• Is it possible to go to a funeral if you are on your period? "Menstrual" superstitions. Do they make sense? Penetration of evil spirits through the uterus


    Is it possible to go to a cemetery during menstruation? Why can't you go to a cemetery while on your period?

    Unfortunately, most girls and women do not even ask this question, but Is it possible to go to a cemetery during menstruation?. Even if they ask someone about this, it is almost impossible to get an adequate answer to this question in our time. Moreover, few people can somehow justify their answer “yes, you can go to the cemetery while on your period” or “no, you can’t go to the cemetery when you’re on your period.” Most often they remember various superstitions, ancient traditions or “my grandmother told me so.” Let's try to decide together whether it is possible to go to the cemetery during menstruation.

    Let me start with the fact that it is blood that contains a person’s vital energy, including menstrual blood. However, such a “function” female body it was not invented in vain. During menstruation, there is a loss of vital energy - yes, this is true, however, this is not “extra” energy in the female body, but this is the unique ability of the female body to cleanse itself. A woman was given the ability to independently “throw off” part of the negative energy accumulated during the period between menstruation. This “function” is made with the aim of taking care of the unborn child, the new life that the woman will be given. Beyond the age at which a woman is capable of having children, nature blocks this “purification function” for her. Perhaps this is perceived by a woman as an inconvenience, but her life expectancy is higher than that of a man precisely because of this natural feature. How exactly contaminated energy comes out along with menstrual blood is impossible to explain from the point of view of modern science. However, a clairvoyant sees this process exactly this way.

    Now let us remember that in almost all cults, religions and beliefs, a person, in order to honor and appease his deity, ancestor or spirit, made a sacrifice to him. A small sacrifice is a treat from your table (the energy contained in food), candles or incense (this is the energy of combustion) and more. A big sacrifice is the shedding of blood (the vital energy of an animal, and sometimes a person). This suggests that there is a certain energy transfer mechanism that a person can use in order to treat a certain creature not physical plane(to feed, pay, please and other goals). The “slaughter of a lamb” or any other living creature was most often carried out by shedding blood. Through this blood the creature could enjoy vital energy, absorb it. Believe me, all creatures of a different plane know this mechanism well and willingly “eat” the offered treat. Moreover, sacrifices were carried out not only to dark creatures, but also to light ones (see, for example, the Old Testament).

    Now let's return to our conversation about whether it is possible to go to the cemetery during menstruation. During menstruation, from an energetic point of view, a “wound” is formed in a woman’s field, through which energy is lost. Yes, this is to some extent polluted energy, but still vital. With such a “wounded field” a woman enters the cemetery. As I said in my previous articles, the cemetery is home to many creatures of the intangible plane. Many of them feed on the energy of decaying bodies, not because it is tasty to them, but because they cannot get other food for themselves. And then a girl with her period comes into the cemetery! How can I explain it to you... They grill shish kebab in the planting, and the people living around will happily sniff from their balconies where it smells so delicious. They will probably come running to the smell of your shish kebab, because they are sure that you will not treat them, but all the cats and dogs from the whole neighborhood will be yours, so the thought “what if a piece falls” will not give them peace... Or remember the shark, which for several kilometers in the water can sense blood - it will also come to profit... For the “scavengers” of the cemetery (and not only for them), a girl with menstruation, like Tasty dinner, the smell of which is carried by the wind throughout the cemetery.

    1. The creature has practically no consciousness of its own (primitive or degraded to a primitive level) - it will behave like a leech. He will not be able to “climb” further than the orange or red chakra. Consequences: diseases of the genital area, fornication. What diseases exactly depend on the type of creature that got in. It’s good if it’s thrush or a chronic inflammatory process in the genital area, but it could also be a tumor of the cervix or ovaries, which will “suck out” the person in the near future.
    2. A creature that has little intelligence, but has a certain amount of energy, can try to find a “more comfortable” and “tastier” place; such a person is able to “go through the blood”, causing blood diseases, or “get stuck” with the blood in the energy matrix of any organ, causing damage there. Consequences: various diseases, practically resistant to traditional treatment.
    3. A creature that has its own consciousness and strength in order to try to take control of a person’s body and consciousness. Consequences: obsession or demonic possession.

    To describe in detail each of these mechanisms and explain exactly how this happens, more than one article is needed. To convince and prove this, you need to actually break your worldview, and this is an extremely painful process. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to this article - this is the most simplified variation for perception and understanding, given only to explain why you should not go to a cemetery with your period.

    Every girl of reproductive age experiences the onset of menstruation. This process is completely natural and is characterized by the removal of an unfertilized egg and the endometrial layer that has grown over the month from the uterine cavity through bleeding. It is known that during this period of life many usual activities are prohibited. For example, in critical days You cannot go to the sauna, swimming pool, exercise or take a bath.

    Due to the many contraindications, women who adhere to religious views also ask a more unusual question about whether it is possible to go to a cemetery with menstruation.

    Experts' opinion

    Based on the point of view of qualified specialists, a woman should decide for herself about the possibility of visiting the place of the deceased on critical days. The decision depends on her general condition, desires and religious views.

    IN modern world going to a cemetery during menstruation is not prohibited. This contraindication is due to the fact that for a long time a girl during the Regulus period was considered “dirty.” That is why going to sacred places: churches, cemeteries and temples were considered unacceptable.

    If a trip to the cemetery is organized for a memorial day, then it is better to reschedule the visit to another date. But if you go to the place of the dead it is necessary for burial loved one, then if you wish, you are allowed to visit this place.

    To prevent psychological disturbances, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Don't touch a dead person;
    • Don't kiss a dead person;
    • Protect yourself from viewing the burial procedure;
    • Don't let tactile contact with a gravestone and monument.

    What could be the consequences?

    According to ancient beliefs, the following situations can result from the fact that a woman comes to the cemetery with her period.

    Transferring your “uncleanness” to the dead

    During her menstrual period, a woman is considered “dirty” not only physically, but also spiritually. That is why, for a long time, a woman, at this point in her life, was forbidden to contact the deceased. This could affect the fact that the soul of a deceased person will not be able to get to heaven and will wander the earth for the rest of the time, bringing troubles, anxieties, and even death to his friends and close relatives. However, scientific facts There is no evidence to support this belief.

    The introduction of evil forces into a woman’s body through an open cervix

    It is known that menstruation is accompanied by certain changes in the structure of the reproductive organs: the cervix opens so that endometrial particles and an unfertilized egg are removed from the uterine cavity.

    That is why the explanation for why one should not go to a cemetery during menstruation is that many people believed that evil spirits could enter a woman through an open cervix.

    Vampires are activating

    Horror films, mystical books and legends indicate that all kinds of otherworldly evil spirits exist in the world, for example, vampires. These creatures are known to react to the smell of fresh blood. During menstruation, a significant amount of blood fluid is also released from the vaginal cavity, which, according to the views of believers in otherworldly forces, can attract the attention of bloodsuckers. And a trip to the cemetery, the habitat of vampires, exposes a woman and her loved ones to serious danger and attack by these creatures.

    However, all believers in otherworldly forces should know that blood-sucking creatures hunt at night, accordingly, a trip to the cemetery in daytime is a safe event.

    Deterioration of emotional state

    The most plausible and natural reason why a girl is not recommended to visit the shrine of the dead is deteriorated emotional activity. During menstruation, hormone levels change, causing a woman to become irritable and less stress-resistant.

    It is precisely because of such natural changes in the girl’s body that it is recommended to postpone visiting such a gloomy place for some time. The pain of loss, mystical surroundings and sadness can adversely affect a woman’s psychological health.

    It's up to you to decide whether to follow the above recommendations. The main thing is to listen to your inner state. If you have the slightest doubt or deterioration in your health, it is better to refuse to visit the habitat of the dead.

    Is it true that you can’t go to church or the cemetery during your period?

    1. I listened to one priest who said this about this. A woman during her period is doing God’s work, it’s already hard for her these days, so she is exempt from visiting the temple on these days, unless she wants to come, this is an additional burden, equal to a feat.
    2. According to Russian folk beliefs, a woman during her period is “unclean.” She is forbidden to go to church, she is not allowed to swim in the river - “the fish will leave.”
      Village women (and some city women) do not go to the bathhouse during their periods. This rule is observed not only for hygienic reasons, but also as a result of the belief that no one should see menstrual discharge. If someone looks at them with an evil eye, the woman will certainly get sick.
      It was believed that if a woman during her period accidentally steps on the menstrual blood of another woman, the first one may begin to bleed.
      At the same time, menstrual blood was used as a talisman.
      Menstrual blood was often used in love magic. A girl, in order to bewitch some guy so that he never leaves or forgets her, tries to quietly give him her menstrual blood to drink (serve him in vodka or wine).
    3. Folk superstitions about menstruation

      Thus, the ban on going to church while on your period is still observed. However, in addition to the traditional motive of a woman’s uncleanness and insulting God’s temple with her condition, there is an additional motivation for this prohibition. It is believed that the offender will grow a beard.

      This is the most common, but not the only prohibition related to the ritual sphere of life. Thus, during menstruation, it was forbidden to go to the cemetery and even say goodbye to the deceased, because he could take part of the uncleanness from the woman and, because of this, lose the opportunity to enter the kingdom of heaven. As a result, the restless deceased could begin to appear alive or even take them with him to the next world.

      During menstruation, women were also forbidden to light a lamp or candle in front of icons, eat prosphora and drink holy water. It was believed that holy water would lose its power, and a candle lit in front of the icons would burn not for God, but for the Devil.

    4. From the beginning of the m. cycle, count 7 days (take into account the first day, of course). During this time you are not supposed to go to temple. As for the cemetery, there is no such prohibition. And this has nothing to do with magic at all.
    5. Superstition is everything. Nothing bad happens
    6. but on the contrary, I heard that you can go to the cemetery at any time, but you can’t go to church
    7. I don't know about the cemetery. You can go to church only up to the entrance chapel and not venerate the icons
    8. To the church for sure, but I don’t know about the cemetery. Seems like it's possible
    9. you can, but you cannot take part in the sacraments. Just ask your nearest church, they will explain everything to you
    10. I don’t know about the cemetery, but you can’t go to church because during menstruation a woman is more capable of magic, so to speak, and people go to church, as you know, not only to light a candle for health.
    11. I answered about the church here:

    Since time immemorial, a woman during menstruation was considered unclean. She was forbidden to do many things during this period, including going to the cemetery if her period began shortly before the intended visit to this place.

    Often women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to go to a cemetery with menstruation. In accordance with folk beliefs, representatives of the fair sex are considered unclean these days. During this period they are prohibited from doing many things. For example, women should never go to church during menstruation. This is probably known to everyone. Even if some kind of event was scheduled on that day church rite, the woman should refuse him.

    She is not allowed to come on such days to a wedding, baptism, or funeral service for the deceased. In the old days, women were not even allowed to cook food these days, especially if the food had some kind of important. For example, it was forbidden to allow “unclean” ladies to prepare Christmas and Easter dishes. On critical days, a woman should not have been preparing pickles, jams and other canned foods. It was believed that what could happen is that the blanks would not be stored.

    It was also forbidden to allow such ladies to sow, and even to harvest. Nowadays, many of these prohibitions seem outlandish. But in the old days all this was carefully observed, especially since it was quite simple to implement. People used to live large families. If one of the women in the house could not do some work for the above reason, she was successfully replaced by another. One of the controversial issues is the possibility of an “unclean” woman visiting a cemetery.

    Whether it’s worth going to a cemetery while on your period or not, every person decides for himself. In the old days this was strictly prohibited. In the modern world, everything is different, not so strict. Experts believe that the reason for such prohibitions lies primarily in the fact that these days a woman is characterized by increased energy susceptibility and energy output. For example, the ban on an “unclean” lady looking at a newborn is due to the fact that she can simply jinx the baby without wanting to.

    But a trip to the cemetery can negatively affect the condition of the woman herself. At this time she is greatly affected by negative energy. After going to the cemetery, she may be sick for a very long time, her energy field will be subject to severe attack. Most esotericists are inclined to the opinion that one should not go to the cemetery these days unless absolutely necessary. A hike is inevitable if it involves saying goodbye to a loved one. In this case, naturally, the person is obliged to accompany the deceased on his final journey, regardless of prejudices.

    Still, it is better to exercise some caution. You should not kiss the deceased or touch the coffin. You can just stand nearby. In cases where there is no need to visit the cemetery, it is better to wait until the critical days are over and go to the cemetery in full confidence that it is absolutely safe. Before going to such a place, it is better to read a special prayer that will help protect a person from the effects of negative energy.

    Is it possible to go to a cemetery while on your period? This is a very controversial question. Experts believe that if necessary, a woman can visit the cemetery on such days, but if this is not particularly necessary, this should not be done.

    Few people visit the graves of the deceased every day, so the question of whether it is possible to go to a cemetery while on your period rarely arises. But if suddenly menstruation coincided with a memorial day or began on the day of the funeral, the woman thinks about whether to go or postpone visiting the grave for another day. There are several reasons why this should not be done. To a greater extent, they are associated with the prejudice of ancestors and the views of faith, but there are also justified reasons.

    Whether or not to visit the graves of the deceased, or whether to attend the funeral, a person decides for himself. Such situations, when menstruation coincides with a wake, happen quite rarely. But when this happens, the question arises about the advisability of visiting the cemetery.

    Earlier during menstrual days there were holy places and also burial places, but now this is not treated so categorically.

    And experts believe that the prohibitions are based largely on prejudices and the so-called high energy sensitivity during menstruation. During menstruation, women have always been considered unclean and any beliefs during this period are alien to them.

    It is also believed that going to a cemetery can have a bad effect on a woman’s health. She will no longer be able to influence the deceased in any way, but the experiences and negative energy field in the burial places can disrupt her psychological and, as a result, physical state.

    Esotericists believe that it is not worth visiting a cemetery during menstruation unless absolutely necessary. In the case of memorial days, it is not scary if a woman comes to honor the memory of the deceased a few days later, the main thing is that she does not forget him in her thoughts. But if you need to come to the funeral of a loved one, and the woman herself wants to do so, she cannot be forbidden. It is only important that the procedure itself does not cause strong anxiety and does not affect her condition.

    In such cases, you should not pay attention to various prejudices, but simply exercise some caution:

    • do not touch the deceased;
    • do not kiss the deceased;
    • do not touch the coffin and tombstone;
    • do not look at the burial process, but simply stand on the sidelines.

    Even in ancient times, and even today, a woman during her period was considered unclean. Previously, it was strictly prohibited not only to visit shrines and church ceremonies, but also to cemeteries. During the memorial week, a menstruating woman was not allowed to cook food, bake Easter cakes or Easter cakes.

    Women are often concerned about the question of whether they can walk through the cemetery, attend funeral services, or come to weddings and baptisms. All these sacraments are sacred, and the prohibitions have been known for a long time. There are several reasons for this, and in order to understand how visiting burial places can affect a woman, it is important to know what all these beliefs are associated with.

    Transferring sewage to the dead

    From time immemorial, natural menstrual flow was considered a manifestation of a woman’s pollution, in the literal and figurative sense. In addition to visiting the cemetery, it was forbidden to even say goodbye to the deceased - an unclean woman could become an obstacle to the soul of the deceased entering the heavenly kingdom.

    It was believed that the restless soul could not rest in peace and appeared before the living, and sometimes took it with it. Of course, this version has not been proven in any way, and the possible visit of the ghost of the deceased is more like fiction. We should also not forget that in a cemetery, and especially an old one, in the graves lie those who died not only a few years ago, but even centuries, and they are unlikely to harm a living person.

    Nowadays, after death, almost no one leaves the deceased in the house overnight; they take him to the morgue. Previously, farewells could last several days, and women remained in the house of the deceased under any circumstances; they were not kicked out to sleep on the street if they started menstruating.

    The settlement of otherworldly forces inside the body through the slightly open cervix

    By physiological reasons During menstrual flow, a lot of processes occur, the structure of the internal reproductive organs changes. In order for the discharge to come out, the uterus contracts intensely, and its cervix opens slightly. Everyone knows that infection can penetrate through this hole, so these days you need to be as careful as possible.

    There is a superstition that during menstruation a woman becomes vulnerable to evil spirits: a spirit can enter her through an open uterus. But if you look at it from the other side, you should not forget that souls and all evil spirits can live everywhere and not only in a cemetery, so not visiting graves for this dubious reason is at least strange.

    Vampires become more active due to menstruation

    A lot of horror films on TV screens, books on similar topics involuntarily make you think that this is quite real. There are people who firmly believe in the story of Count Dracula and other vampires. Thanks to them, there is a hypothesis that menstrual flow, like fresh blood, attracts vampires to visit the cemetery - their abode -.

    But, on the other hand, vampires go hunting at night, and people come to graves during the day. It turns out that a walk to the cemetery is absolutely safe. If you believe in vampires, then you cannot come to the grave not only during menstruation, but even with the slightest scratch, and who, in general, knows how much blood is needed to awaken a vampire.

    Psychological disorders

    The most plausible and natural reason for the ban on visiting cemeteries is the impact on psychological condition. Everyone knows that although menstruation is a completely natural process, almost all women experience it differently. Hormonal imbalance makes the fair sex more irritable and susceptible to what is happening around them.

    Even if a loved one died many years ago, relatives always feel sad when visiting his grave, and for a woman during her period, such a visit can be a strong emotional shock. What about funerals and the pain of loss? The burial process itself cannot have a positive effect on health, both physical and emotional.

    Everything is allowed

    In fact, only the woman herself can decide whether to go to the cemetery with her period or not. If you do not take into account all the prejudices and beliefs of other people, but think only about your condition, then you can visit the grave at any time when there is a desire and need.

    It is important to consider that a cemetery is not a place where you can sit quietly, but this happens. In addition, it is not entirely comfortable and convenient to change personal hygiene products here; not every cemetery has a clean toilet.

    If it is a funeral, then there is a lot of stress on the body, especially when a loved one is being buried or loved one. Anxiety and stress can cause increased bleeding, you may also feel dizzy, or an emotional outburst will cause loss of consciousness. All this is dangerous during menstrual flow.

    Only a woman is able to assess her physical capabilities and psychological state, so she herself is free to choose when and where to go, be it a cemetery or another place.

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