• Female character depending on breast shape. Don't judge by actions - judge by breasts: a woman's character depends on the shape of her bust

    by Notes of the Wild Mistress

    One of the most significant advantages of the fair half of humanity, attracting the attention of representatives of the opposite sex at all times, is the female breast. Not only can it become a subject of admiration, but it can also tell a lot about its owner. Scientists were even able to identify the relationship between shape female breast and female character traits. All this knowledge fits into a separate science called sternomancy.

    Let's figure out how exactly the shape of the breast affects a woman's character.

    Types of breasts and character

    Today, there are twenty-one types of female breasts, each of which has its own characteristics that influence character traits and a woman’s attitude towards life, family, love and sex. Let's look at the most common of them.

    Fox nose

    The owner of such breasts has a well-developed logical thinking and Nordic character traits. She is very responsible and serious, however, laziness often does not allow her to achieve her goals. As for relationships, women with such breasts are very faithful and devoted companions.


    Women with breasts of this shape are most often sensitive people who prefer dreams to the real world. Their rhythm of life is usually measured and calm. Dreamers prefer to communicate with friendly people who share their interests. Such women are very attached to family and close people.


    Breasts of this shape are characteristic of independent and independent women, distinguished by determination and purposefulness. They rarely surround themselves noisy companies, preferring to be alone with his own thoughts. Such women are freedom-loving, and are reluctant to burden themselves with marriage, despite the fact that they love to flirt with men.


    If a woman’s breasts are shaped like an orange, then its owner can be classified as a temperamental and purposeful person. Such women are not interested in the physical side of love, however, they try to give their partner a lot of pleasure. They are reliable, practical, hardworking and loving in nature.


    Owners of such breasts are rarely temperamental and often frigid. At the same time, a woman with apple-shaped breasts is ready to do anything for her man, distinguished by her constancy and reluctance to change partners. She is an excellent housewife and homemaker.


    The “watermelon” species includes breasts that are very big size. Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, big breasts does not always become a guarantee of self-confidence and liberation. This category of women loves to feel like the life of the party and always be the center of attention. They are self-reliant, persistent and independent. In the family, they most often act as a leader.


    Women with this breast shape are distinguished by their prudence and endurance; they do not stop in the face of difficulties, eliminating any problem that arises on the way to their goal. At the same time, these women are very vindictive and touchy, so you should be careful when communicating with them.


    Owners of such breasts are sensitive and vulnerable people, prone to depression. They always strive to satisfy, first of all, their own interests, and do not think about the needs of the people around them. IN intimate relationships they always lead and take initiative.

    Spaniel ears

    Despite the funny name, a very large percentage of the fair sex has this breast shape. If you are one of them, do not rush to get upset, because women with such breasts are the most liberated and temperamental. At the same time, they are not characterized by constancy, which is why these women often change partners.

    Ekaterina Makhnonosova

    How to determine a woman's character by the shape of her breasts. This question interests both men and women. There is a whole science for this - sternomancy, predicting a woman's fate by breast shape. It was invented by the inventive Spaniards back in the 18th century. They were the first to draw attention to the relationship between the character and shape of the breast of its owner. As it turns out, you can learn a lot about women from the shape of their breasts. Sexologists believe that a woman’s character is determined even more by her breasts than by her zodiac signs. Having studied the shape of the breast, they identified 21 categories and determined, for each category, character traits, its relationship to love, family, and sex.

    Reading a woman's character from her nipple

    Women with small and inverted nipples cannot show anything interesting in sex, they are secretive natures, but they will fulfill any wish of a man. He can safely express his wishes to her and demand the fulfillment of his fantasies. However, we must remember that it is women who are the whirlpool, and there, they say, there are devils.
    Owners of a high, erect nipple are generally dominant in nature. They love the cowgirl position and cunnilingus, they are power-hungry but, strangely enough, very generous.
    Pale pink parapapillary circles indicate spiritual beauty, gentleness, romanticism, and kindness.
    Dark pink, dark brown circles indicate passion and love of adventure.

    How to determine a woman's character by the shape of her breasts

    How is a woman's character related to the shape of her breasts? Breast shape changes throughout life depending on many factors. One of the main factors is heredity.

    Forms No. 1 - cranberries

    Since the breast is sensitive and natures are also sensitive and intuitive, they live more in their dreams than in real world. Their reason is relegated to the background. For such breasts, push-up bras are purchased to lift the breasts and give them volume. A woman loves a calm, slow, rhythm of life. They are attached to the family and seek the company of friendly people.

    Form No. 2 - fox nose

    The fox nose breast shape – the name speaks for itself. Feminine nature, loving to win the attention of men. Complements flutter in the air.
    Such breasts are no larger than size 3, and a push-up bra would also suit her. Women with this breast shape faithful wives and creative in bed.

    Forms No. 3 - bottles

    Women with this breast shape are confident. Ideal housewives, they love order in everything, bring any task to the end and, of course, on time. They have their own opinions and do not follow the lead of others. For those with such breasts, it is best to wear a bra that does not have foam inserts. It perfectly supports the breasts.

    Shapes No. 4 - pear

    Women with such breasts are independent. These are cat women who walk on their own! These are funny laughs. They are open in friendship, in love, but very freedom-loving. You shouldn't expect loyalty from her - she likes to flirt with other men and doesn't see anything wrong with it.
    This breast shape allows you to wear several types of bras. For example: a lace bodice or with a very soft cup.

    Forms No. 5 - hooks

    Such women can hook any man! This lady will only let a man go at will
    Prudence and intelligence are what they have in abundance. They definitely get their way. For such breasts, a bra with a soft, comfortable cup is ideal.

    Forms No. 6 - watermelons

    Women with this breast shape strive to be the center of attention. Therefore, if you are trying to win such a woman, give her maximum attention. Women with cucumber breast shapes are very fond of worship and admiration, they strive to command, money is of no small importance to them. Such women will not take risks over trifles; they approach everything carefully and thoughtfully. Owners of curvaceous figures are persistent, purposeful, self-confident, and always achieve their goals in life.
    For such a breast, several can be suitable different options bras.

    Forms No. 7 - saucers

    Women who have a “saucer” breast shape are extremely resilient and cannot be broken by any difficulties. It is better for them not to cross the road; such women are dangerous competitors. They do not forgive insults, are very vindictive, and most often they are tireless workaholics. Hardy, persistent, nature, despite the difficulties, goes ahead.
    And she doesn’t like those who cross her path. Everyone defends their interests.

    Forms No. 8 - potatoes

    Having such forms, women are multi-loving women who are not afraid to have an affair with several partners at the same time. At the same time, they will hold on to each of them until the last. Women of this type require care and attention. The main thing for them is to always be loved.

    Forms No. 9 - cucumbers

    Women with a cucumber breast shape are optimistic, pleasant in company, love life and bring rainbow colors to it. Full of strength, desires, emotions. They are always the head of the family. For henpecked men, this is an ideal option!

    Forms No. 10 - peaches

    Owners of this breast shape are selfish and require a lot of attention. But these women, like no one else, are able to make an everyday day a holiday. A boring life is not for them. Small breasts are known to be the most sensitive. Ladies with such breasts are proactive in relationships. Sometimes they allow themselves little weaknesses and pranks.

    Forms No. 11 - apples

    Having such forms, women feel confident. But in a relationship, to their detriment, they will give pleasure better to the man they love.

    Forms No. 12 - handbags

    If you decide to please this woman, then don’t waste your time. Don't try to attract a lady with gifts, beautiful bouquets, the maximum you will get in return is a cold thank you or a dismissive look. Women choose their men themselves, but if this lady likes you, she will open up to you 100%.
    Experimenter in sex life, dominant. Sometimes she is aggressive and jealous. But she can’t stand these qualities in men.

    Forms No. 13 - grapefruits

    These women are subtle, sweet, loving creatures who strive for perfection. The main problem is the lack of a sense of proportion. Constantly monitors and analyzes himself - wasting time and missing out on great chances. Where personal initiative is needed, independent decisions, such a woman is irreplaceable. She will not allow any disturbances either in the house or at work.

    Form No. 14 - bee stings

    Almost no breasts in self-confident, successful ladies. Among them there are many avid careerists who are ready to do anything on the way to their intended goal. They are calm and balanced, but easily become angry and irritated. They rarely change partners and are relatively faithful.

    Forms No. 15

    The “saucer” breast shape of women is extremely resilient; no difficulties can stop them. Ladies in this category once again exaggerate and invent additional problems, but are ready to do anything to complete the task. Don’t force yourself on such a lady, as she is capricious in her choice and not criminal. She prefers to choose her own partner. Having decided on a partner, she is monogamous. When communicating with such a lady, have a lot of patience.

    Forms No. 16 - teapots

    Teapots are a breast shape in which the nipples are curved upward. Such ladies have a sharp mind and are careful and efficient.
    She can easily adapt and understand any man.

    Forms No. 17 - oranges

    Women with orange breast shape are very temperamental and good in bed. Age is not a hindrance for them; sexual fire burns until old age. They are subtle, practical, loving in nature.

    Forms No. 18 -"Spaniel Ears"

    For ladies of such shapes, the light always burns. The manifestation of initiative and adventure characterizes their image and character.

    Forms No. 19 - oars

    This breast shape is also called “goat”. The owners are loving and virtuoso; they change men like gloves. Uninhibited and temperamental. For them, there are no taboo topics in sex. These ladies are capable of changing lovers one after another, every day. They make excellent prostitutes, as well as great actresses.

    Forms No. 20 -XXL

    Breasts having large forms often causes discomfort to its owners. It is very difficult to choose a bra for such breast shapes. Although women with such shapes are sweet, kind, and romantic.

    How to determine a woman's character. Bust size

    Now let's talk about the relationship between breast shape and size. Of course, to do this you need to choose what fruit your breasts resemble.

    mandarin Zero size
    apple First size
    orange Second size
    coconut Third size
    grapefruit Fourth size
    a pineapple Fifth size
    melon Sixth size

    What are the shapes and types of breasts? Every woman is an individual. The proportions of her body, the shape of her eyes and the color of her skin are unique in their own way and, as a whole, make up a certain image. The same can be said about the appearance of the breasts. From the very beginning of human history, women's breasts have been glorified by artists and poets; they are a significant part of the amazing phenomenon called “female charms.”

    Our time is characterized by the fact that there is a fashion for women's breasts. Representatives of the fairer sex are increasingly going under the knife of plastic surgeons, increasing their size and changing their shape. mammary glands. The canons of beauty deny individuality, naturalness and natural proportions. A round, beautiful breast shape with nipples pointing forward is considered ideal. Indeed, it is easiest to pick up underwear and a swimsuit. However, women must understand that there is no single standard beautiful bust, there is only an opinion imposed by the fashion industry.

    The individual shape of the breast can become the highlight that will give its owner a unique charm and arouse interest among representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

    There is a morphological classification by which such parameters of the mammary glands are assessed as:

    • breast shape in women
    • distance between mammary glands
    • symmetry
    • direction and size of nipples

    In accordance with this classification, the types of female breasts are divided into 7 forms. Depending on this, experts give the following recommendations for choosing underwear:

    1. Round correct form breasts Owners of such mammary glands can afford any type of bra and can even do without it.
    2. IN different sides. At the base, such mammary glands are located close to each other, and diverge downward. Women are advised to choose underwear that will slightly bring the mammary glands closer to each other.
    3. Wide chest. If there is a distance between the mammary glands wider than two fingers, then they are considered spaced (approximately 5 cm). In rare cases, they are not only widely spaced, but also diverge in different directions under the base. A bra is best for correcting your shape. triangular shape with front clasp.
    4. Drop-shaped conical breast shape. The base of the mammary gland is slightly narrower than the nipple area, but the breast is not full. Owners of this shape also do not have to worry about choosing a bra - they will be decorated with any suitable size.
    5. A type of narrow chest. With this form, the mammary gland has a narrow base and a fairly full zone below. Experts recommend choosing a corrective bra with a wide base, which will slightly lift the mammary gland.
    6. Asymmetrical (irregular) breast type. Ideal symmetry in nature, as a rule, does not exist. Visually, this can be corrected by removing the lining from one bra cup. We are talking about asymmetry within the same size if different shapes female breasts are 2 or more sizes in size, then surgical correction is recommended.
    7. The spherical shape and size of the female breast. The base of the mammary gland and its bottom have the same shape. It is fuller than round and always appears symmetrical. Most models are sewn to this shape.

    As for the direction of the nipples, the ideal cases are when they are directed in one direction and surrounded by a small areola. Over the years, muscles lose their tone and tissues lose their elasticity, as a result, in women after 40 years of age, the nipples droop down.

    Selection of underwear

    Any shape of a woman's breast is beautiful and has a right to exist.
    Only very rare cases of asymmetry are subject to correction, as well as a large, heavy spherical mammary gland, which changes the position of the spinal bones and causes painful conditions.

    As for the combination of breast shape and size, there are certain recommendations for choosing a bra:

    1. If a woman is a full size 4 - 5, and her mammary glands are tightly pressed together, then bras with a bridge that is not tightly connected to the bones cause discomfort. The best bras for such a woman are those in which the underwires only reach the middle and do not completely cover the gland. Linens with stitching in cups and plange type are also ideal.
    2. For slightly flattened breasts of size 3 - 4, when the lower part is lowered, it is recommended to select bodices with cups sewn from several parts with a central seam in the lower part. This will provide the necessary lift.
    3. With a large and soft mammary gland of size 4 - 5 with vessels protruding from under the skin and heavy downwards, it is quite difficult to choose the right bra. Such women should opt for cups made from several parts and the presence of side inserts in the product. They will provide the mammary gland with a rounded shape and elevation.

    Breast shape and sexual character

    What does the shape depend on? Many representatives of the stronger sex believe that there is a direct relationship between the shape and size of the breasts and a woman’s sexuality. In this classification, types of female breasts are compared to fragrant and tasty fruits. It probably also has a right to exist:

    1. Mammary glands are melons. The owners have rather large, slightly spaced and heavy breasts of size 4. It is believed that they especially appreciate sexual caresses and know how to give pleasure to their partner.
    2. Mammary glands are lemons. Beautiful cone-shaped breasts of size 2 - 3, usually high with nipples pointing in different directions. A girl of this size puts everything in order and on a schedule. However, when loving man able to forget about it and completely relax.
    3. Mammary glands - pineapples. Equally wide at the base and bottom, size 5, which, however, does not sag. Since it is quite rare, it is considered exotic. Men in their fantasies imagine such women as sexually liberated, not afraid of bold experiments. In fact, they belong to romantic and vulnerable natures.
    4. The mammary glands are cherries. This is what they call small, firm girlish breasts. The nipples of the mammary gland point upward. This hints at a calm and reasonable character and the same moderate sexual activity.
    5. The mammary glands are like oranges. Small spherical 2 - 3 sizes. They are complete and have beautiful shape. Their owners are chatterboxes who know how to organize a different life in any conditions. The main thing for them is that their loved one has Tasty dinner and clean shirts. However, a skillful and loving partner can liberate her in bed.
    6. Pear-shaped type. In shape, they have a narrow base and a full-bodied lower part. Such cone-shaped breasts most often have a volume of 3 - 4 sizes. Women with such mammary glands are passionate, but not flighty. They are ready to reveal their potential only with mutual love.

    Type of breast and features of nature

    What types of female breasts are there? Another classification is based on the dependence of a woman’s nature on the shape of the mammary gland, nipple and areola color. Can you believe this? Every woman has the right to decide this for herself.

    1. A small cone-shaped 0 - 1 size with a wide areola and protruding nipples belongs to idealists who are prone to daydreaming and have a rich inner world.
    2. A small and very elastic mammary gland with a moderate areola and equally elastic nipples is typical for naive and trusting individuals, in whom childhood plays for the rest of their lives. They are deceived quite often and are very worried about it. Vulnerability is combined in them with frivolity and self-doubt.
    3. Firm, widely spaced small breasts dark color with a wide and well-defined areola and protruding nipples belongs to hot beauties, passionate natures with very feminine features. They are not only seductive and desirable, but also good housewives, loving and attentive mothers.
    4. A small mammary gland extended forward with raised nipples with a dark areola hints that its owner knows how to quickly get close and find mutual language with people. She is valued for her intelligence and sense of humor.
    5. Beautiful round breast size 3, elastic and toned with a moderate areola and a small nipple - the gold standard of the canons of beauty. Their owners are career women in in a good way words that are just as successful in the family.
    6. Large breasts, soft to the touch, beautifully shaped, with a small, well-defined areola and nipple belong to women who know how to express their beauty, who are sweet and charming, who value permanent relationships and family.
    7. Large dark mammary glands with nipples sticking out in different directions and a small areola characterize the owner as a cunning and calculating person who knows how to lie and seduce. Although, maybe these are just signs of a mysterious life that a woman does not want to reveal to the world.
    8. A large mammary gland, which is slightly blurred and has lost its shape, but has a beautiful outline with wide and non-protruding nipples, most often occurs in good mothers and wives who selflessly devote themselves to their family.

    The world is beautiful in its diversity. It is necessary to appreciate and correctly present what is given at birth.

    Acquaintance, date, sex - you see your partner completely naked, you can fully appreciate the breasts, and with it, what kind of life partner its owner can turn out to be. Exciting forms have been driving men crazy since time immemorial, igniting a fire in their hearts and clouding their minds, forcing them to unquestioningly worship beauty. Some scientists, instead of just enjoying, try to analyze and systematize various shapes female breasts, trying to deduce some patterns from them... In real life Men's tastes regarding breast shapes vary amazingly, so any breast for someone will become the most desirable and attractive. Another thing is whether the woman herself is satisfied with what she has at this moment in her life.

    Sexologists believe that breasts determine a woman’s character even more than her zodiac sign. They divided the shape of women's breasts into two dozen categories and for each of them they determined the woman's character traits, her attitude to sex, love and family. The most accurate way to determine a woman’s character is through her breasts if the latter is natural, although “improved” breasts change a woman not only externally - if she is satisfied with the result of the operation, then her self-esteem rises, she becomes self-confident - hence changes in character and behavior. To confirm this, read interviews with girls who have had their breasts enlarged. Also, the shape of the breast often changes after the birth and feeding of a child, although motherhood also leaves its mark on a woman’s character. Therefore, I suggest that you and I take a hypothetical nulliparous young woman and try to determine her character by the shape and size of her breasts.

    Fox nose. The “owner” of such breasts has Nordic character traits and a sharp logical mind. Women with similar breasts are very responsible and efficient, quite often they are middle managers, they strive for heights in business, but practically do not achieve them, because these women are overcome by such a condition as laziness in showing their own initiative. The main feature of the “Little Fox” is loyalty and the ability to adapt to the desired man, so marriage with such a woman is very successful. And in intimate terms, she shows ingenuity, insatiability and relaxedness.

    apples. Alas, among owners of such breasts there is a relatively large percentage of frigidity. And, accordingly, in order to bring such a girl to orgasm, you need to try very, very hard. At the same time, she herself is ready to do anything to give her man unforgettable and true pleasure. The main feature of the “Apples” is constancy and reluctance to change their partners, which is why they are watched early marriages, these women often go through their entire lives with their first love. They make excellent wives and housewives who live by the principle: my home is my castle.

    Grushenki. Pear-shaped breasts indicate, first of all, that its owner is a strong and independent person who has her own will to achieve her goals. But at the same time, such women are often observed to act senselessly. The main features of "Grushenka" are scandalousness in the case and the ability to lead men by the nose. In marriage, women give men enchanting sex and are even capable of perversion.

    Eggplants. The breast, resembling an eggplant in shape, received the appropriate name. The owner of such breasts is sweet, pleasant to talk to, and cheerful. She is always the master of her life, and any man next to her will be henpecked. In my opinion, there is no point in telling further - men do not like to be under the thumb.

    Lemons. Women with a breast shape similar to a large lemon are cheerful in Everyday life, they walk along it with their established way of life. They are actresses by nature, as they always adapt to circumstances and play their role to the end. Women with lemon-shaped breasts are sincere and devoted. Nice game for men.

    Melons. Such women love to feel like the life of the party. In general, they strive for power and almost always achieve it. And money for them acts as a means to achieve their goals. The main motto: I can do everything myself and will achieve everything, even where other ladies gave up before me. In marriage they are leaders. They believe that they themselves must conquer or win back men. If you are scared strong women, this option is not for you.

    Oranges. Orange-shaped breasts, alas, indicate that its owner is practically not interested in the physical side of love. The main feature of such a girl is temperament and determination. In an intimate sense, they are liberated and always give their partner a lot of pleasure, relying solely on a feeling of love and devotion. They always prove themselves to be reliable partners in all areas of life.

    Saucers. Owners of such breasts are very resilient and prudent in life. They will not stop at any difficulties, always and everywhere they find the cause of any problem and immediately eliminate it. The main motto: movement is life. Among the character traits, it is necessary to note touchiness and vindictiveness. That is why she is a dangerous competitor, it is better not to cross her path, not to offend or anger her - in otherwise it will be more expensive for itself.

    Pancakes. Women with such breasts are always sexually insatiable. They always have little and little. For them, life consists only of sexual pleasures. In life they do not know the concept of shame. Of the character traits, the most pronounced are aggressiveness and jealousy. But they will not tolerate this with their partners. These girls make excellent porn actresses.

    Bottles. The owner of such breasts is always confident in herself. She likes to do everything herself, without relying on anyone. Life motto: I will do everything myself better than anyone else. All her feelings are always controlled only by her mind. The main character traits are determination and order in everything. They are quite reserved in sex. Very good life partners.

    Teapots. Those with breasts shaped like teapots (when the nipples point up) are unstable in relationships and can date several men at the same time. They need to possess several men, but do not want to lose each of them, they fight hard for them. A rare example of polygamy among women. Men who are not interested in them sexually are treated carelessly and only tease them.

    Grapefruits. Women endowed with the nature of such a breast shape would, by all indications, have a pronounced sexuality. But no - they are shy, attached to one man and to the hearth. In sex they prefer tenderness and caresses. And the main character trait is practicality in everything. Particularly noteworthy is self-control and self-critical analysis - the “woman with grapefruits” always controls and evaluates herself and her actions, but often does not know a sense of proportion. As a wife, such a woman will be loving and gentle, with constant order in the house and ready dinner for her husband's arrival.

    Potatoes. Owners of such breasts always strive to possess one man, the only one for them. At the same time, they feel ideal only when they are in demand for the opposite sex, when they are loved, and loved for a long time. This is the most important thing for them. As a wife, such a woman is the most ideal option. Their originality will not let their chosen one get bored, and their devotion will not make them jealous and worry about their family.

    Klyukovki. Women with such small breasts are very cheerful. At the same time, they have a sensitive nature and live in “their own” world - more fictional than real. They prefer a slow, calm and familiar rhythm of life. Natures very attached to their home and family. They make great partners for any occasion. But they are interested in sex only in moderation; they like a measured pace of movements.

    Hooks. Owners of this breast shape are very smart and prudent in all aspects of life. If you have already fallen into her hands, then you will not get off the hook until she herself wants it. Life motto: I don’t need someone else’s, but I’ll take what’s mine, no matter what the cost. IN intimate life very fickle - it depends on mood and circumstances.

    Peaches. Women with similar breasts are very sensitive natures. They always strive to satisfy, first of all, themselves in their needs, therefore they almost always see their partner as a tool for realizing their sexual desires. In intimate terms, she is easily excited, is always a leader, and likes to take the initiative herself. Therefore, you won’t find a better sex partner, but in family life It won't be easy with such a woman.

    Handbags. Women with such breasts are very purposeful, they always choose a partner for themselves, and only with him they fully “reveal” themselves and show the full strength of their feelings. With other men they are cold and unapproachable. The main character trait is capriciousness and demandingness. Communication with such a woman requires patience and endurance.

    Bee stings. These are women who do not like to change their habits. The main character trait is perseverance and calmness. Cheating on her man is impossible on her part. She attracts money to herself like a magnet. Such a woman’s favorite pastime is housekeeping and receiving welcome guests. She loves the attention of others, is always the life of the party, and loves fun. Perfect family wife. As for sex, depending on your luck.

    Spaniel ears. The name brings a smile to the lips of many, and a sigh of sympathy for some. But! It is these women who are the most liberated and temperamental in sex. They are characterized by inconstancy, they can change partners one after another, even in one day, and the men they abandoned will “dry” and yearn for them. Such women make the most virtuoso prostitutes. And the older the woman, the more violent she is in bed.

    Bombs. Women with very large breasts - it would seem that they should also be sex bombs, but this is not always the case. Yes, they love to make love. But don't confuse love and sex. They open up only with one and only man, and are constant in their choice. The main trait of their character is romance. Throughout life they are looking for their “prince on a white horse”, and until they find him, they can change men like gloves.

    It is also worth noting that the nipple itself can tell a lot about its owner. Thus, an erect nipple speaks of a generous nature and desire for power. And drawn-in and small speaks of secrecy and modesty. Pinkish-light areolas around the nipples signify warmth and softness. And the dark ones are passion and firmness

    Types of female breasts have been studied by dozens of scientists from different countries. It is believed that according to appearance breasts can even tell a woman's character! There is even an entire classification dedicated to defining a woman’s nature based on the shape of her mammary glands. How true is this? - judge for yourself.


    View of the female breast "Teapots". Such a woman is extremely loving, sometimes to the point of altruism. She is capable of experiencing sincere feelings for several partners at the same time and never agrees to part with any of them. But those who are not her type are much less fortunate: as a rule, they are doomed to eternal flirtation on her part, but no more.


    "Bottle" view of a woman's breast. Cold calculation is about her. For this woman, everything is always on the shelves; the main thing in her life is a logically constructed chain of actions. A workaholic, she will never allow anyone else to do her job, because she is convinced that she has no equal in her work.

    View of a woman's breast "Spaniel ears". At first glance, the name of this type of breast is repulsive, and even makes some people sad. However, the owners of such breasts are real adventurers, ready for any experiments. And it doesn’t matter how old she is or what’s planned for tomorrow - such a woman will support any initiative.

    View of a woman's breast "Grapefruits". This is a subtle nature that sincerely believes that there is no limit to perfection. Hence its main troubles: a critical look at the world and including yourself, often becomes a brake on the path to beauty. It is very practical at home, as well as at work. Absolutely nothing escapes her critical gaze - even on the love bed.

    And if it is impossible to change the temperament of the owner of one or another type of breast, then, thanks to medicine, it is easy to correct the shape of the breast:

    • The most famous type of surgical intervention for changing the shape of the breast is breast endoprosthetics - increasing the size of the breast by installing a silicone implant.
    • Some women suffer from oversized breasts. Modern surgery also allows breast reduction using reduction mammoplasty.
    • Breast lipofilling also deserves attention - fat transplantation into the breast area, due to which its size noticeably increases.
    • One of the most popular types of mammoplasty is breast lift surgery. This is especially true for those whose breasts have lost their shape after breastfeeding or due to age.

    Remaining beautiful under any circumstances is the dream of every woman. And, regardless of her character and outlook on life, becoming worthy of admiring glances and always the most desirable is easy, you just have to want it.

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