• How to make your smell more pleasant. How to smell nice always and everywhere


    A woman should always smell delicious, but her aroma should be light and refined, and not heavy and suffocating. Sometimes you just start to choke (on the street, in a store, on a bus, etc.) when a beautiful lady floats past, pouring half a bottle of perfume on herself.

    I even wonder how such ladies themselves do not faint from the aroma of their own perfume. The aroma emanating from a woman should be light, alluring, barely noticeable and in no way aggressive. It should attract, excite, dizzy, seduce, and not suffocate or knock down!

    So how to smell delicious in order to charm and captivate, and not repel?

    A woman's scent is a secret weapon of seduction

    1. There is no need to pour a huge amount on yourself; there is nothing good if you smell all over the street. This is a sign bad taste and bad taste. Always remember that even if you no longer smell your perfume, other people smell it very well.

    2 . It happens that some women do not smell of perfume, which can cause suffocation. But they smell of sweat, which is generally unacceptable. Be sure to maintain your hygiene by showering every day and using antiperspirants. This is banal advice, however, there are women who do not bother with such banalities.

    3. You need to take care not only of hygiene, but also of your food and drinks. Everything we eat and drink gives our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant one. Fatty, spicy and fried foods directly affect our body odor. From heavy food the smell becomes heavy. In addition, this negatively affects the figure.

    You need to watch not only what you eat, but also what you drink. It’s not even worth talking about alcoholic drinks, it is clear that they do not add the aroma of freshness and purity to a woman, but it’s worth talking about coffee. It's important to know that if you drink a lot of coffee, your mouth won't smell very good. nice smell, which you may not even notice.

    So, if everything is in order with your personal hygiene and nutrition, that is, you eat healthy food, shower daily and do not have the habit of pouring half a bottle of perfume on yourself, then this is just great. Then let's move on and learn a few more secrets about how to always smell delicious.

    4. Before you go out, especially if it's a date or important meeting, place one drop of perfume on your palm. This will give your light on hands aroma, and if you touch the hands of your interlocutor, this aroma will remain on his palms and will remind him of you.

    And if it is an exclusive perfume with pheromones, then your chosen one will not be able to resist you. Such perfumes should be purchased only from those manufacturers who have a certificate and the right to sell. In our “I want to get married” club, the “Pyramid of Love” perfume has become a hit of sales. They last a very long time, as they are very durable and exclusive. The set contains five different unique and magical scents. You can find out all the details about perfumes with pheromones Here .

    5. Spray a little eau de toilette on the comb before combing your hair. You are guaranteed a pleasant and light scent throughout the day.

    6. In your wardrobe, spray all the hangers with your perfume or eau de toilette.

    7. Place a handkerchief or woven bag in a drawer or box with linen, sprinkling it with your perfume before doing so.

    8. When taking a bath or shower, place a few drops on the wall near the bathtub or on the shower floor. Soon the aroma will smoothly envelop your body thanks to the steam, and when you leave the bathroom, a pleasant and light aroma will emanate from you.

    9. And, of course, don’t forget to apply perfume correctly. They should be applied to those places where the pulse is felt (temples, wrists, neck, elbows, area under the knees).

    Take these tips to heart to always leave behind a pleasant, fresh, tasty and subtle trail of aroma.

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    Sometimes you walk down the street and suddenly realize that you are starting to choke. It was a seemingly quite adequate woman of pleasant appearance who paraded past, but with such a... aroma, as if she had poured half a bottle of perfume on herself.

    It also happens the other way around, there doesn’t seem to be a strong smell, but you turn your head after it and try to enjoy the light, barely noticeable aroma.

    How can you smell delicious so as not to alienate people or cause aggression in them, but, on the contrary, to charm and captivate with your aroma?

    First secret how delicious it smells. This doesn’t seem to be a secret, but a well-known fact, everything seems simple and elementary, but for some reason from some girls it’s so... smells like sweat. So the first secret to smelling good is to not stink in the first place. Maintain good body hygiene and take a shower every day. And before going out, use body deodorant, preferably an unscented roll-on.

    Second secret in order to smell delicious. This is not pouring half a bottle of perfume or eau de toilette on yourself. Older ladies are often guilty of this. Do not do this. The fact that you stink all over the street will not make anyone feel better.

    Third secret. In order to smell delicious, you need to watch your diet and the drinks you drink. Yes, paradoxically, the food and drinks that you eat and drink give our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant odor. If you eat fatty, fried, spicy foods, this is clearly not a plus for you.

    Secondly, heavy food gives off a heavy smell.

    Third, the drinks you drink also contribute. If you drink a lot of coffee, your breath will smell bad, which you probably won't even notice. I'm not even talking about alcoholic drinks, everything is clear here.

    If everything is in order with your nutrition, personal hygiene and relationship with perfumes, i.e. you shower every day, eat healthy food, don't drink or smoke, drive active image life and don’t pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself, then let’s get down to the main secrets of how to smell delicious.

    The fourth secret. Before going out, especially if you have a significant meeting ahead of you,
    Place one drop of perfume on your palm. This will give your palms a light, unnoticeable scent that
    will remain in the palm of your interlocutor’s hand and will remind him of you.

    The sixth secret. Open your wardrobe, take out the hangers and spray them with your perfume or eau de toilette. It is better if the hangers are not plastic, but at least wooden or velor.

    The seventh secret of how to smell delicious. Scent a cloth bag or handkerchief and place
    it into a drawer or box with linen.

    When rinsing your clothes after washing, drop a little perfume into a bowl of water.

    Eighth secret. Before going to bed, place a drop of perfume on the sheets. Just don't overdo it, otherwise you'll get a headache in the morning. One drop is enough.

    Ninth secret. When taking a bath or shower, place a few drops of aromatic oil on the shower floor or on the wall near the bathroom. Thanks to the steam, the aroma will smoothly envelop your entire body. And when you get out of the shower, you will have a light and pleasant aroma.

    Use these secrets, and you will leave behind a tasty, pleasant, barely noticeable trail of aroma.

    Beauty and health to you, Alena Morskaya!

    It happens that if you take something from a person, it smells like his perfume. Perhaps there are perfumes with such a strong smell, or maybe they should be used in some other way?! 10 meters. people will run away from you in the hope of taking a sip of even freshly gassed air. But in general, you need to choose PERFUME with the inscription Parfum. And, by the way, this is why (due to the concentration of valuable ingredients) it is the most expensive. Indeed, this perfume is not very cheap. (from 4,000). and it obviously won’t be compote.

    The question of how a girl can smell delicious is relevant for most ladies. Surely the first thing that came to your mind was perfume. But this is far from the only option.

    How to make your body smell pleasant.

    2007-07-03 11:59:00 (link) I am allergic to strong odors (including perfume), I do not announce this at every intersection, including to all sorts of nurses. 2007-07-03 14:16:00 (link) In that case, I would say! What is that smell? Some kind of melon-cucumber? 2007-07-03 20:40:00 (link) why not, if the smell of perfume gives you a headache, nausea, and so on?) I would very gently say “I’m sorry, but for some reason I have this feeling about your perfume reaction". Just don’t just say, Marivanna, I’m allergic to your perfume, but approach carefully for some time. They smell so bad under my nose that I pass out; those around me don’t feel them at all. For example, some oriental sweet and cloying stench is incredible for me, but for others it smells like passion... Or is there a dress code?

    Of course, wash your hands often, not only because of the smell, but also for hygiene purposes. You can use diluted lemon juice. You will find that the smell will be much less than if you use deodorants. Store clothes in places with free access to air to prevent clothes from smelling musty. Remember that foods high in sulfur (such as eggs and garlic) can cause body odor. Always carry a package of dry and wet wipes, they will help you remove excess sweat in a timely manner, refresh your hands and armpits. Absorbs sweat and, accordingly, odor. They do not leave marks on clothes, unlike many deodorants.

    10 ways to make your home smell nice

    1. The easiest way to give a room a pleasant aroma is to drop some perfume on the lamp. When you turn on the light, the apartment will be filled with your favorite smell. 3. You can prepare a pleasant smell for your home in advance. To do this, in the summer, collect petals of strong-smelling flowers whose scent you like (roses, jasmine, lilac). 4. Coffee not only has a pleasant smell, but also perfectly purifies the air. Fill the jar with water to the brim. In order for the mixture to begin to release its aroma, it must be constantly heated. 10. There is nothing better than the smell of fresh baked goods.

    1. First, let’s pay attention to the everyday way of “extracting” a pleasant, delicate scent from a person. 2. The most common way to achieve a pleasant body and hair odor is natural essential oils. But they “work” only on clean body and hair. If you want your body to smell, you need to apply oil (literally a drop) in three places: behind the ear, on the fold right hand, and in the umbilical cord. 3. Another interesting way to care for your body and hair is yogurt! Half wore starched clothes, half did not. Four women said that after a shower, the smell of the shower gel lasts up to 6 hours, the rest did not observe this.

    We remember perfectly well how our loved ones smell, what aroma was in the apartment where you met as a child New Year, what is the smell of the pie that was cooked at home on the weekends. This is what my niece says when we pass by our favorite pastry shop, near which the divine aroma of freshly baked cakes reigns within a radius of two meters. A loved one says the same thing when swiping wet hair a girl who had just come out of the shower. But this scent is perfect for a date! But in the summer you can get by with eau de toilette or perfumed talcum powder. Clean hair also retains its aroma well, natural fabrics- wool, leather. If you change perfume but not clothing, be careful as this may result in an unwanted mixture of scents. By the way, not a single scent smells the same - for each of us it mixes with body odor and gives birth to a unique combination.

    There are some people who are very difficult to forget because they smell absolutely wonderful. By the way, foods that affect your natural aroma can also affect the perfume you wear, changing its structure and distorting the release of the scent. The process of applying perfume to the body has become a routine, since all women know the main places that are most suitable for, roughly speaking, smelling. If you want the scent to last longer, then you should give your preference to perfumed water rather than eau de toilette, whose consistency is much stronger. But this does not mean that your favorite perfume will have to be replaced.

    It's time to deal with the smells.

    The book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince describes a love potion, among other miracles. “It smells different to everyone,” says Hermione. “For example, I smell freshly cut grass and new parchment, and...” Indeed, each person has his own idea of ​​pleasant and unpleasant odors. Some people love the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, while others are crazy about the aroma of roses. However Scientific research using eNose device have proven that most people's noses are quite predictable when it comes to the most pleasant and unpleasant odors.

    The “electronic nose” is a clever device with many sensors and sensors. They generate a scent pattern by imitating the sense of smell of animals. But the most interesting feature This device is used to determine the degree of pleasantness of a particular smell.

    Israeli neuroscientists used eNose and also conducted tests on volunteers from Ethiopia and Israel to determine whether people from such different cultures identify pleasant and aversive odors in the same way. As it turns out, race, ethnicity, or sociocultural background do not affect a person's sense of smell. Moreover, the instrument readings coincided 80 percent with what the subjects felt.

    So what's the definitive list of best and worst smells? Leading citrus. The most “delicious” were the aromas lime, grapefruit, bergamot, orange and mint. The second five looks like this: freesia, amyl acetate molecule (smells like apples and bananas), cinnamon, mimosa and spruce.

    Regarding the most repulsive and pungent odors, the opinions of the subjects and “eNose” also agreed: the palm went to carboxylic acids and cyclohexanol, and many volunteers also called the odors unpleasant musk and patchouli.

    The sense of smell is one of the most developed senses in humans, and the ability to perceive information about the world around us through smell is one of the oldest functions of the body. This is confirmed by the fact that in humans, olfactory centers are formed already in the second month of embryonic development. The sense of smell is most highly developed in a newborn baby, and with age we lose up to 50% of this innate gift.

    The sense of smell can be “trained” if you regularly inhale complex aromas, for example, rose, neroli, rosemary, verbena. However, you should not count on great training results; they will improve your sense of smell by an average of 3-5%. The determining factor in the acuity of smell is still the genotype.

    There is a whole science dedicated to fragrances - Aromalogy. A variety of scents are not only designed to improve our perception of the environment, but also have medicinal qualities and are used in aromatherapy. The perception of smells always provokes the emergence of a mass of emotions. It is difficult to find any scent that absolutely everyone would like. But let's try to rank pleasant smells, which are recognized by the overwhelming majority.

    Orange flavor

    Light, warm, fruity, sweet smell that evokes pleasant associations with New Year's holidays. This aroma is one of the most recognized antidepressants; it helps to detach from troubles and get rid of negativity. However, almost all citrus scents have this property.

    The aroma of freshly cut grass

    Freshly cut grass is considered by the vast majority of people to have the most pleasant smell. The whole mystery is in a special substance that is contained in plant sap. Australian scientists have found that inhaling the aroma of freshly cut grass can relieve nervous tension and get rid of stress.

    A bright, sunny and spicy spice that adds an unforgettable aroma to your morning coffee and fresh scones. Cinnamon has been known to us since ancient times. It was highly valued and therefore was presented as a gift exclusively to royalty.

    There are many components mixed in the forest air. This is the aroma of sun-filled wood, strawberries heated in a clearing, the smell of mushrooms and moss hidden where there is dampness. The indescribable aroma of nature that you want to inhale deeply.

    To be precise, rain, of course, does not smell, and that aroma of freshness that we feel after a good thunderstorm includes many components. The basis of this is essential oils that are released by plants, and during rain they acquire the properties of an aerosol, as well as negatively charged ions, which create the feeling of freshness that we love so much.

    Chocolate flavor

    The most famous antidepressant is pleasant not only for its taste, but also for its aroma. Beans acquire this warm, pleasant smell of cocoa during processing. First they lie in the sun, absorbing its heat, and then they are fried in a special way. The aroma we all love comes from 40 different volatile compounds.

    The smell of hay

    A fragrant, sun-warmed, warm and cozy haystack, in which it is so pleasant to roll around. Dried meadow herbs have their own absolutely indescribable aroma, calming, relieving fatigue and allowing you to forget about the bustle of the city.

    Remember how pleasant and easy it is to breathe on the seashore, how the splash of waves is mesmerizing and the turquoise distance beckons, how an indescribable feeling of freshness arises. We, of course, know that the cause of this aroma is salts dissolved in sea water, in particular iodine, and algae washed ashore. Negatively charged ions that smell so “delicious” and fresh.

    The smell of a loved one

    It is the pheromones secreted by our skin that determine whether we are suitable for each other or not. So if your precious one tells you how delicious you smell without all those perfumes and deodorants, and you are not irritated by his aroma even after a heavy physical work, rejoice, it means you really suit each other.

    Vanilla aroma

    The paradox spice has a sweet smell but tastes bitter. Without exaggeration, one of my favorite scents. Vanilla is still one of the most expensive spices; naturally, we are talking about pods, and not about powder sold in bags. It is also a generally recognized aphrodisiac.

    What smells are the most pleasant for you, friends?

    Animals choose partners by smell. We say that education, cultural traditions, and common interests are important to us, but we still return to instincts. Smell is perhaps the second thing we can evaluate in a new person in a few seconds. The first is appearance. But animals also change color or plumage on the eve of the mating season. In short, we didn't go far. They say that choosing a new perfume is no easier than choosing a life partner. I absolutely agree. Each person has 347 olfactory receptors (according to Wikipedia) and a million of their own tastes, preferences, associations and stories... Despite such an impressive set of initial unknowns, let's try to determine a few rules for a good smell.

    This is interesting

    We are used to paying more attention to appearance than on smells, so we limit ourselves to our favorite perfume aromas, the smells of our favorite places, often underestimating the influence of smell on our lives. Meanwhile, the olfactory impulse reaches the brain in a matter of seconds, is reinforced by the current state of health, causes a certain associative series, emotions...

    And - voila, we can already say with confidence whether we like the interlocutor or not.

    I'm not even talking about the sexual sphere, where olfactory preferences change depending on age, more precisely, the attainment of puberty. In youth, preference is given to sweet and fruity scents, in maturity - floral, musky, oily. It's all about pheromones - substances that cause sexual arousal. That's exactly what they smell like. By the way, to smell them, just a few molecules of the substance per cubic meter of air are enough. And we pour half the bottle on ourselves before an important date. The importance of associative memory cannot be diminished. We remember very well how our loved ones smell, what the aroma was in the apartment where you celebrated the New Year as a child, what the smell of the pie that was cooked at home on weekends was like. All this is kept in our memory and influences the choice of friends, partners, place of work, apartment, and so on. Unpleasant odors also firmly fixed in the head: my friend more than a year She couldn’t stand the aroma of one eau de toilette that her boyfriend had once used. For this reason, the new wonderful gentleman was rejected, who, it seems, did not have a single negative quality. Except for a small detail - that very “unpleasant” smell. In a split second, her associative memory reproduced a picture of a past relationship with a not very good ending. To succeed, the new boyfriend only needed to change the scent of his perfume, but, alas, his friend did not tell him this sad story, and he himself, of course, could not guess. Odor consists of molecules that affect the olfactory analyzers, causing a reaction at the biochemical level. And it sometimes depends on her whether communication with a person will continue. And while we, like animals, “smell” him, he, of course, “smells” us. And we can help him a little with the help of little tricks, including perfumes, deodorants and other aromatic products.

    Fragrant story

    Where did the opinion come from that we should emit a subtle scent of perfume, and not our own, so to speak, natural one?

    Perfumery was first used in Ancient Egypt. Most mentions of her were associated with gods and sacrifices. The word "perfume" we use today comes from the Latin per fumum - "through smoke." In ancient times, people used herbs, flowers and spices to create fragrances: almonds, coriander, myrtle, pine resin, bergamot.

    The Persian physician and chemist Avicenna, after his experiments, created the famous rose water, which had a more subtle aroma than the odors of mixtures of herbs and oils that existed before that time. The first real perfume was made especially for the Hungarian queen in 1370. Then the art of perfumery migrated to Italy, and from there to France. Perfume recipes were kept strictly secret: for example, the laboratory of Catherine de Medici's personal perfumer was connected by a secret passage to her apartment so that no formulas could be stolen along the way. France remains today the center of perfume production, the capital of subtle scents, despite the fact that perfumes were originally used there to hide the smell of unwashed bodies! Those days, fortunately for us, are long gone, so today smells play a completely different role. This is a whole industry, a fragrant universe, a world of shades and notes, where everyone has their own fragrant story hidden. And now everyone can buy luxury perfumes on the Internet.

    This is what my niece says when we pass by our favorite pastry shop, near which the divine aroma of freshly baked cakes reigns within a radius of two meters. A loved one says the same thing, brushing the wet hair of a girl who has just come out of the shower. I say the same thing when I walk into a familiar coffee shop. All this is one hundred percent part of our associations, dreams, conscious images and subconscious desires. What can we do to ensure we hear this phrase again and again?

    1. Do not abuse

    “True good is only in a sense of proportion” - here this expression is more relevant than ever. People are put off by an overly strong scent, even if it is the most expensive and most beloved scent. You should smell quite a bit so that a person would want to sniff, or rather, get closer and feel it more strongly.

    2. Choose a deodorant with minimal odor (or from the same perfume series as perfume)

    In order not to mix the aromas of perfume and body with it. The smell of sweat is unlikely to attract your interlocutor to you, but the smell of deodorant alone or a cacophony of different aromas is also not the best option.

    3. Remember to concentrate

    Different types of perfumes have different degrees of aroma concentration. The species identification is usually listed at the bottom of the package.

    From largest to smallest:

    • Aroma oils- essential oils in pure form.
    • Perfume (Parfum, Extrait)- in French, and Perfume - in English). Containing 18-30% aromatic oils, these are the most concentrated and long-lasting perfumes. They are the most expensive products, produced mainly in small bottles. The perfume retains its scent for about 6 hours.
    • Eau de Parfum- contains 10-20% aromatic oils. It is often called a daytime perfume and the scent lasts for about 4 hours.
    • Eau de Toilette- This is a lighter type of perfume that can be used several times a day. Eau de toilette is great for summer. The concentration of the composition here is 4-10%.
    • Cologne (Eau de Cologne)- the same as eau de toilette, but with a lower composition content, about 1.5%.
    • Perfumed deodorant (Deo parfum)- contains 3-5% oils, 2% water. Sometimes it has an antibacterial effect. Most often included in the perfume series of the same name, it enhances the aroma when used in combination. In the hot season, it can be used instead of eau de toilette as an independent type of perfume.
    • After shave- contains 2% oils. One of the most expensive types of men's perfumes, since in addition to 2% aromatic oils it contains 2% softening and moisturizing substances.

    4. Keep track of time

    Evening and day perfume, as a rule, differ. Summer and winter scents differ in the same way. There are three directions in perfumery: “natural” - fresh, invigorating aromas, with sea or forest notes; “gourmet perfumes”, which are created on the basis of “delicious” smells - vanilla, currants, berries and fruits; and “erotic”, that is, sensual, exciting aromas. It is clear that it is better not to choose seductive smells for work, since they do not fit at all with business style in clothes and makeup. But this scent is perfect for a date!

    As for the seasons, “winter” scents should be more persistent, deeper and more refined. But in the summer you can get by with eau de toilette or perfumed talcum powder.

    5. Apply correctly

    The most common mistake is to apply perfume immediately before leaving the house. Experts advise making it a rule to put perfume on yourself first. Only then will they have time to warm up and open up.

    Stepwise application will help preserve the aroma for a long time. The use of perfume begins with eau de toilette, which should envelop the entire body. As the aroma evaporates, it rises, so if you apply even long-lasting perfume only to your neck or behind your ears, you will lose its smell within a couple of hours. To cover your entire body with the scent of perfume, spray it into the air in front of you and step into the cloud of scent. When spraying perfume, remove jewelry (perfume can ruin the shine of pearls, amber and some stones) and clothing, as stains may remain.

    A few minutes after applying the eau de toilette, add the final touch - a more concentrated perfume. They are applied primarily to those places where the pulse can be felt: on the neck - just above the first vertebra, below the earlobe, in front on the “hole” between the collarbones, on the inside of the elbow, on the “pulse” at the wrist, under the knee. There is no universal scheme. For example, Gabrielle Chanel advised applying perfume to the places where you want to be kissed.

    Clean hair and natural fabrics - wool, leather - also retain the aroma well. If you change perfume but not clothing, be careful as this may result in an unwanted mixture of scents.

    6. Store carefully

    The structure of the aroma changes due to improper storage of perfume. Store them in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight and with the lid tightly closed. If stored improperly, some components tend to evaporate and deteriorate faster than others, which is why the smell changes over time. The average recommended shelf life of perfumes is 2-3 years. A sign that the perfume has gone bad can be a change in color or the appearance of sediment.

    7. It takes a long time to choose

    When choosing your scent, take your time. Apply some perfume to your wrist and walk around with it for at least a few hours. During this time, the perfume will “open up”, and you will try on all the shades of the scent you like, and at the same time reproduce the associative series associated with this aroma.

    Classic perfume compositions are composed according to the principle of the triad: “starting note”, “heart note” and “ending note”. Over time, these three notes replace each other, and the character of the aroma changes. The "top note" or "head" of the fragrance appears immediately after application of the perfume and remains in its pure form for approximately 10 minutes. The opening note consists of quickly evaporating perfume substances, such as citrus and herbal notes. After about 30 minutes, the “heart note” arrives, which remains on the skin for several hours. This is the main and characteristic smell, which is made up of substances that evaporate relatively slowly, mixed in the composition. After 12 hours, the “final note” or “base note” remains, which is called the “trail” of the fragrance. It won't change until the scent disappears. The base note of a perfume is determined by substances with the lowest evaporation rate, which remain on the skin the longest. Clothes, especially woolen ones, that have been exposed to droplets of perfume can sometimes retain the scent of the base note for several months. By the way, not a single scent smells the same - for each of us it mixes with body odor and gives birth to a unique combination.

    8. Wear it proudly

    Fragrance is a detail of your image. As a piece of clothing or accessory. Perfumers sometimes do not even recommend combining the exquisite aromas of the most expensive companies in the world with jewelry, they are so valuable in themselves. Therefore, wear it proudly and with pleasure, enjoying yourself and imagining how people turn around as soon as they hear the trail of your perfume, gasping to themselves: “It smells so delicious!”

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