• What to do to make the child walk faster. How to teach a child to walk independently: basic recommendations for young parents


    At the age of 8-12 months, young parents are concerned about the question of how to properly work with their child so that he gets on his feet faster. There are cases when a baby during this period independently masters the first steps.

    You can help your baby adapt faster by doing basic exercises with him, the purpose of which is to strengthen the vestibular and musculoskeletal system.

    Don't know how to teach your child to walk independently? It is better to do this by supporting him by the arms at first. The first sign that the child is about to walk is standing confidently and trying to take a step forward, as if sticking out.

    Usually the baby tries to walk while being at a strong support (this can be a sofa, playpen, table). Another sign of a baby’s readiness to walk can be considered the desire to get up on his own, while holding himself with his hands. Having noticed the little one’s desire to move, you can begin the first movements, supporting the baby under your arms.

    Stages of learning to walk

    Two people are needed for training. One should stand behind the baby and support him with his hands, the second should be in front at a short distance with his hands outstretched to the baby to catch him when he falls.

    This teaching method is very similar to walking with support along a support, however, there is a different trajectory of movement that allows you to navigate in space. It is important to constantly monitor the baby’s movements so that he does not get caught, hit, or get scared. It is good to secure the child by catching him when he is unsteady on his legs and bends over.

    You can attract the attention of a baby who wants to walk with toys placed in front. You can protect your child from falls by using soft bolsters, blankets and pillows. Do not forget that long walking is harmful to the baby, especially if the baby is 8-9 months old and he does not stand well on his legs, swaying to the sides.

    Loads during long walking have a negative effect on the spine, joints, and muscles. It is best to teach your baby to squat from a standing position. Then he can rest, adjusting to sitting down. If it is inconvenient for parents to constantly bend over while holding their child by the arms, you can purchase special safety belts at children's goods stores. They are good to use outdoors when there is a high risk of falls.

    There are times when a child takes his first steps very early. Keep in mind that each baby develops individually. Early walking is not harmful if the baby is ready for it. If the baby does not want to get on his feet, the learning process should be stopped for a while, then, after a couple of months, resumed.

    Prohibited tricks

    Walker walking is reduced only to pushing off with the legs, which entails deformation of the feet. Moreover, the baby is in them in sitting position and is completely unable to hold the body weight upright.

    Safety belts are not very useful either. They restrict movement and make turning impossible.

    Early attempts to walk are fraught with the development of flat feet in a child. If we consider support walking, then for infants it is harmful due to sprains, deformation of the feet, and stress on the musculoskeletal system.

    Shoes are no less important in shaping the correct gait. It is better to teach your baby to walk in socks at home. For the street you need to purchase a special one orthopedic shoes, holding the baby's leg in the correct position. It is very important to give freedom of movement to children, so that nothing hinders already difficult movements.

    What is important when learning?

    In order for the child to go on time, it is necessary:

    • Active learning;
    • Selection and use of various teaching methods, selected depending on developmental characteristics;
    • Motivation to take the first steps;
    • Exciting games that develop coordination of movements.

    Getting back on your feet late (after a year) is very difficult for a baby. For sick, inactive children, the first steps at 1.2-1.5 months are normal. There is no need to force your baby to walk if he doesn’t want to. The locomotor system must become stronger so that over time the cub will be able to actively move.

    First steps

    The age of 8-9 months is characterized by the ability to only stand for a few seconds. Then, after a couple of weeks, swaying, the babies try to get up on their own and grab onto a support. This physical exercise arouses interest, and they repeat it more and more often. It takes about a year to get back on my feet. At this time, the baby still tries to stick to the support, get up and sit down, and take timid steps towards bright objects.

    A child's curiosity should always be encouraged. This is typical for cases when a child wants, for example, to get a toy, but he cannot get up or reach it. In this case, you need to help the baby.

    In order for a child to move without problems in an upright position, his musculoskeletal system must be fully developed. Crawling comes to the aid of the first steps. It trains the muscles. It is most convenient for babies to move over short distances. Massages, swimming, and simple yoga exercises help to master the movements.

    Don't panic if your baby accidentally falls. Under no circumstances should you shout or scold the baby. With such actions you can discourage the desire to explore the world through movements. To avoid falls, it is recommended to prepare the space in advance, remove dangerous items from the floor. It is important to secure the sockets with plugs and hide the wiring.

    What to do if the baby does not walk?

    If the cause of the problem is a reluctance to walk, it is explained by the body’s unpreparedness for a new stage, and therefore cannot be corrected. In case the child is behind physical development, you should seek help from a specialist.

    In any case, you should not panic prematurely until the reasons for “refusing to walk” are clarified. Only a doctor can tell whether your baby is healthy or not, whether he is able to walk but is lazy, or whether he has a pathology that prevents him from fully developing.

    By the tenth month, your baby will learn to crawl quickly, and his success in this method of movement will make you smile more than once. But it’s not enough for a child to just crawl. It develops further. Now he tends to climb onto benches, stools, and chairs. These items should be near him. And you must keep an eye on the baby. Let him climb onto the bench in your presence. Secure your child a little so that he doesn’t hurt himself if he falls off the stool.

    Climbing onto chairs and benches, the child follows his instinct. This is necessary for the child's development, so do not interfere with it. Place several pillows near the chair so that the child does not hurt himself if he falls.

    At first, the child stands for only a few moments and, swaying, quickly grabs the support. But this new, more difficult movement gives him pleasure, he again and again lets go of the bedrail or the chair he was previously holding on to, and gradually learns to stand steadily for a long time without support.

    Most children begin to stand up and down without holding onto support with their hands later than they begin to stand on their own. But sometimes a child tries to get to his feet and is not yet able to stand steadily. First he gets on all fours, then slowly straightens up, stands for a moment, quickly loses his balance and, swaying, falls to the floor. He gets up again, falls down, gets up, and so on several times in a row.

    By the age of one year, a child usually already knows how to long time stand, stand up and down calmly, without holding on to anything with your hands. At nine to ten months, he quickly walks along stationary objects, holding onto them with his hands. Soon he can already walk along a smooth wall, only lightly resting his palms on it, and then begins to move from one object to another, taking one or two steps on his own.

    Before you start teaching your child to walk independently, think about whether it is time to right time. The fact is that the child’s porno-motor system must be sufficiently developed for the loads associated with upright walking. Therefore, in order to promote the rapid development of the baby’s musculoskeletal system, do not limit, but on the contrary, encourage his crawling, as it develops the child’s muscular system better than any exercise equipment or gymnastics.


    The child must have appropriate shoes. Knitted socks and soft shoes are no longer suitable. Leather shoes are preferable - that is, light and quite tough. In such shoes, the child will feel more stable, and therefore more confident.

    Pay attention to the floor on which the child learns to walk. The floor should not be very smooth and, naturally, slippery. IN otherwise The child will fall too much. In addition to the risk of injury, another danger arises: the child may lose self-confidence.

    Inspect the soles of the shoes you bought for your child. If you feel that it is too smooth and will slip when you walk, sand the sole or replace the shoes.

    Take a critical look at the place where your child will learn to walk. The floor here should be level, without thresholds. Remove rugs and rugs to prevent your child from tripping over them. Be aware of the dangerous proximity of sharp corners of furniture. When falling, a child may hit a sharp corner.

    It has been noticed that the use of baby walkers slows down development and the child begins to walk later, since the baby in a walker weakens the desire to learn to walk independently.

    The child cannot walk independently at 1 year old, we are looking for the reason!

    If a child at 1 year of age has not yet walked independently (at least 2-3 steps without support), walks poorly or does not try to walk with support, stands or walks on his toes, an urgent consultation with a pediatric neurologist is necessary.

    Teaching a child to walk independently

    If the child is already about a year old, he is strong, healthy, has been crawling well for a long time, gets up and stands only with slight use of support, but does not try to stand himself, you can help him master this skill. To do this, you need to leave him without support for a few seconds and carefully monitor him so that he does not fall.

    Parents are usually interested in whether it is possible to drive their child while holding him under his arms. You can drive, but not before he learns to stand confidently with support. Make sure that when you drive your child, he does not lean forward or to the sides. An inclined position of the body can lead to curvature of the spine. In addition, a child who is used to walking with support while leaning forward will find it difficult to maintain the upright position required when walking without support.

    Even without being able to walk independently, the child walks with more or less pleasure depending on where you take him. You walk with him into the next room, he actively steps over, you turn back - he resists, does not go.

    If the baby walks freely, only slightly holding on, and even more so lets go of the support and takes one or two steps on his own, he will soon begin to walk without support. Some babies are not self-confident and cannot walk independently for this reason alone. Help him gain confidence, call him to you at a distance of 2 steps, then 3 or more, if the child sways, losing his balance, you need to catch him with a gentle movement, but do not scream or make sudden movements, so as not to scare him. Soon the child will begin to walk on his own, without any prompting, and will quickly improve in this skill.

    In order to stimulate a child’s desire to walk, this same incentive must exist. For example, a child wants to get some kind of toy, but cannot, because to do this he needs to tear himself away from the support and walk several steps. Surround your baby with interesting objects and toys, let him try to get them, touch them, and explore them.

    By the end of the year, the child masters some other movements: he sits down and squats, and then stands up confidently; bends down to pick up a toy from the floor, and, having taken it, straightens up and carries it; climbs on and off low objects. The child understands the names of almost all movements and, at the request of adults, can perform them.

    The baby is becoming more and more active and soon you will not be able to hold him next to you by the hand, you will have to constantly run after him and protect him from troubles along the way, and you will sadly remember those moments when he did not yet know how to walk. Don’t rush to teach your child to walk on his own, everything has its time.

    Doctors say that a healthy baby should develop between the ages of 9 months and 1.5 years. At the beginning of this time period there are the most frisky and active of them, at the end - the cautious and difficult to rise in the literal and figurative sense. Such a wide range in terms allows us to understand that the first steps are an individual feature and cannot be held to any standards, as some mothers do. For them, if the baby is not a year old, that’s it, it’s a disaster!

    Comparing him with others, his parents begin to panic that he will not get back on his feet at all, they sign him up for all kinds of massages, swimming, and take him to various specialists. This is already too much. Instead, you just need to know how to teach a child to walk independently, how to help him master this skill along with his peers, without falling behind them and without staying too long.

    You can study for a long time, but still not teach your child to walk independently for one reason - due to the presence of undetected or ignored physiological characteristics. They can become a serious obstacle that cannot be overcome until it is diagnosed and eliminated.

    Therefore, first, young parents must understand why their baby is in no hurry to take the first step. Factors contributing to this can be very different.

    • Excess weight

    Compare the child's weight with the norms for his age. Are you often told that your baby is growing, and your local pediatrician constantly comments that you are overfeeding him? It's time to reconsider the daily amount of food he eats. Have you introduced complementary foods correctly?

    Consult with specialists and take the necessary measures to gradually lose weight for your baby. Otherwise, the extra pounds will put serious stress on the spine when you try to teach it to walk. Do gymnastics for babies with him.

    If the reason excess weight- impaired metabolism, be sure to make an appointment with a pediatric endocrinologist and undergo a course of treatment, if possible.

    • Temperament

    Experts say that the first year of life is a stage of psychomotor development. Physical activity a child’s ability directly depends on his type of higher nervous activity. It includes emotional excitability, mental characteristics, vital force.

    If you have a slow phlegmatic or an anxious melancholic growing up, it will be difficult to teach him to walk. early age. But a nimble choleric person or a cheerful sanguine person will get back on their feet much faster and, most likely, without your participation.

    • Genetic predisposition

    Ask your parents what time did you start walking and how did it happen: did you do it yourself or did they have to make some effort? Very often it turns out that a child who took his first steps after a year received this feature as an inheritance.

    • Climatic conditions

    What part of the Earth do you live in? Studies have shown that southerners develop earlier and faster than northerners. This also applies to walking.

    • Walkers

    One of the most controversial devices, dividing all pediatricians and parents into two opposing camps.

    On the one hand, a child can still be taught to walk with the help of a walker, if used correctly (put them there when they are closer to one year, in the absence of contraindications, limit the time spent in them, force the baby to move independently).

    On the other hand, orthopedists and pediatricians never tire of warning that this is a direct path to flat feet and poor posture in the future. And lazy children, having learned the purpose of this structure, generally refuse to take steps without it. If this is your case, you will have to deprive him of this pleasure and force him to walk on his own.

    • Bad experience

    If the child has already made attempts to walk, but they ended in failure (he knocked, it just didn’t work out), he may remember it and will be afraid that it will happen again.

    To prevent such a situation, adults should always be close to the baby and take all safety measures to avoid falling. If this does happen, you need to wait some time (a week is enough) and show him that walking is not at all scary, that his mother is always there to help.

    • Stressful situation

    It is possible to teach a child to walk only if he grows up in a comfortable psychological atmosphere and familiar conditions. Stress from an unfamiliar environment, due to moving, strangers in the apartment, frequent quarrels between parents can make him “sit around”, despite all his efforts.

    • Disease

    Even if it is a common cold, it can greatly weaken a child’s body. There is no need to try to teach him to walk during this period. Wait for recovery and resume activities.

    • Musculoskeletal, neurological pathologies

    This is one of the most serious reasons why a baby does not walk. Problems with the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system are factors that inhibit the ability to walk independently. This requires an integrated approach: timely diagnosis, treatment, procedures, constant monitoring by specialists.

    Do you want to teach your child to walk without support? In this case, first make sure that he has no developmental problems and nothing is stopping him from doing so. But at what month can such activities begin without harm to his health? And how exactly are they carried out at home? Advice from experts will help you.

    Did you know that... Do newborns have no kneecaps? They are finally formed only by six months. So think about it: will early walking benefit newly developed joints that need at least 2-3 months to strengthen?

    There are a huge number of methods on how to teach a child to walk correctly: they are all very effective and approved by specialists. You can choose any one. The main thing is to comply general recommendations, which will allow you not to lose sight of a single nuance. This will speed up the achievement of the desired results.

    At what age?

    The age at which the first steps are taken is an individual indicator that cannot be adjusted to standards. Some can be encouraged to do this as early as 10 months, while others mature for such activities only at 1.2 years. The best option- teach a child to walk when he is one year old; usually by this time he is already formed for this.

    Watch him and decide for yourself whether it’s time for him to stand on his feet or whether it’s too early. Signs of readiness:

    • rises by holding on to something;
    • moves along the support;
    • actively moves from room to room on all fours;
    • finds pleasure in it;
    • overcomes small obstacles;
    • walks by the hand;
    • climbs onto low chairs.

    Do you want to teach one year old child walk? First, determine by these signs whether he is ready for this. If he expresses reluctance, is slowly mastering motor skills, but is absolutely healthy, do not force things. You have time up to 1.5 years.

    Preliminary preparation

    In order for a child to take his first steps together with his peers, this must be taken care of in advance. Teach him to walk... starting from diapers. Yes, yes, preparation of the musculoskeletal system for such a serious event should be carried out regularly from 1 month of life.

    • 1 month

    The newborn should lie on his tummy for 10 minutes every day so that the muscles of the back and neck can strengthen.

    • 2 months

    Teach your baby to roll over from tummy to back and back. This is easy to do: hold a bright toy in front of him and gradually move it to the side so that he reaches for it. By performing this simple action, he forces almost all muscle groups to work. It will be easier for him to get up later.

    • 4 months

    Leaning on something. To do this, you need to carefully pull it by the handles.

    • 6 months

    He must learn to sit on his own, without support.

    • 6-12 months

    Make your child actively crawl. Favorite toys and gymnastics will help you. Holding him by the armpits, let him jump on your knees.

    To quickly teach a child to walk, parents must take timely care to ensure that his musculoskeletal system develops in accordance with age standards. Then, by the age of one year, he will take his first steps without special classes. If this still hasn’t happened, get ready for “lessons.” And they need to start with safety precautions.

    According to research. Scientists have confirmed that children who actively crawled in infancy are easy to learn and successful in school, unlike those who skipped this stage and went straight away.

    Safety precautions

    Are you planning to teach your child to walk independently, without support or support? Then think about safety precautions so that he doesn’t hurt himself. After all, negative experiences can kill his desire to learn. the world in this manner. What needs to be done to protect him from falls and injuries?

    1. Teach your child to walk in shoes designed for walking. Soft sandals and knitted booties are not suitable for such activities. The ideal option is light shoes made of genuine leather with a hard sole.
    2. Are you afraid that the sole of such shoes will slide on the floor? Go over it with sandpaper, but don't make it too rough, which could cause it to fall.
    3. The floor surface should be smooth and level so that the child does not trip. And at the same time, he cannot slide on it, otherwise he will not be confident in his movements.
    4. Teach him to walk where there are no steps, thresholds, or rugs on which he can trip and fall.
    5. Remove sharp-edged objects from the room where daily activities will take place. Or put “plugs” on them.
    6. If you place your baby in a walker, make sure it is stable. Buy a quality product from the start that will help you avoid falls. Very often a child, who does not yet feel the speed, accelerates in them so much that he cannot stop and turns over. It is very easy to crash and get seriously injured with such a massive structure.
    7. The street is not the best place to take your first steps.

    If you think through the issue of safety for activities with your child down to the smallest detail, you will teach him to walk much faster. And they themselves will have peace of mind that, having stood on their feet, they will stand confidently on them, since nothing will frighten them.

    After the training premises are prepared, start purchasing equipment that will help you achieve results in the shortest possible time.

    Interesting fact. A baby's body has several dozen more bones than an adult's.


    To teach your child to walk, you will need the following equipment for classes:

    • leashes (reins) are safety belts and help prevent falls and injuries at first;
    • despite the disagreements, some children begin to walk much faster with walkers, as they master the technique and then repeat it without this design, so it’s worth a try;
    • a protective head helmet for babies will give peace of mind to the most worried mothers;
    • hoop;
    • stilt sticks;
    • Fitball perfectly strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

    To teach a one-year-old child to walk, one piece of equipment will not be enough. Help your small, still developing body cope with such a serious task - prepare your muscles and joints by doing strengthening exercises with it every day.

    Through the pages of history. The first walkers were created in 1950 by the Englishman W. C. Robb for the elderly and disabled. And only recently they were transformed for use by children for independent walking.


    The purpose of this gymnastics is to strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and legs. It is she who will help you teach your child to walk on a full foot, and not on tiptoe, as is often the case. So devote a few minutes a day to these exercises - and the first full steps without any support will soon be taken.

    • Fitball

    Place the child on the fitball with his back to you. Hold him by the hips. Rock in different sides. The exercise develops coordination and teaches him to maintain balance. All this is necessary for walking skills. Classes can begin from 6 months of age.

    • Rack

    Teach your child to stand. Sit him on his haunches facing forward on a hard surface. Hold it in the chest area. Lift him up, forcing him to rise and straighten his legs. It is advisable to perform the exercise from 9 months of age to rhythmic music.

    • Sticks

    If your baby stands confidently, to teach him to walk, purchase special sticks. They are about a meter high, usually polished or upholstered with fabric. Make him take them, put your hands on top of his. Take turns moving these peculiar stilts with him and take steps.

    • Stroller

    If a child walks by the hand, but is afraid to let go, let him push the stroller on his own, while securing him from behind to avoid falling.

    • Hoop

    With the help of a hoop, you can teach a child to walk who can stand without support, but is afraid to take steps. It is launched inside the hoop, which is moved by the adult so as to make the child move with it.

    • Hunt for a toy

    If a child actively crawls and rises with support, this exercise will quickly teach him to walk. Move the bright toy around the room, placing it on a chair, sofa, bedside table - any height that will make him get up from his knees and take the toy. But if such a chase irritates the baby, there is no need to test his patience.

    • Obstacles

    If the little person walks by the hand, take him on a journey around the room with obstacles. Stretch a rope between the furniture so that he can see it and step over it. Bring him to it, stop him, help him overcome it. When one height is mastered, gradually raise the rope. The final point is knee level. The exercise perfectly develops the leg muscles.

    Safety has been taken care of, equipment has been purchased, you are doing gymnastics - everything is prepared for daily activities that will teach the child to walk without the help of adults or support.

    This is interesting. During the first year of his life, the baby goes through a whole evolutionary path. According to research, his ability to learn at this age is much higher than that of schoolchildren. So don’t be lazy - make your baby work, exploring the world around him on his feet!


    Set aside a specific time of day for studying. Half an hour will be enough. But this needs to be done regularly, because at this age acquired skills are quickly forgotten.

    1. First, teach your baby to walk along a support. Place him near the crib (or sofa), stand at the other end and call him to you, talking affectionately and beckoning with a toy.
    2. After this, teach him to break away from the support, holding his hand and pulling him towards you. From this position, move around the room. At first, to instill confidence in him, hold him by both hands, but gradually let go of one.
    3. You yourself will feel when you can let go of your other hand. But at the same time, you must be on guard and catch the child if he starts to fall.
    4. You can do classes together. One adult supports the baby by the armpits and leads him around the room. The second one is slightly ahead, facing them, and stretches out his hands, intercepting the baton and catching the baby. At some point, the first “teacher” is already letting go of the little walker, and the second one is making a corridor out of his hands for safety, but is not holding him yet. The time interval when the child will be in such free flight will increase every day.

    Walking independently on two legs without support is a huge leap in human evolution and the development of a child. Parents should help him master this skill, despite the fact that it is inherent in nature itself.

    Try to instill confidence in him that everything will work out, support him at the right moment, and sometimes encourage him. Make sure that the first steps are little man into joy and pleasure.

    The ability to walk is an important skill that a baby should master at the age of 10-14 months. You can help your child take his first independent step with the help of exercises and early physical development techniques.

    It is very easy to understand that your baby is ready to walk. If a child tries to take a vertical position at every convenient opportunity, then the first steps are not far off. Does the baby know how to get up in the crib, move along it, and also return to its original position? This means that the time has come to gradually teach the child to walk without support.

    Attracting attention

    Curiosity is the main “driver” of all skills that a child masters, including walking. The mother should stay at a distance from the child arm's length. Show your baby something bright, new, funny (toy or object). The desire to take a closer look at the thing of interest will force the child to take a step towards you.

    Learning by playing

    Simple and effective way quickly teach a child to walk - play together with parents. One of them needs to take the baby under the arms. The second parent needs to stand facing the baby and stretch his arms forward. The child takes the hands of the parent, at this moment the first parent releases him. The baby takes a couple of steps towards the second one. Then the parents “switch roles.” Gradually the distance between adults increases.

    Advice! At first, it is better to start doing the exercise near a support (sofa, wall), so that the child can stick to it without fear of falling.

    Mandatory insurance

    The place where a child learns to walk without support must be safe. Pillows, a blanket, bolsters - everything will come in handy in case of an accidental fall at first. Learning to walk should evoke positive emotions in the child. During the period of skill development, it is better to cover all sharp corners with special pads.

    Available means

    Carts for children and rolling cars are very good at stimulating the ability to walk independently. Models equipped with a handle will allow the child to push the toy forward and take steps behind it. Typically, progress with such devices from the first awkward step to a confident gait takes 7-10 days.

    Important! The gurney must be heavy enough so that it does not tip over while moving the child.

    Don't rush things

    Maintaining balance and taking steps is a lot of work for a baby. If the child still moves uncertainly along the support, then his legs are not yet ready to walk independently. The main thing is not how to teach a child to walk, but how to properly prepare his body for this skill. Teach your baby to sit down from a standing position so that he can take breaks and relieve tension.

    The child masters the ability to walk in stages, as his psychomotor development progresses. First, the baby learns to crawl, then rise to his feet, holding onto a support. Gradually, he learns to stand upright longer, and then takes the first step, holding on. Many babies try to stand up and move along support from the age of 7-8 months.

    It is difficult to say in advance at what age a particular child will go. The speed of mastering a skill depends on individual characteristics baby. According to medical standards, a child should take the first step without support before 1 year 3 months. You can start teaching your child to walk from the moment he is able to stand without support - at 10-11 months.

    On a note! Even if you are sure that your child is ready to learn to walk, you should not encourage walking until 9 months of age. For a weak spine, this is fraught with problems with the formation of posture.

    How to stimulate a child's motor development?

    You can help your child take his first steps not only through training and movement. There are several secrets that will help your baby master the skill of walking.

    Restorative massage

    Massage has great benefits for the baby and its development. It can be carried out either in a clinic or independently. There is no need for special knowledge in performing a massage - light rubbing of the foot area is enough, gradually stroking the upper part of the legs. Massage relieves muscle tension, activates blood circulation and effectively affects biologically active points.

    Light gymnastics

    Gymnastics helps strengthen the muscles of the lower legs, as well as the gluteal muscles. These are the types of muscles that are used when walking, and they should be worked on first. Do simple exercises - leg bending/extension, bending forward with support. While lying on his back, invite the child to reach with his leg to your raised palm.

    Walking hand in hand

    At 8-9 months, babies often have an irresistible desire to move. If the baby is already standing well, then you can practice walking with him around the room. First, lead the child by holding both hands at the same time. Does the baby walk smoothly and does not sway to the sides? Try to remove one of your hands and hold the child with only one. Gradually, the baby will learn to maintain balance and the mother will be able to proudly say, “And mine is already walking on its own!”

    The desire of parents to teach their child to walk as quickly as possible is understandable. But during the learning process, many of them make mistakes that negatively affect the development of the baby. Let's look at what methods should be avoided when teaching a child to walk.

    Early standing and walking near support

    If for parents a 6-month-old baby standing in a crib is a source of pride, then for the child himself it is a high risk of sprained ligaments, foot deformities and even flat feet.

    Excessive control

    Restricting the child's movement is another extreme that should be avoided. By depriving the baby of freedom of action, constantly holding him in your arms and overly protecting him from the slightest falls, you risk that the baby will master the skill of walking later than his peers.

    Using a walker

    Walkers, despite their name, do not contribute at all to the development of walking skills. Moreover, this device dulls the desire to learn to walk, because movement with its help is already easy. Most pediatricians strongly advise that parents not use baby walkers.

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