• Happy New Year greetings to your beloved man, boyfriend. How to congratulate a guy on the New Year Congratulate a guy on the New Year on VK


    Love is always wonderful. Fabulous, exciting and incredibly romantic. And when it serves as a background Christmas story– this is doubly wonderful! Choosing a gift for your boyfriend, dreaming of how you will celebrate this holiday together, you begin to fully realize how dear this person is to you, how good and healthy it is to be with him... And, of course, in your words of congratulations to him on the New Year, you want to convey all the fullness of the experienced feelings, all that tenderness and love, all the warmth and incredible care...

    Many people are so overwhelmed with emotions at such a moment that it becomes very difficult to come up with a Happy New Year greeting for a guy on their own. And then our website is always ready to come to the rescue, because in this section we have tried to collect all the most romantic, sweet and sincere wishes!

    They can be learned and spoken orally, for example as a toast in New Year's Eve, or enter into greeting card, even an SMS with them or congratulations in a chat or social networks will be an incredible success. And, of course, he will take you one step further closer friend to friend…

    Congratulations, poems, SMS

    Happy New Year, my dear!
    I'm so happy with you!
    May your hopes come true
    Let's be together as before
    And learn the word happiness!
    Let all bad weather go away,
    There will be only joy and laughter
    And well-deserved success!

    Happy New Year, half!
    May all life be like a party
    It shines, beckons, lights up,
    Pleases and surprises!

    Happy holiday, my beloved!
    May good luck accompany you
    Golden rain of money
    There will be more than you spend!

    The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

    Relax.by continues to “equip” its readers with congratulations of all stripes especially for, in order to be prepared for absolutely any situation. Here we have collected bright and memorable, full of love and cordiality New Year's greetings men - boyfriends, husbands, friends, fathers. Forget about gender stereotypes, even the most emotionally uninvolved and reserved men will be pleasant my sincere congratulations Happy New Year 2020, because it is not the occasion that is important, but the attention and attitude given. Let's be courageous and kind hearted, open and loving together with relax.by!

    Happy New Year greetings to your beloved boyfriend

    Let New Year good luck to you
    In a whirlwind of snowflakes it will bring,
    My love is in addition
    He will always save you from troubles!
    Darling, I wish you
    Just one joy for the whole year,
    Let everything that upsets you go away
    The Lord will save our love.

    My beloved, I congratulate you on the New Year, may this holiday be one of the many happy days in our lives. May every day of the year, and not just the New Year, be filled with solemn joy and expectation of a miracle. May we both get everything we want from the coming year.

    Champagne sparkles in glasses, and our shadows in the snow
    We are no less in love with each other than we are ourselves...
    Make a wish, close your eyes and wait:
    Twelve. Old year left behind.
    New Year's Eve is rich in miracles,
    And today I can give you royal gifts
    The great mystery of love
    And this starry firmament,
    We will be happy, beloved, Happy New Year!

    New Year's greetings to my husband

    Beloved, dear husband
    I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
    Then the summer heat, then the cold again
    They dance around us.

    Darling, know: you are for me
    More important than all the people in the world.
    You are a friend, you are a husband, you are my family.
    There is no happier person on the planet!

    My dear husband, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and say again how much I love you! You are the most reliable, faithful, strong and affectionate husband in the world! I promise to never leave you, to care and love you for many years!

    There are so many days behind us,
    What have we lived with you?
    And today, as before,
    We are in love with each other.
    Let the bad things go away
    Snowy winter shroud,
    Well, in the future we will
    Always happy with you.
    The best husband in the world -
    My passion and best friend!
    Happy New Year! Expensive!
    My beloved husband!
    In the coming year
    I wish that I
    I only became more loved,
    Because I love you so much!

    New Year's greetings to a friend

    With all my heart, with all of me
    I wish you happiness, joy,
    So that this New Year
    He was cheerful and perky,
    More jokes, songs, laughter,
    Never be sad
    Laugh and joke more.

    So, dear friend, Happy New Year!
    He's on the threshold... Meet him!
    Whether we want him to come or not,
    And he will come! And not for tea,
    With whom would I meet the coming year,
    Clink glasses with me mentally
    And drink this glass in silence...
    For our quiet holiday with you.

    New Year's greetings to father

    Dad... in these two syllables
    Respect and rigor
    Admiration and pride
    The power is firmly in the hands.

    You squeeze confidently
    The helm of the family battleship,
    You boldly guide him
    The coming year is new.

    Dad, we wish you
    So that the grip does not weaken.
    We understand the importance
    Your good deed!

    You are my father and I today
    I would like to sincerely wish you
    So that on this New Year's holiday
    You were happy and could dream!

    And so that everything you dreamed about
    In the year of the Rat you were able to find!
    Let joy be your companion
    Yours on the path of life!

    New Year's greetings to brother

    Happy New Year
    From the heart, brother,
    I want to wish you a lot
    Enough for a year.

    I wish I had the strength
    Magician and fakir,
    To conjure you
    All the riches of the world!

    I have no wealth
    But I wish you
    So that every dream
    It has become a sweet reality!

    A special holiday has arrived today,
    The world breathed a frosty breath,
    And I congratulate you, my beloved brother,
    Happy new year to you!

    And let him definitely bring
    It’s summer for you, like in Venice,
    And, as in the Emirates, a huge income,
    And it’s like sunrises in Paris.

    Like in your own home, warmth and care,
    Like in a sweet embrace, passion...
    And in general - have a good new year
    In abundance, in love and in happiness!

    There are a lot of reasons for pleasant words in the year, the biggest, most desired and long-awaited one is, of course, the New Year! This is a day of troubles, preparation, worry, work, waste. But, at the same time, it is also a night of fun, joy, gifts, confessions, meetings and the fulfillment of all cherished desires! Very often, during these troubles, we do not have enough time to congratulate our loved ones in our own words. Happy New Year greetings to a guy in prose are especially difficult, because it’s not always possible to tell what’s in your heart. And how nice it is when someone has already taken care of it!

    Choose your option:

    To your favorite guy you're with

    To our beloved and only ones we must give the most tender and most good words, which will reveal your feelings and strengthen them!

    New Year's Eve is the most wonderful time of the year. Best time for recognition and congratulations! I wish my beloved self many victories, success in all matters and endeavors, as well as the fulfillment of my most cherished desires! Accept my words and leave them in your heart forever!

    In the New Year, I wish my beloved lots and lots of strength to achieve all his goals for 365 days! I wish that neither your friends nor your health ever let you down! Accept my very sincere wishes and assurances of love!

    Beloved, may any of your problems be swept away by heavy snowfall on the New Year holiday, and may the snowflakes bring with them only great joy, a sea of ​​laughter and a lot of positive emotions next year!

    On the most wonderful winter night, I wish my beloved boyfriend happiness and limitless possibilities! May miracles never end in your life, may all the best await you ahead, and may all the bad remain behind you!

    My beloved and affectionate person, I congratulate you with great tenderness and wish you the meeting of the New and have a wonderful year was for you a sign of a new and wonderful life! Let my smile be a light for you, illuminating your path throughout all 365 days! I love you tenderly and ask the Guardian Angel to take care of you all next year and for the rest of my life!

    Dear, beloved, only - the best, warm, tender words V New Year's celebration only for you! You are the most precious and desired thing in my life! I want the holiday to never end, for all dreams to come true, for the mood to always be high! I love you with all my soul, with all my heart! I dream of bringing you not only this holiday, but the rest of my life!

    On this wonderful winter holiday, I send my tender congratulations! Never be sad, remember, what you wished for will definitely come true, the main thing is to believe in it! Our love will help us cope with any sorrows and adversity! The blizzard will sweep away the bad things that have accumulated over the past last year, and new snowflakes will bring the best that can happen to us in the future!

    On New Year's Eve, I wish you endless happiness, endless love, of course, with me, and joyful impressions! I just wish that all the sorrows you experienced last year would fly away with the wind! I can't wait for the new snowflakes to bring you great joy and endless hope for new life!

    Congratulations in prose to someone you like

    Even if you keep your feelings for a person a big secret, just give him your tender congratulations.

    My dear, good man! I hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday and ask Grandfather Frost to fulfill all your deepest wishes! I want your path to be full of optimism and positive views of your destiny. Remember that life is happiness and joy!

    Dear and wonderful person, I wish you a lot of bright impressions, a lot of laughter and gifts on this snowy, festive night! May your dreams come true, and may luck and success remain with you all year long! Remain as kind, bright and warm as everyone around you sees you!

    Despite the evil blizzard and icy blizzard, on this wonderful winter night I send you the most tender congratulations and the most wonderful words! I want that this year what you have in mind comes true and that you have enough strength for it! Never doubt yourself, don’t change, remain the same good and kind person!

    To the good, the kind, the best, I send my congratulations! Today, on this winter night, our most cherished dreams come true, we receive the most desired gifts and the most wonderful meetings happen to us! I want these words to apply to you too!

    Dear (name), accept New Year’s congratulations from me! I want you to remain as positive and kind! So that sadness never appears in your heart, and the road to all achievements goes smoothly! Remember, happiness is in your hands, the main thing is to remain as purposeful!

    Congratulations on a wonderful holiday! I want fluffy snowflakes to hide in your eyelashes on New Year’s Eve, and a frosty blush to burn on your cheeks - this will mean that my congratulations have been heard! Always remain as sweet, kind and cheerful, and any sorrows and problems on your way will be dispersed by the winter blizzard!

    A fabulous New Year's evening on the eve of a new life will not only bring joy, but will also definitely fulfill all your dreams! Never lose your positive attitude and good mood! Be the same cheerful and smiling guy who always comes to the aid of his friends without further ado!

    New Year's greetings for a guy in the army

    Separation is a test for love. To make it easier, you need to find words that strengthen confidence in your feelings and bring warmth to the heart of a guy who is far from you and serving the Fatherland.

    New Year's time is a joy, and separation is a test, but you and I are very strong people and we will withstand any difficulties! The main thing is to remain patient, which is what I wish for you great love V large quantities At this holiday! Never be discouraged and remember that somewhere in my native land, at this very minute and even second, my heart is beating in unison with yours!

    The stronger the separation, the stronger our love! And even though we are not together on New Year’s Eve, next year will definitely be ours! The main thing is to be patient and then we won’t care about all the obstacles! Remember that somewhere far, far away there is a girl who thinks about you every minute! I wish you, my beloved, a bright holiday and a lot of impressions!

    Dear, beloved, only one! May the snowflakes bring you my warm greetings on this festive winter night! Let the blizzard whisper my words to you about my love for you, and let Grandfather Frost give you a gift from the most loving heart on this earth!

    New Year's holiday evening away from each other is the biggest test in our lives! But our love will bear everything on its shoulders! Listen to the wind - it brings you my congratulations! Listen to the blizzard - it tells you about my love! Rejoice at the snowflakes - this is my greeting to you! Don’t be sad or sad, remember that somewhere high, high in the sky our hearts are celebrating this wonderful event together!

    Let the blizzard walk outside your window, let the snowflakes melt on your palms - these will be my greetings to you on the best, most beautiful winter evening! Accept, beloved, my congratulations and may separation not seem like a test to us, but only strengthen our feelings! The main thing is that we are together, and at what distance our hearts beat today is not important!

    The best words for the New Year for a guy friend

    Friends must be protected, preserved, cherished and told to them more often pleasant words! How else will they understand how dear you are?

    I hasten to congratulate this great guy on the coolest winter holiday, which will mark a new life! May success always accompany you in all your endeavors, and may luck help you on the path to this success! Remember that you have a friend like me, and every day I say thank you to fate for a friend like you!

    Happy New Year, I hasten to congratulate a great guy and my beloved friend! I wish you the most unforgettable holiday, which will gather around wonderful and loyal friends! I wish you to receive exactly the gifts you dreamed of! Remember that in life a positive attitude and optimism are a guarantee of success in all your endeavors!

    I wish you many fulfilled wishes on New Year's Eve to a good person! May you have less worries and more fun in life! Never give up and don't get discouraged. Remember, life is the most beautiful and precious thing we have!

    My dear friend! Happy New Year to you! Always give smiles and receive them in return, remember that not only today, on New Year’s Eve, a great team of friends gathers next to you, but throughout your life they are ready to be nearby, support you and come to your aid in difficult times!

    On this exciting winter night, I wish the nicest person on this planet, my best friend and just a great guy, hope for the fulfillment of his most cherished desires! Let the snowy Grandfather Frost give you what you dreamed of, and the Snow Maiden reward you with his charming smile!

    My best friend, my wonderful friend - this winter holiday brings with it a fairy tale and magic! Please accept my most tender congratulations and confessions of my eternal warm friendship! Today you can make any wishes, and they will definitely come true, remember this!

    Such congratulations in prose can be sent to a guy via SMS, written in a letter, issued on a postcard and even said out loud - in your own words! If you want, you can. These are universal words that will help you give to a loved one a piece of warmth for the New Year!

    The heart drummer knocks with all his strength,
    Drowning out the roar of midnight firecrackers.
    Happy New Year, my light! Happy new things, dear!
    A billion kisses have been waiting for you!
    I'm ready to turn into a fairy fairy
    And the stories bring sweet dreams to reality.
    Let the wind of luck become more powerful,
    And success awaits everywhere! After all, love is with you!

    Happy new year darling. May this year give us unforgettable moments of happiness and joy. I wish you, my dear, to meet this year with great hopes and full confidence in your success. And may the New Year's miracle happen, and may this year allow you to realize all your plans.

    I hasten to give you congratulations,
    Wrapping your head in snowflakes,
    I wish you fulfillment in the New Year,
    Everything that was previously a dream,
    And I know for sure that dreams are big,
    Everyone is connected, of course, with me,
    You and I will forever be family,
    Only yours and you are only mine!
    Happy new year darling. I wish that all your dreams come true, that your heart is filled with joy and love. May all the things you undertake be successful and may luck never leave you. Be happy and unlimitedly rich! Let your life be filled with the bright colors of serenity and love!

    How champagne plays in a glass,
    That's how feelings play towards you,
    The New Year is already coming,
    And I will say thank you to winter,
    Because you and I are together,
    Because you need me
    We are like the bride and groom,
    Happy New Year, dear!

    Darling, Happy New Year! I wish you to confidently stand on your feet this year and reach the limit of your dreams. Let you meet only good and sympathetic people in life. Let this year be a year of new achievements and personal growth. I wish you great happiness.

    Happy New Year,
    With new happiness and dreams,
    With care gone away
    Happy New Year's chaos!
    Happy year of new inspirations,
    With a Christmas tree, toast, Olivier!
    And with a decade of adventures,
    What awaits us all in January!

    Darling, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you to ride as a valiant knight on a gallant horse throughout the new year, eliminating all obstacles on the way to your goals and achieving successful heights. May a streak of luck and good fortune begin in your life on New Year's Eve, may our happiness become even stronger and stronger - love.

    The snowy blizzard is frolicking,
    New Year is coming,
    And my heart is tender
    He sings to you, dear.
    Be successful, be determined,
    Like a true hero
    Healthy and sensible
    And so that it is always with me!

    Happy New Year to you, beloved! I wish you were given an aquarium in which he lives gold fish. But not a fairy tale, because she only grants three wishes. Let your fish fulfill all your dreams without exception. As for love, there is no need to ask the fish for it, because my feelings will last forever!

    Along the white streets big city,
    As if through the forest, winter is coming -
    In slippers, but she’s not cold:
    Frost weaves the lace herself.
    We both like the fresh cold,
    You and I always dived into it,
    And on New Year's I wish you, my handsome
    Express your love once again!

    My beloved and only one, Happy New Year. I wish that this year becomes a year of good luck and great achievements for you, that it brings prosperity and high prospects. Dear, may the wish you made on New Year’s Eve come true as soon as possible. May my love and support help you overcome any difficulties. May our relationship become even stronger and stronger this year.

    My beloved, my deity!
    Happy New Year, I congratulate you,
    I wish all your ideas come true,
    All the best. In short, everything!
    So as not to get tired while running,
    Resolved all issues “excellently”
    And he was very successful in his personal life
    So be it, I will help with this!

    Today the whole city is immersed in a wonderful fairy tale, in which magic reigns. This night will be the most wonderful and brightest, on this night all dreams are destined to come true. My dear, my beloved, I want to congratulate you on the New Year, with new expectations and thoughts. May this year bring you a lot of new, promising ideas, good emotions, give you many good moments and impressions. I want your every day this year to be filled with happiness, joy and pleasant surprises. So that you never cease to be surprised by little things. The main thing is to remember that my love will be with you everywhere, and together we will conquer any heights!

    Snowflakes are falling quietly,
    And all the roads are swept away,
    So beautiful, like in a picture,
    Amazing miracles in nature.
    I wish you a great celebration,
    More clear and have a nice day,
    A bag of gifts and a big pile,
    Good, very loyal friends!

    My dear, Happy New Year! I wish you to be the first in everything and achieve all your goals set for this year. So that all your family and friends are healthy, and of course, you yourself. May your personal guardian angel accompany you everywhere. So that the New Year brings as much joy and love into our relationships as possible, reducing our quarrels and misunderstandings.

    I know that you are my best
    And at the hour when a miracle works in the world,
    I want to congratulate you on Happy holiday to you,
    Happy New Year, because this is very cool!
    And let now, my whole soul is on fire,
    Let that feeling not know infinity!
    And the fact that you and I met,
    Will leave a mark on my heart forever!

    Happy new year darling! I am happy that you appeared in my life and became a close and dear person to me. Now my life is sparkling with bright colors. Every day of communication with you brings me joy and pleasure. It’s great that fate gave me a meeting with a real man. May next year bring us much wonderful days. I love you!

    The age-old question: how to congratulate a guy on the New Year? And if you can somehow decide on a gift, then choose the right words Not everyone can do it at the right time. We will try to do everything for you: we have selected tender congratulations both in verse and in prose. The choice is yours!

    New Year's greetings to your loved one in verse

    My dear, I wish you a Happy New Year!
    Let the weather inspire careers,
    Let smiles fly like snowflakes,
    Winter is falling asleep with a blizzard of mistakes!
    Let your friends be kind and nice,
    The family lends a shoulder,
    May your every day be bright, like a fairy tale,
    And I, my dear, will wrap you in affection!
    You are gentle, cheerful, a great humorist,
    At heart, like a child, my husband is an optimist!
    Always remain like this, dear,
    Always come home with a smile!

    I will say: you are a true man,
    You are not afraid of trouble, sorrow.
    You will come to the rescue boldly,
    You are good in soul and body.

    Happy New Year!
    May happiness be in full swing.
    Love you strong, real,
    A sparkling and soaring soul!

    More laughter, more colors,
    More joy, wealth,
    More light ones warm days,
    Let life be more fun!

    Let everything be as you want,
    May this night
    Santa Claus will come to visit,
    It will bring happiness to your home!

    The Snow Maiden will be next to him,
    Will sing and dance
    Will give compliments
    Happy New Year!

    Let there be a place for happiness,
    You are respectable, groovy,
    You are a very prominent man,
    Sing with the Snow Maiden!

    Career growth in the New Year
    Let Santa Claus bring it,
    Positive thinking
    And for promotion.

    And also great love,
    Bright, fiery, immodest.
    There is a lot of cash in the wallet.
    And in general, everything is not bad.

    You always protect me with your shoulder,
    My beloved, affectionate husband,
    Thank you for radiating love
    You shelter me from the cold!
    Let the New Year
    It will be peaceful and glorious
    Wonderful as the sunrise,
    May he bring victorious laurels,
    Health, success blooms!
    And I'm happy
    What's wrong with you all the time
    Let's celebrate year after year!
    Let the children be a happy tribe
    Always gives us strength!

    Today I wish my husband a Happy New Year,
    With all my heart I wish you health.
    It will certainly be useful to you,
    After all, anything can happen at a holiday.
    Suddenly the firecracker tears off his finger,
    The sparkler will fall,
    And in the fire our whole house will shine -
    Doesn't it remind you of a horror movie?
    Come on, honey, I'm joking with you,
    I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
    Although I still wish you good health,
    What will happen next, no one knows!

    May the New Year bring you good luck
    In a whirlwind of snowflakes it will bring,
    My love is in addition
    He will always save you from troubles!

    Darling, I wish you
    Just one joy for the whole year,
    Let everything that upsets you go away
    The Lord will save our love!

    I look at you and melt,
    Like a snowflake on your lips...
    And today I wish
    In the most sincere words:

    New Year may you have good luck
    Will bring you in business!
    The kiss will be hot
    Like the sun on your lips!

    You are my favorite person
    And on the New Year I wish you,
    May we be together forever!
    Congratulations to you today!

    To the chime of the chimes let your dream
    Yours will come true easily
    And always smile
    Let all good things happen!

    Let's celebrate the New Year, my dear,
    We are close, and the warmth is so noticeable!
    And outside the window there is a blizzard, a snow whirlwind,
    And only hugs warm, my beloved!

    Let's pour a glass of champagne, wine,
    I've been wanting to confess to you for a long time:
    Love you! Let's drink to the dregs for this!
    And soon I hope to be in a white dress!

    Wishes to a beloved friend for the New Year in prose

    Beloved friend! On this night it is traditional to wish love, happiness, health, and all the best. And I would like to wish you impressions and emotions. Let there be as many of them as possible, and let them be as bright as possible. After all, there is nothing worse than boring people, similar friends on a friend of gray days. So don't forget about creative flight, travel and inspiration. The Year of the Dog will be the best!

    You know, nowadays it's not so easy to find a true friend. A person who accepts you for who you are, regardless of your strengths and weaknesses. We are used to seeing the best in our friends. But at the same time, we appreciate them for the fact that they are the ones who always point out our mistakes and mistakes in a timely manner, giving us the opportunity to correct everything. On this New Year, I want to wish you to remain as strong, brutal, brave and at the same time sensitive, faithful and kind. Believe me, this is a unique combination of qualities! And if you manage to save them, then everything else will definitely follow. Happy New Year!

    Dear friend! I know this year has been very difficult for you. There were a lot of adversities, unplanned events, there were also tears... But I know for sure that the coming year has prepared a million surprises for you, and first of all this is happiness. All problems will go away and will be compensated by joy, smiles and sincerity. Therefore, this New Year - just go ahead!

    Sincere congratulations to your beloved man on the New Year

    Darling! I am incredibly happy that this year we hear the chimes together. This is an important event for both of us, so at such a trembling moment I would like to give you one promise: this year I will give you maximum love and happiness, kindness and tenderness, joy and smiles. It’s not for nothing that they say: how you start the year is how you end it. So I want our year to be filled with only the best and most important for both of us. Happy New Year!

    My beloved, I am incredibly sorry to see off the passing year! After all, it was there that I met you. And it is a great happiness to know that there is a person in the world who is part of you, your soul mate. We shared with you not only the good, but also the bad, which means our feelings and relationships have only become stronger. I think our crush has already grown into love. And I really want us to have the strength and wisdom not only to preserve this unique gift, but also to increase it. Congratulations!

    Darling, I never cease to admire you. Apparently, I fell in love with you for this boundless determination, the desire to achieve your goals. I know that you, more than anyone else, fully deserve what you have now. And I am incredibly happy to help you and share this success. I have no doubt that you will continue to push forward, develop, and achieve even greater success. This year, as in all previous years, I will always be there!

    Do you remember that one? cozy evening when we decorated our Christmas tree together? You got carried away, how Small child: I selected balloons by size, hung lights, tied bows on branches... I really want such naive carefreeness to not leave us this year of the Dog. Let there be more pleasant surprises, surprises, minor joys. It’s not for nothing that it is generally accepted that happiness is in the little things, and the main things in life are not things at all. Let's keep this warm. Happy New Year!

    Funny Happy New Year greetings to your husband

    For some reason, it so happens that everyone is expecting some kind of miracle from the New Year! It’s as if once something happens, and it’s always good. And of course, everyone wants to start a new life on the first of January. So who are these people trying to fool? You don’t want to change anything, everything is fine with you: I’m beautiful, healthy and smart children, prosperity. And you don’t need to start anything from scratch, you need to continue to add to the old one. Live, my beloved, on full blast, the way you want it, and not others. Happy New Year!

    Is there a holiday in the world?
    More fun than New Year?
    So that people are so active
    Relaxed without worries?

    Happy New Year!
    Do not be shy! Have fun
    Fill your plate with food
    And pour some champagne!

    How will you celebrate this holiday?
    This is how your whole year will go!
    Let him be cheerful!
    No hassle, no hassle!

    Happy New Year greetings to your beloved guy from a girl

    My beloved, this year I really want to cover you with my wing from all worries, sorrows, and spiritual sadness. If suddenly something doesn’t work out, don’t despair. Remember that you have me, and my warmth is enough to overcome any obstacle in life. It's difficult to describe in words how I feel. And there are few such words... But I know that you feel the same, and our hearts will beat in unison in this new year. Accept my festive New Year's kiss!
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