• And I love the military... Why are cadets considered eligible bachelors. An officer's career depends on his wife


    “And I love military men, handsome, hefty...” - this hit is probably familiar to many of our readers. What is the reason for the popularity of men in military uniform among the fair sex?

    “If you walk along the streets of any city on a fine day, you will notice that the most beautiful, elegant and graceful girls accompany young men with cadet or officer shoulder straps,” retired Lieutenant Colonel Alexey is convinced. 

    “Men in military uniform know how to win women’s hearts!”

    The reason for the popularity of the officer corps among the fair sex lies not only in the good physical fitness, ideal posture, firm gait and self-confidence of our defenders. Military education is also of great importance.

    Real men “Military universities and academies provide not only professional knowledge. Guys are taught to be commanders. They know how to give orders and take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. These qualities of a “real man” are highly valued by the wives and girlfriends of people in uniform,” notes the major Airborne troops


    His colleague Nikolai emphasizes that real officers are not only capable of giving orders, but also have the gift of persuasion. They “ignite” people and lead them: “Women love charismatic men. The army and navy help develop this charisma.” The economic factor should not be discounted. IN last years The pay for military personnel increased significantly. It is significantly higher than the average wages

    around the country. The problem of homeless officers has finally been solved. Military personnel and members of their families have the right to use the services of military medicine, relax in departmental health resorts... In this situation, defenders of the Fatherland really become eligible bachelors.

    Masters of "mattress sports" “Many girls date cadets because they themselves grew up in military families. I want it to future husband “he looked like his father,” says seller Olga. She talks enthusiastically about her young man

    Supermarket cashier Oksana also meets with a cadet: “Dmitry, like me, is 21 years old. At this age, guys usually don't want to get married yet. But my Dima is different... We are preparing for the wedding in the coming months! Future officers know that they are responsible not only for the security of the country, but also for their family.”

    Drink, take a walk?

    However, there is always a fly in the ointment. We often hear about military personnel's addiction to drinking and frequent adultery... Is there any truth to these statements?

    “For a military man, it is important that he makes key decisions in the family. But at the same time, my husband, a lieutenant colonel, always listens to my opinion,” says accountant Anastasia.

    “The talk about all the officers cheating on their wives and drinking is an attempt to discredit our army,” design engineer Lyudmila enters the conversation. 

    - In recent years, the Armed Forces have been significantly reduced. But the best remained to serve: competent, responsible... A real officer understands that the family is his reliable rear and will not risk family well-being for the sake of dubious intrigues.”

    Queen in uniform

    “I’m unlikely to become a general or even a colonel, but now I feel like a queen in uniform,” says senior lieutenant of the medical service Anastasia with a flirtatious smile.  - My husband is a military doctor. We serve together in the medical company.” Anastasia believes that female military personnel manage to combine strength and femininity, severity and affection. “Women in uniform can stand up for themselves both literally and figuratively... But at the same time

    home environment they still have the need to lean on a man’s shoulder,” the military medic emphasizes. In Russian military universities, enrollment of girls is open only for certain specialties that are not associated with intense physical activity that is harmful to

    women's health . What kind of universities are these and what specialty can girls get there? You can learn about this from this article, in which we will also touch upon the topic of the advantages and disadvantages of serving in the army for women. only representatives of the stronger sex could. Women, if they became military personnel, did so only if they enlisted in the army in completely “civilian” professions (such as accountant, cook, nurse, etc.). In modern Russia, the situation has changed dramatically: women can not only join the army under a contract and perform military service on an equal basis with men, but also graduate from one of the military universities that accept female representatives for training, and thereby become a professional military man.

    True, in Russian military universities, enrollment of girls is open only in certain specialties that are not associated with intense physical activity that is harmful to women’s health. What kind of universities are these and what specialty can girls get there? You can learn about this from this article, in which we will also touch upon the topic of the advantages and disadvantages of serving in the army for women.

    Military universities accepting girls for training

    Like any other civilian institution of higher education, military universities for girls are, first of all, a source of professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, the requirements for assimilation of information and its application in practice are no different from those put forward in a civilian university (often they are even higher). Teachers do not make concessions to female cadets just because they are of the “weaker” sex or for other reasons not related to “military” reasons. As a result, only those girls and women who truly dream of a military career enter military universities.

    Strict discipline, high requirements for assimilation of information, as well as the complete dedication of cadets lead to the fact that the level of training and work ability of female officers upon graduation from a military university is much higher than that of those who consider any university only as an opportunity to obtain higher education.

    Unfortunately, today not all military universities accept women and girls for training, so this possibility must be clarified in advance. Among those universities and academies that are ready to initiate representatives of the fair half of humanity in the wisdom military affairs, the following universities are especially popular among applicants:

    • – specializes in training highly qualified professionals in the field of telecommunications and automation for the army and relevant departments/ministries. Duration of training – 5 years. After completing their training, graduates are issued state-issued diplomas and awarded the rank of “lieutenant.”
    • – trains military doctors in such specialties as “Medical and Preventive Care” and “General Medicine” (training period – 6 years), as well as “Pharmacy” and “Dentistry” (training period – 5 years). Upon graduation from the university, graduates are issued a state-issued diploma and a specialist certificate, and are also awarded the title “senior lieutenant of the medical service.”
    • – female representatives are enrolled in the specialty “Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems.” Duration of training – 5 years. Female cadets who successfully complete their training are given a state-issued diploma for the specialty “Use of Airborne Communications Units” and are awarded the rank of “lieutenant.”
    • – trains officers (including female officers) with higher military-special education in areas such as psychology, journalism, social work, prosecutorial and investigative actions, linguistics and translation. Duration of training – 5 years. University graduates are awarded a state diploma and awarded the rank of "lieutenant".
    • – is engaged in training highly qualified personnel for aerospace defense units and other branches and branches of the armed forces in 39 military specialties (including “Special Purpose Meteorology” and “Military Cartography”). Duration of training – 5 years. Academy graduates are awarded the rank of "lieutenant" and given a state diploma in their training specialty.

    Advantages and disadvantages of military service for women

    From time immemorial, military affairs have been the prerogative of men. Women were invariably associated with the guardian family hearth, mother and decoration of our lives. IN modern society everything has literally been turned upside down: men often run the household and raise children, while women master “male” professions, which include military specialties.

    What makes the “weaker sex” enter military academies or serve in the army under contract? First of all, the fact that today women are more active, confident and ambitious, and also have an increased desire for equality. In addition, they are attracted by a number of advantages that the army gives to military specialists:

    • personal fulfillment - military service is one of those few areas of life that allows you, without huge investments and “useful” acquaintances, to receive a decent education, move up the career ladder and support your family;
    • stability - no matter what economic disasters shake the country, military specialists will always be in demand;
    • solving housing problems - in the first five years of military service, women officers and their families are provided with official housing. If the service is more than 5 years, the military personnel receives housing on a general basis (if it is impossible to allocate housing, they are paid monetary compensation);
    • early retirement - military specialists retire at the age of 40-50, which allows them to live not only on their pension (which, by the way, is quite large). They can easily get a job in both state and municipal structures and receive quite a decent salary.

    It is noteworthy that many women are not stopped even by obvious shortcomings military service, which include:

    • psychological stress - the army is a serious school of life, which makes a strong personality even stronger, but weak person can easily "break";
    • real danger to life - no one knows where you will have to serve and whether war will start tomorrow;
    • the need to unquestioningly obey orders - for many women, who for the most part have their own opinions on everything and everyone, this is the most difficult factor in military service;
    • the absence of full days off and an irregular work schedule - the very concept of a “day off” among the military is very conditional, since they live directly on the territory of the garrison, which means they rest “on the job”;
    • restriction of movement - you can leave the garrison or military camp only with the permission of the command.

    Agree that all the disadvantages listed above cannot be compared with material and social guarantees, a sense of self-worth and usefulness to society. Well, and most importantly, girl in uniform The Russian Armed Forces are simply beautiful.

    An officer's wife is a special breed of woman who has seen and will see a lot in her lifetime. How to be a military wife? It’s not very sweet, however, those who are accustomed to camp life have their own reasons for joy. For example, such families very rarely break up, because the institution of marriage means a lot to an officer.

    And would each of them agree to follow him throughout the country, being alone most of the time? That’s why their husbands value them for their devotion, which is worthy of a medal. We must not lose sight of the fact that the families of those serving in the army have more than enough privileges. And yet, to be or not to be an officer’s wife?

    This is your voluntary choice

    Before you connect your life with a professional military man, you simply have to put everything together positive sides this solution and subtract all negative ones. Otherwise, it will be too late to try to “get off the hook.”

    First of all, look at the personal qualities of your chosen one.. If in ordinary life If you can put up with many of your husband’s character traits, with his way of life, then where there are no friends or relatives nearby, you will be cut off from the whole world and experience all the hardships of a camp life, only your husband can brighten up your life. Therefore, if you already notice traits in him that are unpleasant, do not decide to marry an officer too hastily.

    Find a universal way to earn money

    According to statistics, about 40% of officers' wives cannot find employment in the unit, which is why they become housewives. This means that you will have to live from paycheck to paycheck of your husband, albeit quite high, and each time ask him for money for personal needs. And sitting idle all your life within the four walls of a dorm is not very sweet.

    Therefore, if you do not have a profession in demand in those places where the service will take you by the will of fate, there are only two options, both related to working from home. The first is handicraft, the second is freelancing. In both cases, you can achieve success if you have the desire.

    Increase your resistance to stress

    The hardships of living out of suitcases, the absence of relatives nearby, an angry husband who is irritated not at all with you, but with his subordinates, all this requires remarkable self-control from an officer’s wife. Always remember that your husband is also trying his best, but sometimes he is not able to restrain himself. Don't take it personally. In order not to become isolated in your family and not to be offended by your husband for any reason, find yourself a hobby, or better yet, several.

    Playing sports will help you develop stress resistance, Fresh air, meditation, as well as simple worldly wisdom, which is often acquired only after many years of marriage. Over time, learn to determine when your husband is not in a good mood, and when you can talk to him.

    In many cases, a sense of humor will help you out. For example, find the charter of an officer’s wife, which was invented by students of one of the military schools. The text, in a light humorous form, shows what the military man expects from his wife and what she will receive in return if she religiously observes the regulations. In order not to be left alone with your problems, register on forums of officers’ wives like you and share your experiences with each other.

    How romantic it is to marry an officer, defender of the Motherland! The dream of many girls is a military man. Girls are attracted to the military by the following qualities: character, courage, courage. A real man must defend his homeland and his family. Many girls never stop paying attention to whether a guy served in the army or not. This is an important indicator when choosing a husband. Everything seems to be fine. The military man is the standard of masculinity and reliability. So why are not all girls in a hurry to connect their lives with a military man?

    Features of military life

    Only recently in Russia have scientists begun to study the family life of military personnel, their problems and their impact on work family relations. Indeed, in today's world, the military receives more and more workload every day. In addition to the problems that have been borne by law enforcement officials for many years, the threat of terrorism has also increased.

    Due to the stress experienced by military personnel, psychological problems, which should be taken into account by a girl who has decided to connect her life with the military. The life of military personnel even in peacetime is dangerous and brings enormous stress, which is why military personnel retire so early.

    Marrying a military man: pros and cons

    Marry a military man. Minuses:

    When her husband's traveling service, the military wife will also have to wander around the garrisons. And herein lies a big problem.

    The wife will not be able to build a career. After all, she constantly has to move if her husband is a contract soldier, so she either has to stay at home or look for an easy, non-permanent job in a military camp. And this is a very big problem if a girl wanted to become a leading engineer, but she has to work outside her specialty due to frequent moves.

    To be honest, not all girls can decide on their life and career in their native walls, and acclimatizing to another city is even more difficult.

    3. The problem is the poorly developed infrastructure in sparsely populated military camps. It happens that the service takes place in villages where there are not even kindergartens. The apartments where military families have to live at the beginning of their careers are disgusting living conditions. In addition, the problem of housing after service hangs over my soul. All these factors. Taken together, almost any girl will be turned into a vixen from a tender and affectionate wife.

    Pros when you marry a military man:

    1. If a couple at the beginning of their husband’s career can overcome together the hardships that constitute all the disadvantages of marriage to a military man, then further family life According to statistics, it is considered one of the most successful. According to surveys, officers and their wives who have been married for more than 10 years consider their marriage to be 95 percent out of 100 happy.

    2. An officer will never leave his wife, who supported him in difficult moments. As a father, a military man will be an attentive and responsible parent. One of the most important roles, according to surveys, for military men is the role of a father.

    3. A man who has chosen the military profession is distinguished by discipline, knows how to achieve goals, and tries to live here and now. As one officer’s wife says, it is unknown what might happen tomorrow, what business trip they will be sent on, so she and her husband enjoy every minute and every available moment.

    If your chosen one is a military man, then get ready for the fact that you will not have a quiet life. A military man is a forced person, and at any moment you can get up and leave. Moreover, sometimes there is very little time to get ready, and you can arrive to a completely unprepared place. And you will be required to as soon as possible“set up a camp” - quickly create comfort, improve everyday life. Moreover, as you understand, you will have to do this alone, because your husband will rarely be at home. Training camps, exercises, combat missions, business trips, and so on - that's what he will be busy with. And, when he comes home tired, he will want his ardent wife to be waiting for him in a clean, comfortable house with a hearty dinner.

    A military wife should be a wonderful housewife, a beauty, and a passionate lover. You will have to solve many everyday difficulties and be skilled in many things - from chopping wood (sometimes) to the ability to nail a shelf yourself. Simply because my husband is often not at home. You need to learn to cook delicious dishes, while sometimes from simple products, who knows where fate will take you!

    We must remember that the military are disciplined people, prone to order, so the house should always be clean. Everything should be in its place, and it doesn’t matter that he himself sometimes doesn’t know where these places are, since he is rarely at home. You must know!

    Sometimes they can be harsh - said - cut off. But this is understandable, life in men's team influences. Therefore, if your husband has firmly decided on something, then so it will be.

    Get ready for the fact that you will often have to change apartments, cities, your child’s school, and circle of acquaintances. Moreover, it may sometimes be difficult for you to find a job in your specialty, or just a job. You will have to get used to the fact that your children will probably get to know their dad from a photograph, and when they meet, they will be a little shy and shy while they are little. Yes, and raising children will be entirely on your shoulders.

    There are also advantages. First of all, it will be with you courageous man, who will always protect you when he is nearby.

    Secondly, absences, waiting and separations intensify and fuel passion. You simply won’t have time to get bored and get bogged down in routine - what kind of boredom is there if you rarely see your husband, and therefore, when you meet, you try to get enough of each other!

    Thirdly, the military is accustomed not only to command, but also to obey. And if in the service he can be a stern commander, then at home he may well be obedient and dutiful, placing all household management in your hands. You will only need the illusion that he is the head of the house, but in fact you will be the full-fledged mistress of your hearth.

    Fourthly, military men are quite independent men. They know how to cook, clean, do their own apartment and car repairs, sew on a button and they can fix it too. And, I must say, during rest hours or days they enjoy doing household chores.

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