• Daytime makeup in five minutes. Secrets of morning express makeup Makeup in 5 minutes


    For many people, makeup is a matter of jewellery. Often women devote from 20 minutes to an hour of their personal time to make-up, especially when it comes to evening make-up. But there are situations when makeup needs to be done as quickly as possible, and then we ask ourselves: how to do makeup in 5 minutes and, in general, is this possible?

    In fact, nothing is impossible. In quick makeup, everything depends solely on the degree of your experience and imagination. The easiest way to do daytime makeup in 5 minutes. Let's say you've agreed on a walk in the park with friends, there are 10-15 minutes left before leaving, it's time to think about how to quickly get yourself in order.

    Doing this makeup in 5 minutes is as easy as shelling pears. With makeup in nude style your face will look fresh and natural, while it will require a minimum of cosmetic accessories. All you need is:

    1. Face foundation.

    2. Mattifying powder.

    3. Pencil to highlight eyebrows.

    4. Chapstick or light gloss.

    Makeup in 5 minutes in nude style is performed as follows:

    1. Apply to the face using a sponge Foundation, carefully blending it all over your face so that there are no spots or gaps left.

    2. Apply powder, especially to the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and eyelids. It will give your face a matte look and hide unevenness. You can also powder your lips a little so that the hygienic lipstick lies as evenly as possible.

    3. We correct the eyebrows, giving them a clear contour and more saturated color using a gray or brown pencil.

    4. Apply a light gloss that matches the tone natural color lips or hygienic lipstick with a slight glossy shine.

    This makeup for everyday wear will take no more than 5 minutes.

    Using these steps, you can create almost any makeup look.

    For example, using a pencil you can slightly emphasize the lower and upper lash line, thus widening your eyes. To create a quick cat makeup that is suitable for everyday wear, you can outline the mucous part of the lower eyelid with a black pencil. But in this case, don’t forget about mascara, because eyeliner without mascara looks a little ridiculous.

    How to do makeup in 5 minutes with shadows? It is not necessary to use popular eyeshadow techniques such as smokey eye, banana or birdie - they usually require careful shading, which often takes a lot of time.

    A great option quick makeup with shadows it will become:

    - Drawing the upper eyelid with a light shade of eyeshadow with a slightly darkened outer corner.

    - Cover the upper eyelid with pearlescent beige shadows, and shade the corner of the eyes with a lighter shade.

    - On the upper eyelid we apply any light shades, and along the bottom we draw a line with dark shadows, after which we soften the contours of the eyeliner using a brush or an ordinary cotton swab.

    When creating a full makeup look, the lips take the least amount of time. But only on the condition that you are not going to texture them, create highlights and use a contour pencil at full speed.

    To do makeup in 5 minutes, shaping your lips, just use high-quality and long-lasting lipstick. At the same time, when applying medium-light shades, the number of acceptable flaws is minimal, so if you need to do make-up quickly, use natural colors: peach, pink, light corral and others. From strongly light colors It’s also better to avoid lipstick, because makeup can turn out theatrical and sloppy.

    The best tool for lip makeup in 5 minutes are glosses with a light texture in neutral colors.

    Brief and to the point: how to do makeup in real 5 minutes.

    5 minutes does not mean doing it quickly, but choosing the right products for this.

    • Before any makeup application, I lay out the brushes and products I will be using on the table. Do the same. The thought – I’ll get it in the process – deprives you of 5 minutes.
    • By using an eyeshadow base, you save time on adding eyeshadow to make it richer.
    • Flat brush the best option to save time than a finger that will go beyond the slide and leave a couple of spots, and it will take another 2 minutes to blend them.
    • Avoid highly pigmented matte eyeshadows if it's 6:30 am and you have to leave in 20 minutes.
    • Use 2 colors in your makeup: one pearlescent for movement and matte for creases. 3-4 colors is no longer makeup in 5 minutes
    • Don't draw the first arrows in your life 5 minutes before going out. It is better to try something new after, not before, the work day.

    As for tone, then mineral powder will allow you to apply it in 5 minutes, just like blush, whose shading does not take much time.

    I don’t know how useful the tips turned out to be, but the point is not to use everything at once – it will allow you to reduce your time significantly.

    Now it’s your turn to share tips: how do you do makeup in 5 minutes, and most importantly, what products?

    Probably, each of us at least once had such a situation when we did not hear the alarm clock, and there were only a few minutes left before work began. There is not enough time for anything, this is where it comes to the rescue light makeup, which can be done in five minutes.

    First of all, the skin should be moisturized, so first apply a moisturizer to it. After this you can apply thermal water. It will soothe our skin, and cosmetics will lie smoother and lighter.

    In the second minute we begin to hide the flaws. We don’t have enough time to carefully apply foundation or fluid, but with a concealer we can make the skin even and quickly “disguise” all the small imperfections. Apply the corrector under the lower eyelid, in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, and on the outer corners of the eyes. You can set the result with light powder.

    The next step is applying eye shadow and mascara. For daytime makeup, we don’t need a whole palette of shadows, but just two, neutral, pastel shades. Lighter tones (beige) are suitable for the base, and darker tones (brown, gray) are used to accentuate the corner of the eye in the form of a tick.

    We apply mascara to our eyelashes - this makes our eyes more expressive. You can use the secret of makeup artists: to prevent eyelashes from sticking together and to be evenly colored, you need to “scroll” the brush to their base, moving from side to side, so that the eyelashes settle between the bristles of the brush.

    At the fourth minute, apply blush. They will give the face a fresh look and additional emphasis on the cheekbones. Smile at your reflection in the mirror and brush over the round cheeks that appear from your smile. If, in the morning rush, we slightly overdo it with blush, we remove the excess with a dry napkin and powder our face a little.

    The final stage is to line the lips. It is lipstick or gloss that makes the makeup complete. Choose a lipstick of a delicate shade that best suits your color type. Ready!

    And if you have one more, sixth minute, spend it admiring yourself and smiling!

    Makeup often takes a lot of time - some people can do it in 30 minutes, others it takes less than an hour.

    However, if you need quickly apply makeup(emergency call to work, unexpected date, alarm clock not ringing on time, etc.).

    It’s not possible to spend so much time - and in the end you have to go out without makeup at all. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to put on makeup (neatly and beautifully) in 5 minutes.

    Briefly about the main thing:

    Preliminary preparation

    Quick makeup in 5 minutes

      1. To quickly do makeup, all the necessary components should be on hand - primer, concealer, foundation and powder, eye shadow, pencil, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, gloss. In general, the entire set listed is optional - select only those cosmetical tools that you always use.
      2. You should have clean, fresh skin. For example, in the morning you can wipe your face with milk or apply moisturizer. To save time, try doing your hair and getting dressed while it soaks in.

    What do you need to know?

    Makeup in 5 minutes will allow you to quickly become beautiful!

    1. Distinguish between the purposes of makeup - daytime makeup is characterized by clear lines and muted colors, while evening makeup is characterized by bright colors.
    2. Buy cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type - this is the only way they will be truly effective.
    3. When choosing a makeup style, consider your age - for example, young girls can apply only a little loose powder, shadows and mascara, while women over 30 should apply makeup more carefully.
    4. When a person strains his vision for a long time, his eyes become tired and become painfully red. How to hide terrible redness after a hard day at work? You should use eye drops (Visine, Vial, etc.) that will help eliminate redness.

    Let's move on to makeup The first thing you should do is apply concealer to hide minor flaws. This can be concealer, carefully shaded with a sponge, if you are still young and your skin does not need “plaster.” Older ladies are also recommended to use moisturizer and foundation, but there is not always enough time for them. When choosing a foundation, avoid overly light colors– they will make your face pale and tired.

    Preparing for makeup

    Preparation for makeup includes using either a corrector and powder with a light transparent texture, or foundation and powder. It’s faster, of course, to use only powder, especially in summer period, but this option is not suitable for everyone - your skin must be perfect, as is the case with using one corrector.

    Expressive look

    Since there is little time left for eye makeup, a little base for the eyelids and shadows in a neutral shade will be enough.

    It should be thoroughly shaded, then highlight the upper eyelids using a sharp sharpened pencil - it is not as bright as eyeliner, so you can spend much less time on light arrows.

    Set your makeup with mascara, carefully applied in two layers.


    There is no time to paint your eyebrows, but giving them shape is very important, so use an eyebrow brush, pre-moistened with water, “combing” your eyebrows back.


    Skip the contour pencil in favor of a delicate shade of lipstick that best suits your color type. It is better to choose lipstick in peach, soft pink, and beige shades.

    To give your look a more seductive look by making your lips look bigger, dab a little gloss in the center.

    Of course, this makeup won't work the first time. do it in 5 minutes, however, over time you will perfect your movements - and you won’t spend much time on makeup. Good luck!

    Video about how to do makeup in 5 minutes

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