• Toasts on your professional holiday to colleagues. Congratulations on your professional holiday in prose


    Corporate events congratulations on professional holiday in prose

    Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to thank you for your daily hard work. I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that our enterprise, with its colossal potential, will be able to prove itself worthily in the very near future!
    Happy holiday, dear colleagues! The most best wishes to you, your family and friends! I wish you happiness, health and general success in the development of our beloved enterprise!

    Corporate congratulations to colleagues

    Work is an incentive to perfection,
    Doesn't let you stand still
    Strive only for achievements
    And always receive honor!
    Let your career grow
    Only adding finances,
    May good luck await you every day,
    Accompanying you everywhere!

    Corporate holidays, congratulations

    Dear colleagues from best congratulations on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the world of business. May luck always accompany you in all your affairs, and may there be many good events in your personal life.

    Corporate holidays congratulations on Police Day

    Dear Colleagues! Today, with great pleasure, I congratulate you on our professional holiday - Police Day. Everyone knows the words from the song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult.” And indeed it is. Our profession is one of the most complex, difficult and noble professions. I am sure that at any time each of us is ready to fulfill our professional and civic duty and come to the aid of our neighbors in any situation. With all my heart I congratulate our veterans, who are the custodians of our best traditions and are happy to share their wisdom and experience! Accept sincere wishes well-being, prosperity and implementation of all your plans! I wish you good health and peaceful skies above your head!

    Corporate holidays congratulations to signalmen

    Dear Colleagues! Signalmen are true professionals, dedicated to their work forever! We give people the joy of communication, connecting towns and cities, different countries located thousands and hundreds of thousands of kilometers away! May your favorite job be successful! Let there always be true friends, kindness and good mood in your life. With all my heart I wish you, your families, relatives and friends good health, happiness and prosperity. Success and prosperity of our noble profession! Happy holiday, dear colleagues!

    Corporate holidays congratulations on Teacher's Day

    Our profession is prestigious,
    It is needed like air and water!
    After all, without a beloved teacher,
    No one will ever move forward!
    And even though our wages are low,
    "Money doesn't buy happiness" they say
    But now modernization is all around,
    There are computers all around!
    What kind of teachers work at school,
    And many, and more than a dozen years!
    but it’s mainly women who teach,
    There are none more charming!

    Corporate holidays congratulations on your professional holiday

    Time passes in a fast run,
    Well, today we are colleagues!
    We celebrate professions,
    We invite friends and family!
    Let us meet him with dignity,
    And let's take a break from storms, worries, worries!
    We wish you love, warmth and inspiration,
    Family comfort and warmth,
    There are only wise solutions to problems,
    Attention, dignity, kindness!

    Corporate congratulations

    Dear friends, today our team celebrates its small anniversary with honor. May luck always be a faithful companion in our team and may we be able to adequately resist all the crises that sometimes occur in business and life

    Happy New Year corporate greetings

    I want to wish each of my colleagues romance in their work, because this will help them achieve success; efficiency in completing assigned tasks, because this will help get the job done faster; responsibility, because this will improve quality! But, no matter how you look at it, they still won’t give you your salary early! So is it worth worrying so much about work!? It's time to relax, because today - New Year! Let's drink to friendship in our team!

    Corporate holiday greetings

    Ladies and gentlemen. You have gathered here, all business people, with inexhaustible energy, efficiency, creativity, courage, the ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties along the way. I would like to wish you success in all your endeavors!

    Dear Colleagues! This holiday has a special meaning. He reminds each of us of civic duty and high masculine destiny. Our sacred duty is to maintain peace and harmony in society and on earth. It is important that our team works stably and confidently, because this is the key not only to our future, but also to the future of our children! I wish you all good health, great happiness, creative work and good luck in all your endeavors!

    Corporate holidays congratulations on Energy Engineer's Day

    Dear energy workers! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to say that the warmth and comfort in every home, stable work, enterprises, social Security child care facilities and much more! The energy sector is constantly developing, and therefore we have a great future! Dear Colleagues! May only good luck always accompany you! I wish you good health, prosperity and success in your work! Prosperity and happiness to you and your families!

    Corporate congratulations

    Dear colleague. Congratulations and wish you a cozy atmosphere not only at home, but also at work. Let me express to you our admiration for your cheerfulness and cheerful disposition, which gives us all optimism in our work.

    Corporate holidays congratulations on your professional holiday

    May there be success in business all year round,
    And my career is only going up
    And only you go forward,
    Where great luck awaits!
    May life give you more chances
    Every day will give you a surprise!

    Corporate Happy New Year greetings

    We are entering the New Year together,
    How we were in this together.
    Happiness awaits us there for sure,
    If not in winter, then in summer.
    Let's give love
    As generously as we can.
    And in the future we will live
    Much more fun.

    Corporate holidays congratulations to colleagues

    Let the poems be simple,
    But they did it for their colleagues from the heart!
    Will cheer you up on holiday
    and they will find admirers!
    May your every day be bright,
    And the table for the holiday is very generous!
    We wish you happiness and victories,
    Live for at least two hundred years!

    Corporate holidays Happy New Year greetings

    Just a few minutes
    There is only one year left!
    Raising their glasses, everyone is waiting for the New Year,
    Don't think about the past!
    We had a good year
    And we achieved a lot!
    We got rid of adversity
    We have achieved success!
    I wish you, colleagues,
    All new achievements,
    And we will accept the high plan,
    We will receive many awards!
    Health, happiness and ideas,
    and only the best news!
    The clock is already striking twelve,
    Well, let's start the fun!

    Corporate holidays congratulations on Russian Post Day

    The years pass, quickly, imperceptibly,
    Progress is sweeping across the country,
    Only the postman
    Still like in the last century!
    Walking with a huge bag on a belt!
    And SMS letters will not replace letters,
    Computers will not make that work easier
    We will not be given communication forever,
    What do postmen bring to your house?
    Today is Russian Post Day,
    I wish the postmen from the bottom of my heart,
    Great luck and success,
    After all, a postman is expected in every home!

    For these congratulations, we have selected the following gifts for you from our catalog:

    A healthy team has a healthy spirit, and the plan is implemented faster and more efficiently. But nothing brings “co-office workers” closer together than the opportunity to escape from their professional responsibilities. Well, at least for three to five minutes, while a caring manager voices corporate congratulations on the approaching anniversary celebration or simply the anniversary of the founding of the company, the new year or Hanukkah, or maybe just the conclusion of the hundredth contract this week. Corporate congratulations will also come in handy in the opposite situation, when a friendly team wants to please kind words a beloved (or maybe simply respected) leader or group of leaders. And if you are planning a more or less large-scale event in a close circle of colleagues, then various congratulations this type is what you need.

    » Congratulations on your professional holiday in prose

    Universal congratulations and wishes to colleagues

    Our team is friendly and growing stronger every day.
    In our company, people are too lazy not to work.
    We all work together and strive to win.
    We know how to work and relax together!
    The bosses are good - they know how to motivate,
    He will teach us how to maneuver correctly among the rocks of problems!
    Dear colleagues, we congratulate you all
    We wish you victories in work and in love today!

    May your world be bright and beautiful
    And inspiration comes more often!
    We wish you new thoughts, perspectives,
    Pleasant, fresh, bright impressions!
    Let gratitude be from the heart,
    Gifts are chosen with love!
    We value your friendship very much,
    We wish you health with all our hearts!

    Time passes in a fast run,
    Well, today we are colleagues!
    We celebrate professions,
    We invite friends and family!
    Let us meet him with dignity,
    And let's take a break from storms, worries, worries!
    We wish you love, warmth and inspiration,
    Family comfort and warmth,
    There are only wise solutions to problems,
    Attention, dignity, kindness!

    Our dear colleagues,
    We would like to congratulate you at this hour,
    Let your troubles go away,
    Definitely you this time.
    Let's work together in harmony,
    We will be with you for many more years,
    And of course we congratulate you,
    We wish you every victory!

    We wish you on your life's journey
    The smile of the sun, the blue sky!
    We wish you health and love,
    And the greatest happiness in life!
    Let the years not upset you -
    Love life, love inspiration!
    We wish you more at this hour,
    May you be in a great mood!

    We wish you neither more nor less,
    So that happiness shines like the sun,
    So that life is always interesting,
    So that work is like a song!
    We wish you great happiness!
    So that kindness does not fade away in your soul!
    And so that your heart burns with love
    Many years! Isn't this enough?!

    We wish you every happiness,
    Abundance of wealthy clients,
    Increase in visible income,
    And increased joyful moments.
    Mutual and enduring love,
    Health, inspired by a dream.
    And admire us, colleagues, more often
    With its grace and beauty!

    We would like to sincerely and cordially congratulate
    And wish you a lot of happiness in life.
    May all your dreams, ideas and hopes
    Luck helps you realize it!
    We wish you love, prosperity,
    Support from loved ones and relatives,
    Success, interesting endeavors
    And true loyal friends!

    Our work is not easy, it is alarming,
    But you always helped us survive,
    And the impossible became possible,
    We survived, we stood together!
    God bless you with hope and love!
    Let's overcome the difficult road together,
    And experience, intelligence, luck and health
    They will not refuse you and will help you with everything!

    How nice it is to relax on holiday,
    Cancel all things and plans
    And open the window wider,
    To let more sun into your life!
    Let from the bright gentle rays
    The world can suddenly change,
    More joyful, more beautiful, brighter
    And everything around you will be happier!

    Congratulations on professional holidays

    P Today, congratulations on your professional holiday have become the norm in our life and communication. If earlier Teachers' Day and several other similar days were widely celebrated, now representatives of each specialty have their own professional holidays, and this is a reason to celebrate them once again Good work and excellent business skills. This is what the poems collected on our website are dedicated to - they celebrate best qualities professionals and contain the most pleasant wishes related to both the business sphere and personal life. Your congratulations will always be favorably received and highly appreciated if you use this section of the site!

    Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in prose in your own words

    Beautiful and official congratulations on Civil Aviation Day to colleagues, staff, employees in prose on their professional holiday, original and funny wishes text to friends in your own words.

    Now flying is no longer a fantasy, but the daily work of aviators. Who do their job with dignity.
    Happy Civil Aviation Day to those who make our flights comfortable and enjoyable.
    Keep up the good work. And we will be happy to fly on your planes.
    Congratulations to colleagues in prose Flying up is no longer a problem. But doing it smoothly and then landing softly is the work of real professionals. Only such professionals are worthy of flying a passenger aircraft.
    Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day. May your flights continue to be as smooth and successful. May you not protect the skies of our homeland from attacks by enemy aircraft. But your work is no less important. Only you are capable of lifting so many unprepared people into the sky and making their flight safe and enjoyable.
    Continue to remain professionals in your field. We congratulate you all on the holiday, Happy Civil Aviation Day! Nowadays, flying under the clouds is available to everyone. You don't need to be a bird or a professional pilot to do this. All you have to do is board the plane and trust the civil aviation pilots. And they, in turn, will make your flight unforgettable and enjoyable.
    On this Civil Aviation Day, we congratulate all employees on their professional holiday and thank you for making the dreams of flying accessible to every person on earth.
    Happy Civil Aviation Day to employees in your own words The sky is unusual world, unfamiliar to airplane passengers. It seems that the open spaces allow you to fly limitlessly and uncontrollably. But that's not true.
    Only the work of a well-coordinated team of civil aviation employees can understand the intricacies of these spaces. Only together, doing your complex and difficult work, can you ensure a safe flight for unsuspecting passengers.
    On Civil Aviation Day, I would like to congratulate all employees and wish you to remain professionals in your field. Today is a professional holiday for those who make the life of humanity easier and more convenient. Cargo is now delivered to short time. And the journey from city to city, which takes a day, will now take just an hour. And all this thanks to the work of civil aviation employees. We would like to express our gratitude to you on behalf of all humanity for your irreplaceable work and congratulate you on this international holiday!
    Text of congratulations on your professional holiday prose Airplane pilots are not the only ones who ensure that passengers fly. Dispatchers, technical workers, flight attendants and all those who make our flights safe and comfortable are celebrating the triumph of their profession today. We would like to sincerely congratulate you on Civil Aviation Day! We wish you to remain professionals in the workplace and happy people in everyday life.

    Congratulations and toasts on Lawyer's Day 2017 in prose

    The legal profession is worthy of respect. It's hard to understand how he fits so much information into his head. After all, every legal specialist is a collection of laws, regulations and a legal reference book rolled into one. And given how quickly legislation changes in our country, every lawyer must constantly expand his encyclopedic knowledge. Thank you for your work. And today, on Lawyer’s Day, you can relax and unwind a little. But, just so that everything is according to the law!

    Every lawyer is first and foremost an intellectual. His work requires developed deductive thinking, long-term and working memory, attentiveness and competent speech. A good lawyer distinguished by erudition and communication skills. Therefore, the legal profession can only command respect. But the most important thing is that lawyers use all their abilities and knowledge in their practice in order to help people. We wish you not to forget about your purpose! Professional achievements to you in your useful and very people need work!

    Dear lawyers! Your professional holiday is only a few years old, but your profession is one of the most ancient. After all, the first legal experts appeared when the first laws were adopted, that is, several thousand years ago. You are servants of order and justice in our society. You have the power to both protect and punish. We wish you to make only the right and competent decisions.

    IN modern society legal profession difficult to overestimate. A lawyer is law, justice and order. The legal profession entails enormous responsibility. The concept of “lawyer” unites such fateful positions and professions as judge, prosecutor, investigator, lawyer, notary, and so on. Today, on Lawyer's Day, I want to wish the servants of the law perseverance, integrity and courage. And may these necessary qualities for a lawyer be adequately rewarded! Happy Holidays, servants of the law!

    WITH Today we have a completely legitimate reason to steal a little of your attention in order to present a modest, but thoughtfully chosen gift, and congratulate you on Lawyer’s Day! I wish you not to get bored in piles of papers, accumulate hard cash in your account and swim in love, joy and other pleasures of life!

    D orogy (). Being a lawyer is a great honor and a huge responsibility.
    But we are all lawyers to some extent. Although not every one of us has the appropriate diploma, it is impossible to be a successful specialist without knowledge of the laws. We sincerely wish you professional success, good health, prosperity and good luck! H To be right in everything, we need the law and its correct interpretation, and we trust this to you, lawyers. Please accept warm congratulations on your professional holiday and best wishes today! Let your mind never get tired, and your heart know no sorrows! IN Everything that can bring real pleasure in our lives is either illegal or immoral. Therefore, we cannot do without your help, without the help of a professional lawyer. Happy holiday! L my dear, I sincerely congratulate you on Lawyer’s Day. Your work may not be easy and requires a lot of knowledge, but you truly deserve honor and respect. I want to wish you that your responsible activities bring you only happiness, victories and satisfaction. Happy holiday! YU rists, as you know, are a dime a dozen today. But there are not so many smart ones! Today, it is with great pleasure that I congratulate a man who knows the law so well on Lawyer’s Day, as if he himself had a pen to write it! Conduct your legal practice in such a way as to arouse the slight envy of your colleagues and the admiring gratitude of your clients! IN asha professional activity associated with enormous knowledge of laws, the ability to interpret them correctly and apply them in business.
    A competent lawyer means ensuring the smooth functioning of any structure, enterprise, or organization; Great help to people in everyday situations and winning cases in the courts.
    We sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you strength of spirit, self-control, success in all your endeavors, career growth and material well-being! YU Christ is our faithful guide in the world of laws. We wish you career achievements!
    Buried in books, you are looking for the correct interpretation of the next amendment... Take a break for a moment to accept congratulations on Lawyer's Day! To you, a lawyer, a talented and sincere person, I wish for long years and strong happiness, the most understanding and friendly environment and the fulfillment of all your cherished desires! ABOUT It's time for a country to have its laws, and you, a lawyer, are our best consultant and guide! Congratulations on the Day of the Lawyer, that is, the lawyer! Be respectful, resolve confusion and protect clients, and may Fortune lead you by the hand, and may Lady Luck regularly shower you with pleasant surprises! AND Me, please accept my congratulations on Lawyer’s Day. You are an excellent specialist, you know a lot about business and administer justice with ease. Today we are celebrating our professional holiday, so I would like to wish you not to lose your composure and achieve your goals. Happy holiday! P Happy Lawyer's Day! You know, there is such an unwritten rule for good people - to live happily, make dreams come true, be lucky in law and in a series of everyday affairs! I wish you all this from the bottom of my heart and, in addition, I hope that by your next professional holiday I will be able to congratulate you on your new career achievements! H Can a lawyer help us? Fight off a fine, receive an inheritance in Brazil and reduce taxes... In a word, where the letter of the law is, there it is! We need you like we need air! Always be in winning business and never know defeat, grow above yourself and never lose heart! Happy Lawyer's Day! YU Christ is not like other people: he is always smart, ambitious, graceful, attractive. But on Lawyer’s Day, this person can turn into an ordinary person who, after drinking a glass, complains about our laws. Happy holiday! TO eloquent and educated, smart and honest - this is a portrait of an ideal lawyer, and today we have the honor to congratulate him on his professional holiday! Let order and correctness reign in your work, and let there always be some fun, excitement and a sea of ​​prosperity in your personal life! ABOUT With all my heart I congratulate the most necessary and sought after people - lawyers. It is you who administer justice and prove the honesty of people who need your help. I would like to wish you never stop halfway, but go to the end and achieve your goals. Happy holiday! U dear lawyer! Before congratulating you on your holiday, I want to allow myself a lyrical digression. I know that this is not welcome in your environment, but I cannot contain my emotions. After all, to you, a professional of the highest standard, to you, a person of truly encyclopedic knowledge, to you, who has a phenomenal memory, to you, who shines with erudition and brings down your opponents, I want to say the following. Despite the fact that many consider your profession to be soulless and heartless, filled with dry facts and not implying creativity, I fundamentally disagree with this! And therefore, with all my heart and soul, I congratulate you on Lawyer’s Day! Please celebrate it mentally and heartily, with your soul, but not in your hearts! Z The laws were written by people and for people, but sometimes it is so difficult for the average person to understand them... A cake maker should not sew boots! That is, everyone should be in their own business. And it seems to me that it would be impossible to find a more honest, reasonable and professional person for your position! Happy Lawyer's Day! R The restrictions of the law are not at all cramped for you. You, like a dolphin, swim in the waves of law and do not forget to help drowning people! On Lawyer's Day, accept congratulations from those who truly appreciate your talent and wish you all the best - from new achievements in your career to your personal life in love and warm well-being! D Oh dear, you are our lawyer! Today you receive many friendly and humorous wishes from work colleagues and just friends. Let me join your honorary society and cordially congratulate you on the occasion of your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! Your work is invaluable; thanks to you, a high legal culture of society is being formed. I wish you determination and devotion to the “letter of the Law.” Let your abilities as an excellent professional always coincide with the financial capabilities of potential clients! And God willing, after a while, I will meet you in court, already as a judge. To a lawyer friend
    Dear friend, I want to congratulate you on Lawyer’s Day. This is your professional holiday, you love and appreciate your work, which requires a lot of knowledge and skills from you. You defend the rights and interests of citizens who need your help. So may everything always work out for you, happy holidays! M Many warm friendly wishes are being addressed to you today by colleagues and friends! Let me join them and cordially greet you on the occasion of their professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! Your activities are aimed at ensuring justice and legality in society, creating a stable mechanism for implementing legal norms in the work of government bodies. The contribution of domestic lawyers to increasing the legal awareness of citizens and the formation of a high legal culture in society is also invaluable. Let me wish you determination and dedication to the great cause of serving the Law, and new professional successes. I wish you good health, peace, happiness and prosperity. T To the talented lawyer who, like a lion, does not dare to retreat until a complete and brilliant victory, on his professional holiday I wish, first of all, to live long and happily! Let the average rules of fate not be written for you, because you are a rare exception among other lawyers and deserve the best! E energy is life. It is present everywhere, and managing it is truly an art. Our dear hero of the occasion! Today is your holiday, truly the brightest day of the year. Today you personify the representatives of the profession thanks to which we have warmth and light. Directing energy into the right direction, you are engaged in the life support of those who today congratulate you with warmth and gratitude, wish you health and prosperity, material wealth and family comfort. Because a lot depends on you - there is no industry in which energy consumption would not be a priority compared to other resources. We sincerely wish you well-being, professional growth and health! TO then he knows all the laws by heart, of course, lawyers. Therefore, before you do anything illegal, first consult with a professional lawyer. Happy holiday, Happy Lawyer's Day! H what is possible, what is prohibited, how to gain benefits and not stumble... A lawyer will tell you about all this, but today we are rushing to him not to burden him with work, but to sincerely congratulate him on his professional holiday and wish him all the best! Keep your nose in the direction of the fresh wind, be confident in your abilities and, never losing heart, conquer all the peaks that catch your fancy! H no matter what is written there in by-laws and other papers, you will not back down and will interpret everything correctly, apply your knowledge in such a way as to solve the pressing issue and emerge victorious from any story together with your client! Happy Lawyer's Day! May courage, a little fox cunning and a lot of sunny happiness be with you! D Lawyer's Day is one of the most revered professional holidays in the calendar of every employer. After all, a lawyer is a high calling, a wonderful profession, needed everywhere: both in a small enterprise and in the highest structures. Special people are gifted with the talent of a lawyer: smart and attentive, resourceful and purposeful. Therefore, I really want to believe that it is the lawyer who will be lucky in the form of achieving all of his goals. This is exactly what I would like to wish on the day of your professional holiday to you, a person and a specialist with a capital letter, a wonderful lawyer from God. May your work always be appreciated, may love and comfort reign in your home, may peace and happiness reign in your heart. Happy holiday! P Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday, Lawyer’s Day. Your profession is the most respected and pious, you administer justice and protect the honor of people. I would like to wish you incredible success in your hard work. Happy holiday! I I want to congratulate you on Lawyer’s Day, on your professional holiday. This day brings together all lawyers who are involved in a variety of areas of activity, but you are all called upon to defend the rights and interests of citizens. So let only justice be done in our world thanks to you. Happy holiday! To my wife's lawyer
    Dear, please accept my sincere congratulations on Lawyer’s Day. Your profession requires a lot of knowledge and skills, but you certainly cope with everything, and I am very proud of you. May luck and success accompany you in your difficult and honorable mission. Happy holiday! IN Our whole life is intertwined with the intricacies of law. How not to get completely confused in it, how to defend what is required by law, and not get into trouble with it? A lawyer will tell us about this without embellishment and without concealment, and today we congratulate you on your professional holiday, sincerely thank you for the work done and wish you all the best! M Our congratulations to the aster of the official legal word on Lawyer's Day! Walk with pride in the favorites of fate, know the pride of a well-deserved victory, and the pleasant crunch of banknotes in your pocket, let love warm your heart, and let your entire life path be seen in the right, clear light! IN Everyone knows that it is good where we are not. And lawyers understand this well. How I would always like to do without them, but this is impossible because almost all pleasures in life are either illegal or immoral. P Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Lawyer's Day! I bow to you! Before your knowledge and talent. To be on friendly terms with the law, to know all its pitfalls and intricacies, to be able to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation, to see several steps ahead - isn’t this professionalism of the highest standard!
    Thank you for your inspired, dedicated work! For your dedication to the people whose interests you defend! For the support and support you provide to those who need it. May fate give you many, many joyful and happy days! May your health never let you down! Let fresh breeze changes bring only good news! Good luck, patience and big victories! WITH a serious look and every word is weighty... There is a crease on the forehead from long thoughts... Congratulations on the holiday, priest of Themis! May truth and law always be on the side of your endeavors, and may every day bring a new piece of happiness and a bright, unforgettable facet into your long life! IN On this festive day for all lawyers, I would like to wish that the professional abilities of lawyers always coincide with the financial capabilities of clients. Here's to the lawyers! B pious geniuses dispensing justice; angels who know how to defend the rights and interests of people, responsible servants of the law; unsurpassed professionals with impeccable cleanliness and persistently achieving their goals! We sincerely congratulate you on Lawyer's Day!
    We wish you eternal demand, successful transactions and unusually high career growth. May your professional activity bring you maximum satisfaction, and may your financial well-being give you confidence in your abilities and in the future!
    We wish you devotion, understanding of loved ones and friends, harmony of soul and body, unusually colorful enchanting leisure, brightly burning love and juicy happiness! To my husband - a lawyer
    Dear, I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday, Lawyer’s Day. In legal matters, you are not just an activist, but a genius. You certainly know and love your job, so I want to wish you only good luck in all your endeavors. Happy holiday! N The day has come for all those who respect the laws and know them well - the day of the lawyer! This is your holiday too, so please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes. May your work always give you pleasant emotions, bring you good income and the desire to strive for new heights, never stopping there. I would like to wish, in addition to success in your work, that you always have loyal friends next to you, ready to help at any moment and help you out in difficult moments. Let love be your most important life partner, I want to wish you to have worthy man, whom you can always rely on. I wish you prosperity and good luck in all your endeavors! P Happy Lawyer's Day! I sincerely wish good luck to the seasoned specialist! Let the dry clerical language always be extremely clear to you, and in the vastness of the law you will always find what you need to successfully resolve your current troubles! When the hour of rest comes, let the best people be nearby and find something entertaining and interesting to do! Dad - lawyer
    Dear daddy, a lawyer is an honorable and respected profession that requires a lot of knowledge, skills and experience. Today is your holiday, so please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I want to wish you good luck, patience and happy transactions. Happy holiday! N and it’s December outside, but that won’t stop me from congratulating you on Lawyer’s Day and heartily wishing that all the best in your life will grow like a young sprout - career, professionalism, prosperity, fulfillment of cherished desires, new bright impressions and a wonderful mood for every weekday and workday! WITH Modern law is like a labyrinth. But we don’t need a tangle of guidance in it, because we have legal science and someone who understands absolutely everything about it, down to the last comma! Happy Lawyer's Day! Be honest, first of all, to yourself and always smile! I I want to sincerely congratulate you on Lawyer’s Day and wish you success in your work. I want it to bring you pleasure, because doing what you love is pleasant and interesting. I wish you every day to be joyful and happy, may everything work out and good luck will always be with you! I would also like to wish you successful career growth and a high salary - because I know that work means a lot to you. I wish you that the results of your work please and inspire you, that your superiors appreciate you, and that your colleagues respect you. I sincerely wish you health and family happiness, so that your home is full, and love, warmth and mutual understanding always live in it. May everyone who is dear to you be healthy, may all your dreams come true! To a lawyer friend
    Dear friend, I want to congratulate you on Lawyer’s Day. You are an officer of the law, you are smart, experienced, pious. Being a lawyer is respectable and prestigious, but your work requires perseverance. Therefore, I want to wish you to always achieve your goals no matter what. Happy holiday!

    IN You are working with the most “dry” text, but in your work you carry on with excellence and with soul; choosing you to solve the problem is half the success! To those who are closest to the laws after their creators, lawyers, today, on their professional holiday, we address not at all official and very sincere congratulations!

    Congratulations on Police Day in prose

    And although our police have been renamed the police, you shouldn’t look up to the sheriff from Texas. It’s better to always remain yourself – a smart, brave and fair servant of the law and keeper of order. On this solemn and festive day, please accept our congratulations and wishes of happiness! Anyone who chooses to become a police officer undoubtedly wants to make our world a better place. Bring security to the lives of your family and neighbors, and solve their problems fairly! We congratulate you on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and wish you never to give in to difficulties, confidently move towards promotions and simply live happily! Congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! We wish you less danger and extreme sports in your difficult profession. More health and all the best in your life. And may the stars that fulfill your deepest desires often fall from heaven directly onto your shoulder straps. The job of a police officer is not easy at all. Unraveling the complex tangle of human destinies, acting according to law and justice, restoring peace and order - only real men can do this! Our congratulations to you on Police Day! To you, the guardians of peace in our country - our most warm regards and boundless gratitude! Perceive troubles like hailstones during a thunderstorm, which will hurt at first, but will immediately dissolve and cease to exist. In general, I wish that your police everyday life proceeds without heavy rains and losses, and is warmed by the rays of personal fortune.
    Happy holiday! Happy Police Day to all those who, through their work, try to protect us from troubles and troubles. You have more than one story to tell when evil insidiously approached our peaceful society... But does it have a chance when such guys are with us? Happy Ministry of Internal Affairs Day! Be heroes of your fatherland and just wonderful guys! Let your friends adore you, your girls love you, your family praise you, and your bosses respect you and reward you! Even though our police were renamed the police, the essence remained unchanged - these people are ready to risk their lives every day for our rights and freedoms, and of course, we are grateful to them and warmly congratulate them on Police Day! Let your life be more than just a series of days difficult service, but also many happy moments, may your dreams come true and may luck smile! Police Day is a big, general holiday of the country. There are rarely weekends and holidays in your service. At any time of the day or night you rush to help people. Your service is dangerous and very important. I congratulate you on your holiday. May your service be easy and safe. Let there be a minimum of crimes in the country. I wish you good health, patience and courage. May your beloved wife be waiting for you at home after the service. I wish you advancement in your career. Let the shoulder of your comrades be a reliable rear for you. Prosperity, prosperity and good mood to you on this holiday. None of us wants to face evil, but if thunder strikes overhead, we have someone to call for help! Please accept my congratulations on Police Day, because you are one of the most worthy representatives of this profession! So may Fate be justly favorable to you and bestow happiness in your personal life and a successful promotion at work! The police are in charge of the darkest corners of our society... But you managed not to harden your soul, maintain faith in the best and a friendly disposition! Today we rush to you without fear to congratulate you on Police Day and present modest gifts! But the main thing is to wish you to always remain the same good people! On this day, rooted in the era of Peter the Great, we traditionally honor the valiant police officers. Please accept congratulations on this heroic holiday. We sincerely wish you to overcome with honor the difficulties with which, as you know, your professional activity is associated. To be a police officer, you need not only to put on a uniform and learn all the laws, take note of all unreliable citizens... You also need to carry goodness and honor in your heart, have a good understanding of people and understand the very essence of our life... You have everything necessary qualities , to work in the ranks of our valiant servants of the law and today I congratulate you on Police Day and wish you happiness! The valiant police of our country is celebrating a major professional holiday today. We are proud of our law enforcement officers. After all, thanks to courageous and honest guys, we can live in peace. Allow me to sincerely congratulate you on such a solemn day. May your service be safe. May God give you good health, perseverance, good luck, love and understanding in your family. Many joyful and bright days, and fewer sleepless nights. So that there is less sorrow and crime on Earth. May you always be surrounded by true friends. Dear police officers, honor and respect to you, you are irreplaceable people for your Fatherland! Day and night, risking your lives, you protect ours. I would like to thank you and wish you promotion, may the stars on your shoulder straps multiply, and may order always be on the side of its guardians! Our friend, a policeman, a guardian of the law, has a warm heart and strong hands. On his professional holiday, we present him with flowers, a bottle of something stronger and heartfelt congratulations! Be our defender, Mr. Policeman! Live to be a hundred years old in wealth, surrounded by the love of beauties and the respect of your superiors! You need to become a very brave person to fight crime. Surprisingly, in our country there are not one or two, but thousands! So let's congratulate these courageous people on Police Day. We wish them more success during their workdays, smiles on family weekends and simple human happiness! Today our valiant police celebrates its holiday. A policeman will always come to the rescue in time and protect civilians. After all, crime never sleeps. And it needs to be eradicated at the roots. This is what our brave, courageous law enforcement officers do. I congratulate you on your holiday. May this day bring you a little peace and joy. May your health never fail you and may you always be in good shape. I wish you peace, success in your service, family well-being and prosperity. Let new stars often appear on your shoulder straps. Good luck to you, joy and good mood. You are serving on the side where the world is not very friendly and calm... But someone must take care of the effectiveness of the law in our open spaces, and today we congratulate you on Police Day, on what you carry with honor This is not a light burden! Let me wish you to always be in good shape and not grow old in your soul until you are very gray! Dear police officers, honor and respect to you, you are irreplaceable people for your Fatherland! Day and night, risking your lives, you protect ours. I would like to thank you and wish you promotion, may the stars on your shoulder straps multiply, and may order always be on the side of its guardians! Police Day is a special holiday dedicated to those whose service is sometimes difficult, but necessary for our entire society! We know that you are on duty even in your sleep and the honor roll is not at all important to you, the main thing is to know for yourself that the service is carried out with honor! Our warmest congratulations to you today! Many books have been written about the work of the police, and kilometers of films have been made, but still, your work is not only solving crimes, but also all kinds of routine - paperwork, reporting... And still, you cope brilliantly with everything and you are more valuable to us than thousands of fictional ones characters! Therefore, today, on Police Day (OVD Officer), I congratulate you and wish you happiness! They say that we should follow the West... But I will say that I will not exchange you for an unknown sheriff, when you are just gold and the first guy from the department! Congratulations on Police Day, hero! Be rich, loved by your family and treated kindly by your superiors! Today, those who protect our peace day and night celebrate their professional holiday. I would like to wish you success in this difficult work, remain as courageous, strong and brave. Let warmth and comfort reign in your home. Health, happiness, joy and goodness. Happy holiday! Every day you come face to face with danger and misfortune, but this does not make your soul any more callous. You will never leave a person without help. Your heart and all your deeds are aimed at making the whole world cleaner and kinder. We congratulate you on Police Day and wish that all your actions receive the deserved appreciation, and that boundless happiness and peace reign in your families. Guided by the law, with an iron fist you are returning peace to the streets of our city, and peace to our hearts. Happy Police Day! It's good that there are guys like you in the world! Believe me, the best is yet to come! You will have a promotion, love, and prosperity! Serving in the police is not an easy task, and we are simply surprised how it turned out to be up to such a person. charming girl! But know that your beauty and kind, sincere smile do not prevent you from simply performing your duties brilliantly, deserving the praise of your colleagues! On Militia (Police) Day, please accept our congratulations and wishes of happiness! On Police Day (Ministry of Internal Affairs Officer), I congratulate you and wish you to grow professionally, get promoted and be smart like Sherlock Holmes! Let your department regularly receive praise from your superiors, and all thanks to your efforts! And of course, may your dreams come true, and may your life be fun and happy! Happy Police Day! You are always ready to help, honor is with you not only in the service, you are a real policeman, behind whose strong shoulder we can be safe! I want to wish you not only on my own behalf, but on behalf of all your grateful friends and acquaintances, a long and happy life , fulfillment of desires and promotions! None of us wants to face evil, but if thunder strikes overhead, we have someone to call for help! Please accept my congratulations on Police Day, because you are one of the most worthy representatives of this profession! So may Fate be justly favorable to you and give you happiness in your personal life and a successful promotion at work! To be a police officer, you need not only to put on a uniform and learn all the laws, take note of all unreliable citizens... You also need to carry goodness and honor in your heart, have a good understanding of people and understand the very essence of our life... You have everything you need quality, to work in the ranks of our valiant servants of the law, and today I congratulate you on Police Day and wish you happiness! Not long ago, the police were renamed the police, but don’t look up to the sheriff from Texas, it’s better to remain yourself – our glorious, smart and fair servant of the law, the keeper of order, and on Police Day, accept my congratulations and wishes for happiness! On Police Day, I would like to sincerely congratulate those who protect us, for whom the peace of mind of ordinary citizens and their well-being is the best reward! May everything go well in your life, may the fight against the enemy take place only in the service and always end in victory! Live peacefully and happily! The job of a policeman is not at all easy... to unravel the tangle of human destinies, to act according to law and justice, restoring peace and order, only real men can do this! Our congratulations to you on Police Day! To you, guardians of peace in our country, our warmest wishes and boundless gratitude! On Police Day, I want not only to congratulate you, but also to say that the fact that you chose this profession indicates that you have a noble, warm heart in which a thirst for justice lives! I congratulate you, a real man, and wish you great success in your service, well-deserved awards and bright happiness! Even though our police were renamed the police for some reason, the essence remained unchanged - these people are ready to risk their lives every day for our rights and freedoms, and of course, we are grateful to them and warmly congratulate them on Police Day! May your life be not only a series of days of difficult service, but also many happy moments, may your dreams come true and may luck smile! It is completely in vain that children are scared of the police when they are children! Representatives of this noble profession should not be feared, they should be trusted, respected and appreciated! On your professional holiday, Police Day, please accept my congratulations and best wishes! Not every police officer gets caught Godfather, often, workers in this profession are engaged in the smallest, but no less important matters, and every day of their service is an invaluable contribution to our common safety. Today, on Police Day, I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to them for their faithful service, and also wish them happiness, good luck, love and many years to come!

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    Happy birthday greetings to your best friend prose

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    Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to thank you for your daily hard work. I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that our enterprise, with its colossal potential, will be able to prove itself worthily in the very near future!
    Happy holiday, dear colleagues! The very best wishes to you, your family and friends! I wish you happiness, health and general success in the development of our beloved enterprise!

    Dear and beloved colleagues! Today we congratulate you on a wonderful holiday! And we wish you professional success and many victories in a variety of fields. And the most important thing is that all this is appreciated!

    May your joy today be sincere, as are our wishes. We wish you higher salaries and extra bonuses, we wish you less work and increased profits. In general, let it be better, and nothing will happen to you for it!

    Accept congratulations today, may you be lucky in everything and may everything always be only profitable, may your employees respect you and may your friends love you! And may you go to work as if it were a holiday, and may you work in this mood all day long! Congratulations!

    We wish you many victories at work and in business, and in the family, peace and warmth. Then balance will become happiness and you will want to go to work and home from work! Congratulations!

    We wish you a lot of things, so that all this is desired and necessary, so that lunch lasts longer, and the boss calls less often. So that successes are noticed and failures are missed! And so that the mood lifts at the mere word “work”!

    We wish you an explosion of emotions today, may the most wonderful things come true, and may there always be victories,

    Congratulations on your professional holiday - Social Worker's Day. I wish you good health, happiness, strength and endurance, optimism and prosperity, confidence in the future, success in new endeavors!
    Thank you for the experience of working together and we look forward to further cooperation!

    Dear Colleagues! On behalf of the team... and on my own behalf, allow me to congratulate you and your team on their professional holiday - Chemist's Day! I wish you further development and prosperity..., success in your creative work, and the implementation of grandiose plans and projects of the company. Good health, happiness and good luck to all employees and their families!

    Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to thank you for your daily hard work. I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that our enterprise, with its colossal potential, will be able to prove itself worthily in the very near future.

    Happy holiday, dear colleagues!
    Best wishes to you, your family and friends!
    I wish you happiness, health and general success in the development of our beloved enterprise!

    Dear colleagues, best congratulations on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the world of business. May luck always accompany you in all your affairs, and may there be many good events in your personal life.

    Dear colleague! We wish you comfort, harmony and warmth. Wherever you are: at home, at work. Thank you for giving everyone present here a sea of ​​inexhaustible optimism, endless cheerfulness and boundless fun. ©

    In that pleasant evening People with inexhaustible energy, phenomenal performance, excellent professional spirit, courage and passion have gathered here. People who know what risk is, who know how to take risks, overcoming difficult obstacles. I wish that our common endeavors will always be successful! ©

    I would like to sincerely wish each colleague present here interest in work in order to achieve success, efficiency in order to complete the work faster and responsibility so that quality does not suffer. And, of course, a decent salary. Health to everyone and success in our hard work. ©

    Colleagues! I wish you creative success in your work, high quality products and simply prosperity in the business world. May luck become a faithful companion in all your endeavors, may your personal life be a series of pleasant and very pleasant events, and may a good mood be an inspiration for new achievements. ©

    May the smile never leave your face on this day full of joy! Our friendly team will congratulate you and take you to the festive table. Let working together only bring you joy, and let criticism raised raise your morale. A moment of happiness today will be surrounded by a friendly round dance, we wish you to live longer without problems and without worries! ©

    I wish to congratulate you on this clear and wonderful day. As a team, we banish sleep and laziness on weekdays! Collectively, we strive to take a place in the sun, so I wish you not to lose your desire to fight, to be persistent and persistent in your work, so that our company will always be on top! ©

    Many days have flown by unnoticed in the year, but only one will remain great: when the team was created. Group for one! And one for the group! I would like to congratulate you, colleagues, and wish you health and prosperity. So that there are no dark days, and there is understanding in the team! So that severe adversity will bypass us, and you and I, as a family, will be very united and friendly! ©

    On the day you were born, the sun shone brighter than usual, and this is noticeable in your charming smile and the sparkle of your eyes. On such a wonderful day, we wish you that there is nothing familiar, and that life does not let you forget about us, that the cup of prosperity is always heavier than adversity, and that your health does not come from time to time, but grows stronger from year to year! ©

    Today is your name day, and we want to wish you not to lose strength under any circumstances! Always be with a clear conscience, like the first snow in the vastness of the country. Share your grief and joy with your loved ones, and they will be faithful to you! Let each year left behind speak not about the signs of old age, but about the happiness that tremulously beats in the chest! ©

    On the day of the founding of our company, I would like to wish you to collect the fruits of your annual labor with pride and happiness. Let this holiday be included on the pages of the calendar, so that weekdays pass in work and are not wasted. I wish you honor and respect in the eyes of your colleagues, so that only success awaits you on your way to the top of Olympus! ©

    On your birthday I wish you happiness, joy, kindness and dreams of accomplishment! Don’t lose perseverance both in work and in family. Always be on top and don’t give in to your enemies! No matter how fate may force you to suddenly jump off a cliff, don’t give up, but remember the compromise. The main thing is not to forget about those with whom you walked side by side, with whom you shared your success and at times were timid. ©

    Name day - Holy holiday, after all, a person was born. What can I wish for? Long and happy years, healthy children and eternal love, so that life pleases every day and is not so fleeting. So that we celebrate your promotions and do not notice the harsh, cold winters. So that the obstacles on your path are always broken, and they turn only into experience, and not into bitter tears. ©

    We want to wish you reliable friends and good health. After all, there is only one such day a year, and everyone should know it. Let the brightest star in the sky light up for you. Let everything you have in mind come true. Let the Guardian Angel watch over you. In case of danger, he will touch with his hand. ©

    We worked hard for a whole year, colleagues, and now we can safely say that our company has matured and not only managed to get back on its feet. Let us wish her prosperity and as many prospects as possible, so that her expectations are met and the team does not fall apart. So that the boss is always fair, and so that our salary never decreases! ©

    From the team I wish you goodness, smiles, happiness and lots of warmth. On jam day, may life become unusually bright. Let career growth cease to be a dream, because it’s time to make your dreams come true. Let the stones disappear from everyday roads, and let less anxiety settle in your heart. Let there be no sadness, no tears, and let success remain in earnest. ©

    Congratulations at a corporate party in prose.

    A birthday in the life of any person is a significant and pleasant event. And, no less significant, are the birthdays of a company or company. Each team has its own traditions and celebrations of such corporate events. Somewhere they prefer to celebrate only round dates - anniversaries; in another place - it could be a light buffet during lunch break or a corporate evening in a nearby cafe.

    In any case, congratulations are indispensable. And, this has already been proven, you always want to choose special words. Say them from the heart, beautifully and sincerely, not necessarily in poetry. This is where corporate congratulations in prose, which can be found on our website, come in handy.

    A certain emotional load that allows employees to feel important people in a team, to realize their importance, to be imbued with common goals, always carries a corporate birthday greeting.

    A corporate birthday allows you not only to sum up the results and talk about the company’s achievements, but also to unite the team with a common atmosphere of solemnity and fun. Cool congratulations for a corporate party will defuse the situation and add even more positivity to the holiday.

    Happy Miner's Day! Happy holiday, our brave breadwinners, our real men! Thank you for your hard and much needed work! You are real heroes, because the risk of your work is everyday and inevitable! I wish you colossal strength - spiritual and physical, good health, iron patience! Kind and friendly relations a team! And of course, loving families, where you are expected and loved very, very much!

    Congratulations on Miner's Day! Work in the mining industry is one of the most important and difficult. Thank you for your dedicated and difficult work. I wish that every working day brings joy. May the danger be avoided, the body be healthy, and the soul rejoice with happiness. Strength to you, patience, great victories, significant results, prosperity in the home and peace in the family.

    Dear miner! Your selfless work provides the warmth in homes necessary for life. Let gratitude in the form of bonuses and certificates, respect from colleagues and loyalty from superiors, love from loved ones and support from friends not keep you waiting! Happy holiday!

    Summer is coming to an end and on the last Sunday of August it is time to congratulate our hardworking “underground” craftsmen! Happy Miner's Day to you, fearless guys! Your work is invaluable to humanity, necessary and always in demand! We wish you to celebrate your personal holiday with grandeur and fun. I wish you good health, success in your assigned standards and tasks, and joy from the work done!

    Congratulations on Miner's Day in official prose

    Today we celebrate the day of a difficult and incredibly necessary profession - Miner's Day! We are proud of you and really appreciate your work! May peace and stability reign in your life! May luck never turn away from you! And danger and work risks will never affect you! Let your heart rejoice at simple things, and let your thoughts call for new goals! You will certainly succeed! Happy Holidays!

    Happy holiday to you, dear miners, heroic workers of the coal mining industry! On your professional holiday, Miner's Day, please accept sincere gratitude for your high performance, for the risks you take every day. You are the pride of the whole country! I wish you good health, decent pay for your hard work, family well-being and simple human happiness.

    Miner's Day is a celebration of extraordinarily selfless, truly brave, very strong and truly reliable people. This is your holiday! May your hard work be rewarded with high praise from your superiors, undying optimism, all kinds of success, good health, support from loved ones, and today - with a beautiful fireworks display in your honor!

    For more than half a century, a significant day has been celebrated for all workers in the mines. Miner is a proud title for a specialist in such a difficult but extremely necessary profession! We heartily congratulate coal miners and wish them to continue the established tradition, namely increased productivity and modernization of jobs. And we personally wish each drummer excellent health for many decades to come!

    Funny comic congratulations to miners in prose

    Happy Miner's Day! Let the sun shine twice as bright when going up, and let time go twice as fast when going down! Let the pay be twice as big, and the shift duration be twice as short! Let the wives be twice as kind, and the children... let there be simply twice as many children! In general, here’s to your dreams and their fulfillment, our dear miners!

    Happy holiday to you, dark-faced guys, heroic workers of the pickaxe and hammer drill! I wish you, as before, to give the country coal, delight us with glorious results and remain the pride and power of the state! Let your golden hands be covered with coal dust, and your hot and brave hearts beat to the beat of a jackhammer!

    Happy Miner's Day! Let the depth of the mine not frighten you, but inspire you to selfless work. And on the surface, let them always expect endless respect from others, all kinds of honors, pleasant meetings, good rest and a life full of pure love, glorious adventures, good events!

    Comrade, quickly get into the light! We will congratulate you! Yes, your day has come - the day of the mole. That is, of course, Miner's Day! We wish to receive more often sunbathing finally get to natural color faces and “outdo” Stakhanov’s daring plan! And also: a speedy well-deserved rest, huge bonuses and free time to the personal joys of life!

    Congratulations to the miners in short prose

    Today is the day of a wonderful profession - Miner's Day! I cannot wish you an easy job, because it is impossible. But I can wish you a worthy reward for hard work, and most importantly, a cozy home rear!

    Happy Miner's Day! Kudos for your courage and hard work. I wish you to always wear the title of miner with pride and love your job. Be happy, healthy and successful in what you love!

    Let Miner's Day turn into universal fun, in the center of which you will be! Accept congratulations in duet with wishes good health, all possible success and only good news!

    August, Sunday – Miner's Day! Hardworking and brave workers! Congratulations on your personal holiday! Let time fly, but don’t change, remain faithful to such necessary, albeit hard work!

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