• What really turns men on: women's misconceptions and scientists' data. What turns a woman on

    Have you ever thought about what exactly turns you on in men? If not, then we suggest considering the results of research by scientists who have identified the main reasons for women's attention to men.

    1. Approximately seventy percent of women have special attention to a man and arousal if he is wearing a casually unbuttoned shirt.

    2. More than fifty percent of women cannot remain indifferent at the sight of a man who is dressed in short shorts or tight jeans.

    3. Every fourth woman really likes the look of a man in sunglasses.

    4. And one and a half percent of the weaker sex gets excited when they see sexy men's underwear, even if it is not worn by a man, but simply lies on a shelf in a store.

    5. About seventy percent of women turn on at the sight of a man who is sleeping, lying on his stomach, or sitting in a casual position.

    6. Approximately half of the women surveyed admitted that they feel a certain inner uplift when they watch a man in the kitchen preparing lunch or breakfast.

    7. Every third woman is thrilled at the sight of a man who repairs his car, and women experience even more excitement if the man is also smeared in grease.

    8. Eighty-five percent of women really like men who have the right posture, energetic gait and restrained movements.

    9. And ninety-three percent of women do not have any sympathy for men who are noteworthy wit and talkers.

    10. Approximately seventy percent of women will be happy to communicate with men who have a sociable character, but at the same time do not impose their communication, do not try to ask intimate matters and do not talk about the nuances of their own personal lives.

    Now let's find out what attracts men in the beautiful half of humanity.

    1. More than eighty percent of men begin to feel desire for a woman who is dressed in a skirt with a large slit on the side or in a black long dress.

    2. Approximately four percent of men have blood running faster through their veins when they see a lady in black. leather boots on high heels.

    3. Fifteen percent of the representatives of the stronger sex do not remain indifferent at the sight of well-groomed female hands With long nails painted with varnish, the color of which should preferably be pink.

    4. Oddly enough, but a woman in a short skirt causes excitement in only five percent of men, while a bathing woman turns on only four percent of men.

    5. Ninety percent of men say that they become aroused when they see a girl playing sports, while girls who do gymnastics or jog are most aroused.

    6. A woman who applies makeup in front of a mirror excites seventy percent of men.

    7. Approximately half of men feel a strong attraction to a woman who does heavy housework, such as hammering nails, etc.

    8. Most men (ninety-six percent!) are simply crazy about women who are very energetic in life, have sweeping movements and can combine household chores with highly professional work.

    9. Only seven percent of men have an interest in smart women, and the rest of the stronger sex prefer to communicate with women who keep a secret about themselves.

    10. Every fourth man does not remain indifferent and cynical, cold and predatory vamp women.

    The question of how to arouse a woman worries both inexperienced young men and mature men who have a long-term marriage behind them. If a man asked this question, then he wants to give the lady of his heart true love and passion. And how to do this will be discussed below.

    Women love with their ears. Probably everyone has heard this expression. And it doesn't make sense. Many women consider the brain to be the sexiest organ in a man. Thanks to him, a man can give a lady nice compliment, funny joke And interesting story. Which can warm up even the coldest heart.

    IMPORTANT: It is difficult to find two identical women. Therefore, before you joke, compliment or tell stories that happened to a man in his life, you need to prepare. Understand what you can say to a particular representative of the fair sex, and what not.

    What kind of men excite women?

    Many women are excited not only by words, but also by a beautiful and well-groomed male body.

    And if it is also sporty look, then there is little any lady can resist. If a man has set a goal to win the heart of such a woman, then he must definitely buy a subscription to the gym.

    Also, some women can excite the personal qualities of a man and some of his actions. Decisiveness, courage and actions, not words, have been valued in every man from time immemorial.

    IMPORTANT: A man should surprise, make you worry and admire. You can excite a woman with a delicious dinner, hand-written poems addressed to her (and it is not necessary to actually write them yourself). You can also catch a woman by playing a musical instrument, a passionate dance, etc.

    In order to excite a woman, you need to have a neat appearance. Can be used for a meeting toilet water With pleasant smell. But, here you need to be sure that the girl is not allergic to perfume. Otherwise, the date is unlikely to succeed. At the first meeting, it is important to create a good impression. Indeed, at all subsequent meetings, a woman will compare exactly with the image that she remembered from the beginning.

    The chance to make a first impression is given only once - at a meeting, it remains in memory for a long time. long time. You need to be careful in expressions, it is appropriate to joke, show interest in the girl and, most importantly, interest her. At repeated meetings, a woman will always rely on her opinion, drawn up at the first meeting.

    How to quickly excite a woman?

    In order to quickly “turn on” a woman, it is necessary to influence not her erogenous zones

    Such areas female body can be roughly divided into three categories:

    • Weak erogenous zones
    • Middle erogenous zones
    • Strong erogenous zones

    For a quick arousal of a woman, of course, you can go straight to the caresses of the strong erogenous zones. But, it is much more pleasant if you warm up the desire of a woman gradually. Starting with weak erogenous zones and moving upwards.

    Hair is one of these areas with a weak “recoil”. They can be stroked, wrapped around fingers and carried out other caressing actions. But, do not dwell on the hair for a long time. After all, the task is to excite a woman quickly.

    After the hair, you can move on to the ears. The lobes are especially sensitive. You can add hands with lips. The whole edge of the ear or it completely.

    Lips and oral cavity, and the tongue is more erogenous, then lips, the mucous surface of the oral cavity. There are a lot of types of kisses and this topic is for a separate article. It is important for a man to find out which of these types his companion likes and to “hone” his skills.

    The skin of the neck is very delicate, and therefore is also one of the female erogenous zones. In addition, the neck is a "bridge" between the head and chest. And this beautiful part of the female body is already in the middle erogenous zone.

    Women's breasts are a symbol of femininity, beauty and lust for many men. In addition, this part of the body is very responsive to male caresses. Women's breasts respond well to massaging movements, and halos and nipples to soft and gentle touches.

    IMPORTANT: Recoil from weasels female breast does not affect the size of this part of the female body. But, not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity react equally to such caresses. Some of them have breasts that are very sensitive to kissing, while others are not.

    Very much excite a woman stroking the side surfaces chest and waist. Some ladies are very responsive to touch in the abdomen, around the navel.

    In order to quickly excite a woman, one should not forget about the back. One of the female erogenous zones is located between the shoulder blades.

    But, of course, strong erogenous zones are the most responsive to caresses. Stroking the inner thighs and of course the genitals. But, in order not to send the resource to the 18+ category, we will omit the story about the caresses of these parts of the body.

    Phrases, words that excite women

    At the beginning of this article, it was already said that women love with their ears.

    This is true in many cases. But what do they want to hear in a moment of intimacy? “You are so beautiful” is trite, but for some reason many ladies “go crazy” from this phrase. Especially if it is for them to speak in their ear, without looking up from the caresses of the erogenous zones.

    “You are the embodiment of my dreams” sounds grandiloquent, but sometimes it works. In order to say something to a woman, you need to know what she expects from her gentleman. Surprisingly, some couples who have been together for more than one year manage with two or three phrases, but at the same time, a man excites his chosen one without any problems.

    “You turn me on so much” is a phrase that “works” almost always. Especially if you really see the power of such arousal.

    A good effect can be achieved if you point out to the lady of the heart her unique advantages over other women. And you don't have to be a hypocrite. If a woman has a beautiful ass, then why shouldn't she say so. The same goes for the chest. Women spend a lot of time trying to be beautiful, so why not point them to specific places where they are "beautiful".

    “I love your legs”, “Your breasts are great”, “Your lips are perfect” - you can talk for a long time, especially since at this stage the second half is unlikely to listen.

    SMS that excite women

    There are situations when a woman needs to be aroused even before her appearance. This can be done by phone by saying the above phrases or by sending SMS. The second way of seduction is very good.

    Firstly, it is easier for many to write something smart than to stutter with excitement to say it to a woman.

    What to write depends on the temperament of the woman, her character and other conditions. Not every woman will appreciate such an SMS: "Stop smiling - it's time to undress." Others, on the contrary, will be delighted with her and meet a man in an already proper form.

    "I'm bored. I wish I could do something interesting” - seemingly neutral SMS, but with a clear hint of a sequel. Which can also have a stimulating effect.

    "What would we do if you were around?" - another SMS with which you can melt the fire of desires.

    "It's cold outside. Let me in under a warm blanket ”- excellent, it remains only to wait for an answer.

    "I'll steal you tonight,
    I will give my tenderness and passion,
    I want so much, dear, very,
    These feelings surrender to power ”- it is possible and in verse. There are lovers of such a presentation of thoughts.

    Video that excites women

    Women, as well as men, are turned on by scenes of an erotic nature.
    • Someone loves light erotica, and a frank one can lead them into a stupor, while others, on the contrary, can be liberated from the abundance of explicit scenes. Therefore, before putting a movie disc into your DVD player, you need to ask your beloved about her preferences in this regard.
    • As for the "strawberry", then there are their own genres and directions. But, if you choose from films of ordinary cinema, then without any doubt, the best erotic film of all time is "9 1/2 weeks" with Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke
    • But, not the above-named movie is considered a "cinematic aphrodisiac", but the film "Out of Sight" released in 1998. This film masterpiece overnight made George Clooney a Hollywood star. And for his co-star in this film, Jennifer Lopez, the role of prosecutor Karen Sisko is the best in his film career.

    Preparations: drops and tablets that excite women

    Drugs that have a stimulating effect on women only work on a physiological level
    • Therefore, before using such tools, it is necessary to understand whether it is worth using them at all. Perhaps a woman at the moment is not at all up to sex
    • Most of these drugs activate blood flow to the genitals. And most often used in order to enhance orgasm, and not as a stimulant. Although on their packaging, it will be written exactly that
    • As simple means, which are in every pharmacy, tincture of Aralia (the well-known aphrodisiac "Saparal" is made just on the basis of Aralia), ginseng and eleutherococcus have a stimulating effect. The "exciting" effect of taking such drugs is their side effect. Such funds have a general strengthening effect and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
    • Also, enhancing female attraction is tea with the addition of lemongrass. It can also be purchased at the pharmacy

    As for the funds that were specially developed as stimulants for the female body, among them it is worth noting:

    "Cialis"- a drug based on tadalafil and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor to restore sexual function in women. It activates blood flow to the genitals and increases the chances of an orgasm. Also from the advantages of this tool it is worth noting:

    • enhances the sensitivity of stimulation of the genital organs
    • promotes liberation and relaxation
    • removes frustration from sexual life among women

    Unfortunately, this drug has side effects: indigestion, possible back pain, allergic rhinitis, skin redness and muscle pain.

    Side effects reflect successful suppression of PDE-5 and usually go away within a few hours.

    "Women's Viagra"- A drug based on sildenafil. Available in the form of diamond-shaped tablets Pink colour. This tool is designed taking into account the female body and is effective during menopause and with insufficient lubrication in the genital area. Take this remedy 40 minutes before sexual intercourse.

    "Laveron"- drug from natural ingredients activating the work of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine system. It has a positive effect on sexual activity in women and is used in the treatment of anorgasmia.

    How to excite a woman in bed?

    In order for lovemaking to be pleasant for both spouses, it is necessary to begin stimulation before bed.
    • Caresses, kisses and other displays of tenderness should show a woman how much you desire her.
    • In bed, you need to go through all the female erogenous zones again. Directly to sexual contact you need to start feeling that the partner is already ready for this
    • The matrimonial bed is intimate place. But, in order to enjoy the pleasure, partners need to be open friend friend. It is important to ask about what your woman likes and feel her body language. You need to show that your partner is the best
    • Unfortunately, many believe that after the transition to sexual contact, caresses can be forgotten. This is of course not true. The totality of all possible exciting actions of a spouse can lead a woman to indescribable delight.

    Exciting massage for women sequence

    Massage is one of the oldest ways to excite partners before sexual intercourse.

    And it was thanks to the massage that many erogenous zones were discovered. Since each organism is individual, with the help of massage, a man can get to know the body of his woman even better.

    Erotic massage is important to conduct in an atmosphere that pre-adjusts for it. You need to dim the lights, turn on pleasant music, use the help of aromatherapy. A good prelude to erotic massage will be a joint bath.

    How to excite a woman with your hands?

    • You need to start such a massage with light touches with your fingertips to the back and neck of your beloved. Then you need to go down to the buttocks. Run gently over your thighs. Some women get very turned on by stroking their feet and toes
    • There are a lot of nerve endings in the feet. But, if their massage causes discomfort to the partner, then it is necessary to move on to stimulating other parts of her body.
    • If the woman was lying on her stomach during the massage, then ask her to roll over and lie on her back. Stroke her chest. Special attention give nipples. As a rule, this is one of the strongest erogenous zones. Going to the genitals is best at the end erotic massage. When a woman will already strongly desire this
    • During an erotic massage, it is important to observe your partner and determine what she likes the most and what should be discarded next time. Experiment and over time you will be able to determine exactly what touches can turn your woman on.

    What smells excite women?

    The female sense of smell is one of those senses that every man can “subdue” to himself.

    Here are a few scents that turn women on the most:

    Patchouli. This sexual stimulant has long been known to all passionate lovers. In addition, patchouli oil has a simply great smell that can also be used in aromatherapy.

    Vanilla. Everyone knows the smell of vanilla. And a lot of people are crazy about it. Including women. This spice has a completely unobtrusive aroma. Let this smell is rarely used in men's perfumery. Buy vanilla scented candles and arrange a romantic dinner for your significant other.

    Mint. Another scent to use in your sexual aromatherapy. Just a few drops of peppermint essential oil guarantee an excellent result.

    Musk. The smell of musk is in many ways similar to the smell of male pheromones. That is why he is able to "turn on" any woman. Even the one that is considered inaccessible.

    Ylang-ylang. But this smell is a frequent guest in men's perfume. Essential oil This plant is able to excite and ignite passion. But, he has one drawback. This smell does not affect all women in this way.

    Jasmine. Many consider the scent of jasmine to be purely feminine. That is why it is rarely found in men's perfume. But who forbids buying scented candles or dropping a few drops into an aroma lamp and organizing a romantic evening with your lady.

    Other aphrodisiac scents include:

    • tuberose
    • sandalwood
    • bergamot
    • orange
    • neroli
    • cinnamon
    • ginger
    • vetiver
    • geranium
    • violet

    Sounds that turn women on

    "Men love with their eyes and women with their ears." A well-known saying that does not lose its power. And let in this case it is a bit about something else, but the fact of the exciting perception of sounds on the female ear proves.

    There are many melodies with which you can stimulate the synthesis of dopamine.

    This hormone is responsible for pleasure. According to scientists from the Institute of Montreal, this effect can be achieved by including the songs of the famous singer Adele.

    But scientists from the American Institute of Maryland calculated that for each phase romantic evening you need your own music: from a lyrical melody during the prelude to loud rock and RnB at the time of sexual intercourse.

    Products that excite women

    Many foods are aphrodisiacs, with which you can ignite passion in a woman.

    The main thing here is not to overdo it. It is unlikely that your lady, having eaten one of them, will want to lie with you on your “bed”.

    Oddly enough, in the first place in the list of products that can excite a woman is celery. The thing is that it contains a lot of androsterone. A hormone, with an increase in which in the body, a woman experiences excitement. It's true, this product is hard to imagine during a romantic dinner.

    Oysters. This seafood is a classic aphrodisiac. After all, oysters contain a lot of dopamine, a hormone that increases sexual desire. In addition, the process of eating oysters is very erotic in itself.

    Bananas. These fruits are very high in potassium. This mineral is needed by the body to produce seratinone. Another hormone of pleasure.

    Almond. Nuts are considered male aphrodisiacs. But, almonds are also effective for women. Especially if they are lightly fried and salted.

    Let's complete the list of aphrodisiac products chocolate. This delicious dessert contains a lot of theobromine. This alkaloid is able to cause a feeling of satisfaction. Moreover, it affects women more brightly than men.

    For some women, it is a mystery why men are attracted to certain women, they do not understand the logic in the actions of boyfriends. Sexologists have studied the most impressive features of women from the point of view of men and have come to the conclusion that not only virtues attract men, they are willingly "led" to women's shortcomings.

    Outline of panties under clothes

    According to the majority of the men surveyed, there is something exciting and exciting in the form of light outlines of panties under clothes. The inexpressive line of panties makes you subconsciously draw a real picture hidden under the clothes, the man’s fantasy works, he guesses what charms can be hidden under the clothes. Women's buttocks and thighs at their top are extremely seductive for men.

    Tennis players and school uniform

    For many male spectators of tennis tournaments, it is not so much the sports result that is important, but also the contemplation of the appearance of the athletes. Short skirts, muscular legs and bare elbows, a sweaty upper half of the body, a T-shirt stuck to the chest and giving out all the subtleties of the relief - this is what attracts many men to visiting tennis competitions.

    Memories of school times, when at the time of sexual maturation the performance of short school skirts and golfs excited, when everything was so desirable, but was forbidden and there was not enough determination to voice their thoughts - women should take this feature into account male psychology. Like one of the episodes role playing for fans, a game in a school uniform and the image of a high school student is perfect.

    IN school years a girl wearing glasses was perceived by the boys ambiguously. Most often, girlfriends received not very flattering nicknames. But over time, the views and ideas about women in men change. An adult man already perceives a girl in glasses differently - glasses give her severity and attractiveness. Such a woman becomes desirable, but glasses make her inaccessible. Beautifully sitting on the bridge of the nose, glasses radically change the image of any young woman.

    Skirts and jeans

    Paradoxically, sexologists have noted that men are equally turned on by miniskirts and long skirts. Short skirts reveal strong hips, favorably emphasize the seductive shape of the buttocks. A long skirt allows you to appreciate the curves of the body, the harmony of the figure. If on long skirt there is a cut, men have the opportunity, with a fleeting glance, to mentally continue the line of the legs and from this they come to an excited state.

    Properly selected jeans and trousers will allow you to contemplate the elastic and rounded buttocks, the play of muscles on the hips, the slimness of the figure - despite the secrecy of the body, trousers and jeans have an exciting effect on men.

    Girls in military uniform and strict business suit

    Subconsciously, the representatives of the stronger sex not only want to command women, but also to be in submission. Military uniform implies some subordination, in the same way business clothes brings severity to the image of a girl. Those men who recognize a certain power of women over themselves are crazy about female representatives in military uniform or khaki clothes, in a strict business suit.


    Scientists have proven that smells can affect the male perception of a woman. Not every type of perfume can appeal to men, there are certain fragrances that excite men. The smell of women's sweat also affects men in the same way. It turns out that it contains pheromones - substances that affect the hormonal system of men, making their heart flutter. Leading cosmetic manufacturers, knowing this, include female pheromones in their products.

    It is a common misconception that women love with their ears and men love with their eyes. And you can name some of the details that men in the beautiful half of humanity like the most, and this applies to both body parts and clothing details.

    What turns men on in women

    Women themselves believe that men first of all pay attention to the chest. Until recently, many of the fair sex turned to plastic surgeons for help, increasing the mammary glands by two or three sizes. However, it turned out that men are very picky. First, they like not just big breasts, but big natural breasts. And secondly, they, of course, look at her, but not in the first place.

    Where more men attracts simply beautiful and elastic chest and no matter what size

    Women's buttocks excite men more than breasts. Of course, everyone has their own preferences: someone likes to look at rounded and pumped up buttocks, someone prefers wide hips, and some even like the flat boyish figure. Be sure of one thing: your fifth point will not be left without attention.

    Men really look girls in the eye. Big eyes bright color, framed by fluffy eyelashes, will not go unnoticed. So, in order to excite a man, do not hesitate to build eyes on your partner - this is a really powerful tool of seduction.

    What women's clothing excites men

    Men like the absence of clothes on women, but they still find some items of clothing seductive. First of all, these are stockings and shoes on high heels. To some, such an outfit may seem vulgar, but in the bedroom it will be appropriate.

    Particularly attractive stronger sex it looks like stockings with a belt

    sexual underwear also has the desired effect. As a rule, men like panties and bras in black or red. Choose the most indecent model that you find in the store - you will not lose. Transparent fabrics, cuts, lace - all this will be received with a bang. Some young people also like white underwear. It is associated with purity and innocence, which, in turn, awakens erotic fantasies in them.

    If we talk about Men, what excites them is more understandable, since they sexual attraction placed on the altar of visual images. Although this is also quite an interesting and separate topic of conversation.

    Today we will talk about what turns women on from the point of view of psychology and not only.

    It has long been known for certain that in a woman the left hemisphere dominates, which is responsible to a greater extent for hearing. It is not for nothing that there is a popular belief that a Woman loves with her ears. But as a woman, I can say that this is absolutely not the dominant factor in such subtle matters. Therefore, I propose to answer in detail the question of what excites women.

    So, what turns women on?

    The main stimulus is Her Majesty Love. How many women do not whisper affectionate and good words, but without it, nowhere. And love, as they say, must be won not by words, but by deeds. Therefore, more chivalrous and generous deeds!

    The second place is occupied by the smell of Men. This is the factor that, by and large, determines the possibility of interaction between Men and Women. In order not to spin around this topic a lot, I recommend reading an article about. If we talk about perfume, then it should also be approached with special care and in no case save on such important aspects.

    Appearance also matters a lot. A stately Man who visits the gym more than once takes care of himself and his health is already interesting to a Woman in itself. I'm not talking about some manic inclinations of a Man to his reflection in the mirror, but about healthy attitude to yourself.

    Can turn a woman on a good suit, a cool tie, a slightly unbuttoned shirt, properly selected underwear, clothes, suitable haircut etc. Very many Women are excited by slightly upturned stubble, strong and hairy hands, a feeling. The latter is already laid down by nature ..

    The place and setting or meetings are of considerable importance. For obvious reasons, we all always strive for the best, and the arrangement of things is no exception. This also includes pleasant music that can bring more euphoria, beautiful decoration, delicious food). But, as for unusual and new places in relation to the stimulant, this already depends on the Woman herself. Often this excites some Women, while others are paralyzed by the unknown in a sexual sense.

    Do not forget about attentiveness, honesty, the ability to listen to a Woman, good intentions and a friendly look. The presence of good humor in a Man is able to convey desire to a Woman.

    The undoubted aphrodisiac and aphrodisiac of Women are the generosity of Men. As the saying goes, best friends girls are "diamonds". You can, of course, not diamonds, but a brilliant scope and a desire to pamper a Woman can lead to the same effect in relation to a Man! It is a fact.

    This is what, what turns women on to a greater extent, further it is purely individual.

    Now let's talk briefly about what can push a Woman away from desire or reduce the previously described points to zero:

    Men who have gone over with alcohol can be in the red. Keep moderation.

    Selfish attitude, high self-esteem, talking only about yourself, about your affairs, demonstrating your muscles, etc.

    Men with a large number jewelry and a dose of perfume do not inspire much confidence. By the way, books on jewelry art will never be redundant on your shelf.

    abundance a large number compliments are also very alarming and repulsive to a woman. Sincerity is what matters. Fake doesn't work here!

    Grooming Men, presence excess weight, laziness are not able to awaken an active desire in a woman.

    Seduction solely with the help of money, obscene hints will definitely leave you at the threshold, unless of course, this is not the target girl with certain intentions.

    In general, at first the Man works for the desire of the Woman, and the desire of the woman works for the Man. In addition, the work of a Man also includes work for himself! That's why love transforms!

    The most important condition is Love and sympathy, otherwise any undertakings can be a failure. But how to win the love of a Woman is a completely different story.

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