• Golden rules of a well-groomed woman or why you should look delicious. Signs of a well-groomed woman


    Marina Ignatieva is the editor of the “Beauty” section of COLADY magazine, a hair and makeup specialist.

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    Every woman wants to be attractive and have well-groomed appearance. But not all representatives of the fair sex know how to achieve this. Therefore, today we will tell you the basic rules of a well-groomed woman, the observance of which will help you have an irresistible look at any time of the day.

    Commandments of a well-groomed woman:

    • Cleanliness is the most main feature well-groomed woman.
      You need to start and end your day with a shower. You should be clean from the top of your head to your toes. After all, when a woman is clean, it is noticeable to the naked eye; vibes of cleanliness and well-groomedness simply emanate from her. Don't believe those who say that washing your hair often is harmful. If you notice that your hair has become oily, be sure to wash it, because tomorrow morning you will have ugly icicles on your head instead of a chic hairstyle.
    • Time for yourself.
      To look well-groomed, you need to devote at least one hour a day to yourself for your loved one, no matter how tired you are from household chores or at work. It is at this time that you take a shower, wash your face, manicure, apply makeup, etc. These procedures must be carried out daily, and not occasionally.
    • Manicure.
      Every self-respecting woman should have this on her nails. Their color and shape must be perfect. The length of your nails should be such that you feel comfortable. You should not do a bright flashy manicure; opt for calmer colors, but they must be relevant. Never walk around with chipped nail polish. Restraint and harmony are the main criteria for your manicure.
    • Aroma.
      A woman should emanate not only the smell of cleanliness, but also the aroma of perfume by which she can be recognized. A well-groomed woman never uses different scents, because she knows that a woman is remembered by her smell. In men, this happens on an instinctive level. For the office, the fair sex should use a light version of their favorite perfume, and a rich version can only be used in the evening. A well-groomed woman uses only high-quality expensive perfumes, and not cheap fakes.
    • Hairstyle.
      You don't have to have a florid hairstyle. Remember, simplicity is always in fashion. However, a well-groomed woman will never allow herself to go out with a dirty and unkempt head. You should always know your hair color and hairstyle. For example: a brunette with a bob, a brown-haired woman with a bob, a blonde with ponytail. A well-groomed woman always has her own hairdresser, whom she visits at least once every two months.
    • Own style.
      Every well-groomed woman has her own style of clothing. If she does not have an innate sense of style, she turns to professionals for help. Well, if your financial situation does not allow you to have your own stylist, a well-groomed woman carefully studies fashion magazines and remembers what you can wear and with what. In her wardrobe there are always several basic things: a pencil skirt, black dress, White shirt, classic black trousers, beige V-neck jumper, black trench coat, cashmere coat and 3-4 pairs of shoes.
    • No - extra hairs!
      A well-groomed woman will never resemble Bigfoot. She is the owner gorgeous hair, which are located exclusively on the head. That's why she does it regularly.
    • Beautiful eyebrows and well-groomed hands are one of the main commandments of a well-groomed woman.
      Eyebrows should not stick out different sides or hanging over your eyes. Do beautiful shape eyebrows can be done by a specialist in a beauty salon or on your own at home in front of a mirror. A well-groomed woman does not know the word “hurt.”
    • Minimal makeup.
      No matter how strange it may sound, a well-groomed woman wears a minimal amount of makeup on her skin. Never be confused day makeup with the evening. Focus either on the lips or on the eyes, but in no case on all at once. Don’t overdo it, but just a little emphasize the advantages that nature has already endowed you with.
    • Shoes make the fair sex even more feminine.
      A well-groomed woman always wears only expensive shoes that are in perfect condition. It is always washed, polished and padded.
    • The gait of a well-groomed woman is always graceful.
      She doesn’t hobble, isn’t in a hurry, and certainly doesn’t rush. Such a woman always leaves on time, so she is always on time everywhere. She always walks with a straight back, slowly swaying her hips a little. A well-groomed woman is simply impossible not to notice in the crowd!

    All of the above commandments are the answer to the question of many representatives of the fair sex - “How to become a well-groomed woman?” By adhering to these rules every day, you will become modern, beautiful, bold and charming. This is the kind of woman men always dream about!

    While still very little girls We, as if under hypnosis, watched as our mothers got ready for work or a celebration. They style their hair, apply face cream, powder their nose, apply a drop of perfume to the neck and arms - real magic. 🙂 Years go forward, times change, and a woman’s well-groomed appearance still plays one of the main roles in her attractiveness. Correct facial features, figure, height - all this loses its meaning if a woman does not take care of herself. Let's talk about how to look beautiful and well-groomed, regardless of age and budget.

    7 rules for a well-groomed and beautiful woman

    1. Healthy hair

    Chic, Thick hair Unfortunately, not all women on planet Earth got it – but, believe me, this is not a reason to be sad. What is much more important is not the amount of hair on the head, but its condition. A dirty, unkempt head with split ends has never given anyone an attractive, much less a well-groomed look. You may have read many sources that washing your hair every day is very harmful to your hair. But in reality this information is not so true. Especially if you use hair styling products, then by the evening you definitely need to wash off all these foams, gels and styling “potions”. Therefore, you need to wash your hair as it gets dirty or every day if you use styling products. In addition, most modern shampoos do not aggressively cleanse your head and are suitable for daily use. Well, about split ends, we think you understand everything yourself. Your hair may be the length you've dreamed of all your life, but believe me, split ends will ruin even the most beautiful hair. Therefore, if you want to look well-groomed, be sure to get rid of dry ends.

    1. Clear skin with light makeup

    “Strobings”, “bakings” and others fashion trends in makeup are certainly attractive, but will not provide you with real health and beauty of your skin. Start focusing not on makeup, but on the health of your skin. If you have problematic skin If you are prone to breakouts, then you need to look for the cause of acne, and not for skin camouflage products. This may take months or even years, but believe me, the result is worth it. Besides, three layers of foundation doesn't make anyone look attractive. And believe me, even the most expensive Foundation applied in several layers will be noticeable to others, which has nothing to do with a woman’s grooming. Therefore, look in the mirror and adequately assess the condition of your skin, reconsider your care and lifestyle - then decorative cosmetics will not be that “lifeline” without which you cannot go outside. But you shouldn’t ignore makeup altogether. Light foundation or concealer problem areas, a touch of blush, gloss or lipstick, a thin layer of mascara - all this will give your face freshness and highlight your advantages. 🙂

    1. Body odor

    It is impossible to imagine a well-groomed woman with stale body odor. It’s probably not worth talking about hygiene, but I still want to remind you that a regular shower 2 times a day is something without which it is impossible to be a well-groomed and beautiful woman. Don't forget to moisturize your skin after taking a bath or shower, as the skin of our body needs nourishment and hydration no less than our face. This ritual should become daily, just like brushing your teeth. And of course, you shouldn’t overdo it with perfume. A drop of your favorite perfume on the neck, chest and arms will be quite enough - you should be fragrant, and not suffocate those around you with your aroma. 🙂

    4. Well-groomed fingernails and toenails

    Imagine for a second the following picture: You are standing at the checkout in a store, and in front of you is an obviously beautiful, stylish lady, who has a pleasant subtle aroma, well-groomed hair and a pleasant voice - everything is fine, and then you notice dirty nails with peeling varnish . Surely your whole impression will be ruined. This is not surprising, since nails are of great importance for a well-groomed woman. If you are too lazy to paint your nails or simply don’t have enough time or money for another manicure at the salon, then try to make them look neat at home. Trim your nails, making them the same length - albeit short, but even, file and push back the cuticle. Now there are a huge number of products in stores that will help deal with cuticles. Apply clear nail polish and don’t forget about nail oil, which will make your nails beautiful and well-groomed in an instant. And, of course, don’t forget that not only your fingernails, but also your toenails require care, even if it’s winter. Since no well-groomed woman will allow herself to walk around with untidy nails on both her hands and feet.

    1. Cloth

    We will not talk about style and trends in clothing, since this issue is purely a matter of your taste and preferences. But no matter what style you choose for yourself, your clothes should remain neat. Pills, holes and stains even on your favorite skirt will ruin your look to smithereens. Therefore, try to take care of your favorite things so that they last you as long as possible. Well, if nothing can help your favorite dress, say goodbye to it without unnecessary worries, after all, it’s just clothes.

    1. Underwear

    Perhaps you have already experienced the sensations that appear when you are dressed in beautiful underwear. Of course, only you know what kind of underwear you are wearing today. And yet it is precisely this that can help you feel truly attractive and sexy, even if you are wearing a simple dress. White T-shirt and jeans. Ruthlessly get rid of underwear with holes, scuffs, or simply an uncomfortable style for you and replenish your wardrobe with a couple of high-quality sets of underwear.

    1. Lifestyle and bad habits

    The banal point about lifestyle is no less important than all of the above. Healthy image life includes your daily routine, healthy sleep, proper nutrition, sports, love for yourself, your loved ones, love for life and abandonment bad habits. Can you tell me what this has to do with it? Is it really possible to imagine a well-groomed woman from whom, instead of the aromas of freshness and perfume, the smell of tobacco and alcohol clearly breaks through? Of course, we all go to parties and may have a couple of glasses of wine and other drinks. But, if a woman drinks alcohol and smokes every day, then it is unlikely that in this case she will be associated with that very attractive and charming person. There is only one verdict - and first of all, for the sake of your health!

    Dear women, remember that being well-groomed is necessary not for others, not for men, but exclusively for yourself. Because your grooming is a reflection of your love for yourself and your life. Love yourself and always remain the most charming and attractive!

    Video on the topic

    You can look well-groomed and beautiful at any age, status and with any natural characteristics. A well-groomed appearance is the direct responsibility of everyone representatives of the fair sex.

    One of the golden rules of a well-groomed woman is that you need to take care of yourself regularly. It doesn’t matter what style of clothing, hair color, makeup and hairstyle you choose - the main thing is to take care of yourself constantly. Because it is impossible to give a woman a luxurious look at lightning speed if you do not systematically monitor her appearance. The body and hair will respond to care and attention and at the right time, if you unexpectedly receive an invitation to a party, they will provide you with a 100% appearance.

    Requirements for everyone

    The following rules of a well-groomed woman must be followed:

    1. First of all, eight hours of sleep is necessary, which is mandatory to maintain mental and physical activity. In case of lack of sleep, dark circles appear under the eyes, bad mood and premature skin aging. You need to go to sleep at the same time, preferably in a pre-ventilated room.
    2. The condition of the skin and the entire body of a woman directly depends on what gets into the stomach. In the morning and throughout the day, you need to eat healthy, high-quality and wholesome food, without any fast food, soda, preservatives or additives. Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of meals, not to overeat, and calculate the daily calorie content of foods in the diet. If simple rules are not followed, excess weight may appear, which will have a negative effect on self-esteem.
    3. Throughout the day you need to drink about two liters of liquid. Drinking water plays a significant role in removing toxins and harmful substances from the body.
    4. Bad habits . The golden rule of a well-groomed woman is abstaining from bad habits. This abuse alcohol and smoking. The second negatively affects the condition of the skin and teeth, and alcohol harms the psyche and body.
    5. To keep the body in good shape and maintain health, an important attribute is daily physical training. Gymnastics can be done both at home and in the gym, the main rule is that the exercises should bring satisfaction and benefit to the body. Walking is good for your health. While walking, about 80% of the muscles are used, and on top of that, fresh air has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the appearance of a well-groomed woman. The golden rule (photo of a girl doing sports, presented in the article) - is to choose physical exercises that are suitable for your level of training and will appeal to you.

    6. You definitely need to take care of your appearance. Do makeup every day; Don’t forget about your hands, always make sure your nails are neat and well-groomed.
    7. Do not leave the house with a dirty head and without a hairstyle. Every day you need to coat your eyelashes with a brush with burdock oil so that they are thick and grow in length.
    8. Pay due attention to oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day, morning and evening.
    9. To keep your body well-groomed for a long time, you need to regularly spend time cosmetology procedures. Nourish your body and face with creams, scrubs, tonics, masks and lotions, preferably made from natural ingredients. Care products should correspond skin type, hair type, age and weather conditions.

    If slightly over 30

    What should a well-groomed woman look like at this age? The golden rules of “over 30” require additional attention to caring for your body and appearance. Guarantee fashionable look is the right combination flowers in clothes. Luxurious representative The fair sex is distinguished by the absence of flashy shades in make-up, stylish shoes and a well-chosen bag.

    And in order for the skin to remain in perfect condition, it is necessary to allocate time for massage procedures, which can be carried out either with the help of massage products or with your hands.

    Basic principles for maintaining a well-groomed image

    At this age, the following rules should be observed:

    1. For maintaining the condition If the skin is at the proper level, care must be taken to ensure that there are no dry areas left on its surface. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a washcloth that has a massage effect. And, while in the shower, massage the body in such a way that the upper layers of the skin are renewed and saturated with oxygen.
    2. It is necessary to do peeling and wraps every week so that the skin does not lose its elasticity. The procedure can be performed both at home and in beauty salons.
    3. Don't forget about heel care. You need to do foot baths periodically. Then lubricate them with cream or butter with the addition of essential oils.
    4. It is necessary to monitor the length of your hair, regularly updating your haircut. And pay attention to their color, tint them in time, so as not to create the impression of an unkempt image.

    Golden rules for a well-groomed woman over 40

    At this age, in order for a woman to look well-groomed and beautiful, she needs to take care of the skin of her face and hands:

    1. Before going to bed, be sure to apply micellar water and tonic to the cleansed skin surface. If she's fat periodically necessary use a soft gel.
    2. Morning and evening, use serum and cream that contain moisturizing ingredients. When purchasing cosmetics, you must ensure that the packaging bears the “40+” mark.

    Appearance of a stylish woman

    Golden Rule a well-groomed woman at 40 years old - find her elegant and sophisticated style and maintain it in every possible way:

    Well-groomed woman: golden rules “over 50”

    After 50 years, a woman becomes mature, but this should not in any way affect her external attractiveness. Self-development, physical activity, high-quality cosmetics will help you feel more confident and beautiful. It is necessary to focus not only on things, cosmetics, but also on spiritual balance.

    Relaxation and relaxation

    When a woman is over 50, she needs to get a lot of rest and try not to be stressed. Monitor the general state of the psyche and nervous system. Since nerves and irritation affect the appearance of various diseases and ailments. You need to try to abstract yourself from unnecessary experiences. By devoting the necessary time to proper rest, doing your favorite hobby. Spend time with family and friends.

    The golden rule for a well-groomed woman over 50 is to avoid frequent hair coloring. At this age, the structure of the hair changes, and it cannot recover as quickly after coloring as before.

    Mature women should avoid spending long periods of time in the sun and visiting a solarium. With the help of a solarium you can purchase golden hue skin, but also earn deep wrinkles and age spots.

    The woman is beautiful

    A woman can always be beautiful. And if you use the golden rules and principles, then you can remain attractive and well-groomed both at 60 and at 70 years of age.

    The French are a smart nation.

    It is not for nothing that they claim that beauty is not the main thing in a woman, the main thing is charm and grooming.

    Even exceptional external features gifted by nature can be ruined if you do not devote enough time, money and effort to your appearance.

    I believe that women should be interested not in how to become beautiful, but in how how to look well-groomed, because this is precisely the secret of attractiveness and popularity among men.

    What prevents us from looking well-groomed?

    I think if I asked my readers “What’s stopping you from looking well-groomed?”, the answers of the majority would not be much different.

    Many would complain that lack of money and time prevents them from looking well-groomed.

    I will disappoint you, because you are looking for enemies in the wrong place.

    As proof, I would like to introduce you to my friend, who professional care spends a minimum of money (gets a manicure twice a month, a pedicure three times a summer, gets a haircut once a quarter), works 12 hours a day with one day off a week, but at the same time looks well-groomed and attractive. Her name is Nastya.

    She was born into a poor family, so she was used to making do on her own to look well-groomed.

    I learned to paint my nails, dye my hair, and take care of my facial skin as well as a specialist.

    Now Nastya has another problem: she has money, but too little time to go to salons.

    Nastya devotes enough time to her appearance at home, and she does it so skillfully that everyone would look so well-groomed even after salon procedures.

    And now let’s return to where we started: what prevents you from taking care of yourself is not the lack of money and time, but simple laziness and unwillingness to do anything.

    If you get rid of them and forever forget about the phrases “I don’t want to wash my hair, I’ll tie a ponytail tomorrow, no one will notice that my hair is dirty”, “I’m too lazy to wash off my nail polish, think it’s chipped on just one finger”, “I’m so tired , I’ll do a mask tomorrow,” then you will always look well-groomed.

    What does it take to look well-groomed?

    First, you need the desire to devote time to yourself every day.

    Secondly, money (even if not as much as you think), because cosmetics still cost money, and oat scrubs And cucumber masks, contrary to your grandmother's assurances, are not very effective.

    And thirdly, you should know what a woman needs to take care of in order to look beautiful.

    A well-groomed woman should take care of:

      The hair on your head should be clean, regardless of your life circumstances.

      It doesn't matter at all what color hair you wear, long or short haircut prefer, but your head should always be in order.

      By the way, about hair: I think that in the 21st century there is no need to remind us that we need to get rid of excess hair on the face and body?

      Tender soft skin, manicured fingers with natural length nails.

      Decide for yourself whether to varnish your nails or not.

      But if you cover it, it’s better to use a single-color varnish; flowers, pebbles, and paintings look cheap and are appropriate for schoolgirls.

      Remember the three essential components daily care behind women's skin face (cleansing, toning and moisturizing).

      Even without makeup, your dermis should look clean, elastic and velvety.

      Don’t be lazy to put on makeup in the morning (not Indian war paint, but light daytime makeup).

      Eyebrows need to be thinned out, but not turned into two drawn laces.

      Do a pedicure not only during the period of open shoes, but constantly (in winter it is easy to bring your feet to normal condition on your own), because with dirty, crooked nails and cracked heels you will never look well-groomed.

      • do not allow your body to be disfigured by folds of fat;
      • to cleanse the skin on the body, use not only shower gel or soap, but also a scrub;
      • moisturize the dermis with cream or lotion.
    1. Clothes and shoes.

      They should be clean, new (or at least in impeccable condition), fashionable, selected taking into account the time of day, event and place where you are going, decorate you, and not disfigure you.

    What do men think a well-groomed woman should look like?

    Men love women who can look well-groomed, regardless of the circumstances and their age.

    If you surf men's forums or read texts in magazines for gentlemen, you will understand that the tips on how to look well-groomed, which I shared with you above, are all relevant.

    Separately, I would like to say that men do not like.

    Representatives of the stronger sex believe that what prevents a woman from looking well-groomed is:

    1. Overly plucked or tattooed eyebrows.
    2. Teeth whitened to an unnatural state.
    3. The smell of sweat.
    4. Peeling varnish on arms and legs.
    5. Hairy legs, armpits, bikini line, mustache above the upper lip.
    6. Hair and nail extensions.
    7. Frequent visits to the solarium.
    8. Skin on the face with pimples, blackheads, and oily sheen.
    9. Untidy clothes.
    10. A thick layer of plaster on the face.
    11. Dirt under the nails.
    12. Extra pounds and cellulite.

    Yes, these men are so spoiled, but I think that each of us would be lying when we begin to claim that we are trying to look well-groomed solely for ourselves, and not in order to win male attention.

    How to look well-groomed with the help of professionals?

    I believe that every woman should visit beauty salons.

    Even if you don’t have a lot of money, even if you cope well with your life, even if you are sorely short of time and want to fall into bed and relax, and not go somewhere else.

    Going to the salon is a holiday and there is nothing more pleasant than putting yourself in the hands of professionals.

    Mandatory salon procedures for every woman who wants to look well-groomed, there should be:

    1. Manicure.
    2. Pedicure.
    3. Hair cutting and coloring (optional).
    4. Massages and pleasant body programs (e.g. scrubbing, honey mask or chocolate wrap).
    5. Facial cleansing and other cosmetic treatments.

    What else should you remember about self-care?

    watch in the video:

    10 commandments for a woman who wants to look well-groomed

    A well-groomed woman is not only about appearance.

    This is a lifestyle, a state of mind, daily work on oneself.

    Naturally, every well-groomed woman should have personal commandments. I offer you mine:

    1. Sports and physical activity should be a part of life, and not “oh, summer is coming, I should start pumping up my abs in the morning.”
    2. You need to train not only the body, but also the mind.

      Intelligence is no less a powerful weapon than appearance, and if it is absent, then there will be nothing to fight with.

      Perfume should be used every day, and not just on holidays.

      You must have your own recognizable unique aroma.

      Frown less, smile more.

      And to smile without fear and reproach, you need to regularly visit the dentist.

    3. You need to monitor not only your appearance, but also your health.
    4. What we eat affects both our appearance and our well-being, so less harmful stuff, more vegetables, fruits and greens.
    5. You cannot have an impeccable appearance, but at the same time speak like a gopnik.
      Competent speech will add points to you in the eyes of others.
    6. You don't have to wear designer clothes, but clean and ironed clothes are a must.
    7. To look good, you need to get enough sleep.

      I don't always adhere to this rule, but I try very hard.

    8. Without self-confidence, nothing will ever work out.

    Now you know for sure how to look well-groomed.

    It's not that difficult, right?

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    Over one year old

    Spectacular appearance is not only beauty given by nature. Beautiful woman- This is a woman who carefully looks after herself. How to learn to be well-groomed? Remember 8 easy, truly “golden” rules from SHAPE!

    Golden rules for well-groomed girls and women

    How to become a well-groomed girl without spending a fortune on cosmetics and various procedures? It’s very simple: carefully working on your own appearance should become a daily habit.

    A well-groomed appearance is an art accessible to any woman or girl, regardless of age, natural appearance, status and lifestyle. All that is required for this is to remember a few simple rules and devote some free time for yourself and your beloved.

    Yes, exactly my beloved, otherwise how to become a well-groomed woman, if you don’t love yourself and enjoy life?

    Be patient, because only in fairy tales does Cinderella become a princess with one wave of her magic wand. And let's get started!

    8 rules for a well-groomed woman

    1. Love yourself

    According to psychologists, a person’s appearance is a reflection of his opinion about himself. Even with naturally ideal facial features and an impeccable figure, a girl can both arouse universal admiration and inspire sympathy and pity.

    Taking care of your own appearance, the desire to look your best is a natural need of any representative of the fair sex. A well-groomed girl values ​​herself and those around her, because a sloppy appearance is a sign of obvious disrespect for herself and her loved ones.

    2. Cleanliness is the key to not only health, but also beauty

    No cosmetic product or deodorant can mask the smell of sweat, dirty skin or unwashed hair. Daily shower and weekly cleansing of face and body with gentle home peeling- will not only give you a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, but will also increase the effectiveness of various moisturizing and anti-cellulite products that nourish the skin.

    The main thing is to choose the right soap, shower gel, shampoos and other care products that suit your skin type and hair structure. Scented foam bath, jacuzzi, sauna, refreshing or contrast shower - learn to enjoy water treatments.

    3. Clear and beautiful lines

    Main features well-groomed girl: neat haircut, clear eyebrow line, clean skin, nails, the same length and shape. A well-groomed woman always has the necessary minimum of tools with her: a soft nail file, manicure scissors, and tweezers for removing unnecessary hairs.

    If you can handle a manicure and eyebrow line on your own, then to create a spectacular haircut it is better to contact a specialist. He will suggest the optimal choice of hairstyle that is most suitable for your face type, hair and lifestyle (an extravagant haircut that is appropriate for a teenage girl is unlikely to suit a modern business woman).

    In order for the haircut to maintain its shape, it needs to be trimmed once every 1-3 months, depending on the length of the hair. Don't overdo it with styling products. No haircut will improve the appearance of hair that is firmly fixed with hairspray or styling product.

    4. Follow the color scheme

    The right hair color can work wonders: change your image, add expressiveness to your facial features, take off a couple of years and give your haircut some dynamics. But you should remember that regrown hair roots will not only give away the original color, but also look sloppy and sloppy. The best solution would be to choose a paint that is as close as possible to natural color hair, or regularly tint the roots. Don't forget about masks and special shampoos to restore hair damaged by chemical dyes.

    5. Not a single extra hair

    Razor, electric epilator, wax, depilatory cream or a radical solution to the problem using laser hair removal - the choice hair removal products After you. But the skin of a well-groomed woman should be smooth and not bristling with excess hair, regardless of the time of year.

    6. Remove excess shine

    Oily skin and a damp shine on the face are very dubious adornments. Modern cosmetology offers wide choose matting and absorbent agents that successfully combat excess shine. The main thing is not to overdry or thin delicate skin faces, so as not to provoke the appearance early wrinkles. If the problem of hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands is permanent and not seasonal, in order to avoid unwanted consequences, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

    7. Flawless nails

    Manicure and pedicure are not only signs of a well-groomed woman, but also basic hygiene requirements, as mandatory as washing and brushing your teeth. Neat well-groomed cuticle, a detailed nail line, polishing or varnish are indispensable attributes of the image modern woman. And here decoration and the color of the varnish depends on your taste and lifestyle. To prevent troubles in the form of a suddenly broken nail or chipped coating from taking you by surprise, always carry a nail file and a bottle of polish with you.

    8. A subtle trail of enchanting aroma

    Smells cosmetics that you use must be in harmony with each other. Shower gel, body spray or cream, perfume, Eau de Toilette or deodorant must be in the same perfume line, otherwise you risk getting a “combined cocktail” of aromas that are pleasant individually, but are completely incompatible together. However, you can get into the habit of using products with a neutral scent, focusing on the aroma of your favorite perfume.

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