• The toenails darken. Why fingernails and toenails turn black and dark in women and men: causes and treatment. The nail on the big toe has turned black: what to do?


    Why do my toenails turn black? Color change nail plate primarily speaks of hemorrhage and accumulation of dried blood. Damage to fragile capillaries can occur after bruising a finger or due to strong pressure.

    This usually happens due to the following reasons:

    • hitting a finger on a hard object;
    • a limb was stepped on;
    • falling on a heavy finger.

    Having endured the pain, a person forgets about what happened, but after 2–3 days the bruise site turns black. If the hematoma is small, it can resolve on its own without causing harm to the body.

    It is much worse when the hemorrhage affects a large area and the nail plate turns black completely. In this case, after some time it will begin to be rejected.

    Why do nails darken? thumbs legs? Trouble occurs due to strong pressure on the finger. Athletes often face a similar problem. Changing the color of the nail is also possible under regular exposure to moisture or high temperature.

    One of the predisposing factors to blackening of nails is a fungal disease. Outwardly, a person is healthy, he does not experience pain, but darkened plates on the fingers spoil appearance and they are perplexed as to why this happened.

    Infection with rubromycosis, melanonychia and trichophytosis, the most common forms of mycosis, occurs in public areas intended for swimming and bathing.

    Fungal diseases are easily contracted by pregnant women with weakened immune systems. When a nail is infected with a fungus, the blackness spreads from the hole to the top and does not disappear even as the plate grows.

    Why do fingernails turn black? The color change may not be due to injury or illness. It happens that the plate loses its natural shade due to contact with any substance (tobacco, potassium permanganate, etc.). This phenomenon does not pose a danger, since its cause lies in external influences.

    The proliferation of blood vessels against the background of a benign tumor of the nail is the most serious cause. Here another question is added to the question “why do the nails on the big toes turn black” - why do they turn blue and hurt. The culprits of this nail behavior are pathological blood vessels. A person notices the following changes:

    1. pain;
    2. nail detachment;
    3. the spot turns white when pressed.

    How to treat black nails

    Naturally, dermatologists and mycologists do not deal with replacing nails, but they easily undertake the removal of a damaged plate. Unbearable pain accompanying the change in nail color indicates too much pressure under the plate.

    The unpleasant sensations will not subside soon, so there is only one answer to the question “what to do” - hurry up and see a doctor. In a clinical setting, a specialist will relieve the pressure under the plate by puncturing it.

    Now the body will be able to reject the “dead” nail, but it will take a month. While the problem plate is being rejected, a new one begins to grow. It is very important not to miss this moment.

    If you do not pull out the necrotic nail in a timely manner, the other plate will not be able to grow or even grow together with the old one - not a pleasant sight. In addition, the growth of a new nail will be accompanied by some discomfort.

    You can prevent such consequences by removing the nail along with the roots. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia if the roots on any side of the plate are not completely dead. Self-removal of nails home environment it is also possible, but the manipulation should be performed very carefully so as not to cause infection.

    How to treat blackened nails at home? You can pierce it with a disinfected needle, or you can use a folk remedy. It is prepared in the form of a saline solution. Salt draws blood from under the plates and stabilizes blood pressure. It is advisable to arrange therapeutic baths for several days in a row.

    Paint in dark color the nail may be due to diseases internal organs and infectious pathologies. If the change in color of the plates is not associated with a bruise, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify a specific ailment.

    What to do if the skin around your nails turns black

    Darkening of the skin surrounding the nails may be due to climatic, mechanical and chemical influences on the skin. Why do fingernails and skin on fingers turn black?

    In women, this often happens during the work of cutting and peeling certain vegetables and fruits. The skin is simply stained on the palms and around the nails. At first glance, your hands seem dirty, but it’s unlikely that you can wash them with plain water and soap. It will help to get your hands in order lemon acid or yellow citrus juice.

    You can also lighten your skin using tea leaves. medicinal herbs– mint, chamomile, linden blossom. Baths are prepared from oils:

    • castor;
    • olive;
    • vegetable

    Must be included in the oil ammonia. The product will improve the appearance of the skin and saturate it with microelements.

    If the skin around the nails turns black, it is necessary to treat it with whitening pastes, lotions, masks, and creams. At home they are prepared like this:

    1. Boiled potatoes are ground with wheat flour and the mixture is supplemented with lemon juice or a weak vinegar solution. Apply the paste to your hands for 15 minutes and wash off.
    2. Dark spot removal lotion is made from lemon juice and plain table salt. Use the resulting mixture to thoroughly wipe the problem areas, and then rinse your hands with water. The recipe is not suitable for use in cases where there are microcracks, abrasions, or wounds on the skin.
    3. To get a whitening mask you will need a little mashed potatoes, diluted with milk or curdled milk. The composition is applied to hands for 20 minutes, then washed and treated with nourishing cream.
    4. The recipe for making a lightening cream is also simple. After dissolving a small amount of gelatin in warm water, honey and glycerin are added to the mass. Every evening before going to bed, rub the cream into damp skin of your hands.

    Then you are probably interested in the question: what is the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon and how to get rid of it?

    A lot of people complain about blackening of their nails, and many still cannot determine the reason for the change in their color.

    This disease often occurs on the legs. Most individuals do not attach much importance to a darkened nail, but in vain. Pathology may be a symptom of a serious illness.

    What diseases cause nails to turn black?


    The first and most common cause of blackening of the nail can be ordinary hemorrhage. For example, from a blow or walking in tight and uncomfortable shoes. The vessels cannot withstand the load, burst, internal hemorrhage occurs, a hematoma appears, and the nails turn black. That is, darkening of the nail plate is the most common bruise. After a few months, everything disappears, so the individual has nothing to worry about. Sometimes the nail peels off, but a new one grows in its place, without any darkening.


    But there are also not the most pleasant reasons for the appearance of blackness, especially if a person has no predisposition to the appearance of pathology. Melanonychia disease is caused by fungi. They appear most often in people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women and people with dark color skin. In advanced cases, the blackness grows not only throughout the entire nail, but also rises above its hole. Growing a new plate doesn't help. It is very difficult to get rid of blackness. Comprehensive treatment under the supervision of a doctor is needed, aimed at increasing immunity.

    Exposure to chemistry

    It happens that the nail takes on an unnatural color when exposed to external influences, for example, by smoking or exposure to potassium permanganate. This is not dangerous, because the color change occurs outside, not inside. There is more aesthetic harm here, not damage to health. Negative action tobacco affects the body through the fingers. Using them, you can determine what damage smoking actually causes to our health. When throwing bad habit, the color of the nails returns to normal over time. If you use iodine, potassium permanganate and other dyes carelessly, it is recommended to simply reduce the level of exposure to them.


    The occurrence of oncology - a benign tumor inside the nail - cannot be ruled out. The color changes to purple or black due to the fact that the vessels inside are growing. The pathology is very painful and constantly makes itself known. Black nail peels off over time. And when you click on it, a white spot appears.

    Other diseases of internal organs

    Well, the most rare case is when a change in color can be a consequence of kidney disease, stomach disease, diabetes, and infectious diseases. You need to go to the doctor so that he can prescribe an examination, identify a diagnosis and formulate the correct therapy.

    How to prevent your nail from turning black after being hit? What to apply?

    It is necessary to immediately stop the internal hemorrhage so that the hematoma does not spread over the entire area of ​​the nail. You should apply ice to the plate, dip your finger in cold water, snow. You need to keep the bruised finger there for at least 10-15 minutes. The blood vessels will narrow from the cold, the blood will stop, and the pain will disappear.

    In order for the black nail to disappear faster, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic ointments.

    For example, it not only eliminates a bruise and removes blackening from the nail, but also has a prophylactic agent to avoid further infection. Make two or three applications a day until complete recovery.

    If the nail has already turned black. How to speed up the process and is it worth it?

    You can speed up the process only if the skin under the nail is bleeding. Then you should press the plate to stimulate the release of fluid. This should be done with clean hands to avoid infection. In all other cases, there is no point in speeding up the process. The blood under the nail cannot be squeezed out without piercing, so The best way to speed up the course of the disease - consult a doctor.

    When should you get your nails pierced?

    If the pain under the plate is very severe, this means that the nails are turning black due to blood, of which there is a lot under the nail, and it needs to be released.

    You cannot do the piercing yourself. Only a doctor does this. It’s safer this way and there’s no risk of making the situation worse. Only people with medical education can perform execution at home. It is necessary to first sterilize the needle.

    What consequences can a black nail cause?

    The skin under the plate may fester, and this will lead to a worsening of the situation, even (in the most advanced cases).

    Of course, this is typical for those cases when the nail has cracks, its structure and integrity are damaged. Such a plate will constantly remind you of itself: shoot, pulsate, and have an unpleasant odor.

    If the cause of blackening is health problems, ignoring this symptom will aggravate the pathology in the body and lead to new diseases.

    If nails turn black, coupled with swelling, this also should not be ignored. The patient may have a broken finger. It is necessary to contact a traumatologist to avoid incidents.

    It seems that black nail- a harmless consequence of some disorder in the body. But do not underestimate pathology. It is better to consult a doctor and carry out comprehensive treatment with him, having first found out the reason for the blackening of the plate.

    VIDEO Blackened Toenail Treatment

    VIDEO In a doctor's coat. Discoloration and thickening of the nail

    • Coloring agents. The most harmless factor. The nail plate may become stained upon contact with chemicals and dyes. Therefore, when coming into contact with various types of dyes, you should use protective gloves.
    • Fungal infection . Infection occurs through direct contact with an infected person, through household items. Infection can also occur in in public places with conditions favorable for the life and development of fungus: baths, saunas, swimming pools, beaches and water parks.
    • Benign tumor. Sometimes it happens that blood vessels, actively growing under the nail, cause swelling, which results in blackening of the nail.
    • Diabetes. Darkening of nails in diabetes mellitus is due to the fact that blood circulation is impaired as a result of the disease and, accordingly, the lack of nutrients and oxygen in the nails leads to various types of damage to the nail plates.
    • Frequent nail extension procedure . Bad news for lovers of long hair artificial nails. The desire to wear it all the time long nails makes many women resort to nail extension services. It is important to understand that too frequent extensions leads to thinning of the nail plates, and, accordingly, to an increased risk of pathogens getting under the nail. When a nail technician puts too much pressure on a client's nails when filing nails, the friction can create voids under the nails, which can also easily get infected or bacteria.

    Photo 1. Consequence of mechanical impact.

    Photo 2. Fungal infection nails

    Photo 3. Darkening of the nail associated with diabetes mellitus.

    Photo 4. Consequences of nail extensions.

    Photo 5. Consequences of nail extensions

    How to prevent

    For preventive purposes, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of living quarters using disinfectants every day.

    It is important to maintain personal hygiene: use only your own washcloth and soap at home, wear slippers when visiting swimming pools and baths, and try not to wear someone else’s shoes.

    Random mechanical damage (fall of a heavy object, strong impact, pinching) cannot be predicted. But in order to avoid darkening of the nail plate, immediately after the blow you need to apply ice to the sore nail. Cold causes blood vessels to constrict, causing bleeding to stop faster. To reduce the risk of microbes and infection getting into the injured nail, the injury site should be treated with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

    To prevent darkening of toenails as a result of rubbing, you should carefully select shoes taking into account the anatomical structure of the foot, and avoid shoes with pointed toes. Women are not advised to wear it too often closed shoes on high heels, since wearing such shoes provokes an increase in pressure on the toes, poor circulation, and the lack of ventilation in closed shoes leads to the proliferation of various bacteria, as a result, the toenails become brittle and susceptible to fungal infection. You can learn more about blackening of the big toe from the video from the source:

    When contacting dyes, as already mentioned, in order to avoid staining of nails, you need to wear rubber gloves.

    A benign tumor can only be noticed when it is clearly manifested. Then it is recommended to go to the hospital to determine the nature of the tumor and take measures to eliminate it.

    If you want to get your nails done, you need to contact a trusted nail technician. The master must have all licenses and certificates confirming his high qualifications and skill. It is important to know that it is not recommended to extend nails too often; sometimes you need to give your nails time to recover.

    However, often a fungal infection still penetrates into the injured nail, even if the recommended disinfection measures for the injured nail have been taken. It is important to notice the symptoms of fungus as early as possible. If the nail does not recover well after an injury, becomes loose and crumbles, these are definitely symptoms of onychomycosis. Although the disease develops slowly, it may cause the nail to return. healthy looking becomes impossible. Therefore, it is very important to make an appointment with an experienced doctor at the first opportunity and follow all points of the prescribed treatment until the nail is completely healed.

    To prevent infections under the nails in diabetes mellitus, patients must carefully observe personal hygiene: cut their nails only with clean and disinfected scissors, try to wash their feet and hands more often.


    In any case, with a blackened nail, it is best to immediately visit a dermatologist. Only a doctor can give an objective assessment of the severity of the injury and decide what measures to take to eliminate it. If the darkening of the nail does not go away after 2-3 months, then the diagnosis of “onychomycosis” is most often made.

    The causative agent of onychomycosis infection is most often spores of dermatophyte fungi, as well as spores of yeast-like and mold fungi. Pathogens can enter the nail even through microcracks in the nail plate. Treatment of onychomycosis should include a set of measures to eliminate the infection. The doctor who made the diagnosis prescribes the patient to take systemic antibiotics, as well as local medications applied directly to the affected areas of the nail plate (ointments, antifungal patches, creams and antifungal varnishes). If urgently necessary, the doctor can remove the injured nail surgically.

    If a hematoma has formed after an impact, it is strongly not recommended to open it yourself, since opening a hematoma at home can cause bacteria and microbes to enter the open wound, so the best solution is to contact a specialist.

    Treatment of fungal infections in diabetic patients is difficult due to the contraindications of many medications. The prescription of medications is made taking into account the compatibility of drugs for diabetes and drugs directed against fungal infections.

    Fungus treatment methods traditional medicine recommended in conjunction with your doctor's instructions.

    If the nail darkens, self-medication alone can only worsen the situation. This problem should not be taken lightly. It is important to know that the earlier the correct diagnosis is made, the easier the treatment will be.

    The nail turns black thumb feet: what to do and how to treat

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    1. A fungus has formed on the toes: the nails have become white and crumble. When I was on a business trip, I went to the bathhouse. I caught a fungus in someone else's bathhouse. The doctor suggested taking pills - binafine. Abdominal pain, Side effects. I feel ok, my nails are normal, I went to the doctor. There is no relapse. The medicine really helps.

    2. With my excessive sweating, I finally turned to the doctors. They advised to maintain personal hygiene. I don't always have time to take a shower. I noticed diaper rash in the folds of my skin. I immediately went to the doctor and on time. The doctor diagnosed skin candidiasis. Prescribed Binafin tablets. After two weeks, the skin became normal. Thanks to the doctor, there are still normal specialists in our country.

    3. I was diagnosed with diabetes. This summer I noticed that I had a rash under my arms. I went to the doctor. The doctor diagnosed it as skin candidiasis. Possibly due to metabolic disorders. Prescribed binafine ointment. After using it for two weeks, the skin became normal again.

    4. The husband is an officer. He is often late at work. Sometimes he stays there overnight. When we were alone, I noticed stripes on his toenails. At first I didn’t pay attention, but then the edges of my nails began to crumble. I sent him to the doctor, although he insisted that he didn’t have time. And she did the right thing. The doctor said it was a fungus. I was upset, and so was my husband. We thought it couldn’t be cured, but the doctor reassured us, said that there are now effective modern tablets and prescribed Binafin to my husband. After 5 months, my toenails became healthy again. Thanks to our doctor.

    5. In the summer I worked two shifts. Sometimes I didn’t have time to wash myself. Found red spots on the body. Then I began to notice diaper rash on my body: in the groin and on my legs under the knee. I wanted to go to the doctor, but I couldn’t get there. Bubbles began to appear. Everything itches. I made an appointment with the doctor. The doctor diagnosed dermatomycosis and advised me to maintain hygiene and wear cotton clothes. He prescribed treatment and the drug Lamisil. I asked if the medicine was expensive. Then the doctor recommended binafine, 2.5 times cheaper, but the same strength. I took one tablet a day. After 4 weeks everything went away.

    6. Always maintained hygiene. I showered twice a day. I never thought that I would have skin diseases. I was very surprised when I felt itching on the bottom of my foot. I examined the foot and noticed a large red spot and peeling. I immediately consulted a doctor. The doctor prescribed binafine ointment. After two weeks, the skin became fine.

    7. My dad is retired and has been sick a lot lately. The doctor determined a decrease in immunity, advised him to take vitamins and get more rest, go to fresh air. Dad often went fishing, then began to complain of diaper rash between his toes. We took him to the dermatologist. The doctor diagnosed dermatomycosis. He prescribed treatment with binafine tablets, you need to take 1 tablet a day. They used it strictly according to the instructions: after four weeks the skin became normal. Now dad doesn’t wear rubber boots when fishing - the doctor recommended light shoes.

    8. I could never have imagined that I would get dermatomycosis. What a word. The doctor diagnosed me with this after tests. He explained that it was possible that I had increased sweating. Although, I always follow the rules of hygiene and take a shower. The doctor prescribed binafine. I took pills once a day. Two weeks later my nightmare was over. If you encounter such a disease, then binafine is a proven remedy. By the way, it costs 2.5 times less than Lamisil.

      Lena Tolochek

    Blackening of the nail often occurs to a person, regardless of what lifestyle he follows and what hygiene standards he observes. A black nail may be a consequence of a finger injury, or may indicate the presence fungal disease. In any case, such a problem requires attention and treatment.

    Such a phenomenon as a black spot, which can appear under a transparent nail plate, is a fairly common occurrence. Moreover, almost every person with different hygiene habits and lifestyle can encounter it at least once in their life.

    The reasons for this may be different cases: illnesses, injuries. Such a spot can appear on both the fingers and toes. Of course, most often, this is how the fungus manifests itself, but you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions, because it can also appear in completely healthy people who have no complaints.

    There are four main reasons that contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant stain on the nail:

    • Presence of any fungus (disease)
    • Predisposition or increased pigmentation
    • Trauma to a finger or nail plate, resulting in a hematoma
    • Liver problems and diseases in humans

    Each individual case should be considered:

    • Hematomas. This is probably the most common cause of stains on the nail. A hematoma is a bruise, simply put. At the site of the impact, blood accumulates, which is located in the soft tissues; it darkens over time and appears under the nail plate itself. This is easy to understand if you know how the nail itself is built. After all, under the plate itself there is quite soft tissue - the nail bed. These two tissues (skin and nail) are very closely related to each other. Upon impact, the capillary network of soft tissue is damaged. The vessels burst and hemorrhage occurs in the tissue. Such a spot does not have clear boundaries and its size depends only on the force of the impact. The blood darkens, acquiring a bluish, purple and black tint. Such a stain can disappear over time. Often it is quite painful and responds unpleasant sensations when you press
    • Increased pigmentation. This is not a common predisposition, but it does occur in some people. The reasons for this tendency to stains may be the use of poor quality water and food, direct ultra-violet rays and even regular human work in hazardous conditions. A characteristic feature of this predisposition is the periodic appearance and disappearance of dots. This happens because the blood pigment changes regularly. There is absolutely nothing scary about this, so you shouldn’t scare yourself about it. You need to adjust your diet and maintain healthy image life.

    You should pay attention to such points only if they appear very often, do not disappear and have a very large-scale localization, that is, there are a lot of them. Such points may well have an oncological basis and be a symptom of cancer. If you have such concerns, consult your doctor for advice.

    suspicious black dots on the nails may indicate the presence of cancer in the human body
    • Liver problems and diseases. Such darkening of the nail plate can often indicate liver dysfunction. This happens because the organ ceases to cope with its duties, that is, it cannot cope with the processing of toxins. This is why dark and black spots appear on the nail plate in places. As a rule, such spots are usually blurry and do not have clear boundaries and sizes. They may appear and disappear periodically. In this case, you should seek help from a therapist who will prescribe tests for you. Under no circumstances should you postpone a visit to the doctor if, in addition to spots, you also notice painful sensations in the liver area
    • Fungus. The fungus often affects the nail plate of both the hands and feet. In this case, the nail can not only have black spots, but also completely change the color of its plate and become yellow, orange and even brown. One more characteristic features Fungus is a thickening of the nail plate and the appearance of unusual vertical stripes on the nail. It is important to know that after the nail suffers, the soft fabrics. In this case, treatment should be started immediately as quickly as possible. Before choosing a medicine, consult a dermatologist if possible. He can order you an important series of tests, the results of which will determine your problems and help you choose effective treatment.

    Thus, two main reasons can be distinguished for the appearance of black spots on the nail - external (impacts and tissue damage) and internal (diseases of organs and tissues).

    black spots on the nail plate, on the toe

    Blackened nails on the big toes and on the hands of men and women, reasons

    The most common cause of blackening of the nail is hemorrhage under the nail plate, which occurs as a result of a finger injury.

    The most common injury is the big toe. It is quite active and differs from others in its size. In this case, if there is a bruise and hemorrhage, pain may be observed over the next two weeks when walking, putting on shoes, or pressing on a finger. Pain may accompany the finger until the damaged nerve endings reach complete death.

    Pay attention to the nail after two weeks. If the pain does not go away, and the finger has increased in size (swelling), you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Cause of blackening big nail(like anyone else) maybe microz. Microsis is a disease that is easy to catch in public places where you have bare hands contact with the floor, handrails, and benches. For example: bathhouse, sauna, public shower, toilet, locker room, and so on. In such places, a person with a disease leaves it on the surface, where it is picked up by a healthy person. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cure microsis on your own, because in order to determine the cause of the fungus, you need to undergo many tests.

    Myrosis of the nail plate on the big toe

    Other reasons for changes in the color of the nail plate:

    • A black nail that has a slightly greenish tint is often a symptom of an abnormal and unhealthy gastrointestinal tract.
    • A black nail with a slight bluish tint indicates that a person has problems with blood circulation
    • A black nail with brown and burgundy shades may indicate disorders of the central nervous system and problems with the brain.

    Another common cause of blackened nails on both the fingers and toes is hemangioma.

    Hemangioma is a disease that causes the growth and subsequent darkening of blood vessels in the soft tissues under the nail plate. In addition, it causes unbearable and very noticeable pain. In some cases, it appears even before the nail turns black. Hemangioma is a kind of tumor under the nail, which can also be felt by pressing. If the dark color of the nail plate turns white, this is a clear symptom of the presence of a neoplasm.

    nail hemangioma: A - dark stripe, B - dark spot

    Pay attention to how you feel. If, in addition to pain, you regularly feel discomfort, this is a signal that there is strong pressure under the nail. In such situations, you cannot do without the help of doctors. The doctor will recommend removing the nail plate and only then performing a series of treatment procedures. If the nail is removed, you can perform all the necessary manipulations, get rid of the tumor and eliminate the pain. As a result, the dead nail is replaced by a new healthy one.

    Not only will it help speed up the healing process drug treatment, but also healthy eating, as well as regular salt baths.

    Why did tight shoes turn my toe black?

    If the nail turns black not from internal reasons, that is, problems with the health of internal organs, then from external ones. The nail can also turn black due to impaired blood circulation. This can happen when a person wears shoes that are too tight or uncomfortable. As a result, the finger is slightly injured and turns blue due to hemorrhage.

    After the cyanosis goes away, the blood coagulates and it is for this reason that blackness appears under the nails. If the resulting hematoma is not too large in size, then it does not require any intervention and can resolve on its own over time. If the spot is large enough and occupies the entire nail plate, this means that blood circulation in the damaged vessels on the finger is completely disrupted.

    Most often, this process ends with the rejection of the broken, damaged nail. After the diseased nail is rejected, a whole healthy plate should grow back.

    black nail due to wearing tight shoes

    To alleviate your condition and allow your nail to recover, you need to provide your finger with comfort. Avoid being too narrow and not comfortable shoes. Shoes should not be narrow, not tight, and should not rub. It is desirable that the shoes be made from natural and high-quality materials.

    You should also be careful about your lifestyle: avoid traumatic situations, do not engage in active sports during the healing period of the finger, eat healthy foods that contain a sufficient amount of calcium.

    Why does the nail turn black in diabetes?

    Diabetes mellitus is a disease that can affect the integrity and health of nails, both on the hands and feet. Why is this happening? Most often, the plates on the lower extremities are damaged due to the fact that blood circulation in the body and in the legs, in particular, is impaired. This can also happen when infected with a fungus. A fungus that can be present on the nails of a healthy person for any reason does not spread as quickly as on the nails of a person with any form of diabetes. Also, microbes, which are the main causes of fungal disease, can very actively spread throughout the entire foot of a diabetic and to soft tissues in particular.

    It is not difficult to recognize and distinguish a fungus - the nail plate not only changes its color and turns black, the nail becomes thicker and denser. Often it starts to flake.

    The fungus often affects the nails of people with diabetes because their metabolism is impaired. Diabetics are also distinguished by the fact that, along with the fluid, their sweat glands secrete glucose, which is very favorable for the development of fungus.

    how diabetes can affect diseases associated with blackening of the nail plates

    Another problem for people with diabetes is frequent ingrowth of nail plates into soft skin tissue. Such a nuisance occurs for the same reason - impaired circulation in the body and outflow of blood in the legs. Inconvenient, non-compliant shoes significantly aggravate the situation, allowing this process to happen faster. As a result, the finger swells, turns red and a hematoma forms.

    In this case, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. If ignored and left untreated, the ingrown toenail will cause soft tissue infection and allow the toe to fester. In the worst case scenario, the plate or even the affected finger will need to be removed. This phenomenon is called “diabetic foot” syndrome.

    Why did the nail turn black after being hit on the arm and leg or if it was pinched?

    Household nail injury - common problem. This can easily happen to both fingers and toes. Toes most often suffer from impacts with furniture, and fingers can be pinched in doorways, windows, or simply hit with a heavy object.

    Most often, the first pain from such an injury is very strong and sometimes unbearable. It is sharp, bursting and can even put a person in a state of shock. The pain occurs because the blood vessels of the soft tissues burst and hemorrhage occurs directly under the plate, the blood coagulates and turns black.

    Such an injury should not be ignored, but should be treated immediately to reduce the hematoma and reduce pain.

    How to reduce pain when a finger is injured and reduce a hematoma:

    • First of all, quickly applying cold to it will help to weaken the hematoma in the first couple of days: ice, a cold bottle, dipping in cold water, snow
    • You should keep the injured finger in the cold for no longer than fifteen minutes, so as not to make it worse
    • This application of cold will constrict the blood vessels and thereby reduce hemorrhage, as well as at the same time reduce pain

    A severe hematoma under the nail plate with profuse bleeding can burst the nail from below, lifting it. This rejection of the nail plate is quite painful. Only a surgeon can help in such a situation, who, using a sterile instrument, makes a hole in the nail and releases blood through it before it has a chance to clot.

    This surgical intervention will help to avoid the death of the nail; in no case should such manipulation be done using improvised means or on your own in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and blood poisoning.

    finger injury, blackened nail

    Why does my toenail turn black and hurt?

    A sore toenail or fingernail has several causes:

    • Traumatic nature. Depending on the bruise, you should choose the right effective treatment to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and eliminate pain
    • Fungal nature - requires mandatory treatment with antifungal and antiseptic agents
    • As a consequence of disruption of the internal organs, a full examination should be carried out to determine the presence of problems and diseases in the body

    If the blackness of the nail is accompanied by unpleasant pain, this indicates that the integrity of the soft tissues has been compromised. In such cases, it is impossible to do without the intervention of doctors. If you do not intervene, the situation may worsen and lead to tissue suppuration.

    the nail hurts, problems with nails due to bruises and fungus

    Why does my toenail turn black and come away from my finger?

    If you have a finger ear injury, it is quite possible to expect hemorrhage due to rupture of blood vessels. This blood enters the soft tissue, where it coagulates and forms a dark spot. Often the bruise is so severe that it provokes the appearance of a tumor.

    This tumor bursts the nail plate and causes it to rise, while “giving” the person very unpleasant painful sensations. The finger tries to tear off the affected nail, which by this time may become rough and flake. It should not be pulled out under any circumstances.

    The nail that grows over time should be carefully cut off with nail scissors, avoiding pain. Over time, the damaged nail will be replaced by a whole new layer and the finger will recover; this is a completely natural process.

    nail plate rejection

    Why does the nail turn black and not hurt?

    Quite often it happens that the fingernail turns black, but does not give the person any painful sensations. Most often, this phenomenon is observed on the big toes of the lower extremities. And it often happens that this problem people simply ignore: men wear closed shoes, and women cover them with a layer of varnish. But this is far from a way out of the situation.

    Several factors can affect the darkening of the nail:

    • External influence: uncomfortable shoes, mechanical damage, trauma or bruise
    • Internal effects: fungal infection, the presence of a benign tumor, disruption of the functioning of internal organs

    If the nail turns black as a result of an injury, it’s not a big deal. As a rule, such a bruise does not cause any harm to the body. If the nail turns black as a result of a serious illness, you cannot do without the help of doctors.

    What to do if the toenail turns black, how to treat it?

    Most often, after an injury, the fingernail or toenail turns black. It is not always possible to see a doctor on time. For this reason, you should definitely know the therapy that you can do for yourself:

    • If your finger is injured, give it rest, stop moving it or walking if it’s on your leg
    • Raise your leg above your head to ensure normal blood circulation
    • Until the finger gets rid of blackness and pain, you should provide it with loose shoes
    • Apply a soft bandage to your finger to protect it from repeated injury. Use a bandage or adhesive tape
    • Try not to work with your hands on the affected finger, especially if your household activities involve water or chemicals(wear gloves)
    • Immediately after you receive a bruise, it is recommended to treat the nail and apply ricinol emulsion to it, which can stop bleeding and slow down the inflammatory process, accelerating the regeneration of soft tissues
    • A few days after the injury, select an anti-inflammatory ointment for your nail and finger for faster healing(arnica or heparin ointment). The medicine should be applied three times a day
    • In order to relieve swelling of the finger and eliminate severe pain, you should apply a compress with dimexide to the bruised nail and finger. The compress should be done daily, preferably before bed, leaving the soaked gauze on the sore spot for at least half an hour

    The most common thing - badyaga - will help you cope with the blackness under the nail and eliminate the pain. You can buy it at a pharmacy for a reasonable price. It is sold in powder form, which is diluted with water. The resulting mass is applied to sore spot. If you do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, regularly lubricate the nail with bodyagu and gradually cut off the affected nail with scissors as it grows back.

    You should understand that you should never tear off your nail - this can disrupt the natural rejection process and lead to infection. Tearing off part of the nail prevents the renewal of the entire nail plate.

    Pay attention to how your finger perceives the treatment. If the inflammation does not get smaller, but on the contrary becomes larger, the finger and the area around the nail turns red - the situation may worsen. It is quite possible to get purulent inflammation. In this case, you should stop any treatment and seek help from a specialist in the hospital.

    Video: “Blackened toenail, treatment”

    The human body reflects the state of the body, nails are no exception. Irregularities, spots, depressions are signs of diseases or mechanical damage that cannot be ignored. In this article you can find out why your toenail turns black and how to treat it.

    Causes of blackening of nail plates

    Blackening of the nail occurs as a result of exposure to internal or external factors. Most often, the nail on the big toe turns black due to hemorrhage, the cause of which is mechanical damage or trauma. Bruise is an optional cause of injury, wearing tight shoes is also common reason burst vessels. If the nails on your big toes have darkened due to injury, there is no need to worry about your health, but you should remember that natural color the records may not return. The darkening disappears only after the healthy plate grows.

    Trauma is fairly easy to detect. Spots on toenails due to injury have a local location. When the edges are blurred, you can see a clear outline of the spots. Over time, the spot becomes blacker, acquiring sharp boundaries. Severe injury is accompanied by detachment of the nail plate from the bed.

    Occasionally, nails turn black due to external staining. A dark spot may form upon contact with potassium permanganate. Such darkening does not harm the body, but removing it is problematic.

    Using low-quality manicure polish without applying a protective base may be associated with the formation of dark spots on the nails. The cause of darkening is aggressive chemicals that eat into the fabric of the plate. It is often impossible to remove color using nail polish remover gel. Dark spots on the nails will disappear when a healthy plate grows.

    Internal factors of the disease

    If your big toenail turns black, the person may have a fungal infection. Less commonly, the fungus affects the hands. A disease accompanied by a fungal infection and darkening of the color of the plate is called melanonychia. The disease affects groups of people with reduced immunity:

    • actively growing children;
    • boys, girls during puberty.

    The fungus is common in people with chronic, hard-to-treat diseases that reduce tone immune system, like HIV/AIDS. When affected by a fungal infection, blackening of the nail plate begins from the nail fold, spreading to the center of the plate.

    Melanonychia is characterized by the fact that when a healthy plate grows, the abnormal color remains. If you notice symptoms, you should contact a specialist to protect yourself and your loved ones. The disease is contagious, difficult to cure, treatment at home takes a lot of time and is ineffective.

    Presence of a benign tumor- another reason why the nails on the big toes turn black. The disease is accompanied by acute pain, blackening occurs due to the proliferation of blood vessels. Only a specialist can provide assistance.

    Another reason why toenails turn black is a systemic somatic disease of internal organs. Black nails appear with diseases of the liver, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system. Common diseases of the cardiovascular system include:

    • thrombosis;
    • diabetes;
    • phlebeurysm.

    Irregularities at work digestive system may be the cause of the appearance brown spots on the nails. Diseases of the digestive system often cause the plate to darken to a greenish color, but with lesions of the pancreas, the spots darken even more.


    Remedial methods depend on the causes of black nails. For mild mechanical damage, it takes time for the plate to grow back. Severe injuries can cause vascular damage and blood to accumulate under the big toenail. In this case, you need to visit a specialist who will puncture the plate to clean out the accumulation of blood. In rare cases, surgery requires complete removal.

    If a black nail on the big toe is the cause of discomfort when walking, periodic or constant pain, you should consult a doctor for immediate treatment. Pain most often accompanies hemanginoma, a benign tumor under the plate.

    When your toenail turns black but doesn’t hurt, possible reason– fungus. To ensure that the fungal infection affects fewer people around you, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is redirected to a mycologist who treats fungal diseases.

    Treatment without medical assistance

    To deal with a stain on the big toe nail at home, you need to:

    1. In case of mechanical injury, the finger should be cooled. Black spot on the nail quickly disappears under the influence of a cold environment, it may not even appear. If darkening appears, an ice compress should be applied 3 times a day, which will speed up the recovery process.
    2. In case of a bleeding wound, the blood should be removed before it clots, so that less blood gets under the plate. Brave people can use a pin heated over a fire to pierce the plate of blackheads on the nails. After piercing, you can squeeze out any accumulations of blood, after which the wound is disinfected and the finger is wrapped in a bandage. Folk way helps to cope with hematomas on the fingers under the plates, but not everyone can do this treatment.
    3. While the darkened plate is being replaced by a healthy one, it should be trimmed periodically. Part of the peeled plate, caught on an object, can come off, causing pain that accompanies a person for a long time when walking.
    4. You need to forget about tight shoes.

    Why do toenails turn black and what to do when the injury is serious? Opening large hematomas at home is a complex, painful process, and threatens to introduce infection and inflammation into the wound. In such cases, medical intervention is necessary for the treatment to be successful.
    Remember, contacting a specialist right away is not as difficult as dealing with the consequences of an ignored problem.

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