• How to greet and see off guests according to etiquette for a birthday or wedding? Meeting guests at home, in a restaurant, meeting important guests. Words of the newlyweds meeting with a loaf at a wedding: traditions and advice


    On the eve of the wedding, the parents of the young have many questions spinning in their heads. Including how to greet newlyweds with a loaf of bread, what to say in this situation. It is recommended to prepare at least minimally for such a meeting in advance so that the right words can be found at the right time.

    Despite the fact that with modern traditions the meeting of young people with a loaf has little in common, it is important to give respect to the traditions of the old and Slavic rituals weddings The feast begins only after the young people have cut the loaf, they are the first to enter festive hall and sit down at their table, and after that the active seating of the guests begins.

    History of tradition

    Once upon a time in Rus', the loaf was the main bread product, which symbolized the satiety and well-being of the family. Therefore, the festive feast on the wedding day symbolically began with a loaf of bread. As a rule, they baked it themselves a few days before the wedding. Wheat flour was taken as a basis, cones and spikelets of dough were made as decorations - this symbolized wealth and fertility. The top of the loaf was decorated with doves, which personified love.

    How to greet young people with a loaf of bread, what should you say to parents on this day in modern times? To be honest, the traditions here have changed little. Already before the arrival of the wedding procession from the registry office, parents should stand at the entrance to the restaurant with a tray on which there will be a loaf. As a rule, the groom's mother should present the newlyweds with a towel with a loaf of bread and salt - this is a symbol of prosperity and harmony in their future life together.

    There are no special rules about what to say when a young couple meets a loaf of bread. It’s just that every parent should express their wishes, parting words and blessing.

    The first word, as a rule, goes to the groom's mother, and the father stands modestly with glasses of champagne for the newlyweds nearby and quietly agrees with the mother's words. Of course, if dad - a real man, then he should say parting words and blessings, and mother adds congratulations in verse and says her blessing. Usually there are difficulties - What can I say? We will give several examples of the speech of the father (mother) of the groom for this occasion. The moment is exciting, so you need to speak with all your heart, you must have a cheat sheet for poetry, and it is better to say words of blessing from yourself, in your own words. But you still need to rehearse your speech before the newlyweds arrive.

    After all the parting words for a happy and long life life together They say that the young people should break off a piece on each side of the loaf, dip the bread in salt and treat each other. This sweet tradition is a symbol and personification of how young people should take care of each other in marriage.

    It is believed that whoever breaks off or bites off a larger piece of the loaf will be the head of the family. Salt in this case means that the last time the young people annoyed each other and in the future they promise to live only in peace, harmony, and not quarrel. As for the groom's father, during the ceremony he holds in his hands either the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant or the icon of the Mother of God. This is a symbol of spirituality, what the family will adhere to family traditions and Christian values.

    It is clear that the mother and father of the bride are not standing empty-handed. They present the newlyweds with honey and champagne after the ritual with a loaf of bread. This is a symbol of the sweet life and the beginning of a wonderful period - the honeymoon. Having drunk the champagne to the bottom, the newlyweds must break the glasses.

    People used the fragments of glasses to figure out who would be the first-born in the family. If the fragments are large, then the young couple will have a boy first; small fragments are a symbol of the birth of a girl.

    At the end of the loaf ceremony, the newlyweds must bow to the ground with their parents three times and kiss each parent three times on the cheeks. After the ritual is over, the loaf is placed on the table with the newlyweds, where it remains until the end of the wedding day. It was customary among the people to leave the top part of the loaf for the young people, and give the rest to the guests in return for gifts and good wishes.

    Sample words from the groom’s mother on the loaf (it is she who holds the towel with the loaf and salt and is the first to greet the newlyweds):

    • Kids! Happy wedding day and happy birthday new family. I want to bless you for a long and happy life, giving this loaf as a symbol of well-being. Advice and love to you!
    • Our dear children! Accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding day. Let this salt be the last in your life, and from this moment the honeymoon begins for the rest of your married life.
    • Children, we are incredibly glad that in this huge world you found each other and were able to create new family. Take care of your feelings and your love, appreciate everything that exists between you and trust each other. We hope that your home will be a full cup, and that grievances and adversity will always bypass it.
    • Our beloved children! We are very glad that you found each other and united your sincere feelings, forming a new family. Love, appreciate and trust each other! May your home always be a full cup, and may grievances and adversity pass you by!
    • Dear children! We are glad for your conscious choice! We bless you on happy marriage with sincere mutual feelings love! Show respect and care for each other. Share all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows together! Advice and love to you!
    • “Our dear (Names of the newlyweds), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and increase it many, many times. Oh, my lovelies. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, elegant, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks.”
    • “Dear children! Congratulations on your legal marriage. We wish you happiness, health, for long years married life. You are welcome to our home - your home. Try our bread and salt, and we’ll see who’s boss in the house.”

    Sample words from the father:

    • Our children, congratulations to you - now you are legal husband and wife. We bless you and your mother for a long and happy life, live together and happily. Live in such a way as to thank God for every day you live together, love each other, give birth to our grandchildren as soon as possible, do not forget us - come to visit more often, Advice and Love to you! In the name of the father, son and holy spirit,” with these words he baptizes the newlyweds.
    • “Our beloved doves, you have finally become husband and wife. A long and happy road has now opened before you, along which you can walk together until the very end. Congratulations on completing the first important step in your life. And then we expect many more such steps from you! The birth of the first child, his first step, construction own home- you have to go through all this. In the meantime, you are the most happy couple on this earth. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy"!

    In the matter of how to greet the newlyweds with a loaf of bread, what to say, nothing depends on whether these are the parents of the bride or groom. At this moment, parents give their children parting words and good words for the future family life, but everything is done quite briefly and quickly. Long congratulations and gifts should be saved directly until the festive feast.

    A wedding is a holiday for two young people who have decided to unite their destinies. At different times and different countries This celebration took place and takes place with its own characteristics, depending on the traditions and rituals that are present in society. In our country, a special place at a wedding belongs to the parents of the groom, because they are the ones who meet the newlyweds after the wedding ceremony. But how to greet the groom’s young parents is determined by each family independently, based on its life experience and existing traditions.

    Where and when should the groom's parents meet the newlyweds?

    In those days when there were no such institutions as the registry office, the wedding ceremony was held in the church. And after the wedding, the groom’s parents met the newlyweds in their house, since it was customary that the young family would live in the husband’s house.

    Today, the meeting of newlyweds after the registry office has become more common. This is due to the fact that not all young couples get married, and sometimes they postpone the wedding ceremony in the church to another day. The newlyweds are still greeted by the groom's parents; more precisely, the main role in holding this event belongs to the mother-in-law.

    Another change that modernity has made to the ancient custom is that now parents meet the newlyweds at the entrance not to the groom’s house, but to a restaurant or any other establishment where such a celebration is celebrated. an important event. After all, previously, weddings were always held at home, but now preference is increasingly given to restaurants, so going home just so as not to violate the ancient custom is not entirely reasonable.

    What traditions exist for newlyweds to be welcomed by the groom's parents?

    There is no single opinion on how to meet the groom's young parents, so everyone chooses the option that they both like best
    families and their close relatives. The main goal of this event is to bring future life newlyweds well-being.

    One of the most common customs is the meeting of the bride and groom with bread and salt. Some parents prefer to greet their children with glasses filled with wine. There are also people who believe that the main attribute of a wedding is the wedding loaf, and it is this that the mother of the groom should hold in her hands when the newlyweds meet. Believing parents prefer to greet young people with icons.

    An integral part of the wedding event called “meeting of the newlyweds” is the showering of the bride and groom with grain, sweets, rose petals or confetti. This ceremony is performed by the mother-in-law, sometimes guests join her.

    What do parents need to prepare to welcome the newlyweds?

    It is important for the groom’s parents to think in advance about what rituals they will perform when meeting their son and daughter-in-law, and to prepare all the necessary attributes for this. Moreover, it is better to do this in advance, so that at the most crucial moment it does not turn out that something is missing at hand.

    So, first of all, think about what words you will use to greet your children. And if you are afraid of forgetting your speech, write it on a piece of paper. To carry out the rituals you will need icons, bread and salt or a loaf, two towels - one for the bread and the other for the feet of the newlyweds, two new glasses, champagne, as well as grain, candy or rose petals, which you will sprinkle on the newlyweds when entering the restaurant .

    How newlyweds should behave when they meet the groom's parents

    The newlyweds, approaching the groom's house or the entrance to the restaurant where their parents meet them, and stepping onto the towel laid out for them, must first bow to their parents three times and cross themselves (if they meet with an icon).

    Next, if they are greeted with a loaf of bread or bread and salt, break off a piece of it and let each other taste it. At this stage, you can determine who will be the head of the new family - it depends on who broke off a piece of bread or loaf faster. If the spouses managed to do this at the same time, then you can be sure that there will be harmony and order in everything in their home.

    After the parents serve the newlyweds glasses filled with champagne, they must mark them with the sign of the cross three times, which will protect them from possible troubles. Next, the bride and groom should drink a little champagne from the glasses, pour the rest behind their backs, and then break the glasses. After the meeting ceremony, the newlyweds can safely head to the hall to continue the celebration.

    Words from the mother-in-law when the newlyweds meet

    According to ancient traditions, the first words of congratulations to newlyweds on the creation of a new family are pronounced by the mother of the groom. What exactly the mother-in-law’s first words will be at the wedding depends on her wishes. Some people prefer to learn poetry for this purpose, some cook in prose, and some say the words that came to mind at the moment the newlyweds met, without preparing in advance.

    It's up to you to decide what to do! However, it is worth noting that it is better to think in advance about what exactly you will say when the bride and groom meet, so as not to find yourself in an uncomfortable position in front of the newlyweds and guests. Of course, learning poetry, firstly, is not something everyone can do, and secondly, due to excitement, you can easily forget the rhymed lines. Therefore, it is best to prepare a short one in prose.

    The words of the mother-in-law at the wedding could be, for example, the following: “Our dear children! I would like to congratulate you on your marriage and wish that the union you have created will be strong and filled with happiness. Remain as beautiful and happy as you are today for many years of your family life!” After the first words, the ceremony of meeting the newlyweds will take place depending on the traditions chosen by the parents and newlyweds.

    Blessing of the newlyweds icons

    All parents dream that their children’s marriage will be strong and long, so the most exciting moment in the wedding is the blessing. Believing families use icons to carry out this ritual.

    In addition to having the oldest icon at home before handing it over to her future husband, and the groom’s mother blessing her son before leaving the house, the newlyweds also meet with an icon or two (depending on the traditions in a particular locality) at the entrance to the restaurant.

    In most cases, the newlyweds are greeted at the entrance to the restaurant by the groom's parents with two icons - the mother-in-law holds the icon of the Mother of God, and the father-in-law holds the icon of Jesus Christ.

    Where can I get icons to bless newlyweds?

    Where exactly to get the icons for blessing is decided in each family. You can use those with whom the groom’s parents got married or the oldest ones, which, for example, she inherited from her mother, and she inherited from her mother or grandmother.

    In addition, you can buy new icons; fortunately, today even special sets of them are sold, intended for blessing the newlyweds during the wedding. After the ceremony, the icons are placed next to the loaf, and
    At the end of the wedding, the newlyweds bring them into their home as a talisman.

    Meeting the newlyweds with bread and salt

    Many modern people they don’t know how to greet the groom’s young parents with bread and salt, despite the fact that this ritual is quite ancient. After all, it has its roots back in the days when newlyweds lived in their husband’s house. With bread and salt, the mother-in-law welcomed her daughter-in-law into her house as a new tenant.

    Nowadays, this custom has no practical significance, since most newlyweds live separately from their parents after the wedding, but nevertheless, many people like it, and they have every right to have their son and daughter-in-law meet in just such a way. “We welcome the newlyweds with bread and salt...” are the words said by the groom’s mother at the entrance to the house or any establishment where the wedding will be celebrated.

    It is important not to forget that the bread is placed on the embroidered towel, and the salt is placed on top of the bread. Under no circumstances should the salt shaker be placed next to the bread, as this symbolizes poverty. And, of course, it is necessary to ensure that the salt does not spill, as this promises quarrels in a young family.

    Meeting the newlyweds with a loaf of bread and glasses of wine

    In some localities there is a custom to greet newlyweds with a loaf of bread and glasses filled with champagne. However, until the time comes for this ceremony, few people think about how to greet the groom’s young parents with a loaf of bread and champagne.

    So, for this you need to prepare a silver tray, new glasses, champagne, two wedding towels and a loaf of bread. The groom's mother greets the newlyweds with a loaf of bread, which must lie on the towel. And the father at this time holds a tray with glasses and champagne, symbolizing the sweetness of married life.

    A second towel is laid in front of the parents, which the newlyweds step on as they approach their parents. A towel is laid under the feet of the young so that their path will be as beautiful, festive, bright and clean. The meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf of bread promises them a rich and happy future.

    Sprinkling of the newlyweds by the groom's parents

    After the wedding, meeting and blessing, the mother of the groom can also perform the sprinkling ceremony. Our ancestors used a mixture of young grain (rice, millet, oats), coins and sweets for this purpose. Such “rain” symbolized wealth, prosperity and sweet life.

    Today, it is no less common to see the mother of the groom greeting the newlyweds and showering them with rose petals. They symbolize beauty and eternal love, which, of course, all newlyweds dream of. Even more modern parents used to shower the bride and groom with confetti. This method is no less beautiful, and the same wishes for happiness and goodness are invested in this ritual.

    Whatever method you choose, it is important not to forget about the practical side of this ritual. So, it is worth keeping in mind that if you are showered with grain, sweets and coins, it is better to sprinkle them under your feet, otherwise the joy from this custom may be eclipsed by getting grain in the eyes or ruining the bride’s hairstyle.

    Now you know how young parents greet young people in different localities and families. All that remains is to choose the rituals that are most suitable for you. However, no matter which of them you prefer, the main thing is that they are carried out with all your heart and your children like them. And then the wedding will be fun and unforgettable!

    On the picture: The groom's parents are waiting for the newlyweds in front of bread and salt, wedding in Zelenograd, photographer Grigory Petrov.

    Bread and salt before the ceremony

    Congratulations to the groom's parents begin from the moment such wedding ceremony like bread and salt. This long-standing Russian tradition dates back to pagan times - always in Rus', dear guests are greeted with bread and salt, the most expensive thing on our land. The guests, or in our case the newlyweds, had to break off a piece of bread, salt it and taste it. This tradition is still used at official receptions; beautiful Russian girls in kokoshniks bring bread and salt to foreign guests, showing that we have not forgotten our ancient original traditions.

    Bread and salt used to be presented to a young couple after the wedding, when they approached the groom's house. It was presented by the groom's parents along with a parental blessing, at the end of which the new family was given icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. These icons were the beginning of this family’s home iconostasis. Usually, after the wedding, the bride went to the house of the groom, who either stayed with his parents or had his own house built for him, which depended on the wealth of the groom’s family. She was walking to new house not empty-handed, but with a dowry, which, as a rule, included clothes, bed linen, personal jewelry, and in rich families, money. The dowry began to be collected almost immediately after the birth of the daughter.

    On the picture: Biting off a loaf, old Medsteklo dining room, Klin, wedding in Klin, photographer Tina.

    Nowadays, using the example of weddings in the Moscow region, the bread-and-salt ritual is carried out either at the threshold of the groom’s house, where the newlyweds come specially after the registry office or wedding, or at the threshold of the restaurant where the celebration will be held. According to the rules, the groom’s mother in a dress, after purchasing women’s clothing from an online store, holds a tray with a loaf of bread on a towel, in the center of which is a salt shaker. Dad - icons that he passes on to the young after kissing. The bride's parents, preferably, should also stand nearby and watch everything that happens.

    Breaking off a loaf

    On the picture: A ritual to annoy each other for the last time for bread and salt, a club in a distant village, Klinsky district, photographer Tina.

    The first word, as a rule, goes to the groom's mother, and the father stands modestly with glasses of champagne for the newlyweds nearby and quietly agrees with the mother's words. Of course, if dad is a real man, then he should say parting words and blessings, and mom adds congratulations in verse and says her blessing. Usually there are difficulties - What can I say? We will give several examples of the speech of the father (mother) of the groom for this occasion. The moment is exciting, so you need to speak from the bottom of your heart, you must have a cheat sheet for poetry, and it is better to say words of blessing from yourself, in your own words. But you still need to rehearse your speech before the newlyweds arrive.

      Father - “Our children, we congratulate you - now you are legal husband and wife. We bless you and your mother for a long and happy life, live together and happily. Live in such a way as to thank God for every day you live together, love each other, give birth to our grandchildren as soon as possible, do not forget us - come to visit more often, Advice and Love to you!

      “In the name of the father, son and holy spirit,” with these words he baptizes the newlyweds.

      Father - “Our beloved doves, you have finally become husband and wife. A long and happy road has now opened before you, along which you can walk together until the very end. Congratulations on completing the first important step in your life. And then we expect many more such steps from you! The birth of your first child, his first step, building your own home - all this you have to experience. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this earth. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy"!

    1. Mom - “Our dear (Names of the newlyweds), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and increase it many, many times. Oh, my lovelies. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, elegant, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks.”
    2. Mom - “Dear children! Congratulations on your legal marriage. We wish you happiness, health, and long years of married life. You are welcome to our home - your home. Try our bread and salt, and we’ll see who’s boss in the house.”
    3. Mom - “I’m taking my daughter into the house,

      Paired with my dear son.

      Peace be with you and love is your advice,

      May God protect you from troubles,

      Children will be your reward,

      I’m happy to babysit my grandchildren.

      Happiness for the son is happiness for the mother,

      I will be happy with you."

    4. Father - “I want to congratulate you on your marriage.

      Keep the warmth you have acquired.

      And do your best,

      So as not to waste everything you found.

      Live peacefully, amicably, fairly,

      So that trouble can’t sneak up on you,

      May life be fun and beautiful.

      Don’t part, children, never.”

      In a solemn and bright hour,

      When fanfare and poetry sound,

      Let us congratulate you

      Happy birth of a young family!

      What can I wish you at this hour?

      Of course, joy and happiness,

      May luck not leave you

      Let all bad weather pass by!

      So that you never know

      About grief and sadness,

      So that they don’t forget about love,

      Let there be holidays!

      I would like to briefly congratulate you,

      Wish you many years without separation.

      And direct you to the true path,

      And fasten your hands between you.

      Let happiness be endless,

      I wish you without any doubts,

      So that your love and cordiality

      Preserved until the last days.

    The parents’ speech should not be long, because everyone, both guests and young people, are waiting for the start wedding banquet, but on it parents can afford to say toasts and congratulations to their children as much as they want.

    On the picture: Ritual of annoying each other for the last time, Feeding a salted loaf, photographer Tina.

    After the parents’ words, the newlyweds bow to their parents, and they baptize them with icons and give each of them a kiss. The bride and groom kiss each icon in turn and take them for themselves. In some families, during the blessing of the newlyweds, they place their feet on a towel or kneel on a sheep's coat, which is placed with the fur facing up. This custom came from the Cossacks; a fur coat symbolizes the warmth of the hearth..

    Parents' speech on bread and salt

    A video collection of newlyweds meeting with their parents after a walk, and speeches made at the bread and salt ceremony. website

    Traditionally, the newlyweds break the bread; now it is customary to take a bite and determine who will be the master of the house based on the size of the bitten piece of the loaf. This competition is of a comic nature. Then the bitten or broken pieces are salted, sometimes they ask each person to salt their piece very strongly, and then feed each other with the words - “Salt each other for the last time.”

    Bride biting off a loaf of bread and salt

    On the picture: The bride biting off a loaf of bread at the bread and salt ceremony. Some people really want to become the master of the house!

    Having bitten off a piece of salted loaf, the newlyweds wash it down with champagne (sometimes pure spring water). And a glass is broken over the left shoulder (optional). Why through the left? It is believed that a guardian angel sits on our right shoulder, and a tempting devil sits on our left shoulder, so the empty flying glass is destined for him. And from the fragments, it was believed that it was possible to determine how many and what kind of children there would be in the newlyweds’ family - large fragments were boys, and small fragments were girls. After counting the fragments, the young people were first invited to the house or to a restaurant. The groom carried the bride into the house in his arms, or carried him at least over the threshold. The newlyweds are followed by their parents and all other guests.

    In conclusion, I would like to advise parents to prepare a little for this important moment in advance, and for newlyweds to show them this article so that they can decide for themselves which scenario to choose and it will be easier for them to prepare a short but sincere speech that gets to the heart.

    Extracurricular activity scenario"Rus' welcomes guests"

    Decor: the scene is decorated in the style of a Russian hut (Icon, table with bread on a towel, samovar, candles. oven benches, stools, felt boots, chest, icon, cutters, etc.).

    Purpose of the event : propaganda healthy image life through the study of traditions, customs, and peculiarities of the way of life of the Russian people.


    Conduct an overview of Russian holidays, remind guests of the basic customs of the Slavs

    Introduce musical Rus', the genre of Russian folk song

    Develop interest in the past of our ancestors, traditions, language, life and recreation

    To cultivate love and caring attitude, respect for the folk culture of Rus'

    Characters: presenter and presenter. (Dasha and Dima)

    Progress of the evening.

    Part 1. Rus' welcomes guests.

    Presenter (with bread and salt) Hello, dear guests, invited and welcome guests. We are glad to see you all at our holiday. A noble treat awaits you here and a pleasant pastime. And according to the old Russian custom, we greet dear guests with bread and salt:

    If we want someone

    Greet generously from the heart,

    We meet him on the porch

    With a white fluffy loaf.

    It's on a painted platter

    With a snow-white towel!

    We also bring salt,

    As we worship, we ask you to taste:

    Our dear guest and friend,

    Take the bread from my hands

    Presenter. You are welcome to visit us.

    Guests are seated at tables.

    Presenter: We are glad to see you at our evening in Russian style.

    Today"Rus' welcomes guests."

    Presenter: The Russian house has always been famous for its hospitality. It is difficult to find an analogue of this word in other languages.

    Leading : This word is hospitality. Many rituals and beliefs, proverbs and sayings, legends and fairy tales are associated with it. Bread and salt accompanied all joyful events: the meeting of famous people, young people on their wedding day.

    Presenter: The housewife's homeliness was determined by her ability to bake bread. “No matter how you come, they always have a table and a tablecloth,” they said about hospitable hosts in Rus'.

    Leading: Do any of the distinguished guests know what our ancestors called the table? (audience responses). Previously, the table was called “God’s palm” (gives us a gift) or “mother’s heart” (takes care of everyone, tries to feed and drink)

    Presenter: Did you know that you cannot hit the table with a spoon or hand, put your elbows on the table, dangle your legs, or scold the food that the hostess serves on the table? Even a tasteless dish, if praised, will become tastier.

    Leading : It was impossible to throw away half-eaten pieces - they would dry out and “dry” (take away strength from the one who did not finish the bread). Therefore, they said that the person with the last piece left his strength.

    Part 1. Hospitable Rus'.

    Presenter: As the people say, “a hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.” Russian cuisine was very diverse - everything depended on what the occasion was and what was being celebrated. The traditions of Russian cuisine are closely intertwined with numerous holidays, some of which, unfortunately, have been forgotten.

    leading. ( fits the Russian stove)

    We began to forget that the most important thing in the house is the stove. The frost will crackle, the wind will howl in the chimney, and the stove will be warm and cozy. Did you know that the Russian stove has existed for about four thousand years? The reason for its durability is its versatility. The Russian stove heats the home, food is prepared in it, bread is baked, beer and kvass are brewed, food and clothes are dried in it, they even washed in it!

    presenter . A Russian stove also includes dishes of a special shape: pots and cast iron. Food cooked in a Russian oven has a special taste and aroma. The Russian oven determined the methods of cooking geese, ducks, chickens, piglets; they were fried in carcasses. The hams were baked whole.

    leading . And what treats the oven gives us! The porridge, cabbage soup, and pies are the most rosy! So today we have gathered to eat pies, listen to old songs, and show off our skills.

    Leading : They used to say: “Like the guest, such is his treat.” What treat is the riddle talking about?

    Black, small baby

    They'll collect a little

    Cook in water

    The guys will eat

    That's right, this porridge is our mother. By the way, porridge was the name given not only to boiled cereals, but also to everything that was cooked from crushed products. There were bread porridges, carrot porridges, and pea porridges. Porridge was cooked to achieve a peace treaty.Hence the sayings

    Presenter. What proverbs do you know with the word porridge? (children answer proverbs)

    “You can’t make porridge with him” or “he and I are the same porridge.” The word “classmates” refers to students of the same school who in ancient times ate porridge from the same cast iron during lunch.

    Competition, guess which pot contains which porridge?

    3 people from the class are invited, they are blindfolded and given a taste of porridge, and they must name the porridge.

    Part 2. Musical Rus'

    Presenter : Mother Rus' is rich in its traditions. She is also rich in her songs and musical instruments.


    Presenter: What Russian folk instruments do you know?

    The guys answer.


    Harmonic (or harmonica) is a native Russian musical instrument. For centuries there was no holiday in Rus' without singing and dancing to the accordion, and in the countryside even now not a single joyful event is complete without it

    Balalaika - Russian folk three-string plucked musical instrument

    This is one of the instruments that have become the musical symbol of the Russian people. She was also called “balabaika”, which means babbling, chatting, empty calls.

    Playing the balalaika.

    Leading :


    The girls came with pies!

    They will sing and dance,

    To amuse everyone around.

    Girls enter with pies and pancakes in their hands.

    One of the girls: invites the guys to stand in a circle each (the class forms its own circle)

    Let's sing songs

    Standing on the porch.

    We will""Dance the lady"

    With an exit from the stove.

    The lady's melody sounds and all the girls are invited to learn the dance moves.

    The music turns on and the dancing begins.

    Part 3. Proverbs.


    There was one thing in a peasant house where the owners put everything that was not intended for public viewing. The most expensive things were kept there. Of course, this is...a chest.

    Leading: The chests contained a dowry for the girl - the future bride. Homespun towels, embroidered tablecloths, shirts and sundresses were also stored there. Oh, how I would like to take at least one look into my grandmother’s chest!!

    Presenter: Nothing is impossible. And here is the chest. What secrets does he keep within himself? Let us, dear guests, take a look into the past of Russian life. But you will help us open the chest. Guess the riddle.

      That's how big she is - very big. They decided to pull her out, six of them dragged one.

    But she sat down firmly. What is this? (Turnip)

      I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless. (spoon)

      What is the name of the vessel in which porridge is cooked in the stove? (cast iron)

      The bull is horned, clutched in his hands. He has enough food, but he himself is starving. (grab)

    Presenter: The chest has opened!!! He takes things out of the chest and shows them to the children.

    Part of the Game.

    Leading : Well done. All this, undoubtedly, constitutes human cultural values. But how can we do without native Russian games?

    Presenter: Along with the formation of the Russian people came various games and sports competitions.

    Leading: And now we invite you to take part in such games yourself and determine the winner.

    Sports competitions begin. Brook, tug of war.


    Closed in our memory for centuries

    And dates, and events and persons.

    And memory, like a well, is deep,

    Try to look - for sure

    The face – and even then – will be reflected unclearly.

    See what's true and what's false

    Only an impartial court can:

    Be careful with the past, be careful -

    Don't break the clay vessel. (V. Vysotsky)

    Mistress. Thank you, kind people, for the honor and attention, for good advice And

    kind answer! We sat and visited, it’s time to go home. It’s time for you and me, dear guys and distinguished guests, to say goodbye. And finally, I would like to say: since ancient times, Russian people were famous good health and strong spirit. Our ancestors left us a rich legacy - these are the traditions and customs that we know about, but are too lazy to apply. But it’s so simple: eat healthy food, play sports and physical labor, enjoy every day, bring joy to people. Think about it. And we wish everyone that in your healthy body there is a healthy mind

    And as is customary in Rus', guests are seen off and presented with gifts. Please accept our dear guests with modest gifts from us (they give pies).

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