• The child began to stutter strongly what to do. What to do if a child stutters: various methods and treatments


    After the parents discover that their child has begun to stutter, they panic, as many believe that the speech disorder cannot be cured. This is a common misconception, since there are a number of therapeutic measures that are aimed at restoring the patient's speech center. In this article, we will provide information on why a child stutters, what types of disorders are distinguished in medicine, what to do if characteristic symptoms, and why it is necessary to carry out treatment at the age of one year or at 5-6 years.

    What is stuttering

    If a child stutters, this means that he develops a pathology with a complex speech disorder. Usually it depends on psychophysiological factors that can lead to some disturbances in the reproduction of sounds or words.
    Stuttering in children usually occurs over the age of 3 years. It is rather difficult to detect violations in a year, since newborns cannot yet consciously reproduce speech.

    Pathology can be expressed in the broken integrity of the reproduced words, incorrect pronunciation, which is difficult to correct. Speech does not come out smoothly, but is constantly pronounced in jerks, as well as with repetitions of sounds, words or syllables typical of stuttering.

    Stuttering appears as a result of speech disorders in children. According to statistics, the disease is more often found in boys. The disease belongs to the group of logo-neuroses and is usually diagnosed in children who are just starting to learn to speak (at the age of 3-4 years). The second period of increase in frequency refers to adolescents around the age of 12-13 years.

    What are the types

    At the moment, only three types of stuttering have been identified in medicine. clonic look. This form is repetitive, when the patient tries to reproduce his speech. As a result, there is a constant and frequent repetition of certain sounds or syllables in a word (for example, “ma-ma-ma-mama”).

    tonic look. AT this case It is very difficult for the patient to start talking. He tries to start pronouncing the word, then this moment constantly drags on. There is a long pause before a word is spoken (for example, first a long “Mmmm”, and then the word “mother”).

    Clonic-tonic type or mixed form. With such a course of the disease, symptoms appear that can be observed simultaneously or alternately. A doctor can accurately determine the form of the pathology, but parents can guess for themselves if they carefully observe their child.

    Video "How to eliminate the disease"

    Possible reasons

    There are many reasons that could lead to the fact that the child began to stutter. The most common causes of the disease is the increased tone of all motor endings in the speech centers in the brain. Increased tone leads to frequent convulsive contractions of the facial muscles and vocal cords during a conversation.

    Causes may be the result of some consequences. An ailment can occur if chronic stresses have been found, which quite often have to be transferred to the baby in early age. At this time, the nervous system is especially sensitive.

    Stuttering can appear due to a strong and sudden fright. Fear is a strong emotional shock that leads to a disruption of the nervous system. Except fright emotional experiences may be associated with a lack of attention of parents in relation to their child. He may become withdrawn and almost not talk, which will lead to speech impairment.

    The occurrence of stuttering is sometimes observed as a result of mechanical damage to the brain (for example, a concussion). Bumps and bruises of the head significantly increase the risk of symptoms of a disturbed speech center. Sometimes children may begin to mimic their peers, but after a while it becomes a habit that is quite difficult to break.

    Also, the cause of the symptoms of stuttering can be an infectious disease or an affected endocrine system. If treatment is started in a timely manner, then such signs can be completely eliminated by adhering to the recommendations of doctors. Before a course of therapy is prescribed, it will be necessary to establish the underlying cause that led to the manifestation of the disease.

    Initial Help

    First of all, when signs of stuttering are found in children aged 3-4 years, parents should calm down and behave towards the patient in the same way as before. You can help with an illness if you follow the daily routine. Sleep should be at least 8 hours. If children begin to stutter, then you can not raise their voice, or interrupt, forcing them to repeat what was said correctly. It is very important to talk to them calmly and slowly. You need to give the child the opportunity to speak out without interrupting him.

    At this time, the patient will need more attention from parents, care, affection. You should not severely punish them for minor pranks, since the key to a successful recovery lies in good mood and activity.

    It is impossible to expose sick children up to a year to fright, stress, excitement and other strong emotional outbursts, since this can affect the correctness of the speech. Fear and anxiety can only increase speech defects. In the near future after the discovery of symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor for advice and determine the tactics of treatment.


    Stuttering is usually diagnosed at 3 years of age, when the child begins to gradually pronounce words or short sentences. After the reason why the patient has speech defects has been established, the doctor must determine the method of treatment.

    During treatment, children from 3 years old can have a relaxing massage of the neck, shoulder girdle and facial muscles. If parents decide to do it on their own, then you need to understand that the movements should be smooth and stroking. At this time, you can talk to them in an affectionate tone so that the patient feels comfortable. You can also do breathing exercises and relaxing baths.

    Logarithmics will allow for more intensive treatment, but it is suitable for patients older than 6 years. If the cause of the disease was fear, then the therapy should be done by a neuropathologist. It will also help restore the nervous system under other influences.

    Video “The child stutters. How to proceed?"

    In order to quickly and effectively cure this pathology, we advise you not to be lazy and watch the video material that we have provided for you below.

    Any mother is looking forward to when her baby starts talking, and rejoices at every new word of the crumbs. The baby's babbling is the best music for mother's ears, and any speech impediment is a cause for alarm and frustration.

    The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" devotes this page to such a problem as children's stuttering. From this article, our readers will learn about the reasons why a child usually stutters, what to do if the disease does not respond to treatment for a long time, and how not to despair in the fight against the disease.

    Causes of children's stuttering

    Neurologists identify several main factors that cause such a speech disorder:

    1. Weakened central nervous system, sensitive to various stresses. In children with a weak nervous system, convulsions of the articulatory organs can cause fear, a quarrel between parents, excessive demands on them from mom and dad.
    2. Weak vocal apparatus.
    3. Birth injury. In this case, stuttering appears against the background of other neurological diseases.
    4. Brain damage resulting from a childhood illness.

    Many parents who come to a specialist for help with the question of what to do if a child begins to stutter at 3 years old are advised by neurologists to simply wait, let the child outgrow the problem. Experience shows that children's stuttering often goes away on its own with age, if the parents, unwittingly, do not begin to exacerbate the problem.

    The child began to stutter: what not to do

    Often, extremely active mothers who see the meaning of their lives in constant developmental activities with a child begin to “treat” a little stutterer on their own. They choose methods that seem right to them. But in fact, these measures only exacerbate the problem. These include:

    • Endless training to repeat the words that the baby can not pronounce the first time. Thus, the mother wants to develop the skill of free pronunciation in the baby, but the child, realizing that they expect a result from him that he cannot achieve, is nervous and begins to stutter even more.
    • Loading the child with tasks for working on speech. As a result, the child's brain is overloaded, the child begins to find it difficult even in those cases that he had previously coped with without difficulty.
    • Reading to the child books that he is not yet able to understand.
    • Frequent TV viewing. Many modern mothers trust the upbringing of their child to the TV. For their crumbs, they select a series of developing ones that he watches for hours, and at the same time make a serious mistake. The first thing to do if a child stutters at 3-4 years old is to limit the time of his communication with a TV, tablet or computer. Such a baby most of all needs not colorful moving drawings, but mother's warmth, attention, understanding. You need to talk a lot with a stutterer, and it is very important to choose the right pace of speech, intonation, words.

    Often, to correct stuttering, it is enough just to correct mistakes in communicating with the baby.

    A small child stutters: what should parents do?

    If a baby who has had neither a birth injury, nor a serious infection, nor a traumatic brain injury, begins to experience difficulty in speech, the causes of these difficulties most likely lie in his parents. In this case, mom and dad of a little stutterer should take the following steps to help their child:

    1. Find mutual language among themselves, learn to avoid conflicts, try to protect the baby from any discomfort: he should begin to feel calm next to his parents, and not because of their quarrels.
    2. Stop asking too much of your baby. Psychologists have noticed: very often stuttering appears in children of overly demanding mothers. Let the baby develop at his natural pace, and perhaps the speech impediment will disappear without any additional effort.
    3. What you need to do if the child began to stutter is to start talking to him in a calm tone, smoothly, slowly, clearly. Toddlers suffering from various speech defects need to hear examples of how to speak correctly.
    4. If a child of 5 years old stutters, which makes the problem quite serious, it is necessary to show the baby to a neurologist. The doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of logoneurosis and prescribe treatment.

    In general, parents of children who suffer from speech defects should not wait until the problem resolves itself in 3-4 years. The site site recommends: if the baby stutters for a year, you should definitely look for a good doctor who specializes in this problem.

    The child stutters: what can a neurologist do?

    Any specialist in the field of child neurology will tell you that stuttering is a disease that is much easier to cure in children than in adults. Even if the root of the problem lies in brain disorders, the little stutterer has a great chance to start talking smoothly and clearly.

    Treatment of stuttering in children is usually performed according to the following approximate scheme:

    1. The study of the characteristics of the nervous system of the baby, the identification of pathologies that led to stuttering.
    2. Creating a comfortable emotional environment in the family so that the baby stops feeling insecure.
    3. Work on the emotional stability of the baby. What needs to be done if a child stutters is to teach him to believe in himself, in his abilities, in his significance. It is very important for a stutterer to get rid of such a disease factor as excessive. A good doctor will be able to help him with this.
    4. Working with a speech pathologist A specialist in the field of the correct pronunciation of sounds and words will conduct a series of classes with the baby, in which the main speech defects will be eliminated.

    Speaking about what needs to be done if a child stutters, it is important to emphasize that the leading role in solving this problem belongs to parents. They should be as patient, gentle and attentive as possible with the crumbs. Mom and dad of a stutterer need to cooperate with the doctor who deals with their child, fully trust him, and follow all his recommendations. Then the disease will surely recede, and the baby will start talking completely normally.

    Has your child suddenly begun to stutter? Do not despair, it is in your power to help the baby get rid of this problem. Work on speech disorders begins with determining the cause of stuttering, and then corrective treatment is ahead, which in most cases brings results. Let's talk in more detail?

    All parents are looking forward to when the child speaks, but if suddenly he began to stutter, then this becomes a real tragedy for the family. No need to despair, if you are faced with such a problem, you can help your baby. Stuttering refers to a violation of the smoothness and rhythm of speech. In people with such problems, the muscles of the speech apparatus contract convulsively, resulting in hesitation.

    Why does a child stutter

    Let's take a closer look at why the child stutters. There are a huge number of reasons that can provoke the appearance of a problem. Pathology can develop against the background of congenital defects of the nervous system or abnormal formation of the speech apparatus. Stuttering can occur as a result of an illness or if the baby has received a birth injury. It - physiological causes stuttering, but there are also psychological ones, they are most common.

    A child who has already begun to speak may suddenly develop stuttering as a result of severe fright, stress, or severe shock. These factors cause neurosis, against which problems with speech develop. If the stuttering is neuralgic in nature, then the child may speak normally in a relaxed environment, but any slight excitement aggravates the situation. The problem most often manifests itself in excitable, active children and toddlers with a heightened sense of anxiety.

    Problems with speech may arise due to the fact that the baby, having only recently learned to express his thoughts, tries to voice them as soon as possible. A small vocabulary does not allow this, confusion begins, the child gets nervous, loses the thread of what was said and stutters. There are also “unusual” reasons: for example, a baby stutters intentionally, trying to copy his relative.

    Stuttering most often occurs in children between the ages of two and five. At this time, the formation of phrasal speech takes place, and any shock can disrupt this process.

    Having determined the cause of stuttering, you can proceed to treatment. It depends on what was the impetus for the appearance of abnormal speech. If you turn to a specialist in time, then there is a high probability that soon your child will be able to speak without hesitation.

    What to do if the baby has a stutter

    What to do if your child has a stutter? Parents should understand that it is almost impossible to cope with this problem without specialists. Correction of speech pathology is complex. First, the child is examined to understand the cause of the problem. The examination is not only physiological in nature: the baby needs to be shown to a child psychologist. In the process of treatment, you will often have to contact a psychologist. Such meetings are aimed at increasing the emotional stability of a stuttering baby. It is especially important to establish contact with a psychologist if the child has a neurotic type of stuttering. You will also have to find a good speech pathologist. During treatment, the baby should be observed by a neurologist: the doctor fixes the dynamics of the pathology.

    In addition to the fact that you will need to take your child to speech correction classes, you need to create all the conditions at home so that the baby forgets about his problem. The daily routine will help to structure the anxiety. Parents should avoid any conflict situations, which can upset the baby. All household members should accustom themselves to talk to the child calmly, without raised tones, to keep explosive emotions to themselves. At first, watch your speech: it should not be too fast, otherwise the child will rush to formulate his thought and stumble. Do not interrupt and do not push the baby when he says something, do not focus on stuttering. Praise your child, discuss the books you read with him, play together. Reading by syllables and singing will help to overcome the problem. If you approach the solution of the issue in a complex way (you will deal with the child yourself and involve specialists), then if you cannot solve the problem, then you will definitely be able to minimize it.

    Formation oral speech in a child begins before the age of one and continues until school age. In the period from two to five years, that is, when the baby begins to pronounce meaningful words and phrases, some children can find stuttering or, scientifically, logoneurosis.

    Stuttering is manifested by the repetition of sounds, syllables, forced stops during the pronunciation of individual phrases. It was revealed that stuttering occurs due to various disorders in the functioning of the speech apparatus and such a pathology can be caused by several provoking factors.

    Stuttering first appears in children who have crossed the two-year milestone. This is due to the active formation of speech during this period, the strengthening of thinking and the sensitivity of the nervous system.

    It is easiest to cope with stuttering at the very first stage of the formation of incorrect speech, and neurologists, psychologists and speech therapists can help with this.

    Causes of stuttering

    Stuttering is a violation in the activity of the nervous system, which does not allow the speech apparatus to fully perform its function. The main causes leading to the development of logoneurosis can be divided into two groups - predisposing and external.

    1. Predisposing causes, these are the factors that, under a certain external influence, at some point in a child's life lead to problems with speech. Predisposing causes of stuttering include:
      • Intrauterine infections affecting the formation of brain structures.
      • Fetal hypoxia.
      • Injuries to the child during childbirth and during pregnancy.
      • Prematurity of varying degrees.
      • The character of the child. An emotional and impressionable baby is more prone to incorrect speech formation than calm child- phlegmatic.
    2. External negative impact, these are the factors that enhance the influence of predisposing causes or may be the root cause of logoneurosis, they include:
      • Transferred infectious diseases brain - , .
      • Injuries -,.
      • Somatic diseases affecting the brain, such as diabetes mellitus.
      • Respiratory tract infections, otitis.
      • Diseases that reduce the functioning of the immune system - frequent colds, rickets, the presence of helminths in the body.
      • Neurotic features of the child's character - susceptibility to fears, emotional tension, enuresis, poor night's sleep.
      • Short-term, strong and sudden fright. Stuttering often occurs after a dog attack, inappropriate behavior of parents.
      • Uneven parenting style. A child can have a logoneurosis if parents jump from one extreme to another in their upbringing - from moments of pampering they move on to harsh punishments, constant screaming, and intimidation.
      • Non-compliance with the correctness of the stages of speech formation. Stuttering can be provoked by the peculiarities of too fast speech of parents, abundant inflow of speech information from the outside, overload of the baby's nervous system with classes.

    In rare cases, logoneurosis also occurs under the influence of an unexpected and excessive joyful event for the child. At an older age, that is, when the baby went to school, the teacher is largely to blame for the appearance of stuttering. Strict attitude, shouting, underestimating lead to the development of neurosis in children. Especially often at this age, children who did not go to kindergarten suffer, and at home received only praise.


    Stuttering in an adult is quite easy to determine - hesitations in speech, repetition of syllables or sounds, pauses. In children, not everything is so simple and logoneurosis can proceed not only according to the usual pattern. Parents do not take some signs of the development of stuttering seriously, and this is wrong; in many cases, it is the early appeal to the doctor for help that will help the baby in the correct formation of his speech.

    Stuttering in children of primary preschool age (2-3 years)

    For children of two to three years, swallowing the beginning or end of a word, fast, slurred speech, long pauses are characteristic. Such phenomena are normal and disappear with age. Stuttering can be separated from the normal process of speech formation by the following features:

    • Kid during his dialogue often pauses, while it is clear that the muscles of his neck and face are tense.
    • Experiencing difficulty in pronunciation, the baby may clench your fists, wave your arms, move from foot to foot. With these movements, he seems to be trying to express what he cannot do with the help of words.
    • It is not uncommon for children who speak well to be silent for several hours.
    • In a child with stuttering at the time of pronunciation difficult words lips may tremble, quickly move eyeballs.

    Do not confuse true stuttering with imitation. Children of the younger preschool age they often copy the speech and intonations of adults, and if there is a person with logoneurosis in the immediate environment, then the baby can completely copy his pronunciation of words.

    Stuttering in younger students (from 4-5 years old)

    During that period of life, when the baby is already in full command of his speech apparatus, pronounces meaningful phrases, can build a conversation, stuttering is more pronounced. The main manifestation of logoneurosis at this age is the appearance of muscle spasms of the tongue, the glottis at the time of pronouncing words. Seizures can be tonic, clonic or mixed.

    • tonic convulsions arise when the vocal muscles spasm, and the word is pronounced jerky with a pause between individual letters or syllables (machine..shina).
    • Clonic convulsions associated with the rhythmic repetition of the same type of movements by the vocal muscles. In this case, the repetition of syllables in a word or the first letter occurs.
    • Mixed convulsions- these are pauses in the word and the repetition of syllables and sounds.

    Pronunciation of words during stuttering requires a lot of physical effort from the child, so he can sweat, blush, and, on the contrary, turn pale after speech. Older children already understand their otherness, and therefore stuttering also affects their psycho-emotional development.

    The child may withdraw, parents notice that he prefers to play alone. Enhances stuttering and unusual environment, the presence of strangers at home.

    How the baby will relate to his problem depends largely on the parents. A friendly environment, a desire to always listen and help, the lack of comparison with healthy children helps a stuttering baby feel confident and not respond to sharp remarks from peers.

    If the situation in the family is difficult, and the parents at the same time constantly pull the child, do not allow him to speak out, then the result may not be comforting - the baby will close in on himself, and in school age will be afraid to answer the teacher's questions, which will lead to poor academic performance.

    Techniques for the treatment of stuttering

    Parents should not think that stuttering will go away on its own with age, there are only a few such cases, and therefore, if logoneurosis is suspected, the first thing to do is to visit a neurologist who will conduct an appropriate examination and prescribe treatment. Not all children require medication, most often medications are prescribed for identified primary diseases that contribute to logoneurosis.

    Parents want to find a good child psychologist and a speech therapist who will help identify the cause of such a pathology and teach the baby to correctly build his speech. For stuttering children, the situation in the house is also important, they should never be shouted at at the moment when they cannot pronounce a word, this will only aggravate the situation. It is also necessary to revise the daily routine of such children, neurologists usually advise adhering to the following rules:

    1. Follow the daily routine - go to bed and get up at the same time.
    2. Before going to bed, you do not need to entertain the child with cartoons or noisy games.
    3. The speech of parents should be smooth and calm, if possible slowed down. A kid with stuttering does not need to read a lot of fairy tales, especially if they scare the child with something.
    4. swimming lessons, physical exercises, walking on fresh air contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system.
    5. A baby with logoneurosis does not need to be constantly patronized, the requirements for him should be the same as for healthy children. There is no need to limit communication with peers. Preschool children can adapt especially well in society and not feel inferior at the same time, so the child should be encouraged to make friends.


    Drug therapy is chosen depending on the degree of stuttering and identified neurological diseases. The doctor may prescribe tranquilizers, agents that promote the activation of brain processes. Calming drugs, vitamin therapy are widely used. You should not rely on pills alone, often after the end of the course, after a while, stuttering may return again.


    Speech therapy massage is often prescribed for children with stuttering, and only a specialist should perform it. The speech therapist must know the mechanism of the disorder, understand the anatomical location of the articulatory muscles, cranial nerves. It is important to prepare the baby for a massage, to create a calm, peaceful environment. Massage is performed from the position of the body lying or half-sitting. Use:

    • Stroking.
    • Kneading.
    • Trituration.
    • tingling or vibration.

    The first sessions start from five to seven minutes and gradually increase to 30 minutes. The course consists of 10 procedures, then take a break for two weeks and repeat it again.

    In addition to speech therapy massage, acupressure is also used, in which the impact is carried out on certain points on the body. Massage helps to calm down, favorably affects the nervous system, relaxes. The impact on the articulatory muscles helps to set them up for proper work.

    Often after the first course, the baby's stuttering intensifies, which indicates a severe course of the pathological process, you should not stop the sessions, but only if you are confident in the competence of the specialist.


    With stuttering, good treatment results occur if you constantly carry out breathing exercises with your child. Such exercises allow you to normalize the process of nasal and oral breathing, help strengthen muscles and the diaphragm, and teach you to control your condition. It is necessary to teach the child to exhale calmly, and to inhale only during the movement.

    • The child should be placed straight, bent elbows down, while the open palms should be directed upwards. On inhalation, the palms are clenched into fists, on a silent exhalation they are unclenched. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.
    • The child is standing, arms extended along the body, legs apart. While inhaling, you need to sit down with the simultaneous rotation of the torso, first in one direction, then in the other.
    • Position - standing, legs apart. You have to tilt your head different sides so that the ear is pressed against the shoulder, when tilted, inhale. Having made 4-5 tilts, you need to shake your head from side to side. When performing all movements, the eyes should look straight.
    • The position of the body is the same as in the previous complex, but now the head must now be lowered down or raised up, while making a noisy breath. Exhalation is done when the head returns to its original position.

    Breathing exercises help to strengthen the speech apparatus and also improve cerebral circulation. You need to do a set of exercises daily and preferably in the morning.

    For clarity, watch the video of the exercises:

    There are currently hundreds of methods for getting rid of stuttering, and therefore doctors advise not to stop at one, especially if no noticeable result is visible. If you wish, you can always find a treatment regimen that will help your child.

    Of all the neuroses and neurosis-like disorders, it is one of the most complex. It is difficult to find two similar stutterers: each stutters in his own way, and the vast majority suffer greatly. A sudden fright is the cause of the problem only half the time. In another 15% of cases, heredity is to blame. Everything else is the unfavorable neuro-emotional circumstances in which it occurs. In other words, a sudden fright will cause stuttering only in that child, who has certain prerequisites for impaired speech function and whose psyche has previously been constantly injured (for example, scandals of parents, a generally nervous situation in the family). Stuttering is classified as a childhood disease because in up to % of cases it begins in early childhood, between the ages of two and five. But the "childhood illness" most often continues throughout life, although there are even cases of self-healing. Sometimes you have to hear from adults that their stuttering went away on its own. It is much less common that stuttering was "cured by such and such a specialist." This speaks precisely of the complex nature of the disorder.

    The boys are out of luck!

    They stutter four times more often than girls. American experts explain this by the fact that boys are more mobile, energetic, active and inquisitive, and therefore they are much more likely to fall into all sorts of psycho-traumatic situations. However, this is not the only thing. If we check the ratio of neuropsychic pathology in childhood if only in terms of the number of psychiatric departments in hospitals, it will turn out that there are again three to four times more men's departments than women's departments. This means that the reason, rather, is in certain features of the development of the male neuropsychic sphere, its lesser resistance to various negative impacts. There is another reason for the greater prevalence of stuttering (and nervousness in general) in boys. Traditionally, it is believed that future men should be treated more strictly than girls; various hugs, “lisping”, kisses are not encouraged in communicating with them. Therefore, they have nervous breakdowns more. Girls are raised in an atmosphere more love and tenderness (in normal families, of course). Therefore, they have a more stable psyche and a better developed motor sphere (boys, as a rule, are more angular and clumsy in childhood).

    Early start

    Usually everything starts at the age of two to five years, because at this time speech function is only developing. Speech is the most complex and young function of living nature. The whole complex of pathologies at an early age nests precisely in the speech-motor analyzer. For the sake of objectivity, it must be admitted: stuttering does not always occur in babies who grow up in families where parents violently sort things out (scaring the child). Quite often, this neuropsychiatric disease occurs in children who are raised as family idols. A child who is allowed everything grows, as they say, "without brakes." And when he gets into a situation where he has to behave “not as you want, but as expected” (for example, he gets into Kindergarten), his psyche can not stand it. A pariah child—unwanted, unloved, superfluous—is another likely candidate for stutterers. He is constantly "not allowed". Such a child is likely to have mental problems, and stuttering will turn out to be a “makeweight” that will complicate an already difficult life. little man. There are, according to Drapkin, just unloved children who are taken care of, fulfilling their parental duty, but ... not loving. And true affection is felt without words. Disliked children often develop a neurosis - speech, as the most vulnerable function, is disturbed.

    Wrong reception

    Parents often scare kids for educational purposes - “if you behave badly, a policeman will come and take you away”, “if you don’t obey, I’ll give you to that gypsy”. Thus, a phobic mood is artificially formed. A case is known when a large dog rushed to a five-year-old girl (fortunately, did not bite), knocked her down and began to bark loudly. In the presence of a phobia, this could cause fear and even stuttering, but the baby only laughed: she thought that the dog was playing with her. Of course, this does not mean that children cannot be warned against dangers by telling them about some situations in advance. But to intimidate with "gypsies", "monsters" or something like that - by no means!

    If parents stutter

    It seems incredible, but true: stuttering adults involuntarily begin to speak almost normally in the presence of children. Therefore, parents who stutter can literally be required: during the period of formation of speech in your children, speak yourself as best as possible. Remember that in children the formation of speech follows the mechanism of active imitation. (Strange but true: stuttering parents begin to pronounce words more slowly, follow the speech.) If for some reason they have problems with speech (for example, during a quarrel or when they are very excited), they should be advised to control themselves and try not to talk like that in front of the child. The easiest way out is to go to the kitchen or another room.


    There is another interesting mechanism stuttering. This is also an imitation.

    Children in and lower grades of school often tease stutterers. But speech at this age, as already mentioned, is only being formed and the function is very vulnerable. Mimicking another, the child himself can start stuttering, because "teasers" are always pronounced for a reason, but very emotionally! As a result, the offender may begin convulsive imitations in the speech apparatus. The sad result: he teased, teased and ... he began to stutter. There is only one prevention here: a belt (figuratively speaking, of course). So that it was disrespectful to tease! Explain to the bully: stuttering is not a vice, this can happen to anyone, including him.

    There are also situations

    There are two children growing up in the family. The elder stutters. His parents pity him, caress him more. And the second child suddenly has a stutter! He thinks: “Stuttering doesn’t hurt at all, but how many indulgences you get!” - the mechanism of imitation is turned on. From here Golden Rule: if there are two children in the family, especially the weather, then no matter what they do, both are always right. And both are always to blame. You can’t spoil one child in the presence of another, even if for some reason you feel “more sorry” for the second one.

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