• Why do you dream of short-cut nails? Why do you dream about broken fingernails? Big dream book Why do you dream about Nails


    A dream in which the sleeper dreams of cutting his fingernails hints to him about a large number of accumulated tasks. They need to be completed in a very short period. If a person had to cut his toenails, real life he should prepare himself mentally for upcoming stressful situations. The dreamer will feel strong psychological pressure, however, this will serve as good training for willpower and spirit.

    Depending on the appearance of the nail plate, the interpretation of night dreams acquires new details:

    Description of nailsInterpretation
    LongIf the sleeping person circumcised long nails, then in reality, in the process of struggling with life’s difficulties, close people or friends will help him
    ShortTrying to cut already short nails is an unfavorable sign, indicating that a person will have to deal with troubles on his own
    BeautifulCutting off beautiful, neat-looking nails means serious disappointment awaits. High probability of betrayal from the outside dear friend or a conflict will arise with your lover
    DirtyIf actions are performed with dirty nail plate, then the dreamer should be very careful in his own statements. Some people around you may take what is said personally and harbor resentment.
    BrokenTrimming broken nails is a warning symbol. The owner of the dream overestimates his strength and risks taking on a task that he cannot complete. Ambitions must be curbed

    Sometimes you may dream of already cut nails. In this case, the details are important:

    • If you see a neatly cut plate with round edges and a pleasant manicure, then you can prepare for a meeting with love.
    • Seeing cut nails scattered in a dream is a negative message, promising confusion in personal affairs. Changing the position will require all the concentration and patience on the part of the sleeper.

    The interpretation of dreams for a woman in which her nails happened to be filed rather than cut takes on a positive character. Doing a manicure with a nail file means you will soon receive good news.

    Dreams can carry both positive and negative information. To determine which group the dream where you had to cut your nails belongs to, you need to take into account other details of the plot you saw and what you experienced.

    Such a dream may indicate the presence of numerous unfulfilled tasks that should be resolved as quickly as possible. Another plot like this may mean that the dreamer is very worried about his reputation. Night vision of other people cutting their nails means that the problems that have arisen cannot be solved and you just need to come to terms with it.

    Why does a child dream of cutting his nails?

    If you had to cut your nails to your own child, which means that you will soon have to deal with numerous routine matters. In addition, such a plot may mean that the dreamer is too protective of his child, and this may negatively affect his future life. One of the dream books interprets cutting a child’s nails as a symbol of unrealistic hopes.

    Why do you dream of cutting your toenails?

    Such a plot promises forced movements, for example, moving to another city or a business trip. If you had to cut another person’s toenails, it means that you will soon have to do some serious work, but the pay will be very disappointing. A night vision where someone cuts the dreamer's toenails is good sign, foreshadowing the appearance of a person in life who will help cope with difficulties.

    Why dream of cutting your fingernails?

    If you had to cut your fingernails, it means that in reality the dreamer will lose. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of material problems. A night vision of a familiar person cutting his nails warns that he may be setting you up. If a stranger cuts the dreamer’s fingernails, it means you should be on guard and protect your personal life.

    Things you dream about may not always be connected to something. Sometimes you dream about something ordinary, but it makes you think for a very long time. In order not to invent anything and not “rack” your brain, you can use dream books.

    They give an accurate description of the events that may be dreamed. Every little thing matters. It is from every detail that the interpretation can change, and radically. For example, you can cut your nails in a dream, but this does not mean that a person should really do this business. If you look in the dream book, cut your nails to a large number work for which a moderate payment will follow. If in a dream it was not the sleeping person who cut his nails, but someone else did it for him, then the dream promises a quarrel or conflict with loved ones. Although in the same version the dream may also have the meaning of small losses.

    The dream of cutting toenails most often represents the loss of a loved one or a mild form of inflammatory disease. The dream of cutting your nails on your hands is a sign of financial loss.

    In general, dreamed nails are a symbol of strength, aggression, and sexuality. Voluntary cutting of hair is a sign of a person's determination to become more kind. But a dream where a haircut occurs against one’s will is an alarm bell that outsiders are interfering in a person’s existence and life.

    For girls, women, and also many men who are very puzzled by their appearance, the dream of cutting your toenails may mean absolutely nothing. It is simply useless to look for meaning in it, because obsession with beauty haunts even a sleeping person.

    Taking care of your nails can also indicate attempts to restore mental order. A dream about another person cutting their nails may indicate impotence, as well as the possibility of illness.

    If you dream about cutting your nails young man, then this is a warning that he will have to rely only on his own strength in resolving some issues; he will not be able to rely on relatives and other people. For a girl, such a dream will be a sign of separation from home. If a girl in a dream was cutting her nails not for herself, but for someone else, then this is a hint that the time has come to work to achieve her goal.

    Dreaming of nails is a protective symbol. The condition of nails in a dream is a reflection of a person’s manner of behaving in society and the ability to defend one’s interests in it. Dream books interpret dreams related to nails, touching on the areas of finance, relationships, and health.

    The dream interpretation of cutting your nails is not a very good sign, most likely it is a bad sign. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the exact plot of the dreamed situation.

    Cutting your own nails is interpreted as: loss of strength, cowardice, loss, internal doubts in business, decreased self-esteem, loss of ambition, decreased business activity, lost profits, monetary losses.

    Cutting the nails of a sleeping person by someone else is characterized by disappointed hopes. If nail clipper familiar person, then you can expect some minor dirty tricks from him in the form of interference in business, an unfulfilled promise, deception or an insult.

    Seeing nails being cut in a dream means losses, troubles, quarrels with loved ones.

    Breaking a nail in a dream means failure.

    Biting your nails in a dream means feeling a sense of resentment or annoyance.

    Seeing long nails on your feet in a dream means a bad road, problems along the way, business trips or travel.

    Unusually long nails in a dream are an indicator of a person’s internal aggression. This aggression can spill out at any moment, thereby turning it into a conflict in reality. If long nails do not cause much surprise with their size, then the dream speaks of a good level of human energy, which will be enough to solve problems. If you had such a dream the day before important event, events that require courage, determination, and perseverance, then the dream will only be a good and positive sign.

    Shorter nails in a dream, which in addition to their size are distinguished by untidiness (they are dirty, bitten, ugly), then the dream speaks of a person’s inability to cope with the tasks assigned to him. A person is mentally exhausted, his energy is not enough to conduct business. Such a dream will not be a very good sign before an important event, for example, before an exam, interview, performance, etc.

    Beautiful and well-groomed nails in a woman’s dream are a good sign, an indicator of excellent health and high level tone. Long nails in a man’s dream are also a good sign, foreshadowing success, profit, good luck, and victory. In general, long nails for any person indicate the competitiveness of this individual.

    Dreaming about toenails, as well as on the hands, has a similar meaning. Most often, such a dream is not associated with external aspects; these are most likely fundamental aspects of human life.

    Very often, girls dream that they are painting their nails with varnish. This is enough positive dream, which talks about the femininity of nature and the great desire to please. Such a dream can promise success; in general, the dream is very good. Painted nails are a sign of success in society.

    Dirty nails are a bad sign associated with health or business problems. A dream with dirty nails warns the sleeper that things should not be neglected, as well as the need to take care of one’s health.

    In general, any dream should not be taken literally and rely entirely on interpretation. It is important to remember that this is just a warning, and a person builds his destiny with his own hands and life will not change because of the dream he saw.

    A dream in which you had to cut your nails has an unfavorable connotation. What kind of difficulties the dreamer will encounter can be found out in the interpretation of dream books, which discuss in detail why manicures and pedicures are dreamed of, who had it done, as well as the circumstances of its implementation in the dream.

    On the legs and arms

    Cutting your fingernails or toenails is an active symbol associated with both protection and aggression.

    Trim your hands - symbolize sexual energy, as well as resistance to outside influence if it runs counter to one’s own goals. If you dreamed of cutting your fingernails, it means there is no alternative situation; Miller’s dream book in the interpretation of the dream indicates that you will agree to a modest salary just to do a noble cause.

    Cutting your legs reflects the same problems, but dream books predict an excessive reaction of the dreamer, either taken to the point of absurdity or causing him significant harm. If you dreamed of operations related to pedicure, your behavior may be too emotional, under the influence of stress you will harm others and your reputation. Try to keep yourself in check so that you don't have to win the respect of others all over again.

    If you cut your toenails in a dream, this is a sign that not only the payment new service will be below acceptable, but even the work itself will be annoying. However, remember why this is a dream - you need to maintain composure and overcome temporary difficulties with dignity. Loff's dream book says that a pedicure in a dream foreshadows the cancellation of a planned trip due to insurmountable circumstances. The Dream Book of Housewives generally does not advise those who dreamed of cutting their nails, especially their toes, to go on a journey. prophetic dream is an omen that you will lose protection and will be left alone with all the dangers of a long journey.

    It is especially important to understand why one dreams of cutting one’s own nails for a person who has a sponsor in life: it is one’s own incontinence that can lead to the loss of a patron.

    For yourself or for someone else

    If you dreamed about another person doing a manicure to the dreamer, he will be deceived in his expectations. If the person you saw in a dream was familiar, in reality expect some kind of trick from him.

    Unfulfilled promises, public insults are something that is better to foresee and prevent than to deal with the consequences - this is why we find out what such a dream means. Don't trust this person, don't let him interfere in your affairs.

    Cutting your own nails in a dream - the interpretation of dream books covers a whole palette of failures: from the acquisition of something ruinously expensive to a broken deal - according to Miller’s dream book, from lost illusions about one’s own ambitions to the loss of social status.

    In a dream, doing a manicure or pedicure not for yourself, but for another person means that in the near future you will have to resist his aggressive competition in a career or business. If you gave a manicure to a stranger in a dream, decide for yourself whether he is your competitor, or whether you set out to conquer him with feminine charm and subjugate him.

    According to dream books, if you dreamed of cutting a child’s nails, this carries information not about the child, but about your unpreparedness to implement your plans. Also pay attention to those around you - have you noticed how annoying someone is with ridiculous antics? In fact, this person is trying to attract attention to himself because he needs help.

    Why do you dream of carefully cutting the nails of a deceased person while performing a ritual: you will have the opportunity to harmonize your relationship with your spouse and return warmth and care to the family. If you pay more attention to children, they will please their parents.

    If the dream concerns a manicure or pedicure, caution in real life will help to avoid complications.


    Dreams can carry both positive and negative information. To determine which group the dream where you had to cut your nails belongs to, you need to take into account other details of the plot you saw and the emotions you experienced.

    Such a dream may indicate the presence of numerous unfulfilled tasks that should be resolved as quickly as possible. Another plot like this may mean that the dreamer is very worried about his reputation. Night vision of other people cutting their nails means that the problems that have arisen cannot be solved and you just need to come to terms with it.

    Why does a child dream of cutting his nails?

    If you had to cut your own child’s nails, it means that you will soon have to deal with numerous routine tasks. In addition, such a plot may mean that the dreamer is too protective of his child, and this may negatively affect his future life. One of the dream books interprets cutting a child’s nails as a symbol of unrealistic hopes.

    Why do you dream of cutting your toenails?

    Such a plot promises forced movements, for example, moving to another city or a business trip. If you had to cut another person’s toenails, it means that you will soon have to do some serious work, but the pay will be very disappointing. A night vision where someone cuts the dreamer's toenails is a good sign, foreshadowing the appearance of a person in life who will help cope with difficulties.

    Why dream of cutting your fingernails?

    If you had to cut your fingernails, it means that in reality the dreamer will lose self-confidence. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of material problems. A night vision of a familiar person cutting his nails warns that he may be setting you up. If a stranger cuts the dreamer’s fingernails, it means you should be on guard and protect your personal life.



    Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing nails in your dreams- indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    Tidy up your nails- means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

    See- means illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream- promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Nails- a warning about danger, someone’s or one’s aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection.

    Beautiful well-groomed nails- reflect safety.

    Cutting, biting your nails, having your nails cut short- losses, powerlessness, disagreements.

    Long nails to see, to cling to with nails- display vanity, cruel behavior.

    Getting a manicure- hide your intentions.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Nails- are a symbol not only of the condom, but of all contraceptives in general.

    Nail cutting process- symbolizes safe sex.

    Nails coated with varnish- symbolize your desire to use reliable and proven products.

    Nails with hangnails- warn about the possible ineffectiveness of the means used.

    Dirt under nails- symbolizes the possibility of sexually transmitted disease.

    Aesop's Dream Book

    Seeing white lines on your nails- to new things, fortunately.

    Pay attention to the nails of a stranger, on which “rising suns” are clearly visible.- to envy, unkind attitude from people you don’t even know.

    Seeing a child who carefully cleans his nails- this dream testifies to pedantry and panache that will be impossible to overcome; to a person who will make a lasting impression on you.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    Condition of nails in a dream- symbolizes a person’s character and his behavior in society.

    To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails- means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

    Cleanliness of your nails in your sleep- suggests that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

    Dirt under nails- a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

    Painted nails in a dream- symbolize cunning and deceit.

    Long, sharp nails - warn about the possibility of a quarrel.

    Broken nail in a dream- indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

    Nibbled nails- a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

    Cutting nails in a dream- means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

    New family dream book

    Dream about nails- indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    If in a dream you tidied up your nails- it is worth doing noble, but modest work.

    Sagging or broken nails- dream of illness and failures in business.

    Saw dirty nails- get ready for the shame and dishonor that will fall on your head. There is only one way out: critically evaluate the real state of affairs.

    Modern combined dream book

    Well-groomed nails- a sign of prosperity. You will also have a penchant for study and literary activity.

    Dirty nails- portend shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

    Eastern women's dream book

    Beautiful well-groomed nails- a symbol of well-being.

    Seeing dirty, unkempt nails- to shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Nail- a reflection of regeneration in general.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Biting your nails in a dream- to the powerlessness to fix something.

    Dreaming about how you weed a garden without gloves, and then seeing your dirty, broken nails- unfortunately.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

    Cutting nails in a dream or getting a manicure- to care about your image.

    Biting your nails in a dream- think in reality about some situation.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Cutting nails in a dream- to illness, bite your nails- to confusion.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    A dream in which you see your fingernails- has a positive meaning, on foot- negative.

    Nails too long- mean a plight when you need the help of friends. Short bitten nails- foreshadow sad events that you yourself will cause.

    Cutting nails in a dream- means difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure- you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you, pedicure- work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

    Broken nails- mean that you will fall into error regarding a matter into which you will not be fully privy. Sick, fallen nails- foretell that you will face need firsthand. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish- a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

    A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them- success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

    If someone scratches you with their sharp nails- this means failure and illness in the family.

    Scratchy nails with dirt accumulated underneath them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, discord with a loved one.

    Seeing cat claws instead of nails- suggests that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you can succumb to bad influence.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Clean long nails- luck, profit; dirty- melancholy, grief; long on fingers- help in trouble; short- sadness; tear out- need; trim- disputes, stagnation.

    Women's dream book

    Seeing nails in your dreams- a lot of work for little reward.

    Put them in order- to perform modest but noble work.

    Sagging or broken nails- portend illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream- to shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    To have long, beautifully cut nails in a dream- means in reality to receive wealth, honor.

    Have unusually long nails- to trouble, cruelty, cutting nails - to resentment, irritation, quarrel.

    If you bite your nails in a dream- that means you will receive a gift.

    Have shiny nails - to unexpected news.

    A man dreams of a woman having a bright manicure.- to danger.

    If a woman dreams that she is getting a manicure- to buying new outfits, purchasing something expensive.

    Italian dream book

    Nails due to shape- represent a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the removal of nails from something.

    If a man sees that he is putting his nails into something- this symbolizes his desire to show sexual activity, and also reflects some elements aggressive behavior and violence.

    If a woman sees a man putting his nails into something- this reflects the woman’s desire to have sexual intercourse with this man.

    If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something- this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and, perhaps, aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

    If a man sees that he is having difficulty trying to insert his nails into some object- this image can symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

    If a woman sees a similar image- this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I feel that she is sexually frigid.

    If a person, regardless of gender, sees an image of nails being pulled out of something- this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to withdraw, to withdraw from sexual or emotional contact.

    If a person sees that he is scratching himself- this image speaks of disgust for sexual contact and about negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

    Nail image- may indicate existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of a person’s “in this” through alien interventions and influences. In some cases, if this image is present, you should pay close attention to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

    Islamic dream book

    Biting fingernails- a sign of impoverishment; the inflexibility of the fingers indicates a refusal of prohibitions.

    Nail diseases- indicate the inability and corruption of faith.

    They say long nails- portend bitterness.

    Seeing yourself without nails- to ruin.

    If someone sees themselves with broken nails- he will die; green nails mean the same thing.

    Dream Interpretation of Dashka

    Nails- symbolize health, but can be a means of magical manipulation.

    Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

    Seeing nails in a dream- feel own wish fight and dominate; nails- this is a symbol of action, struggle, resistance to someone; fabric, the edge of which can be painlessly parted with if necessary.

    Long nails- this is a state of inconvenience and limitation, constraint in actions inside and obstacles from the outside (a claw gets stuck - the whole bird is lost - proverb).

    Seeing (in a dream) your nails are long- understand your own insolvency in business and the fact that, despite all the efforts made (long nails are just an obstacle to action), the result will be optimal.

    Nails- symbolize anger, the desire for a final resolution of the situation, but long nails- these are mistakes and disappointed hopes, a warning about the need to overcome the desire to dominate where it makes no sense.

    Short nails - hastily made decisions that do not bring any benefit.

    Short nails (cut or bitten off)- a symbol of removing an unpleasant inconvenience that is not the main obstacle, hasty actions, spontaneous decisions that do not make sense, but seem important and decisive. The dream can be interpreted as unfavorable.

    Unhealthy nails (flaky, stained, hangnails, abscesses)- in a dream and in reality, indicate problems with the liver and a general incorrect flow of qi energy in the body, a complete discrepancy with the spring season and a cessation of forward movement in any season. Sleep is unfavorable.

    Seeing nails/claws that are not yours- a sign of directed aggression, danger.

    Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

    Nails cut- loss; big quarrels.

    Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

    Nails are longer than usual- marks great profit; shorter than usual- is a sign of loss and displeasure, trim them yourself- portends dishonor, harm and family quarrel; pull out nails- marks the confluence of all troubles, threatens illness and even death itself.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Nails- a symbol of acquisition, conflict.

    Dirty- a shame.

    cut your hair- loss of money or lover.

    Beautiful, long- to money or a new connection; business acumen.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    Have long, beautifully trimmed nails- wealth, honor, unexpected money.

    Have long nails- committing a nuisance / committing cruelty or having cruel thoughts / in some way spiritually like a corpse.

    Have short-cut nails- you don’t have the strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger to you.

    Trim nails- resentment, quarrel, irritation.

    Cut out a stuck nail- need, loss.

    Nail biting- present.

    Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

    Fingernails are large- profit / grief, plans will not come true; short, cropped- loss, poverty, haste, vanity; small- failure; shiny- unexpected news; cut- resentment, quarrel, failure; tear out- illness, trouble, death; gnaw- a loss; grow- extreme old age; suddenly grew- wealth, money.

    Esoteric dream book

    Nails- test on the way.

    Breaking- you choose the path of testing yourself.

    Broken nail- tests passed.

    Long- a long path of testing, you will have to “climb a sheer cliff.”

    Gnarly, dirty- very unpleasant situations from which you need to get out of with honor.

    Ukrainian dream book

    Long nails in a dream- your plans are burned out and will not come true; short, cut- haste, vanity.

    See how they grow- extreme old age.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Long nails- disappointed hopes; short- haste; shiny- unexpected news, deceitful friend; trim- to failures; grab your nails- to glory; suddenly grew up- money, wealth.

    Collection of dream books

    Long nails- disappointed hopes; short- haste; sick- disappointed hopes; pull out nails- reconciliation with family.

    Fingers are very beautiful- happiness in love; point with a finger - big changes; extra finger- inheritance; Lost- litigation; scratch your finger- profit; trim- a friend is in trouble; burn- enter into a second marriage; fingerless hand- lose children.

    Nails, if they are beautiful and clean- this is for success in business, luck and profit; if ugly and dirty- to melancholy, poverty and chagrin.

    See beautiful, well-groomed nails- to health; crumbling, crooked nails- to illness.

    Long nails- to profit.

    Cutting nails in a dream- to loss, illness, trouble.

    Dreamed of excessively long nails- a sign that you will soon get rich.

    If you dreamed of too short nails- big losses await you.

    Cutting your nails in a dream- a harbinger of family discord.

    Pulled nails- a very bad sign: misfortunes will soon befall you if you do not show foresight.


    Dream Interpretation Toenails

    Why do you dream about Toenails in a dream according to the dream book?

    If you dreamed about toenails, it means there will be hard work ahead, the reward for which will be very modest.

    Such a business will not bring moral satisfaction, and will also not be able to please you with a good income. However, you won’t be able to refuse to do it either.

    What did you do with your toenails in your sleep? What happened to the toenail in the dream? What did the toenails look like in your dream?

    What did you do with your toenails in your sleep?

    Trimming toenails in a dream

    A dream where you cut your toenails indicates your pent-up desires. After a major quarrel with enemies, reconciliation will follow, and for those who are ill, an improvement in well-being is expected.

    I dreamed that I was cleaning my toenails

    Why dream of cleaning your toenails? This is an indication of the inadequacy of your behavior, the inability to think about your own actions and words before saying or doing something. Perhaps your partner does not satisfy you sexually.

    What happened to the toenail in the dream?

    I dreamed that my toenail fell off

    Felomena's dream book interprets a toenail that has fallen off as the possibility of strange things happening, which everyone seems to have forgotten about. A reminder can have an impact on current plans; you will try to understand what exactly you didn’t do on time.

    What did the toenails look like in your dream?

    I dreamed about a torn toenail

    If you dream of a torn nail, you need to pay close attention to the general condition of the body and think about your well-being. Even a slight loss of strength is the first alarm bell that cannot be ignored.

    Dream about big toenails

    Seen in a dream big nails on your feet - you are taking on too heavy a load of work and work obligations. Despite the profitability of the business, it takes too much physical and moral strength from you.


    The dream can have two meanings, depending on who is cutting the nails. If you do this, then you need to take into account that it is better to wait with new beginnings. Now is not the right time for them. If a mature woman cuts her nails, she will experience an improvement in her relationship with her husband or loved one. If a man does this, then the dream warns him from troubles in business. One of his colleagues or ill-wishers is trying to interfere with his career.

    If a man in his dream cuts the nails of someone else, then success will not be slow to come, and career growth is guaranteed to him. A woman cutting someone's nails in her dream is most likely dreaming of relaxation in reality. If a guy cuts another person's nails, success in business and good luck in love await him.


    Cutting toenails

    Dream Interpretation Cutting toenails dreamed of why you dream of cutting your toenails? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see toenails being cut in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Cutting nails

    Lesion; big quarrels.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Neglected nails are a shame.

    Nail biting is a disease.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Biting your nails is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails


    Toenails come off

    Dream Interpretation Toenails come off dreamed of why in a dream Toenails come off? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see your toenails coming off in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning. False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this. Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated. If your nails are yellow, sick, or breaking, you will have to work hard for little pay. If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason. If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal. If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves. If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble. If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles. If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out) - the dream is very bad, it may mean loss loved one. Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others. If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends. If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s. Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to see old age. Excessively short nails - to short life. Seeing toenails is a sign of travel. If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant. Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

    You can work out a dream about nails in a universal way by imagining that your nails normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    A dream in which you see your fingernails has a positive meaning, while your toenails have a negative meaning. Too long nails mean disaster when you need the help of friends. Short, bitten nails portend sad events that you yourself will cause.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure means you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you; getting a pedicure means the work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

    Broken nails mean that you will be misled about a matter that you will not be fully privy to. Sick, fallen nails portend that you will personally encounter need. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

    A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them means success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

    If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this means failure and illness in the family. Neglected nails with dirt accumulated under them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, and discord with a loved one. Seeing cat claws instead of nails indicates that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you may succumb to bad influences.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dream that you are cutting your nails, then someone will treat you very cruelly, although you do not deserve it. Polishing your nails in a dream means that you will cherish some desire within yourself. The shine of nails in a dream foreshadows deception or a false relationship. Beautiful, long, well-groomed nails in a dream portend good luck and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts the respect of others.

    A broken nail in a dream is a sign of disappointed hopes. If you dream that your nail is pulled out, then great misfortune awaits you in a fight or on the road. Sometimes such a dream predicts a mortal wound. Pulling out your own nail in a dream means that you must make peace with a loved one. A dream in which you saw that nails grabbed you means: expect noisy praise from others. Seeing nails growing in a dream means fame and recognition. If you dream that your nails have grown, then success in business and wealth await you. See interpretation: hands, palm, fingers.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    The condition of nails in a dream: symbolizes the character of a person and his behavior in society.

    To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

    Cleanliness of your nails in a dream: indicates that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

    Dirt under your nails: a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

    Painted nails in a dream: symbolize cunning and deceit.

    Long, sharp nails: warn of the possibility of a quarrel.

    Broken nail in a dream: indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

    Chipped nails: a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Long, beautifully trimmed nails - receive wealth and honor.

    Dreaming of unusually long nails means trouble and cruelty.

    Trimming your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel.

    If you bite your nails, you will receive a gift.

    Shiny nails - to unexpected news.

    Seeing a bright manicure on a woman means danger for a man.

    Getting a manicure in a dream means for a woman to buy new outfits or purchase something expensive.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Having long, beautifully trimmed nails means wealth, honor, unexpected money.

    To have long nails is a nuisance / to commit cruelty or to have cruel thoughts / to be spiritually like a corpse in some way.

    Having short-cut nails means you have no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger for you.

    Cutting your nails means resentment, quarrel, irritation.

    Cutting out a dug-in nail is a need, a loss.

    Biting your nails (wiping wet hands) is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Looking at your nails in a dream is a lot of work.

    Putting your nails in order means you will perform some noble deed.

    Neglected nails are a shame.

    Nail biting is a disease.

    You see, even in a dream it turns out that “thinking about the beauty of your nails” is useful.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Beautiful, clean, long - luck, wealth, honor.

    Having very long nails is a nuisance, cruelty.

    Short nails mean powerlessness in the fight; resistance is fraught with danger.

    Dirty nails - melancholy, poverty.

    Cutting your nails means quarrel, resentment, irritation.

    Biting your nails is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

    Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dreaming of excessively long nails is a sign that you will soon become rich. If you dreamed of too short nails, big losses await you. Cutting your nails in a dream is a harbinger of family discord. Pulled nails are a very bad sign: misfortune will soon befall you if you do not show foresight.


    Cutting a child's nails

    Dream Interpretation: Cutting a child's nails dreamed of why you dream about cutting a child’s nails? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see cutting a child’s nails in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning. False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this. Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated. If your nails are yellow, sick, or breaking, you will have to work hard for little pay. If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason. If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal. If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves. If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble. If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles. If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out), this is a very bad dream and may mean the loss of a loved one. Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others. If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends. If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s. Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age. Excessively short nails mean a short life. Seeing toenails is a sign of travel. If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant. Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

    A universal way to work out a dream about nails is to imagine that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    A dream in which you see your fingernails has a positive meaning, while your toenails have a negative meaning. Too long nails mean disaster when you need the help of friends. Short, bitten nails portend sad events that you yourself will cause.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure means you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you; getting a pedicure means the work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

    Broken nails mean that you will be misled about a matter that you will not be fully privy to. Sick, fallen nails portend that you will personally encounter need. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

    A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them means success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

    If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this means failure and illness in the family. Neglected nails with dirt accumulated under them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, and discord with a loved one. Seeing cat claws instead of nails indicates that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you may succumb to bad influences.

    Dream Interpretation - Cutting nails

    Lesion; big quarrels.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dream that you are cutting your nails, then someone will treat you very cruelly, although you do not deserve it. Polishing your nails in a dream means that you will cherish some desire within yourself. The shine of nails in a dream foreshadows deception or a false relationship. Beautiful, long, well-groomed nails in a dream portend good luck and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts the respect of others.

    A broken nail in a dream is a sign of disappointed hopes. If you dream that your nail is pulled out, then great misfortune awaits you in a fight or on the road. Sometimes such a dream predicts a mortal wound. Pulling out your own nail in a dream means that you must make peace with a loved one. A dream in which you saw that nails grabbed you means: expect noisy praise from others. Seeing nails growing in a dream means fame and recognition. If you dream that your nails have grown, then success in business and wealth await you. See interpretation: hands, palm, fingers.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    The condition of nails in a dream: symbolizes the character of a person and his behavior in society.

    To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

    Cleanliness of your nails in a dream: indicates that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

    Dirt under your nails: a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

    Painted nails in a dream: symbolize cunning and deceit.

    Long, sharp nails: warn of the possibility of a quarrel.

    Broken nail in a dream: indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

    Chipped nails: a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Long, beautifully trimmed nails - receive wealth and honor.

    Dreaming of unusually long nails means trouble and cruelty.

    Trimming your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel.

    If you bite your nails, you will receive a gift.

    Shiny nails - to unexpected news.

    Seeing a bright manicure on a woman means danger for a man.

    Getting a manicure in a dream means for a woman to buy new outfits or purchase something expensive.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Having long, beautifully trimmed nails means wealth, honor, unexpected money.

    To have long nails is a nuisance / to commit cruelty or to have cruel thoughts / to be spiritually like a corpse in some way.

    Having short-cut nails means you have no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger for you.

    Cutting your nails means resentment, quarrel, irritation.

    Cutting out a dug-in nail is a need, a loss.

    Biting your nails (wiping wet hands) is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Looking at your nails in a dream is a lot of work.

    Putting your nails in order means you will perform some noble deed.

    Neglected nails are a shame.

    Nail biting is a disease.

    You see, even in a dream it turns out that “thinking about the beauty of your nails” is useful.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Beautiful, clean, long - luck, wealth, honor.

    Having very long nails is a nuisance, cruelty.

    Short nails mean powerlessness in the fight; resistance is fraught with danger.

    Dirty nails - melancholy, poverty.

    Cutting your nails means quarrel, resentment, irritation.

    Biting your nails is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

    Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.


    who knows what it means to cut your toenails in a dream??


    The navel of the Earth, our mother.

    this means hard work caring for loved ones


    Nails Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward. Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest. Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

    Nails (like claws) are a symbol of protection. The condition of nails in a dream reflects a person’s manner of behavior in society and his ability to stand up for himself.
    Interpretations of dreams about nails often affect the areas of relationships, health and finances.

    See well-groomed and beautiful nails- very good for women good dream, index good health and excellent energy tone.

    In the dream book, fingernails are a symbol of aggression, activity (including sexual activity), as well as the desire to protect oneself from other people’s influence, which interferes with self-realization. To make the interpretation clearer and more complete, you need to pay attention to the context of the dream.
    According to the dream book, toenails mean the same as on the hands, only with a stronger accent of aggression. Perhaps the dream indicates that your behavior is extremely thoughtless; the consequences can be very different - from the collapse of plans to loss of respect among the people around you now.

    Length of nails in a dream

    According to the dream book, nails are unusually long - an indicator of internal aggression; at any moment the sleeper can splash out, provoking a conflict in reality.
    If the nails are longer than they actually are, but not so much that their length would cause surprise, it means that the dreamer’s energy is at a good level and he has enough strength to complete the assigned tasks. This dream is especially good on the eve of important matters and events that require courage, determination, perseverance and even arrogance.

    If the nails in a dream are shorter than in reality, and also ugly, bitten, dirty, and generally do not look aesthetically pleasing, then the dream hints that at present the dreamer is not able to solve the assigned tasks. You dream of dirty nails if a person is weak energetically and morally, he does not have the opportunity to effectively conduct business, much less fight for his “place in the sun.” Such a dream is especially unfavorable on the eve of an important matter, where you need to show perseverance or show yourself on the good side, for example, on the eve of exams, applying for a job, business negotiations and presentations.

    In general, distinctly long nails of other people in a dream indicate their competitiveness, sometimes hidden aggression. And if this person is an enemy in reality, then you can prepare for some unexpected attack on her part towards the dreamer - why do other people dream of long nails.

    For a man to see long nails in a dream is a very good dream, foreshadowing success in business, profit, good luck in business, victory in competition and other types of struggle. Long nails have the same meaning in women’s dreams if in reality there is a financial transaction, a business agreement, a meeting with competitors, a court, a dispute or negotiations in which one has to defend one’s point of view.

    Large or long toenails mean a bad road, problems on the road, on a business trip or travel.
    Long fingernails in the dream book also mean that in real life you behave very aggressively, try to protect yourself from everyone and everything, and perhaps behave defiantly. Often this also manifests itself in demonstrative sexuality. The dream suggests that it is better to develop inner confidence in yourself rather than try to only appear so.
    Short nails can indicate both a reasonable balance in your life of humility and aggressiveness, and weakness and inability to influence the situation. Short nails that cannot be dug into anything predict failure, impotence, even impotence.

    Nail color according to the dream book

    Red fingernails - if you dreamed of beautiful long nails, long, with a bright manicure, then this is an indicator of sexuality, readiness to flirt and sexual relations. In general, the dream promises good luck in one of the areas that worries you most at the moment. If a friend or work colleague had a dream of this type of nails, then she may become a rival.

    Black nails in dreams have an even more accentuated aggressive meaning. The dreamer is very bogged down in his destructive attitudes, trying too actively to isolate himself from people and the world around him with negativity and a deliberate demonstration of his strength.

    Why do you dream of cutting your nails in a dream?

    According to the dream book, cutting your nails is a bad sign, and depending on the plot of the dream, it has the following interpretations:
    Why do you dream of cutting your own nails in a dream - the dream book offers a number of interpretations: loss of strength, cowardice, loss, internal doubts about any business, decreased self-esteem, lost ambitions, decreased business activity, lost profits, monetary losses.

    Someone cuts the dreamer's nails - disappointed hopes. If the person cutting your nails is an acquaintance, then you should expect some minor dirty tricks from him. This could be an obstacle in business, an unfulfilled promise, deception or an insult.

    Cutting your fingernails in a dream means either loss of strength and excessive passivity, or excessive aggressiveness and pressure that need to be curbed. If someone else cuts your nails, beware of interference in your affairs; someone nearby is deceiving you and being a hypocrite.

    The dream book says that cutting your toenails predicts the fulfillment of your plans only if you behave in a way that is more acceptable to your environment. There is no need to provoke anyone, this will only cause problems.

    Cutting a child’s nails in a dream means in reality you will realize the unrealizability of your intentions and change them. Perhaps you are not yet ready, not yet mature enough to realize your plans. The dream may also be an indication that someone in your environment now needs your care, desperately trying to attract attention with some offensive antics.

    Nail polish, painting nails

    As the dream book says, nail polish indicates the need to soften your character a little; you should not go ahead, otherwise difficulties may arise. Also, such an image may mean excessive demonstrativeness in behavior.

    Choosing nail polish in a dream symbolizes events that will require you to be flexible, the ability to quickly adapt, but at the same time confidently defend your position. But be careful, perhaps the goals you are pursuing are false, and achieving them will not bring the pleasure you expect.
    Removing nail polish is an indication that it is better to behave more sincerely and speak directly about your intentions, then the people on whom your success now depends will be more loyal. Perhaps you will be able to get rid of someone else's negative influence soon.

    According to the dream book, painting your nails means in reality some interesting adventure or a desire to experience something new. This image may indicate the need to deliberately take any action and not behave too assertively. Often, a dream can mean an insufficiently realistic assessment of the events currently happening in your life. Painting nails in a dream also means a woman’s desire to become more sexually attractive and proactive. For a man, this can indicate the absurdity of his behavior, insufficient masculinity.

    Nail problems

    Why do you dream about a broken nail? If the dreamer is a man, then this is how his unconscious fear of sexual impotence manifests itself. If a woman is afraid of losing attractiveness, the desire to completely control the life of her partner, to be the only one for him in every sense. It happens that a dream is an indication of the presence of health problems. As the dream book says, breaking a nail promises failure at work or school.

    According to the dream book, to see that nails have fallen off means illness, loss of confidence and destruction of plans.
    Biting your nails means feeling annoyed and offended.

    The dream book interprets sick nails as health problems, difficulties, crisis.
    If your nail cracked in a dream, it means you can live in reality full life you are hindered by your fears and self-doubt.
    To see that the nails are peeling means troubles, difficulties, routine worries, aggravation chronic diseases. To treat them is to look for ways for rest and relaxation that are not yet possible.
    According to the dream book, a nail peeling off means a worsening situation, a series of failures that you need to wait out without taking overly active actions. But if a new one grows in its place, then there is no need to worry, the failure will only seem like it.

    Other interpretations of dreams about nails

    Sawing your nails according to the dream book indicates events that will require all your composure, but caution. Perhaps someone is determined to harm you, and you will have to defend yourself. Often, a dream warns that you need to defend your point of view in a softer way.
    Cleaning your nails in a dream speaks of an inability to think about your words and actions in society, inappropriate behavior, and sexual dissatisfaction. It is necessary to free your mind from imposed stereotypes. In the dream book, dirt under nails symbolizes unclean thoughts and negative attitudes towards others.

    Extended nails in a dream mean that in reality you will have to make a lot of effort to maintain your boundaries and move in a given direction. But someone will constantly interfere and get in the way, provoke. Beware of intemperance.

    False nails, as the dream book interprets, indicate a lack of attention, a desire to appear more attractive, strong and confident. Demonstrative behavior feeds on false attitudes and therefore will not lead you to happiness.

    Other people's nails seen in a dream warn of danger from someone else. Perhaps from quite specific person, if the dreamer recognizes him. Another dream may indicate the presence of someone else’s negative influence in your life; someone is imposing thoughts and patterns of behavior on you, perhaps not very clearly, but persistently.

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