• Summary of a lesson using ICT in the middle group "The Adventures of Masha" Lesova E.S. Abstract of educational activities on cognitive development, using ICT in the middle group “I remember, I am proud”


    Open lesson of Direct Educational Activities for implementation educational areas « Artistic creativity"(modelling), "Cognition" (Formation of the integrity of the picture of the world), "Communication" (speech development) using ICT in middle group on the topic: “Hello, hedgehog!”

    Program content:

    • Expand children's knowledge about hedgehogs (appearance, lifestyle, nutrition, habits).
    • Continue to develop children's interest in modeling salt dough.
    • Teach children to sculpt a hedgehog, conveying the characteristic features of its appearance.
    • Experiment with art materials to depict a hedgehog’s prickly “fur coat.”
    • Develop a sense of form and composition.
    • Foster interest and respect for living nature.

    Equipment: presentation (photo) with a picture of a hedgehog.

    Materials for the lesson: salt dough, for “needles,” pasta or toothpicks of your choice (in plates), black peppercorns for the eyes and nose, a mock-up of a clearing for hedgehogs, a modeling board, a glass of water, a brush, napkins.

    Preliminary work:

    • Looking at illustrations of a hedgehog.
    • Reading of S. Marshak’s poems “A Quiet Tale”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”.
    • Guessing riddles about forest animals.

    The teacher asks a riddle to the children about the hedgehog:

    Angry touchy-feely

    Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

    There are a lot of needles

    And not just one thread.


    That's right, hedgehog!

    The teacher takes out the hidden hedgehog.

    - Hello guys!

    - Hello, hedgehog!

    - I came to visit you from the forest, to see how you live here, what you are doing in the kindergarten.


    Guys, let's tell the hedgehog what we are doing in kindergarten.

    Children: (children's answers)

    - we play, walk, draw, sculpt, etc...

    I also want to tell you guys and show you how hedgehogs live in nature. And I brought interesting pictures for you. Would you like to see?

    Children and teacher:

    Of course, we'll be happy to see it!

    Presentation showing: Photo of hedgehogs

    A story about their way of life, appearance, nutrition, habits.

    After the last slide, the hedgehog became sad and said how much he liked it in our kindergarten, how many wonderful children there are, everyone is friends and plays together. And he doesn't have that many friends.

    The teacher and children offer to make him friends from salt dough.

    Practical work for children (modeling from puff pastry).

    Before work there is a physical training session.

    Physical education minute. Hedgehog

    The hedgehog stomped along the path

    And he carried a mushroom on his back. (Walk in place.)

    The hedgehog stomped slowly,

    Quiet leaves rustling. (rustling palms)

    And a bunny gallops towards me,

    Long-eared jumper.

    In someone's garden cleverly

    I got hold of a slanted carrot. (Jumping in place.)

    The teacher draws the children's attention to the illustration of the hedgehog, carefully examining the shape of the body, head, the presence of a nose, eyes, ears, paws and needles, what shape they are and where they are located.

    Let's get to work.

    There are two pieces of dough on the table: a large one for the body and a small one for the paws and ears.

    We take the dough for the body and give it an oval shape, then on one side we draw out a sharp muzzle for the hedgehog. Using black peppercorns, we decorate the hedgehog’s face - attach a nose and two eyes.

    We make paws and ears, attach them to the body using water and a brush.

    Finally, we design the hedgehog’s prickly fur coat. And we place the completed work (hedgehog) on ​​the model of the clearing.

    The hedgehog looks at the children’s work, praises them, he really liked the work and the children themselves, the kindergarten. Will definitely come to visit again.

    But it’s time for him to go home to the forest, and when he says goodbye, he leaves a basket of treats for the children!



    Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, guidelines. Middle group.

    Organization: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 102"

    Locality: Vologda region, Cherepovets

    Target : developing interest in the natural world


    • improving the forms and increasing the efficiency of work on environmental education and training.
    • cultivate interest in the natural world, curiosity, observation skills
    • creating favorable conditions for increasing ecological culture preschoolers and environmental consciousness
    • evoke a feeling of empathy for natural objects and a willingness to help them

    Integration: communicative, cognitive and research

    Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time.

    The sound of a video call is heard in the group, the teacher draws the children’s attention to this sound.

    Q: - Guys, do you hear someone calling us, let's see who it could be?

    Children sit on chairs near the computer.

    Problematic situation.

    1slide.An appeal to the children of old man Lesovich.

    L.: - My dear children, I had a problem, the evil witch Ursula bewitched my insect friends. Can you help me?

    V.: - Guys, can you help old man Lesovich? How can you help him?

    D.: - Yes, we can disenchant them!

    L.: - Then for this you need to complete tasks.

    V.: - Okay, old man Lesovichok, but first the guys will remember who insects are and why they are needed and where they live.

    Conversation between a teacher and children about insects.

    L.: - What a great fellow you are, I think you will quickly cope with Ursula’s tasks!

    Here is the first task: you need to guess who is hiding behind the cloud?

    2 slide.A caterpillar is hiding behind a cloud. If the answer is correct, the cloud flies away.

    3 slide.Hiding behind a cloud ladybug. If the children answer correctly, the cloud flies away.

    4 slide.An ant is hiding behind a cloud. If the answer is correct, the cloud flies away.

    5 slide.A wasp is hiding behind a cloud. If the answer is correct, the cloud flies away.

    V.: - Well done guys, you completed the first task. And now the next task. You have cut pictures on the tables, you need to fold them correctly.

    Children go to the tables where cut-out pictures with insects lie, the children collect them.

    L.: - How quickly you completed it, now the last task remains, and we will cope with Ursula’s witchcraft! There are enchanted drawings on the tables, we just need to color them with paints and we will see what is depicted on them!

    Children color sheets with images of insects drawn with a candle, the image appears.

    L.: - Great, now Ursula’s spell is destroyed, all the insects are disenchanted!

    6 slide. Image of insects.

    Slide 7 Lesovichok thanks the children and says goodbye to them.

    L.: - Thank you, guys, for your help, but I have to go, goodbye, kids!

    The video call ends.


    Q: Guys, who called us today, what happened to him? Were we able to help? What was your favorite thing to do? What was the hardest thing to do?

    Children answer the teacher's questions.


    1. O.A. Solomennikova “Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas”

    Summary of educational activities using information and communication technologies in the middle group “Queen of Autumn”

    Ustinova Y.A., teacher, state budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 30, Moskovsky district, St. Petersburg
    Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", " Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".
    Target: continue to introduce children to trees and their leaves, to consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in the fall.
    Software tasks:
    - cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn.
    - consolidate children’s knowledge about changes in nature in autumn;
    - expand knowledge about what leaf fall is;
    - development of integrative qualities: inquisitive, active, responsive.
    - development of observation skills.
    - development fine motor skills.
    - continue to learn to coordinate movements with speech.
    - development of productive activities
    - teach children to work together and not push each other.
    - bring up moral qualities, mutual understanding with peers;
    - contribute to the unity of the children's team.
    Planned results:
    - shows interest in natural phenomena;
    - takes an active part in physical activity;
    - takes part in games;
    - demonstrates a desire to use natural materials in creativity.
    Vocabulary work: leaf fall, Maple Leaf, Oak Leaf.
    Form: Team work.
    Preliminary work:
    Observing leaf fall while walking, collecting colorful leaves (drawing children's attention to color). Looking at pictures of autumn. Reading M. Prishvin “Falling Leaves”.
    Materials: glue, rags, dried leaves of various trees, rowan berries, whatman paper, drawn woman's face; computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, computer presentation "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

    Progress of joint activities:
    The teacher looks out the window: Oh guys, look how beautiful it is outside the window! (children come up at will and look out the window). Look, what can we see from the group window? (children list what they see).
    The teacher focuses on the trees: What leaves? Why? Do you remember what a “rain” of leaves is called? (leaf fall)
    Educator: Guys, what else happens in the fall? (rain, sun). What do animals do in the fall? (stocks)

    “Autumn” by M. Khodyakov
    If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
    If the birds have flown to a distant land,
    If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,
    This time of year is called autumn.

    Educator: let's see what other signs of autumn there are and remember the names of the trees, their leaves and fruits.
    The teacher shows the children on the board a presentation of slides with the “Autumn Kaleidoscope” tasks.
    Educator: Guys, let's create our own picture of autumn? (yes) You and I will create not just a picture of autumn, but we will make the Queen Autumn herself with the help autumn leaves. But before you start, you need to stretch your fingers.
    Finger gymnastics “Autumn” by N. Nishchev
    The wind flew through the forest,
    (Smooth, wave-like movements with palms).
    The wind counted the leaves:
    (Bend one finger on both hands)
    Here's an oak one,
    Here's a maple one,
    Here is a carved rowan tree,
    Here is a golden one from a birch tree.
    Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree
    The wind blew it onto the path.
    (Place palms on knees.)
    The teacher draws the children's attention to whatman paper.
    Educator: Look, our picture already has a beautiful and kind face. But something is missing. What? (clothes). Let's make a dress and a crown out of leaves for our Queen. What are the leaves like in autumn? (red, yellow, green, brown).
    The teacher shows and explains how to stick leaves. During the “creation” of the dress, the teacher, if necessary, helps each child, explaining that we are gluing our leaves onto the picture (first we apply glue to the place for gluing).

    Physical exercise on the “Autumn” carpet
    Autumn leaves are quietly spinning,
    (spinning on tiptoes, arms to the sides)
    Leaves fall quietly under our feet
    And they rustle and rustle underfoot,
    (moves hands on the floor left and right)
    As if they want to get dizzy again.
    (rise, spin)

    Educator: Look at the picture we got! (children look at the picture). Something is missing. Guys, what else happens in autumn besides leaves? (sun, berries)
    The teacher “dresses” the Queen of Autumn with beads and earrings made of rowan.
    Educator: Guys, look, our picture has changed. What changed? You like? (Yes). What should we call our picture? (the teacher leads to the general concept of autumn). Well done! Let's applaud ourselves and our friend, because together we all created a picture called... (autumn).
    Children clap their hands.

    The painting remains in a visible place and in regime moments The teacher draws the children’s attention to autumn phenomena and the general name “autumn”.

    Abstract Directly educational activities on development mathematical representations in the middle group

    Compiled by: Yulia Vladimirovna Vafina, teacher.
    Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten" combined type No. 44" Miass, Chelyabinsk region.
    Description of material: I bring to your attention a summary of direct educational activities on the development of mathematical concepts in the middle group.
    The material will be useful to educators and parents.
    A plan is a summary of joint activities.
    Topic: “Journey to distant planets.”
    Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social - communication development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.
    Target: Summarize and consolidate the material studied during the year.
    Educational: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes. Improve your ability to create images using geometric shapes. Practice quantitative and ordinal counting to ten. Practice comparing objects by length (longer, shorter, even shorter, shortest). Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Determine the direction of movement away from you (right, left, up, down). Know your right and left hand. Practice the ability to draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper. To develop in children the ability to classify and generalize shapes according to three properties (color, shape, size).
    Educational: develop spatial thinking, attention, perception, the ability to analyze and compare objects, the ability to listen carefully and accurately follow the instructions of an adult, and act independently as directed by an adult.
    Educational: raise cognitive activity children due to the attractiveness of the learning process and its plot nature.
    Equipment and material:
    for the teacher: Personal Computer(laptop), multimedia projector, speakers, screen, multimedia presentation, space music and the song Michelle - Plutonchiki in mp3 format, mp3 player with light music, magic ball, tables with handouts, chairs with geometric shapes glued to them, baskets, instructions for parents “Rules for attending open classes.”
    for children: Gyenish blocks, a schematic image of a rocket, pencils, geometric shapes of different colors, sheets with tasks: “Help the rockets get to the planets. Circle the dotted line”, “Find identical rockets and connect them”, mathematical puzzle “Assemble the rocket in order”, playing field “Space map” for orientation on the sheet and consolidation of concepts (right, left, up, down), chip “Rocket” , sheets of colored paper, jars, cotton wool, glitter, colored water.
    Progress of the lesson:
    On the screen (slide 1): topic, goals, tasks. Cosmic music sounds. Tables for children with handouts, nearby chairs for parents.

    Organizing time.
    Children enter.
    Educator: Hello, dear parents! We are glad to see you today at our final open lesson and the last one in this academic year parent meeting. Today your children will demonstrate what they have learned over the past year and whether they are ready to move to the senior group.
    Greeting game.
    Educator: guys, let's say hello to our guests:
    Let's enjoy the sun and the birds,
    (children raise their hands up)
    Let's also enjoy smiling faces
    (Smile at each other)
    And to everyone who lives on this planet,
    (throw up hands)
    "Hello!" Let's all say it together (hold hands)
    "Hello!" - moms and dads
    "Hello!" - stay for class with us!
    Educator: You and I are going on a journey through the universe. What is the universe?
    Children's answers: the universe is space, it is everything that surrounds us.
    Educator: we need to visit all the planets solar system. Let's remember all the names in order and the poem will help us:
    On the screen (slide 2): Planets in order.

    All the planets in order
    Any of us can name:
    One - Mercury,
    Two - Venus,
    Three - Earth,
    Four - Mars.
    Five - Jupiter,
    Six - Saturn,
    Seven - Uranus,
    Behind him is Neptune.
    He is the eighth in a row.
    And after him, then,
    And the ninth planet -
    Called Pluto.
    (Arkady Khait)
    Main part
    Educator: Listen carefully to the riddle and then we will find out what we need for the flight.
    A bird cannot reach the moon
    Fly and land on the moon.
    But he can do it
    Do it fast... (rocket)

    Exercise 1: Didactic game with Gyenish blocks “Assemble the image of a rocket according to the model.”
    Educator: we need to complete the first task: “Assemble the image of a rocket according to the model.”
    On the screen (slide 3): Schematic representation of the rocket.

    Educator: Well done, first task completed.

    Reads the riddle:
    The rocket has a driver
    Zero gravity lover.
    In English: "astronaut"
    And in Russian …
    On the screen (slide 4).

    You and I are astronauts. Take your seats.

    Task 2: Didactic game “Take your place.”
    Educator: take your seats in accordance with your pass (children are given passes - geometric shapes of different colors, the same shapes on the chairs). Find a chair with the same geometric figure, how about you. Has everyone taken their seats? Why did you take this place? What is your figure? What colour?
    Educator: is everyone ready? Let's fly!
    On the screen (slide 5).

    Music plays with lighting effects.
    (slide 6)

    Educator: we arrived on the first planet - Mercury. On the screen (slide 7).
    We take our jobs next to our parents.

    Task 3: Development of fine motor skills of the hands.
    Help the rockets reach the planet. Trace the dotted line.

    Educator: we arrived on the second planet - Venus. On the screen (slide 8).

    Task 4: Game exercise"Identical missiles."
    Find identical rockets and connect them.

    Educator: let's move on. We are flying past the third planet - Earth. (slide 9).
    And we land on the Fourth Planet - Mars. (slide 10)

    Task 5: Didactic game “Whose path is longer.”
    We lay out paths from leaves of different colors.
    The path, what color is the longest, shorter, even shorter, shortest?
    Educator: We take our seats and move on. We arrived at the fifth planet - Jupiter. (slide 11)
    Educator: we can't fly any further. The rocket is damaged.

    Task 6: Didactic game mathematical puzzle “Assemble the rocket in order.”

    In order to get a picture, you need to collect strips with numbers in order from 1 to 10.
    Educator: Well done, the rocket has been restored. Let's take off. Countdown.
    The next planet we arrived at, the sixth planet, is Saturn. (slide 12)
    Educator: What do you think happened to the rocket? What could have hurt her?
    That's right, space debris. Where did he come from?

    Task 7: Dynamic pause “Hit the target.”
    Let us help remove space debris.
    We crumple it and throw it into the basket.
    Educator: space debris has been removed, the path is clear. Let's move on. Here is the seventh planet - Uranus. (slide 13)
    Educator: the next task awaits us on the planet Uranus.

    Task 8: Didactic game for orientation on a sheet of paper “Space Map”.(slide 14-18)

    You receive a space map. I ask questions, you place a chip - a rocket on the correct answer (we put a chip on the start - Earth. The tasks are given: 1 cell - up, 2 cells - to the right, etc.).
    1 cells to the right (comet) - 2 cells up (UFO) - 2 cells to the left (astronaut) - 1 cell down (star).
    Together we check which picture you got into? It doesn’t light up, someone made a mistake, we check, parents help.
    Educator: We are flying to the eighth planet - Neptune. You can't see anything, the whole path is covered with clouds. (slide 19)

    Task 9: Exercise to develop physiological breathing.
    Can we help clear the way? Blowing up the clouds (lumps of crumpled paper).
    The sky is clear and we are heading to the next planet.
    Educator: and so we visited the last ninth planet - Pluto. (slide 20)
    Task 10: Dance-game “Plutonchiki”.
    Who do you think lives on the planet - Pluto, as they are called, they are as small as their planet. I propose to dance the dance “Plutonchiki”, performer: Michelle.
    Educator: It's time for us to go back to planet earth.

    Reads a poem:
    Space flight,
    The ship has descended
    In a given area,
    And now the Pilot is walking on virgin soil,
    So that again, the earth
    Take it in your hands...
    And in space
    He only thought about her
    Because of her
    I flew to such distances -
    And only about her
    All two hundred long days
    Wrote in his
    Space magazine!
    (V. Orlov)

    Reflection: What did you like most, what happened, what did you remember about our space journey? (Answers from children and parents).
    Educator: I really want to leave a piece of space as a souvenir.

    Surprise moment.
    Research activities: souvenir “Space in a jar.”
    Educator: I propose to create a small souvenir “Space in a jar” with your own hands. To do this, go to our space laboratory with your parents.
    Making a souvenir. Our space journey is over.
    But you take with you impressions, knowledge and a piece of space.
    Invitation to the final parent meeting.

    Summary of GCD in the middle group using ICT

    Victoria Vasilievna Medvede, MBDOU Central Regional Rehabilitation Center for Children's Rehabilitation Center "Thumbelina", Aldan city
    Software tasks:
    - To consolidate ideas about domestic animals and birds and their young.
    - Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name vegetables and fruits.
    - Strengthen the ability to count to 5 (based on visualization), using the right techniques accounts: name the numbers in order; correlate each numeral with only one item of the group being counted; refer the last numeral to all counted items.
    - Develop auditory and visual attention and perception, thinking, imagination.
    - Develop a sense of empathy.
    - continue to expand your vocabulary: correctly name baby animals (form words using the suffixes –enok, -onok)
    - Develop standards of behavior in class: listen to the teacher, do not be distracted, be attentive.
    - Cultivate goodwill, activity and independence when performing tasks.
    Material: cockerel and chicken hats, pictures of fruits and vegetables, cards with numbers, disposable tableware (plates, knives, forks), fruits (bananas).

    Progress of the lesson:

    Quack-quack-quack...that's how they scream.
    2) Aunt Natalya had 7 goslings (2 times)
    Ha-ga-ga... that's how they scream.
    3) Aunt Natalya had 7 chickens (2 times)
    Peep-pee-pee... that's how they scream.
    4) Aunt Natalya had 7 puppies (2 times)
    Woof-woof-woof...that's how they scream.
    5) Aunt Natalya had 7 children (2 times)
    La-la-la... So they scream.
    2. Aunt Natalya: Guys, I also have a small farm at home. Sit down on the chairs, let's look at the screen and see what kind of pets and birds I have. But first, you listen carefully and guess which of the animals and birds can scream like that.
    - (children listen to the recording of a “cow” mooing). Children call a cow. And the baby is with the cow (calf)
    - (children listen to a recording of a “horse” screaming). The children call it a horse. And the baby (foal)
    - (children listen to a recording of a “pig” screaming). Children call it a pig. And the baby (pig)
    - (children listen to the recording of a “goat” screaming). The children call it a goat. And the baby (kid)
    - (children listen to the recording of the “rabbit” screaming). Children call it a rabbit. And the baby (little rabbit)
    - (children listen to the recording of a “chicken” clucking). Children call chicken. And the baby (chicken)
    - (children listen to the recording of a “duck” quack). The children call the duck. And the baby (duckling)
    - (children listen to a recording of a “goose” screaming). The children call the goose. And the baby (gosling)
    Aunt Natasha: After all, I also have grandchildren, and they really love one game that we are going to play now, it’s called “In the Poultry Yard” (children play the game)
    3. Aunt Natalya: One two three four five,
    Who wants to play?
    Let's count to five
    Let you be the cockerel! (a cockerel is selected, the rest of the children are chickens)
    Children sing: We came to the poultry yard,
    We found a lot of grains
    Let's peck the grains
    We'll have fun playing.

    4. Aunt Natalya: Well done boys! I also have a vegetable garden and garden in my village, where I grow a lot of vegetables and fruits. Look, these pictures show vegetables and fruits. There are so many of them that I need helpers to count them. I will hand out a picture to everyone, you will need to count the vegetables or fruits and take the right number (hands out the pictures to the children, the children complete the task)
    Aunt Natalya: What number did you take? Why?
    Child: I took the number 5 because I have 5 carrots.
    Aunt Natalya: What number did you take? Why?
    Child: I took the number 4 because I have 4 cucumbers.
    5. Aunt Natalya: Guys, it's time to relax a little and drink some tea. And for tea we will make a banana salad. Is banana a fruit or a vegetable? That’s right, it’s a fruit, so we’ll have a fruit salad. Before cutting lettuce, you need to have clean hands. For this wet wipes we will wipe our hands and put on aprons so as not to get dirty. First we peel the banana. On the table there are boards and knives with which we will cut the banana into pieces (he lays out half a banana for the children). We hold the banana with one hand, and with the other we take a knife and begin to cut the banana into pieces (children complete the task)
    We put all the chopped pieces in a vase, take forks and try our salad.
    6. Aunt Natalya: Well done guys! I was so glad to visit you! Thank you for your help! You know and can do a lot. But I didn’t come empty-handed, there was a treat in the basket, apples from my garden. Goodbye, guys! (Children say goodbye and leave.)

    Presentation on the topic: Pets and birds

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