• Hot topic. What to do if your toenail grows. Worried about an ingrown toenail: what to do


    An ingrown toenail or onychocryptosis is a pathological process that develops in the area nail plate toes or hands.

    The edges of the nail plates begin to grow together in the soft tissues of the fingers, acquiring a thicker or rounded shape, and sometimes “curl” in the form of a tube. The nail fold becomes swollen and painful.

    The inflammatory process with further infection depends on the stage of plate ingrowth and the body’s immune response. Incorrect treatment leads to the development of a chronic disease and serious complications.

    For development of this disease there are many factors, namely:

    • performing a pedicure with tissue damage and incorrect nail cutting angles (nails are cut correctly without rounding the plate at the edges),
    • foot pathology (flat feet),
    • fungal disease skin feet involving the nail plates (onychomycosis),
    • Hallus valgus formation ( Hallux valgus) with orthopedic deformity,
    • wearing narrow shoes and high heels,
    • pathology endocrine system, diabetes mellitus and diseases with blood microcirculation disorders,
    • long periods of sports (football, volleyball, etc.),
    • genetic predisposition,
    • age-related changes in the body (tissue hyperkeratosis),
    • mechanical or chemical injuries and other reasons.

    Symptoms and clinical picture of an ingrown toenail

    The complex of symptoms includes redness (hyperemia) of the perioral region.

    An inflammatory shaft forms around the nail.

    A throbbing and cutting pain is felt, which intensifies during infection or suppuration. The toes become swollen, and putting on shoes becomes problematic due to pain and swelling.

    The general condition of the patient depends on the degree (stage) of the lesion.

    The second stage of the inflammatory-purulent process causes low-grade fever. Unbearable pain leads to sleepless nights, the patient becomes very nervous. Every touch of the sore finger brings suffering, even to the point of tears and hysteria.

    During drainage of pus, the pain subsides and the general condition returns to normal. Serous-purulent contents flow out of the wound. The wound granulates and the healing phase begins.

    At first glance, the disease seems insignificant and frivolous, but it is not so. This picture is more often observed with an ingrown toenail after an incorrect manicure, pedicure or after a mechanical injury to the fingers.

    Chronic illness is more severe.

    Her signs: constant relapses with the release of purulent-inflammatory exudate and increased pain. Such symptoms are observed in diabetes mellitus and diseases associated with pathologies of peripheral blood supply and metabolic disorders.

    Attention! Sick diabetes mellitus and trophic disorders of the lower extremities at the first symptoms, you must definitely seek medical help, otherwise it is fraught with complications - gangrene!

    Stages of the disease

    Onychocryptosis more often develops on thumbs lower extremities. As the nail grows into soft fabrics finger and the stage of the disease depends on the depth of the lesion.

    Onychocryptosis has three stages of development:

    • Stage I: hyperemia, swelling, throbbing pain in the finger in the area of ​​the nail fold,
    • Stage II: cutting the nail into the soft tissue forms a wound, which becomes infected with coccal, fungal or mixed flora, followed by the formation of pus and its drainage,
    • Stage III: after drainage, the wound is covered with granulation tissue, the inflammatory process subsides and recovery occurs, and in the case of further ingrowth of the nail, the disease becomes chronic. Recovery in this case is imaginary, since relapse occurs very quickly.

    U patients with diabetes mellitus and trophic ulcers All stages of an ingrown toenail are transient, therefore, to prevent irreversible processes, it is necessary to seek specialized help at the first symptoms: pain in the big toe.

    When to Seek Medical Help

    Specialized medical care should be sought at the first symptoms or in the following cases:

    • lack of effectiveness from home procedures using folk remedies,
    • pathological growth of the nail in the form of a tube with discomfort when walking and wearing shoes, as well as infection and pain,
    • emergency cases: diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases, tuberculosis, mechanical injuries, cancer, trophic ulcers, HIV infections, pregnancy, lactation, etc.
    • complications with fungal infection or with age-related or pathological hyperkeratosis.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    What to do when the nail grows in? The first step is to undergo an examination at a clinic, diagnostic center or hospital and find out the cause and extent of the lesion.

    Diagnosis of this disease depends on interviewing the patient and his complaints.

    The list of complaints includes pain when pressing in the area of ​​the nail and nail fold of the thumb. Hyperemia (redness) and pus around the cushion is a clear picture of an ingrown nail.

    For a more clear diagnosis, it is necessary to perform an x-ray examination and make an accurate diagnosis.

    Differential diagnosis is performed to exclude panaritium, oncological neoplasm, complications from diabetes mellitus or trophic ulcers, osteomyelitis, etc.

    Laboratory tests are carried out to determine the extent of damage and blood sugar levels. The degree of damage is manifested by a high content of leukocytes and an increase in ESR.

    To determine the infectious agent causing the infection, a scraping from the site of inflammation can be cultured. Once a diagnosis of “ingrown toenail” has been made, treatment is carried out in a hospital or outpatient setting.

    Treatment of ingrown toenails

    The treatment process, depending on the degree of the disease and complications, is divided into three components:

    1. treatment at home
    2. - conservative treatment
    3. - surgical intervention
    4. – laser treatment and other methods.

    Treatment of ingrown toenails at home

    If you decide to get rid of an ingrown toenail at home, then you need to know when you can treat it at home and what needs to be done. A mild form of the disease or the primary manifestation of this pathology can be tried home treatment, namely:

    • It is recommended to wash your feet in clean and warm water with the addition of antiseptics (furacilin), repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day,
    • infected area, that is thumb on the leg, you need to wash it with a concentrated soap solution - preferably laundry soap,
    • after soaking the nail in water, using manicure tools, it is necessary to clean the affected area from keratinized tissue and lift the nail,
    • treat this area with iodine, and place a turunda or cotton swab soaked in a solution with penicillin under the nail,
    • after each bath, the tampon must be changed,
    • You can add table salt to the baths to create a hypertonic solution, it removes inflammation and prevents the formation of pus,
    • exclude narrow shoes and high-heeled shoes,
    • use loose shoes or sandals,
    • repeat the procedure for one to two weeks.

    Conservative treatment of onychocryptosis

    Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting under the close supervision of a doctor. The effectiveness of the conservative method appears at the first stage of the disease.

    The treatment method consists of correcting the ingrown part of the nail, and is carried out within one month. During this period of time, it is recommended to wear wide shoes and, if possible, go barefoot.

    The process is based on warm baths with antiseptic substances and proper trimming of the nail edge. In addition, you can partially remove the ingrown part and the lining of a special tube to protect the nail fold.

    After conservative treatment, a relapse may occur if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed.

    Surgical treatment of ingrown toenails

    What to do if the ridge around an ingrown toenail festers?

    Treat surgically, since this is the second or third stage of the disease, and in this case this method the most effective treatment.

    Before the operation, the course of the surgical intervention is always planned, anesthesia is selected and preoperative preparation of the patient is carried out. And how to get rid of an ingrown nail completely or partially will be visible during the operation.

    1. Preoperative preparation
      There are several points that need to be completed, namely: eat well for two weeks before surgery, carry out conservative therapy using broad-spectrum antibiotics, take baths with antiseptics every day and wash your feet with antibacterial soap. Do not take anticoagulant medications or drink alcohol. Wear comfortable and wide shoes.
    2. Operational process
      The operation is performed in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. Lasts from 20 to 30 minutes depending on difficulty. Anesthesia – local (conduction). After processing the surgical field, a wedge-shaped incision or selective resection of the ingrown nail matrix is ​​performed. Next, tissue coagulation is performed in the resection area. A tight bandage is applied, and after this the patient can go home.
    3. Postoperative medical care
      If you have had thumb surgery on the foot, and there are cases when an ingrown nail is operated on and On the hand, in both cases it is not recommended to remove the bandage for 2-3 days. After this period has expired, clean the area under running water using antibacterial soap. An antibiotic ointment is applied to the operated area. All these actions are repeated for 5 days. In parallel with local treatment, parenteral therapy is prescribed - antibiotics and analgesics. After 2-3 weeks after complete healing of the surgical area and examination by a doctor, you can return to normal life.
    4. Prognosis for ingrown toenails
      After surgery, relapse occurs in only 10% of patients. For football players and ballet dancers, relapse may occur in a short time, a complete renunciation of the profession or a radio wave treatment method will relieve this disease. In patients with diabetes mellitus and in elderly patients, the wound heals slowly, and relapse may occur again.

    Prevention of ingrown toenails

    Preventive actions are aimed at proper pedicure or manicure, exclusion of tight shoes and baths with a hypertonic solution. Proper hygiene legs ongoing care will prevent the formation of an ingrown nail.

    Laser treatment for ingrown toenails

    Most effective method treatment with the least amount of trauma and low relapse rates.

    Laser correction removes the ingrown nail along with the growth zone of the nail plate. This procedure can be performed at all stages of the disease.

    The laser destroys, using the coagulation method, all pathogens of inflammation, therefore as soon as possible the operated area granulates and recovers. The likelihood of relapse is close to zero.

    Attention! The method is used to remove the ingrown part of the fingernail (on the hand or on the toe), even with extensive mycoses of the nails.

    After the session the pathological fungal infection disappears. Prophylactic treatment with antifungal drugs for 2 weeks is recommended.

    Radio wave therapy

    Radio wave therapy is considered an outstanding method of treatment for the pathology of growth of the nail plate into the soft tissues of the fingers.

    Treatment is carried out exclusively in inpatient settings. Patient preparation is similar to preparatory procedures surgical intervention.

    Radio wave therapy is carried out at all stages of the disease. There are no contraindications for its implementation.

    This treatment method relies on suppressing the growth of a certain area of ​​the nail when exposed to radio waves. What does this procedure look like?

    After the preparatory, preoperative stage, in antiseptic conditions under local or general anesthesia, the area of ​​the ingrown nail is removed along with the matrix of the growth zone.

    The postoperative wound is treated with antiseptic drugs and a sterile bandage is applied. The dressing should be changed once or twice a day and should be kept dry.

    After a week, the surgical field is completely closed and recovery begins. With this treatment method, you can forget about an ingrown toenail forever!

    Attention! Radio wave therapy is a successful method of treating deformed ingrown toenails with increased hyperkeratosis of the skin of the toes in elderly patients. By medical indications This operation can be performed in patients with diabetes mellitus and disorders of the peripheral (capillary) blood supply.

    Medical report

    To exclude this disease, especially if it is not acquired and is not a complication of other somatic diseases, you need to follow simple rules:

    • firstly, constantly take care of your feet by maintaining personal hygiene; it is strictly forbidden to wear someone else’s shoes or use other people’s hygiene and bath items,
    • secondly, exclude fungal infection of the lower extremities (feet, hands and nail plates),
    • thirdly, try to wear comfortable shoes and walk around the apartment barefoot,
    • Wash your feet as often as possible, further removing dead tissue from your feet and toes.
    • and if the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately!

    Attention! Patients at risk (diabetes mellitus, trophic ulcers, impaired blood microcirculation, endocrine diseases, cancer, finger injuries, reduced immunity, blood diseases, etc.) at the first symptoms should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise this may lead to irreversible processes: osteomyelitis, sepsis, gangrene and death.

    We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health.

    An ingrown toenail is a type of change in which the outer or inner edge of the nail plate on one toe begins to grow into the nail fold area. An ingrown toenail is quite common and can occur at any age, affecting both children and adults.

    general description

    There is also a medical term for an ingrown toenail - onychocryptosis or incarnation of the nail. Ingrown toenails generally affect the outer side of the nail bed on the big toe. During this pathological process, the affected nail fold becomes swollen and red; inflammation becomes a factor accompanying these changes, against the background of which, in turn, severe pain develops. Subsequently, the inflammatory process can become chronic. The lack of necessary treatment causes the possibility of recurrence of the process.

    The problem associated with ingrown toenails occurs due to excessive pressure on the soft tissue surrounding the nail plate. Such pressure can be determined, for example, genetically, by an abnormal shape of the nail on this basis, as well as by the presence of a predisposition to pathological ingrowth due to the influence of the same cause.

    A change in the shape of the nail during subsequent ingrowth can be caused by improper trimming of the nails when cutting off the corners. Also, as the reader can assume from the description of the main reason that provokes ingrown nails (compression), it can develop due to wearing excessively tight shoes. In this case, it contributes to compression of the nail from the sides and from above, due to which nail growth is directed into the depth of the periungual ridges, which causes subsequent ingrowth. It is for this reason that the problem of ingrown toenails is often relevant for teenagers and young people who follow fashion, which is why they wear beautiful, but not always comfortable shoes. This especially applies to shoes that are too narrow and shoes with “pointy toes.”

    Fungal infections are also considered among the reasons contributing to the development of the pathological growth of the nail, in particular we are talking about damage to the nail plate and its accompanying thickening, which causes such growth. Similarly, the problem we are considering can be caused by injury to the nail plate, as well as foot disorders that develop against the background of clubfoot and flat feet.

    Ingrown toenail: symptoms

    The main symptom of an ingrown toenail is constant pain noted on the side of the nail fold; it intensifies when wearing shoes, with pressure and when walking. A visual examination allows you to detect an ulcer at the initial stage of the disease - it is small in size and located in the place where the nail fold is most susceptible to injury.

    Subsequently, rapid proliferation of granulations occurs, that is, excessive tissue growth occurring on the side of the wound surface of the nail fold. This proliferation is a response to the effects of infection and the processes accompanying the resulting injury. The growth of granulations resembles raw meat, which is why they are usually defined as the corresponding term - “wild meat”. It was with the advent wild meat, which can also be accompanied by the appearance of purulent discharge, we can say that the pathological process has become a chronic form of its own course. At the same time, another type of complaint arises; it concerns significant difficulty in walking.

    Returning to the features relevant to such a phenomenon as an ingrown toenail, we note that it is a misconception that only the big toe is affected. This is not true, an ingrown nail can form on any of the fingers, moreover, the ingrowth can even be bilateral. The initial stage of development of the disease is not accompanied by the appearance of fluid or purulent discharge; heat is also not felt when touching the finger at this stage. Later, from the side of the acute angle, skin and additional tissue begin to grow, and, in fact, a yellowish liquid is released; this course of the process indicates the formation of the body’s reaction in response to injury to the nail that irritates the skin. If an infection is added to the pathological process, then the swelling manifests itself in a more pronounced form, this is also accompanied by the release of fluid (white or yellowish), the volume of such secretions increases. The skin surrounded by redness may become pale, and the picture of the pathological process may be supplemented by fever.

    Thus, even a disease as harmless at first glance as an ingrown toenail, the symptoms of which in the initial stages may not cause much concern, requires consulting a doctor. In particular, this is necessary when an infection occurs with accompanying fat, the appearance of fluid, pallor of the skin in the area surrounding the redness, increased pain or swelling.


    Based on the changes that the patient can determine independently, it can be understood that it is a specific problem that is relevant - that is, the problem of an ingrown toenail. When visiting a doctor (which, as practice shows, is often done already at the stage of chronicity of the pathological process or at the stage of complications), special diagnostic methods are not used. In particular, you will need to donate blood ( general analysis), on the basis of which it will be possible to assess the degree of the current inflammatory process, in addition, this analysis will allow, based on the sugar level, to determine whether the patient has developed diabetes mellitus.

    If the process in its own progression has reached the stage of development of complications, then radiography may be prescribed for the area of ​​​​the bones of the foot. This measure is necessary, again, for a more detailed study of the characteristics of the course of the disease, because the possibility of a purulent process moving to the bone cannot be ruled out.

    If there is a suspicion of a purulent infection, then treatment in a slightly different direction (dermatology) may be required. It is important to understand that if the cause that provoked the development of the disease is not eliminated, then it is pointless to try to eliminate the consequences, one of which is considered to be an ingrown toenail.


    If complications of an ingrown toenail have not developed in the patient, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. The initial stages of the pathological process, with mild infection and granulation, require conservative treatment. For other cases, with a more progressive form of the process, conservative treatment of an ingrown toenail can act as preparatory stage treatment, that is, as therapy preceding further surgical intervention. Also, in any case, it is important to ensure that any type of impact on the nail plate is limited, which is ensured by wearing appropriate shoes ( ideal solution is walking barefoot if possible). Additionally, you should avoid cutting the nail on the affected finger to such short borders, which usually causes ingrown nails.

    Ingrown toenail: principles of conservative treatment

    The initial stages determine the possibility of effective treatment of the ingrown toenail and the area affected by it. As one of the main areas of influence in in this case The method of warm baths is used, which provides a direct effect on the feet. These or other types of antiseptics are added to such baths, for example, herbal decoctions (St. John's wort, chamomile), furatsilin, potassium permanganate, etc. If the area where the ingrown nail begins to fester, then after taking baths, bandages with the addition of antibacterial ointments must be applied. If fungal infections are treated, then a special type of drug is used that is intended specifically for this purpose; the main options include Nizoral, Kanizon, Lamisil, etc.

    Some time ago, in influencing the affected area, X-ray film in the form of strips was used, placed between the area of ​​​​the skin fold and the nail. With its help, the factor of mechanical impact itself, which causes injury, was eliminated, and the extension of the nail plate that had undergone deformation was gradually ensured. Today, a number of different devices are used that provide a similar effect. These are various brackets, plates, springs, etc. Due to their compact size, any negative impact, for example, accompanying the wearing of shoes. Due to the elevation of the edge of the nail, which they provide, it is possible to reduce the pressure they exert on the area of ​​the nail fold, which occurs while simultaneously correcting the shape of the nail and reducing pain. In particular, Fraser clamp, ZTO, B/S plates or half clamps can be used.

    Even if conservative therapy does not provide the required effect, and also if the pathological granulations we discussed above appear with the accompanying appearance of purulent discharge, surgical intervention to eliminate the problem of an ingrown nail is considered necessary.

    Ingrown toenail: operation (surgical treatment)

    Generally, surgery occurs on an outpatient basis, with local anesthesia. There are a number of ways in which the problem in question can be solved through surgery, including surgical excision, the radio wave method, and the laser method. Quite often, a separate part of the nail is removed; this is a resection method. Meanwhile, partial removal does not lead to subsequent relief from the problem - in the vast majority of cases, re-ingrowing of the nail occurs. For this reason, along with part of the nail plate, the corresponding part of the growth area of ​​the nail is removed. Due to this, the newly growing nail turns out to be narrower than the previously growing nail.

    If the nail has undergone significant changes due to a pathological process, as well as in case of fungal infection (again, in a severe form), complete removal of the nail plate may be prescribed. Even more severe cases of re-ingrowing nails require not only removal of the nail plate itself, but also the entire area from which the nail grows. The defect that appears as a result of such an intervention is hidden by autodermoplasty with replacement of the area with a skin flap. The nail on this finger will no longer grow at all.

    Ingrown toenail: complications

    In order to understand how serious the problem we are considering can become, it is necessary to note the complications of an ingrown toenail that develop against the background of negligence regarding the treatment of this pathology. Most often, they develop already when the process becomes chronic; in particular, the development of complications is facilitated by factors relevant to the patient, such as vascular atherosclerosis in the lower extremities, as well as diabetes mellitus.

    The listed diseases lead to the fact that the blood supply to the finger, or more precisely to its soft tissues, is subject to disruption, which reduces the ability for their subsequent regeneration, as well as resistance to the effects of infections. Thus, we can distinguish the following pathological conditions corresponding to the complicated course of an ingrown nail:

    • Lymphadenitis, lymphangitis. The spread of infection occurs through the lymphatic vessels, due to which their inflammation develops, which is defined as lymphangitis. This inflammation spreads to the lymph nodes located in close proximity to it, and these are the inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes. Here the inflammation remains, leading to their increase, as well as the appearance of pain syndrome, which already corresponds to such a pathological condition as lymphadenitis.
    • Osteomyelitis of the nail phalanx. Given pathological condition consists in the transition to the bone of a purulent infection. It is quite difficult to cure; moreover, amputation of the phalanx of the finger can be considered as an outcome for such treatment. Diagnosis of pathology is carried out on the basis of an X-ray examination of the bone area of ​​the affected finger.
    • Abscess. In this case, the toe is affected; this pathological condition consists of the development of purulent inflammation in the area of ​​the soft toe tissue. The accompanying manifestations are based on redness and swelling of the skin along the entire phalanx. In this case, the need for surgical intervention is considered as the main treatment.
    • Gangrene of the finger. In this case, the toe undergoes irreversible tissue necrosis, that is, their necrosis develops, accompanied by a characteristic blackening of the skin. The only treatment option for the development of gangrene of the toe is either amputation of the nail phalanx area or complete amputation of the toe.

    If symptoms indicating an ingrown toenail appear, you should consult a doctor for a long time or see a surgeon.

    Is everything in the article correct from a medical point of view?

    Answer only if you have proven medical knowledge

    An ingrown toenail is chronic illness, at which due to various reasons the growing nail plate penetrates into the soft tissues of the lateral ridges of the finger. Exist various techniques conservative and surgical treatment this disease, but in the initial stages, before complications arise, you can try to treat an ingrown toenail at home.

    The first “big” toe is most often affected. The disease occurs in several stages. It leads to discomfort and pain when walking, and subsequently to inflammation of the tissues, their redness, the release of light serous and bloody fluid, and swelling. The affected area may increase significantly in volume. With the subsequent addition of a staphylococcal infection, suppuration and other (often serious) complications occur that require emergency medical care. Complications are especially dangerous for people suffering from circulatory disorders in the lower extremities and diabetes mellitus.

    How to treat an ingrown toenail at home

    First of all, one of the ways to both prevent and treat the disease is to properly perform a pedicure, especially paying attention to the correct cutting of the nail. It is necessary to cut at the level of the top of the soft tissues of the finger at a right angle to the side edges, slightly rounding or grinding off the edges with a nail file so that there are no sharp corners left. Do not cut the nail plate too short.

    If the soft tissues of the side cushion hang over the sharp edge of the nail, but they are not inflamed, it is necessary to carefully, without injuring them, move them away and cut off only the sharp corner of the nail plate. To make caring for an ingrown toenail easier, you can use one of the following: pharmaceuticals, softening the nail plate:

    1. "Nogtinorm" - nail balm. It is applied to the nail and surrounding skin according to the instructions daily 1-2 times a day.
    2. "Uroderm" is a water-based ointment containing carbamide (urea). It has a keratolytic effect and slows down the formation of the stratum corneum, which reduces the pressure of the ingrown nail on the tissue. The ointment is applied for 3-4 days before the pedicure.
    3. "Nogtimycin" - applied for 3-4 days to the nail only in the area of ​​its ingrowth. Then, after preliminary steaming in a soda solution, its softened section is cut off.
    4. "Scholl" is a liquid that should be applied 2 times a day for 1 week.

    These products not only make it easier to process the nail plate, but, by softening it, help the edges emerge from under the tissues of the periungual fold during growth.

    What does an ingrown toenail look like?

    Treatment for inflammation

    Treating a toe with an ingrown toenail and wearing shoes is sometimes difficult due to the pain. In these cases, the question arises of how to numb an ingrown toenail. The pain is caused mainly by inflammatory phenomena that occur, which are accompanied by swelling. Often, with light pressure on the roller, light, slightly bloody or purulent discharge may appear. Therefore, to relieve pain, measures are necessary to reduce swelling and inflammation of tissues, which will also help prevent complications.

    At home, for this purpose, thermal procedures in the form of foot baths with antiseptic solutions should be carried out daily. As the latter, you can add a solution of Chlorhexidine to warm water, use lightly colored warm solutions of potassium permanganate, solutions of furatsilin, warm infusions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, peony, celandine, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves) at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons of dry herb per 1 liter of water.

    After the foot bath, you can try to cut off only the sharp edge of the nail. At night, it is advisable to apply a bandage to the inflamed area with an ointment or emulsion containing antiseptics or antibiotics - Synthomycin emulsion, Levomycetin ointment. To reduce pain, you can also use antiseptic dressings, but they also contain lidocaine (a local anesthetic). The inflamed edges of the rollers hanging over the nail are carefully moved with a stick with cotton wool wrapped around it or a thick swab and a gauze flagellum, previously soaked in an ointment or emulsion composition, is placed under them.

    For inflammation and swelling of tissues, Vishnevsky ointment or Levomikol have a good effect (even in the presence of purulent discharge). Ointment or emulsion dressings are applied overnight and then changed in the morning.

    All these procedures must be continued until the inflammatory phenomena are completely eliminated.

    Probably every person at least once in his life wondered why nails grow on his feet. To hit the corner of a chest of drawers at night seems like a self-evident answer, but it’s just as painful to just put your finger on it. Stop! It is precisely to protect the delicate skin of the toes that nails serve. This is ideal. But there is also a negative side. For example, if a nail grows into the finger (skin), bringing an unforgettable sensation (and sometimes a spectacle). In general, we have prepared an article in which we will tell you what to do if your toenail grows.

    How to recognize an ingrown toenail

    It is immediately worth noting that very often only one nail plate grows in and most often it is on the big toe. At the very beginning of the disease, the nail grows into the skin, after which the latter becomes red and inflamed, walking is accompanied by pain. If you think that this will go away on its own and do not take any measures, then the nail will begin to grow deeper. The pain does not go away even at rest. If you press on the nail for some reason, the pain will intensify. In the most advanced cases, redness gives way to cyanosis, and bleeding and pus appear. At the same time, a person noticeably loses mobility.

    Reasons why the nail grows in

    At first, it may seem as if an ingrown toenail is a punishment for all past sins. But de facto everything is somewhat more prosaic. Doctors have long analyzed everything and identified four factors that cause ingrown toenails:

      Incorrectly done pedicure. The main factors: cutting off the corner of the nail, as well as carefully left hangnails and pointed edges of the nail. It is very likely that after such a seemingly trifle, the toenail grows into the skin. To avoid this, do not leave rounded edges of the nail and do not cut them very short at all.

      Uncomfortable and constrictive shoes are another factor that causes your big toenail to grow into the skin. Remember that well-chosen shoes are not only a guarantee of comfort, but also an excellent prevention of onychocryptosis (as doctors call an ingrown toenail).

      Injuries and wounds of the toes. And the stronger and more frequent they are, the greater the chance to give the nail the opportunity to dig into the skin of the toes. The only advice I can give here is to be as careful and attentive as possible. Well, if injury could not be avoided and the first symptoms appeared that big nail growing on your leg, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a specialist.

      Fungal diseases. With the development of such diseases, nails can often become deformed and split. All this sometimes leads to nails growing into the skin on the feet. You can catch such an unpleasant illness, for example, in a solarium or swimming pool. Therefore, treating your feet with antifungal drugs would be a good preventative measure. Yes, even if you do not visit public saunas, showers, etc.

    In principle, these are the key factors of onychocryptosis, but not the only ones. Also flat feet, chemotherapy, diabetes, obesity, etc. can be the factors that cause ingrown toenails. What to do about this? Remember: when the first signs of onychocryptosis appear, you should immediately seek help from medical specialists. After all, only an experienced doctor can determine proper treatment.

    Treatment for ingrown toenails

    But what to do with an ingrown toenail if preventive methods never helped? For this case, doctors have prepared as many as five methods of therapy.

      Gentle treatment: lotions and baths with antiseptic drugs. Typically, cotton pads or gauze strips are placed between the nail bed and, in fact, the nail itself. However, such procedures are not highly effective, and therefore are usually carried out at the very initial stages of treatment. And a relapse is not excluded: after therapy, the nail grows into the toe very often.

      Orthopedic therapy. To do this, special devices (special plates or staples) are installed on the incorrectly growing nail to help the nail grow in the right direction. The installed staple lifts the edges of the nail, separating them from the roller. This way, nail growth is directed in a natural direction.
      Most often, such plates and staples are made individually for each patient. On average, treatment takes about three months. In this case, the plate needs to be changed approximately once a month. It is not uncommon for toenails to grow back into the skin after the staples are removed.

      Surgical intervention. Surgical removal is carried out under local anesthetic: armed with a scalpel, the surgeon removes a fragment of the nail plate (if the patient has been patient and neglected everything, then the nail is completely removed). Also, sometimes part of the cushion is removed to prevent re-ingrowth. However, this does not always help, since in about half of the cases the nail grows into the side of the finger with renewed vigor. At the same time, rehabilitation after surgical treatment is quite long - about three weeks. At this time, skin treatment with an antiseptic and regular dressings are necessary.

      This therapy is also carried out under the influence of a local anesthetic. The procedure uses a Lancet carbon dioxide laser, with which the doctor makes a small indentation in the problem area. Through it, the effect is exerted on the nail plate, without affecting the surrounding tissue. Bonus: after laser procedure the risk of relapse (re-appearance of an ingrown toenail) is minimal.

    Today, laser removal is considered one of the most effective (and therefore optimal) methods of treating onychocryptosis.

    Benefits of laser treatment for ingrown toenails

    Well, since we are talking about the optimality of laser therapy, we cannot help but tell you what causes it:

      First, unlike most other methods, there is almost no risk of re-ingrowing toenails.

      Secondly, there is no long recovery period as after surgical removal.

      Thirdly, the laser not only removes the nail, but also disinfects the surrounding tissue, so all dangerous microorganisms at the center of events will be destroyed.

      Fourthly, the laser additionally coagulates the vessels, so the patient will not lose a drop of blood.

    In our clinic you can make an appointment with a specialist. At your appointment, a laser therapist will tell you what to do if you have an ingrown toenail. You can sign up for a preliminary consultation (as well as for the procedure) by phone or using a special form on the website.

    Our expert - orthopedist, researcher at the Endocrinological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Sergei Gorokhov.

    Thumb - big problems

    The most common ingrown toenail is the big toe. The lateral part of the nail plate “cuts” into the periungual fold and continues to grow inside it. This causes pain, swelling, and the roller becomes red and hot to the touch.

    Even with slight signs of ingrown toenails, you should immediately consult a doctor if: your last tetanus shot was more than five years ago or you don’t remember when you got it; you suffer from diabetes mellitus, any circulatory disorder, or are taking medications that affect the immune system (for example, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, steroid hormones). In these cases, the risk of complications is very high, so wasting time on home treatment is dangerous.

    Later, purulent or sanguineous discharge may appear from under the cushion and ulceration on it. The body tries to heal the wound - bright red granulation tissue forms at the site of ingrowth. If left untreated or treated incorrectly, over time the granulation becomes dense, and the phalanx on which the nail is located changes its shape and structure. At this stage, the only way to deal with ingrowth is surgery.

    But it's not just about pain and discomfort. The wound at the site of ingrowth is an open gate for infection. Therefore, inflammation of the soft tissues - paronychia and panaritium - can become a complication of an ingrown toenail. In advanced cases, inflammation can spread to the entire foot and even affect the bone, leading to osteomyelitis.

    Surgeons and orthopedists deal with ingrown toenail problems. You cannot do without their help if there is already discharge from the periungual fold. But on the most early stage You can limit yourself to a medical pedicure. It is hardware-based, that is, during it the skin of the feet is not soaked in water and no cutting devices are used, but only special grinding rollers. This treatment helps stop ingrowth. Masters of this type of pedicure work in diabetic foot clinics.

    Your own doctor

    You can cope with a nail that has just begun to grow in on your own. But it needs to be done correctly. Many, hoping to solve the problem, cut off the corner of the nail, which is located next to the roller. Because of this, the nail plate cannot subsequently grow evenly beyond the finger, so that its tip soon begins to injure the soft tissue of the roller again. In essence, the disease becomes chronic.

    We need to act differently. Good effect Give foot baths with warm water. If possible, do them four times a day. You can add salt, soap, and antibacterial agents to the water, but there is no convincing evidence that this is necessary.

    After the bath, try to lift the ingrown corner of the nail. To do this, roll a thin flagellum the size of a wax candle wick from cotton wool or gauze. Place it between your nail and skin. The flagellum needs to be changed every day, gradually moving it a little further towards the base of the nail. So in 7-15 days you can give the nail the right direction, which will prevent further ingrowth.

    The flagellum can be soaked in chlorhexidine, miramistin or an aqueous solution of povidone-iodine. They are also good for treating inflamed periungual folds.

    It is impossible to smear the site of ingrowth with ointments (including ichthyol and levomekol). To soften the nail and rough skin around it, you need to use special pharmaceutical drugs. Such liquids are in the arsenal of medical pedicure specialists, but they can also be purchased for home use.

    It's time to see a doctor!

    If home treatment does not lead to improvement within three days, you should consult a doctor. Today there are several methods for treating ingrown toenails. For example, special pads made of cotton, polymers or plastic are used for this. They are installed on the side of the nail, protecting the skin from its acute angle, and are gradually moved down during the treatment process.

    An effective and non-traumatic method is gluing a special plate to the nail. It spreads the edges of the nail and makes it flatter, thus preventing ingrown nails. The plate is covered with gel on top, so that the nail becomes smooth; if desired, it can be painted with varnish, and there will be no problems with shoes.

    You can also install a special wire structure on the nail, the operating principle of which is similar to the operating principle of dental braces.

    This technique is also widespread - a groove is made in the middle of the nail with a file, due to which the thickness and rigidity of the nail decreases, and the direction of its growth changes.

    And finally, the ingrown “sidewall” of the nail can be removed and nail bed plastic surgery performed. In this case, part of the growth zone is necessarily destroyed, so in the future the traumatic corner simply does not grow. This procedure can today be carried out using a laser or radio waves. Healing after this occurs quickly, and the frequency of relapses of the disease is significantly reduced.

    By the way

    There are several factors that increase the risk of ingrown toenails:

    • orthopedic foot deformities- flat feet and especially hallux valgus;
    • wrong pedicure when the nails are cut very short or their side corners are cut. You need to cut your nails in a straight line using pedicure scissors with a straight blade. It is desirable that the free edge of the nail is approximately at the level of the end of the phalanx;
    • frequent injury to the thumb associated with wearing narrow shoes or heavy load on the foot during work and sports;
    • fungal infection nail plate and skin of the feet;
    • failure to comply with hygiene rules: irregular foot washing, untimely change of socks. This makes the skin more vulnerable, loose, and also increases the likelihood of infection if the nail has already begun to grow in;
    • a number of diseases, including arthritis, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), obesity. Some of them increase the load on the thumb, others create conditions for the wound to become infected.
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