• It is better to steam your face before cleansing. Preparatory procedures before steaming the face. What's next


    For many cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to ensure that the pores are enlarged so that it is possible to clean out accumulated dust and secretions from them. To do this, you can either steam your face at home using baths or resort to special masks.

    When can you steam your skin?

    Many cosmetologists and dermatologists unanimously claim that steaming the face before various cleansings and as a preventive measures for acne it is simply necessary. But few girls know that there are contraindications this procedure. The most common is dry or sensitive skin. Steam has the property of dehydrating due to the fact that it heats the cells to a state in which moisture evaporates from them.

    The next thing is inflammatory processes on the epidermis. If they are caused by infections or viruses, then a sharp zonal increase in temperature can contribute to their rapid spread. This raises the question: is it possible to steam your face if you have acne? If the pimples are in the formative stage (painful, inflamed), then no. This may make the situation worse. But if they have already matured (a white head has appeared, or they have formed under the skin and stopped hurting), then yes, in otherwise, they cannot be completely removed.

    Indications for facial steaming:

    1. Allergy to various scrubs and peels. Steaming your face promotes gentle cleansing, which dead cells peel off without any mechanical impact;
    2. Preparing for mechanical cleaning. Even if you just need to squeeze out a pimple, warming it up beforehand can make this process much easier. Once the pores open, all the dirt will come out even if you apply minimal effort;
    3. Presence of acne, blackheads, enlarged pores. Regular steaming (no more than once a week) will help you forget about uneven complexion and greasy pores. In addition, this is one of the most common folk methods for getting rid of acne;
    4. Preparatory process for harsh peelings, masks, and other cosmetic procedures. If the pores are open, then it is much easier to clean them with scrubs and peels - you can remove all impurities from the skin without cleaning.
    Photo – Steaming the face

    Sometimes steaming is used before shaving or waxing. This approach provides better efficiency procedure and reduces pain during the process.

    Home methods

    How to properly steam your facial skin at home? you need to get a special device - a steamer. Of course, it can be replaced with a saucepan or bowl, but then the session will not be as convenient.

    There are many recipes with herbs and essential oils. You can choose a decoction or ether for any problem and skin type.

    For problematic and fat face a recipe with chamomile would work: it will help not only steam, but also remove local inflammation. For a liter of water, take 1 glass of dried flowers or half of fresh ones. The herb is poured with boiling water (not cooked), and infused for several minutes. Further extraction process useful substances will occur during the procedure. If you don’t have a steam sauna, then simply tilt your head over the container and cover yourself with a towel. You need to sit like this for at least 10 minutes.

    After, when the pores have opened, you can walk over them with a hard towel - this, by the way, is the oldest method of skin cleansing, or cleanse with streptocide. You need to act quickly - because they immediately begin to narrow. At the same time, remember that each cleaned hole will remain slightly enlarged, and in the future, it may re-fill with dirt or grease. To avoid this, immediately after finishing cleaning, wipe the skin with a piece of ice.

    Photo – Steaming your face with a towel

    Great for acne, problematic pimples and other blemishes. steaming with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. It is more difficult to breathe over such steam than over herbal steam, but reviews claim that this option is more effective. The fact is that oils contain concentrated substances that promote natural cleansing and removal of toxins. For a liter of boiling water you need to take 5 grams of the selected oil.

    There are also options without using steam. It's very easy to make a steaming face mask at home. For example, it is very effective clay remedy. Kaolin should be mixed with hot water, add a few drops of your favorite oil to the mixture, and, if necessary, oatmeal or fruit puree. The mixture is applied in a dense layer and kept until it hardens.

    Here clay performs several functions at once:

    • Gently warms the skin. This promotes gentle cleansing and is ideal for normal and combined type epidermis;
    • Clears away toxins and dead cells;
    • Relieves inflammation and improves color.

    A chic healing mask for mature skin made from boiled potatoes.. You need to wash the root vegetable and boil it until completely cooked, then peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Apply warm puree to face, neck and décolleté. You can leave it until it cools down. Afterwards, you can carry out mechanical cleaning or peeling with salt, soda and streptocide.

    Video: tips for steaming your face

    Professional steamers

    Not everyone is comfortable sitting over a bowl or inhaler at home; sometimes it’s much easier to buy a special steaming gel. This product has many advantages:

    • In most cases, they are enriched with various vitamin complexes that help improve the health of the epidermis;
    • Suitable for dry and sensitive skin, because they are heated without dehydration;
    • Helps remove dead cells, sebum, and dust.

    Let's look at the most famous products:

    Name Note
    Garnier Skin Naturals (Garnier) Contains zinc and clay. Ideal for deep cleaning combination skin. Can be used as a standalone product or as preparation for cleaning. The product is enriched with plant extracts.
    Thermal mask Bioks Thermal Expirience Mask It is an instant action cream. Warms up immediately after application, helps eliminate toxins. It can be a complete independent cleaning system for normal epidermis.
    Eveline Cosmetics Q10+R Budget-friendly steaming face mask before cleansing. Provides not only normalization of the sebaceous glands, but also improvement of turgor. Contains Coenzymes Q10 to eliminate wrinkles and chamomile oil.
    Samtea Professional mask with guarana. Apply with a thin film, warming up and expanding the pores. Thanks to plant extracts, it promotes recovery water balance and the work of the sebaceous glands.
    Algo Naturel This is a unique alginate thermal mask for steaming and restoring facial skin. It warms, tightens pores, improves blood circulation and cleanses the epidermis.

    enjoy by professional means very simple. In the bathroom, before cleaning, you need to moisturize your face and steam it with water, then quickly apply a mask against blackheads. Special products are so effective that they rarely need to be left on for more than 7 minutes. Next, rinse off according to instructions.

    After using professional cleansing cosmetics, you also need to tighten the pores with ice and apply a moisturizer. Masks and gels are allowed to be used no more than 1-2 times a week.

    Steam procedures have been used for a long time to treat various diseases and improve health. Skin steaming is also popular in cosmetology. at home, and is it useful?

    Benefits of steam

    Most often, steaming is a preparatory procedure. Under gentle influence high temperature skin pores open. After which they are easy to clean from dirt. It is also useful to apply active ingredients - creams and masks. How to steam your face at home without harming your skin? It's very simple - focus on how you feel. If your skin burns, move a little further away from the water container or stop the procedure. It is also important to observe the exposure time; the oilier the skin, the longer you can keep your face above the steam. For the dry type, ten minutes is enough, for all others - fifteen to twenty. The intervals between sessions are calculated similarly. For dry skin, 3-4 times a month is enough; for oily, normal and combination skin, steaming can be done once or twice a week.

    Aromatherapy for cosmetic procedures

    A steaming face mask will be more pleasant if you use a decoction of herbs rather than ordinary water. When there is nothing at hand, there is no need to postpone the procedure; you can warm the skin by boiling clean liquid without additives. Some housewives secretly say that they prefer to steam their face over a pan of boiled potatoes or other vegetables. But if you approach the issue of beauty responsibly, it is better to use herbal decoctions and essential oils there is nothing. For dry skin, linden, yarrow, wormwood, rosemary, rose or grape are suitable. If your skin is oily, try peppermint, lemon, horsetail, thyme or chamomile. For normal skin, you can use any plant, but the most beneficial are nettle, rosemary, sage, lavender and rose. Use dried herbs or essential oils from one plant, or make a mixture in arbitrary proportions.

    How to steam your face at home: traditional option

    You will need a medium-sized saucepan and a large thick towel. Pour water into the selected container, add dry herbs or a few drops of the selected oil. After this, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Prepare a place for the procedure in advance. You should position yourself as comfortably as possible so that you can tilt your face at a distance of 20 cm from the pan. Prepare dry, clean wipes in advance. Before the procedure, remove makeup and dirt from the skin, you can use special means or just wash yourself well. When the liquid in the pan boils, keep it over medium heat for several minutes, then place it in the chosen place and begin the procedure. Lean over the steam and cover yourself with a towel, with your hair tied back. Blot sweat with napkins during and after the procedure.

    Steaming with fabric

    This version of the procedure is not very convenient to perform alone. It's better to ask someone to help. It is necessary to prepare a warm decoction and a sterile 100% cotton cloth. The napkin needs to be wet, wrung out and applied to the face. Keep until cool, then repeat three to four times. It is more comfortable to lie down during the procedure, and you can trust someone at home to change napkins. Remember that there is no universal answer to the question: “How to steam your face correctly?” - No. In its action, this version of the procedure is completely similar to the previous one, and only you can decide how exactly to act on the skin.

    Modern cosmetics and grandma's recipes

    It is not always possible to carry out the procedure even if you know how to steam your face at home correctly. An express solution will be a special warming mask. Compositions of this type are easy to buy in any modern cosmetic store; you can also use folk recipes. A recipe based on rolled oats and soda gives excellent results. To do this, mix the indicated components in a 2:1 ratio and add hot water or milk. Once cooled to a pleasant warm temperature, spread the mixture onto the skin and leave on for about 25 minutes. If you are not allergic to honey, try the following recipe. For one raw yolk, take one and a half teaspoons of honey. Beat the mixture, stirring thoroughly, heat it a little and apply to the skin. Wash off after 15 minutes. This steaming facial mask is suitable even for dry or sensitive skin.

    Alternative steaming options and household tricks

    There are special Appliances for cosmetic steaming of the skin. In their design they resemble medical inhalers. At the bottom there is a water reservoir, which smoothly turns into a large funnel that allows you to direct steam to your face. The cost of such a device is not too high; it makes sense to purchase it if you often do steaming. This procedure is also carried out in beauty salons using special equipment. At the same time, the client lies on a couch or in a comfortable chair, and the process is entirely supervised by the master. If you don’t know how to steam your facial skin at home, get into the healthy habit of going to the bathhouse. Both a sauna and a Turkish hammam are suitable. The most important thing is to take a shower before visiting the steam room, and immediately after leaving, proceed to skin care. Popular question: “Can I steam my face if I have pimples and blackheads?” It is possible, but there should be no active inflammation or wounds. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in good general health. If you feel extreme fatigue or irritated, delay facial treatment until tomorrow. It is also important to understand that steaming itself does not have a serious therapeutic effect. Improve skin conditions after heating upper layers epidermis. It is better not to carry out some manipulations without first steaming the face. The most striking example of this is deep peeling or cleansing the skin, if the pores are closed, you still won’t be able to clean them completely. Before steaming, make sure your hands are clean, be sure to wash them thoroughly and use an antiseptic if possible.

    How to effectively steam your face before cleansing at home, as well as how to steam your facial skin, contraindications and precautions.

    Facial care is the prerogative of every woman. This includes visits to beauty clinics, spa centers, and massage parlors. But sometimes you can clean your face at home by resorting to folk remedies and procedures. Let's look at how you can steam your face before cleansing and why it is needed.

    Why do you need to prep your skin before cleansing?

    To keep the epithelium smooth and shiny, it must be cleaned periodically. Superficial cleaning is carried out with gel, lotion, scrub, peeling. For deeper intervention, preliminary steaming will be required.

    Steam cleanses the epidermis:

    • street dust;
    • tallow;
    • black dots;
    • black plugs();
    • dead cells;
    • remnants of cosmetics.

    Steaming with hot steam successfully deals with pimples without causing damage to the skin, you just need to apply light pressure. The procedure precedes both mechanical cleaning and peeling.

    Other benefits of steaming:

    • any medicinal products They act much more effectively if they penetrate deep into the pores;
    • exposure to steam is beneficial for fatty epithelium;
    • hot steam will be beneficial mature skin, as it promotes the production of collagen, which gives skin elasticity;
    • Inhaling steam deeply is an excellent prevention and therapy for respiratory diseases.

    The procedure saturates the dermis with oxygen, thanks to which it receives good nutrition. As a result, the skin becomes radiant and healthy.

    How to steam your facial skin

    To properly steam your face before cleansing, use methods approved by experienced cosmetologists. You should choose the method that is most convenient for you.

    The most effective include:

    1. Steam baths.
    2. Masks and other means.
    3. Warm napkins and towels.

    If you want to achieve maximum effect from steam baths, then use special steaming compounds. It is important to know what skin type they are suitable for.

    Second way– Make your own fabric mask. Cut an oval out of clean fabric that matches the contour of your face. Then make slits for the eyes, lips, nose. Soak a cloth in the hot mixture and then apply to face. After the mask has cooled, repeat the procedure. Then rinse your face 4 times. Throw the used mask in the trash, as it is considered disposable.

    Third way– application of warm napkins. This express method is carried out using fabric napkins (or towels) soaked in healing compounds. Add 2-3 drops of essential extracts (lavender, neroli, ylang-ylang, etc.) to the liquid.

    Progress of the procedure:
    1. Prepare and cool slightly herbal decoction.
    2. Place a napkin in it. Then take it out and squeeze it thoroughly.
    3. Gently apply the napkin to your previously cleansed face.
    4. Keep until completely cool.

    Steaming should be repeated 3 times. Napkins must be made of cotton.

    Preparation for the procedure

    Prepare a wide container: an enamel pan, a glass bowl, a basin, etc. You can buy a special inhaler in a pharmacy chain, and a mini-sauna for your home in a cosmetic store.

    The steaming procedure is carried out only with clean skin. First remove any remaining makeup from your face using a mild product. This point cannot be ignored, because if the remaining blush, powder and other products clog the pore, a pimple may form.

    Afterwards, you need to protect your lips and the area around the eyes with an emollient. If so, then you will need to moisturize it with a thin layer of cream.

    Preparing a steam bath. The best solution for a complete procedure is the use of natural antibiotics: chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, yarrow. Make a decoction of them. Cool the healing liquid to 47–53°C. The indicated temperature is comfortable for the face and is also effective for the procedure. The maximum result can be achieved if you add plant extracts to the cooled composition: eucalyptus, mint, etc.

    Step-by-step facial steaming

    The first session is recommended to be carried out in a beauty salon equipped with special equipment. This will help you become more familiar with the nuances of the procedure, as well as receive individual advice from a specialist in caring for the epidermis.

    Cleaning consists of several steps. Home steaming steps:

    1. Pull your hair into a ponytail to keep strands from sticking out onto your face. Short hair tie with a special bandage or scarf.
    2. Lubricate the lip area and area around the eyelids thick cream to protect them from hot steam.
    3. Fill the basin with boiling water. You need to wait until the steam becomes comfortable. The face should be approximately 20 cm from the surface of the water.
    4. Drape the towel over your head until it covers you completely. If you are using a “home sauna”, you do not need to cover yourself.
    5. Perform the procedure until the skin softens and sweats from the steam effect.

    Approximate time spent above the steam: from 5 to 20 minutes. The drier the facial epidermis, the shorter the session should last. Afterwards, remove the towel and lightly dry your face with a dry cotton cloth.

    They begin to cleanse. It is performed with a sterile instrument or clean hands. To complete the cleansing, exposure to cold is necessary. Rub your face with ice cubes. For freezing instead ordinary water take strawberries, cucumber pulp, infusions (chamomile, mint, calendula).

    After the session, you need to make a restorative mask. Opened pores will absorb nutrients. However, do not overload the epithelium with a fatty agent dense texture, it will only clog the pores.

    You should take steaming seriously and weigh the advantages and disadvantages. The efforts made will not go unnoticed. As a result, the woman will get beautiful and glowing skin.

    Attention ! Facial cleansing should be done regularly.

    For sensitive or dry epithelium, steaming should not be performed more than once every 12 days.

    Steaming with herbs

    It is advisable to supplement the steam with herbal decoctions, because most plants have healing effect:

    • calendula (marigold) perfectly disinfects problematic epidermis. Dosage: 3 tbsp. l. herbs per 250 ml of water. Instead of marigolds, coltsfoot will do;
    • chamomile used for redness, swelling, irritation, as it wonderfully soothes the dermis. Dosage: 1 tbsp. spoon per 1000 ml of water;
    • St. John's wort will enlarge pores and cleanse them of black plugs. Dosage: 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of water;
    • nettle improves the turgor of the aging epidermis. Dosage: 4 tbsp. spoons per 0.5 liters of water.

    Brew the herb with boiling water in a container, then leave for several minutes.

    The following recipe is suitable for those who want to whiten their face, eliminate dark spots. Pour a glass of boiled water over a bunch of parsley and several dandelion flowers. Boil the mixture for a few minutes, then leave to cool. Strain the solution and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it.

    On a note! For sensitive or dry epidermis prone to dryness, use mint, linden, and rose petals, taken in equal quantities.

    How to steam your face with baking soda

    Soda solution is used mainly for mature epithelium.
    Boil a few potatoes in their skins and remove them from the pan. Add 1 tbsp to the remaining water. a spoonful of soda, then add 10 drops of ether.

    Baking soda will eliminate fine lines around the eyes. Potatoes will supply the epidermis with starch, which will compensate for its lack of collagen. And the ethereal extract will tighten loose skin.

    Precautions and contraindications

    Steaming must be taken seriously. The cosmetologist will not begin cleansing the face without this procedure. First of all, this carries the risk of injury to the skin (when removing ulcers, blackheads, squeezing out pimples). You need to cleanse the skin after steaming carefully, since the resulting scars take a long time to heal.

    For some people, heating the eye area is strictly contraindicated. Therefore, consult your ophthalmologist in advance to see if steaming is contraindicated for you. Contact lenses, if you wear them, should be removed before the procedure.

    During pregnancy and lactation, the session should be carried out carefully. At this time, the epithelium is particularly sensitive, which can provoke undesirable consequences.

    Attention! To avoid thermal burn Do not put your face over hot steam.

    Let's figure out who this procedure is contraindicated for:

    • there is no need to steam the epidermis, which has enlarged pores - this will only aggravate the problem;
    • in case of asthma, steaming should be avoided, as it threatens to cause an attack;
    • steam can cause rupture of a blood vessel;
    • steaming is prohibited elevated temperature bodies;
    • it is contraindicated for heart disease and vascular diseases;
    • steam has a drying property, so you should not get carried away with it if the epidermis is flaky;
    • if they form on the skin, the session must be stopped.

    Thus, steaming - effective way epidermis care. If done correctly, it can eliminate many cosmetic problems. However, precautions must be taken as there is a risk of harming the dermis.

    Any cosmetic procedures, helping the skin acquire radiant and healthy looking, require careful preparation, which means that approaching the question “how to steam your face before cleansing at home?” - you need to do it right. The prepared epidermis is able to more actively accept nutrients in masks and creams, and under the influence of steam, the pores are cleansed, blood microcirculation improves and the work of the sebaceous glands is activated. The preparation stage for cleansing is simple and safe for any skin type if you follow basic cosmetology rules.

    Dermatologists and cosmetologists advise periodically cleaning your face so that excess sebum is removed, allowing the skin to breathe and be healthy. Any cleaning includes a set of activities in which important part directly in front of it is the thermal effect. Like any cosmetic procedure Steaming has contraindications.

    • for inflammatory, pustular forms of acne;
    • at skin diseases– eczema and herpes;
    • in severe forms of hypertension;
    • for bronchial asthma;
    • in the presence of rosacea (vascular network);
    • at increased dryness cover.

    Skin cleansing occurs as prescribed by a doctor using special equipment and specialist skills, but salon procedures are expensive. A unit called a vaporizer, the mechanism of action of which is identical to that used in beauty salons, will save you from unnecessary manipulations. A device that works on the principle of an electric kettle has already arrived in every home and allows you to open pores and remove impurities. The device is easy to use and does not require additional accessories. The electric sauna turns on after water with herbs is poured into the container. When heated, warm steam is uniformly supplied from the holes. The device can also be used for inhalation. At home, to reduce comedonation and make the skin less contaminated, we can recommend using natural scrubs and masks after steaming your face for cleansing. Without cleansing the skin, any care in best case scenario will not have any effect, and at worst, it may aggravate the situation.

    Classic steam bath for the face

    You can prepare the skin on your face for cleaning yourself by using a number of products that can be found in every home. Deep cleansing time is carried out using kitchen utensils and towels according to the classical scheme:

    1. Before performing home procedures, remove makeup or wash your face with a product that suitable for the type skin.

    2. Boil water in a kettle or saucepan.

    3. Pour or place the container in front of you so that you can comfortably tilt your head over the steam, let it cool a little (hot steam will not be beneficial and may cause a burn).

    4. Take a comfortable position, leaning slightly over the container to feel the effect (you shouldn’t get too close to the steam) and cover your head with a towel, leaving a hole for the hot air to escape.

    5. For dry epidermis, use a steam bath for no more than 7 minutes; for other types, the norm increases to 12 minutes or more (we will discuss steam procedures by skin type in more detail below).

    6. While above the steam, you can carry out the exfoliation procedure.

    7. At the end of the session, wash your face with cool water or wipe your steamed face with ice, which will help the pores recover and the skin to be ready for the next stage of care - applying a cream or mask.

    A beneficial result is achieved by adding various medicinal plants and extracts to water. These will be different for each skin type. You can improvise with the composition by adding new ingredients. But it is better to choose dishes for preparing water from natural materials, no chips or scratches. An aluminum container is not suitable for this procedure.

    Steam bath recipes based on skin type

    There are herbs and plants that determine the basis home care for a particular skin type and therapeutic effect. For example, before steaming your face for cleansing, those with normal dermis should take note of the following herbs for preparing a steam bath:


    Chamomile is universal remedy for the care of any skin. It is also successfully used to maintain normal epidermis. As essential oils the best for of this type will be geranium, sandalwood, bergamot, which should be added at the rate of 10 drops per liter of liquid.

    For dry skin

    The basic rule for skin prone to dryness is gentle cleansing plus enhanced hydration, so the preparation of a steam bath involves essential oils and plants:

    Orange zest or orange;
    bay leaf;

    A decoction using herbs is prepared based on how to steam your face before cleansing. A combination of herbs and oils will give a noticeable effect; individual medicinal plants will help prevent dryness. Herbal bath It is recommended to do this no more than 2 times a month, otherwise you can dry out the skin. It is recommended to replace steaming with warm compresses, which have a gentle effect and give results similar to a steam bath.

    For dry epidermis, it is recommended to carry out special cleaning with steaming. First you need to steam your face, then apply heated sunflower oil to it. After a quarter of an hour, massage using a damp swab with salt. Rinsing will complete your home procedures.

    For fatty

    With problems of fatness, shine, acne will help you cope steam bath with chamomile. For it you will need:

    Chamomile – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    boiling water – 400 ml;

    Chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water, infused for 5 minutes, then boiling water is added. After this, the procedure can begin. Be careful not to put your face too close, but check the temperature of the steam with your palm. You need to stay above it for 10 minutes. During this time, the pores will expand, and the chamomile-containing vapors will cleanse the skin. Before carrying out the procedure, remember that you need to remove makeup before cleaning. Afterwards, wipe your steamed face with tonic or a slice of fresh cucumber. This will allow clean pores to shrink and the skin to become fresh. Finally, apply to light skin cream.

    Steam treatments with the addition of aromatic oils will have a healing effect on oily epidermis:


    Deep steam for oily skin using a collection of rosemary, lemon balm, linden, calendula, oak bark and the addition of the above oils is carried out weekly.

    For the fading

    A bath with a decoction of herbs for fading dermis has a good steaming effect if you use a combination of essential extracts of sage or rosemary with the addition of:


    The duration of the steam is 3-5 minutes, the frequency of the procedure is no more than once a month.

    Mature skin often reveals itself with defects, among which pigmentation is common. The main condition for such skin is not to harm it even more. It is important to soften the epidermis and whiten it. For these purposes, herbs are used - burdock, licorice, black currant leaves, dandelion and essential extracts of myrrh, cedar, and lemon.

    For combined

    The effect for a mixed type is achieved depending on how to steam your face before cleansing and what base you choose for preparing the sauna. The condition for selecting herbs in this case is the predominant skin type. It is recommended to increase the procedure time to 25 minutes, but with frequency – once every 7 days.

    For problematic

    For problem skin, cleansing by steaming is a necessary therapeutic measure. A steam bath based on a collection of yarrow, burdock, bay leaf, currant leaf, chamomile, and licorice normalizes sebum secretion, enhances metabolic processes in the skin, removes impurities, and gets rid of closed and open comedones. For problem skin, esters of clove, tea tree, camphor or rosemary are widely used and have proven therapeutic effectiveness.

    Let’s summarize to consolidate your understanding of how to steam your face before cleansing safely and effectively.

    Conditions must be met:

    1. The distance between the face and the water surface, which will allow you to obtain a healing result, must be more than 20 cm.

    2. It is better to carry out the steaming procedure with your eyes closed if components that complement water are used. Some of them can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes.

    3. Do not completely cover your head and the area around the water container with a towel.

    4. While steaming, you need to breathe slowly and deeply.

    5. At the end of the session, handle the skin carefully, do not allow friction.

    6. It is not recommended to make complex masks after the steam procedure, so as not to clog the cleansed pores. A universal recipe for all types is a mask with honey. It will have a healing effect in the presence of minor injuries, and will also soften and nourish the skin. For fatty type It is preferable to make light homemade masks - protein or cucumber.

    7. For problematic skin, the end of the steam bath will be disinfection and peeling. Hydrogen peroxide 3% or salicylic solution 2-3% is suitable as a multifaceted remedy.

    Steam cleaning as a home skin care method not only has a therapeutic effect, but easily replaces healing methods. Competent selection of the medicinal composition and compliance with cosmetological rules are the main condition.

    Any girl or woman dreams of being “always young.” But this is not possible, and we all know this very well. But how you want your face to be beautiful, well-groomed, and healthy.

    Our rhythm of life bad habits, ecology, lack of sleep make our skin older, more polluted and prone to stress. Nowadays, there are many beauty salons that help tidy up your facial skin and give it a healthy look. But not everyone can afford to visit beauty salons, due to many factors. The main factor is money. Facial cleansing procedures are not cheap.

    Facial cleansing can also be done at home. Why do you need to steam your face? It is recommended to steam your face before medical or cleansing procedures, namely before peeling or other homemade masks. The steam helps open the pores on your face, which makes your face softer. After steaming your face, it is easy to clean it of all impurities; it is much easier to remove pimples or black rashes. Toxins are removed from the skin, which makes it possible to keep your face clean. Steaming has a positive effect on blood circulation. Increases skin tone and helps relieve puffiness. Slows down the aging process, allowing the skin to remain elastic and healthy.

    Preparatory procedures before steaming your face

    1. Wash your hands thoroughly;
    2. Wash your face with water;
    3. Wipe your face thoroughly with a cleanser - tonic, milk, foam, gel or non-greasy cream;
    4. Perform a facial massage with a scrub for 2-3 minutes, along massage lines face, to clean pores;
    5. Rinse your face with warm water;
    6. For dry skin, soften the skin with lotion or cream, combination or problematic skin- get wet.

    A facial cleansing scrub is sold at any pharmacy or prepared at home. A scrub with small particles is suitable for cleaning pores; large particles can damage or injure the skin of the face. At home, the scrub can be easily prepared from coffee, oatmeal or baker's yeast.

    • Recipe No. 1. 1 tbsp. spoon ground coffee mix with tbsp. spoon any base oil(jojoba, grape seed or olive) until you get a paste. You can also add auxiliary ingredients such as: sea salt, sugar, sour cream, cosmetic clay. The scrub is suitable for all skin types
    • Recipe No. 2. For dry and sensitive suitable for skin scrub based on oatmeal. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, add milk or base oil.
    • Recipe No. 3. For oily skin, a scrub based on baker's yeast is suitable. To do this, mix 15 g. yeast, tablespoon sea ​​salt and 10g. lemon juice. The first stage of preparation is to mix the yeast with lemon juice and place in hot water for a few minutes, the second stage is to add salt while stirring.

    Scrubs are applied to the skin in a circular motion using a cotton pad. Wash off with warm water.

    • Steaming your face is allowed several times a month;
    • If there is inflammation or irritation on the face, consult a cosmetologist;
    • You cannot combine all steaming methods;
    • Any mask must be tested before use;
    • Steaming procedures are maintained for no more than 20 minutes on the face;
    • The applied mask is covered paper napkin with a slit for the eyes;
    • The masks are washed off with warm room water;
    • After the procedure, irritation appears - contact a dermatologist and refuse the procedure.

    Ways to steam your skin at home

    Today there are several popular ways to steam skin at home, these are:

    • Exposure of skin to steam;
    • Steaming masks;
    • Steaming with a warm cloth;
    • Ready-made masks and gels with the effect of steaming the dermis.

    Steam your facial skin using natural products.

    The easiest way to steam your face is with steam or warm water. This method requires hot water with an infusion of herbs or essential oils.

    1. Before the procedure, wash your face thoroughly.
    2. Remove hair, close eyes, maintain a distance of 20 cm from hot water.
    3. Exposure 10-15 minutes.
    4. After applying the procedure, do not stand in a draft or wash your face with cold water.

    For more effective steaming of the face in a water bath, infusions of herbs or oils are added to the water. Herbs can be selected according to skin type. For face with normal skin Rose, lavender, rosemary are suitable. Lemon, thyme or mint are used for oily facial skin. And for dry skin Recommend: chamomile, lime, rose, rosemary, geranium.

    Recipes for warming homemade masks.

    • No. 1. Dissolve salt in boiling water in proportions 1:2 (20 g of salt per 1 liter of boiling water). Dip a napkin into the solution and place it on your face, leave until completely dry.
    • No. 2. Mix 2 yolks with 50g honey. Heat the mixture in a steam bath. Exposure 15 minutes.
    • No. 3. Mix 3 g of soda with a tablespoon of oatmeal. Add water or milk, stir to a creamy puree. Leave for 20-25 minutes.
    • No. 4. Zinc ointment will help steam your face. To do this, you need to mix zinc ointment with white clay (proportions 2:1). Add cucumber juice while stirring.

    Warming or expanding masks are no less effective at home.

    If you don’t have the time or desire to bother with steaming your face at home, you can always turn to professionals. Beauty salons offer masks with the effect of steaming the dermis. The range of such masks is large, with different herbs, suitable for all types of facial skin.

    Steaming your face with a warm cloth.

    For this method you will need a cotton napkin and hot herbal decoctions. A napkin is soaked in a decoction with herbs, wrung out and cooled slightly (if necessary) and placed on the face. Leave for a few minutes and remove, then repeat the procedure 4 times. At the end of the procedure, apply cream to the skin of the face.

    Recipes for herbal infusions.

    • No. 1. Mix 5 g. herbs: coltsfoot, rosemary, linden flowers, birch leaves, chamomile. For 3 glasses of water - a tablespoon of mixed herbs. Boil for 10 minutes.
    • No. 2. Mix 10 g of dill, linden leaves, coltsfoot, mint. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiled water, leave for 10 minutes in a thermos.
    • No. 3. 40 gr. herbs (cinnamon, ginger, anise and licorice, bay leaf) pour 2 tbsp. boiled water.
    • No. 4. Mix dry herbs sage, St. John's wort, birch leaves, linden blossom in equal proportions. 30g. dry mixture pour 4 tbsp. water, boil for 10 minutes.
    • No. 5. For dry skin, a mixture of herbs is suitable: dandelion, linden, chamomile, 2 bay leaves. Pour 3 tbsp. water, bring the broth to a boil, then cook for 10 minutes. over low heat.
    • No. 6. For a nettle decoction, add: nettle, licorice and cinnamon. Mix all herbs 2 tbsp. spoons. Pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes.
    • No. 7. Mix calendula, sage and mint. 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials pour 750 ml. boiling water Leave for half an hour.

    Contraindications to skin steaming

    • Bronchial asthma;
    • Hair growth on the facial skin;
    • Purulent acne;
    • Pattern of blood vessels on the face in the form of a “star”;
    • Hypertension.

    If you have at least one of the list of contraindications, you cannot steam your skin, so as not to get the opposite effect.

    The harmful side of steaming your skin

    Face masks are not only positive sides, but can also cause harm to the skin. Likewise, steaming your face has its own side of harm:

    • Steam causes the skin to dry out.
    • With a sharp change in temperature, capillary stars may appear on the face.
    • Steaming the face should be used as a preliminary procedure before the main mask. There is no need to use steaming agents to get rid of acne on the skin of the face.
    • The benefits of steaming will only come after following all the rules of the procedure.
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