• Kirill Shulika: “Sobchak’s godfather is Father Gury, not Putin. In principle, Putin would be better, honestly.” Putin is the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak: evidence, the whole truth The godfather of Ksenia Sobchak


    The myth that Vladimir Putin is the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak has been dispelled.

    As is known, long years stubbornly supported the rumor that she was the goddaughter of himself. The TV presenter did not refute them, briefly declaring: “No comments!” This myth contributed to the rapid growth in her career and opened many doors for her.

    All these years, Ksenia Anatolyevna actively used the name of “godfather” Putin. But the other day the truth was revealed. The TV presenter’s mother, Lyudmila Narusova, said that the myth about her daughter’s spiritual relationship with Putin is a legend that journalists like to replicate.

    And Ksenia herself, during an interview with journalist Yuri Dudem, stated: “My godfather’s name is Father Gury, this is the man who baptized me in the Lavra and became my godfather. I also have godmother, with whom I have been communicating for many years, her name is Natasha Karetnikova, she lives in St. Petersburg. This is a wonderful person, I really like him close person, I spent a lot of time with her as a child. These are, in fact, the two people who baptized me."

    "I will give you a completely honest answer to this question. I am a believer, but not religious. I was baptized when I was 12 years old. My mother really wanted this. In the photographs from the christening there really is Vladimir Putin with his father. This event did not become for there's a certain me big dot in my life. We did not have any communication with my godfather, Father Gury. I don’t know where he is now, but I would love to talk to him. I found out his name many years later,” said Ksenia.

    Rumors that V.V. Putin - Godfather Ksenia Sobchak has only indirect evidence. At one time, these suspicions arose due to the close friendship of Anatoly Sobchak and his assistant Vladimir Putin. Family holidays, trips, they did it all together. Based on photographs from the christening, where the current president was also present, many assumed that it was Putin who was Ksenia Sobchak’s godfather. And who if not him? Closest friend, advisor and ally.

    As noted in the immediate circle of the former mayor, he knew how to understand people, and in troubled years he wanted to protect his family by becoming related in this way to a promising politician.

    Is Putin Sobchak's godfather?

    Quite recently, an interview with Ksenia appeared in the press, where she directly states that Putin is not her godfather. This somewhat shocked the public, because before they had actively used this “nepotism.” If many doors were closed in front of the daughter of the disgraced, and also deceased, mayor, then in front of the goddaughter of the president they were opened wide and the red carpet was laid out. More than once she threatened to call “whoever needs it” and these threats certainly worked. After all, everyone knew who exactly the eccentric girl would complain to. But, let's conduct our own mini investigation.

    Ksyusha was born in 1981, and according to her, she was baptized at the age of 12. The turbulent year of 1993 brought Russia a putsch, a coup and a conflict in power. Why exactly at this time did Anatoly Sobchak decide to baptize his daughter, and to whom did he want to transfer custody of his family? After all, Anatoly Sobchak had quite good reasons to worry about his life?

    Ksyusha states that she does not remember this event, and her mother, Lyudmila Narusova, remained silent for many years for unknown reasons. And only now, on the eve of the elections, it was announced that Vladimir Putin was simply present at the girl’s baptism ceremony, and a certain unknown priest named Gury and a mother’s friend from St. Petersburg, Natalya Karetnikova, became the real godparents. And why did the mother hide the names of her godparents from her daughter all these years?

    There were more questions than answers. Could Kremlin experts and opponents of the current government be wrong when they call Sobchak’s election campaign a farce? Could Konstantin Borovoy be wrong when he states that Vladimir Putin is the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak? After all, Borovoy is not at all new to the political kitchen?

    There are many assumptions about this situation, but let's look again at how close the connection is between these two heroes - Vladimir Putin and Anatoly Sobchak?

    What did Father Sobchak do for Putin?

    At one time, Anatoly Sobchak became a kind of godfather and guide to the world of politics for the future president. According to the official version, Vladimir Putin got a job at Leningrad State University. Zhdanov, where Anatoly Sobchak previously taught. The goal was to write a PhD thesis on international relations, however, the time was difficult for the USSR, perestroika, the State Emergency Committee, and the specter of the collapse of the country loomed.

    The rector of the university recommended the young specialist V. Putin as an assistant to the then mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak, and he gladly accepted him. Moreover, as it turned out, they had met earlier, during Putin’s student years.

    Putin did not hide from his boss that he had previously worked in the KGB, but this did not bother the mayor, and already in 1994 Putin received the position of chairman of the committee for external relations of the administration of St. Petersburg and concurrently deputy chairman of the government of St. Petersburg.

    Intrigues were repeatedly woven against the young “former Stirlitz” (as Sobchak called Putin). He was accused of fraud, but without any evidence, and the goal was to divide this Putin-Sobchak tandem. Anatoly Alexandrovich put together a strong team around himself and subsequently did not regret it.

    It was Putin who helped the disgraced mayor flee to Paris to escape arrest. It was Putin who stopped the investigation into Sobchak’s abuses, and it was Putin who brought Ksenia’s father home when it became safe for him in Russia.

    We won’t go into the biography of Anatoly Sobchak, but isn’t the funeral indicative? Who consoles the widow and daughter if not the closest person, practically a family member?

    Having distanced himself from kinship with Putin, Sobchak gains points and support for himself abroad, as well as with his loud statements about the wrong policies of the Kremlin. Why this clownery? Perhaps this is exactly the kind of candidate the Kremlin needs in the elections, and this colorful show will bring some variety to the elections and create the illusion of competition?

    The famous TV presenter recently announced her intention to take part in the presidential elections. Ksenia Sobchak gave an interview to Yuri Dudu and revealed her future plans, answering several burning questions that concern voters. The celebrity talked a little about her father, her work on reality TV and her reasons for running for president.

    Ksenia Sobchak agreed to take part in Yuri Dud's author's program and answer several questions, including about her father, christening, participation in the filming of a reality show and in the presidential elections. The interview lasted an hour and appeared on the VDud YouTube channel.

    For a long time, everyone said that Vladimir Putin is Ksenia Sobchak’s godfather. She herself refused to comment on this information, and her mother assured that Father Gury performed the duties of a godfather. Natalya, a friend of Lyudmila Narusova, became the godmother.

    “I really want to find my godfather. I know that you don’t have “Wait for me,” but I haven’t talked to him for a very long time. Maybe the moment has come when it needs to be done. My godfather's name is Father Gury, he baptized me in the Lavra. I also have a godmother, I have been communicating with her for many years. Her name is Natasha Karetnikova, she lives in St. Petersburg. This is a wonderful person, very close to me. These are, in fact, the two people who baptized me,” Ksenia told.

    Ksenia Sobchak // Photo: Instagram

    Yuri Dud recalled that five years ago the TV presenter did not want to comment on the conversations about the godfather. The star explained this by saying that she was asked an unpleasant question too often. Ksenia admitted that she is a believer, but not religious. She was baptized at the age of 12 because her parents decided to get married.

    The presenter asked Ksenia to comment on the video, which featured two little girls - she and Vladimir Putin’s daughter. Sobchak confirmed that as children they were friends with the president’s children. Communication took place when Ksenia was very little.

    Rumors that V.V. Putin is the godfather of Ksenia Sobchak, there is only indirect evidence. At one time, these suspicions arose due to the close friendship of Anatoly Sobchak and his assistant Vladimir Putin.

    Family holidays, trips, they did it all together. Based on photographs from the christening, where the current president was also present, many assumed that it was Putin who was Ksenia Sobchak’s godfather. And who if not him? Closest friend, advisor and ally. As noted in the immediate circle of the former mayor, he knew how to understand people, and in troubled years he wanted to protect his family by becoming related in this way to a promising politician.

    How are policies related?

    Vladimir Putin worked for a long time with Ksenia’s father, the first mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak. In addition, he was a close family friend. There are still many photographs on the Internet where Putin and the Sobchak family are captured together. In addition, judging by the photo, as a child Ksenia was friends with the president’s daughters.

    Proof that Putin is Sobchak’s godfather for many is a photo from the christening of twelve-year-old Ksenia, which he attended even before he became the first person in the state.

    For a long time, the girl did not deny the fact that she was the goddaughter of the President of the Russian state. She refused to make any comments on this matter, but did not deny the rumors either. However, already participating in the political race, Ksenia Anatolyevna said that Putin then simply came to the christening, nothing more. Sobchak learned from her mother that her real godfather is a certain Father Gury. The presidential candidate admits that she would like to communicate with Gury, but now she does not maintain a relationship with her godfather. But Ksenia’s godmother is a friend of her family.

    “I really want to find my godfather... My godfather’s name is Father Gury, he baptized me in the Lavra. I also have a godmother, I have been communicating with her for many years. Her name is Natasha Karetnikova, she lives in St. Petersburg. This is a wonderful person, very close to me. These are, in fact, the two people who baptized me.”

    The prosecutor's office checked Sobchak's words about Crimea for extremism

    Activists who filed a complaint against Ksenia Sobchak with the prosecutor’s office received an answer: there is no extremism in the words of the former Russian presidential candidate about “Ukrainian Crimea.”

    The conflict between Ksenia Sobchak and the Civil Patrol organization began in October 2017, when, as a candidate for the presidency of Russia, Sobchak expressed her opinion about the ownership of Crimea. He stated that from the point of view international law Crimea is Ukrainian.

    This statement outraged social activists, and they asked the prosecutor's office to check these words for extremism, because Sobchak doubts the territorial integrity of the country, which he is also going to lead.

    Today's chapter public organization Rostislav Antonov received a document from the department, according to which the prosecutor’s office did not see any illegal actions on the part of Sobchak.

    Sobchak instills “correct life values” in his son

    Sobchak understands that children of star parents have a very hard time, because she herself was such a girl. She admitted that at school everyone pointed fingers at her, and there was deathly silence in the classroom when she appeared there. Ksenia was accompanied by her personal security guard, which she did not really like. Sobchak brings up Platon in a completely different way. She instills in her son the right life values.

    In an interview, the TV presenter and politician said that she was not going to follow the example of her parents. She noted that she wants to spoil the heir less, buy him fewer toys, and pay him more attention and give him love. Sobchak wants to raise Plato so that he does not grow up as a vain boy. In her opinion, a person can become special not because he was born in rich family, but from what he became.

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