• Sanitary rules governing the staffing of groups in kindergartens. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts of preschool children (quantity and counting) How to monitor compliance with SanPiN



    The entire stage of human maturation is divided into several age periods.

    The age period covers a period of time during which the processes of growth, development and functional characteristics of the body are the same. At the same time, the age period is the period of time necessary to complete a certain stage of development of the body and achieve its readiness for the corresponding activity at this stage.

    This pattern formed the basis of age periodization - grouping children by age in the organization of scientifically based processes of nutrition, education and study, and a regime of mental and physical activity.

    The first periodization of human growth and development was proposed by the Russian pediatrician N.P. Gundobin (1906).

    In 1965, a biological scheme of age periodization was adopted, proposed by the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents (Moscow). The identification of 7 periods of maturation of the organism was based on an assessment of the characteristics of individual development, including a complex of characteristics considered as an indicator of biological age - body and organ sizes, body weight, ossification of the skeleton, teething, degree of puberty.

    Modern physiology, considering the period of maturation of the child’s body from the moment of fertilization of the egg, divides it into 2 stages.

      The intrauterine stage includes: 1) the phase of embryonic development (0-2 months); 2) phase of fetal development (3-9 months).

      The extrauterine stage includes:

    1) the newborn period, or neonatal (0-1 month); 2) breast (postnatal) period (1 month - 1 year); 3) early childhood period (1-3 years); 4) preschool period (3-6 years); 5) the school period, which, in turn, is divided into junior school (6-9 years), middle school (10-14 years) and senior school (15-17 years) (E.P. Sushko et al., 2000 ).

    Age periodization is a conventional designation of age that takes into account the properties of children’s bodies that change during the development process. Developed for the scientific substantiation of the system of health protection and development of physical and mental capabilities of children, methods of education and training. In these processes, it is also necessary to take into account the developmental features of an individual individual, who has certain differences in the genetic code and a complex mosaic of human life conditions. This is why the calendar (passport) age of children does not always correspond to their biological maturity. The difference between calendar and biological age in pathology can reach 5 years (G.N. Serdyukovskaya, 1989). Reasons for the lag - retardation(from lat. retardatio - slowdown) of individual development may be prematurity of the child, birth injuries, intoxication, rickets, as well as the influence of unfavorable social conditions (drunkenness of parents, neglect of children, etc.). Children who are ahead of their biological age are less common. There are more girls among them. Typical for such children are excess body weight, chronic tonsillitis, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    In 1935, E. Koch proposed the term acceleration(from lat. acceleration - acceleration) to indicate changes in the growth and development of children in the 20th century. compared with the pace of these processes in the 19th century.

    In the modern generation, the stage of biological maturation actually ends earlier. Development accelerates from an early age: the body weight of newborns increased by 100-300 g, body length - by 1.2-1.5 cm (Yu.A. Yampolskaya, 1980). Weight doubling occurs already in the 4-5th month, and not in six months. The change of baby teeth is completed a year earlier (V.N. Kordashenko, 1980). Acceleration shifts are most pronounced in adolescence.

    The phenomenon of acceleration is explained by the influence of a wide range of factors on the biology of modern man (ionizing and radioactive radiation; heterosis associated with the migration of the modern population: urbanization, chemicalization, etc.) and does not always have a positive effect on the body of children. Modern experts believe that the rate of acceleration has noticeably decreased in recent years.

    Dividing children into age groups in DDU. For more successful work with children, it is considered appropriate to divide into age groups. This takes into account the totality of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children, living conditions, upbringing and education of children. Each age group must have optimal conditions that ensure the normal development of the child’s body and the formation of his personality.

    In preschool institutions, groups are formed taking into account the age of the children (Table 1.1).

    At the present stage, due to the long maternity leave of women (from 2 months to 3 years), the number of nursery groups in ordinary preschool institutions has decreased significantly, but they are available in children's homes.

    * Composition and area of ​​preschool premises. A guide to the building codes of the Republic of Belarus; 3.02.01-96 To SNiP 1996. P. 7.

    In the existing age periodization, insufficient attention is paid to the period of intrauterine development - the life of the embryo and fetus in a different environment, where part of onto- and phylogenesis occurs. However, the further growth, development and health of the unborn child largely depend on this period.

    Table 1.1

    Groups in preschool institutions corresponding to age periods

    Number of children (persons)

    1. Junior nursery

    10 (maximum)

    2. Senior nursery

    3. Preschool:

    3-6 years (according to medical certificate, more than 7 years)

    4. Mixed ages

    5. Poor health

    6. Short stay

    no more than the appropriate age

    Prenatal period The life of the body lasts from the moment of fertilization of the egg until the moment of birth of a person and is 9 calendar months, or, on average, 280 days. In the first three months, the formation of the fetus occurs. This period was called the phase, or stage, of embryonic development. In this phase, the internal environment of the mother's body is the environment of the fetus.

    At the stage of embryonic development (from the 8th day to the 10th week), organogenesis occurs - the formation of all internal organs and systems of the unborn child. Various chronic infections and intoxications, harmful occupational factors can affect the development of the embryo; in addition, embryonic cells are very sensitive to various irritants. Exposure to harmful factors causes embryopathies - diseases of the intrauterine period leading to developmental defects in children. This period is considered a critical period of development.

    From the beginning of the 3rd month, the phase of placental development begins (from the 12th week before birth), in which further development of internal organs occurs. The early placental period is an important stage in the development of the fetus, since the correct formation of the placenta, and therefore the placental circulation, ensures further normal growth and development of the fetus. Various diseases of the mother, toxicosis (as a result of smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs) lead to disruption of placental circulation.

    The characteristic features of this period are: rapid growth of the fetus, further differentiation of organs, the formation of the main structural and functional characteristics of the unborn child. Various unfavorable factors (endo- and exogenous) in this period cause growth retardation, differentiation of organs and tissues and lead to the birth of a premature baby. Many diseases of the fetus, which are often associated with early infections (infection occurs transplacentally), such as AIDS, rubella, influenza, listeriosis, toxicoplasmosis, yersiniosis, brucellosis, syphilis, as well as various toxicoses, including drug-induced, also have a negative effect.

    The later (fetal) stage is characterized by the accumulation of microelements, some vitamins, and the maturation of enzyme systems in the fetal body. Damage to the fetus during this period can cause intrauterine malnutrition, functional failure of systems and organs, premature birth, and congenital infections.

    The neonatal period lasts from the moment of birth until 28 days of life. This period is divided into early (0-6 days) and late (7-28 days). The newborn period is the most important and most critical period, accompanied by great stress for the child. A severe stress reaction of the body is confirmed by profound morphological and functional changes in the endocrine, nervous and other systems of internal organs. Changing living conditions - existence outside the mother's body - forces the newborn to adapt to new environmental factors.

    The main changes occurring in the child’s body are adaptation to new living conditions, the emergence of pulmonary respiration, restructuring of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, and changes in metabolism.

    During intrauterine development, gas exchange occurs through the placenta; after childbirth, the lungs expand and pulmonary respiration occurs. Constant large and small circles of blood circulation are “started up”. The type of digestion changes completely due to a change in the child’s means of nutrition; in the first 24-48 hours, the intestines are populated by different bacteria.

    During this period, a condition may develop that indicates a violation of the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body in environmental conditions. This condition is observed when hygienic food standards and care regimens are violated and is called transient (transitional). All this affects the functions of the organs and systems of the newborn and often causes their disruption.

    There is a transient loss of initial body weight on the 3-4th day of life (by 5-6% of birth weight) as a result of fasting and loss of water when autonomous processes of breathing, urination, etc. begin. Prevention of this disorder is early latching of the child to the breast . With a sharp change in ambient temperature, such children easily overheat or cool down as a result of imperfections in the body's thermoregulation processes. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain adequate temperature conditions (using incubators for premature babies, etc.), which is determined by the degree of maturity of the child and the ambient temperature.

    In the first days of life, newborns develop an increased concentration of bilirubin, which in 60-70% of cases is accompanied by a jaundiced coloration of the skin and mucous membranes; This is due to the accelerated hemolysis of red blood cells containing hemoglobin F and the low activity of liver enzymes that bind bilirubin with glucuronic acid.

    Newborns develop a hormonal imbalance, or crisis, caused by an increase in the blood of maternal hormones - estrogens, supplied through mother's milk. Possible engorgement of the mammary glands, bleeding from the vagina in girls, rash, pigmentation of the skin near the nipples and genitals, on the face, etc.

    Significant transient changes are observed in renal function, of cardio-vascular system, in metabolic processes.

    In the later, neonatal period (end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd week), under normal conditions of nutrition, adherence to the regimen and care of newborns, most of the disorders almost completely disappear. But there are limits to adaptation, beyond which the disease develops under the influence of negative factors. Diseases of children of this period are different. Some are associated with intrauterine development disorders (prematurity, developmental anomalies), others with birth trauma (intracranial hemorrhage, bone fractures, asphyxia), and others with heredity (hemophilia, mental retardation). Viral and bacterial infections often lead to stillbirth children or children incapable of existing outside the mother's body.

    Newborns are very sensitive to pyogenic infection, which can cause sepsis, most often penetrating through the umbilical wound, damaged skin, etc.

    Infancy (postnatal period) lasts from 1 month to 1 year. This period is characterized by rapid rates of increase in height and body weight, intense metabolism, and the development of statics and motor skills.

    In order to ensure enhanced growth and development, 1-year-old children need more food per 1 kg of body weight than older children. But the digestive tract at this age is not sufficiently developed, and even with a slight disturbance in nutrition, quality and quantity of food, children may experience both acute and chronic digestive and nutritional disorders, and vitamin deficiencies.

    Insufficient development of the digestive organs and their limited function (breast milk is the main food until 5-6 months of life) can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

    Acute childhood infections (measles, rubella, scarlet fever, etc.) in infancy are observed rarely, and in cases of infection the disease is more severe; They differ in the prevalence of general signs and the low expressiveness of specific local symptoms. The skin and tissues of infants are delicate and easily damaged. However, due to the presence of a large number of capillaries and young cellular elements in the tissues, when damaged, healing occurs faster than in adults.

    Relative rarity infectious diseases in children of this age is due to the immunity that they received from the mother through the placenta, and over the course of the year they were reinforced with antibodies contained in mother’s milk.

    The preschool (nursery) period lasts from 1 to 3 years. During this period, the child’s growth and development occurs at a slower pace. The increase in height is 8-10 cm, weight - 4-6 kg per year. The proportions of the body change significantly, the size of the head is relatively reduced from 1/4 of the body length in a newborn to 1/5 in a 3-year-old child (Fig. 1.1). The complication of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of teeth (there should be 8 of them by the end of the year) are the basis for starting artificial feeding of the child.

    In the 2nd year of life, intensive growth and formation of the musculoskeletal system occurs. Improving the central nervous system and understanding the environment contributes to the development of motor skills and active participation in games. Children sit, walk, and run independently. The vocabulary increases significantly (200-300 words); They pronounce both individual words and entire phrases well.

    newborn 2 years 6 years 20 years

    Rice. 1.1. Changes in body proportions with age

    Wider contacts with the environment, with children and adults create a risk of contracting infectious diseases. At this time, passive immunity received from the mother is weakened, and the possibility of infectious diseases (measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, scarlet fever, dysentery, digestive disorders, respiratory diseases) increases.

    The skin and tissues remain delicate and are easily injured, which requires careful care and appropriate hygiene techniques.

    Preschool age lasts from 3 to 7 years. This period is characterized by an even greater slowdown in the child’s growth rate. The annual increase in height is on average 5-8 cm, body weight - about 2 kg. The proportions of the body also change significantly - by the age of 6-7 years the length of the head is 1/6 of the length of the body, and the growth of the limbs accelerates (see Fig. 1.1). There is further improvement of the central and peripheral nervous system, development of muscle tissue, which allows children to perform various physical exercises that require precise coordination of movements. This promotes the development of movements and skills - children run a lot and quickly, walk on tiptoe, play musical instruments, draw, cut out paper crafts, etc.

    Thanks to further neuropsychic development and strengthening of negative induction in the cerebral cortex, the functional capacity of nerve cells increases, so children can engage in any concentrated activity for a longer time. The vocabulary is significantly expanded, and speech signals play an increasingly important role in the child’s behavior. Speech development is facilitated by various games, activities, learning poems, songs, and relationships between children and adults. The child masters speech, the pronunciation of individual words and phrases through adoption, so the formation of correct speech depends on the people around him. To prevent speech delay, adults need to be attentive to the child and monitor their own and his speech.

    In children 3-5 years old, speech motor skills are not sufficiently developed, as a result of which they are characterized by physiological deficiencies in pronouncing certain sounds: impaired pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds, as well as “r”, “l”, “k”, etc. With proper training, sound speech culture, these shortcomings quickly disappear. In cases of delayed development of speech motor skills in children in preschool institutions and schools, it is carried out by speech therapists.

    In preschool age, the proportion of acute viral infections- flu, acute respiratory infections. Respiratory diseases take first place. Inflammation of the lungs is more often observed in 2-4 years of life, and by the 7th year it most often occurs as a complication of viral diseases.

    Until the end of preschool age, the number of cases of chronic tonsillitis and the tendency to rheumatism increases, the number of visual impairments, allergic diseases, and neurotic disorders increases almost 2 times.

    At the end of the preschool period, the structure of chronic diseases in children is distributed as follows: in the first place are diseases of the digestive system; on the second - diseases of the respiratory system (primarily the nasopharynx); on the third - diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (flat feet, scoliosis, etc.); on the fourth - diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs (neuroses, myopia, enuresis, otitis media, etc.); fifth - skin diseases (diathesis, etc.). Consequently, the main attention of educators, teachers, and doctors should be directed to timely prevention of health problems in children, identifying existing deviations and taking appropriate measures to treat them.

    School age begins at 6-7 years and lasts until 17 years. A normally developed 6-7 year old child is morphologically and functionally ready for school education.

    The child’s nervous system, analyzers, endocrine and other systems have acquired sufficient functional maturity. The replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones ends. Purposeful activities at school are not only feasible, but also useful for children; they improve the central nervous system, in particular the cerebral cortex, innate reactions and abilities, create conditions for the development of new connections and reactions, and promote faster development.

    The shortage of places in kindergartens today is one of the most pressing problems in Russia. However, the Russian government has already taken some steps to cover the deficit. We are talking about changes in SanPiN (sanitary standards and rules for children's preschool institutions), according to which groups in kindergartens can be quite officially “densified.”

    The shortage of places in kindergartens is one of the most pressing problems in Russia today. Today, more than 2 million children are on the official waiting list alone (according to unofficial data, the number of children waiting in line for a place in kindergarten is about 3.5 million), and in order to at least partially cover this deficit, it is necessary to create at least 1.2 million seats.

    Naturally, one cannot even hope that in the near future there will be enough money in the country’s budget to create such a number of places in kindergartens (that is, in fact, the construction of new kindergartens). However, the Russian government has already taken some steps to cover the deficit. We are talking about changes in SanPiN (sanitary standards and rules for preschool institutions), according to which groups in kindergartens can be quite officially “compacted”.

    The number of children in a kindergarten group according to regulatory documents

    Until October 1, 2010, the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (Pre-school Educational Institutions) and SanPiN for preschool educational institutions established fairly strict operating conditions for kindergartens. The maximum permissible number of children in groups was strictly regulated, and the management kindergarten did not have the right to independently establish the regime for children to stay in groups. However, on July 22, 2010, the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia signed Resolution No. 91, according to which, from October 1, 2010, new sanitary rules SanPiN came into force, and the old sanitary rules adopted in 2003 (SanPiN ) have become invalid.

    Let us remind you that according to sanitary rules SanPiN, the number of children in groups was determined based on their maximum occupancy. Namely:

    • up to 1 year - no more than 10 children;
    • up to 3 years - no more than 15 children;
    • 3-7 years - no more than 20 children (optimally 15 children).

    According to the new sanitary rules, the norm number of children in the group not just reduced, but began to be calculated based on the total playing area (including the area occupied by furniture) of the room:

    • for nursery groups - no less than 2.5 sq.m. for one child;
    • For preschool groups- not less than 2 sq.m. for one child.

    In other words, with a playing area of ​​50 sq.m., of which 20 sq.m. will be filled with beds, the group can be filled with 25 children preschool age, instead of the optimal 15. Moreover, new sanitary standards allow making a bedroom out of the playroom (for example, installing folding beds), while the number of teachers remains unchanged.

    Of course, many parents did not like this innovation. Not only did some children have to sleep on uncomfortable folding beds, but also the teachers (so, for the most part, who do not overload themselves with an individual approach to the pupils) are even less able to pay attention to each individual child. The Public Chamber of Russia and concerned parents sounded the alarm, but received nothing other than an explanatory letter from Rospotrebnadzor.

    Explanations of Rospotrebnadzor on the application of certain standards of SanPiN

    On January 10, 2013, Rospotrebnadzor, in its letter No. 01/25-13-32, gave some clarifications regarding the application of certain standards of sanitary rules SanPiN

    In particular, paragraph 4 of this letter says that when applying paragraph 1.10 of the sanitary rules, one must proceed from the fact that with an increase in staffing groups of preschool educational institutions You can take into account not the “listed” but the actual number of children.

    In other words, with a playing area of ​​50 sq.m. The management of kindergartens can staff a group of preschoolers with 25 children, and this is “oversaturation” of the group. However, if in fact the group is attended by 20 children, then everything is fine and there are no violations. But no one knows who determines the actual number of children, and how this determination occurs. For example, if out of a group of 25 people 5 children get sick and do not show up at kindergarten for a month, then in fact 20 people attend the group. But in a month they will still come to the group, and then what?

    Instead of a conclusion

    Having analyzed the new sanitary rules SanPiN regarding staffing groups in kindergarten, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: no “sealing” or other changes in sanitary standards can radically change the situation with the catastrophic shortage of places in preschool educational institutions. This problem can only be solved through an integrated approach, which must necessarily include the construction of new municipal kindergartens, and, possibly, simplification state registration(obtaining a license) when organizing private kindergartens.

    1.1.1. Availability preschool education(the ratio of the number of children aged 3 to 7 years who received preschool education in the current year to the sum of the number of children aged 3 to 7 years receiving preschool education in the current year and the number of children aged 3 to 7 years in in line to receive preschool education this year)

    The number of pupils aged 3 - 6 years (number full years) preschool educational organizations;

    The number of children aged 3 - 6 years (number of full years) registered for placement in preschool educational organizations.

    1.1.2. Enrollment of children in preschool educational organizations (the ratio of the number of children attending preschool educational organizations to the number of children aged 2 months to 7 years inclusive, adjusted to the number of children of the corresponding ages studying in general education organizations)

    The number of students of educational organizations (including branches) implementing educational programs of preschool education;

    N - the number of children aged from 2 months (the number of children aged from 2 months to 1 year is taken as 10/12 of the number of children under the age of 1 year) up to 7 years inclusive (as of January 1 of the following year) (calculated by the Ministry of Education and science Russian Federation);

    The number of children aged 5 - 7 years studying in educational organizations implementing educational programs of primary general education (excluding 1st grade students organized in preschool educational organizations studying in educational programs of primary general education).

    Characteristics of the observation section - Russian Federation; subjects of the Russian Federation; cities and towns, rural areas.

    1.1.3. Specific gravity number of pupils of private preschool educational organizations in the total number of pupils of preschool educational organizations

    The number of students of private educational organizations (including branches) implementing educational programs of preschool education;

    The number of pupils of educational organizations (including branches) implementing educational programs of preschool education - total.

    Characteristics of the observation section - Russian Federation; subjects of the Russian Federation.

    dated November 25, 2009 N 03-2391
    In pursuance of clause 35 of the Plan for the preparation of acts for the implementation in 2009 - 2010 of the Main Directions of Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2012 (approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2008 N 1996-r), the Department of State Policy in Education sends methodological recommendations "On stimulating the implementation of modern models of preschool education."
    Deputy Director
    Department of State
    education policies

    In order to support the efforts of local governments of municipalities and urban districts that are part of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to stimulate municipalities implementing modern models preschool education, including changing the remuneration system and increasing the income of workers in the preschool education system, as well as in accordance with the Main Directions of Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to provide, in 2010 - 2012, on a competitive basis, financial support for municipalities introducing modern models of preschool education, financed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    The specified state support should be aimed at introducing modern models of preschool education in municipalities that best satisfy the population's demand for preschool education services and the quality of these services and aimed, inter alia, at creating conditions for the development of the non-state sector of preschool education on the basis of municipal assignments ( order), creation of a system of educational services that provide support family education, the creation of a system of educational services that provides every child of preschool age with the opportunity to master educational programs for children of senior preschool age and fully communicate in the state language and the language of instruction when entering the 1st grade of a comprehensive school.
    The implementation of state support for municipalities introducing modern models of preschool education on a competitive basis provides for the development and approval by regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:
    - rules for the provision of budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the development of municipal preschool education systems;
    - criteria for the competitive selection of municipalities introducing modern models of preschool education;
    - performance indicators of bodies local government on the implementation of municipal preschool education systems aimed at ensuring accessibility of preschool education.
    When developing rules for the provision of budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the development of municipal preschool education systems, it is recommended that within three years - from 2010 to 2012 - provide financial support to at least three municipalities introducing modern preschool education systems: an urban settlement (large city), urban settlement (small town), rural settlement.
    When determining the criteria for the competitive selection of municipalities introducing modern models of preschool education, it is recommended to provide for:
    a) development in municipalities of various forms and models of preschool education to meet the diverse needs of the population by introducing a unified independent system for assessing the quality of preschool education;
    b) increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds by local governments by introducing normative per capita financing for the implementation of the basic general educational program of preschool education of various directions in institutions and organizations of various organizational and legal forms that have a license to implement the basic general educational program of preschool education;
    c) an increase in wages for teaching staff in the municipal preschool education system associated with the introduction of new remuneration systems;
    d) creation in municipalities of conditions for the development of the non-state sector of preschool education on the basis of a municipal assignment (order);
    e) creation in municipalities of a system of educational services that provide support for family education.
    When developing performance indicators for the activities of local governments in the development of municipal preschool education systems with state support from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is recommended to proceed from the significance of these indicators for ensuring universal accessibility of preschool education.
    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the availability of preschool education for the population reflects a number of interrelated indicators, which, for an objective assessment of the achievement of the goal, should be considered in a complex.
    1. Indicator “The share of children aged from one year to seven years receiving preschool educational services and (or) services for their maintenance in organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership in the total number of children from one year to seven years” or “ Enrollment of children in preschool education" is calculated as follows:
    Children coverage = --------- x 100%,
    preschool education a - b - c
    d - number of children aged 1 - 6 years in preschool educational institutions at the end of the reporting period
    of the year;
    (a - b - c) - estimated number of children aged 1 - 7 years,
    a is the population aged 1 - 7 years;
    b - the number of children aged 5 - 7 years old studying at school;
    c is the number of 1st grade students in preschool institutions.
    2. Network capacity plays a decisive role in ensuring accessibility of preschool education educational institutions implementing the basic general education program of preschool education. Therefore, in the list of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of local government bodies, it is necessary to include the indicator “Provision of places for preschool children in educational institutions that implement the basic general education program of preschool education.” This indicator characterizes the number of places in the specified educational institutions for preschool children for every thousand children aged 1 - 7 years living in the territory of the municipality. The indicator is calculated using the following formula:
    Availability of places for preschool children = - x 1000,
    in educational institutions (per 1000 children) H
    K - the total number of places in educational institutions implementing
    basic general education program for preschool education;
    3. The indicator “The share of children's preschool municipal institutions from the total number of organizations, including small businesses, providing services for the maintenance of children in such an institution, services for preschool education and receiving funds from the budget of the city district (municipal area) for the provision of such services” is intended reflect the development of the preschool education network through the placement of municipal orders for preschool education services from non-municipal providers and allows us to assess the development of the non-state sector of preschool education with mandatory control by local governments over the quality of services of non-municipal providers.
    The formula for calculating this indicator is as follows:
    Share of municipal preschool institutions
    from the total number of organizations, including subjects D
    small businesses providing services at = - x 100%,
    maintenance of children in such an institution, services for
    preschool education and receiving funds
    city ​​district budget
    D - the number of municipal preschool educational institutions, including autonomous ones;
    O - the total number of organizations, including small businesses, providing services for the maintenance of children in such an institution, services for preschool education and receiving funds from the budget of the city district. At the same time, individual entrepreneurs who have registered their activities in the prescribed manner are classified as small businesses.
    4. Indicators of priority for enrollment in kindergartens, namely the number of children in need of placement in the specified institutions, but in such places on established dates (for example, the beginning school year, beginning of the calendar year) unsecured.
    The calculation of priority indicators must be carried out by summing the number of children of all ages registered in the queue for placement in preschool institutions. It is most advisable to make the following breakdown by age: from 0 to 1.5 years; from 1.5 to 3 years; from 3 to 5 years; from 5 to 7 years. In this case, the general priority indicators are calculated using the formula:
    O = O + O + O + O,
    0 - 1,5 1,5 - 3 3 - 5 5 - 6
    ABOUT - general indicators sequence;
    О - number of children aged 0 to 1.5 years in need of
    0 - 1,5
    placement in the specified institutions, but not in such places as of the reporting date
    O - the number of children aged 1.5 to 3 years in need of
    1,5 - 3
    placement in the specified institutions, but not in such places as of the reporting date
    О - number of children aged 3 to 5 years in need of
    3 - 5
    placement in the specified institutions, but not in such places as of the reporting date
    O - the number of children aged 5 to 6 years in need of
    5 - 6
    placement in the specified institutions, but not in such places as of the reporting date
    5. Since the absolute indicators of priority in various municipalities cannot be comparable (the priority is directly dependent on the total number of children of preschool age), it is advisable to supplement the list of performance indicators of local government bodies with the indicator “Number of children on the waiting list for placement in preschool institutions, per thousand children aged 1 - 7 years living in the territory of the municipality."
    The calculation of this indicator can be represented by the following formula:
    Number of children on the waiting list O
    for placement in preschool institutions = - x 1000,
    per thousand children 1 - 7 years old, H
    living in the territory of the municipality
    O - general priority indicators calculated from the above
    H - number of children aged 1 - 7 years.
    6. Another important indicator characterizing the availability of preschool
    education, - "The number of pupils of preschool educational
    institutions for 100 places in the specified institutions." It is calculated as
    ratio of the total number of preschool students
    institutions, H, to the total number of places in preschool educational institutions, K.
    Number of pupils of preschool educational institutions
    institutions on the territory of the municipality = ---- x 100.
    for 100 places in the specified institutions K
    preschool educational institution
    7. Indicator of satisfaction of population needs for services
    preschool education is calculated in two stages.
    First, the absolute need, P, of the population living
    on the territory of the municipality, in preschool education services. For this
    the total number of children in educational institutions is summed up,
    implementing the basic general education program of preschool education
    (H), with the number of children in need of placement in institutions,
    preschool educational institution
    providing preschool education services (prioritization indicators, O):
    P = H + O.
    preschool educational institution
    To assess the degree to which the population's needs for services are met
    preschool education, U, it is necessary to calculate the percentage that children,
    covered by preschool education services, H, make up the total
    preschool educational institution
    population needs for preschool education services, P:
    preschool educational institution
    Y = ---- x 100%.
    It should be noted that the recommended performance indicators for the activities of local governments in providing public preschool education were included in the monitoring of the provision of the population with preschool education services and the development of the preschool education system, carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia as part of the implementation of the Set of Measures for the Development of Preschool Education in the Russian Federation in 2007 - 2010 , and correlate with the target indicators of the project “Development of preschool and general education” of the Main Directions of Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2012 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 N 1663-r).

    Kindergarten group occupancy – hot topic. Everyone knows about optimization, densification, and the lack of places in preschool institutions for everyone. When creating a group and enrolling children, the kindergarten administration is obliged to take into account legal norms regarding the number of children in a kindergarten group.


    In the USSR, the recruitment of groups was carried out according to the standards created by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of 1993. It contains a calculation of the number of personnel and equipment. According to Soviet laws, no more than 20 children aged 3–7 years could be in a group at the same time. Today the norms have changed.

    October 1, 2010 In 2016, new SanPiNs were adopted, according to which it was not the number of children on the payroll that was important, but the actual arrival of children in kindergarten. The norms are calculated based on the area of ​​the playing room. Each pupil must have at least 2 square meters for children over 3 years old, and at least 2.5 square meters for the younger group.

    The calculation is simple. If the area of ​​the playroom is 70 square meters, then at the same time there can be 28 nursery children or 35 pupils from 3 to 7 years old. At the same time, the number of service and teaching staff does not increase.

    Only the actual list of children in kindergarten at the moment is taken into account; according to the list, there may be 45–49 of them.

    Another innovation in the regulatory document was permission to convert the playroom into a bedroom during sleep hours. The kindergarten purchases cots and teachers place them in the playroom for those who do not have enough beds. After sleep, the equipment is removed and the play area is free.

    It is worth considering that 2 or 2.5 square meters per child is a relative figure. In fact, the game room serves as a dining room and study room. There are tables, chairs, toys, teaching equipment here. That is, half of the hall is occupied by furniture. This leaves 50 percent of the area.

    Kindergartens with narrowly focused activities are more fortunate. Children with mental, speech, mental and mental defects physical development They offered other conditions for staying in a preschool educational institution:

    1. There are up to 10 pupils with serious speech defects, and up to 12 with FFDD.
    2. Deaf and mute people - the permissible number is 6 people.
    3. Hearing impaired - up to 8.
    4. Blind - up to 10.
    5. With cerebral palsy, musculoskeletal disorders - no more than 8.
    6. With mental retardation, cretinism - up to 10.
    7. In a combined group with diverse defects, no more than 15 people can be recruited for education.

    This situation did not please the proactive parents of preschool children and representatives of the Public Chamber. Requests for clarification of legislative acts and regulatory documents were submitted. The answer came from Rospotrebnadzor.

    Clarifications from Rospotrebnadzor

    In January 2013, parents’ questions about the legality of SanPiN were answered by letter. Rospotrebnadzor explained how to understand the increase in the group in kindergarten. Clause 1.10 allows the administration of the preschool educational institution to form a group according to a list of a maximum of 50 people. If 25 of the registered children came to the kindergarten in the morning, the area of ​​​​the room can accommodate such a number of pupils, then the law is not violated.

    One question remains: if one fine sunny day, everyone on the payroll decides to visit their favorite teachers and come to the kindergarten in full, where will they go to bed, eat and play?

    To normalize the stay, it is possible to use a reserve group in a kindergarten, that is, a free room, but equipped for such a situation. In this case, the preschool educational institution must also have “spare” teachers, nannies, toys, dishes, etc.

    Thus, SanPiN established in 2010 are also valid in 2019. There are no changes at the moment. The filling and equipment of premises is carried out taking into account legislative acts. Their compliance is checked annually by ministries and unscheduled control.

    How many children are in your child's group?

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    How to monitor compliance with SanPiN

    Unfortunately, today's reality, the total negligence of employees of children's institutions in the matter of supervising pupils, their safety, and ensuring normal conditions of stay in a preschool educational institution does not give parents the opportunity to relax and be calm about their children.

    Monitoring compliance with the rights of preschool children is the responsibility of adults. There is no need to endure, to let everything take its course. If you have any questions, dissatisfaction with the work of the kindergarten, teachers, or violations of the law, you can contact public services with statements:

    Administration of the preschool educational institution

    Resolves internal issues. If the problem is serious, then it is better to use a written form of appeal, seeking a response in the same form. This is necessary for a further application to a higher authority in the event of inaction by the head of the preschool educational institution.

    Department of education of municipal, regional, federal significance

    The body regulates the curriculum of preschool educational institutions, the work and rest hours of kindergarten students. You can come to the head of the educational department for a personal meeting or write a letter through the official website.

    Recruiting groups and tracking the percentage of attendance falls within the scope of management activities. It is based on their cross-sections and diagnostics that it is possible to combine several groups into one when the percentage of children attending kindergarten is low.

    When contacting the head of the education department orally, do not forget to compose a letter, demand its registration, an answer in electronic form or in writing.


    The letter is sent through the government services website, through the official page of the service. In your application, be sure to include accurate information about the problem and your contacts. The investigation of the complaint will begin no later than 30 days from the date of filing.

    Rospotrebnadzor specialists help eliminate shortcomings in the care of children and compliance with hygiene standards. You can turn to them if children in a large group do not have enough beds, chairs, toilets, lockers for clothes, and bed linen. If SanPiN is not observed for the area of ​​the room for the group per each child, the application must be submitted immediately.

    Based on the complaint, a visiting commission is usually conducted jointly with the prosecutor's office. It is better to draw up a statement based on the fact of violation of children’s rights, accurately indicating the date and details of what happened.

    Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

    Receives complaints from the public via the Internet, in writing, and in person. The statement must be based on the fact of violation of norms and laws. The best option the appeal will be a collective statement from large number parents with signatures and transcripts.

    Plenipotentiary representatives of the President by district

    If the administration of preschool educational institutions, cities, and local government control bodies are inactive and do not respond to your requests, please submit written statements to the official websites of the plenipotentiary representatives. Describe the situation in detail, attach responses from other structures to inquiries regarding the problem, and your complaints.

    Party representatives

    At the local level, they help the administration come to its senses and pay attention to compliance with the norms and rules of the organization educational process. Involve representatives of political parties in the problems in the preschool educational institution if you want to create public unrest and attract the attention of the press to the complaint.

    In war, all means are good. If the rights of your children are violated, use any means to defend them. Don’t be afraid of condemnation, problems at work, or bullying your child in kindergarten. The health and safety of children is more important. And the activity of parents in protecting the child evokes respect and awe among educators, so the preschooler is not in danger; rather, on the contrary, he will be treated more attentively.

    How to achieve group separation

    Sometimes the administration of a preschool educational institution gets too carried away with optimization and strives to exceed the cost-saving plan given from above. In this case, the recruitment of groups is carried out in violation of laws and accepted norms. Parents can file complaints against the actions of the education department and heads of kindergartens in the following situations:

    1. Children attend kindergarten constantly in maximum numbers.

    That is, the area of ​​the room is designed for 28 people, according to the list of children there are 40, all of whom go to preschool educational institutions. SanPiN are violated. To submit an application, you need a confirmed fact of the presence of children in the group during a certain period of time, an application to clarify the issue addressed to the head, and a survey of teachers. The complaint is submitted to the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor.

    1. Lack of sleeping places for everyone present, dining furniture, and dishes.

    For example, there are 29 beds and cots, and 34 children came to the group. Question: where do they sleep and undress 5 pupils of preschool educational institutions?

    1. A child sleeps on someone else's bed without changing the linen.

    It's no secret that a folding bed is used only if all the beds are occupied. In the event that Petya Ivanov does not come today, then Masha is laid on his crib, with clean linen laid out. This is not a violation of the law. A clean set of sheets and pillowcases is stored in a special box, signed with the date of packaging after sanitization. If the linen has not been changed or hygiene is regularly violated, file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.

    1. The number of one group was 50 children.

    In this case, the team is divided according to the law. Two groups of the same age are formed. Please note that recruitment is ongoing. all year round. The division is made immediately after the selection.

    Teachers should not be blamed for the current situation. Hired employees follow the instructions of the administration. Treat their work in a multi-unit group with understanding. It is extremely difficult to keep track of so many kids.

    It’s not worth writing complaints or applications to the prosecutor’s office for the slightest scratch or bruise. But it is imperative to contact the head or the supervisory authorities in the event of systematic disturbances, if the teacher cannot cope with the workload.

    What are the consequences of non-compliance with standards?

    Forming a large group in kindergarten is a big risk. Being in a crowd, in a cramped room, lack of attention has a detrimental effect on the mental and physical condition children. Children get sick more often, refuse to go to kindergarten, cry, get nervous, memory, attention, and sleep suffer.

    The kindergarten group is a small state. With your own interests, goals, objectives and characteristics. And our children live in it, so to speak, citizens of a small country. To stay harmoniously with each other 5 days a week, at least 8 hours every day, it is important to create optimal conditions for this. One of the indicators proper operation The garden administration is staffing the groups.

    It depends on how many children there will be in the kindergarten group:

    1. Education efficiency

    Even in nursery groups Classes are conducted in drawing, modeling, and speech development. Educational programs are prescribed according to the age and health level of preschoolers. Training is carried out until children leave school.

    Conduct classes with a small amount It is easier and more effective for children in kindergarten than in a massively overcrowded group.

    1. Mental condition

    A child’s body and psyche are subtle matter. Constantly being in a crowd, loneliness, lack of care and attention from a teacher have a detrimental effect on personal development. When calculating the standards for the number of preschool children, this fact is taken into account.

    1. Health level

    Medical research last decades indicate a decrease in the level of health of newborns. Only 5–7 percent of first-graders are absolutely healthy, 40 percent of babies are already born with pathologies, and the rest get sick during the preschool period. The activities of preschool educational institutions are aimed at improving the performance of medical research.

    1. Providing free space in the room for games and movement

    The more children in the group, the larger the area. Everyone has the right to free space for active games, communication with peers, and individual activities.

    1. Safety

    Imagine that you need to keep 20 people or 50 people in your field of vision at the same time. Which option seems more realistic? More like the first one. The safety of children in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) depends on the ability to observe and keep an eye on everyone during a walk and during classes.

    It is important for parents to “win back” the square footage required by law in the room, a personal chair, a wardrobe, a bed. The group should not be overcrowded or the belongings of several children should be placed in one coat closet. This threatens with pediculosis, epidemics, and the spread of infections.

    How to help your child adapt

    More often than not, parents and children have to put up with the compaction, if SanPiN is followed, the group is provided with everything necessary. In this case, you need to help the preschooler adapt to a kindergarten with a large number of peers.

    For children 2–3 years old, being surrounded by 35–40 other people of the same age for 8–10 hours is psychologically difficult. Noise, din, crowding, games tire you, put you in a state of stress. Parents can provide all possible assistance to the child so that the development of the nervous and other systems does not become disharmonious:

    • Bring a pillow and bed linen from home. The child will feel at home during the sleepy hour.
    • Let me take my favorite toy to kindergarten.
    • Take unscheduled days off. Leave the baby with grandma or relatives.
    • Get in touch with your teachers trusting relationship. Make friends with them, ask them in detail about the child in the evening. Attentive parents (without phobias and aggression) are the key to a child’s safety in kindergarten.
    • After kindergarten, spend more time with your child in silence, without TV, cartoons, noisy companies. The baby needs a break from the psychological stress of the day. Better take a walk in the park, play ball, catch up.
    • Maintain a sleep schedule. A preschooler who doesn't get enough sleep will get tired much faster and be irritable and nervous.
    • Pick up your child early and do not take your child to kindergarten on weekends and vacations.

    There are different ways to answer the question of how many children should be in a kindergarten group. For comfortable stay, from the point of view of psychologists, children - no more than 20, preferably 15. According to economists and optimizers, more than 40. Disagreement of opinions leads to disputes and discontent, although the issue can be resolved differently:

    • permission to staff private groups in the building of municipal kindergartens;
    • business support for creating networks of preschool institutions with day care;
    • careful attention to children, their health and development for real, and not for the sake of reporting to the ministries.

    Only a set of measures will help overcome the shortage of places in preschool educational institutions or their excess.

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