• Individual plan for a physical education instructor



    Forming the Foundations healthy image life, improving health, achieving harmonious physical and mental development, ensuring the emotional well-being of children.


    Wellness: life protection and health promotion; comprehensive improvement of body functions; increasing performance and hardening the body.

    Educational: formation of motor skills; development of physical qualities; children's mastery of basic knowledge about their body, roles physical exercise in his life activities, ways to improve health.

    Educational: formation of interest and need for physical exercise; comprehensive development of the child.


    Organizational and pedagogical work

    Methodological work and interaction with teachers

    Working with children

    Working with parents and society


    1. Complete diagnostic examination cards

    2. Review and make changes to long-term work plans based on diagnostic results

    3.Develop tables for processing diagnostic results

    1. Introduce teachers to the results of a diagnostic examination of children, develop recommendations for individual work on academic year

    2. Determine the content of the child’s individual development route in the “Physical Development” section for group teachers

    1. Carry out diagnostics physical development children

    2.Organize and conduct a musical sports entertainment"Knowledge Day" for older children.

    1. Speeches at parent meetings: “Organization of physical education classes in kindergarten. Forms of work according to physical education. Motor activity of a child in the daily routine.”


    1.Replenish physical education equipment in the gym

    2.Replenish your music library with new audio recordings

    1. Make changes to the content of the subject-developmental environment of the groups, adding the necessary physical education equipment based on the diagnostic results

    2. Conduct a consultation for educators “Motor activity of children as a factor in health improvement”

    1. Prepare and conduct sports entertainment “Fun Starts” for children of older groups.

    2. Provide entertainment for children of middle groups “Dad, Mom, I - sports family

    1. Prepare material for visual propaganda (screen-moving) “Do it at home with your children”

    2. Conduct individual conversations with parents on the results of diagnosing the physical fitness of children and ways to improve it.


    "Implementation educational field“physical culture” and “health”, according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

    1. Check the replenishment of sports corners in groups.

    1. Provide entertainment for children of middle groups “Sport is strength and health”

    1. Conduct individual consultations on the topic “Features of hardening children in kindergarten and at home”


    1. Replenish the music library for classes with elements of rhythmic gymnastics

    2. Purchase literature on the topic “Physical education in preschool educational institutions”

    1. Conduct individual consultations for teachers “Reinforcing the main types of movements when conducting rhythmic gymnastics”

    1. Have fun " Winter fun» for older children

    2. Hold a sports festival “Winter Olympics” for children of preparatory groups.

    1. Prepare material for visual propaganda “Your Child’s Posture”

    2. Introduce parents to the program objectives and content of work for the quarter.

    3. Conduct individual consultations “Prevention and correction of flat feet”


    1. Update diagnostic examination cards, process the result

    2. Replenish the music library for physical education classes.

    1. Select literature on physical education for teachers junior groups

    1. Prepare and hold a sports festival on the street “Folk Games” for children of older groups.

    1. Prepare a photo exhibition about the sports festival “Folk Games”

    2. Conduct individual conversations based on the results of diagnosing the physical development of preschoolers by the middle of the school year

    3. Consultations “Let's play together. The games are interesting and useful at home.”


    1. Decorate the gym for joint entertainment between children and parents “Brave Soldiers” and “Russian Heroes”.

    2. Replenish your music library for sports entertainment

    1. Together with musical director select material for the entertainment “Good Soldiers” and “Russian Heroes”.

    2. Together with the group teachers, prepare entertainment “Brave Soldiers” and “Russian Heroes”.

    3. Consultations with a speech therapist on the preparation of logorhythmic gymnastics complexes.

    1. Conduct joint entertainment for children and parents “Good Soldiers” for children in preparatory groups.

    2. Provide entertainment for children of middle groups “Russian heroes”.

    Involve parents in preparing for and participating in the entertainment “Good Soldiers” and “Russian Heroes”.

    1. Organize a photo exhibition “We do physical education.”


    1. Make non-traditional sports equipment - a massage mat for the prevention of flat feet

    1. Individual consultations for educators on the production of non-traditional sports equipment

    2. Consultations with a speech therapist on conducting musical and rhythmic games.

    1. Hold a sports festival for middle groups “How winter met spring.”

    1.Consultation “Healing games for frequently ill children.”


    1. Decorate the hall for the musical and sports entertainment “Maslenitsa”

    1. Together with teachers, prepare entertainment for children “Hello, Maslenitsa!”

    2. Individual consultations for teachers “Children’s safety during physical education classes.”

    3. Together with the music director, prepare and conduct musical and sports entertainment “April Fool’s Day”

    1. Conduct musical and sports entertainment “Maslenitsa” for children of senior and preparatory groups.

    2. Conduct “Circus” entertainment for children of middle groups.”

    3. Conduct musical and sports entertainment “April Fool’s Day” for children of senior and preparatory groups.

    1. Conduct open classes for parents on the prevention of flat feet and poor posture.

    2.Arrange a photo exhibition about the Maslenitsa entertainment!

    1. Draw up a plan for physical education and health work for summer period

    2. Draw up a plan for individual work with children for the summer period based on the diagnostic results

    1.Pedagogical advice based on diagnostic results

    2. Introduce teachers to the results of a diagnostic examination of children, develop recommendations for individual work for the summer period.

    1. Diagnose the physical development of children

    2. Conduct for children of preparatory groups patriotic game"Zarnitsa"

    1. Take part in group discussions parent meetings based on the results of work for the year

    2. Conduct

    individual conversations based on the results of diagnostics of the physical development of preschool children at the end of the school year

    3.Prepare a visual campaign “What to do with a child in the summer.”


    1. Replenish the music library for a music and sports festival dedicated to Children’s Day

    2. Decorate a hall (venue) for holding a music and sports festival dedicated to Children’s Day

    1. Together with the music director, prepare material for holding a music and sports festival dedicated to Children’s Day

    2. Select material for teachers to learn and read with children for Children’s Day

    1. Hold a music and sports festival dedicated to Children’s Day.

    1. Arrange a photo exhibition about the holiday, dedicated to the Day Child protection

    2. Select material for visual propaganda (screen) about summer vacation with children.


    1. Make changes to calendar plans, taking into account the results of diagnostic data, analysis of the child’s motor activity and his individual characteristics

    2. Draw up a long-term calendar plan

    3. Plan group work

    1. Carry out individual work with the hosts of holidays and entertainments

    2. Provide consultations on the content and conduct of physical education classes, organize joint activities of a child and an adult

    1. Conduct physical education classes, morning exercises, individual work with children

    2. Conduct sports entertainment

    1. Organize photo and video shooting for the design of photo reports, wall newspapers, albums.

    Individual professional development plan

    for 2015 – 2020

    "Development motor activity children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the involvement of parents of pupils in the sports life"

    Subject: Development of motor activity of children and interaction with parents.

    Relevance of the topic:

    The problem of education and development healthy child in modern conditions is more relevant than ever. Health problems are being talked about more and more, but healthy children are becoming fewer and fewer every year.

    Physical education in kindergarten has been and remains a subject that makes it possible to maintain high physical performance of a preschooler, contributes to his development as an individual and allows him to cope with excessively increased workloads.

    It is known that the main means of physical education are physical exercises. They are very diverse and have high degree emotionality. Despite this, attempts to use exercises in physical education classes that combine the advantages of traditional types and new non-traditional directions continue unabated. physical activity.

    The health of a child depends on a number of factors: biological, environmental, social, hygienic. Forming a child’s conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without the active participation of teachers and parents in this process. It is no secret that favorable conditions for the development, training, and upbringing of a preschool child can be realized only under the condition of close interaction between the two social institutionskindergarten and families. Joint activities of preschool teachers educational institution and parents to preserve and strengthen the health of the child, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of hygienic and physical culture has not only pedagogical, but also deep social significance. After all, the health of children is the future of the country, the basis of its national security.

    To increase children's interest in physical culture Close interaction between teachers and students’ families is necessary. It is necessary to use forms of work with parents in which they are interested participants pedagogical process.

    Currently, the problem of the health and physical development of children is of particular relevance. preschool age. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. For last decades The health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply. Children's health problems require new approaches and trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.


    Improve your theoretical, scientific and methodological level and professional skills by implementing innovative technology in the process of training and education;

    To study the formation of the content of the program and the sequence of actions of a physical education instructor to use elements of the Federal State Educational Standard in their classes in order to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of preschool children;

    Introducing children and their parents to a healthy lifestyle.


    Study a theoretical course on the development of motor activity of children under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    Plan the educational process in physical education, physical education and health work, taking into account the specific conditions of the MADOU “Kindergarten No. 5”;

    Creatively apply professional and pedagogical knowledge, taking into account the age, individual, social and psychological characteristics of preschoolers;

    To form a stable interest of children in physical education, to active image life, education of personality-creating, moral, volitional, ethical, aesthetic qualities, as well as expanding the motor experience of children through mastering new motor qualities;

    Argument for the social and personal significance of the development of children’s motor activity;

    Select and creatively apply methods, means and organizational forms of physical education health activities preschoolers in accordance with the tasks being solved;

    Create a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between kindergarten staff and parents;

    1. The main stages of self-education work

    The implementation of the self-education program is designed for 5 years, broken down by year, with summing up intermediate results and making adjustments during the work on the topic.






    1. Statement of the problem.

    2. Study of literature on the problem.

    1. Subscription to methodological journals and


    2. Study of literature and

    other printed publications.


    1. Setting goals

    and tasks of the topic, its


    2.Development of a system of measures aimed at

    solution to the problem.

    3. Forecasting


    1. SZD (remote).

    2. Speech at the pedagogical council

    “Current problems in physical education in the light of modern requirements.”

    3. Conducting open classes at different levels.

    4. Consulting


    1. Implementation of work experience.

    2. Formation



    3. Adjustment

    1. Conducting open classes at different levels.

    2. Conducting a workshop

    3. Participation in competitions.


    1. Summary

    2. Design

    work results.

    1. Speech on the topic

    self-education on

    pedagogical councils.

    2. Participation in festivals and competitions.

    3. Conducting a workshop

    4. Consulting

    assistance to teachers and parents of preschool children.


    1. Distribution

    work experience.

    1. Generalization of PPO at the municipal level.

    2.Placement of experience

    on the DOW website.

    2. Main directions and actions for increasing personal self-education



    Actions and events




    1. Study new literature on the topic and teaching methods.

    2. Get to know modern research.

    4. Study the experience of physical education instructors, methodologists, best practices from methodological magazines and newspapers, websites, educational resources.

    5. Pass the PPA.

    6. Take an active part in competitions at various levels and festivals on this topic.

    7. Attend classes of colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience.


    the entire period

    8. Conduct open sessions for analysis by colleagues.

    9. Systematically watch sports TV shows.



    10. Increase the level of your erudition, legal and general culture.

    11. Periodically conduct self-analysis of your professional activity.




    1. Improve your knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology

    2. Continue work on the formation of a package of exercises for the development of physical activity and partnerships between the physical education instructor and parents.

    3. Develop a set of exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress

    4. Use at work psychological trainings from the book by E. Smirnova “I know myself and learn to manage myself”

    January 2015

    February 2016


    1. Get acquainted with new health technology, forms, methods and techniques of physical activity through subject publications:

    A) magazines;

    B) printed supplements to magazines.

    2. Place photocopies in a file folder with the same name of the self-education topic and sort them.

    3. Acquire and study methodological literature on the topic.

    4. Study the progressive experience of colleagues in the organization various forms physical education classes.

    5. Top up " methodical piggy bank» their activities, didactic materials, tests on the topic.

    6. Study the methods used in the kindergarten No. 5.

    In class




    1. Review of information on the Internet on the topic of self-education.

    2. Introduce ICT on this topic into the educational process.

    3.Take part in the “Open Lesson”; post a lesson on the website.

    4. Take part in the Festival of Research and creative works preschoolers “Portfolio” with the project “Development of motor activity of children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard” as a leader.

    1. Draw up safety instructions for physical education classes using various items.

    2. Implement in educational process health-saving exercises.

    3. Form rules of behavior and compliance with safety precautions during classes.

    4. Draw up a map of the individual psychomotor development of a preschooler to assess the effectiveness of the health course.

    5. Lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

    1. Study the types of sports equipment needed for classes.

    2. Providing the educational process in physical education with sports equipment.

    3. Search the Internet for musical accompaniment for classes.

    1. Continue to engage in photography on the topic “Sports moments in the family”

    2. Play games with preschoolers and parents.

    after each

    carried out

    nogo occupation


    3.Expected result:

    1. Increasing physical activity of children.

    2. Developed programs.

    3. Conducted master classes for physical education instructors.

    4. Reports and speeches on disseminating work experience and organizing health-improving activities.

    5. Development of presentations.

    6. Development and implementation of didactic materials.

    7. Development and conduct of classes for publication on the preschool educational institution website.

    8. Generalization teaching experience at the municipal level on this topic.

    9. Increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle.

    10. Interaction with the teacher and physical education instructor on issues of physical education of children.

    11. Active participation in the life of preschool educational institutions and the implementation of self-education.

    4.A way to demonstrate the work done

    1. Master classes;

    2. Open classes;

    3. Placing developments of children’s activities and work in online educational spaces;

    4. Presentations.

    5.Work done report form

    1. Generalization of teaching experience at the municipal level;

    2. Submission to the administration of an analytical report and “Portfolio”;

    3. Speech on the topic of self-education with analysis, conclusions and recommendations.

    Chukhaeva Yulia Yurievna

    Long-term work plan for a physical education instructor

    Author: Butova Yulia Viktorovna, physical education instructor at MKDOU kindergarten No. 6 “Yagodka”, Kirov, Kaluga region.
    Description: this material will be useful to kindergarten teachers and physical education instructors.

    Long-term plan for interaction between a physical education instructor and the teaching staff

    Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the physical development of children
    To involve parents in active, joint work in the new school year, the desire to show creativity and initiative.

    To form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle and physical culture and sports in the development of physical qualities
    Involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten

    1. “Tasks of physical education of children for the current school year”
    2. “Motor mode of children”
    “Development of physical qualities in outdoor games”
    1.Design of sports corners in groups,
    2. health sheets (the conversation is conducted by a nurse, who gives recommendations on how to work with children of health groups 2 and 3)
    3. Discussion with the nurse of the results of the children’s health examination
    Table of children's physical fitness testing results

    Involve parents and children in a healthy lifestyle
    Offer parents an activity that is useful for children and parents - making crafts on the theme “Summer Sports”
    Jointly prepare a holiday for children and parents using poems, songs, games
    Give everyone a good mood

    “Organization of classes to develop children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle”
    “Planning basic movements while walking during the week” (in all groups)
    “Making garlic pendants for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and colds”
    Health Week - game exercises, outdoor games, fun games (in all groups)
    Preparation of a notebook for medical and pedagogical control of physical education classes (with a nurse)
    Photo materials about the sports festival (in all groups)

    Offer parents a new activity that is useful for children and parents - making non-traditional physical education equipment
    Continue to introduce parents and children to a healthy lifestyle
    Develop the desire and ability to spend time together usefully

    1. “The role of health-improving exercises for the development of balance and flexibility”
    2.Design of the “Health Corner”
    1. Physical education and health work with children of health groups 2 and 3 (recommendations from a nurse and a physical education instructor, in all groups)
    2. “Teaching children spatial orientation” (preparatory group)
    Helping educators create visual information for parents “Playing with your child on a walk”


    To form an idea of ​​the characteristics of the physical development of children and the role of the family in raising a healthy child
    To cultivate respect for one’s health and interest in physical education in joint sports activities

    1. “Carrying out play exercises during a walk aimed at developing dexterity”
    (in all groups)
    2. “Carrying out game exercises with elements of sports games while walking (senior groups)
    1. “The role of family and kindergarten in raising a healthy child”
    2. “Use of attributes to increase children’s interest in motor play exercises”
    Photos of children's performances preparatory group at regional competitions

    Involving parents in participation in all events, assistance in organizing and conducting

    Cultivate interest in playing games with children while walking
    Introduce outdoor games and play exercises

    “Sets of exercises for awakening gymnastics” (in all groups)
    “Development of children’s physical qualities in games and play exercises”
    1.Week " Winter Games and entertainment" - game exercises, outdoor games, fun games (in all groups)
    2.Identification of a group of children requiring constant individual work
    (in all groups)
    1.Assist educators in preparing visual information for parents
    2. “We play together with the child in winter”

    Introduce parents to in the best ways introducing children to a healthy lifestyle
    Involving dads in raising children and conducting joint activities with the child at home.
    Foster a desire to be creative and active
    Develop a desire to actively hold joint holidays, receive satisfaction from entertainment prepared by a common team

    “Use of counting rhymes when organizing outdoor games” (in all groups)
    "Acupressure for acute respiratory infections"
    1. “Prevention of flat feet” sets of physical exercises (in all groups)
    2. Discussion with the nurse of the results of medical and pedagogical control of physical education classes"
    Photo materials about thematic holidays “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Maslenitsa” (in all groups)

    Involve inactive parents in joint group activities, give all families the opportunity to be creative
    Foster a desire to please everyone at a joint celebration

    Involve parents in the celebration of the Russian traditional holiday “Maslenitsa”
    Carry out happy holiday with the participation of mothers, please them with children's songs, dances, and joint games

    1. “Breathing exercises” (in all groups)
    2. “Planning the main types of movements during a walk during the week” (in all groups)
    1. “Health Week” - play exercises, outdoor games, fun games (in all groups)
    2. Familiarize educators with literature on the topic: “Cooperation “Kindergarten - Family”
    Memo for teachers on how to conduct breathing exercises(in all groups)

    Develop a desire to please children through joint physical education events and walks
    Involve in outdoor recreation, teach how to select good places to play with children
    Bring up friendly relations between children and parents, teachers

    “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children” (in all groups)
    1. “Russian folk outdoor games” (in all groups)
    2. “Individual work with children on a walk” (in all groups)
    “Formation of a healthy lifestyle” (in all groups)

    Develop a desire to actively hold joint holidays, receive satisfaction from entertainment prepared by a common team, Nurture the cohesion of the parent team
    Cultivate friendly relations between children and parents, educators
    To introduce parents and children to a healthy lifestyle, to develop a desire to participate in the life of the kindergarten
    To form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle and the importance of active physical education and sports in the development of children’s physical qualities
    Summarize the results of joint physical education and health work

    “Effective organization of children’s motor activity during the day”
    “Organization of physical education and health work in the summer” (with a nurse)
    1. “Results of physical education and health work for the current academic year” - results of diagnostics of children
    2. “Results and prospects of health and preventive work for the next academic year (with a nurse)
    Photo materials about the thematic holiday “Victory Day” (in all groups)

    Involve parents in the theater, develop a desire to get acquainted with theatrical activities in kindergarten
    Introduce parents to Russian traditions, introduce them to Russian folk outdoor games
    To foster interest and cohesion of the parent team in joint activities to organize a holiday for children
    Involve parents in preparing groups and the sports area for the summer work period.
    To provide an opportunity to show unity, creativity and interest in the improvement of the sports area
    Continue to involve parents in active life in a group and the ability to spend vacations and holidays together with their children
    Involve families in a healthy lifestyle

    “Organization and conduct of physical education activities in the summer”
    “Outdoor games in the summer - forms of organization” (with a senior teacher)
    1. “Folk outdoor games for a walk in the summer” (in all groups)
    2. “Hardening in summer - using natural factors to improve children’s health”

    Yulia Khitrova
    Physical Education Instructor Annual Plan



    Adopted by the pedagogical council

    Protocol dated September 14, 2015 No. 1 APPROVED

    by order under MBDOU

    d\s No. 25 "Berry"

    dated 09/19/2015 No. 27 – o

    Head d/s ___

    Annual work plan

    physical education instructor

    Khitrovoy Yu. V.

    for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

    1. Analysis physical education- health improvement work for the 2015-2016 academic year. 3

    2. Objectives of the work physical culture for the 2015-2016 academic year. 6

    3. Physical Instructor Work Plan education for the 2015-2016 academic year. 7

    3.1. Organizational and pedagogical work. 7

    3.2. Forms of methodological work with personnel. 8

    3.3. Forms of methodological work with children. 9

    3.4. Forms of methodological work with parents. 11

    3.5. Interaction with a speech therapist. 12

    1. Analysis physical education– health work

    for the 2015 – 2016 academic year.

    In the 2015-2016 academic year The following tasks were planned by the physical education instructor::

    1. Shape correct technique performing basic movements in children.

    2. Create conditions for the fulfillment of children’s needs for physical activity.

    3. Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

    The most important task of a preschool educational institution is the task of protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children, their physical development. The entire kindergarten team takes part in solving this problem. All necessary conditions have been created for activities with children.

    The gym has modern equipment (gymnastic wall, exercise machines, massagers, trampolines, jumping hoppers, mats, hoops, balls of different sizes, etc.)

    In each age group there is a small sports complex, toys for the implementation of physical activity of children, almost all groups have updated sets of modules, which is important for physical development of children.

    On physical education classes are carried out individually - a differentiated approach to children: when determining loads, the level is taken into account physical training and health, sexual characteristics. Thus, to strengthen the health of children and introduce them to a healthy lifestyle, morning exercises were carried out throughout the year, at the end of which the children performed daily self-massage according to the method of V. T. Kudryavtsev; health activities (such How: "Help your spine", "Our healthy legs» , , “I will save my heart, I will help myself” etc.); physical education classes - frontal, plot, game, test, competitions - relay races, through which healthy lifestyle skills are gradually formed, endurance is developed, physical personal qualities and, most importantly, the health of children is strengthened. All this contributes to the formation of vital motor skills in children and the emergence of a need for daily activities. physical education and a healthy lifestyle. All teachers contribute to the development of healthy lifestyle values ​​in children and carry out preventive work with parents.

    Generally physical raising children in preschool educational institutions corresponds to modern requirements to the organization and volume of motor activity of preschool children in kindergarten. During the year during physical education classes, independent motor activity, children were taught elements of sports games. However, due to insufficient equipment (badminton rackets have become unusable, there are not enough basketballs and balls, there are no basketball backboards, teaching elements of sports games was not effective enough.

    The efficiency coefficient of children’s acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in physical culture at the end of the school year was 83% (2.5 points, which corresponds to a high level of development.

    Level physical fitness and physical development of children

    from 4 -7 years old for the 2015-16 academic year year:

    Indicators 2013-14 academic year year 2014 - 15 academic year year 2015 - 16 academic year year

    58 children tested 63 children 65 children

    High level 2% 6% 18%

    Above average 41% 59% 68%

    Average level 46% 19% 13%

    Below average 5% 16% 1%

    Low level 6% 0% 0%

    The table shows that, compared to previous years, there is a tendency to increase the number of children with high level and above average development level. This contributed: Creation necessary conditions V gym and in groups, daily morning exercises, self-massage according to the method of V. T. Kudryavtseva, conducting physical education classes, entertainment, leisure, relay competitions, recreational activities.

    Also, a positive point was the participation of a kindergarten student in the Talent 2016 competition in which he took first place (Gustov Daniil).

    Based on the analysis plan work over the past year it is clear that physical education instructor's plan completed.

    2. Objectives of the work physical education

    2015 – 2016 academic year.

    1. Enrich the subject-development environment according to physical education in an institution in accordance with federal state requirements.

    2. Use unconventional methods and techniques for ensuring motor activity in classes physical culture.

    3. Develop an additional educational program for a study group physical development"Healthy legs".

    4. Continue to teach children the elements of sports games.

    3. Physical education instructor work plan

    for the 2015 – 2016 academic year.

    3.1. Organizational and pedagogical work.

    1. Drawing up a perspective plan work for the academic year. September. Physical instructor. culture.

    2. Preparation gym to school. year: selection of software and methodological support, methodological manuals, drawing up algorithms and work schedules, etc.


    Physical instructor. culture.

    3. Study of new methodological and other literature on physical education of preschool children. Selection of library, etc.

    In current year

    Physical instructor. culture.

    4. Replenishment physical education corners in groups, necessary equipment in gym.

    In current year Physical instructor. culture.

    5. Preparation of the necessary documentation, monitoring results, etc.

    In current year Physical instructor. culture.

    6. Participation in kindergarten PMPK. September, January, May. Physical instructor. culture.

    7. Organization different types activities with children. Group work with children.

    In current year Physical instructor. culture.

    8. Organization of comprehensive diagnostics of children. Filling out summary diagnostic cards.

    Organization of monitoring the quality of the educational process according to physical culture V preschool groups institutions. September, January, May.

    Physical instructor. culture.

    9. Participation in RMO In current. year Physical instructor. culture.

    3.2. Forms of methodological work with personnel.

    Activities Duration Responsible


    Creating conditions for physical development and motor activity in groups.

    Hygienic importance of sportswear

    Organizing sporting events, holidays, entertainment, hikes.


    Physical instructor. culture.

    Round table:

    Organization of motor-health-improving moments in the course of direct educational activities

    Physical instructor. culture.


    Carrying out gymnastics after sleep with children in groups.

    Carrying out finger gymnastics with children in groups.

    Physical instructor. culture.

    Content requirements physical education corner in the group

    In current year Physical instructor. culture.

    Master class:

    Prevention of posture and flat feet in preschool children"

    November Physical instructor. culture.

    Individual work with teachers on their issues. In current year Physical instructor. culture.

    3.3. Forms of methodological work with children.

    Activities Duration Responsible

    Classes, morning exercises In current. year Instr. in physics culture.

    Outdoor games while walking. In current year Instr. in physics culture.

    Corrective individual work to prevent flat feet and flattening of the foot. In current year Instr. in physics culture.

    Entertainment, sports events, games - relay races. In current year Instr. in physics culture.

    Hiking in the meadows. Autumn, spring. Instr. in physics culture.

    Sports entertainment and story-themed activities in the junior group:

    - "Bear cubs are curious" (media) September Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Visiting the Bunny" (Plot - game) November Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Toy store" (Plot - game) December Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Balls are bouncy balls" (thematic) April Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - « Physical education » April Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Kittens" (thematic) April Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - “We are entering the school of bears - stompers” (sports festival) May Educators and instr. in physics culture.

    Sports activities and holidays for secondary children groups: In current year. Educators and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Autumn festivities" (thematic) October Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - « Magic transformations» (sports entertainment). November Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Visiting the Sun" (Media situational mini-game). January Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "We are athletes" March Educators and instr. in physics culture.

    - Physical education– health-improving ecological holiday "The Coming of Spring". April Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    Sports activities and holidays for older and preparatory children age: In current year. Educators and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Help your spine" (physical education- recreational activity) September Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Our healthy legs" (physical education- recreational activity) October Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "We are strong, we are friendly" (sports and theatrical entertainment) November Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” (sports festival). February Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - “The support and engines of our body” (thematic). March Educators and instr. in physics culture.

    - “I take care of my heart, I will help myself” (thematic) April Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Journey to the Land of Health" (competitive - game program) . May Educators and instr. in physics culture.

    - “A healthy mind in a healthy body” (sports festival). May, June Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - "Fun Starts" (sports leisure) . June Teachers and instr. in physics culture.

    - Physical education"Sportlandia" 1 time per month during year. Educators and instr. in physics culture.

    3.4. Forms of methodological work with parents.

    Activities Duration Responsible


    Your child's health

    Requirements for the form for classes physical culture.

    The meaning of sports games.

    October, January.

    Physical instructor. culture.

    Round table.

    Physical education of preschool children

    November, February

    Physical instructor. culture.


    The role of parents in physical education of children

    March, December.

    Physical instructor. culture.

    Joint holidays

    Mom, dad and I are a sports family February Physical instructor. culture.

    Speech at a parent meeting

    "Results of work on physical raising children during the school year"


    Physical instructor. culture.

    Development Consultation Center physically active children. In current year Physical instructor. culture.

    Individual work with parents on their issues. In current year Physical instructor. culture.

    3.5. Interaction with a speech therapist.

    Interaction physical education instructor with speech therapist, is expressed in the solution of the following tasks:

    1. Promote healing and hardening child's body, improve coordination of basic types of movements, develop general and fine motor skills, form positive personal quality: mutual assistance, determination, perseverance, self-confidence.

    2. Conduct (including jointly with other specialists) individual, subgroup and frontal lessons with all students, taking into account their psychophysical capabilities and individual characteristics.

    3. Regulate (with medical workers educational institution) physical load on pupils.

    4. Improve health children:

    Solves general problems physical development of children;

    Develops their motor skills and abilities;

    Forms psychomotor functions.

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