• I get my nails cut in my sleep. Cutting your toenails in a dream. Manicure in a dream: done by men and women


    A dream in which you had to cut your nails has an unfavorable connotation. What kind of difficulties the dreamer will encounter can be found out in the interpretation of dream books, which discuss in detail why manicures and pedicures are dreamed of, who had it done, as well as the circumstances of its implementation in the dream.

    On the legs and arms

    Cutting your fingernails or toenails is an active symbol associated with both protection and aggression.

    Trim your hands - symbolize sexual energy, as well as resistance to outside influence if it runs counter to one’s own goals. If you dreamed of cutting your fingernails, it means there is no alternative situation; Miller’s dream book in the interpretation of the dream indicates that you will agree to a modest salary just to do a noble cause.

    Cutting your legs reflects the same problems, but dream books predict an excessive reaction of the dreamer, either taken to the point of absurdity or causing him significant harm. If you dreamed of operations related to pedicure, your behavior may be too emotional, under the influence of stress you will harm others and your reputation. Try to keep yourself in check so that you don't have to win the respect of others all over again.

    If you cut your toenails in a dream, this is a sign that not only the payment new service will be below acceptable, but even the work itself will be annoying. However, remember why this is a dream - you need to maintain composure and overcome temporary difficulties with dignity. Loff's dream book says that a pedicure in a dream foreshadows the cancellation of a planned trip due to insurmountable circumstances. The Dream Book of Housewives generally does not advise those who dream of cutting their nails, especially their toes, to go on a journey. prophetic dream is an omen that you will lose protection and will be left alone with all the dangers of a long journey.

    It is especially important to understand why one dreams of cutting one’s own nails for a person who has a sponsor in life: it is one’s own incontinence that can lead to the loss of a patron.

    For yourself or for someone else

    If you dreamed about another person doing a manicure to the dreamer, he will be deceived in his expectations. If the person you saw in a dream was familiar, in reality expect some kind of trick from him.

    Unfulfilled promises, public insults are something that is better to be foreseen and prevented than to deal with the consequences - this is why we find out what such a dream means. Don't trust this person, don't let him interfere in your affairs.

    Cutting your own nails in a dream - the interpretation of dream books covers a whole palette of failures: from the acquisition of something ruinously expensive to a broken deal - according to Miller’s dream book, from lost illusions about one’s own ambitions to the loss of social status.

    In a dream, doing a manicure or pedicure not for yourself, but for another person means that in the near future you will have to resist his aggressive competition in a career or business. If you gave a manicure to a stranger in a dream, decide for yourself whether he is your competitor, or whether you set out to conquer him with feminine charm and subjugate him.

    According to dream books, if you dreamed of cutting a child’s nails, this carries information not about the child, but about your unpreparedness to implement your plans. Also pay attention to those around you - have you noticed how annoying someone is with ridiculous antics? In fact, this person is trying to attract attention to himself because he needs help.

    Why do you dream of carefully cutting the nails of a deceased person while performing a ritual: you will have the opportunity to harmonize your relationship with your spouse and return warmth and care to the family. If you pay more attention to children, they will please their parents.

    If the dream concerns a manicure or pedicure - caution in real life will help avoid complications.


    Dreams can carry both positive and negative information. To determine which group the dream where you had to cut your nails belongs to, you need to take into account other details of the plot you saw and the emotions you experienced.

    Such a dream may indicate the presence of numerous unfulfilled tasks that should be resolved as quickly as possible. Another plot like this may mean that the dreamer is very worried about his reputation. Night vision of other people cutting their nails means that the problems that have arisen cannot be solved and you just need to come to terms with it.

    Why does a child dream of cutting his nails?

    If you had to cut your nails to your own child, which means that you will soon have to deal with numerous routine matters. In addition, such a plot may mean that the dreamer is too protective of his child, and this may negatively affect his future life. One of the dream books interprets cutting a child’s nails as a symbol of unrealistic hopes.

    Why do you dream of cutting your toenails?

    Such a plot promises forced movements, for example, moving to another city or a business trip. If you had to cut another person’s toenails, it means that you will soon have to do some serious work, but the pay will be very disappointing. A night vision where someone cuts the dreamer's toenails is a good sign, foreshadowing the appearance of a person in life who will help cope with difficulties.

    Why dream of cutting your fingernails?

    If you had to cut your fingernails, it means that in reality the dreamer will lose self-confidence. Such a dream can also be a harbinger of material problems. A night vision of a familiar person cutting his nails warns that he may be setting you up. If a stranger cuts the dreamer’s fingernails, it means you should be on guard and protect your personal life.



    Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing nails in your dreams- indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    Tidy up your nails- means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

    See- means illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream- promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Nails- a warning about danger, someone’s or one’s aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection.

    Beautiful well-groomed nails- reflect safety.

    Cutting, biting your nails, having your nails cut short- losses, powerlessness, disagreements.

    Long nails to see, to cling to with nails- display vanity, cruel behavior.

    Getting a manicure- hide your intentions.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Nails- are a symbol not only of the condom, but of all contraceptives in general.

    Nail cutting process- symbolizes safe sex.

    Nails coated with varnish- symbolize your desire to use reliable and proven products.

    Nails with hangnails- warn about the possible ineffectiveness of the means used.

    Dirt under nails- symbolizes the possibility of sexually transmitted disease.

    Aesop's Dream Book

    Seeing white lines on your nails- to new things, fortunately.

    Pay attention to the nails of a stranger, on which “rising suns” are clearly visible.- to envy, unkind attitude from people you don’t even know.

    Seeing a child who carefully cleans his nails- this dream testifies to pedantry and panache that will be impossible to overcome; to a person who will make a lasting impression on you.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    Condition of nails in a dream- symbolizes a person’s character and his behavior in society.

    To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails- means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

    Cleanliness of your nails in your sleep- suggests that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

    Dirt under nails- a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

    Painted nails in a dream- symbolize cunning and deceit.

    Long, sharp nails- warn about the possibility of a quarrel.

    Broken nail in a dream- indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

    Nibbled nails- a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

    Cutting nails in a dream- means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

    New family dream book

    Dream about nails- indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    If in a dream you tidied up your nails- it is worth doing noble, but modest work.

    Sagging or broken nails- dream of illness and failures in business.

    Saw dirty nails- get ready for the shame and dishonor that will fall on your head. There is only one way out: critically evaluate the real state of affairs.

    Modern combined dream book

    Well-groomed nails- a sign of prosperity. You will also have a penchant for study and literary activity.

    Dirty nails- portend shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

    Eastern women's dream book

    Beautiful well-groomed nails- a symbol of well-being.

    Seeing dirty, unkempt nails- to shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Nail- a reflection of regeneration in general.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Biting your nails in a dream- to the powerlessness to fix something.

    Dreaming about how you weed a garden without gloves, and then seeing your dirty, broken nails- unfortunately.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

    Cutting nails in a dream or getting a manicure- to care about your image.

    Biting your nails in a dream- think in reality about some situation.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Cutting nails in a dream- to illness, bite your nails- to confusion.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    A dream in which you see your fingernails- has a positive meaning, on foot- negative.

    Nails too long- mean a plight when you need the help of friends. Short bitten nails- foreshadow sad events that you yourself will cause.

    Cutting nails in a dream- means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure- you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you, pedicure- work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

    Broken nails- mean that you will fall into error regarding a matter into which you will not be fully privy. Sick, fallen nails- foretell that you will face need firsthand. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish- a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

    A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them- success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

    If someone scratches you with their sharp nails- this means failure and illness in the family.

    Scratchy nails with dirt accumulated underneath them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, discord with a loved one.

    Seeing cat claws instead of nails- suggests that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you can succumb to bad influence.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Clean long nails- luck, profit; dirty- melancholy, grief; long on fingers- help in trouble; short- sadness; tear out- need; trim- disputes, stagnation.

    Women's dream book

    Seeing nails in your dreams- a lot of work for little reward.

    Put them in order- to perform modest but noble work.

    Sagging or broken nails- portend illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream- to shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    To have long, beautifully cut nails in a dream- means in reality to receive wealth, honor.

    Have unusually long nails- to trouble, cruelty, cutting nails - to resentment, irritation, quarrel.

    If you bite your nails in a dream- that means you will receive a gift.

    Have shiny nails - to unexpected news.

    A man dreams of a woman having a bright manicure.- to danger.

    If a woman dreams that she is getting a manicure- to buying new outfits, purchasing something expensive.

    Italian dream book

    Nails due to shape- represent a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the removal of nails from something.

    If a man sees that he is putting his nails into something- this symbolizes his desire to show sexual activity, and also reflects some elements aggressive behavior and violence.

    If a woman sees a man putting his nails into something- this reflects the woman’s desire to have sexual intercourse with this man.

    If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something- this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and, perhaps, aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

    If a man sees that he is having difficulty trying to insert his nails into some object- this image can symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

    If a woman sees a similar image- this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I feel that she is sexually frigid.

    If a person, regardless of gender, sees an image of nails being pulled out of something- this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to withdraw, to withdraw from sexual or emotional contact.

    If a person sees that he is scratching himself- this image speaks of disgust for sexual contact and about negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

    Nail image- may indicate existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the internal essence of a person’s “in this” through alien interventions and influences. In some cases, if this image is present, you should pay close attention to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

    Islamic dream book

    Biting fingernails- a sign of impoverishment; the inflexibility of the fingers indicates a refusal of prohibitions.

    Nail diseases- indicate the inability and corruption of faith.

    They say long nails- portend bitterness.

    Seeing yourself without nails- to ruin.

    If someone sees themselves with broken nails- he will die; green nails mean the same thing.

    Dream Interpretation of Dashka

    Nails- symbolize health, but can be a means of magical manipulation.

    Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

    Seeing nails in a dream- feel own wish fight and dominate; nails- this is a symbol of action, struggle, resistance to someone; fabric, the edge of which can be painlessly parted with if necessary.

    Long nails- this is a state of inconvenience and limitation, constraint in actions inside and obstacles from the outside (a claw gets stuck - the whole bird is lost - proverb).

    Seeing (in a dream) your nails are long- understand your own insolvency in business and the fact that, despite all the efforts made (long nails are just an obstacle to action), the result will be optimal.

    Nails- symbolize anger, the desire for a final resolution of the situation, but long nails- these are mistakes and disappointed hopes, a warning about the need to overcome the desire to dominate where it makes no sense.

    Short nails- hastily made decisions that do not bring any benefit.

    Short nails (cut or bitten off)- a symbol of removing an unpleasant inconvenience that is not the main obstacle, hasty actions, spontaneous decisions that do not make sense, but seem important and decisive. The dream can be interpreted as unfavorable.

    Unhealthy nails (flaky, stained, hangnails, abscesses)- in a dream and in reality, indicate problems with the liver and a general incorrect flow of qi energy in the body, a complete discrepancy with the spring season and a cessation of forward movement in any season. Sleep is unfavorable.

    Seeing nails/claws that are not yours- a sign of directed aggression, danger.

    Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

    Nails cut- loss; big quarrels.

    Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

    Nails are longer than usual- marks great profit; shorter than usual- is a sign of loss and displeasure, cut them yourself- portends dishonor, harm and family quarrel; pull out nails- marks the confluence of all troubles, threatens illness and even death itself.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Nails- a symbol of acquisition, conflict.

    Dirty- a shame.

    cut your hair- loss of money or lover.

    Beautiful, long- to money or a new connection; business acumen.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    Have long, beautifully trimmed nails- wealth, honor, unexpected money.

    Have long nails- committing a nuisance / committing cruelty or having cruel thoughts / in some way spiritually like a corpse.

    Have short-cut nails- you don’t have the strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger to you.

    Trim nails- resentment, quarrel, irritation.

    Cut out a stuck nail- need, loss.

    Nail biting- present.

    Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

    Fingernails are large- profit / grief, plans will not come true; short, cropped- loss, poverty, haste, vanity; small- failure; shiny- unexpected news; cut- resentment, quarrel, failure; tear out- illness, trouble, death; gnaw- a loss; grow- extreme old age; suddenly grew- wealth, money.

    Esoteric dream book

    Nails- test on the way.

    Breaking- you choose the path of testing yourself.

    Broken nail- tests passed.

    Long- a long path of testing, you will have to “climb up a sheer cliff.”

    Gnarly, dirty- very unpleasant situations from which you need to get out of with honor.

    Ukrainian dream book

    Long nails in a dream- your plans are burned out and will not come true; short, cut- haste, vanity.

    See how they grow- extreme old age.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Nails are long- disappointed hopes; short- haste; shiny- unexpected news, deceitful friend; trim- to failures; grab your nails- to glory; suddenly grew up- money, wealth.

    Collection of dream books

    Nails are long- disappointed hopes; short- haste; sick- disappointed hopes; pull out nails- reconciliation with family.

    Fingers are very beautiful- happiness in love; point with a finger - big changes; extra finger- inheritance; Lost- litigation; scratch your finger- profit; trim- a friend is in trouble; burn- enter into a second marriage; fingerless hand- lose children.

    Nails, if they are beautiful and clean- this is for success in business, luck and profit; if ugly and dirty- to melancholy, poverty and chagrin.

    See beautiful, well-groomed nails- to health; crumbling, crooked nails- to illness.

    Long nails- to profit.

    Cutting nails in a dream- to loss, illness, trouble.

    Dreamed of excessively long nails- a sign that you will soon get rich.

    If you dreamed too much short nails - big losses await you.

    Cutting your nails in a dream- a harbinger of family discord.

    Pulled nails- a very bad sign: misfortunes will soon befall you if you do not show foresight.


    Dream Interpretation Toenails

    Why do you dream about Toenails in a dream according to the dream book?

    If you dreamed about toenails, it means there will be hard work ahead, the reward for which will be very modest.

    Such a business will not bring moral satisfaction, and will also not be able to please you with a good income. However, you won’t be able to refuse to do it either.

    What did you do with your toenails in your sleep? What happened to the toenail in the dream? What did the toenails look like in your dream?

    What did you do with your toenails in your sleep?

    Trimming toenails in a dream

    A dream where you cut your toenails indicates pent-up desires. After a major quarrel with enemies, reconciliation will follow, and for those who are ill, an improvement in well-being is expected.

    I dreamed that I was cleaning my toenails

    Why dream of cleaning your toenails? This is an indication of the inadequacy of your behavior, the inability to think about your own actions and words before saying or doing something. Perhaps your partner does not satisfy you sexually.

    What happened to the toenail in the dream?

    I dreamed that my toenail fell off

    Felomena's dream book interprets a toenail that has fallen off as the possibility of strange things happening, which everyone seems to have forgotten about. A reminder can have an impact on current plans; you will try to understand what exactly you didn’t do on time.

    What did the toenails look like in your dream?

    I dreamed about a torn toenail

    If you dream of a torn nail, you need to pay close attention to the general condition of the body and think about your well-being. Even a slight loss of strength is the first alarm bell that cannot be ignored.

    Dream about big toenails

    If you saw large toenails in a dream, you are shouldering too heavy a load of work and work obligations. Despite the profitability of the business, it takes away too much physical and moral strength from you.


    The dream can have two meanings, depending on who is cutting the nails. If you do this, then you need to take into account that it is better to wait with new beginnings. Now is not the right time for them. If a mature woman cuts her nails, she will experience an improvement in her relationship with her husband or loved one. If a man does this, then the dream warns him from troubles in business. One of his colleagues or ill-wishers is trying to interfere with his career.

    If a man in his dream cuts the nails of someone else, then success will not be slow to come, and career growth is guaranteed to him. A woman cutting someone's nails in her dream is most likely dreaming of relaxation in reality. If a guy cuts another person's nails, success in business and good luck in love await him.


    Cutting toenails

    Dream Interpretation Cutting toenails dreamed of why you dream of cutting your toenails? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see toenails being cut in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Cutting nails

    Lesion; big quarrels.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Neglected nails are a shame.

    Nail biting is a disease.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Biting your nails is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails


    Toenails come off

    Dream Interpretation Toenails come off dreamed of why in a dream the toenails come off? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see your toenails coming off in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning. False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this. Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated. If your nails are yellow, sick, or break, you will have to work hard for little pay. If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason. If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal. If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves. If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble. If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles. If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out) - the dream is very bad, it may mean loss loved one. Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others. If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends. If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s. Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to see old age. Excessively short nails - to short life. Seeing toenails is a sign of travel. If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant. Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

    You can work out a dream about nails in a universal way by imagining that your nails normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    A dream in which you see your fingernails has a positive meaning, while your toenails have a negative meaning. Too long nails mean disaster when you need the help of friends. Short, bitten nails portend sad events that you yourself will cause.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure means you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you; getting a pedicure means the work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

    Broken nails mean that you will fall into delusion about a matter into which you will not be fully privy. Sick, fallen nails portend that you will personally encounter need. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

    A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them means success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

    If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this means failure and illness in the family. Neglected nails with dirt accumulated under them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, and discord with a loved one. Seeing cat claws instead of nails indicates that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you may succumb to bad influences.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dream that you are cutting your nails, then someone will treat you very cruelly, although you do not deserve it. Polishing your nails in a dream means that you will cherish some desire within yourself. The shine of nails in a dream foreshadows deception or a false relationship. Beautiful, long, well-groomed nails in a dream portend good luck and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts the respect of others.

    A broken nail in a dream is a sign of disappointed hopes. If you dream that your nail is pulled out, then great misfortune awaits you in a fight or on the road. Sometimes such a dream predicts a mortal wound. Pulling out your own nail in a dream means that you must make peace with a loved one. A dream in which you saw that nails grabbed you means: expect noisy praise from others. Seeing nails growing in a dream means fame and recognition. If you dream that your nails have grown, then success in business and wealth await you. See interpretation: hands, palm, fingers.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    The condition of nails in a dream: symbolizes the character of a person and his behavior in society.

    To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

    Cleanliness of your nails in a dream: indicates that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

    Dirt under your nails: a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

    Painted nails in a dream: symbolize cunning and deceit.

    Long, sharp nails: warn of the possibility of a quarrel.

    Broken nail in a dream: indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

    Chipped nails: a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Long, beautifully trimmed nails - receive wealth and honor.

    Dreaming of unusually long nails means trouble and cruelty.

    Trimming your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel.

    If you bite your nails, you will receive a gift.

    Shiny nails - to unexpected news.

    Seeing a bright manicure on a woman means danger for a man.

    Getting a manicure in a dream means for a woman to buy new outfits or purchase something expensive.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Having long, beautifully trimmed nails means wealth, honor, unexpected money.

    To have long nails is a nuisance / to commit cruelty or to have cruel thoughts / to be spiritually similar to a corpse in some way.

    Having short-cut nails means you have no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger for you.

    Cutting your nails means resentment, quarrel, irritation.

    Cutting out a dug-in nail is a need, a loss.

    Biting your nails (wiping wet hands) is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Looking at your nails in a dream is a lot of work.

    Putting your nails in order means you will perform some noble deed.

    Neglected nails are a shame.

    Nail biting is a disease.

    You see, even in a dream it turns out that “thinking about the beauty of your nails” is useful.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Beautiful, clean, long - luck, wealth, honor.

    Having very long nails is a nuisance, cruelty.

    Short nails mean powerlessness in the fight; resistance is fraught with danger.

    Dirty nails - melancholy, poverty.

    Cutting your nails means quarrel, resentment, irritation.

    Biting your nails is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

    Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Dreaming of excessively long nails is a sign that you will soon become rich. If you dreamed of too short nails, big losses await you. Cutting your nails in a dream is a harbinger of family discord. Pulled nails are a very bad sign: misfortune will soon befall you if you do not show foresight.


    Cutting a child's nails

    Dream Interpretation: Cutting a child's nails dreamed of why you dream about cutting a child’s nails? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see cutting a child’s nails in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning. False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this. Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated. If your nails are yellow, sick, or break, you will have to work hard for little pay. If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason. If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal. If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves. If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble. If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles. If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out), this is a very bad dream and may mean the loss of a loved one. Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others. If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends. If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s. Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age. Excessively short nails mean a short life. Seeing toenails is a sign of travel. If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant. Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

    A universal way to work out a dream about nails is to imagine that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    A dream in which you see your fingernails has a positive meaning, while your toenails have a negative meaning. Too long nails mean disaster when you need the help of friends. Short, bitten nails portend sad events that you yourself will cause.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure means you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you; getting a pedicure means the work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

    Broken nails mean that you will fall into delusion about a matter into which you will not be fully privy. Sick, fallen nails portend that you will personally encounter need. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

    A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them means success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

    If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this means failure and illness in the family. Neglected nails with dirt accumulated under them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, and discord with a loved one. Seeing cat claws instead of nails indicates that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you may succumb to bad influences.

    Dream Interpretation - Cutting nails

    Lesion; big quarrels.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dream that you are cutting your nails, then someone will treat you very cruelly, although you do not deserve it. Polishing your nails in a dream means that you will cherish some desire within yourself. The shine of nails in a dream foreshadows deception or a false relationship. Beautiful, long, well-groomed nails in a dream portend good luck and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts the respect of others.

    A broken nail in a dream is a sign of disappointed hopes. If you dream that your nail is pulled out, then great misfortune awaits you in a fight or on the road. Sometimes such a dream predicts a mortal wound. Pulling out your own nail in a dream means that you must make peace with a loved one. A dream in which you saw that nails grabbed you means: expect noisy praise from others. Seeing nails growing in a dream means fame and recognition. If you dream that your nails have grown, then success in business and wealth await you. See interpretation: hands, palm, fingers.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    The condition of nails in a dream: symbolizes the character of a person and his behavior in society.

    To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

    Cleanliness of your nails in a dream: indicates that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

    Dirt under your nails: a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

    Painted nails in a dream: symbolize cunning and deceit.

    Long, sharp nails: warn of the possibility of a quarrel.

    Broken nail in a dream: indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

    Chipped nails: a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Long, beautifully trimmed nails - receive wealth and honor.

    Dreaming of unusually long nails means trouble and cruelty.

    Trimming your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel.

    If you bite your nails, you will receive a gift.

    Shiny nails - to unexpected news.

    Seeing a bright manicure on a woman means danger for a man.

    Getting a manicure in a dream means for a woman to buy new outfits or purchase something expensive.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Having long, beautifully trimmed nails means wealth, honor, unexpected money.

    To have long nails is a nuisance / to commit cruelty or to have cruel thoughts / to be spiritually similar to a corpse in some way.

    Having short-cut nails means you have no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger for you.

    Cutting your nails means resentment, quarrel, irritation.

    Cutting out a dug-in nail is a need, a loss.

    Biting your nails (wiping wet hands) is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Looking at your nails in a dream is a lot of work.

    Putting your nails in order means you will perform some noble deed.

    Neglected nails are a shame.

    Nail biting is a disease.

    You see, even in a dream it turns out that “thinking about the beauty of your nails” is useful.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Beautiful, clean, long - luck, wealth, honor.

    Having very long nails is a nuisance, cruelty.

    Short nails mean powerlessness in the fight; resistance is fraught with danger.

    Dirty nails - melancholy, poverty.

    Cutting your nails means quarrel, resentment, irritation.

    Biting your nails is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

    Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.


    who knows what it means to cut your toenails in a dream??


    The navel of the Earth, our mother.

    this means hard work caring for loved ones


    Nails Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward. Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest. Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

    The process of cutting nails in a dream should be remembered by the sleeper as if it were happening in reality. An insignificant and unmemorable dream means the occurrence of insignificant events. If the dream is vivid and cutting nails occurs painlessly in a dream, you should expect changes associated with relatives, partners or acquaintances.

    Why do you dream of cutting your nails? Nails in dream books are interpreted the same way and mean doing some kind of work. Moreover, if there is a payment for this work, then you should not expect a lot of money. The more trimmed nails you see in a dream, the greater the accumulation of accumulated cases and problems that will need to be resolved in the near future. These problems can be solved by themselves if in a dream you see how nails are cut, but the remains of them are not visible. If you see trimmed nails, then little effort will have to be made to resolve matters. If the nails of a sleeping person are cut, then quarrels and omissions with friends and relatives are soon possible. Is cutting your nails painful? This means that conflicts will inflict a deep mental wound on the sleeper.

    The very process of losing nails in a dream is a sign of loss. If trimmed nails are scattered around the sleeping person, then this means confusion in personal affairs. You will need concentration, balance and a confident focus on solving personal matters.

    To see someone cutting their nails in a dream means that unexpected illnesses or the inability to help someone in a difficult situation are possible in reality. Carefully cutting your own nails in a dream, and then picking them up and throwing them away is a harbinger of the onset of calm and peace in real life. The sleeper needs to focus on himself, his problems, think about the meaning of life, understand the situations happening to him, somewhere even philosophize and find that necessary thread in life that will lead him along the path of success and victories. Such a concentrated process of cutting nails promises unity of soul and body, finding the meaning of life and overcoming all obstacles on the path of life. Seeing dirty nails in a dream is a bad sign. It is quite possible that envious people and gossip will appear.

    If a young man dreams of cutting his nails, this means loneliness in solving problems; he should not rely on anyone in life and count on someone’s help. You will have to decide everything yourself. If a girl has a similar dream, then she will have to travel from her home; it may be a simple trip, but some separation from her homeland will happen. If in a dream a girl cuts someone’s nails, then in reality she will need to put in a lot of effort to achieve success. If you dream that your nails are trimmed and all the sharp corners are neatly removed, then you will experience unexpected and long-term success, honor and climbing the career ladder without special effort. If you see nails in a dream and are dissatisfied with the manicure done, then you should expect troubles that relatives or friends will help you deal with.

    It is also important to see the condition of your nails in a dream. Clean and healthy nails are a good sign of quick success; dirty and broken nails will bring loss and illness. Pain when cutting nails in a dream promises mental anguish and significant losses; the pleasant process of cutting nails is a solution to pressing problems.

    Cutting nails in a dream is a natural process in reality. This doesn't mean you have to wait for news of death or loss. dear people. Such a dream is interpreted as the need to deal more with one’s problems, to involve friends and relatives in solving them, or to provide assistance in solving pressing matters oneself.

    Depending on the details, a dream can have many interpretations. Cutting your nails in a dream is a sign of a lot of accumulated work. However, the payment for it will be moderate. If your nails are cut in a dream, then the dream predicts quarrels and conflicts with friends and relatives. It can also portend small losses. Taking care of your nails may indicate that you are trying to bring order to your soul. In addition, in real life you will be interested in details and particulars in all matters. A dream where someone is cutting their nails sometimes indicates a person's impotence and a possible illness without complications.

    Young man, nail clipper himself in a dream, must rely on his own strength, without even relying on relatives. For a girl, such a dream promises separation from home. If she cuts other people's nails, then it's time for her to work hard to achieve success.

    Dream Interpretation Nails, why do you dream about seeing Nails in a dream

    Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Nails in a dream?

    Seeing Toenails - lies on you a large number of responsibilities, you will have to achieve everything through hard work and you won’t get a lot of money for it.

    Why do you dream about toenails - if they are well-groomed, they indicate that your health is in order. If your toenails are torn out, beware of injury and damage. Broken toenails mean financial failure.

    Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about Nails:

    According to the dream book Nails - Nails, due to their shape, are a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the removal of nails from something. If a man sees that he is inserting his nails into something, then this symbolizes his desire to express sexual activity, and also reflects some elements of aggressive behavior and violence.

    If a woman sees a man putting his nails into something, then this reflects the woman’s desire to have sexual intercourse with this man. If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something, this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to have more strength, and, perhaps, aggressiveness. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies.

    If a man sees himself having difficulty inserting his nails into an object, this image may symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence.

    If a woman sees a similar image, then this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I feel. that she is sexually frigid.

    Why do you dream about nails? - If a person, regardless of gender, sees the image of removing nails from something, this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to pull away, to withdraw from sexual or emotional contact. If a person sees that he is scratching himself, then this image speaks of aversion to sexual contact and negative emotions in connection with sexual activity.

    The image of nails may indicate existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of another person through alien interventions and influences. In some cases, if this image is present, you should pay close attention to the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology.

    Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Nails according to the dream book:

    Nails - Cutting your nails in a dream or getting a manicure means caring about your image. Biting your nails in a dream means thinking in reality about some situation.

    Women's dream book A woman often dreams about Nails.

    What does it mean to see nails in a dream - Seeing nails in your dreams means a lot of work for little reward. Putting them in order means performing modest but noble work. Neglected or broken nails portend illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream means shame and dishonor, which will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

    Russian folk dream book In a dream, why do you dream about Nails:

    Nails - Symbolize health, but can be a means of magical manipulation.

    Big dream book Why do you dream about Nails:

    Nails - Long - disappointed hopes; short - haste; sick - disappointed hopes; pulling out nails means reconciliation with relatives. Fingers are very beautiful - happiness in love; pointing a finger - big changes; an extra finger is an inheritance; lost - litigation; scratching your finger - profit; cut off - trouble for a friend; burn - enter into a second marriage; a hand without fingers means losing children.

    Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about Nails:

    Why do you dream of Nails - Seeing them longer than usual means great profit; shorter than ordinary ones is a sign of loss and displeasure; cutting them off foreshadows dishonor, harm and a family quarrel; Pulling out nails marks the confluence of all troubles, threatens illness and even death itself.

    Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does nails mean?

    Why do you dream about Nails? According to grandmothers’ legends, people with “rising suns” or transverse lines on their nails will be lucky. Seeing white lines on your nails means new things, fortunately. Paying attention to the nails of a stranger, on which “rising suns” are clearly expressed, is a sign of envy and unkind attitude on the part of people you don’t even know. To see a child who carefully cleans his nails - this dream indicates pedantry and panache that will be impossible to overcome; to a person who will make a lasting impression on you.

    Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What do nails mean?

    Nails - Long - disappointed hopes; short - haste; brilliant - unexpected news, deceitful friend; trim - to failure; clinging with nails - to glory; suddenly grew - money, wealth, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

    Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Nails?

    The meaning of the dream in the dream book: Nails - Long nails in a dream - your plans are burned through and will not come true; short, cut - haste, vanity. Seeing people grow is a sign of extreme old age, as the dream book predicts.

    Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Nails in a dream?

    See in a dream

    Nails - To have long, beautifully cut nails in a dream means to receive wealth and honor in reality. Having unusually long nails means trouble, cruelty; cutting your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel. If you bite your nails in a dream, it means you will receive a gift. Having shiny nails means unexpected news. For a man to see a woman have a bright manicure in a dream - to danger. If a woman dreams that she is getting a manicure, it means buying new clothes or purchasing something expensive.

    Spring dream book Why do you dream about Nails according to the dream book?

    Seeing in a dream If you dream of Nails - Cutting your nails in a dream means illness, biting your nails means confusion.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Why do you dream about Nails - A symbol of acquisition, conflict. Dirty - a shame. Cutting your hair means losing money or a lover. Beautiful, long - for money or a new connection; business acumen, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

    French dream book Seeing Nails in a dream, why?

    Interpretation of the dream book: Nails – Dreaming of excessively long nails is a sign that you will soon become rich. If you dreamed of too short nails, big losses await you. Cutting your nails in a dream is a harbinger of family discord. Pulled nails are a very bad sign: misfortune will soon befall you if you do not show foresight.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Why do you dream of Nails - A warning about danger, someone’s or your own aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautiful, well-groomed nails reflect security. (See also Fingers.) Cutting, biting nails, having them cut short - losses, powerlessness, disagreements. Seeing long nails, clinging to nails - showing vanity, cruel behavior. Getting a manicure means hiding your intentions.

    Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of Nails in a dream:

    Why do you dream of Nails - Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward. Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest. Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

    Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Nails in a dream

    Nails – Long on the fingers - help in trouble; short - sadness; pull out - need; trimming means disputes and stagnation.

    Esoteric dream book If you dream about Nails:

    Nails - Test on the way. You choose the path of testing yourself. Broken nail test passed. Long, long path of testing, you will have to “climb up a sheer cliff.” Clumsy, dirty, very unpleasant situations from which you need to get out of with honor.

    Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Nails in a Dream

    In a dream, why do you dream about Nails - Clean long - good luck, profit - dirty - melancholy, grief - long on the fingers - help in trouble - short - sadness - pull out - need - trim - disputes, stagnation

    Summer dream book Why do you dream about Nails according to the dream book?

    What does it mean to see Nails in a dream - To see in a dream how you are weeding a garden without gloves, and then to see your dirty, broken nails - unfortunately, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

    Why do you dream of biting your nails? - Biting your nails in a dream means you are powerless to fix something.

    Lunar dream book If you dream about Nails:

    Nails: long – Frustrated hopes; short - haste; dirty - annoyance; to gnaw - to have a grudge.

    Nails, claws - “To scratch out a place for yourself,” “to sharpen your claws on someone” (hatred, anger); “to scratch someone’s eyes out” - revenge, rivalry; “to grab something (someone) with your claws.” “press to the fingernail” - expose, put in a hopeless position.

    Why do you dream of Fingernails – Large – profit // grief, the plan will not come true; short, trimmed - loss, poverty, haste, vanity; small ones - failure; brilliant - unexpected news; cutting your hair - resentment, quarrel, failure; pull out - illness, trouble, death; gnawing - loss; grow - very old age; suddenly grew - wealth, money.

    Marigolds - Marigold flowers seen in a dream prophesy a gross deception, of which you may become a victim. After such a dream, it is necessary to exercise caution and prudence and not commit rash actions.

    Dream Interpretation Fingernails

    Why do you dream about fingernails in a dream according to the dream book?

    Why do you dream about fingernails? If they are short, you will be overcome by melancholy, your mood will worsen. Long nails indicate the need to avoid open conflicts and quarrels.

    Broken fingernails symbolize the end of a period of failures and difficulties that have been present in your life recently.

    What happened to your fingernails in your dream?

    Why do you dream of cutting your fingernails?

    Cutting your fingernails - such an action is regarded by the dream book as making a meaningful and independent choice of a difficult path in life, full of trials and difficulties.

    Seeing your fingernails in a dream

    If you dream about your fingernails, the plot symbolizes aggression, the desire to receive protection from other people’s influence, which does not allow you to fully realize yourself and your own capabilities.

    I dreamed that my fingernails were cut off while I was sleeping

    To dream that your fingernails were cut off while you were sleeping means that they are trying to pacify you, influence your life, force you to do something against your will.

    Why do you dream about fingernails?

    A person sees dreams every night, but he remembers few of them, so it is important to try to remember as many details as possible in order to correctly decipher the symbols seen. If you dreamed about fingernails, then it’s worth remembering what they were like and what you did with them.

    Why do you dream about fingernails?

    Seeing beautiful and well-groomed nails in a dream is a good sign, predicting financial stability and a good position in society. A night vision in which you had to get a manicure is a good sign, indicating that you will soon have to do some important and good work. Short and neat nails- a symbol of stability and peace. If you had to bite your nails, then you should expect a quick gift that will bring a lot of positive emotions. A dream about dirty nails promises trouble in a team, and finding a compromise will not be easy. If a nail falls off in a dream, it means that you will soon be able to get rid of a relationship that no longer brings positive emotions.

    Why dream of cutting your fingernails?

    Such a plot means that the time has come to cast aside the burden of the past, which does not allow us to move into a happy future. In one of the dream books, a dream where nails were to be cut is a harbinger of conflicts, and they can arise both in the family and at work. For girls, such a dream promises separation from loved ones.

    Why dream of painting your fingernails?

    Such a dream means that you should soon expect a fan to appear in your life, who will be attentive and give you a lot of positive emotions. Another similar plot is a symbol of prosperity.

    Why do you dream about long fingernails?

    Long nails in a dream foreshadow the onset of difficult period, which will not end soon. A dream in which there were huge nails on the hands length, indicates that the dreamer too often shows his strength of character and even harshness. For young girls, such a dream can promise success in the love sphere.

    Why do you dream about broken fingernails?

    If the nails were broken, then this can be taken as a warning that the dreamer has chosen a very difficult path in life, filled with difficulties and trials. The dream book recommends stopping and seeing if there is an easier road nearby. If only one nail is broken, it means that a minor conflict may provoke the development of serious problems in the future. A dream where a person breaks his nails is a warning about a possible illness.

    The dream can have two meanings, depending on who is cutting the nails. If you do this, then you need to take into account that it is better to wait with new beginnings. Now is not the right time for them. If a mature woman cuts her nails, she will experience an improvement in her relationship with her husband or loved one. If a man does this, then the dream warns him from troubles in business. One of his colleagues or ill-wishers is trying to interfere with his career.

    If a man in his dream cuts the nails of someone else, then success will not be slow to come, and career growth is guaranteed to him. A woman cutting someone's nails in her dream is most likely dreaming of relaxation in reality. If a guy cuts another person's nails, success in business and good luck in love await him.

    Most often, a dream in which long nails appear is favorable. If they are beautiful and well trimmed, unexpected financial gains, fame and fortune await you. This is a sign of imminent improvement financial situation. If the nails in your dream are longer than usual, expect success in business. If they are shorter, then losses and minor failures are possible.

    Long fingernails are also a symbol of help. Depending on the details of the dream, you will be supported or you will lend a helping hand. If the nails are extremely long and present an unpleasant sight, the dream promises cruelty that can happen in reality. Or it says that your soul has become hardened. A negative interpretation of this dream could be that long nails are a hindrance in some business.

    Cutting toenails

    Dream Interpretation Cutting toenails dreamed of why you dream of cutting your toenails? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see toenails being cut in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Cutting nails

    Lesion; big quarrels.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning. False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this. Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated. If your nails are yellow, sick, or break, you will have to work hard for little pay. If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason. If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal. If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves. If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble. If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles. If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out), this is a very bad dream and may mean the loss of a loved one. Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others. If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends. If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s. Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age. Excessively short nails mean a short life. Seeing toenails is a sign of travel. If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant. Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

    A universal way to work out a dream about nails is to imagine that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    A dream in which you see your fingernails has a positive meaning, while your toenails have a negative meaning. Too long nails mean disaster when you need the help of friends. Short, bitten nails portend sad events that you yourself will cause.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means a difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure means you will have to agree to conditions that are unfavorable for you; getting a pedicure means the work will not bring you joy, much less material wealth.

    Broken nails mean that you will fall into delusion about a matter into which you will not be fully privy. Sick, fallen nails portend that you will personally encounter need. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel.

    A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them means success in business and revenge on your offenders awaits you.

    If someone scratches you with their sharp nails, this means failure and illness in the family. Neglected nails with dirt accumulated under them predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, and discord with a loved one. Seeing cat claws instead of nails indicates that in pursuit of dubious pleasures you may succumb to bad influences.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    If you dream that you are cutting your nails, then someone will treat you very cruelly, although you do not deserve it. Polishing your nails in a dream means that you will cherish some desire within yourself. The shine of nails in a dream foreshadows deception or a false relationship. Beautiful, long, well-groomed nails in a dream portend good luck and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts the respect of others.

    A broken nail in a dream is a sign of disappointed hopes. If you dream that your nail is pulled out, then great misfortune awaits you in a fight or on the road. Sometimes such a dream predicts a mortal wound. Pulling out your own nail in a dream means that you must make peace with a loved one. A dream in which you saw that nails grabbed you means: expect noisy praise from others. Seeing nails growing in a dream means fame and recognition. If you dream that your nails have grown, then success in business and wealth await you. See interpretation: hands, palm, fingers.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    The condition of nails in a dream: symbolizes the character of a person and his behavior in society.

    To dream that someone you know has neat, clean nails means that in reality you can safely deal with this person.

    Cleanliness of your nails in a dream: indicates that good manners and the ability to behave in society can significantly help you in life.

    Dirt under your nails: a sign of shame. It is possible that gossip or intrigue of ill-wishers will lead to a serious conflict.

    Painted nails in a dream: symbolize cunning and deceit.

    Long, sharp nails: warn of the possibility of a quarrel.

    Broken nail in a dream: indicates that some kind of conflict can leave a very painful mark.

    Chipped nails: a sign of powerlessness and difficult experiences.

    Cutting your nails in a dream means that it doesn’t bother you to somewhat tame your character by learning to behave appropriately in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Long, beautifully trimmed nails - receive wealth and honor.

    Dreaming of unusually long nails means trouble and cruelty.

    Trimming your nails means resentment, irritation, quarrel.

    If you bite your nails, you will receive a gift.

    Shiny nails - to unexpected news.

    Seeing a bright manicure on a woman means danger for a man.

    Getting a manicure in a dream means for a woman to buy new outfits or purchase something expensive.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Having long, beautifully trimmed nails means wealth, honor, unexpected money.

    To have long nails is a nuisance / to commit cruelty or to have cruel thoughts / to be spiritually similar to a corpse in some way.

    Having short-cut nails means you have no strength to fight / resistance and conflicts pose a great danger for you.

    Cutting your nails means resentment, quarrel, irritation.

    Cutting out a dug-in nail is a need, a loss.

    Biting your nails (wiping wet hands) is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Looking at your nails in a dream is a lot of work.

    Putting your nails in order means you will perform some noble deed.

    Neglected nails are a shame.

    Nail biting is a disease.

    You see, even in a dream it turns out that “thinking about the beauty of your nails” is useful.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Beautiful, clean, long - luck, wealth, honor.

    Having very long nails is a nuisance, cruelty.

    Short nails mean powerlessness in the fight; resistance is fraught with danger.

    Dirty nails - melancholy, poverty.

    Cutting your nails means quarrel, resentment, irritation.

    Biting your nails is a gift.

    Dream Interpretation - Nails

    Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward.

    Tidying up your nails means that you will engage in noble work, even if it is very modest.

    Seeing neglected or broken nails means illness and failure in business.

    Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of things.

    I dreamed that I was cutting my nails, trying to remove an ingrown toenail and bleeding


    Oleg Shishkin

    Seeing nails in a dream, such dreams are explained depending on what kind of nails you saw. If someone dreams that his nails are longer than usual, it means that the one who saw this dream will receive honor and this is a good dream. But if your nails seem shorter than usual in a dream, then this predicts loss and displeasure.
    Interpretation of dreams of cutting nails.
    Dream of cutting nails in a dream. In a dream, cutting your nails or cutting your nails in a dream. Cutting nails in a dream - If someone sees in a dream that someone is cutting his nails, then this predicts loss, troubles and a quarrel with relatives and friends for the person who saw such a dream.
    The dream of toenails in a dream carries the same meaning as on the hands, perhaps even stronger, it is not associated with the external (like hands), but rather with the fundamental main aspects of a person’s life (where we stand, as they say). All kinds of misfortunes and even the danger of being mortally wounded are predicted by dreams where a person sees that his nails have been torn out.

    Nails, as is known, are identified with social life person: his status in society, burden with affairs. Dreams can tell a lot about the dreamer's health and physical capabilities.
    What did you do with your nails in your dream?

    • Online Dream Interpretation: nails are identified with your ability to withstand difficulties, solve problems and behave in society.
    • Dream Interpretation: sawing your nails means you need to activate your entire vital reserve of strength. Events come that require maximum composure from you, the ability to look at things soberly and not give in to panic.
    • Dream Interpretation: filing your nails - someone wants to harm you or convince you of something. So you will have to either defend yourself or defend your life principles and views on life.
    • Dream Interpretation: biting your nails - there are many temptations around. Don’t give in to them, don’t give in to the persuasion and provocations of others. If you show weakness, you will not be able to avoid big trouble.
    • Dream Interpretation: painting your nails is a good sign. In work - success, in business - prosperity. On a subconscious level, you desperately strive to live beautifully, as in the TV series. But be careful, yes, while you are the darling of fate and luck is next to you, but do not forget about your soul in the pursuit of material wealth, otherwise everything can change in a minute.
    • Dream interpretation: broken nails - trouble ahead. You won't be able to avoid them, but you can minimize the damage they cause. All that is needed for this is to decide on your own, without the advice of friends, girlfriends and acquaintances, whether you are going the right way and whether you can really realize what you want in reality?
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your nails - all the things put off for later come upon you at once. Well, now you have to figure it all out, because as practice shows, work postponed until later does not bode well for anything other than turmoil and hassle.
    • Cleaning your nails in a dream means stagnation and uncertainty are expected in business. Do not succumb to deceptive calm, continue to work actively, keep yourself busy with something. Otherwise, such a lull will lead to a complete reluctance to work and, as a result, to stress or depression.

    What kind of nails did you dream about?

    What happened to your nails in your dream?

    • The dream “the nail fell off” - well, your period of bad luck and ridiculous misunderstandings is over. You can confidently move on.
    • Seeing a broken nail in a dream means you exaggerate your strengths and capabilities. Evaluate things and situations realistically; not every job will be suitable for everyone.
    • Why dream of broken extended nails - an annoying misunderstanding will completely deprive you of your advantage over your ill-wishers or competitors.
    • Dream Interpretation: nails fall off - you will be able to overcome yourself and break with relationships that have long become a real burden for you.
    • Why do you dream about “false nails falling off” - your plans are not destined to come true, your own health will seriously let you down.
    • The “cracked nail” dream book gives the following explanation: you are too unconfident and childish. This is why life passes by. Complexes and fears have almost completely destroyed your self-esteem and self-confidence. Start doing something before it's too late.
    • The dream of “nail tears” means poor health, problems at work or in business. You need to bide your time and do nothing.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Modern dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: nail polish - you carefully guard and hide your intentions from others.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your nails - most likely you have a lot of different things to do and you don’t know what you should give priority to.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting toenails - negative emotions, a disorder associated with unwanted relocation or personnel changes at work.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your fingernails - a situation will occur that will completely deprive you of self-confidence.
    • Dream Interpretation: red nails - everything will get better soon, your quarrels and conflicts with others will remain in the past, you will be able to establish relationships with them.
    • Dream Interpretation: Dirty nails are a shame, an offensive situation, a major nuisance that will become public knowledge.
    • Dream Interpretation: big nails - you are in vain cherishing the hope of realizing your plans. These are ghostly dreams.
    • Dream Interpretation: a nail falls off - major material losses.
    • Dream Interpretation: painting your nails with varnish means you carefully hide your true nature from others, thereby wanting to have an undeniable advantage over your competitors.
    • Dream Interpretation: filing your nails with a file - a noble, very responsible, but, alas, low-paid job awaits you.
    • Dream Interpretation: choosing nail polish means carefully hiding your plans, goals and intentions from others.
    • Dream Interpretation: your nails are peeling - your aggressiveness towards others deprives you of excellent prospects in work.

    Islamic dream book

    Dream Interpretation of Meridian

    • Dream Interpretation: seeing nails means you have a lot of things to do and responsibilities, but your bosses still won’t appreciate your zeal.
    • Dream interpretation: extended nails - to others you appear to be a completely different person, hiding your true essence.
    • Dream “big toenails” - be more attentive to what is happening around you, you miss a lot of little things that can help you solve your problems.
    • Breaking your nails in a dream means that in the near future you will be able to achieve great success in your work.
    • Dream of “cutting your nails” - pay close attention to your health.
    • Painting your nails with red polish in a dream means you will make peace with your loved ones, even if you haven’t communicated with them for a long time.
    • The dream of “painting your toenails” means you are too correct and pedantic.
    • Interpretation of dreams: dirty fingernails - troubles, serious troubles regarding career, health.
    • Seeing nail polish in a dream means that you will have to show cunning and ingenuity in communicating with work colleagues.
    • Cutting another person's nails in a dream means competition for the desired position.
    • Losing your nails in a dream means in reality a major financial loss, loss of strength or a serious illness.
    • Cutting the nails of a deceased person in a dream means you will have an excellent opportunity to harmonize relationships with people close to you.
    • The nail of your right hand in a dream means the emergence of wonderful prospects and opportunities to express yourself at work.
    • Dream " beautiful nails in your hands” - all troubles are temporary, success and prosperity, prosperity and wealth await you.

    Solomon's Dream Book

    • This dream book interpretation of dreams “nail” gives the following: the internal state of the dreamer: thoughts, goals, energy.
    • Nails breaking in a dream means you are losing hope. Try to look at the situation more objectively, because any troubles are temporary. And how long such a period will last depends only on your attitude, faith in your strengths and abilities.
    • Seeing “painting your nails” in a dream is a good omen: you will succeed. But act slowly, gradually implementing your plans into reality. There is no need for haste here.
    • “Tearing off your nails” a dream of this kind means that you are harming yourself. By not paying attention to the little things, you are missing out on great opportunities and prospects.

    Dream interpretation of bitches

    Azar's Dream Book

    • Why do you dream of cutting your toenails - waiting for you long road. This is either an unwanted business trip or an unwanted move.
    • Why do you dream of a cracked nail – a serious illness. Don't hesitate to visit your doctor, even if you feel well. There are a lot of dangerous diseases that occur in a latent form.
    • Why dream of painting your toenails - you are trying to seem too correct and ideal to others - you are overacting.
    • Why dream of broken fingernails - you have taken on a task that is beyond your strength. Give it up before it's too late, otherwise you will have to sacrifice your reputation, which will completely deprive you of the opportunity to climb the career ladder.
    • Why dream of dirty fingernails - you will become a victim of slander and gossip.
    • Why do you dream about a sore nail - you don’t have enough vital energy to work and fight against competitors. (cm. )
    • Why dream about nail polish - you will be able to defend your position. But try to do this calmly, do not give in to emotions, otherwise you may fall into the trap of provocateurs.

    Dream Interpretation Magini

    Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

    • Seeing fingernails in a dream means a lot of hard work awaits you. If you are expecting big earnings, it is in vain. This business will not bring you decent pay. Don’t be upset, treat this as another test in life, consider it a test of your strength.
    • Seeing “cutting toenails” in a dream means problems: quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings in the family.
    • Dream “cut nails” - gossip and gossip around you. They will damage your reputation.
    • A fallen nail in a dream is a financial loss. Carefully analyze everything you or those who work with you do. Do not act rashly or in a fit of emotion, this will allow you to avoid financial losses.
    • Dream “dirt under your fingernails” - do not be like your enemies in the fight for what you want, try to maintain your dignity.
    • Dream “broken nails” - your dreams and hopes are not destined to come true. Don't worry, postpone the implementation of your plans until a later period.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

    • This dream book interpretation of dreams “nail” gives the following: problems with self-esteem, uncertainty, doubts in one’s abilities. Often they are caused by some more powerful and tough person from the outside.
    • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about nails - you are too overwhelmed with work. There are so many things you can't handle.
    • Dream Interpretation: painting your fingernails means your health is in perfect order.

    Autumn dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your nails means you spend too much time on your appearance and forget about your health.
    • Dream Interpretation: a nail breaks - an unpleasant situation will make you seriously think about the current state of affairs and analyze what you have been able to achieve at the moment.
    • The dream book gives the following explanation for “tearing off a nail”: serious illness, failures in business and at work.
    • Dream Interpretation: black nails - if you fail to look at things realistically and soberly assess the existing situation, shame and dishonor will fall on you.
    • Dream Interpretation: painting your nails with varnish on your hands means you are too dishonest towards others.

    Russian folk dream book

    Gypsy dream book

    • “Nails” interpretation according to the dream book has the following: you have a lot of work, troubles and worries ahead of you, but whether you will receive a decent reward for this is unknown.
    • Dream Interpretation: a broken fingernail means vain expectations and hopes. Nothing will change anytime soon.
    • Dream Interpretation: Dirty toenails mean you have a long journey ahead of you. Your journey will be unpleasant, troublesome and burdened with problems. If you are going on vacation, it is better to postpone it for a while; if you are going on a business trip, be patient.
    • Dream Interpretation: sick nails - deception, disappointment.
    • Cutting your nails in a dream means that you are too obsessed with your reputation. You hide a lot and try to seem different from the person you really are.
    • Dream Interpretation: painting your nails with red varnish means success, prosperity, and well-being await you.

    Freud's Dream Book

    • What does “nails” mean in a dream - fear of unwanted pregnancy in women, in men, fear of paternity, insincerity of a partner, fear of being caught “on the hook”.
    • Cutting your fingernails in a dream means safe sexual intercourse using reliable contraception.
    • The dream book interprets nails painted with varnish as follows: in real life, you yourself prefer to buy contraception; your peace is most important to you.
    • The dream book gives the following explanation for “removing nails”: the contraceptives you use may not be effective.
    • Dirt under your nails in a dream is a warning: refrain from casual relationships, there is a high risk of contracting a dangerous sexually transmitted disease.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Dream Interpretation Veles

    • Why dream that a nail is broken - major losses await you.
    • Why dream that your nail is tearing off - a serious illness.
    • Why dream of having your nails cut - circumstances will be such that you will have to pacify your proud disposition.
    • Why do you dream of fungus on your nails - your thoughts are far from good.
    • Why do you dream of big toenails - you are full of strength and anger and are ready to fight your enemies.

    Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

    • If you dream of extended nails, financial success and increased vitality lie ahead.
    • Why do you dream of sore nails - carefully monitor the actions and words of the younger members of your family, otherwise you will face great shame.
    • Why do you dream of black nails - you have problems to overcome. Their solution will be difficult for you.
    • Why do you dream of “red nails” - you will prevail over ill-wishers and enemies. To do this, you have enough arrogance, ingenuity and strength.
    • Why do you dream about “your fingernails breaking” - you yourself prefer to take the difficult road, but this is not always justified.
    • Why do you dream about “the nail fell off” - you successfully passed the exam that life prepared for you. Then luck awaits you.
    • Why dream of cutting your fingernails - you are weaker than your enemies.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    • The dream of “cutting your toenails” means everything goes well. After a major quarrel, you will make peace with those whom you considered your enemies. If you feel bad, you will feel much better very soon.
    • Why do you dream of sore toenails - you are too emotional and not restrained. Try to tame your emotions. Learn to think carefully before you say or do anything.
    • Dream interpretation: a toenail falls off - things you have long forgotten will suddenly appear. They will have a strong influence on the state of ongoing affairs and the implementation of your plans. Don't put them off any longer.
    • Why do you dream of a torn toenail - pay close attention to the state of your health, or better yet, get examined.
    • Dream interpretation: big toenails - you are tormenting yourself with backbreaking work. Learn to delegate responsibilities between your subordinates and employees. You have taken on excessive responsibility.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your fingernails means you will have to work very, very hard to provide yourself and your family with everything you need.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your toenails means personnel changes at work or a forced move to another city.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting a child’s nails means family troubles and worries will overwhelm you. Try not to let your family worries interfere with your work. Learn to combine things and family life, do not tell anyone what is happening on your personal front.
    • Dream Interpretation: biting your fingernails is a big disappointment in a person who has been attractive to you for a long time.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

    • What does it mean to see nails in a dream - do not rush to solve matters and problems. Approach these questions with clear thoughts. Haste and thoughtless actions will harm you.
    • Dream “cutting nails” - you will not be able to solve the problems that have arisen, come to terms with this outcome.
    • Seeing “painting your nails with varnish” in a dream means good luck in business and work, prosperity, increased income.
    • Why dream of cutting your fingernails - disputes and conflicts will be caused by your wrong actions.
    • Cutting your toenails in a dream means the following in this dream book: there are undesirable changes ahead that will affect the position you occupy.
    • Why dream of painting your nails with varnish is a good sign: success and prosperity in business, self-realization.

    American dream book

    • What does it mean to cut your nails in a dream - chores, small matters or disputes and conflict situations. The most important thing is to keep your thoughts clear. Try to avoid conflicts and people who will provoke them.
    • Why dream of cutting your toenails - serious problems will arise in business that you will have to solve as soon as possible in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
    • Why do you dream about “painting your nails in a dream” - be careful not to fall for the flattering speeches of a traitor. Everything you tell him, he will definitely use to his advantage.

    English dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: red nail polish - predicts you great love and true feelings without deception, intrigue and quarrels.
    • Dream Interpretation: white nail polish - predicts sorrows and unpleasant news. Nothing new is expected in the relationship yet. And if you wanted to do something, put it off until later.
    • Dream Interpretation: painting your nails with black varnish means troubles and problems. They will affect all areas of your life: family, personal relationships, work. But this will be a short period, so be patient.
    • Dream " blue nails“- means that in any situation you will be able to maintain calm and clarity of thoughts. Continue to act in the same way, this way you will be able to discourage your ill-wishers.

    French dream book

    Indian dream book
    “Cutting your nails” dream interpretation of dreams gives the following - beware of wrong actions. Analyze situations, do not give in to emotions.
    Small dream book

    Ukrainian dream book

    • Take off your “nails” - the state of your health, the ability to adapt to the environment.
    • Seeing long fingernails in a dream means you are relying too much on your illusory hopes.
    • Seeing your nails cut in a dream means that you are too impatient.
    • Seeing dirty nails in a dream is a sign of disappointment.
    • Why dream of biting your nails is a great insult. You should not express it to your offenders. They still won’t understand you, and you will show your weaknesses. Next time it will be easier for your ill-wishers to influence you.
    • Why dream of filing your nails - your problems will be easily resolved, and you won’t have to put any effort into it.
    • Why dream that your nails are peeling - serious troubles and difficulties in communicating with others at work await you.
    • Why do you dream of “painted nails” - be more attentive to details. Try to think ahead about what you do or say.
    • Seeing a bunch of cut nails in a dream means that you have enough fortitude to prevail over opponents and unfortunate circumstances.

    Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

    • What does it mean when you dream of nails - changes are coming. Their reason is your character or state of health.
    • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about fingernails - you will have to work a lot, but this work will not bring you moral satisfaction or money. Be patient. If you show yourself to be a responsible and meticulous worker, this will help you climb up the career ladder in the future.
    • Why dream of cutting nails - deprivation, need. It's not forever. You should make every effort to harmonize your internal state. For now, you should solve existing problems and finish old things.
    • Why dream about a toenail falling off - the bright dreams that you had for a long trip will not come true, you will be seriously disappointed.
    • Why do you dream of overgrown nails - you are too preoccupied with worries and do not pay attention to the little things that would help you correct the situation.
    • Why dream of cleaning your nails - you will have to try hard to preserve your good name.
    • Why dream of painted fingernails - good luck and, accordingly, good profits await you.
    • Why dream of cutting toenails - you have to do a noble job. If you do it well, you will be noticed by your superiors; if you do it poorly, they will forget about you as a promising employee.

    Housewife's Dream Interpretation

    • Why do you dream about “nails in a dream”? Such a dream warns that you may need protection and a lot of energy in solving upcoming problems.
    • Why do you dream about “the toenail falling off” - unexpected troubles await you on the road where you are about to go.
    • Why do you dream of big fingernails - a lot of unfinished business, troubles, worries, vanity.
    • Why do you dream about dirty toenails? They are trying to set you up.
    • Why dream of cutting your child’s nails - one of your relatives will have serious health problems.
    • Why dream that you have extended your nails - a promising job awaits you.
    • Why dream that a nail has peeled off - you are about to face a serious battle with your enemies. Most likely, this will just be a verbal skirmish, but try to handle it with honor and not get personal.
    • Why dream of buying nail polish - you are not too honest with those who are next to you.
    • Why do you dream of blue nails - you have an unpleasant job ahead of you that you cannot refuse.
    • Why dream of extended fingernails - you carefully hide your thoughts, feelings and intentions from others.
    • Why dream of cut nails - lost opportunities and prospects.
    • Why do you dream of cutting your nails - quarrels, conflicts, serious disagreements, losses.
    • Why dream that your nails are falling out means loss of connection with loved ones.
    • Why do you dream of broken nails - to failure, loss of strength, stress and depression.
    • Why do you dream about rotten nails - gossip and rumors?
    • Why do you dream of white nails - you look at the world and the people around you from a new perspective: with positivity and tenderness.
    • Why do you dream of fungus on your toenails - a strong need awaits you, how long it will last is unknown.
    • Why dream of a cracked nail - a big rift with a loved one, a major quarrel, trouble.
    • Why dream of choosing nail polish - your intentions, which you so carefully protect from others, can cause you to be drawn into an intrigue from which only you will suffer.
    • Why do you dream of other people's nails - someone desperately needs your help and attracts your attention with offensive words.

    Love dream book

    Old Russian dream book

    • This dream book gives the following interpretation of the dream “toenails”: you have to work long and hard. This will affect your physical and mental state.
    • The dream of “breaking your nails” means health problems or loss of wisdom.
    • In a dream, a sore nail can warn of serious illness in someone in your family.
    • “Cutting nails in a dream”, the dream book gives the following explanation: for the hard work you have done, you will not receive the decent payment you expected.
    • Seeing red nails in a dream means that you are too aggressive towards others.
    • The dream “dirty fingernails” symbolizes gossip, rumors, and unfair treatment.
    • The dream “rotten nails” promises the dreamer serious problems, a setup from others.
    • “Blood on your nails” dream warns that your unfair treatment of someone will become a serious problem for you.
    • Filing your nails in a dream means you have hard work to do on yourself. Assess your character traits and remove rudeness.

    Erotic dream book

    Women's dream book

    • Why dream of a broken extended nail - serious problems lie ahead. And the reason for this is a minor conflict, which you most likely will not attach special significance, which will completely deprive you of your advantage.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your toenails means a long journey: business trip, vacation, moving. Traveling will not bring you joy.
    • Cutting another person's toenails means your work will not be paid properly.
    • Seeing your nails being cut in a dream is a very good sign. A person will soon appear in your life who will provide you with invaluable help.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting your fingernails means financial problems, loss of self-confidence.
    • Dream interpretation: nails break - your health is in critical condition.
    • Dream Interpretation: nails falling out is a very bad sign, meaning a serious illness or the loss of a loved one.
    • Dream interpretation: dirty fingernails - if you fail to realistically assess the current situation, a stain of shame will fall on you and your loved ones, which will not be so easy to wash off.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    • Dreaming of nails - you have a lot of work, troubles, and worries ahead of you, but you shouldn’t count on reward.
    • Why dream of painting your nails with red varnish - if you do not show ingenuity, restraint and caution, you will be drawn into intrigues that will later turn into big troubles for you.
    • Dream interpretation: painting your toenails - in the near future you will find something valuable.
    • Cutting your nails in a dream means don’t start new things, now is the worst time for this.
    • Why do you dream of long nails - wealth, unexpected money (a bonus or an inheritance).
    • Why dream of long toenails - you have moved away from the spiritual world, you have become too cynical and cruel.
    • Why do you dream of short nails - now quarrels and conflicts are very dangerous for you, you do not have the strength to resist your ill-wishers.
    • Why dream: broken fingernails - serious illness, failure in business, lack of prospects.

    Slavic dream book

    • The meaning of the dream “nails” is identified with the state of your health.
    • Dream Interpretation: cutting off nails means trouble, collapse of hopes and plans.
    • Dream interpretation: the nail peels off - you have a serious choice to make.
    • Dream Interpretation: collecting cut nails - a period of peace begins in your life. Nothing new is expected. Please note that this period is not very good for starting some business.
    • Dream Interpretation: a toenail falls off - the upcoming long journey will not bring you joy or pleasure. If you have the opportunity, reschedule your trip to a later date.
    • Dream Interpretation: tear out your nails - be careful, there is a high risk of injury and serious damage.
    • Dream interpretation: fungus on the nails - the odds will not be in your favor.
    • Dream Interpretation: throwing away your nails - due to your shortsightedness and emotions, you will deprive yourself of wonderful opportunities and prospects.
    • Dream Interpretation: a nail comes off - someone from your environment is preventing your plans from coming true.
    • Dream Interpretation: rotten nails - you do not have enough strength to insist on your own. Your plans are not being realized.
    • Dream Interpretation: If you dreamed of a child having long nails, you will have serious problems and you cannot do without the help of your family and friends.
    • Dream Interpretation: trimming a cat’s nails means you will be the winner in a fight with your competitors or envious people and will be able to put them in their place.

    Esoteric dream book

    Vedic dream book

    • This dream book interpretation of dreams “nails” gives the following: a lot of work and trouble awaits you. Gain strength and patience and do not waste your energy.
    • Why do you dream about a lot of cut, other people’s nails - you are in danger from your envious people and ill-wishers. Be extremely careful when communicating with others.
    • Why dream of cutting your toenails - a lot of work awaits you. It is quite possible that you will not be able to do it, it will irritate you. But keep in mind that you still won’t get a decent payment for it.
    • Why dream of red nail polish - you are cunning and rather cynical. You wear a mask in front of others, hiding your true essence behind it. You have a huge advantage over your ill-wishers; they underestimate your abilities.
    • Why dream of breaking your fingernails - success in your career awaits you, perhaps there is a long road ahead or a business trip that will serve as an impetus for your career advancement.
    • Why do you dream of sore fingernails - take care of your health urgently, it is in critical condition.
    • Why dream about rotten toenails - you will lose your advantage over your opponents or competitors.
    • Why dream of filing your nails with a nail file - you have a strong desire to change something in your family or relationships with the opposite sex. Don't brush it off. Start paying more attention to those around you.
    • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of nail polish - be more attentive to various rumors and gossip. Do not believe them and do not trust the people who distribute them, you may become a victim of deception.
    • Why do you dream of an ingrown toenail - you are behaving incorrectly and have seriously miscalculated somewhere. If you fail to find and correct your mistake now, then in the future you will face bankruptcy or serious financial losses.

    Witchcraft dream book

    The main meaning of a dream with such a symbol as nails is work, the atmosphere in the team, the machinations and slander of employees and healthy competition. And if you dreamed of beautiful and well-groomed nails, then try to show yourself to the maximum in your service - your time has come.

    A dream where you had to cut your nails represents an unfavorable omen. We will try to find out what specific difficulties will appear on the path of a sleeping person in the interpretation of the dream book, which explains in detail why a manicure or pedicure is dreamed of, who did it, and also how it was done in a dream vision.

    Cutting your nails is a favorable sign associated with security or aggressiveness.

    Cutting on the fingers expresses sexual desire, and also opposition to the influence of surrounding individuals, if it differs from one’s own plans.

    If you dreamed about cutting your nails on your upper limbs, it means you have no choice. Miller's dream interpreter, in explaining the dream, emphasizes that you will agree to earn a little money just to do your favorite thing.

    Cutting your toenails embodies similar difficulties. However, the interpreter promises an increased reaction from the sleeping person, either contributing to an absurd situation or leading to something bad.

    If you dreamed about taking care of your toenails, what you are doing will bring you into strong emotions. As a result of a stressful situation, you will cause harm to others and also damage your reputation. Control your actions so that you don’t have to regain people’s respect again.

    As the dream book explains, cutting the nails on the lower extremities is a symbol that your new job will bring you not only irritation, but also low income. One way or another, remember what this means - you should keep your emotions under control and endure temporary problems with dignity.

    According to interpreter Loff, a pedicure in night dreams predicts the abandonment of plans to go on a trip due to insoluble circumstances.

    According to the Housewife's dream book, it is clear that the dreamer should not go on a trip if he happened to have his nails cut. This prophetic dream is considered to be a sign that you will become defenseless against impending threats.

    The main thing is to realize why you dream of cutting your own nails for the dreamer, who is currently protected by a patron: only your own incontinence will lead to the destruction of a relationship with an influential person.

    Did you dream that a certain person was caring for the beauty of the sleeping person’s hands by performing a manicure? You torment yourself with non-existent dreams. If the master was familiar to you, in reality, expect a certain trick from him.

    Unfulfilled hopes, offensive statements in front of the people around you - these are things that need to be predicted and gotten rid of in advance, rather than resisting the results - only for this it is worth finding out what such a vision portends. Do not rely on this person, do not involve him in your plans.

    Cutting your own nails in a dream - the interpreters’ explanation covers a whole list of troubles: from buying an expensive item to an unrealized contract - according to dream interpreter Miller, from past illusions to loss of authority in society.

    In your night dreams, doing beauty treatments on the fingernails and toenails of a stranger means that you are soon expected to confront his moose rivalry in work or building a business. If it was a male stranger, understand for yourself whether he can act as a rival to you, or whether you want to entice him with flirting.

    According to the dream book, when you dreamed of cutting your nails small child in a dream, this gives information about the lack of readiness to implement plans. At the same time, look at your surroundings - did you see how pranks are committed? In reality, this person focuses the attention of strangers, or he needs support.

    Why do you dream of carefully cutting the nails of the deceased when performing a ritual: you will have a chance to restore contact with your husband, normalize warm relations with your loved one. If you show warmth to the children, they will please mom and dad.

    If the dream refers to a manicure or pedicure, being attentive in reality will make it possible to prevent difficulties.

    Let's find out why one might dream of cutting one's nails in a dream, interpretation of the best dream books.

    Every person cuts their nails in reality and knows perfectly well what the action will lead to. improvement of its appearance. But what to expect if you cut your nails in a dream?

    Often this dream is perceived with horror, since there is an opinion that such dreams are connected with great losses in reality.

    To find out whether it is a stereotype or not, remember the dream in detail and carefully study the interpretations.

    What do these dreams mean for women?

    For ladies, such a dream is a harbinger of separation from their home. The shorter your nails are, the further you will go. If at the same time you were in a bad mood in a dream, most likely the separation will be very long.

    What do such dreams portend for men?

    The dream warns male representatives of betrayal and refusal of help. In this case, you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will have to "getting out" alone.

    Trimming fingernails with scissors

    If in a dream you cut your fingernails get ready for some work, the implementation of which will require the use of knowledge. Unfortunately, your work will not be rewarded the way you want it.

    Often such dreams indicate that you will soon have show mercy and do some work unselfishly.

    Why do you dream about trimming your toenails?

    Did you cut your toenails while you slept? Expect the unexpected physical work. The more vividly you remember the dream, the longer and more persistently you you'll have to work hard.

    Sometimes such dreams are associated with dishonest ways of making money, which entail a lot of problems. Resolutely avoid dubious offers, even if they are very large sums.

    If you cut your own nails in a dream

    The symbol means your unreadiness for implementation bold ideas. First, you should put your inner world in order, that is, put everything in order.

    Such a dream always foreshadows some kind of work that is difficult to avoid. But there is no need to even try to do this, because going through difficulties is an obligatory stage.

    In a dream you trimmed another person's nails

    The dream indicates a lack of knowledge and experience, which is a huge obstacle. Don't get your hopes up for the favor of higher powers and human patrons. You need to enrich the spiritual world by learning to do perfectly what is associated with your dreams.

    Did you cut your child's nails?

    This symbol warns, because you are probably inclined to act abruptly and rashly. Any wrong step you take can bring trouble. Exercise prudence more often so that the current situation does not turn into a problem.

    Observing the process from the outside

    These dreams carry little good in themselves, as they prophesy illnesses and losses. Watch your wallet and health, because at the moment all this is quite vulnerable.

    Sometimes such dreams are harbingers vicious circle or a hopeless situation. Often such a dream speaks of a desire, but impossibility, to help loved ones who find themselves in an extremely difficult situation.

    What to expect if your nails were cut in a dream?

    Unfortunately, dreams prophesy scandals with relatives. In addition to quarrels with relatives, manifestations of envy on the part of strangers and the appearance of gossip about your person are not excluded. Moreover, they will speak badly about you with only one purpose - to harm you.

    What was the result after the procedure?

    If the procedure was painful, and the result was not only trimmed nails, but also bloody wounds, try to get rid of everything that depresses you. The dream is a signal of your nervous system. Take things calmer, leave painful moments in the past and try to improve your life.

    The resulting ugly and too short nails are a harbinger of illness and unpleasant losses.

    If there is dirt left under your nails, you risk getting into trouble in the near future. shameful situation. Be careful about your surroundings, because a bouquet of troubles has been gathering for you for a long time.

    And here is the final result perfect manicure promises a path through thorns to the stars. Just a little more effort left to be at the desired height.

    If in a dream you only slightly trimmed your nails, but they remained long, expect material abundance.

    If in a dream you painted your nails after cutting them

    This is a fairly positive sign, indicating enlightenment and finding what you were striving for. You will finally find something you have been waiting for.

    If the color of the varnish was cold, for example, turquoise or blue, the dream foreshadows the discovery of truths and the receipt of important information. Warm varnish colors promise right choice crafts or professions.

    Why do you dream about cut nails?

    The tops of cut nails seen in a dream are a vivid symbol of the emergence of problems and difficulties in the situation that awaits you.

    It would be great if in a dream you carefully collected the cut marigolds and disposed of them. Is this what happened in the dream? You can do it solve all problems!

    If you had to trim nails because they were clinging to something, dreams prophesy dizzying success and honor. It's time for higher powers to reward you generously!

    Did you cut your nails in a dream for no apparent reason? Wake you failures await.

    Are your nails too short? Be more humble and patient. The current state of affairs is spoiled only by haste.

    If you remember the shine of your nails, the dream promises unexpected news.

    Nails that miraculously grew immediately after cutting are dreamed of. material enrichment.

    Esoteric dream book

    This current dream book states that any nails in dreams are harbingers of trials.

    If you broke them before cutting them off, you should give preference to a different path in life. Reconsider your views, because you are making money for yourself Problems.

    Long nails before or after cutting - long black stripe.

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    Why do you dream of cutting your nails?

    The process of cutting nails in a dream should be remembered by the sleeper as if it were happening in reality. An insignificant and unmemorable dream means the occurrence of insignificant events. If the dream is vivid and cutting nails occurs painlessly in a dream, you should expect changes associated with relatives, partners or acquaintances.

    What if you dream about cutting your nails?

    Why do you dream of cutting your nails? Nails in dream books are interpreted the same way and mean doing some kind of work. Moreover, if there is a payment for this work, then you should not expect a lot of money. The more trimmed nails you see in a dream, the greater the accumulation of accumulated cases and problems that will need to be resolved in the near future. These problems can be solved by themselves if in a dream you see how nails are cut, but the remains of them are not visible. If you see trimmed nails, then little effort will have to be made to resolve matters. If the nails of a sleeping person are cut, then quarrels and omissions with friends and relatives are soon possible. Is cutting your nails painful? This means that conflicts will inflict a deep mental wound on the sleeper.

    The very process of losing nails in a dream is a sign of loss. If trimmed nails are scattered around the sleeping person, then this means confusion in personal affairs. You will need concentration, balance and a confident focus on solving personal matters.

    To see someone cutting their nails in a dream means that unexpected illnesses or the inability to help someone in a difficult situation are possible in reality. Carefully cutting your own nails in a dream, and then picking them up and throwing them away is a harbinger of the onset of calm and peace in real life. The sleeper needs to focus on himself, his problems, think about the meaning of life, understand the situations happening to him, somewhere even philosophize and find that necessary thread in life that will lead him along the path of success and victories. Such a concentrated process of cutting nails promises unity of soul and body, finding the meaning of life and overcoming all obstacles on the path of life. Seeing dirty nails in a dream is a bad sign. It is quite possible that envious people and gossip will appear.

    If a young man dreams of cutting his nails, this means loneliness in solving problems; he should not rely on anyone in life and count on someone’s help. You will have to decide everything yourself. If a girl has a similar dream, then she will have to travel from her home; it may be a simple trip, but some separation from her homeland will happen. If in a dream a girl cuts someone’s nails, then in reality she will need to put in a lot of effort to achieve success. If you dream that your nails are trimmed and all the sharp corners are neatly removed, then you will experience unexpected and long-term success, honor and climbing the career ladder without much effort. If you see nails in a dream and are dissatisfied with the manicure done, then you should expect troubles that relatives or friends will help you deal with.

    It is also important to see the condition of your nails in a dream. Clean and healthy nails are a good sign of quick success; dirty and broken nails will bring loss and illness. Pain when cutting nails in a dream promises mental anguish and significant losses; the pleasant process of cutting nails is a solution to pressing problems.

    Cutting nails in a dream is a natural process in reality. This does not mean that you need to wait for news of death or the loss of dear people. Such a dream is interpreted as the need to deal more with one’s problems, to involve friends and relatives in solving them, or to provide assistance in solving pressing matters oneself.

    What does it mean to dream about cutting fingernails and toenails?

    In real life, cutting your fingernails and toenails means taking care of yourself. But what if a person dreamed about this ordinary procedure?

    Some claim that such actions foreshadow losses, others believe that such a dream can only mean trouble.

    What does the dream book say about this, and what to do if you have such a dream? We suggest you understand this topic and find out the interpretation of such dreams in various interpretations.

    Why do you dream of cutting your nails in a dream?

    Each dream book has its own interpretation about each dream and its special details. However, most of them assure readers that if a person dreamed what he needs trim fingernails or toenails, which means that in real life he should deal with pressing problems.

    Of course there are some nuances: who is going to cut them and to whom (a young girl, a man, a woman, a child, etc.), whether they require care on their arms or legs, what condition they are in (healthy or sick, neat or dirty, etc.), what length and length which finger (thumb or little finger), etc. We will talk about all this in more detail.

    Cutting toenails in a dream

    Miller's Dream Book identifies such care with the state of human health. However, there are some nuances: if the dreamer decided to get a pedicure on his feet because they were in the way(clung to something, for example) - the dream makes it clear that matters will be resolved quickly and successfully.

    If the procedure was forced- to future troubles, imminent illness or forced relocation.

    Plate length on the arms and legs, just like the length of the hair, is an important factor and the full value depends on it, for example, short- they talk about not long-term problems.

    Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book assures the reader - cut the plates on your legs, means agreeing to a low-paying but very important job in real life. It is possible that this position will be very annoying and bring trouble, but the dreamer will not be able to refuse the offer.

    Cutting toenails in a beautiful and regular shape or to see them in this state before the procedure, it means this situation will be temporary and ultimately the person has every chance to turn everything in his direction.

    If you cut your nails in a dream on your hands

    Dream Interpretations assure if a man dreamed that he was going to cut his nails in a dream in his arms, it means in reality he is concerned about what strangers think and say about him.

    A man has such a dream- may indicate that someone is diligently interfering in their career or life, and they will have to rely only on their own strength.

    Seeing other people who are about to cut their fingernails (or are already in the process) – a complication life situation in life.

    A woman can see how she is going to cut the child’s nails is a heap of worries.

    If a person decides to cut his hair first, and then paint his nails - he successfully masks his problems in real life.

    Cutting another person's nails

    Condition of the nail plates, according to any dream book, also plays an important role:

    • see broken ones painful or simply unkempt - to imminent illness or trouble;
    • see well-groomed, smooth and beautiful- a good sign; for a young girl this may portend a successful acquaintance;
  • if you dreamed about how you take care of them yourself– to successful resolution of cases;
    • if you dreamed about how the master was going to perform this procedure for you- long-awaited outside help will come.
    • If you dream of cutting your child’s nails in a dream

      Children in real life are a joy, diluted with pleasant worries. Many dream books transfer this situation to the interpretation of dreams. In most descriptions, a person (mom or dad) dreams of a child as a harbinger of upcoming troubles.

      If a man dreamed that he was going to cut them for his child(to a son or daughter) - this also means upcoming worries.

      The details depend on the condition they are in, for example, if you dreamed that you were cutting dirty hair- to unexpected troubles that you will have to deal with.

      To see a child's straight and well-groomed plates on the arms and/or legs - to pleasant events and related concerns.

      Dreaming of cutting a man's nails

      A man can be female in dreams only as a protector (already one or planning to become one).

      Therefore, if you dreamed that you need cutting nails in a man's dream- means that in reality you expect mutually beneficial cooperation.

      If so the girl had a dream, it may foreshadow marriage.

      Cutting them for a pregnant woman - to a successful birth.

      In general, any dream book does not associate the meaning of manicure or pedicure with bad omens. Therefore, if you had to see in your dream how you or someone from the outside carries out such a manipulation, you should not be scared and think about the bad.

      Cutting your nails in a dream. I dreamed about nails

      Why do you dream about nails? Dream book nails

      Nails (like claws) are a symbol of protection. The condition of nails in a dream reflects a person’s manner of behavior in society and his ability to stand up for himself.

      Interpretations of dreams about nails often affect the areas of relationships, health and finances.

      Seeing well-groomed and beautiful nails is a very good dream for women, an indicator good health and excellent energy tone.

      In the dream book, fingernails are a symbol of aggression, activity (including sexual activity), as well as the desire to protect oneself from other people’s influence, which interferes with self-realization. To make the interpretation clearer and more complete, you need to pay attention to the context of the dream.

      According to the dream book, toenails mean the same as on the hands, only with a stronger accent of aggression. Perhaps the dream indicates that your behavior is extremely thoughtless; the consequences can be very different - from the collapse of plans to loss of respect among the people around you now.

      According to the dream book, nails are unusually long - an indicator of internal aggression; at any moment the sleeper can splash out, provoking a conflict in reality.

      If the nails are longer than they actually are, but not so much that their length would cause surprise, it means that the dreamer’s energy is at a good level and he has enough strength to complete the assigned tasks. This dream is especially good on the eve of important matters and events that require courage, determination, perseverance and even arrogance.

      If the nails in a dream are shorter than in reality, and also ugly, bitten, dirty, and generally do not look aesthetically pleasing, then the dream hints that at present the dreamer is not able to solve the assigned tasks. You dream of dirty nails if a person is weakened energetically and morally, he does not have the opportunity to effectively conduct business, much less fight for a “place in the sun.” Such a dream is especially unfavorable on the eve of an important matter, where you need to show perseverance or show yourself on the good side, for example, on the eve of exams, applying for a job, business negotiations and presentations.

      In general, the distinctly long nails of other people in a dream indicate their competitiveness, sometimes hidden aggression. And if this person is an enemy in reality, then you can prepare for some unexpected attack on her part towards the dreamer - why do other people dream of long nails.

      For a man to see long nails in a dream is a very good dream, foreshadowing success in business, profit, good luck in business, victory in competition and other types of struggle. Long nails have the same meaning in women’s dreams if in reality there is a financial transaction, a business agreement, a meeting with competitors, a court, a dispute or negotiations in which one has to defend one’s point of view.

      Large or long toenails mean a bad road, problems on the road, on a business trip or travel.

      Long fingernails in the dream book also mean that in real life you behave very aggressively, try to protect yourself from everyone and everything, and perhaps behave defiantly. Often this also manifests itself in demonstrative sexuality. The dream suggests that it is better to develop inner confidence in yourself rather than try to only appear so.

      Short nails can indicate both a reasonable balance in your life of humility and aggressiveness, and weakness and inability to influence the situation. Short nails that cannot be dug into anything predict failure, impotence, even impotence.

      Nail color according to the dream book

      Red fingernails - if you dreamed of beautiful long nails, long, with a bright manicure, then this is an indicator of sexuality, readiness for flirting and sexual relations. In general, the dream promises good luck in one of the areas that worries you most at the moment. If a friend or work colleague had a dream of this type of nails, then she may become a rival.

      Black nails in dreams have an even more accentuated aggressive meaning. The dreamer is very bogged down in his destructive attitudes, trying too actively to isolate himself from people and the world around him with negativity and a deliberate demonstration of his strength.

      Why do you dream of cutting your nails in a dream?

      According to the dream book, cutting your nails is a bad sign, and depending on the plot of the dream, it has the following interpretations:

      Why do you dream of cutting your own nails in a dream - the dream book offers a number of interpretations: loss of strength, cowardice, loss, internal doubts about any business, decreased self-esteem, lost ambitions, decreased business activity, lost profits, monetary losses.

      Someone cuts the dreamer's nails - disappointed hopes. If the person cutting your nails is an acquaintance, then you should expect some minor mischief from him. This could be an obstacle in business, an unfulfilled promise, deception or an insult.

      Cutting your fingernails in a dream means either loss of strength and excessive passivity, or excessive aggressiveness and pressure that need to be curbed. If someone else cuts your nails, beware of interference in your affairs; someone nearby is deceiving you and being a hypocrite.

      The dream book says that cutting your toenails predicts the fulfillment of your plans only if you behave in a way that is more acceptable to your environment. There is no need to provoke anyone, this will only cause problems.

      Cutting a child’s nails in a dream means in reality you will realize the unrealizability of your intentions and change them. Perhaps you are not yet ready, not yet mature enough to realize your plans. The dream may also be an indication that someone in your environment now needs your care, desperately trying to attract attention with some offensive antics.

      Nail polish, painting nails

      As the dream book says, nail polish indicates the need to soften your character a little; you should not go ahead, otherwise difficulties may arise. Also, such an image may mean excessive demonstrativeness in behavior.

      Choosing nail polish in a dream symbolizes events that will require you to be flexible, the ability to quickly adapt, but at the same time confidently defend your position. But be careful, perhaps the goals you are pursuing are false, and achieving them will not bring the pleasure you expect.

      Removing nail polish is an indication that it is better to behave more sincerely and speak directly about your intentions, then the people on whom your success now depends will be more loyal. You may be able to get rid of other people's negative influence soon.

      According to the dream book, painting your nails means in reality some interesting adventure or a desire to experience something new. This image may indicate the need to deliberately take any action and not behave too assertively. Often, a dream can mean an insufficiently realistic assessment of the events currently happening in your life. Painting nails in a dream also means a woman’s desire to become more sexually attractive and proactive. For a man, this can indicate the absurdity of his behavior, insufficient masculinity.

      Why do you dream about a broken nail? If the dreamer is a man, then this is how his unconscious fear of sexual impotence manifests itself. If a woman is afraid of losing attractiveness, the desire to completely control the life of her partner, to be the only one for him in every sense. It happens that a dream is an indication of the presence of health problems. As the dream book says, breaking a nail promises failure at work or school.

      According to the dream book, to see that nails have fallen off means illness, loss of confidence and destruction of plans.

      Biting your nails means feeling annoyed and offended.

      The dream book interprets sick nails as health problems, difficulties, crisis.

      If your nail is cracked in a dream, it means that in reality your fears and self-doubt are preventing you from living a full life.

      To see that the nails are peeling means troubles, difficulties, routine worries, aggravation chronic diseases. To treat them is to look for ways for rest and relaxation that are not yet possible.

      According to the dream book, a nail peeling off means a worsening situation, a series of failures that you need to wait out without taking overly active actions. But if a new one grows in its place, then there is no need to worry, the failure will only seem like it.

      Other interpretations of dreams about nails

      Sawing your nails according to the dream book indicates events that will require all your composure, but caution. Perhaps someone is determined to harm you, and you will have to defend yourself. Often, a dream warns that you need to defend your point of view in a softer way.

      Cleaning your nails in a dream speaks of an inability to think about your words and actions in society, inappropriate behavior, and sexual dissatisfaction. It is necessary to free your mind from imposed stereotypes. In the dream book, dirt under nails symbolizes unclean thoughts and negative attitudes towards others.

      Extended nails in a dream mean that in reality you will have to make a lot of effort to maintain your boundaries and move in a given direction. But someone will constantly interfere and get in the way, provoke. Beware of intemperance.

      False nails, as the dream book interprets, indicate a lack of attention, a desire to appear more attractive, strong and confident. Demonstrative behavior feeds on false attitudes and therefore will not lead you to happiness.

      Other people's nails seen in a dream warn of danger from someone else. Perhaps from a very specific person, if the dreamer recognizes him. Another dream may indicate the presence of someone else’s negative influence in your life; someone is imposing thoughts and patterns of behavior on you, perhaps not very clearly, but persistently.

      Nails - interpretation from the dream book

      Nails in dreams symbolize the dreamer’s health, his status and capabilities. And to the question of why nails appear in dreams, there is no clear answer. Here the details and plot of night dreams are of greater importance. And in order to choose the most accurate interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to bring together all its nuances, including both the denouement and the dreamer’s feelings.

      Why do you dream of cutting your nails?

      The dream book claims that cutting nails in a dream suggests that in reality the dreamer is burdened with a bunch of things that need to be dealt with quickly. In addition, if in your night dreams you happen to cut your nails, then this is evidence of excessive strong desire maintain your reputation impeccable. If you had to cut someone’s nails in a dream, then in reality you will have to spend a lot of effort on purchasing everything you need for yourself and your family.

      If a representative of the stronger sex had a chance to cut his own nails, then according to the interpretation of the dream book, in real life he will have to rely on himself and his capabilities in everything. So, his close circle will not be able to provide the necessary assistance, so he must understand that everything depends only on him.

      If you dreamed of other people cutting their nails in a dream, then such an episode, according to the prediction of the dream book, means powerlessness in the face of external circumstances. Most likely, all the obstacles that arise in front of a person will be beyond his control. In connection with which it is best to come to terms with them. Let this become science for the future.

      Did you dream about cutting your own nails in a dream? Such a plot speaks, first of all, about the dreamer’s desire to put his thoughts and feelings in order. The dream book recommends taking an unplanned vacation. Moreover, it is best to be alone, turn off your cell phone and refuse to meet with friends.

      A dream in which you had to cut your own toenails is interpreted as the possibility of a forced move. Most likely, in real life you will have to move to another region or country. Or personnel changes in the service that are undesirable for you.

      Did you dream that you had to cut another person's toenails in a dream? The interpretation of such a dream says that in reality you will have to work for a very modest remuneration. If in your night dreams it is someone else who trims your toenails, then surely another person will help you deal with your routine in everyday life.

      Did you happen to cut your child’s nails in a dream? The dream book claims that such an episode predicts household chores that will not give you a minute of peace. In addition, such a dream warns of the dreamer’s excessive pedantry, which will become a huge obstacle to the natural development of his child. In reality, try not to put too much pressure on your own child; your “correctness” can harm him.

      Why do you dream about fingernails?

      Such a dream has a fairly logical interpretation. In the near future, the dreamer will have to work tirelessly.

      Are you wondering why you dream about fingernails? Refer to the dream book. However, first remember how long they were. So, short nails portend melancholy and bad mood. Long ones warn of possible quarrels and conflicts in the future.

      The same applies to the interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed about toenails. For example, long toenails foretell hard work in the future, both morally and physically. However, the efforts will not be in vain and will be generously paid.

      The condition of the nail plates that the dreamer dreamed of is also of great importance. So, broken nails are a warning. Perhaps in real life you should refuse the job offer. Most likely, by doing it, you will lose face in the eyes of others and will not receive the desired reward.

      Did you dream about another person’s nail breaking? According to the interpretation of such a dream, communication problems await you in the future. Have you seen your nails breaking right before your eyes in a dream? Don't be upset, this is a good omen. Thanks to your efforts, you will achieve well-deserved success and recognition. However, if you break your nails consciously, this is a kind of warning. In real life, the dreamer consciously chooses a more difficult path. A torn nail signals that you must first protect your health and not waste your energy.

      Dirty nails in night dreams will undoubtedly be a warning. You need to be extremely careful and control every word you say. So, if you tell someone about your secret, you may lose your reputation in the near future.

      Broken nails in a dream are also a bad sign. The dream book warns of problems in the family. Perhaps your relative will provoke them, for which he will later receive universal censure.

      A dream in which sick nails are seen foretells the dreamer that one of his family members will have health problems. In addition, such a dream signals possible conflicts and misunderstandings within the family.

      If in a dream another person’s nail is tearing, then in reality it is worth spending more time on your relatives. Surely in the future you will not have the opportunity to meet and communicate.

      Did you dream that your nail fell off? Surely in everyday life you will break off relationships that, in fact, have not led to anything for a long time and are a burden for you.

      But biting your nails in a dream predicts strong disappointment in a person close to you. In addition, such a dream indicates that you are still experiencing strong feelings to this object. Believe me, he does not deserve your attention and, succumbing to a fleeting temptation, you will experience bitter disappointment.

      A dream in which you pay close attention to someone else's nails is a warning. He talks about the jealousy of characters around you that you don't even know.

      Ungroomed hands in night dreams, nails that peel, are a warning. For a woman, such an episode predicts rivalry, for a man - serious troubles and tricks of competitors in business.

      Painting nails in a dream

      Are you thinking about why you dream of painting your nails in a dream? This scenario is a very favorable sign. He promises the dreamer prosperity and peace. In addition, he talks about the subconscious desire to achieve heights and wealth.

      A dream in which you had to paint your nails with varnish is a warning. Most likely, you only take into account the outer shell of a person. Do not forget that the soul should not go unnoticed.

      The interpretation of a dream in which you saw painted nails depends, first of all, on their color. A girl who covers her nails with red varnish in a dream should be careful. Perhaps in the future she will be at the mercy of her erotic desires. For a ringed woman, such a dream foreshadows a difficult resistance to temptation. And if well-groomed hands are attached to red nails in a dream, then in reality the dreamer will be reconciled with all his relatives and will be in harmony with his partner or spouse.

      According to the warnings in the dream book, black nails symbolize negative and ominous thoughts. You should get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise you will not avoid depression.

      Did you happen to buy nail polish in a dream? In reality, a great event awaits you. However, on the other hand, a dream in which nail polish is involved can mean unprecedented expenses in reality.

      If in your night dreams you had to do a manicure, get rid of dirt under your nails, or polish them, then for a woman such a dream speaks of her readiness to reconcile with her relatives and her husband. For a girl, such an episode foreshadows a successful fight against envious people. Surely she can clear her name from their slander.

      Seeing false nails in a dream indicates that the dreamer’s efforts will not be in vain. But extended nails hint at hypocrisy and duplicity. And if you dreamed of a similar plot, then think about the motives of your actions. What motivates you? Perhaps you should reevaluate your life priorities.

      Beautiful nails in a dream are interpreted by the dream book as a favorable sign. They confirm harmony in the family. Having seen such a dream, a girl can expect a speedy marriage in real life. And he proposes to dedicate such an episode to a woman free time relaxation with family.

      Long nails in a dream

      Long nails predict unexpected profits. However, too elongated nail plates portend a financial collapse, which you can only survive with the help of loved ones.

      According to the interpretation of the Lunar Dream Book, such an episode speaks of disappointed hopes. Short marigolds indicate excessive haste, which pushes a person to failure; dirty ones foreshadow family squabbles and quarrels due to insufficient trust on the part of both partners.

      Other interpretations of sleep

      The esoteric dream book insists that marigolds symbolize multiple trials for the dreamer. To break them is to go your own way through all obstacles. Long nails symbolize a thorny path to success, dirty and ugly ones predict obstacles and troubles from which the dreamer will have to emerge victorious.

      The 21st century dream book claims that long marigolds beautiful shape are a favorable sign. They portend unexpected profits and honor. Excessively elongated nail plates are a sign of excessive cruelty. If you happened to cut them off in a dream, then in reality only quarrels and resentments await you. If the dreamer bites his nails, then in everyday life he can count on small gift or present.

      If a representative of the stronger sex notices a girl’s exotic and colorful manicure in a dream, then some danger probably awaits him. If a woman gets a manicure in a dream, then in reality she will certainly go shopping.

      Miller argues that if the nail is cracked and covered with uneven spots, then you will probably actually face shame, which you will not be able to “wash off” soon. Dirty nail plates predict big troubles in business.

      The Italian dream book insists that marigolds are nothing more than a phallic symbol. Therefore, any action with them hides an erotic symbol, secret desires hidden by the subconscious. For men, such a dream portends new intimate relationships, women - exciting adventures in the same area.

      Cutting nails in a dream: a detailed interpretation of the dream

      People do not always turn to dream books to interpret their nightly dreams, because vivid and memorable images are rarely seen. But when this happens, you want to understand what such a dream means. One of the interesting images in night dreams are nails. This article will talk about what it means to cut your nails in a dream.

      Cutting nails in a dream: interpretation in dream books

      It is believed that a nail is not just a part of the human body, but a mystical object that connects consciousness with the cosmos.

    1. You can often hear that they reflect people's health, as well as the need for proper care. This is true. But what does the “nail” image promise in night fantasies? The dream book gives the following meanings:
    2. A person dreams of nails as a sign of a valuable find. Perhaps the dreamer will soon become the owner of the right thing, the use of which will bring a lot of joy.
    3. If a person dreams that he had to paint his nails, this is a good sign, foreshadowing a profitable acquisition.
    4. Trimming them in a dream means ending the job unsuccessfully. After such a dream, it is hardly worth doing important things, since the result will certainly disappoint the dreamer.
    5. A dream in which the main images are beautiful and well-groomed marigolds portends wealth to the dreamer. Perhaps very soon he will receive an inheritance or win the lottery.
    6. If a person dreamed of long and ugly fingers with dirty nails that had to be cut, failure awaits him. He clearly has an ill-wisher. If, moreover, the dreamer is scratched with these nails, you should expect serious troubles.
    7. If the dreamer had to gnaw or break his nails, this is a gift. Someone will soon give him a pleasant surprise.
    8. Dirt on your hands always means dishonor, disgrace and insult. The dreamer will have to go through not the happiest days in the near future, but if he can cleanse himself, success awaits him. In general, dirty hands are a very alarming sign in dreams.
    9. Seeing someone break their nails is a sign of a long illness.
    10. Trimmed marigolds dream of losses.

    If the dreamer's nail falls off in a dream, he will be in trouble.

    If you dreamed that you were cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning.

    False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this.

    Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated.

    If your nails are yellow, sick, or break, you will have to work hard for little pay.

    If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason.

    If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal.

    If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves.

    If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble.

    If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles.

    If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out), this is a very bad dream and may mean the loss of a loved one.

    Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others.

    If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends.

    If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s.

    Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age.

    Excessively short nails mean a short life.

    Seeing toenails is a sign of travel.

    If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant.

    Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

    A universal way to work out a dream about nails is to imagine that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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