• Find a wealthy man to start a family. Dating rich women


    Do you want to meet a wealthy man? It's real.

    But to do this, you need to know what rich suitors want and how to communicate with them, and also understand that the success strategy for dating wealthy men includes great job and independent search.

    No one will hand you a rich groom on a silver platter with a platinum border - even if you pay the matchmakers a lot of money.

    Because no one can force a man to communicate with you if he doesn’t like you and feels bad with you.

    How they exploit your desire to find a wealthy man

    Matchmakers exploit your desire to find a wealthy man.

    MK correspondent Dina Karpitskaya has seen from her own experience what the hunt for “wealthy men” who, naturally, pay, leads to.

    If the site is free for you, then practicing your dating skills is free. All you need is time and effort.

    Decide for yourself that you need to chat with 20 men in 1 month. After that, write, start a conversation, go on Skype or go on dates in the real world.

    Before you hang out with rich men, learn how to just hang out with men.

    Don’t think that even one of them will lead to marriage - just communicate purposefully, learn to ask and answer questions, watch men’s reactions, after the meeting think about what happened and how it would be better to answer, what to say, what ask.

    Develop an arsenal of what pickup guys call a “routine” (script). Gradually, you will develop the right questions and answers, patterns of behavior that give you the reactions and results you are looking for.

    Your advantage is that you are a girl. It's easy for you to find men who want to come on a date (and become your willing guinea pigs).

    While we are not talking about wealthy men, just about male candidates with whom you can communicate. Anyone will do here - male reactions are universal, so pick-up artists, having once created a seduction scheme, successfully apply it over and over again with any ladies.

    When your qualifications improve and you know exactly what kind of reaction you will get in response to your actions and words, then you can raise the bar and date only those guys who make your heart beat faster.

    There is no one scheme for everyone here: you are a unique person with a unique life story, what you are looking for is individual, what kind of partner you need is not the same as your friends or me. Therefore, you have your own questions and answers.

    Don't exploit men in the process of improving your communication skills - don't tempt them for food and drinks, behave decently (meet for coffee or a walk in the park). Regarding communication - it’s also good for guys to practice communicating with girls, so he gets training too, it’s a win-win (everyone wins).

    Don't exploit men in the process of learning communication skills.

    Naturally, you should not invite a foreign man to visit you if he needs to spend several thousand dollars to do this - it will be bad for your dating karma. But to meet a foreigner who is already in your city - why not?

    Foreign men behave differently on dates than ours. If there is no one in your city who does not cost anything to do this, then communicate via Skype - this is also a great practice.

    But even here, being fixated on both marriage and finding a “rich” person will bring all your efforts to naught.

    A motivation that works successfully when looking for a partner is to find the most compatible person with you, who wants the same thing in life as you.

    If you want to find someone who will “provide” for you, then you are unlikely to be happy to meet a man who wants the same thing - that is, to be provided by someone else.

    And I have not yet had the opportunity to meet a man who is eager to pay for someone else, and for this very purpose wants to get married.

    Men want to get married so that:

    • To be with someone who loves them.
    • Have children.
    • To travel and enjoy life together.

    But not in order to find a girl on whom they can finally spend money.

    The desire to find a wealthy man and be behind him, like behind a stone wall, is quite normal. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible, unless you are ready to completely sacrifice your freedom and control over your future destiny.

    A man is obliged to fully provide for his wife and children, to protect her - this is how Muslim wives live.

    If you are ready to completely give up your freedom and give control over your future life to a man, restore your virginity and look for a Muslim man, they are required by law.

    In Western culture this option is unrealistic. Relationships are built on the principle of equality. If you are not ready to become a toy in the hands of a man and want to have the opportunity to live your own way, in order to meet a rich gentleman, you need to become wealthy yourself - or at least move confidently in this direction.

    A successful man wants a successful woman. He's bored with the stupid doll. You can play with her, but take care of her throughout life - headache. He needs a companion who will make his life better and help him achieve more than he could on his own - not a core and chain that slows him down.

    Are you successful? Then it's time to learn to communicate the way they do successful people- effective. What does not bring results is eliminated. Doing something nice for him, encouraging him to do something nice for you is all part of a normal, kind human relationship.

    Criticism and emotional blackmail - bad habits sucked in with mother's milk - will lead you to the collapse of relationships.

    Pride is sick pride, the opposite.

    Smooth, supportive, predictable and kind relationships can heal the wounds of his previous negative relationships with women (which all rich men have in the past), make him believe that women can be trusted, that a girl can love him for who he is, and you don’t have to lie to him and don’t be afraid to tell the truth.

    If you can build such a relationship with a wealthy man, he will never let you go.

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    Each of us dreams of meeting our soul mate, loving and being loved, but very often we are faced with the difficulty of initial acquaintance, and when you meet, it happens that it is not at all what you expected, and you have to start all over again. But don’t despair, any woman can meet the man of her dreams, the main thing is to approach it correctly.

    Most women want to meet not only a good man, but also support for the future family, which will be able to provide not only for it, but also for their future children. In order to meet a wealthy man, you need to know several rules of conduct, as well as places where to meet a wealthy man.

    What to pay attention to

    Getting to know a successful man is not entirely easy, since he is quite smart, otherwise he would not be rich, and he is also used to always being on top, so the requirements for his companion are quite high. Such people are usually picky, distrustful, and sometimes even a little rude. A wealthy man is quite secretive and does not let anyone into his inner world right away on the first date. Often, he may have a very sensitive and subtle nature, but it is hidden under a huge layer of everyday worries, contracts and business contacts.

    There are several rules that a woman must follow when meeting a man.


    You should not dress revealingly or brightly. Most wealthy men know the price of things and can easily determine in which store you purchased certain things. It will be better if for the first meeting you choose plain sheath dress or a suit. Definitely worth giving up jeans or sportswear. Men, regardless of their condition, perceive a woman as a woman precisely when she is wearing a dress. In addition, do not forget that there should always be some kind of mystery in a woman, and if you dress very revealingly, a man will have an intimate idea of ​​the woman almost immediately.


    You need to approach accessories very responsibly. Exactly the same as in the first case - you should not resort to artificial jewelry, you should limit yourself to a gold chain and earrings.

    Behavior and conversation

    In the process of communication, you cannot ask a man any questions regarding his financial status or wages. A wealthy man immediately crosses such a woman out of his life, because he believes that they are not interested in the person as a person. During a conversation, do not laugh loudly or use rude words. There is no need to discuss others and comment on their appearance. It is better to try to delve into the conversation as much as possible and try to switch to the same language of communication with the man. Try to keep the conversation going as much as possible. If a situation arises where you don't know how to respond, you haven't read this book or watched last news, you shouldn’t be ashamed of this, but you should honestly say that you don’t know about this, but you will definitely ask.

    Farewell and next meeting

    At the end of the evening together, it is worth unobtrusively thanking the man for the wonderful time spent. You shouldn’t make the next appointment yourself; it’s better to wait for the initiative from him. The same applies to exchanging phone numbers. If, nevertheless, the man turns out to be indecisive and does not offer to meet again, you can take the initiative into your own hands, but just don’t “overdo it.”

    Except appearance and manners, a woman needs to know exactly where to go in order to definitely meet a wealthy man.

    Where can you meet a rich man?


    Perhaps this is considered the most effective place where you can meet a rich man. IN in this case It’s worth mentioning not only about dating sites, although there are a lot of interesting and educated people there too. It is worth noting various communities, forums, chats, etc. You can choose them based on your interests and find your destiny within communication. As for the dating site, you can also meet rich men there. Since they are very busy during the day and night at work, this is a salvation for them and an opportunity to communicate with the opposite sex. A woman should not put funny or cartoon pictures on her avatar; the most beautiful photo of herself should be installed there. It is worth remembering that honesty from the very beginning of your acquaintance and communication is the first step to a successful relationship.

    Trainings, courses, classes

    These are the places where you can find not only an interesting and wealthy man, but also a like-minded person. In this case, you can only get benefits: it’s not only meeting interesting people, including those of the opposite sex, it’s also gaining additional knowledge. This could be English courses or, for example, something related to business. If you manage to get to such classes, you should not only attend them, you need to carefully prepare for them. To do this, try to study the next topic in advance and prepare questions so that you can show others your erudition.

    Expensive restaurants and hotels

    Another option on how to meet a rich man. But, here certain difficulties arise, so in order to get into such an institution, a woman will have to spend money. There are, of course, cases when a woman orders only a glass of water at a restaurant and sits all day waiting for her prey, but the men of such representatives of the fairer sex immediately figure it out and do not show much interest in them. As for visiting such places in the middle of the day, it is worth noting that no matter how you show yourself, the man is busy with work and may simply not notice you.

    Buffets or parties from large organizations

    The effect of this is approximately the same as in the previous case. Many events from the outside only seem like parties and celebrations, where everyone drinks and has fun, but in fact, these are meeting places for business people, and many business issues are resolved in an informal setting. The advantage of such events for a woman is that she can start dating first and wedge herself into almost any conversation. In this case, you can justify yourself, for example, by expanding your circle of contacts and business relationships. In this case, if you try hard, by the evening you can have more than twenty promising acquaintances.

    Sports and sports sections

    Most wealthy men try to relieve stress after a hard day at the gym or sports section. In this case, there are no restrictions on your imagination, but it will be better if the sport is chosen not only according to the principle of “watching others”, but also “participating”. This could be tennis, horse riding, and, of course, swimming.


    This one more is enough effective way make acquaintance with a wealthy man. These are usually construction firms, engineering or automotive businesses. Men love nothing more than cars. Absolutely any man will tell you this. Getting acquainted here will not be difficult, but such work will require quite a lot of knowledge.

    Features of life with a wealthy man

    Before you start looking for a wealthy man, you should clearly define what kind of result you should get.

    • A rich man is not only the fulfillment of all desires, but also a complete renunciation of his “I”. Such a lover will most likely demand complete obedience from the woman.
    • Most likely, his interests will become the interests of his wife.
    • In addition, you should not seek pity and compassion from such a man. Due to the harsh business competition, such lovers forget that they can be more sensual and romantic in some ways.
    • Since a male businessman’s workday is very busy, you should not expect that he will be able to spend a lot of time with you. Most often, you will be at home alone, just as you will be primarily involved in taking care of the children.
    • It will be useless to use reproaches and complaints against a wealthy man, since they are the leaders of this life and will not bend to you in the same way as to their competitors.
    • Not having a job is another thing that a woman will most likely have to give up. A wealthy man, as a rule, believes that a woman does not need to go to work for small pennies, because he already earns enough. Household chores and raising children are the very jobs that a rich husband considers relevant for his beloved.

    Speaking about finding a life partner, perhaps every woman should choose what is more important to her - material or moral benefits. It's very difficult to have both at the same time. Therefore, before meeting a wealthy man and going more serious relationship rather than just communication, you need to say to yourself: “Can I love him?” And if the answer is no, then it’s better to stop them, because there is nothing better than love and understanding within a family.

    Surprisingly, you can still hear the public trying to condemn women who want to marry a successful man. However, if the girl herself is smart, beautiful, with an excellent education and a good career, then who else could she want as her husband? Is it really a modest worker who wanders home with a bottle of beer to pass the next level? computer game? Obviously not. Any successful girl needs a man to at least match her - smart, successful and interesting. But here another question arises. Where can I meet him?

    First of all, you need to think carefully and act from the opposite. Think: what kind of man do you want to meet? So that he is serious and family-oriented? Then please do not go to restaurants and questionable bars to meet people. Do you want him to be stable on his feet? Then forget about dating at poker tournaments. Do you want him to share similar values ​​with you? Then forget about holiday romances with yogi travelers. Focus your attention on the segment of men that you need, and avoid those places where it is impossible to meet a good man with serious intentions.

    So, the top 5 places where you can definitely find yourself eligible groom. Passwords, appearances, tricks.

    1. Helicopter schools

    Dear girls, having a helicopter, maintaining it and being able to fly it is an expensive pleasure. And if a man is passionate about this process, then at least he has the means for it. And obviously not the last. Therefore, subscribe and monitor all possible events that such flight schools organize. Oddly enough, given the general high cost, even they organize something like an open day, trial classes, which are very affordable in price, or reporting performances, where, having arranged in advance, you can arrange an invitation for yourself.

    Important! Be sure to learn at least the basic basic knowledge that will help you carry on the conversation. Go to the site and learn the models of helicopters on which training takes place, training periods and anything else on the topic that will help you at least start a conversation. There is nothing worse than seeming like a random dummy for the purpose of dating.

    Cunning. If you didn’t succeed in infiltrating the orderly ranks of the celestials, act more cunningly. Find a restaurant that is located on their premises and come there for lunch.

    2. Golf courses

    This place has both its advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages: first of all, you need to be determined that nothing will happen at once. This is due to the specifics of this sport. The people who come there are scattered around the field, and everyone goes their own route from hole to hole. At the same time, pushing a player or, conversely, delaying his progress is considered indecent. Therefore, in one place you can meet several at the same time interesting persons You can either go to the driving range, or, again, in a restaurant after the game.

    Important! If you are not a member of the club, meeting your judge there will be very problematic. Girls who have nothing to do with golf and come for the sake of dating are instantly identified and laughed at slightly. Therefore, the only way is to become a member of the club, get carried away by the game, become one of the other members, and then, gradually getting to know and getting to know other people, there is a chance to get to know each other.

    Cunning. Golf courses, especially in Russia, are a unique phenomenon. Due to the fact that weather conditions reduce playing time to five months a year, it is necessary to maintain the field and adjacent complexes all year round, the administration has to get out and organize various trial days and other inviting events in order to attract new members. If you get into the habit of tracking such activities, you can attend the most interesting meetings even without being a member of the club.

    3. Extreme driving schools

    This is a cool place! There are many tracks in Moscow where you can go, hone your driving and cornering skills, and at the same time make life-changing acquaintances. Getting there is much easier than getting into helicopter schools, and the effect can be very interesting. By the way, you don’t have to torture your car. Many schools offer training on their machines.

    Important! Again, the most important thing is not to look like a black sheep who came to hunt for men. Remember, such girls are always and everywhere identified instantly. Therefore, your main task is to merge with the fans of high speeds and sincerely admire the number of engine revolutions.

    4. Economic forums

    If you are smart, beautiful, with a good career, then by any means try to get to the Sochi Economic Forum, which takes place in October, respectively, in Sochi, to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which takes place in June, respectively, in St. Petersburg, and to the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, which takes place in February, guess where. Number of interesting and successful men there exceeds all permissible norms. If you don’t get confused, you will go home with several wonderful acquaintances that you can develop upon your return. The main thing is not to run into married people, there are a lot of them there too.

    Cunning. It’s extremely difficult to get to the St. Petersburg forum, the Sochi forum is a bit expensive, and the Krasnoyarsk forum is a little cold. Joke. Be that as it may, if it is difficult to get to the forum itself, then keep in mind that in all these cities on the dates of these forums, all these men do not disappear anywhere in the evenings. Therefore, for example, during these three days in Sochi the city is crowded with successful managers and executives. And they all need to eat somewhere and meet with partners, discuss daily needs. Therefore, even if you don’t make it to the forum itself, it is on these days that you can meet very successfully in these cities.

    5. Exhibitions of auction houses

    Now this has become somewhat more difficult, since all auctions are moving online. However, there are still live exhibitions, when art objects worth the GDP of a small state are exhibited for review by connoisseurs of beauty. It is necessary to monitor such events, immerse yourself, obtain the minimum knowledge necessary to start a conversation - and go ahead!

    Cunning. Even if you don’t have a very deep understanding of art, you can talk about how these objects of art fascinate you and how you would like to see more of this or that work. A girl admiring such beautiful things arouses interest and even delight.

    01.04.2015 11:14:43

    Are you looking for a prince on a white horse who will make you happy and financially secure? Of course, we don’t promise a prince, but we will share a couple of tips on how to meet a rich man.

    If you are tired of frivolous one-day relationships and want to meet a worthy man, if you are concerned not only with the question of how to become best lover, and you want to turn into a person for him, without whom he cannot imagine his life, then take the initiative into your own hands and look for your happiness.

    It is worth noting that in big city you have a better chance of meeting a decent man than in a small outback. One of these megacities of love is the capital of our homeland, where meeting a rich man will not be difficult.

    Unlike other cities, the question of where to meet in Moscow is not so pressing, because Moscow is rich in places where a girl can easily meet a guy. Another question is what kind of man she sees with her. It is worth noting that meeting a rich man in Moscow is not something beyond reality. Rich men also dream of personal happiness, for which they usually do not have time due to their busy lives. So take the initiative and go hunting.

    Men don't fall from heaven

    It is worth noting that just thinking about where to meet a rich man will not be enough. As you know, water does not flow under a lying stone, and it will not flow under you if you are sitting in a chair and dreaming. Your dreams will never turn into reality if you only dream - you have to act. Sitting in a chair and reading romance novels, envying the happiness of successful heroines, you will never achieve your goal. Any man, especially a rich one, will not come to you on his own and throw the whole world at your feet.

    But, if you have already decided to act, then get ready for battle, because in love, as in war, the love front will not tolerate the weak. And don’t forget that in love all means are good.

    It won’t be enough to put on a beautiful sexy dress and parade down the street in it - a millionaire won’t fall on your head, and they basically don’t walk along the streets, but drive around in supercars, constantly busy with their own affairs.

    The rich don't lie on the roads

    First of all, you must understand that meeting a rich man is practically impossible in ordinary places that the majority of citizens visit. Such men mainly appear in society at some elite events.

    Try to attend concerts, good expensive restaurants, festivals, exhibitions, charity events, auctions that are held almost every day in Moscow. So you don’t have to worry, there will always be somewhere to meet people in Moscow.

    Remember that most rich people are often too busy to stroll imposingly down the street, and their status does not allow it. In addition, every second is worth its weight in gold, sometimes in the literal sense of the word.

    Visit luxury stores where you can have a pleasant and non-committal conversation with a wealthy buyer. Fortunately, there are plenty of such establishments in Moscow (elite clothing stores, Azbuka Vkusa, Globus Gourmet, etc.). If you have the opportunity, attend elite training courses. An excellent chance for you would be to get an invitation to some private party at a VIP club. In addition, people from high society are frequent visitors to yacht clubs or golf clubs, race tracks, etc. If you manage to squeeze into such a secular society, consider that half the battle is done, the only thing left to do is to attract the attention of the rich and handsome. Use your feminine charms, if he pays attention to you, then you will become even closer to your goal. The next step is not to miss your chance.

    Let there be several people in your circle of acquaintances who can open the way for you to respectable people. So, you can not only find out about your chosen one, but also be recommended by the best side, which is important.

    Drop the stereotypes

    There will be nothing wrong if you take the first step and speak first. Believe me, rich men also have their own fears; they are more afraid than others of being rejected. Don’t go ahead and don’t insist too much; men don’t like directness. Just behave in such a way that the man himself wants to communicate with you.

    Last chance

    In addition, if you have already given up, you can always contact the appropriate agency or dating site. On such sites you can meet wealthy men for serious or friendly relations, for communication and love.

    Meet a rich man online in modern world much easier than anywhere else. You will be able to see and view the profiles of men from Moscow for every taste, which will give you the opportunity to find out certain information about him. You will be able to familiarize yourself with his parameters, character traits, and even his zodiac sign, if this matters to you. You will know what a man does and what his hobbies are. Of course, you can learn more about him and his character only through personal communication, and only then will you understand whether this person is right for you.

    Although, there is also back side medals. Mostly men, who are in demand among women, do not use the services of the World Wide Web. Otherwise, this speaks more about its shortcomings than its advantages. But, of course, there are exceptions, for example, men often search on a dating site.

    And don’t forget that nothing compares to live communication.

    Believe me, millions of worthy men are also looking for their soul mates, they are just not used to meeting people on the street. Where in Moscow to meet a rich man today is no secret. And, if you haven’t had any luck yet, then remember – they are not hiding, you just need to know where to look.

    Meeting a rich man in Moscow is not a myth at all, it is a reality in which only persistent and self-confident girls live. Achieve your goals and perhaps you will think not only about how to become the best lover for him, but also a homemaker and wife.

    Moscow is the center of concentration of the richest and most successful men. That is why the capital attracts girls from different parts of the country to find an eligible groom.

    Psychologists have long established that the most important thing in making a dream come true is correct wording your goal. By sending your thoughts into the universe about the desire to meet a rich prince, you increase your chances of turning them into reality. However, it is not enough to rely only on luck. To achieve the goal, you must also make your own efforts. If you want not a poor simpleton as your wife, but a respectable and wealthy handsome man, then it is important to look for your happiness in in the right places. Where can you meet a rich man in Moscow?

    11 “fishy” places to find a rich groom in the capital

    When you start hunting for millionaires, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Remember that even lottery tickets are not distributed free of charge. And to find a noble groom, you will have to spend a decent amount on your own appearance, self-education and visiting prestigious places in order to enter the social circle of the social elite.

    If you want to find a rich boyfriend, then first of all it is important to understand the lifestyle of eligible bachelors, visit the places where they most often spend free time representatives of the capital's elite.

    To increase your chances of success, follow a number of rules:

    • try to settle in one of the elite areas of the capital, Moscow region or Moscow region (Ostozhenka, Patriarch's Ponds, Arbat, Tverskaya, Rublyovka, Barvikha) or take walks in these places more often with your girlfriends;
    • visit expensive restaurants;
    • at lunchtime, stop by the cafes located next to the State Duma;
    • visit the lobby bars of prestigious hotels;
    • sign up for an elite fitness club;
    • try to get a job at the Moscow City business center;
    • stroll through expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital, including those designed for respectable men;
    • use the services of elite marriage agencies;
    • place your portfolio in the VIP matchmaker database;
    • start a new hobby that wealthy people choose (golf, tennis, collecting rare things, sailing);
    • take part in charity events.

    5 tips on where to meet a wealthy man in Moscow

    5 Tips to Help You Move to an Active Search worthy man and increase your chances of a successful acquaintance.

    1. Girlfriends' experience. Ask your friends who are already in relationships with rich gentlemen how they managed to catch “ goldfish" Try to find out information about where such men often go and how you can meet them. Ask your wealthy girlfriends to introduce you to promising bachelors from their social circle and don’t forget to invite you to private parties.
    2. Study gossip columns to understand the interests of modern rich people and the places where they like to relax. These could be thematic exhibitions, restaurants, private clubs. No one has canceled meeting people at parties, but you have a much better chance of meeting successfully at extreme driving courses, quests in Moscow, and board game clubs.
    3. Useful acquaintances. Wealthy male friends can become your guide to closed events, where eligible bachelors most often live. You can always ask for a private party or an interesting exhibition.
    4. Business centers. Remember that rich men devote most of their time to work or business. Most often, such wealthy grooms “settle” in business centers. That is why you should visit such places as often as possible.
    5. Trainings and courses for personal growth. There is a direct relationship between a man’s financial condition and the development of his intelligence. Rich men constantly improve themselves and gain new knowledge. Business training is a great opportunity to understand how rich people think and to be a little closer to them.
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