• How to make a basketball hoop out of paper. It’s easy to please your family and friends: how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands at home. How to make a basketball backboard with your own hands


    In half an hour from the series " Funny toys"(those that are done very quickly and serve to entertain the baby).

    If friends and comrades unexpectedly come to visit your baby, then under no circumstances should you panic, but you also shouldn’t lose face. Therefore, if you don’t want to put the house in order after the destruction they cause, you urgently need to keep your little one busy with something productive. For example, an active sports game.

    Mini basketball - the best remedy, in order to temporarily dull the kids’ vigilance to all sorts of interesting things around and have fun in big company friends.

    Basketball hoops and balls in large quantities and various sizes are presented in children's stores, but there is nothing easier than making them with your own hands, without any special costs, and making adults and children happy.
    This kind of basketball will be fun to play for both big and small - the main thing is to devote yourself to the game with all passion and enjoy the entertainment.

    So, to create a homemade mini-basketball you will need:


    Plastic salad jar;

    Insulating tape;

    Transparent tape;

    A piece of soft wire;

    A piece of fishing line;

    Net for vegetables or fruits;

    PVA glue;

    Any small ball ( rubber, tennis, rag);

    Sheets of cardboard ( white and colored).





    Manufacturing process

    1) cut the salad jar with a cutter, leaving only the double rim on top, in it on the side, in one of the sectors we make a hole, for which the ring will then be attached to the base;

    2) wrap the hole with electrical tape, and then the entire ring ( you can even do it several times - just to be safe);

    3) we put a net for vegetables on the rim, cut off the required length, fasten it to the ring using fishing line - thread it through the holes, as if sewing, and tie it with a knot;

    4) thread the wire into the hole, wrap it several times ( for reliability);

    5) cut out rectangles of different colors from cardboard ( white and orange), simulating a backboard for a basketball hoop, and glue them together;

    Have you ever had to stop yourself when you walked past a basketball court so as not to throw the ball into the basket? Why hold back? Team sports reliably unite people of any age, religion and social status. And to look decent at any time and on any site, all you have to do is not start training.

    On local sports grounds, you can equip small places for playing streetball, summer cottages build rings for children to play using improvised materials. So, how to make a basketball hoop yourself?

    Required sizes and materials

    1. the internal diameter of the basketball hoop is 45 cm;
    2. the height of its upper edge above playground- 3.05 m;
    3. ring material - metal rod, plastic pipe, available materials;
    4. diameter of the rod or pipe for the ring - 16-20 mm;
    5. distance from the ring to the shield - 15 cm;
    6. mesh length - 40-45 cm;
    7. mesh material - metal chain, synthetic cord, rope, braid.

    Types of basketball hoops

    Rings can be different:

    • metal with anti-vandal mesh made of metal chain;
    • metal with rope mesh;
    • plastic with mesh various types materials;
    • creative (from construction debris, from old furniture, from large plastic containers).

    The construction of a ring from a metal rod begins with markings. Since the basket must have an internal diameter of 45 cm, a rod or pipe is selected based on this.

    The length of the material is calculated using the formula:

    Length of the rod = Circle diameter x 3.14 (Pi value). We have 45 × 3.14 = 141.3 cm.

    Since we will need to attach the ring to the shield, we will take a rod length of about 150 cm. You can bend a rod or pipe using a template (wheel), or you can bend it to size, measure the diameter and straighten it with a mallet. The remaining part of the rod or pipe should be prepared for fastening to the panel using drilled holes and screws.

    The ring is ready. Now you can make a mesh for it. If it is assumed that the ring will hang on the adjacent territory of an apartment complex, then it is better to make the mesh anti-vandal, using a metal chain. The mesh is attached to the ring using 12 lugs or a rod of smaller diameter welded to the bottom of the main ring.

    You can weave a net from rope, braid, twine yourself. To do this, the 20 m long material from which the mesh is prepared is cut into 160 cm pieces. If the mesh is supposed to be hung on 12 loops, then 12 pieces are prepared.

    When hanging pieces of rope on a ring, each section is picked up by a sea knot. The next row of weaving begins with knots tied with a row of hanging ends. So you need to weave 4-5 rows. For beauty and neatness of the product, you can use a template, placing it under the knots to be tied. The lower ends of the rope should be melted to prevent fraying.

    These two models make the greatest impression in one set, despite the fact that the catapult was invented by master Robert Lang,

    and a figure similar to basketball hoop, has been known in origami for a long time and is considered a classic.

    To make a catapult, take a square sheet of smooth thick paper, cut from a standard A4 sheet (21 x 29 cm).

    For a basketball hoop, take a standard sheet of thick A4 paper.

    1. To make a catapult, fold a square piece of paper in half to create a diagonal fold, and pinch the “arrow” in the middle to mark the center of the diagonal.

    2. Unfold the sheet folded in step 1, and then fold the top corner down, approximately one-third of the distance between the corner itself and the mark in the center of the sheet.

    3. Fold the top edges of the sheet inward over the corner turned down, bringing the ends together along the vertical center fold.

    4. The hidden corner made during operation 2 must be pulled out.

    5.Allow the paper to straighten out as shown in the photo. The previously hidden corner made during operation 2 will bend towards the corner.

    6.Fold the outer edges of the model inward along the vertical center line. The resulting figure resembles a variation of the basic kite model.

    7.Turn the model over.

    8.Fold the model in half with a concave fold from right to left.

    9.Fold the model in half along the horizontal center fold from bottom to top.

    10.Holding the model with one hand and pressing its outer paper layer to the bottom edge, grab the inner corner with the other hand and pull it up and away from you. When this corner takes its new place, smooth out the model.
    The topmost horizontal edge of the inside corner should lie parallel to the bottom horizontal edge of the outside of the model.

    11.Fold the upper corner over the outside of the model with a concave fold along the fold that runs along the edge of the inner corner and remains from operation 10.
    Repeat the same on the reverse side.

    12.To make the bucket, open out the small triangle at the end of the inside of the model and pinch the convex fold at its base.
    This fold will hold the bucket open so you can place a basketball in it.

    13.To make a basketball hoop, first fold the basic water bomb model onto one end of a rectangular piece of paper.

    14.Fold both sharp corners forward, placing one on top of the other until the shape takes the shape of a ring.

    15.Fold the outer vertical edges of the sheet inward to a depth of 4 - 5 cm. Accuracy in in this case is not of fundamental importance.

    16.Open the flaps, bent during operation 15, outward at right angles to the main part of the model. Place the assembled basketball hoop on the table.


    Roll up the paper ball and place it in the catapult bucket. Pull the outer edges of the catapult handle to the sides, and they will open and push forward the bucket along with the ball lying in it, replacing the basketball.

    Try to hit them in the basket and open the account of your mistakes and successes.

    Paper basketball is a fun origami model for children over 10 years old. The craft consists of two parts, invented at different times. The catapult was invented in the 20th century by origami master Robert Lang. And the origami figurine, similar to a basketball hoop, is a classic model invented in Japan in ancient times. The most difficult thing to make is a catapult. Therefore, if you take it upon yourself to make it, then you can do the second part of the model with children significantly younger age- from 6-7 years old. During the origami class, the paper basketball, although not an easy model, always became a hit, especially with the boys. After all, you can play with this craft, and not just admire it! At the end of the lesson, we always held a tournament for the most accurate “basketball player.”

    How to make an origami model for children over 10 years old “Paper Basketball”

    For the craft, we will need a square sheet of paper measuring 20x20 cm for the catapult, a rectangular sheet of landscape-sized paper for the basketball hoop and a piece of foil for the ball.

    Making a basketball hoop for an origami model for children over 10 years old “Paper Basketball”

    Fold back the corner of the paper, connecting the opposite sides, as shown in the photo.

    Let's repeat the same operation in the other direction.

    Let's turn the paper over and bend it towards itself so that the fold line falls on the intersection point of the previously outlined diagonals.

    Unfold the paper and turn it over.

    Let's add along all the marked lines. At the top of the sheet we have basic form origami "water bomb".

    Fold the two ends of the top layer of paper of the “water bomb” forward and insert them into each other, giving the shape of a ring.

    Fold the edge of the paper towards the middle.

    Bend the edges of the paper at an angle of 90 degrees to the entire structure and place a basketball hoop.

    Making a catapult for an origami model for children over 10 years old “Paper Basketball”

    Fold the square diagonally and draw a line.

    Let's unfold the sheet to its original position and bend the corner down.

    We fold the upper edges of the sheet. Please note that the edges should meet in the center.

    Step 4

    Let's pull out the corner that we bent in operation 2 outward.

    Let's bend it to the corner.

    Fold the edges of the model towards the center.

    Let's turn the craft over

    Let's bend it in half, as shown in the picture.

    Let's bend the catapult model in half in the other direction.

    Let's raise the “throwing” part of the catapult so that it is flush with the upper edges. Let's fix the model in this position, smoothing out the fold.

    Bend the top edges on both sides, making “wings”.

    Let's make a ladle. To do this, open a small triangle and pinch it at the base.

    Instead of a paper catapult, you can make a catapult out of popsicle sticks.

    Ball for origami model “Paper basketball”

    Crumple a piece of foil into a ball. You can use a candy wrapper or any thin piece of paper, for example, a piece of notebook paper.

    How to play paper basketball

    Let's put the ball into the bucket of the catapult. Let's take the catapult by the “wings” and pull it to the sides, this will straighten the bucket and the ball will fly. All that’s left is to shoot and become the paper basketball champion!

    Prepare the necessary materials. Although you will need relatively few materials to make a basketball hoop, the work will go faster, if you prepare everything you need in advance. Gather the following materials:

    • wire hanger (this should be a completely metal hanger, without plastic or wood elements);
    • large flat piece of cardboard;
    • tape of your choice (painting tape will be easier to work with, and sealing tape will make the basketball hoop more durable);
    • markers or paints;
    • scissors;
    • twine (optional).

    Shape the hanger into a ring. There is no need to disassemble the hanger, simply convert its triangular loop into a ring.

    Bend the hook of the hanger so that it is at right angles to the plane of the ring. Do not cut off the hook as you will need it.

    Cut out a cardboard shield for the ring, choosing the shape and size you want. Standard backboards for basketball hoops have a rectangular shape, so if you wish, you can choose this one.

    • Try to make sure that the dimensions of the ring and shield are proportional to each other. For comparison, consider that a standard NBA backboard is 1.8 m wide and 1.05 m high, and the inside diameter of a basketball hoop is 45-45.7 cm. In other words, a basketball hoop is a quarter (or 25%) of the width of the backboard.
  • Decorate the ring and shield as you wish. Traditionally, basketball hoops are painted red, but you can customize the hoop to suit your design. Nowadays, standard basketball hoop backboards (including NBA ones) are made of clear glass, but since there is no clear cardboard, you can let your imagination run wild and decorate the backboard any way you want.

    Tape the ring to the cardboard board. Now you can attach the ring in the center to the bottom edge of the shield and secure the previously bent hook to it back side using tape. Make sure that the ring is pressed as tightly as possible to the edge of the shield.

    Attach a mesh to the ring (optional). The net can be made from twine or even from twisted strips of tape.

  • Hang the finished basketball hoop and backboard on a wall or door. In this case, it is best to use masking tape for fastening, since it will not leave behind adhesive marks, as sealing tape can do. In this case, there are two different methods of fixing the ring with the shield.

    • You can cover the entire front perimeter of the shield with tape and make sure that the ends of the tape protrude onto the wall, thereby securing the shield.
    • An alternative is to make loops of tape (by taking lengths of tape and rolling it into rings, end to end, sticky side facing out), and then use them to attach the shield to the surface of your choice.
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