• Poems for the day of the formation of the Russian Treasury. Funny congratulations on Treasury Day April jokes, funny and amusing jokes with gags




    With. Azov




    IN In a certain kingdom, in the Russian state, there lived a President. And he had a Russian treasury, that is, a budget. And the President could not manage himself and keep track of his treasury and ensure that Russian money was not squandered by leaders for unnecessary purposes. But the President wanted them to be sent to those sectors of the Russian economy that the Russian state needs. He thought, thought, and decided to revive the treasury service, forgotten 74 years ago. The President issued Decree No. 000 “On the Federal Treasury” dated January 1, 2001.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/240/images/image003_66.gif" width="218" height="252 src="> And he began to piece together his team of knowledgeable people, bit by bit, so as not to disgrace the land of Omsk. And he recruited excellent specialists into his team, from neighboring countries and the Russian state, all of unspeakable intelligence and unwritten beauty:

    Fomin Serdyukov

    Rita Frantsevna; Galina Nikolaevna;

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/240/images/image007_34.gif" width="198" height="256 src="> Maruschak

    Valentina Gennadievna;


    Elena Ilyinichna; Olga Viktorovna;

    Manzhos Olga Vyacheslavovna

    etc. And they created a friendly and united team. They began to live together in this team and monitor the Russian budget so that no evil force could encroach on the treasury of the Russian budget. And the Russian treasury began to grow by leaps and bounds. Income began to flow steadily, and banks stopped using budget money, since the treasuries were on guard, and huge fines were imposed. So the Russian treasury began to forget about the sequesters, and the budget grew increasingly with surpluses.

    Chief accountant" href="/text/category/glavnij_buhgalter/" rel="bookmark">chief accountant, from distant Kazakhstan, Tatyana Nikolaevna Dakhtler, to maintain treasury estimates and reporting on income and expenses. And they began to organize the work. And so that to set up budget accounting, we had to switch from one instruction to another, then 107n, then 70n, and now 25n, maybe that’s all it will be all troublesome, but we got the job done.

    A " right hand“Took Nurgazin Orazaly Litovich as his deputy, and entrusted him with the management of budget obligations for clients of the federal budget, and for state contracts of clients, as well as accounting and execution of writs of execution, according to decisions of our fair court.

    And in order to monitor the income, they hired senior treasurer Alla Alexandrovna Kramer and Natalya Mikhailovna Kazantseva, and they began to distribute the income of the Azov region among budgets of all levels, a lot of income came in, up to 40 million rubles a year, and when they switched to a single account Treasury, all functions of income distribution were transferred to the Department's specialists.

    And in order to have control over expenses, they hired another specialist - the chief treasurer, from the Kazakh land, Khoba Galina Bronislavovna, and entrusted her with the affairs of legal clients, accepting registers, authorizing payments, and making sure that every budget penny went to its intended destination.

    And in order to carry out all these operations on a single treasury account, two specialists were hired - Yulia Vasilievna Fries and Galina Oktyabrinovna Putintseva. They will accept all the documents into the Center-KS program, go through it, check it, attach it to the documents, and then the day can be closed. The statements will be printed and distributed to all clients so that everyone is satisfied.

    And so that the equipment was always in order, they hired a leading specialist, Elena Ivanovna Salakhova. She will also take care of the equipment and provide updates for all programs. So everyone began to work together as a team. Who distributes income, who controls expenses.

    And in order to create conditions for work, the Treasury allocated money so that they could buy a hut on chicken legs. So we bought this hut on chicken legs for 25 million rubles, in 1994 prices.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/240/images/image011_43.jpg" width="648" height="480 src="> Yes, it turned out to be a hut, not a hut, but a palace, which cannot be described in a fairy tale.

    Windows with lights, spacious offices, where to meet clients, where to work, where to hold a meeting with colleagues, and where to celebrate a treasury holiday.

    This is how we live together, we can’t get enough of each other. The team is perfect for selection: 9 beautiful young ladies, and 3 clear falcons.

    Everyone is not afraid of work, everyone strives to learn everything, all the Laws and Decrees, and obediently implement everything so that the Russian budget never suffers.

    They add more work to us, clients keep crying, they are given contracts, they update programs, they don’t let us get bored now, we need to learn a lot.

    We try to check all the contracts and registers, all the payments and applications, we try to check everything, check the financing so that everything is sent on time, what is wrong, everything is corrected. So as not to violate the regulations, do not bring down the wrath of customers. We try to respect everyone This is what our service means.

    Our clients respect us, they never offend us, everyone tries to make mistakes and correct everything.

    Our Russian President chose the moment for us, he was pleased with our service and issued a Decree for us: they are transferring you, they say, to the sovereign’s service.

    We are happy to serve Russia, there will always be treasuries, the best reward for us is our service, gentlemen!

    I told you a fairy tale, no, it’s not a fairy tale, it’s true. If you don't believe me, check it out. You are welcome to visit us and we will treat you to tea with honey. I was just there, drinking tea with honey, it was running down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.

    That’s the end of the fairy tale, but whoever read it and appreciated it,

    Well done!

    And I wrote this fairy tale for you, not a writer - a storyteller, but the chief treasurer of the expenditure department of the Azov German national region, .

    We congratulate everyone related to the Russian Treasury on the day of its formation. Let your work always remain interesting for you, because what you do is very important for our state. Good luck to you in everything, and may your “income” and “expenses” always be in a balanced position.

    Veterans of the Treasury,
    Today they will definitely reward you
    And about those who were the best
    Congratulations - they say!

    Many years ago this holiday
    Approved by the President himself!
    The Treasury is thriving
    For many, many years!

    Budget execution,
    Manage and multiply.
    So that Russia's treasury grows,
    We wanted to wish!

    They will ask us in bewilderment:
    What kind of holiday is today?
    We will then answer honestly:
    Today is Treasury Day!
    So that Russian finances
    They wouldn’t “sing romances”
    So that the budget is in order
    For many years,
    Who will be able to keep track of everything?
    Well, of course, treasurers!
    To all treasurers - a poem,
    This short greeting!

    What do we know about money and finance?
    Only that they love the score,
    Only that money doesn't smell
    And they always expect a cold calculation.

    People work in the treasury
    Who know everything about money -
    What kind of banknotes are there in the world?
    And how many coins were minted per year?

    Working with papers, cash registers,
    And the declaration must be read,
    Develop a budget for quarters
    And make a report in January.

    Those people guard the treasury,
    Caring for the good of the country,
    Her capital is multiplied,
    And they are loyal to the treasury in life.

    Russian Treasury Day -
    A special holiday of the country,
    We need honest workers here,
    Entrust the budget so that they can
    Your job is not easy -
    Calculations, finances, rubles,
    Your task is very difficult -
    Work nationwide.
    We wish you good health today,
    So that things are successful,
    All your numbers matched
    The holes are gone forever.

    In the era of natural exchange
    People didn't need the coin.
    But time passed, the imperishable ruble was born,
    And the state’s treasury grew.

    And century after century the treasury service
    Passed through natural selection:
    Good luck awaited those who were frugal in means,
    The scaffold and the ax were waiting for the spender.

    Today is the treasury's birthday.
    I wish you less spending;
    May success lift your spirits,
    Let the growth of the budget and salaries grow stronger!

    Treasury Day is a wonderful occasion
    Nice guys, drop a few lines!
    How can a city, even a small one, without a treasury?
    We send you the following congratulations:

    Be healthy, do not know sadness,
    Store your funds carefully in your country.
    And prepare places for medals:
    Know that people really need you!

    Glory, glory to the Treasury
    And his employees,
    So that today without smiles
    There's no one left!

    So that the sun shines on you,
    Life flowed like a river!
    May God give you happiness,
    On this day and forever!

    May you always be healthy
    May you have a great life,
    So that everything you decide
    Suddenly everything came true!

    The treasury must be under supervision
    And there’s a bunch of money in it!
    Keep track of the flow of funds
    Counting profits day after day.

    Not everyone can handle this
    When tempted, strictly: “NO!”
    We cordially congratulate you,
    And we send you a joyful bouquet!

    Let there be a place for happiness in life,
    Simple and sweet little things,
    We wish you to make your dreams come true,
    And find what you need!

    Treasurer, treasurer!
    Don't sit, don't be shy,
    Today is your holiday -
    The whole country knows this!
    Accept congratulations,
    Sit still, don't yawn!
    We wish you more happiness,
    And financial prosperity
    Let the bad weather fly away to the enemies,
    There is no better treasurer!

    On September 8, Russia celebrates Financier Day. Employees of the “financial front” have officially started their professional holiday since 2011, when the decree “On Financier’s Day” was signed, which states that this professional holiday will be celebrated on September 8. Until this moment, financiers celebrated their holiday unofficially, but on the occasion of September 8, Emperor Alexander the First established the Ministry of Finance of Russia.
    We offer site guests anecdotes about employees related to finance.

    * * *

    – Yesterday I bought the book “How to Make a Million in Stocks” from you!
    - Well?
    - What, well? Half the pages are torn out!
    - So what? Five hundred thousand is also good money.

    * * *

    The deputy informs his household:
    - I have two bad news and one good. Firstly, we were prohibited from having an account in a foreign bank. Secondly, we can't close it. Thirdly, this bank is now ours.

    * * *

    The financier died, in front of the gates to heaven the Apostle Peter says to him:
    - I can’t let you into heaven, you yourself understand what these times are like, everyone has a lot of money, influential acquaintances too, in general, all the places are taken and there is no sign of it in the near future, we’ll have to send you to hell.
    - Wait, give me at least one night to sleep over, and then you’ll see, I’ll free half of heaven for you.
    - Well, okay, just one night.
    They sent him to heaven, and there - bankers, financiers, officials, various investors, and other majors roll around like cheese in butter. He sat, thought and said:
    - Gentlemen, I just came from earth, they say that in hell the shares of Norilsk Nickel are worth twice as much, Gazprom is being dumped at dumping prices, and VTB is not recognized as a security at all.
    We listened to him, after half an hour one packed his bags, I’ll go check, he said. An hour later there are five more. By the end of the day, paradise was empty.
    The next day Peter comes and says:
    - Thank you for saving me from them, I didn’t have the strength to endure it anymore, you remain in paradise.
    A week passes, the financier sits, sad. Peter asks him:
    - Well, what's the matter that you're sad?
    - Well, I’m sitting idle, and rumors are coming from earth that shares in hell are cheaper than on the market, I should check it out.

    * * *

    A man comes to his bank manager and says:
    - I want to start a small business. What should I do?
    “Very simple,” the banker answers. - Buy a big one and wait.

    * * *

    Conversation in the investment division of the bank:
    - Only crazy people can buy shares at that price!
    - Well, don't take it.
    - So the crazy ones will sort everything out!

    * * *

    A new type of lending to individuals is offered by Farewell Finance Bank. Now even low-income citizens will be able to give a bribe to an official on an especially large scale by taking out a mortgage with this bank, in installments for ten years.

    * * *

    Money and finance are not the same thing: money can buy a bubble and a snack, but finance cannot.

    * * *

    A young man gets a job at a Russian financial company. About himself he says:
    - After graduating from the London School of Business and Finance, he completed an internship on risk hedging using modern financial instruments: forwards, futures, derivatives, spots.
    - Eh, boy, we have other financial instruments here: kickback, hit-and-run and scam.

    * * *

    An old lady comes to the bank and writes a check. The clerk tells her:
    - Now sign.
    - But as?
    - How do you sign letters and postcards?
    The old lady carefully says: “I kiss you all, your grandmother Katya.”

    * * *

    Question: What is the best way out of the Russian crisis?
    Answer: International terminal of Sheremetyevo Airport.

    * * *

    * * *

    He opened a bank account and began saving for a rainy day.
    Ten years later, a rainy day came: the bank went bankrupt...

    * To access the Freebies section, please enter your credit card number.

    * The bank is looking for an accountant! Reward guaranteed!!!

    * When viewing new banknotes in ultraviolet rays, the inscription “Caution, ultraviolet radiation!” is visible.

    * Samples of new banknote designs are available on the Federal Treasury website. You can also download a printable version there.

    * Sberbank has created an Internet bank... There are also few windows and wild queues.

    * Urgently required at LLC "...." Chief Accountant, work schedule - in three years.

    * A reputable bank will rent a hole punch.

    Wise thoughts of bank clerks

    * An analyst is the person who today will explain to you why his yesterday’s forecasts turned out to be incorrect.

    * Don't feel like going to work in the morning? Open Forbes magazine and find your name there. Didn't find it? Go ahead, get to work!

    * Ordinary women have periods, but accountants have quarterly and annual periods!

    * The working day is divided into “before lunch” and “before leaving”.

    * It’s good to do nothing and then rest.

    * To ensure that words do not diverge from deeds, you need to remain silent and do nothing.

    * Business must be done.

    * If you work well for 8 hours, you will be encouraged and will work 10 hours.

    * Work is not a wolf, but the product of force and distance.

    * No one knows more than I don’t know!

    * Salary is another proof that working for others is unprofitable.

    * I am an undemanding person, I don’t need much, the main thing is to have more.

    * For classic boss manipulation:
    - This should have been done yesterday! - the correct answer is:
    - So it's too late today? Can I relax?

    * How many unnecessary words, how little extra money...

    * In this world of lies and hypocrisy, it is already so difficult to deceive anyone...

    * I didn’t sleep all day. I didn't eat all night. It’s clear, you’re tired!

    * Money starts to end, then it stops starting.

    * A lot of work has been done, but things won’t work that way.

    * - I work for you part-time and therefore I ask you to shout at me in a low voice.

    * If you have lost something, look for it from your neighbor - you will always have time at your place.

    * Talk, talk, I always yawn when I'm interested.

    Call guests for extras, show off their chic dresses, the pomp of mournful speeches and send them away hungry.

    In mid-December, the Gazovik Palace of Culture, the region’s treasurers celebrated their 20th anniversary.

    And it all started like this - each of the 250 employees of the Federal Treasury Department for the Orenburg Region was ordered to bring 2-3 people with them without fail. The treasurers here also turned out to be very prudent: despite the fact that the Gazovik hall is designed for 750 people. It’s just that the civil servants didn’t do their best, didn’t do enough work: the hall was more than half full. But by whom...

    In the hall of the Palace of Culture, guests were greeted by such splendor: satin dresses flowing to the floor, curls bursting to freedom from under shining maces. Only the red carpet was missing. And they were all well-known people: the first to rush to arrive was Chief Federal Inspector Sergei Gavrilin, a little later the Head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Orenburg Region Efrem Romanov, the Prosecutor of the Orenburg Region Igor Tkachev, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region for financial and economic policy Natalya Levinson, at the very opening, the Minister of Finance of the region, Tatyana Moshkova, entered the hall.

    Then thin Peter in a wig appeared on stage, and next to him were “Katya 1” and “Alexashka”. The first persons of the region alternately appeared on the stage to read congratulations and conduct award ceremonies, and then creative groups: the dance ensemble of the Orenburg Lyceum No. 4 “Fireworks”, singer Larisa Kiseleva, the ensemble “Bravissimo”, which opened the evening by performing the anthem of the Russian Treasury, and ended it - singing the old Russian romance “Wicket”. Standing out from the general, rather restrained tone of the evening was the KVN team of the Orbit Treasury. Jokes about the fact that the treasurer needs to be at work like a bayonet at 9:00, submit a report on time and be “satisfied” with only these joys of life incited the professional community; for people not privy to life “behind a closed door,” this humor was (seemingly) not close.

    By the way, while they were performing on stage, and this one and that one sang, on two huge screens to touch the guests, and government employees were shown photographs from the family archives of the treasurers: here we are on the river, here I am under the aisle, here at work with colleagues we are interpreting about this, about that.

    Note: more than half of the employees of the regional treasury are Buzuk residents, and at the same time, graduates of the Buzuluk College of Finance and Economics, the same one where Mrs. Marina Artsebasheva taught.

    But now - two hours of the treasury's get-together are behind us. Everybody's Free. I mean guests. At this time, on the contrary, the most “heartwarming” part of the evening began for the treasurers - the buffet table. It’s not the place for statesmen and wives to feast at the same table with ordinary Orenburg residents, well, maybe the treasury didn’t have enough money for a buffet “for everyone”? I won’t rack my brains over this riddle. I looked at the overseas hazel grouse and other table decorations in the gap between the boys-guards, and went to stand in a kilometer-long line at the cloakroom.

    The Day of the Formation of the Russian Treasury is a holiday in Russian Federation, established by Decree of the President of Russia of December 8, 1992 No. 1556, celebrated annually on December 8. The system of bodies of the Federal Treasury of Russia created on this day historically originates from Ancient Rus'. It was then that the position of treasurer was born - a representative of the boyar or princely administration to manage the material assets of the state. Having gone through a long and difficult path of development, currently the priority of this state structure is to develop an optimal solution for the financial management of public resources, as well as control over the use of the country’s budget. On Treasury Day, the best employees and veterans of the Federal Treasury of Russia are traditionally congratulated and awarded.

    Show congratulations

    • Page 1 of 2

    Veterans of the Treasury,
    Today they will definitely reward you
    And about those who were the best
    Congratulations - they say!

    Many years ago this holiday
    Approved by the President himself!
    The Treasury is thriving
    For many, many years!

    Budget execution,
    Manage and multiply.
    So that Russia's treasury grows,
    We wanted to wish!


    What do we know about money and finance?
    Only that they love the score,
    Only that money doesn't smell
    And they always expect a cold calculation.

    People work in the treasury
    Who know everything about money -
    What kind of banknotes are there in the world?
    And how many coins were minted per year?

    Working with papers, cash registers,
    And the declaration must be read,
    Develop a budget for quarters
    And make a report in January.

    Those people guard the treasury,
    Caring for the good of the country,
    Her capital is multiplied,
    And they are loyal to the treasury in life.


    In the era of natural exchange
    People didn't need the coin.
    But time passed, the imperishable ruble was born,
    And the state’s treasury grew.

    And century after century the treasury service
    Passed through natural selection:
    Good luck awaited those who were frugal in means,
    The scaffold and the ax were waiting for the spender.

    Today is the treasury's birthday.
    I wish you less spending;
    May success lift your spirits,
    Let the growth of the budget and salaries grow stronger!


    They will ask us in bewilderment:
    What kind of holiday is today?
    We will then answer honestly:
    Today is Treasury Day!
    So that Russian finances
    They wouldn’t “sing romances”
    So that the budget is in order
    For many years,
    Who will be able to keep track of everything?
    Well, of course, treasurers!
    To all treasurers - a poem,
    This short greeting!


    Russian Treasury Day -
    A special holiday of the country,
    We need honest workers here,
    Entrust the budget so that they can
    Your job is not easy -
    Calculations, finances, rubles,
    Your task is very difficult -
    Work nationwide.
    We wish you good health today,
    So that things are successful,
    All your numbers matched
    The holes are gone forever.


    We donate to the Russian Treasury
    On this holiday we again congratulate you.
    It is not for nothing that we bring our wishes to them:
    For merit, for benefit, for good.

    Without labor the treasury cannot
    The state should work.
    Let nothing disturb the century,
    Let nothing get in your way!

    Let the sunrises shine like dawn,
    Promising only sun and light.
    Songbirds every spring
    Let them give you holiday greetings!


    The treasury must be under supervision
    And there’s a bunch of money in it!
    Keep track of the flow of funds
    Counting profits day after day.

    Not everyone can handle this
    When tempted, strictly: “NO!”
    We cordially congratulate you,
    And we send you a joyful bouquet!

    Let there be a place for happiness in life,
    Simple and sweet little things,
    We wish you to make your dreams come true,
    And find what you need!


    As if a small thing is jingling somewhere above?
    Are you tired of rustling banknotes?
    It's not the wind that's walking across the roof,
    Then they started counting the treasury again!

    There are a lot of things to do in the treasury,
    So we want to make them a “five”,
    Calculate all finances and strictly
    We wish you to multiply them!


    Congratulations to the treasurers
    Happy wonderful, glorious day!
    And about our treasury
    We'll sing you a song!

    Good luck to all employees
    We wish from the bottom of our hearts!
    Because all of you, brothers,
    Just a miracle - they are good!

    We wish you a lot of happiness,
    Always be on the level
    Please accept our congratulations,
    Never be sad!


    Country financial flows
    Become transparent
    There are no complaints
    And this is so lucky!

    Let the treasury be replenished
    And the tributaries will increase,
    To overcome all crises,
    And lower outflows!

    We wish you to rest your soul,
    And a hobby of course!
    Let the best happen suddenly
    Big changes!


    Many, many years ago
    Only you were formed
    And then (as now)
    It was called the Treasury!

    And into you, as if into Baikal,
    All the streams flow in,
    And then you give it away
    Everything is on time!

    Glory to those in the treasury,
    They perform a precise service,
    Receive our congratulations,
    Let your hearts sing!


    Many years ago the Treasury
    It was formed in Mother Russia.
    And here the magic began, -
    Finances remain intact!

    Now neither left nor around
    The Russian treasury will not leave!
    And we will celebrate the holiday,
    And walk-walk-walk!


    Russian Treasury Day -
    The holiday is great for the nation,
    Serves as our treasurer
    A very smart man!

    So that the budget does not run away,
    Preserved intact
    The treasurer is watching him,
    With your bold look!

    Congratulations were read out,
    Wished you happiness
    May the service be excellent
    Misfortune will go to the enemies!


    The treasurer was an important rank,
    He walked in a long caftan,
    Didn't notice anyone
    I was just counting money.
    Now, in the twenty-first century
    People celebrate
    Treasury birthday:
    For financial management,
    To control the state budget
    This structure has been created!
    A poem was read in her honor,
    This short greeting!


    Treasury Day is a wonderful occasion
    Nice guys, drop a few lines!
    How can a city, even a small one, without a treasury?
    We send you the following congratulations:

    Be healthy, do not know sadness,
    Store your funds carefully in your country.
    And prepare places for medals:
    Know that people really need you!

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