• Genetics, peace of mind and constant care: a cosmetologist reveals the beauty secrets of presenter Ekaterina Andreeva. Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing sensitive skin Cleansing toning moisturizing


    The face is perhaps the main indicator of our health, mood, lifestyle and, most importantly, age. This business card every woman.

    Of course, facial skin requires regular and systematic care. This should become a habit, like brushing your teeth every day, doing fitness, and eating right.

    We understand that if we pump up our abs once every three weeks on occasion, we are unlikely to achieve desired result. So it is with our face. They need to be dealt with, they need to be worked on. Proper facial skin care will bring worthy results: the skin will be young, healthy, radiant and always in good shape.

    What is Proper Care? It refers to the following sequence of actions: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition and protection.


    The skin of our face is constantly exposed to the damaging effects of the environment. Dust particles and harmful substances suspended in the air are easily captured by the fatty film of the skin. In the same way, remnants of cosmetics that are not removed from the face in time clog the pores. All this has a negative impact on the beauty and health of our skin. This is why it is so important to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin. Moreover, cosmetologists recommend doing this twice a day: morning and evening.

    It is better to cleanse the skin with special cleansers. you: lotions, gels, foams for washing, which contain a small amount of alkali and include moisturizing agents, vitamins and plant extracts. They gently cleanse the skin, prevent the destruction of the acid mantle and protect against harmful environmental influences.

    Our kits with the SELFIE Laboratory mask contain in compartment No. 2 a napkin with a cleansing lotion, the recipe of which is our own development. It removes makeup well, deeply cleanses the skin of the face, which ensures better penetration useful substances at the next stage - the use of a cosmetic mask. Each mask has its own cleansing lotion recipe. It is important to note that our lotions include a number of active components, which already at the cleansing stage have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.


    The next important step proper care for the skin, after cleansing it is toning. Its tasks: soften the negative effects of cleansers, restore the pH of the skin and prepare it for next stage of care.

    As a rule, when cleansing the face, the protective layer of the skin is damaged. Toner helps restore the protective barrier - the hydrolipid layer of the skin. It restores normal skin acidity, improves blood microcirculation and provides oxygen access to epidermal cells, thereby making our skin more elastic, fresh and smooth.

    It is important to understand that you should not use tonics containing alcohol, since alcohol has an aggressive effect on the skin and subsequently leads to even stronger activation of the sebaceous glands.

    You should also not skip the toning step. If you apply cream immediately after cleansing the skin, the skin begins to react aggressively to nutrition and secrete sebum. This can lead to increased oily skin.

    Sets with the SELFIE Laboratory mask do not have a destructive effect on the skin. The napkin from compartment No. 2 thoroughly and carefully cleanses the skin without drying it out or compromising the integrity of the lipid layer. All our masks contain active substances that help restore the skin's protective barrier and also have a general tonic effect.

    In the bustle of days and the cycle of affairs, worries, events and meetings, we, as a rule, move at the maximum pace. And sometimes there is not enough time for yourself. It also happens that we are simply too lazy to spend precious free minutes worrying about our own appearance. By using SELFIE Laboratory masks only twice a week for 20 minutes, you will ensure yourself a comfortable and effective care behind the face, without taking a lot of time and effort.

    Take proper care of your face with the SELFIE Laboratory!

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    A daily facial care ritual consists of several mandatory procedures: makeup removal, cleansing, toning, nutrition and moisturizing. In addition, it is necessary to periodically add skin renewal procedures to make it look radiant and healthy. An at-home exfoliating face mask helps get rid of dead skin, excess sebum, and dirt. Besides natural ingredients do not cause damage, unlike aggressive chemicals.

    It is IMPORTANT to consider that the frequency of use of such masks depends on your skin type. Fat type you need to exfoliate once every 7-10 days, combined exfoliation - once every 2 weeks, dry exfoliation - no more than once a month.

    Why do you need to exfoliate your skin?

    In general terms, an exfoliating face mask at home is needed to exfoliate upper layer dermis from accumulated impurities. In addition, using a mask allows you to solve a number of other problems:

    • Saturation of tissues with oxygen;
    • Getting rid of age spots;
    • Drying inflamed areas;
    • Narrowing of pores;
    • Tightening facial contours;
    • Improving blood supply to tissues;
    • Healthy complexion;
    • Cleanses dead skin cells, sebum and dirt from pores.

    The basis of an exfoliating mask is made up of abrasive ingredients for scrubbing, such as salt or sugar of different fractions, soda or coffee, crushed egg or nut shells, small berry seeds and crushed cereals. Nourishing, moisturizing or whitening components are added to the abrasive depending on the needs of the skin.

    Contraindications to the use of masks

    You should avoid wearing a mask in the following cases:

    1. Increased skin sensitivity;
    2. Allergy to components;
    3. Open wounds and irritation on the face;
    4. Cuperosis.

    The best exfoliating mask recipes

    The simplest and most suitable mask for everyone consists of only two ingredients. Soda is poured with water until it becomes a liquid slurry. Then this mixture is massaged into the skin. After the procedure, the mask should be washed off with water and a light moisturizer or serum should be applied to the face. The effect of baking soda on the skin gives a long-term feeling of cleanliness. This mask is ideal for teenage skin.

    An exfoliating mask for dry facial skin at home should be as gentle as possible to avoid irritation and even more drying. It is recommended to add components that nourish the cells. The softest abrasive is ground oatmeal. It must be mixed in equal proportions with milk and sour cream. These components gently nourish the skin. The mask is applied for 10 – 15 minutes. During the last 5 minutes, it is recommended to rub your face in a circular motion. Touches should be light.

    You will learn about cleaning your skin at home from the video:

    For oily skin, an exfoliating face mask at home based on coarse abrasive elements, such as berry seeds, egg shells or walnuts, is suitable. Clay-based masks show good results, because it has the ability to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Walnut shells need to be ground into dust. Pour the clay (white or blue) with warm water in equal proportions. Then all the components are combined together into a paste. As a moisturizer and tonic, add 1 spoon of fresh cucumber puree to the mask. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. Clay perfectly draws out dirt and tightens pores. Ground shells are good at removing large dirt and dead cells. Cucumber moisturizes the skin.

    How to make an exfoliating face mask with normal and combined type? Since these 2 types are not problematic, any components can be used as a scrub base. You should focus on your own feelings from using softer or harder particles. For example, you can take fine salt, ground coffee and heavy cream in a ratio of 1:1:3. Exposure time is 7-10 minutes. Cream makes the skin soft. Coffee and salt improve complexion.

    A mask based on strawberries has a good whitening effect. From 2 - 3 large berries you need to make a puree and add 1 spoon to it olive oil. Strawberry seeds in this composition perform the function of a scrub. If this hardness is not enough, add 1 teaspoon of fine salt to the mask. The mask is applied for 10 minutes.

    An acid-based exfoliating mask accelerates skin renewal processes. To prepare, squeeze out 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Then add 2 teaspoons of melted honey and aloe juice. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes. The acid thoroughly removes the top layer.

    Aspirin-based masks have a beneficial effect. In addition to cleansing, the mask gives a good rejuvenating effect. Wrinkles are smoothed out, skin texture and color are improved. In addition, aspirin promotes the production of natural collagen. To prepare the mask you need salt, freshly squeezed orange juice and cream in equal proportions. Add 3 finely ground tablets. Apply to the skin with massaging movements and leave for 7-10 minutes.

    Helps against pigmentation gelatin mask. It brightens well, evens out tone, removes dark spots and acne marks. Gradually, the skin takes on a healthy, radiant appearance. To prepare, take 1 spoon of Badyaga gel, 1 spoon of fine sea ​​salt(without additives), 5 tablespoons of boiled milk and 2 tablespoons of gelatin. The finished mixture is distributed on the skin for 5-7 minutes.

    1. For each procedure, a fresh portion is prepared; the composition cannot be left for storage;
    2. It is recommended to take a glass mixing container and a wooden spatula or stick. This avoids oxidation of products;
    3. Abrasive particles need to be ground as finely as possible so as not to injure the skin;
    4. Duration of exposure to the mask: 7-10 minutes – for dry and normal skin, 15-20 minutes – for combination and oily skin;
    5. Mechanical cleansing should be done with delicate circular movements. Aggressive rubbing of the skin with coarse particles is avoided, as this can lead to microtraumas;
    6. The composition is removed from the face with water at a comfortable temperature, excess moisture is removed with a soft, clean towel, gently applying it to the face.


    Additional exfoliation at home will significantly improve your skin's condition. After about a month of regular exfoliating procedures, the face becomes more toned and has a more even tone. Pores are noticeably narrowed, skin texture is evened out. You can prolong your youth if you choose basic and additional care, suitable for type and skin needs. There is no need to give up exfoliating masks. In addition to obvious cleansing, they allow the cream to penetrate deeper, which means basic care will also be more effective.

    Elena Malysheva offers a recipe for an exfoliating mask in her program:

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    Every woman wants to look well-groomed and stay young as long as possible, especially now when the cult of beauty literally haunts us. Active and intrusive advertising offers more and more new cosmetical tools, but does not teach how to properly care for your facial skin. We will try to figure this out.

    The most important moment

    The basis of proper facial care is healthy image life. The skin of the face reflects the general condition of the body. If you don't get enough sleep, even the most expensive cream won't help with dark circles under your eyes. If you have problems with the intestines and gastrointestinal tract, pimples and blackheads will not keep you waiting.

    Due to shortage motor activity And fresh air the epidermis becomes dull and flaky.

    Daily skin care is unthinkable without proper nutrition. A balanced and healthy menu will help solve many problems. Sometimes pimples, blackheads, and swelling appear due to eating salty, fatty, fried foods. Skin covering may react with a rash to chocolate or smoked semi-finished products. As soon as you begin to eat healthy and properly, a noticeable improvement in the condition of your skin will come very soon.

    It must be remembered that daily care behind the person must be competent and correct. Good cosmetologist will teach you how to properly care. You should check your face regularly to make sure there are no problems.

    Facial care rules can be divided into 4 main categories: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing, protection. Let's take a closer look at each stage.


    Proper facial care begins with cleansing. This important procedure should be done morning and evening. Under no circumstances should you miss it.

    Dust, dirt, exhaust fumes, germs - all this settles on the face during the day. If you do not cleanse your face in a timely manner or do not do it thoroughly enough, then blackheads and rashes will quickly appear.

    Without cleansing the facial skin, creams, masks and other products will not be absorbed, but will remain on the surface, thereby causing acne.

    At night, your face rests, but by morning, dust particles and remnants of the products you used the day before collect on it. Therefore, your face must also be thoroughly cleansed in the morning. The cleansing process must be carried out in stages. Here's how to do it right:

    • If you use decorative cosmetics, first remove it with a makeup remover. For this you can use gentle purchased funds such as cleansing milk or micellar water. Or you can successfully get by with any vegetable oil or rich baby cream. These products are equally suitable for removing makeup.
    • When removing makeup, do not rub your face too hard, especially the area around the eyes. Wet a cotton pad with the product and simply apply it to your eyelids or lips for a few seconds. And only after that, easily wipe off any remaining makeup.
    • Do not use toilet soap to clean your skin. Due to the high alkali content, it dries the skin, which will subsequently emphasize its sagging.
    • After removing makeup, we proceed to washing. The water temperature should be comfortable. Remember that too hot water harms the skin, enlarges pores and causes sagging. It is best to wash your face with slightly cool water.
    • Do not apply the cleanser directly to your face. Squeeze a little onto your palm, lather, and then apply the finished foam to your face. massage lines. This product must be washed off thoroughly. Its remains cause clogging of pores.
    • At the cleansing stage, you can use all kinds of brushes, sponges, and facial sponges. All these devices will gently massage the skin and improve blood circulation. But watch the condition of your skin. Perhaps this effect will be too aggressive for your skin type.


    After cleansing is completed, you need to move on to the next stage - toning. It helps remove cleanser residue from your face and decorative cosmetics and restore the acid-base balance of the skin.

    • Various facial tonics and lotions are well suited for toning. You can make them yourself. Herbal decoctions do an excellent job of this task. Herbal infusions with chamomile, mint, thyme and celandine have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
    • For better effect you can freeze such infusions in ice trays and wipe them with them clean skin. This procedure is very useful for the face, it tones and tightens the skin, relieves inflammation and redness. There is no need to use alcohol toners, they dry the skin and can provoke an allergic reaction.

    Hydration and nutrition

    The stages of facial skin care always include moisturizing. In the absence of sufficient moisture, the epidermis becomes dry, loses brightness and color, and wrinkles appear.

    • The main skin care when moisturizing is the correct drinking regime. You should drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. It is beneficial to start your day with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is better if it is lukewarm water with lemon. No drinks or teas can replace plain water. So watch this moment.
    • Depending on your skin type, choose a cream or gel to moisturize your face. Great for dry skin fatty creams, which penetrate the skin cells and nourish them from the inside.

    For oily skin, it is better to use facial gel. It will moisturize and not leave greasy shine, which appears very quickly on such skin. Moisturize oily skin is also necessary. If this is not done, the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce sebum, which causes the formation of pimples and comedones.

    • To care for the area around the eyes, moisturizing serums and creams are used depending on your skin type.

    Useful nourishing masks for the face and area around the eyes it is quite possible to prepare at home. Look for these recipes in other articles on our website.

    High-quality facial care is not possible without nourishing products. They saturate the cells with essential substances, helping them stay hydrated. Nourishing face creams are best applied at night. This way they can be completely absorbed, and in the morning all you have to do is pat your face with a napkin.


    Very important factor Proper facial care is about protection. External factors negatively affect the condition of the skin. We regularly expose it to wind and cold, dry air and scorching sun. It must be borne in mind that protection is a mandatory step. What should be done?

    • During the hot season, the sun is aggressive towards human body and face. The scorching rays of the sun destroy lipid barrier, dehydrate the skin and increase the level of melanin in the human body.

    Scientists have proven that excessive tanning leads to premature aging and can cause skin cancer. To protect yourself, use sunscreen. If you plan to be in direct sunlight for more than 3 hours, you may need to reapply the product.

    Do not forget to ensure that your neck and décolleté area is protected, as this is the area that reveals your true age.

    For protection in summer period It is necessary to take care of your face not only with cosmetics, but also with wardrobe items. Wide-brimmed hats and baseball caps will not work ultraviolet rays contact with skin and hair. Good Sunglasses protect your eyes and delicate skin century They will eliminate the need to squint in bright light, which will slow down the appearance of facial wrinkles.

    • In winter, the face needs protection not only from cold and wind, but also from the sun. In winter, you also need to use sunscreen. At severe frost use creams that contain lanolin. This natural remedy protects against frostbite.

    Proper facial skin care will protect you from adverse external influences: scorching sun, frost, strong wind, cold rain. Basic facial care includes 4 main stages, which we described above. In addition, facial skin care procedures include massage, peeling, and skin cleansing.

    Affordable care

    How to care for your skin at home? Various will help you with this folk recipes. The products that are used in the preparation of homemade tonics, masks, scrubs are accessible, cheap and absolutely safe for health.

    So, home care involves the use of scrubs and masks for the skin, which should be done at least 2 times a week.

    Scrubs remove dead skin particles, make the surface of the epidermis smooth and clean, which allows the skin to breathe fully and absorb more nutrients. Masks made from natural ingredients can be nourishing, moisturizing and cleansing. All products prepared at home have an excellent caring effect.

    Remember that the main thing in facial care is regularity and a clear sequence of actions. Try not to forget about yourself, devote very little time and attention to your beauty and health.

    Why does the skin become sensitive??

    Skin of any type becomes sensitive due to previous diseases, especially if they develop into a chronic condition - these may be gastrointestinal disorders, abnormal metabolism, allergic reactions, nervous breakdowns, skin and infectious diseases. And only by solving all the problems relating to your health can you solve the problem of skin sensitivity. It also happens that the skin can become sensitive suddenly, and then after a while, suddenly return to normal - this is very often associated with stressful situations.

    With improper care, unpleasant transformations often begin - this happens with any skin type. Try to constantly use not very expensive cosmetics that contain mineral oils, dyes of synthetic origin, petroleum products, preservatives and surfactants, and your skin will begin to destroy the protective layer called the epidermis. All arising skin reactions in such cases it can be considered a cry for help: if you do nothing, other layers will also collapse, and then aging will become very fast and, one might say, irreversible.

    But it also happens that the skin itself is very thin and rather weak from birth - already from adolescence it does not produce a sufficient amount of fat and protective pigment, it becomes more and more dry and thinner more and more. Then it begins to react to external irritating factors - frost and wind, heat and dust, exposure to sunlight, water, food. It is difficult to take care of the skin when it is in this condition, i.e. it requires constant support with the use of nourishing, moisturizing and protective creams.

    More often, women with blond and red hair experience these troubles. However, do not confuse sensitivity with allergies - if you experience redness and itching after using some type of cosmetic, you need to understand that this is sensitivity, and in the case when irritation appears after some time, this means an allergic reaction.

    The cause of the problem must be determined, since there are rules that must be followed when caring for the skin in order to be able to protect it from external influences and preserve its beauty and youth.

    How to clean sensitive skin

    Sensitive skin, unlike other types, requires special cleansing. Often it is irritated by ordinary tap water; therefore, you should wash your face with mineral or spring water, but do not use tap water.

    Before going to bed, any makeup should be removed from the skin with soft milk and refreshed with a regular tonic, which will help bring the skin into proper condition in the morning. You can prepare tonic at home. Take half a lemon, squeeze out the juice and strain it, add glycerin - 1 tsp. and boiled water –50 g, mix the mixture and store in the refrigerator. Wipe the massage lines of your face every morning and evening.

    Washing with just water will not be enough, but the skin, with its sensitivity, is almost unable to tolerate soap. In this case, you can use a mixture of milk for washing - for this you will need milk - 1 part, honey - 1 part, and vegetable oil - 0.5 parts. Mix all this thoroughly, then apply the prepared mixture in a circular motion onto slightly moistened skin, massage it lightly and rinse with warm water. For this wash, you can also use low-fat sour cream or cream.

    Scrub for sensitive skin It is contraindicated to use, but if you make a scrub-mask from oatmeal flakes, it will not cause harm; on the contrary, it will cleanse and soften the skin, nourish it with vitamins and microelements. Take 1 tbsp. flakes, pour boiling water over it, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Apply a warm mask to your face, massage for a minute, leave for another 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Nutrition and hydration

    Nourishing and moisturizing masks should be prepared from components that are easy to wash off - masks that form a film or harden can cause irritation. Before preparing and applying the mask, you need to find out if you are allergic to any of the components present? Therefore, you need to try them separately and in small quantities.

    A mask made from egg yolk, milk and vegetable oil– 2 tsp total, carrot juice – 1 tsp, lemon juice– half a teaspoon, will soothe and moisturize the skin. Wash it off with chamomile decoction.

    If you have been in the sun for a long time, your skin can be moisturized and soothed with a peach or apricot mask. You will need one large peach or 3 apricots. Remove the skin from them, mash and apply on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm mineral or spring water.

    White cabbage mixed with olive oil has a good moisturizing effect. Grind the leaves in a blender and apply to your face, lubricated with olive oil. It is better to do this while lying down. After 15 minutes, rinse as described in the previous recipe.

    If your skin is flaky and inflamed, a mask made from rice starch and milk will soothe it. Mix milk with glycerin - 1 tsp each, add starch and carefully apply to face. Rinse off after 15 minutes with linden tincture or room water. Inflamed areas can be lubricated with this mixture at night, which should be washed off in the morning.

    A mask made from prunes will help to tone and relieve inflammation - pour boiling water over 3 berries, leave for half an hour, mash, add honey, oatmeal, stir and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Rinse with weak tea or herbal decoction.

    At night, sensitive skin will need a nourishing cream containing vitamins A and E, and evening masks are only moisturizing, nourishing, toning and refreshing at the same time.

    Sensitive skin requires maintaining optimal room humidity - for this there are humidifiers, indoor flowers, corners with a waterfall, and aquariums. Or you can simply moisten the room with a spray bottle.

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