• Meet Mrs. Kekhman (photo). Socialite Ida Lolo What is Ida Lolo doing now?


    Ida Lolo for Last year managed to divorce her husband, a film producer, who gave a girl from Novosibirsk a sonorous surname, got engaged to the founder of The Kisa, Alexei Kiselev, and made her pug Zach famous. Maria Lobanova found out how she got to such a life.

    ELLE At what point did you feel that you became interesting to everyone?

    IDA LOLO I am not a theater or film actress to wake up famous one day. It’s just that at some point a chain reaction took place: one magazine did an interview and another immediately got involved. Many people know me now, but this is all within the Garden Ring.

    ELLE Nevertheless, you have become a public figure. And there will always be people who will say: who is this Ida Lolo? What is she famous for? The one who poses beautifully at social events?

    I. L. Coco Chanel said: “I don’t care what you think of me. I don't think about you at all." Of course, it is important to me what you think about me or other people with whom I communicate. But I don’t care what people I haven’t seen and, most likely, will never see, will think about me.

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE Would you be offended if some well-known and interesting person refers to you as a slacker who either rides a horse or takes pictures with a dog?

    I. L. I live my life for myself. And I know a lot of amazing people who have a different position in life than mine. And, perhaps, my life is completely incomprehensible to them. Well, good. I will still live for myself and for my pleasure.

    ELLE What is your position in life?

    I. L. I want to live in moral standards, I don’t like that today they are so biased. The same family values have lost their power.

    ELLE Is this a recently divorced woman telling me?

    I. L. We didn't harm anyone with our divorce. And therefore they had the right to do it. On the contrary, we would have harmed many if we had not done this. I think you need to be sure that you will live with this person for at least twenty years so that the children grow up in a full-fledged family. Maybe that’s why I subconsciously didn’t have a child.

    ELLE Were you not so confident in your husband, film producer Mark Lolo?

    I. L. I don't know. May be. But if there were children, I would not allow myself a divorce.

    ELLE Could you have imagined that such a joyless event would suddenly make you famous?

    I. L. I was getting divorced for the first time in my life and, hopefully, the last. And for the first time, it happened to me that my personal life began to be discussed by everyone. At first everyone condoled with me. But it happened in such a way that it was most likely not a tragedy.

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE Is it really a comedy?

    I. L. These were positive emotions for both of us - not death, but rebirth: our friendly relations, our relationship as partners. We exchanged family for friendship and business, let's put it this way.

    ELLE How did you cope with the fact that your personal life became public property?

    I. L. For me, this also happened for the first time, like divorce. But, apparently, it was impossible in any other way: it affected too many people.

    I generally don’t like discussing personal life - neither my own nor someone else’s. But here there was an exception: it was necessary to express one’s position so that gossip and speculation would not arise.

    ELLE What's that beautiful ring on your finger?

    I. L. This is the ring that Alexey gave me for my engagement.

    ELLE Now you are engaged to designer and restaurateur Alexei Kiselev, the son of famous TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev. Are all these traditions and rituals important to you - if a proposal, then with a ring in a blue box, if a marriage, then registered?

    I. L. To me relationship is more important than a ring. And I believe that marriage should be formalized: for a woman it is confidence.

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE Would you change your last name a second time?

    I. L. Yes, if Alexey asks.

    ELLE Will Mark be a guest at your next wedding?

    I. L. Well, I'll invite him, that's for sure.

    ELLE In Woody Allen's Roman Adventure, one character suddenly becomes famous, and then just as abruptly loses this fame. Aren't you afraid to be in his place?

    I. L. Yes, at first fame bothered him, but then he began to miss it. This is why I keep balance. I refuse some filming and events. I don’t want to be everywhere and a lot. Accordingly, when it all goes away, it will be without sudden jumps.

    ELLE What are you doing now?

    I. L. I now know a lot about the restaurant business and am now helping Alexey Kiselev, because he is my fiancé.

    ELLE What exactly do you help with?

    I. L. I don’t work for them, I don’t have a position there - I help with advice, Lesha is interested in my opinion on all issues. For example, we had a party at The Kisa with Philipp Plein, whom I met and invited him to do something fun with us.

    ELLE If you meet people at a dinner party and they ask what you do, what do you answer?

    I. L. I would prefer to say that nothing.

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE Housewife?

    I. L. Well it is more like Yes. I already had positions and careers in my life. And I don't want to do this anymore. I want to take care of my man, now he is Alexey Kiselev, and I am taking care of him.

    I have a lot masculine qualities, so I try to save what is feminine. And I'm trying to do something women's affairs: housekeeping, for example.

    ELLE And what are your responsibilities as a woman?

    I. L. I believe that I should keep an eye on a man, on his appearance, behind his wardrobe.

    ELLE Who has better taste in clothes - you or Lesha?

    I. L. IN men's clothing? Exactly Lesha’s, I don’t have it at all.

    Lesha has her own style, and I just try to keep things ready at all times.

    ELLE Do you know how to iron men's shirts yourself?

    I. L. Yes, although I don't have to do it.

    ELLE Are you a good cook?

    I. L. Nobody complained. I love being at home and prefer to chat with friends at the home table.

    ELLE You say there is a lot of masculinity in you, but how does this manifest itself?

    I. L. The manifestations irritate me feminine character. The fact that we are all such bitches, for example.

    ELLE How exactly does your bitch manifest itself?

    I. L. It happens that you do something stupid and everyone says: oh, how feminine that is. I really don't like this. And I like to communicate more with men.

    On Ida: dress - Louis Vuitton

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE Do you have any friends?

    I. L. Yes, but I am surrounded mostly by men. Even my manicurist is a man. And I communicate with people like me, for example, with Irina Khakamada. She also always surrounds herself with men. But the bachelorette party format is just death for me.

    ELLE How do you feel about feminism?

    I. L. I do not understand him.

    ELLE Should men and women have equal rights?

    I. L. It seems to me that they should be unequal. I believe that a man should work, and a woman should support him. And work only for your own pleasure. A man must earn money in any case - whether he enjoys it or not.

    ELLE What if a girl is left alone and has to support herself?

    I. L. For a woman to remain a woman, it is important to do something she likes. If she is forced to work like a man, everything feminine will go away.

    ELLE You say you don't have enough feminine energies and many are masculine, but at the same time your philosophy of life is absolutely feminine.

    I. L. Apparently, I’m trying to somehow preserve it, to cultivate it in some way.

    ELLE Would you like to work, but force yourself to stay at home?

    I. L. No, no, I'm lazy.

    So you are a man at heart, but lazy?

    I. L. I have 15 years of experience, and I am very glad that it turned out so well in my life that I worked in a foreign company, and after college for 3 years in my profession: I am an economist - a manager of a trading enterprise.

    Until the age of 30, I think a girl definitely needs to work.

    What is your goal in life now?

    I. L. We need to continue the family line: I’m 35 years old, I don’t have children, and I think I need to have them. I am very relaxed about children, but I want my own. I'm worried that suddenly a moment will come when it will no longer be possible to have them, and I will miss something.

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE Are you afraid of old age?

    I. L. No, I don't even know why. Maybe the time is not right.

    ELLE Have you ever hidden your age?

    I. L. No.

    ELLE What do you like and dislike about your appearance?

    I. L. Well, I would like my hair to be lighter, although this is mine natural color, but I don’t want to wear makeup. I would like to be more tall, another five centimeters.

    ELLE About big breasts never dreamed of it?

    I. L. No. I am such an optimistic person, if there is such a thing, we are happy with it. If it were big, I would be happy too. And this makes me look younger and more fashionable.

    ELLE Do you tease your lips?

    I. L. No no. I have had my own big lips since childhood. And, by the way, until I was 15 years old, until it became fashionable, I suffered greatly from them. I was never called a name like that when I was a child.

    Hairstyle: Alexander Zavodilkin

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE How addicted are you to the fashion world?

    I. L. I can’t be surprised by fashion, but stylish people who find their own things in every trend amaze me. I can’t do this myself, I use the services of a stylist.

    ELLE If you didn't lead an active social life, would you be so interested in fashion?

    I. L. Even now I’m not particularly interested in her, I just understand that if I’m in this society, I have to somehow fit in.

    ELLE At one time you had some pretty bad exits. How did you manage to find your style?

    I. L. I managed to find the stylist Igor Garanin. I saw myself and I didn’t like myself. I don’t know how to dress, and no amount of money will help. First, I turned to Igor about Mark, I wanted to consult, and then I myself began to use his recommendations.

    Maria's makeup is by Pavel Natsevich, hairstyle is by Natalya Semionenko (White Garden). Dress - LUBLU Kira Plastinina

    PHOTO Inho Ko

    ELLE How dependent are you on money?

    I. L. I come from a poor family. I have no ambitions to have big money. It is clear that my man needs them to be sufficient for a normal existence. I prefer calm stability.

    ELLE Does other people's financial well-being bother you? Can you go on vacation with a company where everyone is first class and you are economy?

    I. L. I can do it absolutely calmly. I am not dependent on any status. Sometimes you fly economy, sometimes you fly on a private jet.

    the site thanks the health and beauty center “White Garden” and the restaurant “Entrecote” for their help in organizing the shooting.

    The notorious director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater Vladimir Kekhman has once again returned to Novosibirsk (since he combines work here with the position of artistic director of the Mikhailovsky Theater and often flies from Siberia to St. Petersburg) with his fiancée, socialite Ida Lolo. The NGS.NOVOSTI correspondent was the first to talk to her among the Novosibirsk media (the interview will appear on our website in the near future), simultaneously finding out everything about the biography of Kekhman’s new darling.

    On August 25 of this year, Tatler magazine announced the engagement of 48-year-old Kekhman to 38-year-old Ida Lolo, a well-known socialite and it girl in metropolitan circles. (it girl in Russian gloss refers to public figures who are knowledgeable about fashion and trends, but may not work anywhere).

    Ida was born in the summer of 1978 in the family of professional hockey player Marat Valeev. The girl spent her childhood in Novosibirsk. At the age of 20, having fallen in love, she left for her lover in Belarus. She worked there in one of the fitness clubs in Minsk, says FB.ru, and then moved to Moscow.

    Photo by Ekaterina Chesnokova (left), Ramil Sitdikov (right) (RIA Novosti)

    Ida was married twice. From her first husband Mark (pictured left) - the founder of the film company DreamTeam Media - she still has the exotic surname Lolo. Ida was 10 years younger than Mark, and their marriage lasted 6 years. Separated by mutual consent and stayed in good relations. Some publications wrote that it was Mark who left. The second husband is the son of the famous former NTV TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev, designer Alexey, who owns the Kisa bar. Ida was married to him for 1.5 years and broke up in 2015. The girl described the reasons for the separation vaguely: she talked about the different speeds of her and Alexei.

    In November 2015, the tabloids reported - without references or evidence, however - about the affair between Vladimir Kekhman and Ida Lolo. Before this, the opera director had been married to his wife Tatyana for 24 years.

    Ida and her mother Irina appeared in public in Novosibirsk at the premiere show of the ballet “Spartacus” on November 13, 2015. A woman and her daughter occupied places of honor in the first row. Vladimir Kekhman himself was sitting across the chair from his companion. Photos from the premiere of “Spartak” immediately appeared on the socialite’s Instagram.

    9 months after Ida’s first public appearance in Novosibirsk, Kommersant published an article in August 2016 about a party in honor of her 25th anniversary. creative activity Gayane and Sergei Danilyan (one of the most influential ballet impresarios) in New York, where Ida Lolo is already called the bride of Vladimir Kekhman.

    On Instagram and Facebook, Ida has many photos from different parts of the world, where she goes kitesurfing with friends. She has quite a lot left on social networks joint photos and with her last husband, Alexey Kiselev. But the NGS.NOVOSTI correspondent was unable to find photographs with Vladimir Kekhman there.

    Secular society is a very relative concept. Can you tell who fits this definition and who doesn't?

    It’s funny to discuss this topic seriously. I would say that secular society is people living inside the Garden Ring. By what principles do they get there? In a variety of ways. Some - because of their financial viability, others - because of popularity. However, I can say one thing: the number of events attended does not affect secularism. There are secular people who rarely leave the house. Everything is relative.

    How did you manage to become a secular person?

    It happened by accident. As a journalist, you understand perfectly how this works. Chain reaction. Someone did an interview with you, someone else read it and also wanted to chat, and then off we go. My friend worked at the Conde Nast publishing house and invited Tatler magazine to do an interview with me, and then many other media outlets also became interested in me. Recently, by the way, Tatler wrote how to become a socialite, and it was funny that it was written that you don’t need to know the editors-in-chief, the main thing is to know the photographers and get under their lenses.

    Which events do you go to and which ones do you ignore?

    Something happens in Moscow every day. Going to everything can drive you crazy. I only go to see my friends and things that can broaden my horizons. I have a friend - promoter Mikhail Druyan - even if he invites me to an event that is not my friends at all, I will still go. Because I know that Misha only takes on interesting projects. And if I go to him, I won’t regret it.

    Have you always been this good at communication?

    I have been sociable since childhood. I always interacted with different teams. Previously, it was a school, a yard, an art studio, Sport section. And now there is a secular society, horse riding, kitesurfing. Everywhere has its own specificity, its own category of people. It seems to me that immersion and concentration on one thing can lead to absurdity. It is unpleasant to watch a person whose light has converged like a wedge on one single secular society. Everywhere you need balance. It is important to switch from one sphere to another, leave one world and enter another.

    How many worlds do you have where you live?

    Today I flew in from London - it has its own special world, completely different from Moscow. Inside this world there are many other subworlds - for example, in London I communicate with rich and not rich, Russians and English, with those who have lived for a long time and who have not.

    Do you follow fashion?

    I have a lot of fashion-related friends, and now I also know brands and photographers. But this is not my story. The fashion world is a separate world. Complex and intersecting with the secular, but still different. I'm not interested in fashion, and I hardly go to shows. There are several designers whose fashion shows I don’t miss: Terekhov, Kravtsova, Plastinina - but this is only because the people listed are my friends, and I’m interested in what they do.

    If we cut off the fashion world, then where else can someone who is not invited to closed events see you?

    I go to film premieres. I am also interested in everything related to contemporary art. For example, I really love Art Basel in Miami.

    Here is your first husband - the former president of the Central Partnership company Mark Lolo. Now the groom is Alexey Kiselev - the son of the famous journalist Evgeny Kiselev, clothing designer and owner of THE KISA bar. Am I going to be wrong if I say that a man plays an important role in making a girl become a socialite?

    My friend and I once had an argument. We discussed Carla Bruni. I argued that the whole world, including me, learned about her existence only when, thanks to Sarkozy, she became the first lady of France. My friend insisted that everyone knew her even before Sarkozy appeared. A friend from the fashion world, therefore, refused to admit that someone might not know the supermodel Carla Bruni... The same thing with Alina Kabaeva. Previously, only sports people knew her. And only after certain rumors, no matter whether they were confirmed or not, absolutely everyone started talking about her. So it turns out that a man plays a decisive role in a woman’s popularity.

    On the one hand, I understand that balance is a good thing. On the other hand, doesn’t it bother you that you have a little bit everywhere?

    I'm not in first place anywhere - that's true. I am a little bit into sports, a little bit into fashion. It is important for me to get pleasure from any activity, not the result. Now I will explain how it is. For example, I have a horse, to be successful in equestrian sports, you need to ride it five times a week. I sit on it once a week. And, by the way, I do all the gaits and feel confident in the saddle. If I sit down twice a week, then I won't have time to swim. I have been swimming since childhood - I now have the third category. In general, for the sake of grandiose achievements in one area, I do not want to completely abandon another. My choice is balance.

    Tell me honestly, who has an easier life in a secular society - married or single?

    Let's just say it's better if you have a husband. You don’t have to go hand in hand with him everywhere. It’s just that a lonely girl is perceived in secular society as a potential stimulant and a diverter of other people’s men. It can cause negativity. Whereas married girl, no matter who she is married to, she is perceived well and calmly.

    Where are you with this eligible bachelor How did you meet as Alexey Kiselev?

    We've known each other for a long time. For a long time, when we saw each other at mutual acquaintances, we greeted each other out of politeness and that’s all... But the meeting, after which we began a relationship, took place at our friend’s birthday - at a private party in the Cristal Room Baccarat on Tretyakovsky Proezd.

    You came into the world by a happy accident. What about everyone else who dreams of high society, but who has no connections there? Should I sit modestly and wait or act?

    If a person is modest and has charisma, then he will be noticed and invited. If a person doesn’t have charisma, then it doesn’t matter whether he’s modest or not, he won’t be invited anywhere. Some people also call it energy. If a person is sociable, then energy emanates from him. And as you know, everyone lacks energy, so everyone is drawn to a sociable person.

    Read the full interview in the second issue of FACES magazine.

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    Last week, rumors about Ida Lolo’s divorce from her second husband Alexei Kiselyov were confirmed. The son of journalist Evgeny Kiselev told the press that, despite the breakup, they will always be good friends. It must be said that Ida Lolo’s second husband speaks very warmly of her and, apparently, the couple is separating peacefully and without unnecessary noise. By the way, the socialite herself for some time preferred to remain silent and not inform the general public about some changes in her personal life. True, quite soon the beauty decided to talk about what happened.

    Ida did not name any specific reasons for the breakup with her second husband. The famous it-girl only hinted that she considers her former lover irresponsible. In addition, Lolo explained very vaguely what exactly prevented her and Alexey Kiselev from building happy family. “The problem with Lesha was mainly that he tried to increase his speed, I tried to slow down a little in order to come to a common denominator with him,” Ida said in an interview. “In fact, Alexey did a lot in this marriage, he overtook himself at the turn, but did not catch up with me.”

    It’s interesting that Lolo takes this situation quite calmly and prefers not to dramatize. The girl made it clear that she gradually began to sell off expensive gifts that she once received from husbands, friends and fans. But this cannot make the socialite sad. Ida Lolo got a job with experienced Golgen Group lawyer Gennady Goldin. Now the beauty is studying the features family law and encourages future married couples to devote great attention marriage contract. Ida willingly shares her own experience in this matter with others and argues that separation should be peaceful. “I carefully put all the rings from all marriages in a box,” the celebrity said in an interview with Tatler magazine. “I’m not overwhelmed by emotions - I can’t imagine a situation where I would just take someone and throw them out of my life.”

    Let us remember that Ida Lolo was previously married to the ex-president of the Central Partnership film company Mark Lolo. The it-girl lived with the film producer for six years, after which he announced his intention to break up. Quite soon, Mark Lolo married again, and Ida Lolo found her happiness in the person of Moscow restaurateur Alexei Kiselev. By the way, the celebrity’s second marriage lasted only a year and a half.

    Despite the rapid rate of emergence of new locations, the truly “own” places are usually counted on one’s fingers. Spaces not for “check-in”, but for the soul - every month on the pages of Fraufluger. The first hero of the column is Ida Lolo, in whose apartment on Ostozhenka a beetle takes off her boots, the freezer is full according to GOST, and the dog Zach has his own leather throne.

    My husband Mark chose Ostozhenka - he likes it here, the Central Partnership offices are located here. I used to live in the area of ​​Olimpiysky Prospekt and really loved Samotechny Lane. I didn’t fall in love with Ostozhenka right away, but now I feel very comfortable here.

    Our lane is named after the Conception Monastery, which is considered one of the oldest monasteries in Moscow. By the way, they bake amazingly delicious bread there, we go there with pleasure. I love this area because from here to any important place is just a stone’s throw away. The Novodevichy Convent and the pond next to it are very attractive - it is beautiful at any time of the year. Awesome place, close enough to where we live that Zach and I hang out there often.

    The designer of the apartment was my friend Natalya Buravskaya from the 672 bureau. She developed the project and bought furniture in Italy, Denmark, and Germany. I trust her very much. In addition, we travel a lot, we try to bring interior items from different countries. Naturally, these are not chairs, sofas, TVs, but various paintings, accessories for desk, photo frames.

    The first thing we see when entering the apartment is stained glass with our names - Mark Lolo and Ida Valeeva. When we got married and moved into this apartment 5 years ago, I still had my maiden name.

    I’ve been collecting magnets since childhood, so we decided to use them to decorate the false door in the hallway. Naturally, a huge amount of magnets have accumulated; they can hardly fit on an iron sheet. Soon we will also attach the sheet to the door itself and continue the collection, because we love to travel.

    There is a beetle on the floor in the corridor. Since ancient times, this device has been used by people who ride horses. Since I do equestrian sports, I need this beetle. It can be used to easily remove horse boots without a zipper.

    Dan Rappoport gave this newspaper to Mark for his birthday. The newspaper was published on May 9, 1968 - the exact day Mark was born. When we come here to buy shoes, every time we read with interest what was happening that day in the country and the world. Many of the news, by the way, are still relevant today.

    The next room still has a free purpose - a guest room, a children's room, maybe an office. For now, suitcases are stored here, but you can close the doors and the suitcase mess will disappear! Petya Aksenov brought this picture to us for testing, but he never took it. It has been standing for six months, if not more. Actually, it depicts the view from our window: and it would really be like that if it weren’t for the building that stands in front of the house.

    I put magazines that I like on the shelf. There are even several issues of MainPeople Report. There is also a Lanvin doll here: many of my friends collect these dolls. So I couldn’t resist one, because the dress I have on her is very cute. This is a classic from last season.

    I like this old book - Bunin's stories. I re-read them from time to time, because Bunin’s stories are at different ages you perceive differently. In this book there is a story “Ida”: my mother said that, being pregnant, it was in honor of him that she decided to name me Ida. Another book I love is “Dangerous Liaisons” by Choderlos de Laclos. A well-known film was made based on this book.

    This room serves as a living room and office. By year of birth, I am a horse, and I love this horse, which the Rossiya TV channel gave to Mark and me for our wedding. Two-headed horse from Tibet, very ancient. My favorite watch is here: it's from an airplane that my grandfather designed. Grandfather worked as the chief engineer of the Chkalovsky plant, which was engaged in the construction of aircraft. The watch still works great.

    There is a painting hanging on the wall that I gave to Mark for his birthday. This is an engraving from 1935, it depicts an airship - the symbol of the company that my husband heads. In addition, green is his favorite color, so he liked the picture.

    This part of the apartment is very important to me, because I spend a lot of time here. It is important that there is workplace, your office. On the table there is a bronze lion - a gift from the pope. I was born under the sign of Leo - August 1st, so the gift is natural. This is Zach's chair, he loves to sit here. The chair, by the way, was the first piece of furniture we purchased for this apartment. When there was brick and concrete here, the chair was already there.

    In the living room there is a photograph that Petya Aksenov took for his project “First Snow” in December 2011 here, not far away, on Ostozhenka. When he gave me this portrait on New Year, the year 1012 was in the signature. He and I laughed for a long time about this topic: if Petya goes down in centuries, he will be considered a centenarian who has been creating for thousands of years.

    We move to the bedroom and dressing room. This lamp is a replica of 1964. The designer sells not light, but sound: at the slightest wind, the mother-of-pearl plates begin to emit a pleasant melody.

    My dream since childhood was to have a mirror, like an actress’s. I always knew that I would never be an actress, I have no talent for it, but I still dreamed of such a mirror. When we were developing the design of the apartment, the designer said that we had nowhere to hang the mirror, it didn’t fit anywhere. I suggested hanging it in the wardrobe, because almost no one would see it there. She agreed, so my “dream” is now in my apartment!

    I don’t like shopping, it’s very tiring for me, but I understand that if you’re in society, you need to fit in. Fortunately, I have friends who understand fashion issues, and recently I even got a stylist. In Moscow I don’t go to boutiques at all; I mostly travel abroad with a stylist. He chooses clothes, and I try them on and understand what I need. If I played the role of a fashionista, maybe shopping would be fun for me. And so - I play along with the environment, since I am in it and must somehow take part in it. Of the Moscow young ladies, I consider Katya Mukhina, Sveta Bondarchuk, and Ulyana Sergeenko the most stylish.
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