• Smokey eyes with beige shadows. Brown smokey eyes. Key features of Smokey Ice makeup


    Incredibly popular all over the world and every day the number of its adherents is only growing. Girls with any eye color and shape are instantly transformed thanks to smokey eyes.

    Soft transitions between colors, creating a charming haze around the eyes, are traditionally performed in black colors. But this range of shadows is more suitable for evening events; it is not suitable for every day because of its expressiveness and drama. Professional makeup artists have offered a great way out of this situation - color smoky eyes. Thus, you can choose the ideal shade for a specific color type.

    Made in brown tones, this makeup look is perfect for every day; it at the same time beautifully emphasizes the eyes and does not look defiantly bright. It’s very easy even for a novice makeup artist, since for the convenience of girls, leading cosmetic brands began to produce ready-made eyeshadow palettes, the colors of which were selected in accordance with all color requirements.

    Also, to create a smokey eye, it is very important to have a good soft pencil or black gel eyeliner. You should pay close attention to the quality of the pencil, since it draws a line in a very sensitive area - the inner mucosa of the lower eyelid. This procedure is not easily tolerated by everyone, and if a hard, scratching pencil is used for these purposes, the result may not be beautiful makeup, but watery, irritated eyes.

    Don’t forget that smoky eyes (no matter what color the shadows are used) puts emphasis on the eyes, which means you should paint your lips with nude lipstick or a calm gloss.

    Ideal daytime makeup option

    A soft brown haze highlights the eyes incredibly beautifully, but to achieve the best results, the skin of the face should be especially carefully prepared before starting makeup. If a slight carelessness is allowed in the shadows, which gives a special charm to such a makeup look, then the complexion tone should be ideal. The step-by-step instructions for creating a smokey eye are designed for brown-haired women with bright eyes, this makeup will look most impressive with this type of appearance. But using the same scheme, you can do a make-up for both blondes and brunettes, adding minor changes in the selected shade of brown eyeshadow.

    Stages of creating a smokey eye:

    • Even out skin tone and color using foundation or other product suitable for the type of epidermis.
    • Apply to cheekbones Not a large number of blush
    • Paint and comb your eyebrows - for this type of makeup, beautifully defined eyebrows are very important; for brunettes, a pencil that matches the color of their hair is perfect, for blondes - a lighter shade, and for brown-haired women - a tone darker than their hair.
    • Cover the top of the eyelids with the eyeshadow base and spread a small amount over the lower eyelid as well. If there is no database, you can use foundation.
    • Apply the darkest shade from the palette (for example, from L’Oreal Paris Color rich quadro) to the entire moving eyelid, blending it thoroughly.
    • Use a pearlescent coffee shade to highlight the center of the eyelid; apply it with a small brush along the top of the main color.

    • Warm brown smoothly blend transitions between colors, Special attention pay attention to the border between the moving and fixed eyelids.
    • The most light shade highlight the inner corner of the eyes and the strip under the eyebrows to visually make the eyes larger and achieve a glowing effect.
    • Draw with a thin black liner neat arrow along the upper eyelid, moving from the inner corner to the outer.
    • Make an arrow along the lower eyelid using a brown pencil; the line should be quite intense; use a soft brush to slightly shade the edges of the color.
    • Apply black mascara with a volume effect.
    • Use a natural shade of lipstick to complete the smoky makeup in brown tones.

    Brown smokey

    Brown smoky eyes for looming eyelids

    Smokey Ice will help correct many imperfections in the shape and size of the eyes, which is why it is boldly called universal. Using this technique, it is easy to “open” the eye and make it more expressive in case of such a common problem as drooping eyelid. In general, makeup for the looming eyelid has a number of features: it should be brighter than usual and the emphasis should be on the outer corner of the eye, namely, the area where shadows are applied should be pulled towards the temples. Smoky eyes in brown tones can be worn during the day, as they are calmer than the classic black and gray version, and they are also a great option for the evening.

    Smokey eyes for the impending century step by step:

    • Prepare facial skin for applying makeup (cleansing, scrubbing, toning and moisturizing). Since this is an evening make-up, increased demands are placed on the skin: it must be in perfect condition, thanks to this the durability of the makeup will be higher and the image itself will be much more successful. With this type of makeup, the eyes attract close attention, so the skin of the face must meet high standards.
    • Even out skin tone foundation, mask imperfections with a concealer, highlight cheekbones.
    • Fix the foundation with a thin layer of powder, including applying it to the eyelids. Primer in in this case There is no need to use it, since the base of the makeup will be made with gel shadows.
    • Cover the entire eyelid with dark brown gel shadow, wipe the brush, removing any remaining shadow, and then blend the color towards the eyebrows. It is necessary to very carefully and carefully pull them onto the moving eyelid.
    • Apply the same eyeliner to the lower eyelid.

    • Fix the color on top with a cool shade of brown using a wide flat brush.
    • Use a blending brush to soften the sharp edge of the shadow towards the eyebrows.
    • Using the same shadows (cold tone) also fix the lower line of the eyeliner.
    • Use a gentle yellow shade to highlight the sub-brow area, then apply light accent on this area using golden mother-of-pearl.
    • Using black gel eyeliner, draw an arrow along the upper eyelid and paint over the mucous membrane below.
    • Curl your eyelashes using a curler and apply two coats of jet black mascara.
    • Paint your lips with colorless gloss.

    The smokey eye technique is currently successfully considered one of the classic trends in makeup. Initially, this method served to create unusual appearance in a vamp style, but now such makeup is quite common. You can perform it for both daytime and evening out, using various shades and methods of applying cosmetics.

    Distinctive features of makeup using the smokey eye technique

    Pay attention to the following details:

    1. The brightest shadows are placed on the moving eyelid.
    2. The eye contour is completely outlined with clear lines.
    3. The makeup looks soft and gives the impression of haze.
    4. Shadows change intensity from the most rich shades to the most muted, smoothly turning into natural color skin.
    5. Accurate transition of shades, maximum leveling of boundaries.
    6. High-quality coloring of eyelashes, their neat curling.

    Classic smokey eye makeup: step-by-step instructions

    Required cosmetics:

    1. Pencil or eyeliner is pure black.
    2. Shadows 1-2 shades.
    3. Shadows with a pearlescent sheen.
    4. Mascara, preferably as dark or colored as possible.

    Materials used:

    1. Angled eyelid brush.
    2. Flat brush.
    3. Sponge brush.

    Step 1. Apply a black pencil to the upper eyelid. It is advisable to distribute it with approximately the same intensity and in a fairly wide layer. Do not deviate from the lash line while working, but you can increase the thickness of the coating until the middle of the eyelid.

    Step 2. Take an angled brush and blend the pencil in an even layer over the rest of the eyelid. As a result, from the beginning of the mobile age the most dark makeup, and then it begins to dissipate, resembling a mysterious haze. Make movements from the level of the eyelashes, heading towards the fold of the moving eyelid. With this action, you can achieve a smooth transition of boundaries in the area of ​​the moving eyelid.

    Step 3. Take the shade of wet asphalt and apply it to the surface using a motion similar to a tamping process. You can also use a charcoal shade. For this action, it is advisable to choose shadows not just with the listed shades, but also with a sufficiently bright shimmer to emphasize the gray-black tones in an advantageous color. Using this action, you can maximally strengthen and accurately mark a line drawn with a black pencil. If you apply the coating carefully, reducing the layer parallel to the upward movements, you can create a soft transition between the pencil and the shadows.

    Step 4. The inner corner of the eye should be treated with pearlescent shadows. Don't forget to apply them under the arches of your eyebrows as well. Blend the coverage from the top line of the already applied eyeshadow and continue the makeup with a pearlescent shade to the hairline, without touching the eyebrows themselves, but tightly applying eye makeup underneath them. This action allows you to make your eyes shine. When applying the pearlescent shade, use a patting motion to blend it evenly.

    Step 5. Apply silver shades, shading the edges of the dark and light coverage. You should not take too many shadows of a given color so as not to spoil the lines, however, this is a significant stage in the makeup process, so you should not neglect it. Place silver shadows in the direction from the outer edge of the eye, reaching the inner one. Make unobtrusive circular movements.

    Step 6. This step is optional. It is performed when there is a need to enhance the effect of makeup. You need to do it carefully, since the work is carried out with the contour of the lower eyelid. It is necessary to create an even but thin contour around the mucous membrane. Move from the inside of the eye to the outer corner. Perform textural movements, but do not forget about the subtlety of the line, then the color of the lower eyelid will turn out to be quite refined.

    Step 7 The line drawn on the lower eyelid must be made dense enough so that it is not noticeable, but nevertheless looks quite noticeable. Take an angled brush and apply a coating in the shade of wet asphalt or coal, it is advisable to also use shadows with glitter, that is, use the same option as for the upper eyelid. Do not place a large number of shadows on the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye, as they can make the look heavier in such a localization, especially if they are applied in an overly textured, darkened version. The closer you move to the inner corner of the eye, the more you reduce the width and length of the line.

    Step 8 To add shine to your makeup and expressiveness to your eyes, you need to apply mascara, preferably black. Apply the coating, directing movements from the lash line to their very tips. To add fluffiness and extra volume to your lashes, you should apply 2-3 coats, but don't overdo it, separating your lashes well and making sure there's no excess coating on them.

    Video - Step-by-step implementation of smokey eye makeup

    Common Method of Applying Smokey Eyes: Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 1. To make beautiful and truly elegant makeup, you must first even out your overall skin tone. Use foundation or powder to disguise any skin imperfections.

    Step 2. Apply primer to the eyelid area or base coat, adapted for placement under shadows. This will help maintain even contours and smoothness of the coating.

    Step 3. The entire upper eyelid is covered with black pencil. Apply a thick layer, you can cover the entire length of the upper eyelid. With its help, the shade of the shadows becomes brighter and more saturated. Choose a pencil color with maximum adaptation to the shadows. Distribute the coating evenly over the entire eyelid, including the crease. Make sure the layer is even. Immediately pull the top corner of the coating towards the temple, not forgetting to distribute it over the top of the eyelid.

    Step 4. Apply the base coat using a pencil to the lower eyelid, but only reach the middle of the eye, starting from its outer corner.

    Step 5. Take the shadows selected in advance and matching the color of the pencil, distribute them in the area where the pencil has already been applied. Apply the dark color to the inner corner, working with a brush. Remember that the most intense color should be formed near the outer corner of the eye. Follow the rule requiring placement of the most light color closer to the inner corner of the eye, both on the moving and lower eyelids.

    Step 6. Take a brush round shape, scoop up a fairly large number of shadows with a color similar to the main ones, but a little lighter than them. Cover the area above the crease with them, slightly touching the edge of the more intense shadows. Carefully blend the coating, then level the boundaries between the edges. Work the area so that the raised upper corner remains with the same kennels, and do not visually lower the outlines of the darker shadows.

    Step 7 Take light shadows with glitter. You can use either the dry option or apply the coating with a pencil, the lead of which should also contain glitter. Apply this coating under the eyebrow, place it in the inner corner of the eye. Gently blend everything with a brush.

    Step 8 Color the area between the eyelashes with the rich pencil that you used at the very beginning when applying makeup. Use the pencil to fill in all uneven areas, and also cover the unpainted skin, trying to create the most harmonious coverage. Be sure to gently bring the lower eyelid near the mucous membrane using one or more gentle strokes. To make your look more expressive, you should apply mascara with a lengthening and fluffing effect or use false eyelashes.

    Smokey eyes, when applied correctly and using high-quality cosmetics, are suitable for almost all girls.

    Everyday makeup involves using, first of all, fairly strict dark or light tones, and for special occasions you can choose your favorite colors or metallic shades. To always look attractive, you need to touch up your makeup throughout the day using a basic eyeliner pencil, and also tint your eyelashes so that your eyes look like they've just been made up.

    View all 33 photos "Smoky eye makeup"

    To be convinced of the popularity of Smokey Ice makeup, just look at the star beauties of Hollywood. Both for fashion photo shoots and for ceremonial appearances on the red carpet, most glamorous divas prefer smoky makeup. And there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, Smokey Ice is actually one of the most popular and versatile eyelid coloring techniques. With its help, they create not only very stylish and effective makeup, but also cope with an even more global task - correcting the shape and size of the eyes. Although initially Smokey Ice was performed exclusively in a very bright, intense tonality, through the efforts of makeup artists it became available not only as an evening, but also as a daytime option for eye design. Smokey Ice in calmer, neutral shades is quite appropriate in everyday settings - at work, school or for a walk. Many girls strive to master the “smoky” art. And all because the skill of its implementation gives the opportunity to remain beautiful, fashionable and sexy always and everywhere. It’s not difficult to learn how to create a mysterious “haze” if you know a few general rules makeup and adhere to them during the practical implementation of the technique.

    In this article we will look at the distinctive features of smoky makeup, a list of necessary products and tools for its implementation, and also provide detailed description technology. Using the information received, you will learn how to create luxurious makeup without the help of a professional makeup artist.

    Key features of Smokey Ice makeup

    • The absence of sharp boundaries and transitions - the use of soft shading techniques is mandatory. To perform this, you need to use cosmetic brushes rather than applicators. Shading ensures an even distribution of shadows over the surface of the eyelids and a smooth flow of contrasting shades into each other.
    • Gradual decrease in color intensity - the most saturated shadows are applied to the lower border of the upper eyelid, and the lightest ones - under the eyebrow.
    • Clearly draw the contours of the upper and lower eyelids using a soft pencil or eyeliner, followed by shading.
    • Thickly painted eyelashes.

    Set of necessary cosmetics for Smokey Ice makeup

    • foundation, crumbly mineral powder, concealer - the use of these products will hide skin imperfections, even out its tone and texture;
    • blush;
    • kajal - a soft greasy pencil for the eye contour of the desired shade (black, brown, dark gray, dark blue);
    • shadow base;
    • eye shadow – the color scheme can vary depending on eye color, outfit and time of day;
    • eyebrow pencil to match your hair color;
    • brushes for applying and shading shadows (you can also shade shadows using a cotton swab or sponge), brush for powder and blush;
    • mascara in black, brown or dark gray;
    • contour pencil, lipstick or lip gloss.

    How to do Smokey Ice makeup step by step

    1. Regardless of the technique used for makeup, perfect skin is its important component. Therefore, start your own transformation by correcting facial skin unevenness and evening out its color. To do this, use foundation suitable shade (it may not necessarily be pale, but, for example, with a tanning effect) and mattifying loose powder. Don't forget that the area under your eyes also needs your attention. Use concealer to disguise imperfections - bruises, swelling, fine wrinkles.

    2. Highlight your cheekbones with a blush that matches your skin tone. To create a blush, powder with a tanning effect is also suitable.

    3. Ungroomed eyebrows can significantly spoil the overall makeup look. Therefore, if your brow ridges need correction of their shape and thickness, pinch them with tweezers or tweezers and only then draw them in with a pencil. At blonde hair It is better to prefer gray or brown to a black pencil. Having achieved a beautiful arch of the eyebrows, fix the result with a transparent gel.

    4. Before you start coloring your eyes, cover your eyelids with a special base, tone or cream. Thanks to this base, the shadows lie evenly, do not crumble or roll down.

    5. Outline the upper and lower eyelids with a soft black kajal pencil. You can also use dark shadows for this purpose, but it is somewhat more difficult for a non-professional to work with them. Try to carefully paint the space between eyelashes. Drawing a line along the upper eyelid, gradually widen it from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. As for the lower eyelid, it should be lined less intensively, especially if the eyes are small and deep-set. After drawing the contours, “blur” them to a hazy effect using a brush, cotton swab or sponge.

    6. Prepare shadows of three shades of different saturation - dark, medium intensity and light. Apply the darkest pigment to the shaded line of the pencil, the middle one to the moving eyelid up to the crease, and the lightest pigment closer to the eyebrows. Do not forget that you should start each subsequent layer only after thoroughly shading the previous one. To make your look look fresher, highlight the inner corner of your eye and the line just under your eyebrow with a highlighter or light pearlescent shadow. If after using shadows there are crumbled pieces of makeup under your eyes, carefully remove them using a cotton swab.

    7. The final touch to the design of the eyes is the application of mascara. In this case, it is advisable to paint the upper eyelashes thicker (especially the outer edges), but for the lower ones one layer will be enough. Use voluminous mascara with the effect of false eyelashes. IN evening makeup her best color considered jet black, but as a daytime option will do brown or dark gray.

    8. There is one thing about Smokey Eyes makeup: important rule– a bright accent exclusively on the eyes. Therefore, to design your lips, use calm, natural tones. Outline their outline with a pencil, then blend the clear lines with a brush or cotton swab. Complete your lip makeup by applying light lipstick - pale pink, beige, soft coral, etc. If your lips lack fullness and volume, apply lipstick over lipstick. upper lip and the middle of the bottom with transparent glitter.

    Color variations of Smokey Ice makeup

    In the Smokey Ice makeup technique, not only the black and gray palette is acceptable, but also other color combinations that are matched to the specific shade of the iris. So, girls with gray and blue eyes It is important not to overdo it with dark tones. The ideal choice would be beige, gold, silver, purple, gray-blue shadows and a dark gray pencil. For green eyes, golden, copper, lilac, dark green, and brown tones of varying intensities are suitable. Fair-skinned young ladies with brown eyes You should consider having purple, lilac and blue shadows in your cosmetic bag. And here in the background dark skin A brown-olive color scheme will look better.

    The photos below will clearly demonstrate the Smokey Ice makeup options.

    Everyone loves smoky eye makeup because it is simple and suitable for almost any occasion. Maybe you are going to a family celebration or meeting friends at a club, or you have been invited to a wedding where you need to look stunning. And here this option will always help you out .

    Eye makeup in this style looks very impressive and beautiful, it will definitely attract the gaze of others to you. It will help you create an enigmatic and mysterious look. In addition, Smoky eyes are fashionable; many girls prefer it to create their look.

    A distinctive feature is the emphasis on the eyes. With the right approach, it helps to correct the shape of the eyes, making them as bright and expressive as possible.

    If you're following fashion trends, you should definitely try this “look design” option. Many girls, when doing “blurry eye” makeup for the first time, fail and it looks dirty and untidy. In fact there are enough simple ways creation.

    By the way, Smoky eyes do not have to be exactly using black and gray shades shadows, you can choose any combination of colors.

    It is not very difficult to do, however, you will have to make an effort to make your makeup look neat and impressive.

    You need to have a good understanding of how to apply shades and soft brushes. It may be a little difficult at first, but over time, when you have done this makeup several times, doing it correctly and beautifully will not be difficult for you. The main thing is to follow the photo instructions and do not forget that you can experiment with colors, and this will give your look more originality.


    So, first you need to choose three colors. If you are doing makeup in the style of Smoky eyes (smoky eyes), for the first time it is better to stick to a neutral color palette: brown, grey, bronze and black colors.

    "Tools" you will need:

    • black eyeliner
    • eye shadow (minimum 2 shades)
    • makeup brushes
    • concealer (cosmetic pencil)
    • powder
    • black mascara

    The color of the shadows that will be the main one should be quite saturated with a shimmering texture. Try to choose shadows slightly darker than your skin tone. You can choose fairly neutral colors: beige and gray, they will add sophistication and tenderness to your image, and bright basic colors that will make your look expressive.

    Simple Steps to Create Smoky Eyes

    1. First of all, you need to outline the eye contour with a black pencil (it should be soft). You can make a thicker line along the eyelashes of the upper eyelid.

    2. Then, using a makeup brush or eyeshadow applicator, apply the base color to the upper eyelid and slightly above the crease. Lightly blend.

    3. After that, using a pointed applicator, apply a darker (medium) contour shade of the eyeshadow along the line you drew with a pencil in step 1.

    This look won't have very sharp lines, so don't use liquid eyeliner here.

    5. Now we designate the outer corners of the eyes, the shape of the corner will determine the shape of your eyes, so try different variants to find the one that suits you best.

    6. Using a medium-sized soft round brush, blend the shadow onto the upper eyelid. The same thing needs to be done on the upper eyelid, just use a flat brush for this.

    7. To achieve a deep shadow, you may need to apply the contour color a few more times.

    Applying your regular powder to the brow area will make it easier to blend the dark contour color and add volume and depth to your makeup.

    9. To add even more depth to your look, you need to carefully line the inner eyelid with a black pencil. All that remains is to draw in your eyebrows and apply mascara to your eyelashes, thereby completing the look. Your gorgeous Smoky eyes are ready!

    10. There is very little left, the makeup needs to be balanced so that it looks harmonious, to do this, apply blush a little more intensely than you usually do, and lipstick It is better to choose from discreet, barely noticeable nude shades with a slight shimmer.


    • do not line your eyes too much, it is better to shade the shades carefully


    • very thick eyeliner line
    • a lot of shadows
    • dirty circles around the eyes. Apply makeup starting from the eyes, and only then proceed to tinting the face.

    What colors to choose

    Choose eyeshadow colors based on your eye color to make your eyes stand out.

    Brown eyes - bright colors, green, blue and purple.

    Blue eyes - they need to be highlighted, and for this it is better to use complex gray-brown shades and all shades of gray and silver.

    Green eyes - purple or brown.

    The brown shade will look great regardless of the color of your eyes and will be appropriate even in daytime makeup.

    This step-by-step instruction To create spectacular eye makeup, he shows you step by step, and it’s not difficult to do it yourself at home. Try, experiment with colors and find your own style.

    Stylish glamorous Smoky eyes makeup has been adding to the looks of Hollywood and show business stars for several years now, “ socialites” and ordinary women of megalopolises who follow fashion, a charming expressive look, sexuality and amazing attractiveness. The well-known technique of “smoky” makeup originated about a hundred years ago, during the NEP period, when lady vamps with a defiant, fatal, seductive look, “knocking out the support” of even the strongest representatives of the stronger sex. For a long time, sophisticated and sophisticated make-up was the number one accessory for parties, celebrations and other appearances.

    Almost all Hollywood stars know how to do smokey eye makeup these days: Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, Keira Knightley, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker and Charlize Terron, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, Kate Hudson and Eva Longoria. Fans of the sophisticated “smoky” makeup technique are also the “celestial” singers: Beyonce and Lady Gaga.

    Note! Light haze Smoky eyes – a win-win for blondes and brunettes, for brown-haired and red-haired beauties.

    Thanks to the achievements of the modern beauty industry, offering the widest range decorative means With a mega-number of shades, it’s easy to make smoky eye makeup not only an evening and holiday accessory, but also a daytime makeup. It's all about correct selection tones Various combinations of shades make it possible to get tragic or languid look languid, fatal or sexy, mysterious, seductive or provocative. Any look with Smoky eyes makeup will definitely be colorful and expressive!

    Many girls mistakenly believe that the color of the palette for smoky make-up should be matched to the main tone of the clothes so that all shades are in harmony. However, makeup artists advise that when buying shadows, focus primarily on the color of your eyes. Each shade of the iris has its own range of shadows, so you can accurately choose a color that will look harmonious with both your eye shade and your wardrobe.

    How to choose the right eye shadow for your eye color?

    • Brown-eyed beauties should choose cool tones of decorative products: turquoise, indigo and other shades of blue (but be careful with some of them so as not to get the effect of bruises), lilac and pink. “Dark-skinned women” are perfect for olive (and brown-olive) colors, in harmony with chocolate and golden shades. For fair-skinned beauties you can apply: purple or lilac, bright blue or cornflower blue.
    • Blue-eyed and gray-eyed sorceresses will emphasize their irresistibility with gray and silver shades, with purple and golden shadows. Matte, pastel colors suit them best: pale pink, lavender, lilac, charcoal or taupe. Also apply shadows to blue or gray eyes experts recommend using a pencil or steel-colored eyeliner.
    • Green-eyed seductresses will look colorful with shades of shadows that completely match the color of their rare eyes. Notes of brown tones are also good for them: from dark chocolate to coffee with milk, as well as copper and gold tones.

    The amazing charm of Smokey Ice makeup

    The smoky eyes makeup technique is based on careful shading of shadows, a smooth transition of their shades, creating a “haze” or “veil” effect. This gives the look a charming mystery and inexplicable appeal. The main emphasis in this makeup technique is on the eyes. Moreover, it can be not only in the widespread ash-black tones, but also in gray, purple, brown or green shades. Great care should be taken when choosing blue tones so that instead perfect makeup do not receive visual consequences of facial injury.

    Note! When thinking about how to apply Smokey Ice makeup, you need to take into account that evening and daytime makeup options differ in shades of shadows and eyeliner: evening makeup should be darker, brighter and more saturated, and daytime makeup should be softer and more natural.

    Basic technique for doing Smokey Eyes makeup

    1. In order to get a sophisticated, sophisticated makeup, you must definitely even out the tone of moisturized skin using concealer or powder. The matte surface of the face is achieved not only by mandatory and regular quality care, but also by correcting skin defects with highlighter, foundation, concealer and powder. Use a fluffy brush to apply mineral powder over the face and eyelids to eliminate excess shine and improve makeup hold.
    2. Before applying smokey eye makeup, you need to apply eyeliner to your eyes. It is carried out cosmetic pencil or apply dry shadows along the eye contour. Liquid eyeliner is not used in this makeup technique, as it is designed to create a bright, clear contour without shading. IN smoky makeup eyes, all lines have soft boundaries, smoothly transitioning from one tone to another.
    3. Closer to the outer corners of the eyes, the contour line rises slightly towards the temples and becomes thicker than at the inner corners.
    4. Next, you need to carefully shade the entire contour. Along the lower eyelid the line is drawn thinner, but it should also be well shaded.
    5. Pencil and shadows are chosen in similar shades so that they harmonize and create the effect of a smooth, smoky transition.
    6. The shadows of the darkest shade are applied to the moving upper eyelid from the outer corner in a thick, rich layer. They also need to shade the contour line and emphasize the arc in the eye socket.
    7. Dark shadows on the lower eyelids should also be applied from the outer corner of the eye and gradually shaded towards the inner corner, reducing the intensity of the color.
    8. Use light grey, beige or pearl shadows to cover the area from the crease of the eyelid up to the eyebrows.
    9. Carefully blend all visible boundaries and transitions.
    10. Apply mascara thickly to eyelashes, especially to the outer corners of the eyes.

    Some make-up artists find it convenient to first apply a colored or light spot of intermediate-tone eyeshadow to the central part of the moving eyelid, and then apply black or dark color outline the contour of the eyelash line, the fold and the outer corner of the eye. The final chord of such a make-up is careful shading.

    Some stylists are more accustomed to applying eyeliner with a cosmetic pencil after applying eye shadow.

    Some girls make a matte “haze” on the moving upper eyelid as simply as possible: apply a thick pencil line of black, brown or other dark tone and shade it with the help of their fingertips. The result is a natural soft background without clear boundaries. Then the shadows are applied, also distributing them with your fingers.

    Note! A bright accent of makeup should highlight only one part of the face so as not to look vulgar. Therefore, blush, lipstick and gloss must be chosen in pastel colors: peach, beige and others.

    A clear line of well-groomed eyebrows, delicate lip color and a barely noticeable blush are ideal for a sophisticated smokey eye makeup. What else is needed for the irresistible, mysterious appearance of a real lady?!

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