• Signs about willow. What to do with the willow that is left over from last year


    A shrub with reddish branches and delicate fluffy buds - willow - a symbol of spring. She is the first to wake up after the winter cold. This is probably why in Rus' it became a symbol of the awakening of life and rebirth.

    In the piggy bank folk wisdom A great many signs and beliefs associated with willow have been preserved. And psychics and herbalists agree that willow has a special energy and can relieve many problems and diseases.

    Magical properties of willow:

    The pagan Slavs called the willow the Perun vine. They believed that this tree enjoyed the special favor of the main god - Perun. Why was this shrub awarded such a high honor?

    First of all, because willow is the most resilient plant.

    Secondly, willow has a unique quality: over the years, its energy changes from “plus” to “minus”.

    That is, a young willow is a powerful donor: it generously shares its energy with a person, fills it with strength, and relieves fatigue. That is why sick and weakened people have long gone to the willow tree. Stand next to a bush, squeeze a few branches in your fist, and you will feel better.

    Also, young willow eliminates negativity, cleanses and protects. Because bouquets of branches with early spring Since ancient times, it was kept in every home until late autumn. To protect crops from pests and bad weather, shrubs were planted at the edge of the field. The willow also served as a talisman for cattle.

    Palm bud (fresh or specially dried for this occasion), according to ancient beliefs, should be eaten before an important task - it promises good luck. Just don’t abuse it and disturb the willow often and over trifles: it will get angry and there will be no success. When bathing children, they always put a willow twig in the water so that the tree would give the baby health.

    But the old hollow willow is a witch tree. It can drain strength and even take life. You can’t rest under it or drink water from a stream flowing under such a willow: this risks illness. This is why you should not plant a willow near your house: while the tree is young, it will help you, but when it gets old, it will begin to feed on your energy. People have always been afraid of cutting down willows: you will incur the wrath of the Higher Powers, the spirits of the forest.

    When cutting flexible branches for magical rituals, a person must first bow to the tree, stroke it and ask for forgiveness. And under no circumstances should you cut off too many branches from one willow.

    Palm Sunday:

    It is no wonder that this sacred plant replaced palm branches in Christian Russia - the original attribute of the last Sunday before Easter.

    And even the holiday itself bears the name of a tree - Palm Sunday (this year falls on April 9).

    On this day, willow bunches are blessed in the church and gain even greater power. So, if you lightly tap the blessed willow on your body, you will not get sick all year, and if you catch an illness, you will quickly recover.

    They tap each other’s willow branches to get rid of sins, saying: “It’s not the willow that hits, but the old sin.” The blessed willow helps timid people. Coming from church on Palm Sunday, you need to drive a piece of a twig into the wall (if the wall is wooden, between the boards) or find a small hole in the plaster where the twig will fit like a nail. After this, all your fears will disappear.

    Bouquet of blessed willow whole year kept behind the icon: it protects the house and its inhabitants. On the eve of the next Palm Sunday, the bouquet must be taken out, taken to the river and floated on the water. A pond or lake with standing water is not suitable: the branches should float away with the flow.

    How to make a willow amulet:

    To create a powerful amulet, willow branches are cut from a young tree early in the morning on the waxing Moon. They choose young and intact ones - exactly according to the number of household members. Before cutting, contact the willow, explain why you are asking for its help, and never take a single extra branch.

    The amulet must be made on the same day that the willow was cut. Stock up on a white wax candle and red woolen thread. Place branches on the table to your left, light a candle, take the first branch, bring the cut to the candle and read the spell:

    “Prophetic willow, generous willow, Give health and longevity to (full name), push back the edge of life.”

    Set aside the charmed branch to your right and take the next one. Do the same ritual for each of the branches, for each member of the household, say the last branch to yourself. Tie the bouquet with red thread and place it in a vase without water.

    Attention: You cannot place a palm bouquet in metal vessels or plastic vases. And under no circumstances put artificial flowers in the same vase: the willow will lose its strength.

    It is best to keep the willow where the family gathers. After a year, bury it under an old tree or float it on water. Try not to quarrel in the room where your enchanted willow stands, otherwise it will stop helping you. However, in a house with a willow, quarrels are rare!

    Every time before Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christians have a question: what to do with last year’s willow, which they kept all year?

    And when should you get rid of it? On the eve of the holiday or on Palm Sunday itself?

    Blessed Willow- these are no longer just tree branches, but a real shrine. You can't just throw it in the trash. It is believed that willow retains its magical properties until next spring.

    You can perform a small ritual on Palm Sunday itself, before it, or immediately after Palm Sunday.

    There are several options for getting rid of willow:

    1. Throw old willows along flowing water into any body of water.

    2. Burn dried willow branches. In this case, the ashes need to be poured out in a place where they will not trample on them. You can pour the ashes into the river.

    3. If willows sprouted in water, it is best to plant them in a forest or near a river.

    4. Willows can be stored for several years. But at the same time, celebrate the holiday with fresh branches every year.

    5. If someone dies in the coming days, then the willow is placed in the coffin.

    6. Some older people collect willows to take to the grave with them.

    7. With a lit willow branch, you can cleanse the house and sanctify it by walking around the house with this branch and prayer.

    8. Take them to the Church, where they are burned with prayer.

    9.. Take it to the forest and leave it there between the willow bushes.

    10. If you have a stove in the house, you can use last year’s dried willow to light it for baking Easter cakes.

    11. Symbolically, they sweep the corners of the house with old willow and then burn it, thanking them for their service.


    *Coming home from church, they lightly beat all household members with a blessed willow so that they are healthy. They don’t forget about all the cattle. All living things absorb the power of spring and renewal.

    *The willow protects the house from evil forces and spirits.

    *Verba is planted in the garden if there is a bride of marriageable age or a young guy in the house. As soon as the willow takes root, there will be a wedding.

    *On St. George's Day, willow is used to drive livestock out to the fields. Then he will be healthy and fruitful.

    *It is believed that willow can be used to ward off thunder, hail and clouds, tilting it towards the clouds.

    *The willow reduced the destructive power of fire by throwing it into the fire.

    * Willow buds were swallowed to get rid of fever, sore throat, and infertility.

    * Willow was used to line wells to prevent evil forces from getting into the water.


    To this day, there are many signs and traditions associated with Palm Sunday. They are passed down from older to younger family members.

    *On the night of Palm Sunday you can make spells for headaches. To do this, the hair from the comb was dipped into water and the willow was watered with this water. The water will go into the ground along with the headache.

    *On Palm Sunday, girls cast a love spell on willow. When casting a spell, the willow was placed behind the icons. You cannot throw away charmed branches.

    *You can only “hit” with a willow on the back, wishing for health. If you are hit on the butt, this person wishes you illness and evil, and it can come true.

    *It was possible to cut willow branches only from young trees. It is important that the trunks are free of damage and mossy bark.

    *You cannot pick branches from a willow tree if there is a hollow in it. You also cannot tear branches from a cemetery willow.

    *You cannot tear branches bending over the river. It is believed that mermaids sit on them at night.


    *If it was frosty enough on Palm Sunday, then a fairly good harvest of spring grain was expected.

    *If there were frosts on the night of Verbnoye, there will be a good harvest of cabbage and cucumbers.

    *If there is a strong wind on Verbnoye, then the whole summer will be quite windy, there will be hurricanes and storms. And if the day is warm and quiet, it will be summer.

    *What kind of wind is in Verbnoye, will be like this all summer.

    *If the sun shines in Verbnoye, there will be a rich harvest of cereals and fruits.

    *Tap the willow on your body on Palm Sunday and you will be healthy all year.

    * Willow is the most tenacious tree. Stick a branch into the ground and a tree will grow. The tree gives the same vitality to humans.

    *If you eat a bud of a consecrated willow, any matter will be easily resolved. Of course, you can use the “magical” properties of willow only in extreme cases.

    *Think about your loved one on Verbnoye, he will come to you.

    *If you plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday, you will be rich. But if the flower withers, you will live in poverty all your life.

    *The energy of Palm Sunday helps make all your desires come true.


    How to collect willow? Tear several branches from small young trees. Don't cut off all the branches from one bush. But you need enough branches to put several in each room, and in the livestock quarters too. Take the branches to the church for blessing. If you can’t go to church, you can sprinkle the willows with holy water at home.

    Arrange the branches among the vases. They do not need to be removed for two weeks. On Maundy Thursday, the branches were used as sprinklers: they were moistened with holy water and sprinkled on all corners of the house. And then the branches can be used in different ways: left until next Palm Sunday, or immediately floated down the river...

    I was surfing the Internet and came across an interesting article. . .

    The magic of the willow.

    Even among the ancient Slavs there was a belief that the willow has magical properties. It supposedly protects people from the machinations of evil spirits, protects livestock and crops from all sorts of disasters, etc. Therefore, the consecrated willow was kept in the house for a whole year, cattle were driven into the field with it, and its branches were hung in barnyards. This belief passed into Christianity. Perhaps it arose due to the fact that it is the willow, the first among other plants, to come to life after nature’s winter hibernation. If the weather was not favorable for the flowering of the willow, then its branches were first placed in water so that they could bloom by Palm Sunday.

    It was a common custom to lightly hit each other with a willow. After Matins, to which small children were not taken, parents returning home from church never missed the opportunity to rouse their pets from their beds with light blows of the willow, saying: “Whip the willow, beat them to tears.” I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as a willow.”

    The willow and its earrings were credited with healing powers. They ate nine pussy willows, considering it a cure for fever. And also how remedy from other diseases. They put willow in the water in which sick children were bathed. They baked willow catkins into bread, and in Kostroma villages they baked cookies in the shape of willow buds.

    Folk signs and beliefs.

    * The wind that blows on Palm Sunday will prevail throughout the summer.
    * If the sun is shining on this day, then the weather will be warm and the harvest of cereals and fruits will be rich.
    * If on this day they touched a person with a willow branch, then they endowed him with health and beauty.
    * Blessed willow has special healing powers. The willow is consecrated during the evening liturgy on the eve of Palm Sunday. It must be stored until next year.
    * If a woman who has not given birth to a child for a long time eats willow buds, she can be cured of infertility.
    * A willow thrown against the wind drives away a storm. A willow thrown into a fire pacifies the fire. Willow branches thrown into the yard pacify the hail. When there is hail, you need to place a bunch of consecrated willow on the windowsill.
    * From Palm Sunday until Easter, you cannot drink water drawn under or near a willow tree, because there may be many devils in it that can enter inside a person and harm him. When the spring water begins to move, the devils jump out of their winter dens and climb into the willows to warm up. When the willows are blessed, the devils fall into the water.
    * On this day, housewives bake nuts from dough and give them to all household members, including animals, for health.
    * Every coward who wants to get rid of his shortcomings must, on Palm Sunday, upon returning from Matins, drive a peg of a blessed willow into the wall of his house - this means, if it does not turn the coward into a hero, then, in any case, will drive away natural timidity.

    The willow is a tree that absorbs negative energy, so it relieves pain well if you lean against a tree with the sore spot. In case of depression, neuroses, hysteria, they press either their spine against the willow trunk or hug the tree with their hands. You need to hug a willow no more than 10-15 minutes a day. If it is not possible to go to a tree growing in nature, then you can use small pieces of willow trunk at home. In the old days they used this method to treat dental problems, headache, rheumatism, furunculosis, sore throat. But it is not recommended to keep pieces of willow trunk on a sore spot for more than half an hour, as you can lose a lot of energy.

    Our ancestors believed that if you go into the deepest part of the forest, where the rays of the sun do not penetrate even on the clearest day, find a willow there and make a pipe out of it, then its sound could amuse any “Princess Nesmeyana.”

    Our ancestors also attributed their illness to the willow tree. To do this, the sufferer girded himself with a straw belt, and then late in the evening, hiding from human eyes, he went to a young willow tree and girded it with the straw belt he had taken off and pronounced a spell.

    The willow consecrated in the church is kept until the next Palm Sunday as protection against evil spirits and diseases.

    There is another miraculous manifestation of the mystical essence of the willow, called by believers one of God's miracles. Orthodox believers say that on the night of December 3-4, 15-20 minutes before midnight (which is religious holiday Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple), the ice-covered willow buds rapidly swell and open, emitting clearly audible clicks. They say what stronger frost, the louder the willow cracks.

    It happens that leaves even appear on some branches. And after midnight the buds close again - now until spring. Many people try to seize the moment and pick off the blossoming branches - they bring them to local temples or put them in water at home.

    Willow is a shrub or tree that in folk culture symbolizes rapid growth, health, vitality, and fertility. A young willow, especially consecrated on Palm Sunday, protects against natural disasters, evil spirits, diseases, etc., while the old willow is considered a refuge for devils, watermen and other “evil ones” and a place where illnesses can be sent.

    As a symbol of growth, the willow appears in spells, good wishes and other rituals. The Serbs wove wreaths from Willow on St. George's Day, “so that the profit in the house would grow like a willow in the spring.” East Slavic magical formulas such as “grow like a willow”, pronounced on Palm Sunday while beating with willow.

    On the day of the Forty Martyrs among the Serbs in the Aleksinack Pomoravie, a shepherd lashed cattle with willow and dogwood branches, saying: “Be healthy like a dogwood and grow like a willow!”, and girls and boys walked together to the willow thickets, whipped each other with willow branches and recited the same spell.

    Whipping with a willow branch, consecrated on Palm Sunday, was performed by the Eastern Slavs on St. George's Day. Then this branch was stuck into a field, thrown into a pond, placed behind icons, etc. In Bosnia, on St. George’s Day, Serbian girls girded themselves with willow, “in order to become pregnant next year, i.e. get married and have a child. They girdled the milk pan with a willow twig, “so that the milk would come.”

    On Easter Monday in the Czech Republic, Moravia, Silesia and Poland, boys beat girls with woven willow twigs, and on Tuesday girls beat boys. In the Moravian Zagorje, on Spiritual Day, equestrian competitions were held for the possession of a willow wreath; the winner was called "king".

    In Volyn and Podolia, girls decorated a tree or a willow branch with flowers on Ivan Kupala and danced around them, and then the guys burst into the girls’ circle, captured the Willow and tore it apart.

    In Slovenia and Croatia, on the Day of the Innocent Innocents (XII 28), sometimes called “the day of beatings,” boys walked around with willow twigs, beat adults and demanded a ransom from them.

    Serbian dodol often dressed up almost exclusively in willow branches and walked with willow or with willow sticks in their hands.

    Willow branches, blessed on Palm Sunday, were used to protect against thunder, thunderstorms and storms. In Russian beliefs, they believed that a willow thrown against the wind drives away a storm, thrown into a fire pacifies it, and planted in a field protects crops (Tambovshchina), and that branches thrown into the yard stop hail.

    Belarusians placed a bunch of consecrated willow on the windowsill during hail (Vitebsk region); In the Carpathians, during a thunderstorm, they broke a consecrated willow and burned it in the stove, “so that the smoke would ward off the storm and the devil would not hide in the chimney.”

    During storms and hail, the Poles sprinkled the cloud with blessed willow and holy water and burned willow branches and placed them on the windowsill.

    The Bulgarians also burned the consecrated willow tree against thunderstorms and hail, the Croats burned small willow branches, and the mistress of the house baptized a thundercloud with a large burning willow branch, “so that it would dissipate.”

    In many places (Serbs, Poles) crosses were made from consecrated willow; they were stuck into arable land to protect crops from hail.

    The first cattle pasture and the first plowing usually could not be done without a blessed willow. It was used to beat cattle on St. George's Day and among the Russians during the first pasture of horses at night (most often on St. Nicholas Day), then all day long the horses were whipped not with a whip, but with willow.

    In Belarus, with the consecrated willow they went out for the first plowing of the spring field and for plowing virgin lands.

    All Slavs considered consecrated willow to be a healing remedy. Serbs and Macedonians girded themselves with it during the harvest, “so as not to hurt their backs,” Vitebsk Belarusians fumigated sick cattle with it, ground it into powder and covered their wounds, made a decoction from it and juniper and drank it for a sore throat, stomach, fever, and used it for lotions from tumors and bruises.

    Among the Poles, the patient transmitted his illness to the willow: first he girded himself with a straw band, and then, secretly from everyone, he went to a young willow and girdled it with the same band; the willow withered, the fever passed.

    Among the Serbs, healing from an illness was interpreted as the wedding of the disease with the willow: “I married my sick child with the willow.” At the same time, a lit candle with a length equal to the circumference of the patient’s head was placed on the willow tree.

    The Serbs first pronounced the newly learned spell “on the willow”, and then began to charm people and livestock. This was done “so that the conspiracy would be accepted as easily as a willow is accepted.”

    The old willow was considered a cursed tree in some areas of Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Poland. In the Skopje region (Macedonia) the willow was called cursed because it did not produce fruit or shade.

    Serb-Bosnians said that the willow was cursed and therefore it was usually rotten from the inside. She was shot with a bow and cursed by Saint Sysoy; he aimed at Satan, who was hiding in her.

    Poles in Warmia and Mazury believed that the willow was an evil tree: according to legend, nails for the cross on which Christ was crucified were made from willow. As punishment for this, the willow became barren, rotten and with a crooked trunk.

    According to Belarusians, the devil sits on the willow from Epiphany to Palm Sunday (before that he lives in the water, in the “vine”, and after Palm Sunday on maple and in life).

    The Slovaks believed that the merman often sits on the highest willow and looks out for its prey, and the Bulgarians thought that the Samodivs (also called Pitchforks) live on willows and other trees.

    According to Belarusian beliefs, devils “warm up” on a willow tree in the spring, and after the willow is blessed on Palm Sunday, they fall into the water, so from Palm Sunday until Easter you cannot drink water scooped up under a willow tree. At the same time, devils, according to Belarusian and Polish beliefs, prefer dry, hollow willow.

    But, probably, most of all, grateful people love the willow because it awakens spring in their souls and fills them with joy, despite the snow and morning frosts. After all, if the willow has blossomed, then soon the grunting old lady winter will throw her modest bundle over her shoulders and go to distant lands, and a young and beautiful Spring will come to us! And the willow is the first to tell us about this.

    The holiday of Palm Sunday, which we will celebrate this year on April 1, 2018, is as well known as Easter, celebrated exactly a week later.

    Of course, the main symbol of this event is the willow. But how to properly consecrate a willow on Palm Sunday, where and how many willow branches should be taken and where to place them in the house - not everyone can answer these questions. And why are willows needed on Palm Sunday anyway? Let's talk about everything in order.

    • Why willows: the history of the holiday
    • How to properly consecrate a willow and how many branches you need
    • Where to put willow in the house
    • Signs associated with willow
    • First-hand: Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers

    We can start with where the holiday came from, and why is it called that way? Almost 2000 years ago, the Savior triumphantly entered Jerusalem. He came in peace, and the symbol of this was the donkey on which Christ sat (after all, the conquerors of the city always entered on horseback). A huge number of people, imbued with the belief that he was the Son of God, enthusiastically rejoiced and rejoiced as never before in their lives.

    They brought a huge number of palm branches and laid them all over Christ’s path. The result was a whole path covered with branches. Of course, it was a special, solemn moment. Although exactly a week later the Savior will be executed, he will also be resurrected, which will finally prove his divine nature. That's why we celebrate Palm Sunday first, and exactly a week later, Easter.

    Of course, there are no palm branches in our area yet, so we buy willows and decorate the house with them. And willows are willow branches that are the first to produce fresh buds in northern latitudes. They begin to swell in March. That is why, no matter what the date of celebration is in a given year, the willows always ripen.

    This tradition appeared in Rus' a long time ago - so long ago that it is impossible to name even the approximate year when it began. After all, for a long time our ancestors, whole families, went to willow groves, to the shores of reservoirs, to forests and tore these branches. Of course, they still pick them today, but most of us tend to simply buy willow branches, bring them home and put them in water so that they herald the coming of spring to the whole family.

    You've probably noticed that the willow buds are not the same in color and shape:

    1. There are whitish ones, with gray shades. They are like lumps, quite soft to the touch. These are male kidneys, which are also called “seals”.
    2. And there are also female ones - they are elongated, less fluffy, and closer in color to gray-green.

    Of course, you can take both, because the essence of the holiday is not what kind of willows you bring. But the number of branches matters. As with flowers, it is best to take an unpaired number of branches. At the same time, the total quantity is not so important - but you shouldn’t be greedy either. Try to take exactly as much as you need: for yourself, family, friends, neighbors.


    On the eve of Palm Sunday, willow groves are subject to a real invasion - because people try to collect as many branches as possible. Sometimes they leave the tree bare, and of course, this harms nature. Therefore, you should treat this ritual more calmly: try to take a small amount of willow twigs and not be excessively greedy.

    But as for how to properly consecrate a willow, the answer is clear: you should definitely bring the branches to church. Many people do this on Sunday morning, directly on the day of the holiday (by the way, you can buy pussy willow branches then). And it would be more correct to come to church on Saturday evening, when the All-Night Vigil begins. According to tradition, the consecration of the willow occurs on this day. But of course, if you didn’t make it on Saturday, this is not a reason to give up the tradition. Then the willow is blessed on Sunday and brought into the house.

    So, the branches are already at home, and of course we strive to put them in the water in the most visible place. How to decorate a bouquet correctly? And where is it placed according to tradition? No special decorations are required - after all, this is not a bouquet of flowers, but a symbol of the holiday. Therefore, several willow branches are tied into a simple bundle and placed in a vase on the table.

    If there is a kind of red corner in the house - a quiet place where you are used to relaxing, being alone with your thoughts or praying, you can put the willow there. Usually believers place an icon on a small shelf and place church candles. You can also place a small vase with an odd number of branches there. By the way, believers keep them throughout the year - exactly until next spring.


    In any case, it is important to understand that the willow is simply a symbol of the holiday, just like painted eggs and Easter cake symbolize Easter. You may have only one branch in the house, or it may turn out that there is none. But the main thing is a person’s sincere faith and benevolent, festive mood. After all, faith is not for a symbol, but a symbol for faith.

    Of course, first the branches are blessed in the church - after all, what are the branches for? That’s right, it’s a symbol of the holiday, uplifting and allowing you to feel and come into contact with an ancient tradition. Here are some interesting beliefs that have come to us from time immemorial:

    1. With the help of willow, treatment and general improvement of the body were carried out. They took several kidneys and filled them with water. And then they drank the whole glass. You can just eat the kidneys.
    2. Lightly hit with a twig loved one– it is believed that this gives health and strength for the whole year.
    3. After the holiday, they took some of the twigs, boiled them, and then bathed the children in this water, and the adults themselves were not forbidden to add a little palm decoction to the bath.
    4. And if someone in the house is sick, you can put lighted branches at the head of the bed - the person will feel better.

    And in general, willow branches protect the house itself from troubles, invasions of unnecessary people and other unforeseen events.

    So, with the purpose of the willow for Palm Sunday, the position of the church is clear. This is a good symbol of the holiday, which reminds us of the Savior and his feat. And sometimes believers wonder not only why willows are needed on Palm Sunday or how to consecrate them. People often wonder: if a willow branch has taken root, can it be planted on their property?

    This is what Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko thinks:

    Thus, of course, it is better for us to consecrate the willow and choose the right place in the house where to put it. But the most important thing is a person’s faith, his sincere mood for the holiday. After all, any material object is a symbol that allows you to come into contact with good tradition. And of course, the symbol exists for faith, but not vice versa.

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    In both sentences there is no subject, only a predicate. In the first, it is “need to be decorated.” In the second - it "pulled". They are one-piece.

    Girls, please tell me, our Yucca has grown, so huge, it’s already touching the ceiling, our tree is 16 years old. The trunk is divided into two independent parts, one of them, as I already wrote, has long been resting on the ceiling, the second is smaller. We need to do something with her. It’s a shame to cut off the top, but I understand that there is no other choice. I would like to ask you for advice on how to properly shorten it, I think I should cut off the top, plant it in a pot (in sand or soil? Will it take root?) And cut the trunk into many...


    You can “split” it into several parts. Keep each cut part in the air for some time (up to 24 hours), then place it in water in an opaque vessel. Once roots appear, you can plant. You will get many, many beautiful yuccas. :-)

    Maybe you should do what I did with the big Dieffenbachia. I cut off the top of such a bush and rooted it, and the lower trunk gave new shoots, plus I rooted another piece separately. And yuccas seem to take root even better.

    Comrades! Please enlighten me. Is it mandatory to install water meters in an apartment? if necessary, until when? If there are meters, who will pay for water - the owner or the tenant? Now (when paying for water according to the number registered) it turns out that the owner of the apartment pays, but what happens after installing meters?


    Now it’s definitely not necessary. I don’t know until when. If there are meters, it’s more logical for the person who rents to pay, just like for electricity.

    08.10.2012 17:24:24, Lindaaa

    Need to bet. The term was extended, it seems, to 13 years. If there are meters, the tenant pays.

    What do you put lilacs in so that they don’t wilt?

    All my window sills are ruined by flowers: the paint is peeling off, swelling with bubbles, dirty semicircles remain from pots and pallets... I laid oilcloths and plastic mats in this place - everything began to swell and peel under the mats. Now I have clean, white window sills. How not to spoil them with your flowers? Share your experience?

    My daughter’s hat stretched out. However, it was a little too big. What kind of water should I wash it in so that it fits? Hot? Cold? Soak? Please advise.


    the wool is felted in hot water... Felted in a soapy solution... and the process is similar to “desperately scrubbing with your hands.”
    If you suddenly overload. Happens. Girls, you need to heat it up again - so that it becomes soft and pull... while it’s warm... Pull, pull... Then under cold water. It will remain like this - the main thing here is that it doesn’t go in waves. The process is creative, you have to put your hand to it.

    I insert rubber veins if the model allows it. They will not be visible. Wash - anything can happen. It's better to soak.

    My mother gave me a rose (grit, that’s what it’s called: homemade rose) I recognized the hibiscus from the pictures. A couple of times the children broke off twigs by accident, and these twigs did not sprout roots. They stand in the water and wither. then they dry out. I read that they take root well... What's wrong? My grower consisted of a stem and two rather long branches. One was broken. There's one more left. I want to trim it (there are leaves growing on the trunk from below), root it (see problem above). And will the pruned hibiscus itself bush?


    If you are rooting in water, then place the cutting in an opaque (at least brown plastic) bottle. In a transparent bottle more likely that will rot.

    A transparent bag must be placed on the vessel with water to create a greenhouse. Once a week, look under the bag and see the condition - the cutting should be covered with white spots (callus), from which roots will then grow. Leaves on the cuttings may fall off, so they must be promptly removed so that they do not fall into the water and the process of rotting begins. Also look at the condition of the water; if it starts to smell bad, carefully remove the cutting, rinse the vessel, pour clean water and place the cutting again. Before rooting, you can soak the cuttings (for a day or overnight) in a zircon solution - there is a dosage on the package.

    Can be rooted in the ground. Dry the cut cuttings with a napkin, dip the cut in the root and plant it in pre-moistened soil (you can take one ready for violets, but I also add perlite or vermiculite to it). On top of the package. Lately I’ve been putting these greenhouses on the floor on the balcony, in the shade. In the sun in a greenhouse, an unnecessary greenhouse effect is created, the leaves rot, etc. Unpretentious varieties take root in a month and a half. Water rarely as the soil dries out.

    To stimulate root formation, cuttings (both standing in water and sitting in the ground) can be periodically sprayed with a zircon solution (1 drop per glass of water).

    There are difficult-to-root varieties.

    I only root hibiscus in the ground. I make a lighter mixture, with vermiculite or perlite, and stick in a completely fresh cutting, just cut. Yes, you can dip it in root before planting. Place the bag on top and place it in a bright but not sunny place. In order not to worry whether roots had sprouted or not, I took transparent cups; hibiscus roots produce long and powerful roots; they are immediately visible in a transparent glass.

    They bush well, but sometimes unpredictably, it is not clear where the branch will go.

    Does anyone know if you put thuja branches in water, will they sprout roots or is it a dead number?


    I grew thuja from cuttings very easily. And 3 pieces :) (I planted several - just in case, they all started). I did it like this:
    cut off the branch (the already woody part), the length of the cutting is 7-8 cm, cut off its green shoots almost to the stem, leave just a little greenery (1-2 mm). Stick the cutting into a pot (you can put it in a yogurt jar, but then you need to make a hole in it so that the cutting doesn’t rot) with sand (soil), cover glass jar, place in the light and water moderately until rooting. Sometimes on a short time we ventilated it (removed the can for a couple of hours). We transplanted it into a pot with soil when we saw that the cuttings began to sprout. And when the tree was completely strong, it was planted in the ground. It has already overwintered. The flight is normal. The rest are sitting in pots hoping to become bonsai :)
    Good luck!

    Very difficult to grow.
    A fresh branch is immediately planted in the ground and the pot is placed in the middle of a vessel with water, on a grate so that the water does not reach the pot (the water level is below the grate), water well and spray the thuja branch. Cover the vessel and place in a bright place but without direct sunlight .Pour water into the vessel and water the soil as it dries. You will have to wait a long time, but there are not many chances.

    05/13/2002 16:35:21, lilia

    Please tell me who has successful experience of fighting willow on the site. Last year the bushes were cut down, but this year they have started to sprout! It is probably impossible to uproot them, because... roots underground spread over long distances and emerge in more and more new places. What should I do?


    When we were building the house, we cut down a huge bush, leaving a stump. A month later he had shoots, they were sprinkled with ground, nothing happened until the fall. In the spring shoots came out again, but few and weak, they were sprayed again and anointed with stump concentrate. There were no more attempts.

    I have experience fighting cherries. It also grows like a weed, from rhizomes. It is necessary to uproot and pull out the long roots that lie along the surface of the earth. They usually shoot away. We overcame it in two seasons. Don't lose hope. The main thing is to track the small shoots, which means the root lies there. Undermining and pulling out. If it is buried more than 20 cm into the ground, you can cut it off; the likelihood that it will germinate decreases with depth.

    I have a very bad idea of ​​this mechanism in action, so please, if you don’t mind, tell me point by point: where to go and what to say :) 1) is there a difference which meter to install? Which company is better/which one is yours? 2) how much does installation cost (please indicate the county and time when it was installed) 3) the installation process itself - the procedure a) first I go to the housing office and write an application for the installation of meters? So I’m waiting for the craftsmen to come, install it, and seal it? b) I don’t go to the housing department, but buy...


    2 days ago they set 3500 and for difficult access (our hole is 30*40 cm) another 500 rubles. They work all over Moscow, write, I’ll give you coordinates if necessary.

    1. no difference - buy the most budget SVG-15, SVKh-15 - about 400 rubles apiece.

    Well, now it’s already standing on the plot, but there are still a lot of questions: 1. Is it possible to plant cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs in one greenhouse? 2. How often should the soil in the greenhouse be changed? 3. Is it necessary to cultivate the land with something specific? 4. I also heard about a barrel of water, they say you have to put it inside, why??? HELP!!!


    1) It’s better not to. They need it _very_ different conditions. Cucumbers love moist air and breathing soil, they need frequent and light watering, preferably by sprinkling - and tomatoes love dry air and a lot of water for the roots, they need rare and abundant watering, preferably right under the root. If it is not possible to install a second greenhouse, it is better to plant cucumbers under arches or even in open ground.
    2) If this is not a “real” greenhouse with heating, but a film greenhouse, then you don’t have to change it at all.
    3) I don't process. Well, it won’t hurt to spill potassium permanganate... or smoke a sulfur bomb...
    4) This is probably about cucumbers. I'm not putting a barrel, but a bucket :)
    On the one hand, air humidity increases (see point 1), on the other hand, the water is warmed up and subsequently used for irrigation. Cucumbers love to be watered with warm water. Tomatoes do not need such a barrel at all.

    1. Is it possible to plant cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs in one greenhouse?
    It is forbidden. But everyone is imprisoned. And that includes me :)) In fact, they just need a different regime. Tomatoes need dryness and ventilation, and cucumbers need moisture and warmth. I plant with different sides(greenhouse 8 meters) and trying to create my own microclimate on each side. And it doesn’t matter where you plant the greens - it’s better in the garden.
    2. How often should the soil in the greenhouse be changed?
    Every year. She's getting exhausted. But I just add a layer of purchased soil and fertilizer.
    3. Is it necessary to cultivate the land with something specific?
    Necessarily. Fertilize all summer period every 10 days. And periodically carry out preventative measures against pests and diseases. And in the spring, before planting seedlings, I set fire to sulfur bombs in the greenhouse to kill everyone who spent the winter there.
    4. I also heard about a barrel of water, they say you have to put it inside, why???
    I bet, but it's not necessary. Firstly, everything in the greenhouse must be watered with warm water (my tap water comes out to 7 degrees, you can’t water it, you have to warm it up in a barrel). Secondly, this barrel heats up during the day and releases heat at night, so the difference between day and night temperatures is not so large. These changes are very harmful. Thirdly, it creates humidity, which is often lacking in a greenhouse.

    brought fir branches, and fir trees, but they don’t smell, I put them in a vase in water. What can you do to fill your house with the smells of the New Year?)))

    If it is not possible to wrap the flowers in a special film, then pack them in newspaper. You need to wrap it loosely so that the flowers have something to breathe.

    When you bring flowers home, do not rush to remove the packaging. Let the flowers get used to room temperature a little and only then place them in water.

    Before placing flowers in water, they must be cut at an angle of 45 using a sharp knife or garden shears (secateurs). This is done to avoid unnecessary damage to the stems. Remove all the lower leaves of the flower to prevent them from rotting in the water.

    Check the water level in the vase daily: the flower stems should always be in water.

    Use cold tap water without heating it.

    It is best to add “chrysal” to the water…
    God, what a lot of hassle (in addition to everything mentioned above in the article). Yes I'm so for it baby I didn’t take care of it, as the author advises to take care of an elegant broom! :)

    and we finalized the frames ourselves :))) we bought frames from Ikea, ordered pieces of glass :) and started.

    Tell the lamer, plz we changed the meters yesterday, we haven’t used them before (long story, don’t ask why), we paid how much, now I have new meters, passports, transfer certificate, some other documents for them, and with all that I need to go somewhere, “put it into operation”, I want to look up the working hours of the required organization on the internet, and I don’t know what it’s called. I already realized that this is not an EIR or a dez and the actual payment process: where can I get the receipts, where should I enter the data and...


    A month ago I also installed it, but out of ignorance I went to register them with the EIR. There they asked me about my Criminal Code, it turned out that my Criminal Code is DEZ. I called the DEZ, they told me the time at which I could come (only two days a week for 2 hours). The whole event took 15 minutes.

    Ask your EIRC if it is possible to enter readings in your district through the website [link-1].
    There, the meter readings are entered, and the receipt can be in electronic format receive. I’ve been using it for 5 years now, since I started testing this site.
    The readings for a given month must be entered from the 25th of the current month to the 3rd (or 5th, I don’t remember exactly) of the next. The readings are not entered - they are calculated based on the average flow rate, then recalculated.
    In order to connect, you must sign a consent to the processing of personal data at the EIRC and receive a password.

    The pan and colander are covered with a lid - that's all. Sort of. In reality, everything is not so simple. Steam can seriously burn you. Therefore, the lid of a pan with a colander or sieve (or the lid of a double boiler) must be opened away from you. Steamed food always takes longer to cook than liquid. This is where the first snag awaits us.
    ...And of course they don’t use any metal colanders. Anyone who has seen a movie about Chinese life, where they not only fight, but also eat, has probably noticed the characteristic straw baskets that are placed one on top of the other. This is a Chinese steamer. These baskets are woven from bamboo straw. The bottom one is placed in a wok pan with boiling water, and the rest are placed one on top of the other. The convex bottom of the pan allows you to install double boilers different sizes

    , and thanks to the beveled edges, it’s easy to add a little more water if necessary. This way you can cook several different dishes, or just one. In China, it is not customary to steam vegetables, with the exception of eggplants (by the way, in vain). But freshly caught fish is generally not prepared...


    The terrarium must have a lid, because snails can crawl out of it. It is advisable to arrange small holes in the lid for better gas exchange. As a last resort, you can simply lift the lid to create a small gap. You need to put bedding on the bottom of the aquarium. The bedding can be Begonia soil, or ideally a coconut substrate 5-7 cm thick. You can build a small bath with fresh water; Achatina loves to swim. The main thing is that the depth of the bath does not allow the snail to choke. In general, Achatina crawl well under water, but if it accidentally falls into the bath from above, a small snail can drown from fright. You also need to make sure that the bath does not turn over if the snail starts to...

    I have such problems with snails...)
    I bought sepia at a pet store and started giving it to the snails....and they gradually began to die.....)
    the same situation with wild snails found on the street. fed... cucumbers and apples. I started giving sepia and 2 snails died immediately. At first they went limp, then they swollen and died.) There is 1 snail left and I don’t feed it sepia. I feed them the same apples and cucumbers. grass. and she’s fine....thank God) the conditions are the same....

    Sepia is not so harmless. you can kill snails in a month....._ they really swell and don’t even hide in their house and die like that....)

    07/22/2017 15:50:57, Lena

    Hello, I bought turtle food at the pet store with minerals to strengthen the shell. I read the ingredients and I doubted it. Here is the composition: gammarus, granules containing shrimp meal, seaweed, fish meal, wheat flour, soy protein, mollusk shells, tubifex, vitamin and mineral complex. Do you think it is possible to feed Achatina snails?

    And this is the second one :) I have a friend whose mother practices hirudotherapy. So, I begged for a leech for my son. In general, he is a maniac for all kinds of insect and amphibian living creatures. here is the confirmation below:)) The leech lived in a jar of water for three days. And then we decided to feed her meat. She refused meat, which led me to bad suspicions - the meat seemed to be fresh, not even frozen, just from the store. Why did the leech refuse..... In short, we put it in a jar, and after...


    My dad got carried away, it happened, five of them disappeared without a trace... they lived in a jar covered with a thick cloth under an elastic band, everything was as it should be, but after a week they disappeared...

    And 2 of us escaped, and the first time one was caught on the floor and returned back to the jar, and the second time both disappeared without a trace and forever (((

    Wood worn away by insects is especially valuable, because the fact that larvae and bugs have been in it indicates that it is “edible” for catfish. Chain-mailed catfish prefer to scrape with a sucker not mangrove and mopani (they are quite tough), but apple, pear, nut or willow. In general, aquarists use black alder, beech, maple, elm, juniper, ash, willow, grapevine, acacia, and olive tree. A controversial issue is the use of eucalyptus, since, despite its pleasant color and intricate curves, it contains resin and essential oils.
    For the same reason, coniferous and resinous species should not be used. You should not immerse the bark of the Portuguese cork oak tree in the aquarium; it releases a complex of chemical substances into the water, among which... ...Boiling significantly speeds up the process of removing organic matter and water-coloring substances. Some aquarists also add potassium permanganate to the salt, which additionally sterilizes the driftwood and gives it more saturated color , from dark brown to red-brown. Is it worth boiling a piece of driftwood if it is already saturated with water and will sink just fine? Driftwood from natural reservoirs is really well saturated with water, but they need to be well sterilized. Many aquarists do not have the opportunity to boil driftwood, especially

    big size


    Thank you, I can say that you really described some aspects of bathing well, but I disagree with some. But in general, bathing is a joy for a baby! My daughter loves this thing with us) She adds natural extracts from Zdravlandia, either Chamomile or Chereda, and enjoys being in the water for quite a long time)

    A month of swimming in a cap is enough to take it off: the child has already learned to hold his head correctly and will be able to swim on his own. If it doesn't work, it's not necessary. Our goal is not to teach him to swim. We only need one thing - for the baby to be in cool water every day for a certain time, because regular cold exposure is most effective for stimulation vitality child and his ability to resist infectious diseases. Washing It is necessary to occasionally combine bathing with washing. For
    infant 2 times a week is enough, but......That's all. One parent lifts the child, holding him under his arms, and the second pours a bucket of water on top. Regarding the child's cry in the bath, I will allow myself, however, two practical advice


    . The situation with water temperature often develops in such a way that a specific temperature, for example, 28°C, is tolerated by the child well and with pleasure. But immediately after immersion in water, a sharp temperature contrast causes negative emotions and it takes about 5 minutes to calm him down. You can do the following: prepare a bath at an acceptable temperature for the child, say 32°C, and after a safe and calm immersion, speed up the rate of cooling of the water. For example, make sure that a thin stream of cold water constantly runs into the bathtub. This technique can also be used simply as a component of hardening...

    Thanks again to Komarovsky! very reasonable and "far from the hospital"! a real doctor always tries to prevent diseases, which means

    healthy eating

    , hardening and communication with parents!

    Until what age should a child be bathed every day? 05/07/2008 02:11:56, masha The “right” office is the key to material success. Interior Properly oriented"However, Feng Shui gives a number of recommendations for arranging a workplace. It is always recommended to sit facing the door, but diagonally from it. This rule must be followed, even if the desktop has to be placed along an oblique line. You should never sit directly opposite the entrance door of the office, especially if it opens inward. In this case, the owner of the office is exposed to a large flow of traumatic energy. You should not sit opposite a protruding corner or under a ceiling beam, since these structural elements are sources of negative energy...
    ...It is necessary to maintain order on the table, since clutter with papers creates negative energy sha qi. If the owner of the office is a lover of painting, then Feng Shui recommends hanging a mountain landscape behind his back, especially with the image of a high and massive mountain. This symbolizes powerful financial support for all projects and endeavors. Pictures of water or waterfalls should be avoided, especially behind your back. A vase with fresh flowers should be placed on the left half of the desktop. It stimulates the activity of the dragon, the lord of the water elements and a symbol of wealth. You can place a small decorative dragon figurine on the left side of the table. And finally, the most important recommendation

    The science of Feng Shui concerns the location of the desktop. If the owner of the cab... It is better to let the water for flowers settle beforehand. Before placing flowers in water, you need to cut their stems at an angle. This is done to make it easier for the flowers to absorb moisture. Then it is recommended to update these sections every day, preferably under running water. It is recommended to change the water in the vase every day. For disinfection, you can add aspirin (1 tablet per 1 liter of water), pieces of charcoal, streptomycin (half a tablet per 3 liters of water), table vinegar (a tablespoon per three liters of water), to the water. citric acid

    The flowers range in color from snow-white and soft pink to purple and burgundy.

    Geranium propagates by seeds and layering. Layers quickly take root in water and take root well. The pot is filled with a mixture of sand, turf and leaf humus.
    Geranium is susceptible to rotting, so you need to water it carefully as the earthen clod dries out. You can simply pour water into the pan, and the plant will take it as needed. Geraniums also need sunlight and good drainage. In all other respects, this plant is unpretentious. Geranium leaves are not liked by flies, moths and other harmful insects. It is recommended to rub geranium on pets to get rid of insects and to grow thick, healthy hair.

    I’m going to make pies according to the recipe below, but I don’t know how long I need to set the oven, do I need to change the temperature? Please tell me. I found the recipe by searching. "Sift 600 grams of flour, divide in half. Add a packet of dry yeast (Saf-moment) to half (fresh is better, of course, but for the first time there is no need for difficulties), a glass of milk, and put in a warm place (I usually fire up the oven and I put it on the stove - it gets warm there. Or if you are cooking something on the stove...


    I think this is my recipe - I didn’t notice it right away)))
    The oven is really set to 220. Nothing dries out, because for any yeast dough, I put a bowl of water in the same oven a level lower. An exception is baking in micro with convection. but here the temperature is the same, although without water.

    I won’t say in terms of time, 15-20 minutes, but the guideline is the color. These pies should be uniformly golden, that is, not white with a ruddy top, but completely.
    When the pies “fix” in the oven (I don’t know how to explain, it’s a matter of practice). At the very least, they should rise and become uniform - without tubercles or pits, and when the first ruddy “tan” begins to appear on them, the surface should be greased with a beaten egg. That is, take out the baking sheet and IN A WARM PLACE (previously it was placed on top of the stove, then a stove appeared with a “moving out” design for the baking sheet - just with the oven open) using a brush (in the absence of a maid (ugh, brush) you can take a piece of gauze, crumpling it "tampon"

    Pies at 220 degrees????? Are these planned pies or coals? This is the first time I’ve heard about such a temperature regime for yeast dough. I preheat the oven for any baking except eclairs to 180 degrees.

    Actually the question is - they gave it very much beautiful roses While they were standing in the vase, new sprouts appeared on the stems, who knows and has experience growing roses from cut flowers? What should be done with it?


    It’s better, of course, that the rose doesn’t grow. But if it grows, then you need to cut the flower, and leave a cutting of about 3-5 leaves. Cut off all old leaves, especially on the lower buds, and leave half a leaf on the upper bud to understand whether the patient is alive or not :)). And make it stand like this further in the water, because... If you plant a growing rose, meaning with new grown branches, then it is almost always a corpse. And if you leave it standing in water (I put it in a liter jar), the cuttings sometimes stand there for two or three months and the most tenacious ones develop callus and then roots. But if the rose was not fresh or something else, then after some time (a week or two) throw the corpse away :(.
    I now have 4 vigorous cuttings on my window from a bouquet given on March 10, I’m waiting for the night frosts to pass and I’ll plant them under plastic bottle(I cut the bottle in half and cover it with the half with the cap). Depending on the circumstances, sometimes I don’t close the lid at all, so they grow for about a month, and then I open it. I apologize if something is wrong. But in my dacha there are 5 bushes grown using this method. 5 bushes because Not everyone can sometimes survive the first winter, although I also cover them with a bottle and sand for the winter (the first year).

    Wait until the flower withers and it’s time to throw it away. Cut the stem into pieces of 5 buds (they say that you can have 3 buds - then plant 1 bud in the ground). Cut off the leaves (do not tear them off!) so that the stems remain. Stick 2 buds into the ground (i.e. 2 buds in the ground, 3 on top). Water (you can use some Kornevin). Cover with a glass jar. Wait (for a long time, at least 1 month).
    About half of the plantings take root. You can navigate by the cuttings left from the leaves - if they dry out, they don’t wither, but just dry up - that means, alas :(


    The holiday of Palm Sunday, which we will celebrate this year on April 1, 2018, is as well known as Easter, celebrated exactly a week later.

    Of course, the main symbol of this event is the willow. But how to properly consecrate a willow on Palm Sunday, where and how many willow branches should be taken and where to place them in the house - not everyone can answer these questions. And why are willows needed on Palm Sunday anyway? Let's talk about everything in order.

    • Where to put willow in the house
    • Signs associated with willow

    Why willows: the history of the holiday

    We can start with where the holiday came from, and why is it called that way? Almost 2000 years ago, the Savior triumphantly entered Jerusalem. He came in peace, and the symbol of this was the donkey on which Christ sat (after all, the conquerors of the city always entered on horseback). A huge number of people, imbued with the belief that he was the Son of God, enthusiastically rejoiced and rejoiced as never before in their lives.

    They brought a huge number of palm branches and laid them all over Christ’s path. The result was a whole path covered with branches. Of course, it was a special, solemn moment. Although exactly a week later the Savior will be executed, he will also be resurrected, which will finally prove his divine nature. That's why we celebrate Palm Sunday first, and exactly a week later, Easter.

    Of course, there are no palm branches in our area yet, so we buy willows and decorate the house with them. They begin to swell in March. That is why, no matter what the date of celebration is in a given year, the willows always ripen.

    This tradition appeared in Rus' a long time ago - so long ago that it is impossible to name even the approximate year when it began. After all, for a long time our ancestors, whole families, went to willow groves, to the shores of reservoirs, to forests and tore these branches. Of course, they still pick them today, but most of us tend to simply buy willow branches, bring them home and put them in water so that they herald the coming of spring to the whole family.

    How to properly consecrate a willow and how many branches you need

    You've probably noticed that the willow buds are not the same in color and shape:

    1. There are whitish ones, with gray shades. They are like lumps, quite soft to the touch. These are male kidneys, which are also called “seals”.
    2. And there are also female ones - they are elongated, less fluffy, and closer in color to gray-green.

    Of course, you can take both, because the essence of the holiday is not what kind of willows you bring. But the number of branches matters. As with flowers, it is best to take an unpaired number of branches. At the same time, the total quantity is not so important - but you shouldn’t be greedy either. Try to take exactly as much as you need: for yourself, family, friends, neighbors.


    On the eve of Palm Sunday, willow groves are subject to a real invasion - because people try to collect as many branches as possible. Sometimes they leave the tree bare, and of course, this harms nature. Therefore, you should take this ritual more calmly: try to take a small amount of willow branches and not be excessively greedy.

    But as for how to properly consecrate a willow, the answer is clear: you should definitely bring the branches to church. Many people do this on Sunday morning, directly on the day of the holiday (by the way, you can buy pussy willow branches then). And it would be more correct to come to church on Saturday evening, when the All-Night Vigil begins. According to tradition, the consecration of the willow occurs on this day. But of course, if you didn’t make it on Saturday, this is not a reason to give up the tradition. Then the willow is blessed on Sunday and brought into the house.

    Where to put willow in the house

    So, the branches are already at home, and of course we strive to put them in the water in the most visible place. How to decorate a bouquet correctly? And where is it placed according to tradition? No special decorations are required - after all, this is not a bouquet of flowers, but a symbol of the holiday. Therefore, several willow branches are tied into a simple bundle and placed in a vase on the table.

    If there is a kind of red corner in the house - a quiet place where you are used to relaxing, being alone with your thoughts or praying, you can put the willow there. Usually believers place an icon on a small shelf and place church candles. You can also place a small vase with an odd number of branches there. By the way, believers keep them throughout the year - exactly until next spring.


    In any case, it is important to understand that the willow is simply a symbol of the holiday, just as colored eggs and Easter cake symbolize Easter. You may have only one branch in the house, or it may turn out that there is none. But the main thing is a person’s sincere faith and benevolent, festive mood. After all, faith is not for a symbol, but a symbol for faith.

    Signs associated with willow

    Of course, first the branches are blessed in the church - after all, what are the branches for? That’s right, it’s a symbol of the holiday, uplifting and allowing you to feel and come into contact with an ancient tradition. Here are some interesting beliefs that have come to us from time immemorial:

    1. With the help of willow, treatment and general improvement of the body were carried out. They took several kidneys and filled them with water. And then they drank the whole glass. You can just eat the kidneys.
    2. A twig was used to lightly hit a loved one - it is believed that this gives health and strength for the whole year.
    3. After the holiday, they took some of the twigs, boiled them, and then bathed the children in this water, and the adults themselves were not forbidden to add a little palm decoction to the bath.
    4. And if someone in the house is sick, you can put lighted branches at the head of the bed - the person will feel better.

    And in general, willow branches protect the house itself from troubles, invasions of unnecessary people and other unforeseen events.

    First-hand: Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers

    So, with the purpose of the willow for Palm Sunday, the position of the church is clear. This is a good symbol of the holiday, which reminds us of the Savior and his feat. And sometimes believers wonder not only why willows are needed on Palm Sunday or how to consecrate them. People often wonder: if a willow branch has taken root, can it be planted on their property?

    This is what Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko thinks:

    Thus, of course, it is better for us to consecrate the willow and choose the right place in the house where to put it. But the most important thing is a person’s faith, his sincere mood for the holiday. After all, any material object is a symbol that allows you to come into contact with a good tradition. And of course, the symbol exists for faith, but not vice versa.

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