• Nail files: types, abrasiveness and rules of use. How to choose the right nail file so that your nails no longer peel


    When you come to the store, choose and buy a nail file, your eyes run wide from the many different shapes and technical data of the files. So that you can choose the right file for your nails, in this topic we will tell you how to make the right choice, and you will also learn about the technical data of this manicure tool. We recommend that you read

    You should choose a nail file not only by color and size just because it is beautiful and matches the color of your handbag, but you should also choose a file according to its technical data, for example, by the abrasiveness of the file, its shape and the material from which it's done. It’s even better if an experienced specialist in the field of manicure and pedicure helps you choose a file, but if you don’t have the opportunity to take a knowledgeable person with you to the store, then armed with the knowledge that you will receive by reading our instructions below, you can do right choice nail files.


    SELECTING AN OVAL FILE: Using an oval file it is very convenient to give different shape nail, shorten or straighten it.

    CHOOSE A BOOMERANG FILE: This file should be chosen only when you need to remove varnish or acrylic in the cuticle area. We recommend that you read

    SELECTING A RECTANGULAR FILE: The main purpose of this file is to level the surface of the nail, as a additional option can be used to shape the nail plate.


    CHOOSE A GLASS OR CRYSTAL FILE: If you choose a glass nail file, it will delight you with its reliability and durability for a long time. A good nail file made from high-quality crystal or glass has a long-lasting wear life, which will certainly please the owner, but we should not forget about the disadvantage, which is its high cost. If you have chosen a crystal or glass nail file at a price not exceeding the cost of a regular file, then more likely, in front of you is a crude plastic fake. There is one more disadvantage of a crystal file, it has its fragility, it is still crystal, but it can be used for both natural and artificial nails, but the glass file is used mainly for natural nails. We recommend that you read

    SELECTING A METAL FILE: A metal file, like glass and crystal, has a long wear life and, if it is of high quality, will serve you for a long time, but when choosing a metal file, it is worth remembering that when filing your nails with it, microcracks may remain on the nails, which in the future will lead to delamination of the nail plates. The metal file can be used for both artificial and natural nails.

    SELECTING A SANDY FILE: This type The file is a gap between a glass and a metal file and has an average price category, and it is used for both artificial and natural nails. Very popular lately.


    Now let's look at the choice of nail files in terms of their abrasiveness, that is, hardness, which is measured in grits. For example, for non-natural nails, the abrasiveness of the file is needed as low as possible, that is, you need a hard file and it is not advisable to choose a file with a hardness higher than 100 grit, or the best option there will be a double-sided file with a hardness of 100 grit on one side and 180 grit on the other side. We recommend that you read

    If you choose a file for natural nails, remember that the softer the hardness of the file (the higher the grit reading), the less the nails are injured, but the more difficult it is to shape the nail plate. In order to give shape to a natural nail, you should choose a file with an abrasiveness of 240 grit. To polish a natural nail, you can buy a nail file with a hardness of 900 to 1200 grit, this will add shine to the nail.

    80 grit – The hardest nail file
    100 grit – Very hard nail file – Nail filing
    120 grit – Hard nail file
    180 grit – Medium hard nail file – Nail shaping
    320 grit – Medium but softer nail file – For natural nails
    400 grit – Soft nail file
    900 grit – Very soft – For polishing the nail surface

    From this article you will learn:

    • When was the first nail file invented?
    • What groups are all nail files divided into?
    • What are the different types of nail files based on shape and material?
    • What is abrasiveness and how does it affect the choice of nail file?
    • How to use your chosen nail file correctly

    A nail file is an important and integral part of a manicure set. With its help you can trim the nail and give it desired shape. It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a tool, since a low-quality product will only damage your nails. In this regard, most women are interested in which nail file is best. This article will help you understand this issue. Files can be made from various materials, have different degrees of rigidity, and their prices vary widely. The main selection criteria are described below and practical advice is given.

    The history of the first nail file

    Representatives of the fair sex can currently purchase nail files made of glass, metal, crystal, diamond and other materials. In the past, such an assortment could only be dreamed of.

    Marie Antoinette is considered the creator of this manicure tool. This French queen used regular pumice to give her nails the desired shape.

    However, it is worth saying that various tools have previously been used to care for nails. But it was Marie Antoinette who popularized the nail file and made it an indispensable item in women's cosmetic bag. Following the queen, all the society ladies of that time began to shape their nails.

    A couple of decades later, pumice began to be made in the form of a pencil, which simplified its use when processing nails. Files began to be mass produced. In the twentieth century, metal instruments began to be made, which quickly became very popular. By the end of the 20th century, cosmetologists reported that metal was harmful to nails, and therefore such files were replaced by instruments made of glass and crystal.

    The first metal files were produced in 1900. After treating the nails with such tools, they were polished with special brushes with camel hair bristles. But, alas, the nail plate shone after such exposure only for one day. Unfortunately, in those days, women did not know other ways to care for their nails, and therefore such procedures were very popular.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the Manicure Products company appeared in the USA. This company was engaged in the manufacture of metal files. In addition, the company proposed a new tool - an “emery” abrasive, the basis for the manufacture of which was pomegranate wood.

    Depending on their purpose, all nail files can be divided into the following groups:

    1. For processing artificial nails (giving them the desired shape).
    2. For processing natural nail plates.
    3. For sealing the edge of the nail.
    4. Blocks and files for sanding.

    Files used for the care of natural and artificial nails differ from each other in their degree of hardness.

    Which nail file is better based on material?

    Glass nail file

    • A glass file is considered the most reliable, easy to use, and gentle. The price of such an instrument is quite low, which allows absolutely all representatives of the fair sex to buy it.
    • A wide variety of glass files are produced. Products may vary in length, thickness and degree of hardness. A glass file cuts and seals the free edge of the nail plate more carefully and better than products made from many other materials.
    • With daily use, the file will last about a year. Over time, the coating on the instrument becomes thinner, and then it needs to be replaced.
    • A glass file is a universal tool that can be used to process fingernails and toenails, as well as artificial materials. You can also polish the surface of the nail with a glass file.
    • It’s impossible to say that this nail file is better than others in everything. A glass file has one significant drawback - fragility. If you drop it on the floor or squeeze it unsuccessfully, the glass may burst. It is best to store a glass file in a special hard case, which is usually sold along with the tool.

    Ceramic nail file

    • This tool is considered high quality due to ceramic coating. The degree of rigidity of this file is optimal, and therefore it is advisable to use it when treating thinned and weakened nails. As a rule, nails are severely damaged after extensions and removal of shellac.
    • A ceramic file is considered a professional-grade tool. Manicure cutters are also made from ceramics. A ceramic file not only carefully files the nail, but also effectively seals its edge.
    • The cost of the file is quite high, but the tool is quite strong and durable. With proper use, the file can last for more than a year.
    • Some ceramic files are designed to remove cuticles. But without certain skills, this procedure must be carried out very carefully. By purchasing such a file, you get a multifunctional manicure tool at a reasonable price.

    Diamond nail file

    • Manicurists gave diamond files another name – laser. They appeared on the market quite recently and created a real sensation.
    • Answering the question: “Which nail files are better?”, many nail technicians name diamond ones. After all, with their help you can process the nail in all directions. Files made from other materials cannot boast of this ability.
    • Thanks to its unique texture and diamond coating, the tool carefully processes each nail and seals its edge. With regular use, after two weeks, the delamination of the nail plate ceases.
    • The laser file is considered a professional-class tool and is suitable for processing both natural and artificial nails.
    • The only disadvantage of a diamond file is its high cost. The price of one such instrument is 10 times higher than the cost of its paper counterpart.

    Metal nail file

    • Answering the question, which file is better for natural nails, we can say for sure – not a metal one. Metal files are not recommended for use on natural nails due to their traumatic effects. These tools are best used when working with artificial materials.
    • If you nevertheless try to file a natural nail plate with a metal file, then the very next day you will notice its delamination and cracks on the surface. Even when working with artificial nails, care must be taken.
    • The main advantages of metal tools are low price and durability. Also, thanks to the thin base of such files, it will be possible to process the edge of the plate even on very brittle nails.
    • Metal files may differ from each other in shape and size. It is best to purchase two oval files, one fine-grained and the other coarse-grained. The first is necessary for filing the edge of the nail, and the second for giving it the desired shape.

    Paper nail file

    • Also, such nail files are called cardboard files due to the fact that their base is made of hard cardboard, on which a working coating is applied. Paper instruments are considered disposable, which can be judged by their low price.
    • The working coating is applied to both sides of the tool, so if one of the sections no longer performs its function properly, the second can be used.
    • These files perform an aesthetic function better than others; their design, as a rule, is bright and original. In addition, the price of the tool is very low.
    • It is not difficult to purchase cardboard files; they are sold everywhere. Another advantage of such a tool is that you can take it with you on a trip without the fear of forgetting or losing it somewhere.
    • The main disadvantage is the fragility of the tool; the nail file is enough for a maximum of 3-4 uses. Also, a paper file is extremely inconvenient to use on short nail plates due to the thickness of the tool.

    Plastic nail file

    • It has a base made of plastic, which, in turn, can be smooth or foamed. In the first case, it is better to file the nails with the tool; in the second, it acts as a grinder.
    • Such files can be different in shape, length and thickness. The price of the product is quite low.
    • Also, a plastic tool can be rigid or bendable. It is best used to treat weakened and thinning nails.
    • The advantages of plastic files are their long service life, wide range, reasonable price and the ability to subject them to disinfection and sterilization.

    Which nail file is better in terms of abrasiveness?

    Abrasiveness– one of the main criteria according to which a manicure tool is chosen. The higher the degree of hardness, the smaller the particles are applied to the base of the file, which means that the tool will have the most gentle effect on the nail plate. The unit of measurement of abrasiveness is grit. To process natural nails, it is best to use tools whose abrasiveness ranges from 180 to 240 grit. Harder tools are also suitable for processing artificial surfaces, but not less than 100 grit.

    50–80 grit

    The toughest tool, it is best to use it when it is necessary to shorten an artificial nail. It is contraindicated for processing natural plates.

    90–140 grit

    This file is also best used exclusively on artificial nails. With its help, you can effectively adjust the shape of the plates.

    150–230 grit

    Medium level of hardness. In rare cases, such files are used to give the desired shape to long natural nails. But it is better to use the tool to adjust the shape of artificial plates.

    240–420 grit

    Answering the question, which file is better for natural nails, we can say that it is advisable to use a file of this level of abrasiveness to process natural nails and give them the desired shape.

    450–850 grit

    With such a rigid file, it is most convenient to use to level the nail and remove roughness on its surface. In this way, the nail plates are prepared for subsequent polishing.

    900–1300 grit

    The softest files and buffs. Such tools polish the surface of the nails for shine. They are used on both natural and artificial nail plates.

    Which nail file has the best shape?

    1. Straight file.

    This option is considered traditional, but can it be said that this is the best file to file nails? There is no definite answer; such a file is ideal for manicure and pedicure at home. When purchasing, it is also important to pay attention to its material and degree of abrasiveness.

    1. File in the shape of a block.

    This type of file is also called a buffer. It looks like a parallelepiped, each of the surfaces of which has its own degree of rigidity. Thanks to this, you can gradually process, sand and polish the nail.

    1. Banana shaped file.

    Because of their characteristic shape, such files are also called boomerangs. Experts prefer just such products and believe that they file down the free edges of the nails better than others. Thanks to the original frame, the tool allows the master to hold it in a comfortable position without twisting his arms while working.

    1. Figure files.

    These files are usually purchased by girls adolescence and women who want to stand out from the gray mass. The assortment of figured files is filled to capacity with tools in the shapes of butterflies, hearts, telephones, stars, Coca-Cola bottles, etc.

    Companies engaged in the production of professional-grade tools offer new shapes and designs of nail files for sale every year. Files can be square or cone-shaped, diamond-shaped or dome-shaped. Thanks to the variety of shapes and large selection craftsmen can choose a tool to suit their needs and do the job as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    Deciding which nail files are best and choosing a quality tool is not difficult if you know what abrasiveness is, have an idea of ​​the existing shapes of files and the characteristics of the materials from which they are made. It is best to give preference to glass, ceramic and diamond products.

    Tools made from metal, cardboard or plastic will be cheaper, but the quality of processing will decrease significantly. The grain size of the coating must be selected individually, in accordance with the structure of the nail.

    Which nail file is better and how much does it cost?

    The estimated cost of the tools will help you decide which nail files are best and will suit you.

    • Glass nail file QVS. This tool is made of tempered glass, the working surface has a rough, fine-grained structure. This file is best suited for treating weakened and fragile nails. The tool is distinguished by its durability and fairly high strength. As a rule, a case is sold complete with it. Its price is approximately 300 rubles.
    • Crystal nail file Bohemia. This file effectively seals the edge of the nail plate and does not heat it up during processing, so the nails remain healthy and beautiful. The file is strong and durable, its surface does not wear off, and is not afraid of chemical disinfection, exposure to heat and moisture. You can purchase such a tool for about 200 rubles.
    • Ceramic nail file Credo. The end of the tool is slightly rounded, thanks to which the nail plate can be easily and quickly given the desired shape. The price of the instrument varies from 600 to 950 rubles.
    • Garnet Board Orly garnet nail file. The abrasiveness of such a file is 120 grit, and its cost is only thirty-six rubles. This tool is best used when working with artificial nails to round out their shape.
    • Electric nail file Nail trimmer. The tool comes with several attachments, changing which you can quickly and efficiently process your nails. Its price is approximately 500 rubles.
    • Brilliance polishing file. The tool can be used to work on any nail plates, both natural and artificial. The main task of the file is polishing. The tool copes with it perfectly, giving the nails a mirror shine. It is worth noting that the structure of the nail plate is not damaged. The tool costs about 280 rubles.
    • Laser nail file Messer&Nagel MN-1503. The tool is characterized by a convenient shape and prevents delamination of the nail plate. It is best used for unedged manicure, as it is ideal for treating the plate and cuticle. The file has a long service life and elasticity. It is convenient to treat nails at any angle.

    When deciding which nail files are best, it is important to carefully consider your choice and take your time with the purchase. It may be worth buying several different tools and trying them out in practice, using them at different stages of processing. When purchasing a file, it is important to remember the concept and degree of rigidity, the purpose of each specific tool.

    How to use a nail file

    How to hold a nail file correctly

    Once you have decided which nail file is best and purchased it, you need to learn how to hold it correctly in your hands. The thumb of the hand is located along the lower edge of the instrument, the rest remain on top. The arm muscles should be in moderate tension. Excessive tension will make your movements abrupt, and the manicure will be sloppy. Processing should be done from the little finger to thumb. It is important to control the symmetry of the nail plate by checking it after several movements with the file.

    Choosing a nail shape

    Before you start processing, you must decide for yourself what nail shape you want to see as a result. Absolutely any length and shape of nails will suit those with graceful fingers. Girls with short and full fingers were less fortunate. Long nails are best for them. If your nails are brittle and thin, it is better to give them a round or square shape.

    Long, pointed nails break most often and most easily.

    It is important to ensure that all nails are the same length and the same shape, in otherwise, no matter how carefully the nails are processed, the manicure will look untidy. It is optimal if the edge of the nail plate protrudes by 5-6 millimeters.

    How to file your nails correctly

    Square nail shape: would be better suited owners of fingers whose nail bed is characterized by a rectangular shape. The middle of the nail is filed first; it must be made straight. After this, the nail is processed on the sides; there is no need to round the edges.

    Square shape with rounded corners: this shape looks best on short nails or nails middle length. The procedure is the same as in the previous version. The only difference is that at the end of the treatment the edges of the nail plate are rounded.

    Oval nail shape: suits absolutely everyone. In addition, this shape visually lengthens the nails. Initially, the corners of the nail plate are processed and rounded. In this case, the file should move only in one direction, from the edge to the middle of the nail. At the end of the work, the corners are smoothed with a soft nail file. This is necessary to obtain perfect symmetry.

    Sharp nail shape: looks attractive only on long nails. Initially they are made oval and only then the edges are sharpened. For this purpose, use a file to make movements up and down the sides of the nail plate.

    General tips:

    1. To avoid cracking of the nails, they must be filed with gentle movements directed in one direction, preferably from the edge of the nail plate to its center, at a slight angle. Sharp and strong impacts are not allowed.
    2. An important point in nail treatment is polishing the edges. Thanks to polishing, the nail plate is sealed, which prevents it from delaminating and chipping. However, buffing thin and weakened nails can have the opposite effect and cause them to split.
    3. Remember important rule ten movements. If you file your nail longer, you can easily damage it.
    4. Nails should be filed once a week; more frequent procedures are impractical and harmful.
    5. You should not treat the nail plate directly at its base. This is fraught with infection and inflammation.
    6. File your nails only after they have been thoroughly cleaned of varnish and other coatings, otherwise you may cause serious harm to them.
    7. Before starting the procedure, it is important to thoroughly wash your hands and remove all dirt from under your nails.
    8. Be sure to use your own instrument and do not lend it to your family or friends in order to reduce the possibility of infection to zero.
    9. Do not file wet nails immediately after taking a bath; wait until they dry and begin the procedure.

    Polishing and grinding the nail

    After you have given your nails the desired shape using a nail file, you need to polish them.

    To do this, use a special double-sided buff. One of its sides is soft, with its help you can polish the entire surface of the nail. The edges of the nail plate are processed with the second side of the tool.

    Frequent polishing of nails leads to their weakening and thinning, so it is recommended to perform this procedure no more than once a month.

    In order to polish your nails correctly and as harmlessly as possible, it is important to know the basic rules. You can run the buff over the nail no more than ten times, both along the main part of the nail plate and along its edges.

    Which files are better, you have already decided for yourself, but what procedures should be carried out with their help to improve the condition of your nails? Sawing and polishing using oils are considered the most useful. Otherwise, this procedure is referred to as sealing the nail plate with essential oils. For this purpose, one drop of ylang-ylang oil or any other specialized oil is applied to each nail, after which the nails are polished with the softest buffs. This procedure can be carried out more often than regular grinding, but no more than once a week.

    Finally, a strengthening coating is applied to the nails. Silk fibers and a vitamin-mineral complex in the composition of this varnish prevent delamination of nails, the appearance of chips and cracks.

    You should never forget about nail care. After all, healthy and strong nails- this is the key to the beauty of women's hands.

    Manicure files for correcting nail length and the shapes of the nail plate are different in their appearance, the degree of abrasiveness and the materials from which they are made. The range of tools is huge, so you can definitely decide which nail files are best and choose the option in accordance with your goals, be it caring for natural nails, processing artificial nail plates or polishing.

    It is worth recalling once again that the rather popular metal file should never be used when processing natural nails, as it significantly disrupts their structure. It is best used to give the desired shape to artificial nail plates.

    If you are sorely short of time to take care of your nails, but still need to do a manicure, it is better to purchase an electric nail file. Currently, the scholl nail file is considered a popular and well-proven option. Along with this file, the kit includes various attachments designed for polishing and grinding, as well as for giving the desired shape. Such an electric file can replace a device for hardware pedicure if you purchase special attachments for treating feet and heels.

    When purchasing a nail file, be sure to pay attention to the degree of its hardness. If you use it to process your natural nails, then the abrasiveness of the tool should be from 190 to 300 grit. If artificial nail plates will be processed, then it is better to choose a file with a lower degree of abrasiveness.

    Where to buy high-quality and professional nail files

    Among the huge number of online stores offering manicure accessories, we invite you to our “WORLD OF FILES”! You should choose our services because:

    • “MIR FILOK” – own production of nail files.
    • "WORLD OF FILES" is the main supplier!
    • The showroom of the company "MIR FILOK" is located in Moscow.
    • Delivery throughout our vast Motherland!

    Why is “WORLD OF FILES” the best option for purchasing a product for you?

    • Our store is built on own production files Thanks to this, you get: minimized cost of service, tested and confirmed product quality, fast production, attractive conditions for distributors.
    • Our nail file is made only from materials that have repeatedly proven their quality (South Korea).
    • Wide variety of product. Thus, a manicurist with any level of professionalism will be able to satisfy his interests.
    • You can figure out which file is right for you. We carry out individual orders.
    • Another advantage is the application of your brand logo on the working surface of the files.

    Every woman must carry with her a cosmetic bag or necessary cosmetic accessories - lipstick, mirror, nail file. About what types of nail files exist, as will be discussed in our article. Our grandmothers must have been surprised that we pay so much attention to the types of files, because previously there was only one type - a metal file, which looks more like a small file. From this article you will learn which nail file is suitable for your nails.

    If you come to a store to get acquainted with the assortment of nail files, then, first of all, you should pay attention to the degree of their abrasiveness, that is, hardness. To measure such an indicator as the abrasiveness of a file, there is a special unit of measurement - grits, that is, the number of abrasive particles per certain unit of area. The greater the number of grits and the higher the abrasiveness of the file, the softer and more gentle the file is on the nails. Accordingly, the lower the grit number you see on the file, the harder it is. Let's look at what types of nail files are distinguished by the degree of abrasiveness.

    • 60-80 grit. This file is the toughest and is intended for adjusting the length of extended nails. It is strictly forbidden to file natural nails with such a file, as this will lead to delamination of the nail plate.
    • 100-150 grit. The file is intended for filing the surface of artificial nails and giving them shape. If the file says 100/150, this means that one side has an abrasiveness of 100 grit, and the other - 150.
    • 150-240 grit. This nail file has a medium abrasiveness, but it is still intended for final filing and shaping of artificial nails. It is not recommended to work with it on natural nails, so as not to injure the nail plates.
    • 240 grit A file with this level of abrasiveness is suitable for absolutely all types of natural nails.
    • 240-400 grit. This file is soft and can be used at the final stage to correct and polish both natural and artificial nails.
    • 400-900 grit. An even softer file that allows you to prepare your nails for the polishing process. Suitable for both artificial and natural nails.
    • 900-1200 grit. This type of files includes microabrasives and buffs, which will help give natural and artificial nails a mirror shine.

    Types of nail files according to the material from which they are made

    As we said earlier, now when using nail files you are not limited to just one metal. Modern views nail files come in a variety of materials, such as glass, crystal, porcelain, etc. Let's figure out what their advantages are and why they should be preferred.

    • Glass nail file. This option is useful for those with natural nails. Such files are durable, they are quite easy to wash and simply disinfect, they are not capable of destroying the natural structure of the nail plates. The only drawback of such files is their cost. The glass nail file is easy to clean in water.
    • Crystal nail files. Their advantage is that they can be used to easily file nails in any direction. The edges of the nail scarves become very soft, smooth, pleasant to the touch, which allows you to completely eliminate the polishing procedure.
    • Sprayed files. These can be ceramic files aimed at shaping and removing nail plates. rough skin around the nails. Another type - pomegranate files, are highly expensive, but we can say with confidence that their price is completely justified, since they will serve you for many years. There is a zebra coating, which consists of a zinc coating and silicon carbide, which helps protect the file from being covered with dust and dirt.
    • Files with a fabric base. These files are flexible and expensive. Their middle part is usually made of plastic, wood or synthetic material.
    • Files with a paper base. Affordable and economical option. However, along with their low price, nail files with a paper base have a significant disadvantage - they cannot be disinfected, and therefore only one person should use them, otherwise there is a risk of contracting a fungal infection. But this does not apply to all paper files; a file with a base made of waterproof paper, which is impregnated with oil glue, can be used by several people and can be disinfected, since they can easily withstand sanitary treatment. Also, for paper files there is a special solution in which the file can be washed without damaging their structure. You need to ask the seller about such a solution or buy a file complete with it. The solution acts on the paper base softer than water and does not damage the structure.
    • Files with a polyethylene foam base. As a rule, such files include blocks and buffs. These types of nail files are easy to clean and do not absorb moisture.
    • Electric nail file. You can buy it if you need it professional manicure. These files come in different speeds and sizes. The smallest of them are intended for use at home, and the largest are for professional use in beauty salons.
    • Polishing files. Can be created from various materials. Used at the final stage. This nail file will add shine to your nails. When choosing a polishing file, make sure that they are not made of suede. The porous suede structure is difficult to disinfect.
    • Metal nail file. As we said above, metal nail files are something like a small file, which can damage natural nails. Professional masters recommend abandoning such files to maintain healthy nails.

    In addition to the material, cost and degree of abrasiveness, nail files differ in their shape, which affects the functions that a particular file performs.

    • Oval nail file. Suitable when you need to shorten the length of the nail without cutting it, as well as give the nail plates the desired shape and make the nails even.
    • Boomerang file. It should be used to round the corners of the nail plates and in situations where artificial nails should be filed in the cuticle area.
    • Rectangular nail file. This nail file is distinguished by its versatility. You can use it for any purpose.
    • File-buff. Necessary for the final stage when straightening nails. Such files are usually 2-sided, 4-sided and 6-sided. Using a buff file, you can get rid of small grooves on the surface of the nail plates.

    How much do nail files cost?

    Approximate prices for nail files will help you understand what types of them you can purchase.

    • Glass nail file QVS. This nail file is made of glazed glass and has a rough, fine-grained surface that allows you to work with brittle nails. It is characterized by durability and resistance. This nail file comes with a textile case. The cost of the file is 290 rubles.
    • Crystal nail file Bohemia. This file does not create brittleness and prevents the nail from heating up, which helps maintain its health. During operation, the file does not lose its abrasive properties and does not wear off. The file is not afraid of chemical antiseptics, water and exposure high temperature. You can buy such a nail file in an online store for 200 rubles.
    • Ceramic nail file Credo. It has a rounded end, which is very convenient to give the nails the desired shape. This file can be purchased for 590-950 rubles.
    • Garnet Board Orly garnet nail file. A file with an abrasiveness of 120 grit can be purchased for 36 rubles. This file will allow you to quickly process artificial nails, file the ends and round the edge of the nail plate.
    • Electric nail file Nail trimmer. The file has many attachments that allow you to quickly process your nails without damaging them. The cost of a nail file is 500 rubles.
    • Brilliance polishing file. This polishing block is designed to work on artificial and natural nails. The polishing file will give your nails a dazzling shine without damaging the nail structure and cuticle. The cost of the file is 280 rubles.
    • Laser nail file Messer&Nagel MN-1503. The file has a convenient shape and does not allow the nail plates to delaminate. The laser file is ideal for unedged manicure, as it is ideal for working with nails and cuticles. The file is durable, despite its elasticity, it does not bend, and also allows you to process the cuticle and nail at any angle.

    When choosing the type of nail file, take your time with the choice. You may want to purchase several files at once, which you will use at different stages. Remember the degree of abrasiveness and the purpose of the files, and do not allow yourself to manicure natural nails with too hard files.

    A nail file is rightfully considered an integral attribute of a manicure set. The tool allows you to align the free edge of the nail plate and give it shape. A low-quality device can also cause harm. For this reason, many girls wonder how to choose the right nail file. Tools vary in material, abrasiveness (degree of hardness), and pricing policy. Let's look at the main features and provide practical advice.

    Glass nail file

    1. The glass file is considered the most durable, easy to use, and gentle. The cost of the device is relatively low, which makes it possible for girls with average incomes to purchase it.
    2. There are glass files different lengths, thickness and degree of abrasiveness (hardness of the working surface). They prevent delamination, carefully file and seal the free edge.
    3. The service life of the tool reaches up to a year of daily use. During use, the coating wears off, indicating that it is time to replace the file.
    4. Its universal properties allow you to sharpen fingernails and toenails, as well as work with artificial turf. Some ladies resort to using a glass file when they want to polish the surface of a plate.
    5. The main disadvantage of glass devices is considered to be elementary fragility. If the file falls on the floor or is pressed by other manicure tools, the glass will break. The hard case that comes with the kit helps prevent this from happening.

    Ceramic nail file

    1. The device is different high quality due to ceramic coating. Due to the optimal degree of abrasiveness, this type of file is used on thin and weakened nails (after extension or shellac procedures).
    2. A ceramic file is a professional tool. Manicure cutters are made on the basis of this material. In addition to effective filing, the device seals the free edge.
    3. If we talk about the pricing policy, it is quite high. You won't overpay because the tool is durable. At correct use it will last more than a year.
    4. Some types of files are suitable for removing cuticles. However, without proper skill, the procedure should be carried out with extreme caution. As a result, you will get two tools in one for an affordable price.

    1. Masters of the nail industry call such nail files laser. The tool appeared on sale relatively recently and literally exploded the market.
    2. Diamond files allow you to process the free edge of the nail plate in all directions. Most other types cannot boast of this feature.
    3. Due to its texture and diamond coating, the device does not injure the nails by sealing the tip. After two weeks of use, you can notice the cessation of delamination.
    4. The laser file belongs to the professional segment; it is used by masters when working with natural or artificial nails.
    5. A negative characteristic is the high pricing policy. The cost of the tool is almost 10 times higher than that of paper files.

    Metal nail file

    1. Files of this kind cannot be used on natural plates, since they have a detrimental effect on their health. A metal device is used for filing false or extended nails.
    2. If you neglect the rule and file your natural nails, the next day you will encounter excessive delamination and cracks. Even when working with artificial tips, you should be careful.
    3. The advantages of metal files include a long service life and low cost. The thin base allows you to process the free edge even on very brittle nails.
    4. Files made from this material are available in various lengths and shapes. It is preferable to buy an oval tool, or better yet two – a coarse-grained and a fine-grained one. The first is suitable for sawing off the edge of the plate, the second will help give it shape.

    1. Professionals call this type of files cardboard, since the working abrasive surface is applied to a base made of hard cardboard. According to their characteristics, paper files are disposable, as evidenced by their low cost.
    2. The working covering is located on both sides. If the first section becomes unusable, you can use the reverse part.
    3. The advantage of paper files is their bright design and variety. If you add the low cost to the above, a manicure will be relatively inexpensive.
    4. Cardboard tools are sold everywhere. You can easily take the device on a trip or vacation without fear of losing it.
    5. If we talk about the disadvantages, using paper files on short nails is difficult due to the thickness of the tool. Also, the cardboard-based device is short-lived; the nail file is enough for 2-4 treatments.

    Plastic nail file

    1. The tool is a plastic base, which can be smooth or foamed. The first option is suitable for filing nails, the second acts as a grinder (buff for polishing).
    2. The plastic nail file is available different shapes, size, thickness. It has a pleasant pricing policy, so the purchase will not hurt your wallet.
    3. Depending on the selected instance, the device can be bendable or rigid. This manicure attribute is suitable for treating thin and soft nails.
    4. Durability is considered an indisputable advantage, a large number of options for purchase, pricing policy and the ability to carry out high-quality disinfection without damaging the coating.

    1. By abrasiveness we mean the degree of hardness of the working surface of the file, that is, grain size. The speed of manicure, quality, safety and the overall final result depend on the correctly chosen indicator.
    2. The grain size of the file is selected taking into account individual preferences. Abrasiveness is measured in Grit. The lower the hardness index, the rougher the surface of the tool.
    3. If the device is chosen to work with natural nails, the abrasiveness should be high. If you are building up tips, you should take a closer look at coarser specimens.
    4. A file with an abrasiveness of 100 Grit is considered hard; it is used by masters for initial work with artificial nails. Using this file, you create a shape and grind off excess gel.
    5. A file with a grit of 120 to 180 grit is also designed for extended nails. With its help, you can complete the processing of artificial plates, bring them to the creation of a pattern and apply the finish.
    6. A file with a hardness of 190-300 Grit is suitable for normal nails. Not suitable for a plate that is too weak. Choose a more gentle device, for example, 400 Grit. Before starting the procedure, check how much friction abrades the plate. Otherwise, purchase a tool with a higher rating.
    7. A file with an abrasiveness of 900 to 1200 Grit is preferably used for grinding and polishing. At the same time, it can be used to treat both natural and artificial nails. Ultimately, the plate receives a mirror shine and a perfectly flat surface.

    Nail file shape

    1. Straight file. Classic option Straight files are considered to be suitable for home use. With their help, you can carry out manicure and pedicure procedures on nails of varying hardness. It is enough to select the degree of abrasiveness, and then begin manipulation. As a rule, glass, paper, ceramic, metal, and paper instruments have this shape.
    2. File in the shape of a block. This type of tools is called buffers. The file is a rectangle with 3-6 working surfaces of varying abrasiveness. Depending on the grain size, the buffer grinds and polishes the plate in stages.
    3. Banana shaped file. This type of instrument is called a boomerang due to its curved base. Professional craftsmen prefer to work with banana files. They are especially convenient for filing the free edge of nails. Thanks to the boomerang frame, the file can be held in one position without having to work hard during the manicure process.
    4. Figure files. In most cases, curly files are bought by teenage girls and eccentric ladies who prefer to stand out from the crowd. The nail tools market is full of devices in the shape of a butterfly, a Coca-Cola bottle, a telephone, etc.

    Leading manufacturing companies professional tools nail files are annually supplied to the shelves for nail design specialists new form. Tools can be in the shape of a dome, diamond, square and even cone. Thanks to this, work with the plate is done quickly, cleanly and efficiently.

    It is not difficult to choose a nail file if you have an idea of ​​abrasiveness, shapes and available materials. The best option is considered to be glass, ceramic, or diamond files. Cheap devices include tools based on paper, metal, and plastic. Choose the grain size based on the individual structure of the plate.

    Video: how to choose the right nail file

    Filing nails and giving them suitable shape and length are one of the main components of manicure. By choosing the wrong file, you may not only fail to achieve desired result, but also seriously harm your nails. It is important to use only the right files and choose them according to your nail type, material, function and shape.

    general information

    Nail files can have a wide variety of types. They differ according to several criteria: material, shape, scope of application, abrasiveness and others. So, according to the material of the file, they can be:

    1. Metal;
    2. Glass;
    3. Ceramic:
    4. Wooden;
    5. Cardboard.

    Under the scope of application in in this case refers to the areas in which a particular file is used. Files for natural fingernails are the least abrasive. They are the least traumatic and therefore suitable for the thinnest plates. They can be used in other areas, but the file will quickly become unusable, and the work itself will proceed more slowly.

    On the feet, nails are most often much denser and thicker. That is why special pedicure files are designed to work with them. They are rougher, and therefore allow you to treat your nails quickly and efficiently, without injuring them.

    Files for extended and false nails are usually the coarsest and allow you to quickly process a nail consisting of a dense material - gel, acrylic or plastic. They are chosen primarily because they allow you to work with extended nails quickly. After all, there is no need to worry about nails not peeling, etc.

    The abrasiveness of files refers to their grain size. Accordingly, coarse-grained files are able to quickly remove excess length, but are very harmful to the nails. Fine-grained ones are able to polish the nail without damaging it. However, working with them, sharpening the free edge, can take a very long time, although it is completely safe even for the most fragile nails.

    Nail files come in very different shapes, as can be seen in the photo. They can be oval, rectangular, narrow, or boomerang-shaped. Initially, it was believed that one or another shape was most suitable for one or another stage of filing, however, in fact, each master chooses the file that is convenient for him.

    Metal files

    The basic rule of manicure is that a metal nail file, as in the photo, should not be used on natural nails. A tool made from this material is intended exclusively for extended or false nails. When used on natural nails, it can cause cracks and delamination of the plate. Even with extended nails, you should be careful when working with this file.

    Such files also have undeniable advantages. This is a very long service life combined with a low price. In addition, such files are thin and therefore indispensable when working with very short nails. For example, it is very difficult to file their corners with a glass or other file.

    Thus, if you still prefer iron files, then you should purchase at least two. One coarse-grained one, to reduce the length of the free edge, and one fine-grained one, to give it shape. In order to minimize skin trauma, oval-shaped files are preferred.

    Glass files

    Many girls, when asked which nail file is better, answer that glass. However, its use on short nails is difficult, since it is quite thick. This file is not expensive and lasts quite a long time. In terms of service life, only an iron file can compete with it.

    Glass tools are the least traumatic and cause minimal damage to nails even at high speed and significant abrasiveness. In addition, they are inherently universal and can be used in both manicure and pedicure and with artificial nails. Some masters even manage to use them for polishing nails or filing them when adding extensions.

    The only drawback of such instruments is their fragility. Many users claim that such files often break and break, especially if they are not thick enough. They should be handled quite carefully.

    Paper files

    Paper or cardboard files are a common name for those tools that give the impression of being disposable. The working surface of such files is applied on both sides to a cardboard, paper or rubber base. The undoubted advantage of such files is the lowest price in the segment, as well as an attractive design - they can be very bright and interesting. In addition, they are convenient to take with you and you don’t mind losing them. Also, you can buy them almost everywhere.

    The disadvantages include inconvenience for short nails. They usually have a fairly thick base, and therefore it is inconvenient to cut corners with them. In addition, they are extremely short-lived - they can withstand no more than three heat treatments.

    Other files

    These files are the most delicate and non-traumatic. They are used for sick or weakened nails, such as those affected by fungus. That is why, and also due to the very low price, they are most often sold in sets of several pieces and are considered disposable.

    A ceramic nail file is also an excellent choice for damaged and weak nails. They are made from the same material as ceramic cutters for hardware manicure, and therefore are not only safe for nails, but also contribute to their health. In addition, these files can effectively remove cuticles, similarly special files for the cuticle, which will be described below. However, when working with cuticles like this, and not with a specialized file, you can damage the nail plate quite significantly.

    Diamond (aka laser files) - this is relative the new kind manicure tool. They have a rather unusual structure, thanks to which they do not cause delamination and injury to the nail. They can work in different directions, which cannot be done with other files. A nail file with a sealing effect, which prevents further delamination of the nail, belongs to this variety.

    Thus, each user decides for himself how to choose a nail file. When choosing, you should take into account not so much the material as the grain size of the file and its ease of use.


    The abrasiveness of a file is its grain size. A whole lot of factors depend on it - speed of work, its quality, safety for nails. You should select a file according to its grain size based on what nails you are going to use it for. As mentioned above, the abrasiveness of a file for natural fingernails should be lower than for toenails, which, in turn, should be lower than that of a file for artificial nails.

    The grain size is measured in grits. The lower the amount of grit, the rougher and harder the file. Thus, a file up to 100 grit inclusive is intended for artificial nails at the initial stages of their creation. A 120 - 180 grit file is used for final processing of extended nails. However, it is also suitable for natural toenails, but only if they are very hard and thick, as is usually the case with older people.

    A file of 200 - 300 grit is suitable for natural nails in normal condition. For weakened, thinned, dehydrated and peeling nails, as well as after removing extensions or gel, it is better to use files of lower abrasiveness, about 400 grit. All files with even more grit are already polishes. The highest value is 1200, which characterizes suede polishers designed to add shine to nails.

    Cuticle files

    Separately, it is worth considering this type of manicure file as a cuticle file. It can be diamond coated, laser sharpened or ceramic. It has a honeycomb structure and is designed for filing cuticles on nails.

    Due to its structure, it is able to act as effective scrub, erasing cuticles into dust. Each such tool is equipped with special protrusions along the edges that prevent the working surface from coming into contact with nail plate. Thus, you can work with this file not too carefully, as it will not damage the nail. But even if there were no such protrusions, the file would still remain safe, since its structure is such that it is not capable of scratching hard tissue.

    There are laser files that are suitable even for the most sensitive skin and thin cuticle. They are designed in such a way that when exposed to, they only affect dead skin cells and do not injure living ones. Thus, the processing process with such a tool is completely painless. However, if there are hangnails and other inflammations of the skin, it is better to postpone the use of such a file until the pre-nail ridges are completely healed and the inflammation disappears.

    Polishing files

    Polishing files represent a separate category. Otherwise they are called buffs. These tools are designed to level the area of ​​the plate and give it shine. The types of such nail files are also very different in scope. They can be manicured or intended for extensions.

    The simplest buff is a cube or parallelepiped made of foam rubber or other dense but flexible material. On its four sides there are working surfaces glued, which are most often numbered in the order of use in manicure. They differ from each other in abrasiveness.

    • The first file is designed to level the plate. It is quite rough, and therefore it is worth using it locally, that is, cutting off the tubercles directly. You should not resort to this procedure more often than once a month;
    • The second file is needed to smooth out small irregularities, such as, for example, longitudinal grooves. It is more delicate, and therefore can be used a little more often, up to two to three times a month. However, it should also be applied locally;
    • The third file is designed to work with plate delaminations. It can be used to file down uneven surfaces, thereby preventing further peeling and “clinging” of scales on clothes, etc. It should be used as needed;
    • The fourth file is most often suede. It does not harm the nails or thin them, and therefore can be used very often. This treatment gives the plates a shine and a healthy appearance.

    The abrasiveness of polishing nail files is very low. Therefore, they can be used to file the free edge of the thinnest, most fragile and damaged nails. However, with such use, the polishing surface can quickly become unusable.

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