• Summary of the conversation on the topic “Dangerous objects” (senior group)


    Generalizing children's knowledge about dangerous objects that are in the house. Develop a conscious attitude towards personal safety. Learn to recognize dangerous situations that are harmful to health and the ability to make a choice between dangerous and non-hazardous objects. develop attention, memory, logical thinking.



    State budget preschool educational institution, kindergarten No. 70

    combined type of Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

    Summary of GCD on life safety

    in high school speech therapy group №4

    on the topic of: " Dangerous items in the house"

    Educational area:Cognitive development

    Teacher of the highest qualification category:

    Alexandrova Tatyana Serafimovna


    Abstract of GCD

    By cognitive development in the older group

    Subject: "Dangerous objects in the house"

    Goals and objectives:


    • To consolidate knowledge about dangerous objects in the house among children of senior preschool age.
    • Develop a conscious attitude towards personal safety.
    • Learn to recognize dangerous situations that are harmful to health.
    • Exercise the ability to make a choice between dangerous and non-dangerous objects.
    • Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.


    • Instill caution when handling sharp objects.
    • Cultivate a desire to help other people in difficult situations.


    • Activate your vocabulary on this topic.
    • Develop the ability to answer questions fully.
    • Learn evidence-based speech.
    • Promote the development of coherent speech; the ability to express your thoughts, impressions, assumptions, justifying them.

    Materials and equipment:

    Laptop, presentation “Riddles about dangerous objects in the house”, letter from Dunno, pictures various items(including dangerous ones), paper for making a poster, glue, ball.

    Preliminary work:

    Consideration of sharp, piercing and cutting objects that can be stored in every home.

    Familiarity with the rules of behavior when working with dangerous objects.

    A story about the use and storage of household items.

    A conversation about the dangers that these items can cause if handled carelessly.

    Solving riddles about household items.

    Reading fairy tales and stories: “The Tale of the Needle and the Naughty Thread”, “The Clever Thimble”, “Rules of Conduct for Well-mannered Children”.

    GCD move

    Playback Guys, you have received a letter. I wonder who it's from? Let's read it.

    (the teacher or the reading child reads the letter.)

    "Hello guys! Dunno writes to you. My mom and dad often leave me at home alone. Friends say it's dangerous, but I don't understand what dangers there could be at home? If you know something about this, please tell me.”

    Playback Yes, guys, this is serious, so let’s help Dunno? But how much do you need to know yourself in order to help others, right? ( Yes)

    Let's remember together what dangerous objects are in every home, and riddles will help us with this. Sit on the chairs and listen carefully, try to guess them.


    (the teacher reads riddles on the laptop screen, and after each guess, a picture of the answer appears)

    I'm small in stature

    Thin and sharp.

    I'm looking for a way with my nose,

    I'm dragging the thread behind me.


    Right. Let's look at it, what is it like? (Small, sharp, thin, steel)

    Who can use a needle? (Mom, grandmother)

    Right. Is it possible to play with her? (You can’t, because it’s very dangerous, you could get injected.)

    Why do people need it? ( Sew, embroider)

    That's right Well done!

    Listen to the following riddle:

    We can do a lot:

    Cut, cut and cut.

    Don't play with us, children,

    We can punish you painfully!


    Yes, that's right. Why do we need scissors? (For cutting, cutting)

    What are they, scissors? (Sharp, cutting)

    Everything is correct. Guys, scissors have two ends sharp like blades, which they use to cut various materials. They are very dangerous. Who can use them? (Adults)

    Can you and I use them?(Yes)

    Right. But for this you need to know some rules. Let's remember and repeat them.

    D/i “Name the rules”

    Children and teacher stand in a circle. The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the children. The child, having caught the ball, names one rule for working with scissors and throws the ball back to the teacher.

    Guys, listen to the following riddle:

    I'm very sharp and steely

    I’ll help you cut the bread,

    But be careful with me

    I can cut my finger.


    Absolutely right. Why do you think we need a knife? (What to cut food) Who can use it? (Adults). Can a knife be called a toy? (No)

    Right. And why? (They can cut you)

    Look guys, it also has a sharp blade, like a pair of scissors, and it's very dangerous.

    What is our last riddle about?

    I'm toothy and sharp

    Spoons little sister.


    Yes, right.

    Guys, who can use a fork? (Adults, children)

    Do you remember the rules that must be followed? (children call safety rules when eating with a fork).

    What is she like? (Sharp, serrated)

    Guys, what other sharp objects can you find at home?

    (pictures of sharp objects appear on the screen: buttons, pins, awls, nails, knitting needles, saw.)

    What are these items? (piercing, cutting, sharp, dangerous)

    Where should they be stored? (In separate places, in special boxes)

    Is it possible to take them without the permission of adults? (No)

    Why? (They're dangerous)

    Okay, well done! Now let's play a little and read some poetry.


    We play quietly at home alone

    Our home is safe and we all know: (children walk in a circle)

    The needles lie peacefully in the pincushion

    We can't get them on a higher shelf. (show with hands)

    And the place for scissors, of course, is in the case

    They are not a toy for me or you. (show with hands)

    We play quietly at home alone

    Our home is safe, we are sure! (walk in a circle)

    Guys, I want to invite you to visit Rasteryaikin. This is a boy who never puts away his toys after playing and then cannot find them.

    Well, shall we go?

    (Takes the children to a separate corner where there is chaos.)

    Ah ah ah! What a mess it is! Do you like it here? (No, I don’t like it) Let’s help our Rasteryaikin put his house in order.

    Children take one thing at a time and put them in places, explaining whether they are dangerous or not.

    Oh, how quickly you dealt with this mess, well done!

    Now listen to the poem:

    "Don't throw sharp objects around"

    If the buttons are out of the box

    Scattered - collect

    If there are nails on the road

    You saw it - pick it up!

    These sharp objects

    Don't throw it on the floor.

    You yourself will come unnoticed -

    The wound will be taken to the doctor.

    A portrait of Dunno appears on the screen.


    I now understand what dangerous objects are in the house and what can happen if you touch them without the permission of adults.

    Dunno, so that you never forget about this, the guys will once again show you pictures with dangerous objects.

    Guys, come to the table. Look how many pictures there are on it. Take each one one picture of a dangerous object.

    (There are pictures on the table that depict dangerous and non-dangerous objects. Children choose pictures with dangerous objects)

    Come to me, raise the pictures up.(Checking whether the children took the pictures correctly)


    Thank you guys for showing what items in the house can be dangerous and telling everything about them. I'll be careful now. Goodbye friends! See you again!

    Guys, maybe you and I will give a gift to Dunno? Let's paste pictures with dangerous objects onto this poster and send it by parcel.

    Practical work:

    Making a poster “Dangerous objects in the house”

    Do you think Dunno will like our poster? (Yes, of course you will like it!) (children look at the poster.)

    What a wonderful poster! Now he will definitely not forget about the dangers in the house if he hangs it in a visible place.

    Guys, what subjects did we talk about today? (About dangerous ones)

    Why are they dangerous? (Because they can hurt you and harm your health.)

    Who did we help today? (Dunno)

    Well done! You were so active and friendly today, I really liked how you worked, and did you like it? What did you like most? (Children express their opinions and impressions)

    Municipal preschool educational institution

    kindergarten No. 55 “Grasshopper”

    Lesson notes

    organized educational activities

    in the senior group on the topic:

    "Dangerous items at home"


    Vodzyanskaya Teresa Edwardovna

    Podolsk city


    Goal: to strengthen children’s understanding of life-threatening objects that they encounter in everyday life, their necessity for humans, and the rules for using them.
    Give ideas about objects that are dangerous to the life and health of children that they encounter in everyday life. Help yourself, draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such items. Activate the names of objects in speech.
    Develop speech, thinking, as well as a sustainable interest in understanding the world around us.
    Develop independence, responsibility, and the ability to work in a team.
    Methodical techniques.
    Visual: Use of illustrations, examination of dangerous objects for children's health, observation.
    Verbal: Explanation, conversation, story, solving riddles.
    Gaming: didactic games.
    Forms of organizing children in the classroom: frontal, individual.
    Demonstration and handout material: pictures of furniture, electronic tablet with the presentation “Riddles”
    Expected result: to develop the ability to avoid potentially dangerous situations in everyday life, to master the algorithm of correct actions in the event of a dangerous situation, to increase motivation to maintain one’s health, to demonstrate emotional responsiveness, to develop free communication with adults and with peers, and to intensify the mental activity of children.

    Progress of the lesson:
    - Guys, you are already adults. Which one of you did your parents leave at home alone?

    (Children's answers)
    - If you have already been alone at home, then you need to know the safety rules. What dangers might there be at home? Dangers await us at every step.
    - Now we will try to determine which objects in the house can be considered dangerous.
    Presentation "Riddles":
    They are different:
    Dull and sharp
    Children and adults. (Scissors)
    I'm always on people's lips,
    At least my character is cool.
    Where you need to knock - I will come, -
    After all, my hard work. (Hammer)
    Thin and quick,
    He makes friends with a thread,
    It flies up and down -
    Sews and sews. (Needle)
    She gnawed and bit the board,
    I threw crumbs on the floor,
    But I didn’t eat a single piece, -
    Know, tasteless board (Saw).
    Here comes the ship -
    Back and forth
    And behind him there is such a smooth surface -
    There are no wrinkles to be seen. (Iron)

    Look at me -
    I'm all full of holes,
    But I'm smart
    I rub your carrots (grater)

    I have a blade -
    Sharp, iron,
    Handle with care
    I can cut myself (Knife)

    He puffs like a locomotive
    It is important to keep your nose up.
    Make some noise, calm down -
    Invite the seagull to have a drink. (Kettle)

    I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do:

    Either I’ll put you to bed, or I’ll let you go for a walk. (Thermometer)

    In a wooden house

    Dwarves live.

    Such good-natured people -

    They hand out lights to everyone. (matches)

    I'm small in stature

    Thin and sharp

    I'm looking for a way with my nose,

    I drag the needle behind me. (Needle).

    (Children guess riddles, tell what danger each object is fraught with)

    - Well done guys, you noticed very well all the dangers in objects. Now take a close look at this apartment. (I show an illustration with a drawn apartment containing various household items.)

    Children Sasha and Katya were left in this apartment. Their parents went to work. Let's, guys, tell the kids what items they can't use on their own so that trouble doesn't happen. (Each child takes one of the illustrated pictures and tells the little dolls what the danger of the object is.) Then he hangs the picture in the room where this item is supposed to be located.
    - Guys, let's repeat the safety rules:
    1. All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their place. Order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.
    2. Do not turn on electrical appliances; they may cause electric shock or cause a fire.
    Don't put your finger in the socket
    Neither girl nor boy!
    3. Never try any medications. Firstly, it is not tasty, and secondly, medicine taken incorrectly can be poisonous.
    4. Do not touch household chemicals: washing powders, dishwashing detergent, soda, bleach, cockroach repellent.

    So that trouble does not happen, as in the poem.
    Cockroach repellent
    Giants lived in a house
    And cockroaches lived in the house.
    What to do, how to be here?
    Kill the cockroaches!
    And the giants bought
    Cockroach repellent...
    But the cockroaches remained
    And there were no more giants.
    You have to be more careful
    So as not to poison yourself.

    Don't eat unfamiliar pills.

    All the little kids

    Must find out:

    Pills and Tablets

    You can't swallow secretly!!

    When you're sick,

    Then the doctor is called

    And the adults go to bed

    The tablets will be brought!

    5. You can be poisoned by medications chemicals, but you can still be poisoned by an invisible poison - gas. Gas can be dangerous. Therefore, if you smell gas, follow these rules.
    Tell the adults about this immediately.
    You must open the doors and windows immediately.
    Call "04"
    Do not turn on the light or light a match under any circumstances.
    Turn off the gas in the apartment -
    Gas requires an eye and an eye.
    Feeling the smell in the apartment,
    Call "04"
    6. If you live in a multi-story building, another danger awaits you. this is a balcony. It is very dangerous to go out on the balcony alone. But if you go out, never play outdoor games, do not jump, do not lean over the balcony railing. If there is something interesting below, it is better to go down the stairs.
    Man is not a bird
    It is more convenient to go down the stairs.
    Without a parachute from above
    Only cats jump.
    Remember, children, these rules and feel free to stay at home alone, no harm will happen to you!


    Guys, today we got acquainted with the rules for handling dangerous objects. - Now you will be attentive and careful when using them.


    Expand children's understanding of objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house, help children themselves draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such objects.
    Tell children that there are many items that they need to know how to use, and that they should be stored in specially designated places. Teach children the rules of behavior in the event of a dangerous situation. Teach children to solve riddles.


    A red felt-tip pen, a red ball, a poster depicting dangerous and safe objects, these objects themselves and their storage places.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Game "Danger"

    - Children, let's stand in a circle and play the game "Danger." I have a red ball in my hands. Red is the color of danger. I will start a line of poetry, and the person to whom I pass the ball must finish it.

    Where people are careless with fire,
    There a ball will rise in the sky,
    There will always be a threat to us
    Angry... (fire).

    A red glow ran.
    Who with matches... (played).

    The table and cabinet burned down at once.
    Who dried clothes over ... (gas).

    Smoke suddenly rose in a column,
    Who didn’t turn off... (iron).

    I saw smoke - don’t yawn,
    And firefighters... (call).

    Remember every citizen:
    This number is... (01).

    - Guys, now look carefully at these drawings. Try to guess the riddles about the objects depicted here.

    Riddles about dangerous objects

    This is a cramped, cramped house.
    A hundred sisters huddle in it.
    And any of the sisters
    It might break out like a fire.

    I'll sit under your arm
    And I’ll tell you what to do:
    Or I'll let you go for a walk,
    Or I'll put you to bed.

    Mushroom pickers really need it,
    You can't cook dinner without it,
    You won't go hunting.
    What is this?

    They are usually for sewing;
    And I saw them on the hedgehog;
    Happens on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree,
    And they are called...

    When it boils, steam comes out,
    And it whistles and bursts with heat,
    The lid rattles and knocks:
    - Hey! Take me down! - shouts.

    I'm all made of iron
    I have no legs or arms.
    I'll fit into the board up to my hat,
    And for me everything is just a knock and a knock.

    They love to cut
    Cut and score.

    I don't want to be silent -
    Let me knock as much as I can!
    And it knocks every day
    He has an iron head.

    He floats on clothes
    Like a hot steamer.
    All the linen has become amazing
    Very smooth and beautiful.

    I'm very fragile
    Take care of me.
    If you just break it -
    You will only pick up the pieces.
    (Glass jar)

    Which of these items could be dangerous? In which cases? Which of these items should not be used by children? What items can children use, but very carefully and together with adults?

    – Let’s cross out with a red felt-tip pen those items that children should not use. (Matches, lighter, gas). And then we’ll put this exclamation mark next to those items that need to be used carefully and together with adults. (Needle, knife, scissors, hammer, nails, thermometer, iron).
    – What other items can become dangerous if used carelessly or incorrectly? In which cases? (Balcony, glass jar, medicines, boiling kettle).

    – Is it possible to distract or push another person if he is cutting, sewing, or nailing a nail? What could happen?

    – Guys, where are such dangerous items stored at home? Are they scattered around the apartment or occupy certain places? Where do mom or grandma put needles, pins, and scissors? Where do dad or grandpa keep their tools? Where are the medications and thermometer?

    – Let’s imagine that we are in a house where there is complete chaos: all things are scattered. You need to put things in order and put all dangerous objects in their places. (Children paste pictures with object drawings onto images of a first aid kit, tool box, kitchen cabinet, craft box).

    – And if suddenly a disaster happened and you hurt yourself with a dangerous object, what should you do immediately? Call an adult for help immediately.

    About everything in the world:

    In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

    Section materials

    Classes for junior group:

    Classes for the middle group.

    Music Ekaterina
    "Dangerous items at home." Abstract open class in life safety in the senior group


    Expand children's ideas about objects, which can serve as sources dangers in the house.


    Give ideas about objects, dangerous for the life and health of the children they meet in everyday life. Help yourself, draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such objects. Activate names in speech items.

    Develop independence, responsibility, and the ability to work in a team.

    To develop logical thinking, memory, and auditory attention in children.

    Cultivate accuracy when working with dangerous objects.

    Equipment: dangerous items: iron, electric kettle, scissors, needles, buttons, tablets, blades; drawers for dangerous items; Kids toys;

    Progress of the lesson.

    Guys, you are already adults. Which one of you did your parents leave behind? home alone? (Children's answers)

    If you were already alone Houses, then you need to know the rules security. Which dangers may be at home? Dangers waiting for us at every step. In our many objects live in houses, devices and things. And they all benefit us, but some can be handled easily, others more carefully, and then there are those items, which can only be handled by adults, such objects are called dangerous. I'll tell you riddles about dangerous items.

    If I see dust, I’ll grumble,

    I'll finish it and swallow it. (vacuum cleaner)

    From a hot well

    Water flows all day long. (kettle)

    If sharpened well

    He cuts everything very easily

    Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,

    Fish, apples and butter. (knife)

    Here comes the ship -

    Back and forth

    And behind him there is such a smooth surface -

    There are no wrinkles to be seen. (Iron)

    They are usually for sewing;

    And I saw them on the hedgehog;

    Happens on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree,

    And they are called. (Needles)

    I'm all made of iron

    I have no legs or arms.

    I'll fit into the board up to my hat,

    And for me everything is just a knock and a knock. (Nail)

    They love to cut

    Cut and score. (Scissors)

    I'm very fragile

    Take care of me.

    If you just break it -

    You will only pick up the pieces. (Glass jar)

    This is a cramped, cramped house.

    A hundred sisters huddle in it.

    And any of the sisters

    It might break out like a fire. (Matches)

    I'll sit under your arm

    And I’ll tell you what to do:

    Or I'll let you go for a walk,

    Or I'll put you to bed. (Thermometer)

    Educator. Well done, you've solved all the riddles, and now let's play a little.

    Di "Listen carefully".

    I will name the toys, and dangerous items. Hearing dangerous items, you have to clap your hands, and if I name toys, you stomp your feet.

    (Scissors, spinning top, doll, needle, cubes, pin, machine, knife, ball, tumbler, axe, matryoshka, matches)

    Now let's remember the rules for handling dangerous objects.

    Children read poetry:

    1. Don't take the needle into mouth:

    A sharp needle is not a fruit!

    You won't put it back

    Suddenly lost in revenge

    And lurks in chaos.

    Then it will stick in your heel.

    2. You can work with scissors

    But only very carefully.

    Keep scissors in place

    With the ends closed together.

    3. Nothing there is nothing more dangerous,

    Than sharpened item!

    Razors, scissors, knives

    Don't grab it, kids!

    Educator. And now I tell you I suggest you play the game"Find and name dangerous item» .

    Children approach the table on which there are different items. The children's task is to find, pick up, name subject and say than this one the item is dangerous.

    Educator. Guys, now we’ll see if you can recognize by touch dangerous item. I have another game for you "Find out by touch".

    (The child is blindfolded and given one of the items, his goal is to guess what it is item).

    Educator. Guys, where are you? such dangerous items are stored at home? Are they scattered around the apartment or occupy certain places? Where do mom or grandma put needles, pins, and scissors? Where do dad or grandpa keep their tools? Where are the medications and thermometer?

    Educator. Let's let's imagine that we found ourselves in a house where complete reigns mess: all things are scattered. You need to put things in order and that's it dangerous items put in place ( offered a box for needlework, for tools, for kitchen equipment and a first aid kit)

    Guys, let's repeat the rules security:

    1. All sharp, piercing and cutting items definitely need to be put in their place. Order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for security.

    2. Do not turn on electrical appliances; they may cause electric shock or cause a fire.

    Don't put your finger in the socket

    Neither girl nor boy!

    3. Never try any medications. Firstly, it is not tasty, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can be poisonous.

    4. Do not touch household items chemistry: washing powders, dishwashing detergents, soda, bleach, cockroach repellents. So that trouble does not happen, as in the poem.

    Cockroach repellent

    Giants lived in a house

    And cockroaches lived in the house.

    What to do, how to be here?

    Kill the cockroaches!

    And the giants bought

    Cockroach repellent...

    But the cockroaches remained

    And there were no more giants.

    You have to be more careful

    So as not to poison yourself.

    5. If you live in a multi-story building, there’s another one waiting for you danger. this is a balcony. Very dangerous go out to the balcony alone. But if you go out, never play outdoor games, do not jump, do not lean over the balcony railing. If there is something interesting below, it is better to go down the stairs.

    Remember, children, these rules and feel free to stay Alone at home, no trouble will happen to you!

    Publications on the topic:

    Integrated lesson “Dangerous objects” Topic: “Dangerous Items” Objectives: - To clarify ideas about dangerous items, the rules for handling and storing them. - Strengthen the habit.

    Summary of GCD on life safety “Dangerous objects” in the senior group Summary of GCD on life safety on the topic “Dangerous objects” in the senior group. Goal: To develop a conscious attitude towards personal safety at home in children.

    Summary of an open lesson on life safety for the second junior group “Dangerous objects in everyday life. Electrical appliances" Educational area: “Health”, “Safety”, “Communication”, “ Artistic creativity" Goal: To consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge.

    How can we avoid the dangers that surround us? The guys and I studied this issue in detail. I prepared a Whatman paper, which I pointed to.

    Lesson summary "Dangerous" objects at home. Rules for the personal safety of children""Dangerous" items at home. Rules for the personal safety of children. Approximate content: to consolidate children's knowledge of how to handle correctly.

    Educational field "Security".

    Asaeva Ekaterina Sergeevna - teacher preparatory group №6 Kindergarten No. 880 Moscow

    Target: Give children knowledge about the rules for using piercing and cutting objects. Provide knowledge about items that are strictly prohibited to use (matches, gas stove, stove, electrical sockets, turned on electrical appliances); about items that adults should keep out of reach ( household chemicals, medicines, cutting and piercing instruments). To educate children to be careful when working with dangerous objects (needle, scissors, knife).

    Equipment: illustrative material on the topic “Dangerous household items.”

    Material for the lesson:

    Cards with accurate images of objects;

    Dangerous objects: tools - saw, axe, hammer, nail, knife, pliers, matches;

    Sewing accessories - spool of thread, needle, scissors;

    Medicines - tablets, iodine, medicine, thermometer, syringe;

    Toys - ball, cube, small rubber toys, doll.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Game “Pick up a toy for Tanya”

    (Children choose from the box pictures depicting objects: tools, toys, sewing supplies and medicines, those objects that, in their opinion, the Tanya doll can play with).

    When the task is completed, invite the children to justify their choice.

    During the conversation, draw conclusions: you can/cannot play with dangerous objects. Why? What can happen? What to do if you are injured? (Anoint with iodine, call ambulance- 03). What should you do if there is a fire? (Call 01, give your first and last name, address).

    2. Working with illustrative material. The teacher shows illustrations depicting dangerous situations (improper use of needles, a knife, a socket, medicines, a hammer, matches, a gas stove, scissors) and comments on each illustration.

    1. Don't play with matches - it's dangerous!

    I found a box of matches

    And it wasn’t the table that poured it out,

    I wanted to make fireworks -

    Everything went up in flames, the light went dark!

    I don't remember anything else!

    Only the flames burn me all over...

    I hear screams, the sound of water...

    How much trouble comes from the fire!!

    For fun, for play

    Don't pick up matches.

    No, joke, my friend, with fire,

    So as not to regret later.

    Don't light the fire yourself

    And don't let others.

    Even a little sparkle

    Not far from the fire.

    Gas in the kitchen, is there a vacuum cleaner,

    Is it a TV, an iron,

    Let only adults turn on

    Our reliable old friend.

    2. Do not turn on the gas stove.

    As a mother, I want to be able to

    Turn all the knobs on the stove,

    And deftly light matches,

    And turn the gas on and off.

    But my mother strictly told me:

    Don't put your hands on the stove!

    It's dangerous, you know that!

    For now, watch me.

    And don't go near the gas

    Grow up a little first!

    3. Be careful when handling the power source.

    You, baby, must remember;

    Be careful with the outlet!

    There's no way to play with her

    Shove nails into it.

    If you put a carnation inadvertently -

    And you'll get an electric shock

    It will hit so hard that, sorry,

    They might not even save you!

    4. Do not throw sharp objects around.

    If the buttons are out of the box

    Scattered - collect,

    If there are nails on the road

    You saw it - take it away!

    These are sharp objects

    Don't throw it on the floor.

    You yourself will come unnoticed -

    The wound will be taken to the doctor.

    5. Don't touch unfamiliar objects.

    There are many bottles in the apartment.

    Creams, pastes and tablets

    No need to put it in your mouth, kids -

    Poisoning guaranteed

    And my health is ruined!

    6. Don't eat unfamiliar pills.

    All the little kids

    Must find out:

    Pills and Tablets

    You can't swallow secretly!!

    When you're sick,

    Then the doctor is called

    And the adults go to bed

    The tablets will be brought!

    7. Be careful with boiling water!

    Not only fire, but also steam burns,

    When it is released from the pan.

    So be careful with boiling water

    And learn these rules reliably.

    3. Training “Place objects in their places.”

    Develop knowledge that for safety, all objects must be put back in their place.

    Invite children to arrange items in their storage areas:

    Tools - in the tool box;

    Medicines - in the first aid kit;

    Sewing accessories - in a special box.

    The teacher names the object (in the form of a riddle), the children guess and put the object “in its place.”

    I'm small in stature

    Thin and sharp

    I'm looking for a way with my nose,

    I drag the needle behind me. (Needle).

    My Antoshka has it

    Just a hat and an iron leg. (Nail).

    I don't want to be silent -

    Let me knock as much as I can!

    And it knocks every day

    He has an iron head. (Hammer).

    They love to cut

    Cut and score. (Scissors).

    In a wooden house

    Dwarves live.

    Such good-natured people -

    They hand out lights to everyone. (matches)

    I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do:

    Either I’ll put you to bed, or I’ll let you go for a walk. (Thermometer)

    To distant villages, cities

    Who's walking the wire?

    Bright Majesty!

    This is... (electricity)

    I'll walk around a little hot,

    And the sheet will become smooth.

    I can fix any problems

    And draw arrows on your trousers. (Iron).

    She got down to business

    She squealed and sang.


    Tooth, tooth. (Saw)

    Wonderful buddy:

    wooden hand,

    Yes, an iron butt,

    Yes, a hot comb.

    He is held in high regard by the carpenter,

    Every day with him at work. (Axe)

    Where the tail rests,

    There will be a hole later. (Awl)

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