycle of work in show business.

    How did you tell your children about the divorce?
    Alexei: The children didn't notice him. Natasha is already an adult, she understands everything, she already has a boyfriend... We didn’t say anything to Andryukha. The children stayed with Ira. But as an artist, dad is constantly on tour, so nothing has changed for the children. All free time I give it to them!
    Irina: We managed to get a divorce without scandals and division of property. We talked to our daughter Natasha. Andryusha also understands that dad and mom are not together, but this was not a trauma for him - after all, Lesha had always disappeared on tour and was rarely at home. By the way, Andrey sometimes says: “I have two dads and many grandfathers and grandmothers.” He considers my first family to be his family, and we still communicate well. In general, I believe that a woman should unite. Even if you are divorced, why end the relationship? You just need to move on. On my birthday, the first husband, the second husband sits at the table, new guy... We get along great. This is ideal. (Smiles.)
    Spouses often accumulate grievances against each other. Do you have them? Or have you dotted all the i's?
    Alexei: When we separated, there may have been some grievances, but now there are none. The good we've had outweighs the bad. We just didn’t understand each other the way we understand now.

    Give advice to readers who are going through similar things on how to maintain respect and normal relationships after breaking up with a partner and not get bogged down in squabbles.
    Irina: Stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on with your life. My friend once said the following thing: “Ira, think that three months will pass and you will forget how painful it was for you now.” So I advise you to look forward and not look back. You can't save something that no longer exists. Love yourself and everything will work out for you.
    Alexei: I am an emotional person, and often my emotions lead me to do wrong things. But it is important to understand: time passes, and all emotions and grievances fade into the background. You need to learn to forgive. This is my main advice. And don't get hung up on the showdown. We need to move on with our lives! I never could have thought that I would part with Ira like this and wish her maximum happiness in her personal life. I did everything so that the woman who gave me so many years of her life and gave me a son would not hold a grudge against me.
    What are you grateful to each other for?
    Alexey: I am grateful to Ira for our three children: Natasha, whom we raised together, Andryusha - our most brilliant work - and our company, which we continue to develop.
    Irina: I am grateful to Alexey for his creativity, for Andryusha, for teaching me how to cook cheesecakes. We were never bored! It must be admitted that both Lesha and I are not family people. We did not tie each other to home, to everyday life... Family in the traditional sense is something that I never really had. My husbands (Irina’s first husband is musician Yuri Gorovoy - Ed.) are creative personalities, so the standard family life- with trips to the country, home-cooked dinners, vegetable gardens - is alien to me. At the same time I have family values: children, relatives are sacred. I am like a chicken that warms loved ones under its wing. (Laughs.)

    Are you open to new relationships?
    Irina: Yes! I want to be called correctly - Irina Gorovaya. And not Potap’s wife, as is often written in news headlines. I am a successful producer, a professional, and I want this to be taken into account. But not every partner is suitable for me. I can’t imagine myself next to a male businessman or a teacher, a scientist, a mathematician... I’m used to a creative atmosphere, I feel good with creative people. Alexey for me was a bright cloud that I looked at with bated breath! When I met him, he had a huge hayer on his head, he came in mustard-colored shorts, he was a flying boy. I won’t say that I fell in love with his eyes or hands - I fell in love with his hooligan image.
    Alexei: Ira and I separated a long time ago as a man and a woman, and we have a personal life separate from each other. I would like our new halves to be found too mutual language. But this is already some kind of idyll...

    “My son doesn’t want to talk about divorce at all,” shares Irina Gorovaya. - It’s as if she’s not there. Once we were standing with Lesha, he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, and my son: “Hey, you don’t need to kiss. Hold on to your hand - you will have other men to kiss!” However, Andryusha is sometimes jealous, because for him dad is the main authority in life. They have a special connection. As soon as Lesha has a free minute, he immediately comes to us. Plays games with Andrey, they go for walks together. Dad is always there. Our children are already accustomed to this regime.”

    Lesha, what advice would you give to Irina’s new boyfriend?
    I laugh at men who think they can win her over easily. But she was Potap’s Wife! Ira is that little thing: she’s smart, beautiful, sexy, she knows her worth. She needs strong man. To conquer her, you don’t need to be rich and famous, you just need to be a Real Man!
    Ira, what advice would you give to Alexey’s new beloved?
    I will not give advice to Lesha’s chosen one. Let her figure it out herself. (Laughs.) I’ll just wish her good luck and I’ll be happy for Alexey if the girl makes him happy.
    Are you ready to get married again?
    Alexei: I don’t call what we had a marriage. There was love. And this is the main thing for me! I love music, women and children. I am always ready to have children. If this is important for my woman in marriage, so be it.
    Irina: Having several husbands is not a problem for me. They actually told me five! And I have enough for everyone, because I love to love. (Smiles.)

    Interview: Olga Bezsonova and Vadim Kostyuchenko

    The editors' opinion may not coincide with the opinion of the author of the article.

    December 2 2016, 11:12
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