• A refreshing face mask at home. Refreshing face mask at home - the best recipes, effectiveness and reviews


    A person is always exposed to many environmental factors. Weather conditions, time of year, and ecology can negatively affect its appearance. Add to this a bad diet bad habits, lack of sleep and you get a disappointing picture. Masks from natural ingredients can significantly improve the condition of the dermis. With their help you can solve the following problems:

    • dull or pale color faces;
    • small wrinkles, dark spots;
    • age-related changes;
    • sagging and lethargy of the face;
    • contaminated pores;
    • irritation and peeling;
    • oily shine and enlarged pores.

    Refreshing masks are used to restore and nourish skin cells. They saturate it with useful elements, moisturize and promote regeneration. Such remedies will help quickly restore your face well-groomed appearance before a holiday or important event.

    General rules of application

    For getting maximum effect from the mask, you must use it correctly. The whole process can be divided into several stages.

    Preparation. Before the procedure, you must remove makeup and cleanse the skin of impurities. Residues of cosmetics and dead skin cells will prevent the skin from saturating with beneficial substances. Do not neglect this rule; carefully prepare your face for the upcoming procedure.

    Peeling. It will help cleanse pores, even out skin texture, and improve complexion. Well suited for this stage enzyme peeling. It thoroughly cleanses the skin, unclogs pores, and evens out the texture. The face looks fresh, rosy and rested. This procedure can be done at home without any problems. Instead of peeling, you can also use good scrub, gommage or other means.

    Mask. The prepared mixture must correspond to your dermis type. For dry skin, use dairy products, fruits and grains. Decoctions of herbs, vegetables, herbs, and lemon juice work well for oily skin. For mature adults, products with the addition of yeast, eggs and various oils. I’ll tell you how to make healthy mixtures further.

    I do not recommend walking or doing anything around the house with a mask on your face. The weight of this texture will cause the skin to stretch downwards. You don't want to get wrinkles instead of lifting, do you?

    An eye contour mask is essential in facial care. Young girls can use lotions with strong green tea for these purposes. Just soak cotton pads in it and put it on your eyes. This simple procedure will fill the skin with additional moisture, remove circles under the eyes, and relieve redness. For mature dermis, it is better to use stronger products.

    Refreshing masks at home

    It’s not difficult to prepare a natural mixture from familiar products. The main thing is to choose and combine the ingredients correctly.

    Express mask with thermal water

    This product will perfectly moisturize any skin, especially dry skin. The mask will give you a feeling of comfort and freshness. It can be used in summer in extreme heat for additional protection from drying out. It is also useful in winter, when air humidity decreases due to heating. It is very easy to prepare thermal water. Leave the bottle open mineral water open to allow all gases to escape. Pour it into a spray bottle with the smallest holes.

    This spray is used as a refreshing and moisturizing agent before makeup. If you don’t have time to cook it at home, you can buy it already prepared. I like thermal water from Vichy. This water perfectly refreshes and restores the dermis.

    Carrot-apple mixture for face

    This mask is best made after the holidays, because carrots are natural dye. But it nourishes the skin perfectly. Grate the carrots and apple on the finest grater or chop in a blender. Take 1 tsp. puree and a few drops of vegetable oil. You can use olive oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, etc.

    Apply the mixture to cleansed skin with a brush for 20 minutes, then rinse off. I don’t recommend applying it with your fingers, even if you washed your hands, it’s still dirty.

    Mask for aging skin

    This product will do a great job on fine wrinkles. The skin will become softer and more elastic. For this recipe we will need the following components:

    • fresh yeast - 1 tsp.
    • warm milk - 2 tbsp.
    • one yolk;
    • natural fruit juice - 1 tbsp.

    Combine the yeast with warm milk, then add the rest of the ingredients. Distribute the resulting paste over the face. Leave for about twenty minutes and rinse with clean water.

    Curd mask for dry skin

    This recipe is perfect for facial care in the fall and winter. During this period, the skin becomes rough, chapped, suffers from lack of moisture and temperature changes. Particularly susceptible negative influence dry dermis. To protect and moisturize, use this mask.

    Take 20-30 g of medium-fat cottage cheese and grind in a blender. Add a tablespoon of sour cream and 2 tbsp. honey Keep this mixture on your face for about 20 minutes. We delete it as usual. To achieve better results, the product should be used several times a week.

    Tomato mask for oily skin

    Means suitable for those who want to get rid of oily shine, tighten pores and refresh their complexion. Pour boiling water over fresh tomatoes to peel them. The pulp must be ground to a pulp. The tomato mask is applied to the face for no more than 10-15 minutes. It may tingle the skin a little, this is a normal reaction. Remove the product with warm water. After the procedure, it is very useful to wipe the skin with frozen herbal infusions.

    Mask with honey

    The healing properties of honey are widely used in cosmetology and home care. A product based on it will help smooth out wrinkles, refresh the face, and nourish it with useful elements. Take the following ingredients:

    • natural liquid honey - 1 tbsp.
    • oatmeal - 2 tbsp.
    • warm milk - 2-3 tbsp.

    We connect all the components. The flakes should absorb all the liquid and swell. Distribute this mixture over the face and neck. We go around only the area around the eyes. Leave until dry and rinse with warm water.

    Refreshing mask for women over 50 years old

    Fading skin with signs of aging requires careful additional care. This product has a rejuvenating and tonic effect. Mix the following ingredients:

    • 1 tsp lemon zest,
    • 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal,
    • 1-2 tbsp. milk and one yolk.

    Add a little honey to the mixture and bring until smooth. Apply the mask for 25-30 minutes. Remove with a damp towel and wash.

    The choice of refreshing masks at home is quite large. Choose what suits you and the results will not take long to arrive.

    Choosing products according to skin type

    If you don't have time for refreshing masks at home, help will come ready-made cosmetics. These products contain all the necessary elements for your youth and beauty. It is important to choose the right cosmetics for your type. I suggest checking out a couple of products that will suit everyone.

    An effective refreshing face mask at home can be made in just a few minutes, which allows you to avoid long trips to the cosmetologist, and the cost is much cheaper than professional cosmetics. There are a lot of recipes for preparing compositions for a fresh face, but when choosing them, you must take into account your skin type. So, for example, for fatty type For the skin, mixtures based on greens, vegetables, and medicinal herbs are most suitable. Those with dry skin should pay attention to refreshing face masks that contain honey, fruits, dairy products, and cereals. And for aging skin, formulations with yeast, eggs and oil are suitable.

    Refreshing masks for dry skin

    Oatmeal will help refresh your face. To prepare the miracle composition, grind 30 g of flakes in a blender or coffee grinder, mix them with refined oil (10 ml) and any warm dairy product (30 ml), be it yogurt, milk or cream. Apply the mixture to the skin for 25 minutes. The remains are washed off first with warm and then with cool water. This kind of refreshing face mask is ideal for women over 40, since, in addition to the main effect, they tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

    50 g of fresh applesauce are mixed with 30 g of full-fat cottage cheese and 3 drops of camphor oil. Next, grind everything until smooth and carefully distribute it over the face. After 25 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad soaked in water or herbal decoction. Afterwards, wash and apply nourishing cream.

    Another tightening mask, which has a double effect and can refresh the skin of the face, consists of 5 strawberries (strawberries), 25 ml natural yogurt, 5 ml grape seed oil and 3 ml lemon juice.

    Everything is mixed. The resulting composition is distributed over the face using a brush, kept for about 15 minutes and washed off in the usual way.

    After this, squeeze out 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and using your fingertips, lightly patting, “drive” it into skin covering faces. The effect after this procedure is simply amazing.

    Refreshing masks for oily skin

    A juicy fresh leaf of white cabbage is ground in a blender into a paste. Next 2 tbsp. l. The resulting puree is combined with 30 g of cottage cheese, 15 ml of any citrus juice and 10 g of natural bee honey. The consistency of the mixture should resemble sour cream. If it turns out to be thicker, add a little water, stir and carefully distribute so that there is enough not only for the face, but also for the neck. Thanks to this composition, the skin will be fresh, elastic, oily shine will go away and pores will shrink.

    Mixture medicinal herbs will also refresh oily skin.

    To prepare it, mix chamomile, coltsfoot, wormwood and St. John's wort in equal parts. Next, 20 g of the collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes and filtered. The remaining herbal paste is distributed over the face and kept for half an hour. The infusion can be used to wash off the mask, or you can freeze it and subsequently wipe your face with ice cubes.

    A linden blossom mask has the same effect. However, here you will need not an infusion of herbs, but a decoction. To prepare it, pour 10 g of dry raw material with hot water (100 ml), put on low heat and cook until the liquid is reduced by half. The resulting pulp is cooled, spread on gauze and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, the gauze is removed and the face is wiped with ice cubes from chamomile infusion.

    Mix equal parts of dandelion root, hawthorn flowers and shepherd's purse. 1 tbsp. l. of the finished crushed collection, brew 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 45 minutes. After time, the infusion is filtered. Next, 30 ml of the prepared infusion is added to 20 g of fatty homemade cottage cheese, mixed thoroughly and applied to the face in an even layer. After 15 minutes, wash off the mixture.

    1 large ripe tomato is ground into a paste, and the resulting mass is applied to the face with a brush. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse and wipe your face with an ice cube. A similar mask can also be used for problem skin faces.

    Refreshing masks for aging skin

    10 g of dry yeast is dissolved in 30 ml of warm milk, add one raw egg yolk and 20 ml of any fruit juice. The resulting mass is intensively stirred until smooth and applied to a face cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a damp cotton pad, and then wash with warm water.

    A mask made from birch leaves has an excellent effect. To prepare cosmetic composition, you will need about 10-12 fresh leaves or 1 tbsp. l. dried. They are poured with a glass of boiling water.

    Cover the container with a lid and let stand for 35-40 minutes, after which it is filtered. Add 1 tsp to the remaining pulp. refined vegetable oil. All this is stirred and applied to the face. Wait 20 minutes and wash off. The infusion is frozen. After removing cosmetic herbal mask wipe the face with prepared ice cubes.

    Grind 10 g of rice and oatmeal in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is poured into a bowl, 1 tbsp is added. l. buckwheat, one egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. bee honey. Grind the mixture until smooth and spread it over the face with a brush. Leave for 10 to 25 minutes. After removing the mask, make a compress from an infusion of medicinal herbs (mint, lemon balm or chamomile).

    Mix in one bowl ground coffee, slightly warmed honey, milk, vegetable oil and oatmeal. All products are taken equally.

    The mask is applied after cleansing the skin and kept for 20 minutes. Remove the mass using a damp swab. The composition refreshes and nourishes the skin incredibly well, but there are contraindications for its use. These are dilated blood vessels. In this case, it is better to choose another cosmetic product option that does not contain abrasive products. Also, the mask is not recommended for people who are allergic to bee products.

    If after work you were invited to an amazing party, and after a difficult and have a long day If you feel literally like a squeezed lemon, then a refreshing face mask will help you quickly put your face in order, and you will be able to shine in society with beauty and freshness all evening.

    Recipes for such masks from natural products A lot has been developed today, and you can easily prepare and make it at home from available materials, regardless of the time of year outside the window. The main components of the refreshing masks are herbs and oils, as well as dairy products, a strategic supply of which - if you like to take care of yourself - is a must-have in your refrigerator and on your cosmetic shelf.

    Refreshing face masks

    Cosmetic masks based on herbs have a soothing, refreshing and rejuvenating effect. We offer you homemade recipes that will help your skin quickly regain its healthy looking and a gentle glow.

    After such a procedure, a tangible effect is immediately noticeable: the skin becomes smooth, the complexion improves, and a light blush appears. It feels like the skin is breathing with every cell.

    Important: At home, it is recommended to use refreshing masks no more than twice a week.

    Refreshing mask with parsley

    Finely chop the parsley, add water, bring to a boil, and then strain. Spread the pulp on gauze and apply to your face. Leave the mask-compress for half an hour, and then wipe the skin with a cotton swab. Do this mask two to three times a week, and you won’t have to take emergency measures to look good - the feeling of freshness will always be with you.

    Nourishing, refreshing mask

    Mix the egg yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil, and then thoroughly mash everything until smooth. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes, then soak a cotton pad in green tea and remove the mask with it. After this, wipe your face with ice. It would be good if it was made from a decoction of chamomile or parsley.

    Refreshing masks with ginger

    Ginger will give your skin a feeling of freshness. Mix two tablespoons of grated ginger with the same amount of oatmeal, then add two tablespoons of boiling water and grind thoroughly until smooth. Add a tablespoon of sour cream to this mixture and apply the mask to your face. Leave it on for ten minutes and rinse with warm water.

    Grate a small ginger root on a fine grater or grind in a blender. Add two teaspoons of pomegranate juice and the same amount of honey to it. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, neck and décolleté. After twenty minutes, carefully rinse off the mask with water at room temperature. This homemade mask will refresh your skin and quickly tone it before any important event.

    Milk-oat refreshing mask

    Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix the resulting flour with a teaspoon of cottage cheese. Dilute the resulting mixture a small amount whey or curdled milk. If desired, you can add a little honey to the mask. Mix everything thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous thick mass and apply the mask to your face, after cleansing the skin. After fifteen minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water and wipe the skin with a cotton sponge soaked in strongly brewed green tea.

    Refreshing mask with green tea

    As is known, green tea is a powerful antioxidant, and a mask based on it will help you quickly restore healthy skin and beautiful colour faces. To prepare such a mask, grind dry green tea leaves in a coffee grinder and add a small amount of boiling water. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave to steam. When the tea has steeped, mix it with a tablespoon of oatmeal and a small amount of honey until smooth.

    Apply the resulting mixture onto gauze folded in two layers and place the mask on your face. If necessary, you can also include the neck area. Leave the mask on for ten to fifteen minutes and wash your face with cool water.

    Carrot refreshing mask for dry skin

    Finely grate one medium-sized carrot and mix it until smooth with half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a teaspoon of wheat flour. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then wash with warm water. Complete the procedure with a light massage of the skin, wiping it with an ice cube.

    Refreshing mask for oily skin

    Grind a small tomato in a blender and apply this paste to your face. If the mask turns out to be too liquid, add a little oatmeal to it. The tomato mask should not be kept for a long time - a maximum of seven to ten minutes, as the active substances of this vegetable can cause a tingling sensation in the skin. After washing, for which it is recommended to use warm water, the face should be wiped with ice made from a weak infusion of linden.

    Refreshing masks for aging skin

    Dissolve a teaspoon of yeast in two tablespoons of warm milk, add an egg yolk and a tablespoon of any fruit or vegetable juice. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply the mask to your face in several layers. Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes and wash with cool water.

    For dry and normal skin With clear signs wilting express refreshment can be done at home using the following recipe: mix one teaspoon of glycerin, linden honey, aloe juice, water and oatmeal until smooth. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes, and then rinse with cool water. It is recommended to do this mask once or twice a week.

    Refreshing masks with mint

    In the summer I'm tired and pale skin A mint mask will help refresh. To prepare it, grind two or three sprigs of peppermint in a blender and mix it with the whipped egg white. Then add half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture and quickly apply the mask to your face using a damp cotton swab. Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes and rinse off with cool water.

    Another recipe for a mint mask that will cool, refresh and soothe heated skin. Grind several sprigs of fresh mint in a blender and mix it with finely grated cucumber. Apply the mask to your face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water. This mask can be made without cucumber: just chop the mint, add a little water to it and spread the mixture on gauze folded in two layers. In this form, apply the mask to your face and leave for the prescribed time.

    A mask of dandelion and mint will help improve your complexion and refresh your skin. To do this, grind dandelion and mint leaves in a blender, add a tablespoon of rich sour cream and a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mask to the face, neck and décolleté. Leave it on for twenty minutes and rinse off with cool water.

    Herbal refreshing masks

    You can make wonderful refreshing masks from herbal infusions at home: make chamomile or lavender herbal infusion, let it cool to room temperature and soak a soft cloth or gauze folded in several layers in it. Apply the mask to your face and leave for fifteen to twenty minutes. After this, you can wipe your skin with an ice cube.

    Orange refreshing masks

    Orange juice is an excellent base for refreshing masks. The high content of vitamin C in these fruits has a beneficial effect on the skin, and after such a mask it will simply glow. To enhance the effect, mix orange juice with oatmeal, honey or yogurt. The only “but”: this mask is not recommended for use sensitive skin and with individual intolerance to oranges.

    Dec 12, 2015 abrvalg

    Our skin needs daily care regardless of the time of year. And summer gives us an excellent opportunity to fill ourselves up and enrich ourselves with vitamins. It's time for some refreshing face masks at home. We'll talk about them in this article.

    The effect of refreshing masks

    They saturate cells with beneficial substances, providing comprehensive skin care. And:

    • They have a cleansing effect (you can use a scrub before the procedure, which ensures deeper penetration of beneficial components).
    • Saturate the skin with oxygen, accelerating metabolic processes.
    • Antioxidants have regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Make the skin younger, more elastic and velvety, smooth out fine wrinkles, brighten dark circles, tighten, clean.
    • The complexion becomes better due to increased blood circulation.

    Their usefulness is obvious. There are no age restrictions for working with refreshing masks. But there are some contraindications. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Who is prohibited from using refreshing face masks at home?

    These are not suitable for everyone. It is better to refrain from such procedures if:

    • the dermis has visible damage;
    • you are allergic to one of the products;
    • the rash covers 25% of the skin;
    • Capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin.

    First, you need to try the mask on the skin of your hands or behind your ear. Apply the product and leave for 10 minutes, if discomfort(itching, redness) stop using it.

    These masks are suitable for those who:

    • the skin is dry, flaky, there is a feeling of tightness;
    • in the spring pigment spots appeared, the complexion has a greenish and yellowish tint;
    • lack of blush;
    • the number of small wrinkles has increased;
    • the dermis has acquired an oily sheen;
    • a double chin grew, folds formed in the cheek area, and the oval of the face blurred.

    So, we figured out who is allowed to use refreshing face masks at home. Only after you have decided on a recipe should you consider whether you will have the opportunity to regularly buy all the necessary ingredients. Because for a good result you need to do the procedure for thirty days. It is advisable to choose environmentally friendly products, without chemicals.

    Before looking at folk homemade recipes for refreshing face masks, let’s find out how to apply them.

    In order for the components to be beneficial and have the correct effect, it is necessary:

    1. Apply the resulting mass to the skin while heated, then useful material absorb better.
    2. Apply the homogeneous mixture evenly.
    3. Keep the paste on your face for no more than 25 minutes, otherwise irritation may occur.
    4. Remove leftovers plain water, without using soap.
    5. Make the healing mass strictly according to the recipe, without changing the technology.

    As you can see, the recommendations are simple. It should also be noted that before using it, it is better to cleanse the pores first. To do this, you need to hold your face over a pan of hot steam, covered with a towel. You can add favorites healing herbs. But this procedure is contraindicated for asthmatics and people with heart and vascular diseases.

    And a few more rules

    In addition to vegetables and fruits, the composition may include medicinal herbs. For example, St. John's wort, calendula, aloe, oregano, linden, parsley, chamomile. As well as egg yolk, fermented milk products, oils and even activated carbon.

    So here are the tips:

    • The mask should be prepared before the procedure itself so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.
    • It is better to apply the slurry using a cotton pad, trying not to get it on delicate skin around eyes.
    • The chosen product should be suitable for your skin type.
    • The remains are removed with a napkin, then it is recommended to wash with a decoction of herbs or tea, chilled, of course.
    • It is recommended to make masks before going to bed.
    • After removing the product, you need to use a facial moisturizer.

    Now let’s move on to recipes for refreshing face masks at home.

    Is the process of preparing a mask difficult?

    There is nothing complicated. To nourish dry skin with moisture, you need to mix liquid honey with sour cream, then add cottage cheese and apply the mixture for 15 minutes.

    Oily skin needs a mask of raspberries and strawberries in tandem with liquid honey and lemon juice. There is another option that regenerates and renews cells. You will need steamed oatmeal, to which we will add the yolk, tomato juice and a mixture of grated cucumber.

    More recipes

    The main thing is to maintain proportions. So, let's begin:

    • Potato. It's very easy to prepare. You need to boil the potato, crush the peeled tuber, add the yolk and 50 ml of milk to the mixture. Mix. We achieve a uniform consistency.
    • From cottage cheese. You only need two ingredients, homemade cottage cheese and lemon juice, which need to be mixed to a thick paste. This mask not only refreshes, but also fights age spots.
    • Grape. Squeeze 50 ml of juice and mix it with full-fat sour cream (40 grams). You can use apple or lemon as the main component.
    • Yeast based. We dilute a little yeast in sauerkraut juice (30 ml). Add 5 ml of olive oil, mix thoroughly and let it brew for 20 minutes.
    • Coffee shop. After drinking a mug of instant coffee, leave the grounds. Add 20 grams of honey (preferably fresh) and a teaspoon of milk. Mix everything thoroughly and add a couple of drops of sunflower oil.
    • Cucumber mask. You will need 30 grams of juicy green pulp, the same amount of heavy cream and 15 grams of honey. Mix everything and keep on your face for no more than 10 minutes.

    The recipes are quite simple. Now we know how to prepare a refreshing face mask at home. Do not forget that seasonal vegetables and fruits saturate the skin with all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

    Recipes for masks that refresh your complexion

    At home, if you have an important event coming up and you need to look good, you can perform manipulations that will be no worse in effect than salon procedures. You just need to apply one of the masks to your face and keep it on for 15-20 minutes:

    1. It is better, of course, to use products own production. Take 17 grams of fatty cottage cheese. To it add 30 grams of cream, maybe sour cream, and 7 grams of salt. You need to mix everything well. The consistency will be liquid, so you need to apply it lying down. Doesn't fit oily skin.
    2. Mask based on oatmeal. We take a tablespoon of them and add them to the yogurt, add a little honey to the resulting mass to give the mixture thickness. Wash off with water, preferably warm.
    3. Parsley and other fresh herbs perfectly even out the complexion. This recipe is extremely simple, you just need to grind the parsley with olive oil to obtain a thick, homogeneous mass. Apply for half an hour.
    4. Watermelon mask. You will need a few tablespoons of watermelon and lemon juice and a little natural honey.
    5. Potato and carrot mask. To the grated orange root vegetable, add a tablespoon of warm crushed potatoes and the yolk. Wash off with warm and then cold water.
    6. Popular beer mask. Heat 50 grams of light beer, add the yolk, a tablespoon of potato flour and the same amount of finely grated carrots. The mass should be homogeneous.
    7. Berry mask. The composition includes a handful of raspberries, half a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply a thick layer and wash off with warm water.

    A refreshing face mask at home is an excellent remedy in the fight against tired and pale skin. But there are a few more important aspects to consider.

    So, tips:

    1. A healthy glow and complexion can be maintained by limiting or avoiding alcoholic beverages. You need to give up bad habits, take care of your physical and mental well-being, and eat right.
    2. You can take four tablets of activated charcoal 20 minutes before meals, washed down with chilled boiled water.
    3. Oily skin dotted with blackheads needs to be cleansed and cosmetics used to even out the complexion.
    4. A positive mood and a radiant smile work wonders. After all, stress and depression are reflected on our face.

    Skin care must be comprehensive. Let's look at a few more recipes for refreshing and toning face masks.

    What ingredients should I use?

    The answer is simple: all the same vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs. Cabbage and cucumber juice, as well as applesauce, perfectly tones the skin. If you don’t have time, you can simply wash the cucumber, cut it into slices and put it on your face. But it’s better not to be lazy and prepare a mask that you need to keep on for 10-15 minutes. Here are some recipes:

    • A classic mask that invigorates the skin. Take 20-25 ml of fermented milk product: sour cream for dry skin, yogurt for oily skin, yogurt for normal skin. Next, mix with 10-15 ml of lemon juice. The mass is ready. Cover your face with gauze so that the mask does not drip. Then we remove everything and wash our face.
    • Potato and egg. You will need one potato and a raw yolk. Grate the tuber on a fine grater and squeeze thoroughly, mix with the yolk. For oily skin, take protein.
    • Coffee mask. Take a dessert spoon fermented milk product, two coffee spoons of lemon zest and two of the same spoons coffee grounds. Mix everything and apply to the skin with massaging movements.

    Again, facial care at home with refreshing masks will not be enough; you need to take care of your health in general. Achieve positive result is possible only through comprehensive, painstaking work on oneself. Daily self-improvement is necessary. You should never stop halfway.

    Read in the article:

    A refreshing mask is a folk cosmetic product necessary for restoration and improvement appearance facial skin after winter cold and spring vitamin deficiency.

    What are the benefits of refreshing masks for skin?

    In cold weather, the skin experiences a lack of nutrition and oxygen, which can cause it to look tired, peeling, and wrinkles become more pronounced. In order to get rid of all these problems, there are masks that refresh your facial skin at home, and in addition to them you can use scrubs and lotions.

    What products refresh your skin?

    The following ingredients can be used as the basis for masks:

    • Honey eliminates inflammation, pimples and blackheads;
    • Cucumber tones and cleanses the skin of greasy shine;
    • Lemon normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous tract, cleanses and tightens pores;
    • Cranberry improves complexion;
    • Parsley and dill whiten pigmentation;
    • Cabbage also lightens age spots and freckles;
    • Currants make the walls of blood vessels stronger and normalize moisture levels;
    • Gooseberries moisturize, increase elasticity;
    • Strawberries nourish and fight acne;
    • Apples and pears remove signs of fatigue;
    • Grapes give the skin a beautiful glow.

    The secret of refreshing masks is their ability to effective rejuvenation skin, and all ingredients are endowed with such functions.

    You can use refreshing masks for any skin type if you choose the right recipe, because no matter how moisturized or dry the skin is, summer is the most best time to carry out such procedures. This does not mean that you should forget about refreshments in winter, it’s just that in warmer times it’s much easier to find fresh products.

    Indications for use

    Signs when you need to pay attention to face refreshing masks:

    • Traces of fatigue and lack of sleep;
    • Pigmentation;
    • Greasy shine;
    • Dryness, lack of moisture and peeling;
    • Problematic rashes;
    • Wrinkles;
    • Bad skin color.

    How to use refreshing masks correctly:

    • At the very beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics;
    • In some cases, one use of a mask is enough (for example, before a celebration), but for a more pronounced result, 2-3 such sessions are needed in 7 days.

    Refreshing face mask: the best recipes

    Refreshing face mask with honey

    To refresh the skin and prevent acne on any type of skin, this product is recommended:

    • Prepare 3 tbsp. l. cucumber pulp, grating this vegetable. Pour the resulting puree into 4 tbsp. l. boiling water and leave to infuse under a closed lid for 20 minutes. When this time has passed, add 1 tsp. honey and mix everything;
    • Distribute the composition in a uniform layer and leave for a quarter of an hour;
    • Remove everything with a napkin, then rinse with cool water.

    Refreshing face mask with cucumber

    This recipe is suitable for lightening pigmentation, eliminating signs of fatigue and increasing tone:

    • Prepare 2 tbsp. l. puree from grated cucumber, then combine it with 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley;
    • Apply the mixture to all parts of the face, including around the eyes;
    • After 15 minutes, remove the remaining mask with cool water.

    Refreshing face mask with lemon

    To eliminate sebaceous shine on oily skin, this composition is recommended:

    • 2 tbsp. l. kefir (low-fat) mixed with 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice;
    • Apply the product to the entire treated area, avoiding contact with eyes;
    • After 15-20 minutes, wash with plenty of cold water.

    Refreshing face mask with cranberry

    To nourish, rejuvenate and increase moisture levels in dry dermis, you need to do the following:

    • Mash 2 tbsp. l. cranberries, add 1 tsp to the puree. honey and dilute everything with 1 tbsp. l. olive oils;
    • Apply to the entire face and leave the mixture for 20 minutes;
    • After the specified time, use warm water to rinse off the product.

    A refreshing face mask for dry skin

    This composition is suitable for improving complexion, smoothing wrinkles and eliminating peeling:

    • Grate one carrot, stir the prepared pulp with 0.5 tsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. flour;
    • Place the mixture well mixed until smooth and leave for 15 minutes;
    • Delete paper napkin, rinse with warm water.

    A refreshing face mask for oily skin

    To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous tract, you need to prepare the following remedy:

    • Finely chop the fresh cabbage leaf (you can do this using a blender), then mix this pulp with an equal volume of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
    • Place the mixture and hold for no more than 15 minutes;
    • Use cold water to rinse off.

    Refreshing carrot face mask

    • Mix 1 tbsp. l. grated carrots with 1 tsp. fresh cucumber puree, add 3 drops of vitamin A;
    • Distribute the mixture and leave for 20-25 minutes;
    • Wash with room water.

    Refreshing face mask before a festive event

    To refresh any skin just before going to a party or other celebration, this simple remedy is best suited:

    • 1 tsp. mix melted honey with an equal amount of sunflower oil, then add the same amount of cognac;
    • Treat the skin with the composition and keep it there for 15 minutes;
    • Rinse with cool water, then wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice(if your skin is oily). Treat dry skin with nourishing cream.

    The results of refreshing face masks at home are remarkable:

    • Beautiful, glowing skin;
    • Absence of problematic rashes, pigmentation and wrinkles;
    • Increased tone and improved appearance.

    Experience of our readers

    Galina, 30 years old:

    “An hour before I had to go to the party, I made a cognac mask. Immediately a blush appeared, and the skin stopped glowing greasy shine. I really liked the product"

    Taisiya, 27 years old:

    “Never overexpose the carrot mask! I kept it on for almost 40 minutes (to be honest, I fell asleep), and after that my face turned orange! It’s good that everything washed off in 1 day and I can use it again. I really like her, no matter what.”

    Renata, 43 years old:

    “Of all the recipes, I only used the cabbage mask. I recommend it to those who want to quickly refresh their complexion and remove greasy shine.”

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