• Very dry skin – what to do? Herbal masks for dry skin. Dry skin: causes


    Dry and itchy body skin are common symptoms that can bother each of us from time to time. Some people have dry skin from birth. In others, a similar symptom occurs under the influence of internal or external factors, can manifest itself acutely, then subside for a while. In any case, when the skin dries out, a person feels severe discomfort, both physical and moral.

    Dehydrated dermis is pale, unhealthy in appearance, prone to redness, peeling and cracking. When in contact with cold, heat, salty or acidic environment, it is easily irritated, begins to itch and turn red. In addition, wrinkles appear on it earlier and are more noticeable.

    How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms pharmaceutical products, and folk. But before you start treating them, it is recommended to consult a doctor to accurately determine the causes.

    Why is this happening

    The causes and treatment of dryness, itching and sagging body skin are, in fact, two parts of one question that must be solved sequentially. That is, the cause of the discomfort is first established. And depending on it, solutions are selected.

    The structure of the skin of every person contains sweat and sebaceous glands. They produce certain substances that, when mixed, form a thin, imperceptible film on the surface of the dermis. But it is of great importance, as it protects against the effects of negative external factors and at the same time does not allow moisture to evaporate.

    If for some reason this protective film is regularly destroyed, or the sebaceous and sweat glands do not work properly, the skin begins to suffer. First, they dry out, and then all the unpleasant symptoms accompanying this phenomenon appear: redness, itching, hypersensitivity, peeling and cracks.

    Note: in medicine and cosmetology this phenomenon is called xerosis. Most often, xerosis is temporary and bothers winter season. Sometimes it is congenital. As a rule, the areas of the abdomen and upper back are affected, and less often the limbs. But this is not necessary: ​​xerosis can occur in those areas of the body that suffer more than others from dry air, hot, poor-quality water, chemicals etc.

    So, if xerosis is not congenital, the following factors can provoke its appearance:

    • Changes in climatic conditions, including seasonal ones. Insufficiently humidified air in the summer heat or in winter, heated by heating radiators, provokes dehydration of skin cells.
    • Abuse of water procedures using hot water and soap are the first and necessary means of hygiene, but if used too often, they destroy the natural protective film; it simply does not have time to form again.
    • Neglect of water procedures. In this case, the opposite happens: too many harmful substances accumulate on the skin, which irritate it and interfere with the access of oxygen, moisture and nutrients.
    • Hormonal disorders. Hormone levels directly affect the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
    • Metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies or hypovitaminosis.
    • Poor nutrition. Strict diets, as well as overeating, and even with insufficient consumption of ordinary clean water, seriously harm the condition of the skin.
    • Bad habits. Not only alcohol and smoking - excessive consumption of coffee and soda also contributes to dehydration of the body and dermis in the first place.
    • Frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays: in the open sun or in a solarium.
    • Some dermatological diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema, keratosis, diabetes affect the production of ceramides - the building material of skin cells. With a long course of these diseases, the structure of the dermis does not develop necessary nutrition and do not have time to renew themselves, resulting in xerosis of varying severity.
    • Incorrectly selected and used cosmetics, poor-quality hygiene products. Products containing alcohol and abrasive particles, fragrances and preservatives are especially harmful.
    • Taking certain medications, usually antibacterial.
    • Stress and overwork.

    Practice shows that xerosis is usually caused by a combination of two or more factors. Often an internal disease (for example, diabetes mellitus or pathologies digestive system when the body does not absorb vitamins, microelements and other nutrients supplied with food) is aggravated improper care and bad habits. Therefore, you should get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon consistently and comprehensively.

    What to buy at the pharmacy

    Pharmaceutical products against dry skin can be divided into two broad categories:

    1. For external use, these are a variety of ointments, creams, gels and lotions, usually without alcohol, based on oils and plant extracts.
    2. For internal use– as a rule, these are various vitamins for dry skin of the body and face.

    They are used for serious problems, when xerosis becomes protracted and ordinary moisturizing creams are no longer enough. Ideally, vitamins and emollient external ointments and lotions will be selected by a dermatologist.

    Important: if xerosis is a symptom of a serious disease, such as diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, then systemic treatment is indispensable. In addition to specific medications to treat the underlying disease, the doctor may prescribe ointments containing hormones. They quickly relieve itching, swelling, and irritation, but they cannot be used independently, especially for pregnant women and children.

    A cream for dry body skin must contain vitamins A, E, C and B. Fatty acids, phospholipids, and ceramides are also welcome in the composition. Must not be:

    • lauryl sulfate;
    • alcohol;
    • parabens;
    • silicone.

    As for vitamin-mineral complexes, you should pay attention to those that contain the predominant vitamins and fatty acids listed above, as well as zinc and iron. The most affordable and effective supplements are AEVit and Biotin.

    How can traditional medicine help?

    Many people prefer to fight dryness, itching and sagging body skin with folk remedies. They are more affordable than expensive creams and emulsions, and they are also safer - at least that’s what is commonly believed. Gentle and proven folk recipes will also help remove dry skin on the body and face in a child.

    1. Baths - for the whole body or its individual parts with the addition of beneficial moisturizing, soothing and softening ingredients. They are done 2-3 times a week, the duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.
    1. Lotions - they are used for wiping, lubricating, compresses and lotions; depending on the composition, this is done daily or every other day.
    2. Ointments and masks are applied to the most affected areas. Ointments are usually used every day, and masks are made 1-2 times a week.
    • decoction of flaxseed. 5 large spoons of seeds should be poured into a thermos with a liter of boiling water, closed and left for several hours. Then strain. The liquid is used for baths, and the steamed seed can be applied to extremely irritated areas as a compress;
    • milk and honey Heat a liter of milk over low heat, pour in 200 g of honey and continue heating until the honey is completely dissolved. But the milk should not boil. Add a spoon to the honey-milk mixture almond oil, stir and pour into a bath of warm water;
    • oatmeal. 3 tablespoons of ground oatmeal are placed in a bag made of several layers of gauze, tied above the bathtub to a hot water tap so that when opened, water flows through the bag, then immersed in water for a quarter of an hour. You can repeat this procedure every other day;
    • almonds and sour cream. Grind one and a half tablespoons of fresh almonds in a coffee grinder and stir with the same amount of fat sour cream. The mixture is applied as a cleansing, moisturizing and softening scrub with gentle massaging movements. After five minutes, wash off in the shower;
    • olive oil. The oil is slightly heated, combined with a spoonful of liquid honey and applied to the body for 15 minutes. This mask gently cleanses, removes toxins, nourishes, moisturizes, stimulates regeneration;
    • avocado and banana. Both fruits are peeled and pureed. The gruel is diluted with 100 ml of heavy unsweetened cream; if desired, you can also add a couple of drops of wheat germ oil, grape seed or neroli. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water;
    • kefir. If the skin is very itchy and red, after the bath you can soak a linen napkin in chilled kefir and apply it as a compress. Cold kefir will soothe, relieve irritation and moisturize it.

    Herbs that are useful for xerosis: chamomile, linden, hops, rose petals, jasmine, dill, mint, violet, coltsfoot. Any of these herbs can be mixed in equal proportions, and then prepare an infusion at the rate of one spoon of the mixture for each glass of hot water. The resulting mixture is added to baths or used for compresses and rubbing.

    Oils for dry skin: rosehip, rose, almond, coconut, jojoba, wheat germ, shea butter, macadamia, apricot, peach. They are added to bath water, masks, lotions.

    Does nutrition play a role?

    Meals at increased dryness The skin of the body plays a big role. We mainly get the necessary vitamins from foods. Therefore, it is important to review your diet and adjust it taking into account the existing problem.

    To quickly eliminate dryness and flaking in both men and women, you should drink as much as possible. And not only in summer, but also in winter, since this is the heating season. This means that you are constantly in a room with hot air, which is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the epidermis and can cause discomfort.

    What else is worth doing:

    1. eliminate or minimize the consumption of coffee and alcohol;
    2. Make it a habit to eat nuts, seeds and vegetable oils;
    3. stop starvation diets and regularly eat fatty sea fish.

    If for some reason you cannot eat fish and dairy products, drink more vegetable and fruit juices with pulp.

    Eliminating dry and itchy body skin during pregnancy is sometimes not so easy. IN in this case such a symptom is associated with hormonal changes in the body, so just cream or oil, even the best, will not be enough. Your doctor will tell you what to do and how to deal with itching and dryness throughout the body.

    • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily;
    • Do not take hot baths using soap. Preference should be given to a warm shower using a soft cream-gel;
    • avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
    • temporarily give up decorative cosmetics, and to cleanse the skin, use gentle exfoliating and softening products;
    • after a shower, do not wipe the body, but pat it dry, and then immediately apply moisturizing oil or lotion;
    • wear clothes that are appropriate for the season so as not to freeze, but also not to sweat in them. Preference should be given to natural, breathable fabrics;
    • lead healthy image life, watch your diet, do not abuse alcohol and caffeine;
    • avoid stress and overwork, if possible, do not take antibiotics and other potent medications.

    Xerosis must be fought from the inside and outside. Reviews from adequate users and doctors recommend sparing no time and money to consult a specialist: in the end, it is cheaper and more effective than looking for ways to combat xerosis experimentally. A simple analysis will show exactly what is missing in the body, and the doctor will tell you what vitamins to take for your problem and how else you can quickly and safely eliminate severe dry skin of the body.

    Marina Ignatieva

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    A A

    If you're worried after a shower unpleasant feeling tightness, redness and flaking, which means you have dry skin. This problem should be given special attention, as it can cause premature aging, wrinkles appear on such skin earlier. To choose the right treatment strategy, you need to understand the causes of dry skin. This is exactly what we will tell you about today.

    List of the main causes of dry skin on the face and body

    Unfortunately, over the years, our skin begins to feel a lack of moisture. Therefore, many women after 40 years often complain of dry skin. But this problem may arise not only in mature age, but also at a younger age. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex are concerned with the question “Why does the skin become dry?” And now we will try to answer it.

    The most common causes of dry skin:

    • Disruption of the sebaceous glands as the main cause of dry skin

      The fat produced by the sebaceous glands is a kind of protective layer that retains moisture in the body and gives elasticity to the skin. If there is no such important protection, then your skin very quickly loses moisture, and with it its youth. After all, without a sufficient amount of moisture, it begins to peel off and age quickly, and the first wrinkles appear on the face.

    • General health may affect dry skin

      Some specialists, by looking at the condition of your skin, can accurately determine which systems in your body are not working properly. For example, dry skin of the body and face indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system or endocrine glands.

    • Dry skin is a consequence of vitamin deficiency

      may cause dry skin. After all, for its nutrition it is necessary useful material, but vitamins A, E and C are especially important. If your diet lacks these elements, then prepare for the fact that your skin may become dry.

    • Prolonged exposure to open sun, wind or frost dries out the skin.

      It has been scientifically proven that direct sunlight, strong wind and frost have a negative effect on the condition of our skin. Ultraviolet radiation destroys important parts of the skin layers, which are responsible for retaining moisture in the epithelium. The skin may become dry after excessive tanning, or as a result.

    • Frequent exfoliation makes the skin dry

      Dry skin often has keratinized particles that flake. Women, in attempts to get rid of them, often use peeling. However, abuse of this procedure gives the opposite result: the skin becomes even drier, and various inflammatory processes can begin. Why is this happening? Yes, because peeling destroys the fat layer that retains moisture in our skin. Accordingly, having lost its natural protection, the skin becomes even drier.

    • Frequent bathing and washing as a cause of dry skin

      Bathing or washing with soap and hot or chlorinated water removes the skin's natural oil layer. Moisture is not retained in the epithelium, and the first symptoms of dryness appear.

    • Heredity is one of the factors for dry skin

      Some women have a genetic tendency to dry skin. If you have excluded all of the above causes of dry skin from your list, then ask your closest relatives to see if this problem is hereditary. In this case, all you have to do is take proper care of your skin.

    To prevent the struggle for moisture in your skin from continuing endlessly, you need to: properly care for it, protect it from external influences, moisturize it . Plays an important role in the health of your skin, because your body must have a sufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals.

    Dehydration can not only harm a person’s health, but can also cause death. No one can live without water, they eat it, bathe in it, it is the basis of everyday life and beauty. If this chemical element is contained in a very small amount in the body, the internal state of a person and his appearance. It manifests itself like this: dry body skin, flaking, constant redness, chapping, lethargy. To get rid of such troubles, you need to find the causes of this condition and eliminate them, and then engage in complete rehabilitation of the body.

    What role does water play?

    In order for the skin to look healthy and beautiful, it must consist of 73 percent water. When this indicator drops below, collagen, which is the basis of the intercellular matrix, is not properly saturated with oxygen and moisture, which is why it cannot fully carry out metabolism in soft tissues body. As a result, the lipid layer becomes thinner, and this already entails a decrease in the barrier function of the body. In this case, bacteria can penetrate through the skin into the internal organs, which will provoke diseases. This disease is scientifically called xerosis. Its external manifestations are malaise, dry skin of the body, weakened hair, brittle nails, weak immunity.

    Causes of dry skin

    There are two main reasons for this issue. The first will be hereditary, according to which xerosis is transmitted from parents to children. In such cases, constant prevention and total self-care are necessary. The second is an acquired illness. These are problems with metabolism, solar factor and much more. In this case, restoring the normal diet for the skin is often sufficient. A person also undergoes a certain number of procedures that speed up this process.

    Acquired factors

    Let's take a closer look at why there may be dry skin on the body. Causes:

    1. Dehydration.
    2. Frequent bathing in hot water.
    3. Eating foods that remove moisture from the body.
    4. Allergies of various kinds.
    5. Sudden climate changes.
    6. Irregular lifestyle.
    7. Using the wrong cosmetics.
    8. Poorly balanced diet.
    9. Excessive exposure to the sun, excessive tanning in a solarium.
    10. Stress.

    Diseases and heredity

    Sometimes some problems with internal organs can cause a person to develop dry skin on the body. The reasons may lie in the functioning of thyroid hormones, in the process of blood circulation and secret glands. But among the diseases that provoke dry skin, we will name the following:

    1. Diabetes.
    2. Psoriasis.
    3. Dermatitis.
    4. Kidney failure.
    5. Ichthyosis.
    6. Seborrhea.
    7. Kerotosis.
    8. Hormonal imbalances.
    9. Hypothyroidism.

    Determining your skin type

    Using the following points you can determine whether you have dry skin or not. So:

    1. Dry skin constantly forms dark spots. Even if you remove the old ones, new ones appear at an enviable speed.
    2. The pores on such skin are almost invisible.
    3. It always flakes off, like scales peel off from the surface.
    4. If you run your hand over dry skin, it will feel rough.
    5. Sensations such as burning, itching occur after water procedures.
    6. Dry skin of the body always seems to be stretched, which brings great discomfort to its owner.
    7. Heels, palms, and cuticles dry out and crack.

    The presence of at least one of these points causes great discomfort for a person. Therefore, it is necessary to fight this disease with all known and unknown methods.

    Dryness varies

    Xerosis can manifest itself in two types, which differ from each other in severity. The first type is dryness with excellent tone. Most often found in young people. The skin peels, turns red, reacts sensitively to everything, but remains smooth and elastic. The second type is very dry body skin. There is no tone, no tightness. A notable feature is wrinkles around the mouth, which cannot be eliminated with the help of creams, much less home recipes. May occur as in at a young age, and in a more mature one.

    Basic prevention

    So, you have established (of course, it would be better if this were not so) that you have dry skin on your body. What can I do to slightly improve this problem? The reason may be a sudden change in climate or high dry air in your home/city. You can eliminate this problem by using a humidifier. We put the same thing in the car and at work in our office. When the cause of dryness is only the climate, you can independently choose a cream for dry body skin and use it daily. In order to increase the moisture content in the internal organs, we drink up to three liters of water per day. Proteins can also saturate the body with moisture, so strict diets should be abandoned in favor of foods containing this element.

    Dry body skin: treatment

    It is strictly forbidden to compose prescriptions against xerosis on your own, as you can only worsen your condition. To cope with the disease, you should contact a dermatologist, who will prescribe medications, both internal and external, which will need to be taken throughout the course of treatment. At a young age, dry body skin is treated with a protein diet and increased water intake. In some cases (if the patient can afford it), people go to live in cities with a more humid climate. If dryness is a consequence of menopause or other hormonal imbalances, then the doctor prescribes treatment with hormones that help restore balance.

    Daily care rules

    Today, most people living in our climate have dry skin. What to do with such an unpleasant drawback, how to get rid of the feeling of constant tightness and itching? In addition to treatment, there are a number of simple procedures that need to be performed daily:

    1. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day. It is best to buy it in bottles, since the taps serve us liquid that is unsuitable for consumption.
    2. Dry skin needs a lot of moisture, but it cannot absorb it properly. Therefore, when you take a shower or bath, make sure that the water is as cool as possible. It may be better for you to feel a little uncomfortable for half an hour, but then the condition of your skin will noticeably improve.
    3. After water procedures, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your body every time. It is best if this product is oil-based.
    4. Any cream or milk must strictly correspond to your age category.

    Facial care

    Dry skin on the face becomes especially sensitive, so you need to take special care of it. Every day you need to carry out three preventive procedures: cleansing, toning and moisturizing (or nutrition). Cleaning should be extremely gentle. Scrubs and peels that contain hard particles are strictly excluded. You can tone your skin with a contrast shower. Wash your face with warm water and then ice water. You need to moisturize and nourish your face with masks, oils, and finally creams.

    What to do if it's cold outside

    The cold season is a real torture for those people who have dry skin. In winter, you need to take care of it even more carefully than usual, protecting it from wind and frost. The main role here will be played by special creams labeled “winter”. This nutritional mixture, which covers the skin with a protective layer and does not chapped much. If the winters in your region are too harsh, try to wrap yourself as much as possible with a scarf or hat. Don't forget about your hands. They need to be treated with cream several times a day and always wear gloves. It is relevant in winter to use liquid vitamins E and A, as well as oils as face masks. A paraffin face mask will also help relieve dryness. You need to add the same oils or milk to it and apply it to your face until it hardens. With regular use water balance will gradually improve.


    You can combat dry skin either with a cosmetologist in the office or at home. It all depends on what is the reason for this deviation, why the skin becomes like this. If this is a disease, a hereditary factor, then only a specialist will help you cope with peeling and discomfort after passing the tests. When your skin is affected by climate, water, diet or constant stress, you can restore the water balance yourself. You just need to force yourself to take care of yourself regularly and efficiently.

    Dry skin is primarily expressed in disturbances in water and lipid metabolism and changes in the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In order to understand the causes of dry skin, we will take a closer look at what the skin actually is and what its role is for humans.

    The skin is the outer layer that protects the human body from external influences and is involved in thermoregulation, respiration and metabolic processes. The area of ​​the skin of an adult reaches two square meters, and the weight is approximately one-sixth of the total body weight. The skin acts as a barrier between the human body and the external environment, performs multiple important functions, participates in regulating body temperature, and protects internal organs from various types of mechanical influences (pressure, shock, friction).

    The presence of an antiseptic environment on the skin protects the body from the effects of pathogenic microbes. As long as the skin remains healthy, it maintains the necessary level of moisture and protects a person from the effects of sunlight. Negative Impact environment, chemicals, cosmetics, ultraviolet irradiation, overdose of medications, as well as nervous overload greatly upset the balance. As a result, peeling, redness, irritation, early formation of wrinkles and dry skin appear.

    The skin consists of three layers. The first is the epidermis, the second is the dermis and the third is the subcutaneous layer of fatty tissue. The epidermis is the outer layer, reaching a thickness of 0.03-1 mm. The eyelids have the thinnest epidermis, and in those places where the strongest effect is manifested, the epidermis thickens up to 30 times. Peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis is a normal physiological process, since the skin surface sheds up to two billion keratinized skin flakes every day. And epidermal cells are renewed every four weeks. Restoration of the skin is carried out by cell division of the basal and deepest layers of the epidermis. In the basal layer, creatine is involved in the synthesis of young cells. This is carried out at night. People do not notice the renewal of their skin. The exfoliation process is noticeable when the separation of dead cells occurs in large groups. The basal layer of the epidermis also plays an important role in determining our tan. It contains melanophores (pigment cells) involved in the formation of the melanin pigment in the sun. Pigment cells on the skin surface are distributed unevenly. For example, the face area has twice as many melanophores per square centimeter as the inside of the arm. Therefore, the face is able to tan much faster and stronger. If the skin is not able to produce melanin after exposure to the sun, then this phenomenon is called, and people are classified as.

    Under the top layer of the epidermis is the dermis, which is much thicker (up to 2.4 mm). The dermis itself is a dense, connective, fibrous tissue and ground substance containing elastic and collagen fibers. These fibers are responsible for the condition of the skin and whether the skin is dry, flabby or tight and elastic. Under certain conditions, collagen fibers absorb and accumulate moisture. When filled to capacity with moisture, the skin visually looks elastic and smooth. The second important task of the dermis is to provide the epidermis with nutrients: microelements, vitamins, oxygen, proteins, minerals and amino acids. The dermis is able to maintain a constant body temperature within 37 degrees. Temperature regulation is carried out automatically. The blood vessels, tiny capillaries, narrow when feeling cold, and expand when feeling hot. When vasoconstriction is noticeable on the surface of the skin, it is given the name “goose bump”. If the body overheats or works physically hard, the sweat glands actively secrete sweat. Protruding onto the surface of the skin, sweat evaporates. Thus, the skin is cooled and the whole body is protected from overheating.

    The last is the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is the deep layer of the skin. It can reach a thickness from a millimeter to several centimeters. The composition of fiber includes loose connective tissue, deposited primarily on the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Subcutaneous fatty tissue acts as protection against shock, an energy “depot”, and also a thermal layer. The thickness of the fat layer depends directly on nutrition, age, sports activity, the functioning of the hormonal system, and heredity. Fiber tissue contains nerve endings, as well as hair roots.

    So, we figured out that the skin is one of the large human organs of the body, performing numerous and varied functions. The appearance of the outer cover immediately indicates the condition of the organism as a whole.

    But we will now try to figure out what dry skin signals and why it is dangerous. Dry skin or dry skin (xeroderma) is one of the signs of lack of moisture in the top layer- epidermis. A small amount of water accumulates in the epidermis (up to 20%). At the first signs of lack of moisture, the following happens: the lower layers of the skin intensively evaporate water, and there is a slowdown in metabolic processes, leading to their dullness.

    Dry skin is a very common phenomenon, characteristic of middle-aged and elderly people.

    Dry skin causes

    In medicine, there are two types of dry skin. The first type is acquired dry skin. The second type is caused by constitutional conditioning. Acquired dryness becomes so under the influence of external factors. These factors are ultra-violet rays, freezing, heat, wind, low air humidity. Often, excessive dryness of the skin is the result of therapeutic measures or exfoliation procedures (peeling), or a rejuvenation method (dermabrasion). Dry skin is also likely when using azelaic acid, retinoids and other medications.

    Constitutionally dry skin occurs physiologically or due to genetic characteristics. It often appears in children aged two to six years. This happens due to a physiological decrease in the synthesis of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Constitutionally determined dryness can also manifest itself in a number of skin pathologies such as ichthyosis.

    Dry skin of the hands, back, legs, and face is often found in women with thin and snow-white skin.

    Modern medicine identifies such a concept as senile xerosis, which is understood as a clinical symptom with excessive dryness skin during aging. Often the skin becomes dry in the period before menopause, as well as during menopause itself.

    There is another classification of dry skin: good tone and decreased tone.

    Good tone of dry skin is characterized by an elastic, smooth and matte surface. This occurs when there are no wrinkles on the skin, but there is high sensitivity in responding to external stimuli. Therefore, the skin needs regular, cosmetic care, since the absence of one will lead to loss of tone. This feature is often characteristic of young people.

    Reduced tone of dry skin is characterized by thinning. This becomes very noticeable around the mouth, as well as the eyes, since the first wrinkles and folds appear in these places. Those with reduced skin tone should use modern techniques for her care to improve her condition.

    Dry skin of the feet and its causes are as follows: mechanical impact as a result of wearing narrow, uncomfortable shoes, which leads to compression and thickening of the stratum corneum with subsequent dryness.

    Dry skin signs

    How to determine dry skin yourself? When pressing on the skin with your fingers, traces of dry skin remain.

    Signs of dry skin include peeling, flaking, itching, red spots, discomfort, roughness and inelasticity, lack of pores, tightness after water procedures, roughness, the presence of deep cracks, and rare bleeding of cracks.

    Water is essential for the skin. Without sufficient moisture, the skin cannot function normally. The level of hydration affects the appearance of the epidermis. Moisture can impart elasticity and firmness. Moisture also supplies the skin with all important nutrients.

    Lack of proper hydration thins and leads to dry skin. In addition, it quickly becomes covered with wrinkles, turning into hypersensitive to external influences. The degree of skin hydration can be determined by two regulatory mechanisms. The first is the general condition of the stratum corneum; the second is the total amount of sebum. Horny cells, like sebum, form a lipid layer that protects the skin layer from moisture loss. The function of the lipid layer is also to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microbes, allergens and toxins. Dry skin threatens inflammatory processes and also leads to premature aging.

    There are many other possible causes of dry skin: bathing in hot water, physiological aging, frequent washing, seasonal changes, medicines, climate change, dehydration, inflammatory processes, allergic reactions, wounds, irritations, scratches, cuts, dry air at home, addiction to alkaline soap, as well as cosmetics, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Dry skin treatment

    Often, dry skin appears a couple of days after vacation. The reason for this is the stay long time exposure to the sun and climate change. To restore the skin, you need to humidify the air in the house. For this purpose, fresh flowers or vessels with water help well. Set the air conditioner to 85% humidity.

    Moisturizing procedures under polyethylene are effective for the skin. These procedures help increase sweating, as well as the absorption of water by the skin. 3 procedures are enough and dry skin will disappear.

    Dry skin of the hands, face, head and all skin integuments is treated with baths with starch, soda, salt, special ointments based on urea or salicylic acid. After frequent visits to swimming pools, your knees, elbows, and forearms suffer from dryness, so it is necessary to rinse your body with cool water after visiting them.

    During the period of hormonal changes, the skin quickly becomes dry. This applies to women over 45 years of age. The skin of the feet and palms become especially problematic. In such cases, complex treatment is prescribed.

    During the period of weight loss, the skin is subject to the greatest dryness, since micro and macroelements leave the body with water, and their replenishment does not occur (a person consciously limits himself in both food and water), and this cannot be done. Dehydration of the skin leads to increased peeling.

    How to treat this dry skin? It is important to drink up to two liters of water every day. Low-fat fermented milk drinks and juices replenish moisture well, but tea and coffee dehydrate the body even more.

    This risk group includes people over 65 years of age, lovers of hot baths, living in cold climates or with low humidity.

    Dry skin can be accompanied by complications: cellulitis, eczema, folliculitis. If you find strange signs (redness in certain areas, itching, sleep disturbances, ulcers, peeling), you should consult a dermatologist.

    Treatment for dry skin includes a special diet rich in vitamins and minerals. These are mainly B vitamins. To do this, you should include eggs, fish, brown rice, green vegetables, dairy products, liver, nuts, brown bread and fruits in your diet. Vegetables and fruits activate collagen production, supply the body with vitamin C and A, the liver will be a source of protein, and dairy products will provide the body with amino acids.

    Dry skin in a child

    Most young mothers are concerned about dry skin of their babies. This phenomenon is considered normal, since after birth the sweat glands function poorly and over time everything improves spontaneously.

    If dry skin in a child persists for a long time, then in this case there may be a number of reasons: frequent bathing, early artificial feeding, hard water, violation of the mother’s diet, intestinal pathologies, early introduction of complementary foods, contact with household chemicals.

    Dry skin in a child occurs rapidly due to the rapid response to external reasons. A harmless talc-based powder can dry out the baby's skin.

    Dry skin in a child can lead to pain, redness, itching, peeling, and cracking of the skin.

    Dry skin during pregnancy

    This is the main problem of all expectant mothers. During this period, there is an acute lack of fluid in the body. This dehydration often affects the feet, upper limbs, and facial skin.

    How to remove dry skin? With help special means that will not harm the fetus. Hydrocortisone or cortisone should not be used as they will further cause dehydration. Take advantage simple tips: wash with foam to moisturize, use a moisturizing mask and vegetable oils when bathing, drink non-carbonated water, mineral water, use a humidifier and scrubs with small particles, do not get carried away with baths.

    Dry scalp

    This phenomenon is quite common, especially in winter time. When the sebaceous glands are imbalanced, flakes with a yellowish tint fall off the scalp.

    Dry scalp can be treated with diet. Include fatty acids in your daily diet. Eat avocados, fatty fish, and avoid perfumed conditioners and shampoos. Finish every hair wash with a rinse. apple cider vinegar. Buy a humidifier. Use a head mask: honey combined with olive oil.

    Dry scalp in the presence of diseases such as psoriasis requires complex treatment by specialists.

    Dry hand skin

    This condition is caused by a number of factors. This includes hand care, general condition of the body, living conditions, nutrition. It is the hands that give away a person’s age. To keep your hands attractive, use these tips: after washing, dry your hands thoroughly, complete the washing procedure in cool water, never go outside with wet hands, and in cold weather without gloves, use softening hand creams, apply to your hands in summer sunscreen, do your homework with gloves, use a hand scrub. In the evening, after smearing your hands with cream, put on plastic gloves.

    Use masks and compresses from mashed potatoes; yolks with honey and vegetable oil; sour cream, yolk and lemon juice. After masks, apply cream to your hands to moisturize. All these recommendations will help keep your hands well-groomed and beautiful.

    Dry facial skin

    If you cannot cope with dry facial skin on your own, seek the help of cosmetologists, since proper care will preserve youth and prevent the appearance early wrinkles. It is better to wash your face with melt water or special lotions, you can use milk diluted with water and herbal infusions. Always use face masks after cleansing your skin. Masks made from oatmeal, dairy products, and warm porridges are good. Positive results They give gymnastic procedures and, of course, a balanced diet. The habit of smoking and an abundance of cosmetic products have a very bad effect on the face. decorative means. At the same time, the skin around the eyes loses elasticity and becomes dry. To prevent such problems, moisturize the skin with special moisturizing creams around the eyes, avoid ultraviolet radiation, enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of fluids. At home, apply aloe plant juice to problem areas.

    Dry lips

    This condition occurs after licking the lips, which leads to evaporation of moisture and the appearance of dryness not only on the lips, but also around the mouth.

    Dry lip skin often occurs in cold and windy weather or under direct exposure to sunlight. Sometimes the cause is a lack of moisture, as well as nutritional components.

    The best treatment for dry lips is to prevent it from getting worse. Every exit from the house should be accompanied by lubrication of lips with hygienic lipstick or balm. And in summer it is necessary to use sunscreen balms, for example with oils. Good masks to use for softening: cottage cheese, apple, cream, carrot.

    The human embryo consists of 95-97% liquid, and in an adult the body consists of only 70% water: With age, the volume of liquid decreases, which, according to scientists, is one of the factors of biological aging.

    Patients who are faced with the problem of dry skin know that this is a huge problem, accompanied by irritation, tightening, itching and peeling of the epidermis. These manifestations are fraught with a lot of inconvenience, but you can get rid of them.

    Signs of dry skin

    Treatment for dry skin begins only after the problem has been identified. It can be congenital or acquired.

    Microcracks, peeling of the epithelium, “tightness” effect - obvious signs dry epidermis

    The presence of the disease is indicated by the following symptoms:

    1. Peeling of the epithelium.
    2. The presence of small cracks on the surface of the skin.
    3. Redness, irritation, constant itching.
    4. Loss of elasticity of the epidermis (when you press on the skin, the trace of the impact does not disappear).
    5. Invisible pores.
    6. After taking water procedures, a feeling of “tightness” occurs.

    The main danger is the violation of the structural integrity of the cover. Microcracks allow potentially dangerous chemicals, bacteria, and dust to easily penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. The spread of these agents is accompanied by painful sensations and irritation.

    Causes of dry skin

    Dermatologists say that the condition of the skin depends on the environment, unfavorable factors, bad habits and even lifestyle. Often the prerequisites are laid in other diseases.

    Experts focus on one thing important point– dryness can be a manifestation or reaction of the body to one of the following ailments:

    • problems with the digestive system;
    • dystrophy;
    • activation of infectious diseases;
    • dermatitis;
    • deterioration of metabolic processes;
    • ichthyosis;
    • allergies to external or internal irritants;
    • renal failure.

    It is important to make sure that there are no diseases in the body, or to cope with them. Often dryness goes away without outside intervention if the body is healthy.

    The main causes of moisture deficiency in the dermis:

    Dryness of the epithelium can be local (spreads to certain areas of the body) or general. The problem area can say a lot about the causes of the defect. Based on this information, the dermatologist makes a decision on prescribing certain medications.

    Methods for treating dry hand skin

    Hands suffer the most from unfavorable environmental factors. They are exposed to temperatures, wind, ultraviolet radiation, chemicals, all kinds of powders. It is not surprising that it is on this part of the body that roughness and tightness most often appear.

    Dermatologists agree that if a patient has dry skin on his hands, the causes and treatment should be interrelated.

    An unpleasant problem can be easily avoided if you follow simple rules:

    • When working with chemically aggressive substances, wear protective gloves;
    • After water procedures, carefully dry your hands with a soft-lint towel or delicate cloth;
    • when going outside, use sunscreen lotions and creams;
    • during the cold season, protect the skin from wind and low temperatures;
    • include in diet healthy fruits and vegetables, especially rich in vitamins “B”, “E”, “A”.

    Treatment of dry skin on the hands can also be carried out in beauty salons: massage, paraffin therapy, wraps with herbal extracts, baths - all these procedures will restore tone and beauty to the epidermis. A similar effect can be easily achieved using homemade recipes.

    Methods for treating dry skin

    Dermatologists admit that dry facial skin is a serious problem that requires surgical treatment. Painful epidermis requires high-quality nutrition from professional preparations. As for home remedies, it is better to use them to consolidate the main effect achieved with drug treatment.

    Treatment of dry facial skin cosmetic procedures involves using one of the following methods:

    • hyaluronic acid injections;
    • collagen applications;
    • peeling;
    • use of hot compresses;
    • special facial massage;
    • salt cleaning of pores.

    Products for moisturizing dry skin are selected individually for each patient. To the most popular procedures recent years considered to be facial xerosis. Fatty acids, ceramides and phospholipids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis.

    General principles for treating dry skin

    State problem skin will improve noticeably if you approach the issue in a comprehensive manner. The main task comes down to identifying substances, microelements, and moisture that are missing in the body. By nourishing it, it is important to control changes in the condition of the dermis. The body will respond positively to suitable and effective methods, which will certainly affect the condition of the epithelium.

    Dermatologists focus special attention on several aspects of treatment:

    1. Proper diet. Healthy food is the “skeleton” for fighting any illness. Often people do not realize the importance of nutrition, and this is completely wrong. The healing of the body begins with healthy food. The daily diet should include: vegetable oils, fish, dairy products, seafood, nuts, broccoli.
    2. Often dry epidermis is a manifestation of a serious disease of the internal organs. The task of primary importance is to eliminate the main diagnosis, and only then eliminate its consequences.
    3. Elimination of external irritants and undesirable factors. Dermatologists advise avoiding direct contact with aggressive chemicals and washing liquids.
    4. The body needs to be filled with moisture, which involves consuming large quantity water (at least 2.5 liters daily).

    Cosmetologists advise using by daily means for face and body care. Special attention compositions rich in lipids, fatty acids, and ceramides deserve.

    Homemade Recipes for Dry Skin

    Masks prepared at home are characterized by a powerful effect. They help saturate the epidermis with nutritious moisture, smooth out folds and wrinkles. These compositions are distinguished by their versatility, because. They are used not only for the face, but also for the body. The recipes presented below deserve special attention.

    Curd and honey mask

    For dry dermis, one of the most useful and valuable products is honey. It saturates the inner balls of the epidermis with microelements. After exposure to this gift of nature, the cover becomes much softer. As for cottage cheese, it promotes intensive regeneration at the cellular level and heals small wounds.


    • 15 ml honey;
    • 25 grams of fat cottage cheese.

    Cooking method: Honey is heated in the microwave, cottage cheese is added to it. It is important that the temperature is not too cold. The ingredients are carefully mixed and then applied to problem areas of the skin. The duration of exposure to the mask is 10-12 minutes.

    Traditional medicine in the fight against dry elbows

    If the skin on the elbows is dry, treatment is also required. First you need to get rid of the main cause, and only after that deal with the flaky epithelium. Cosmetologists recommend using balms (Pitival), ointments (Radevit), oils (mango, cocoa), etc.

    A scrub made from honey and coffee grounds. Heated steam bath honey. The ingredients are mixed until smooth. Then the elbows are treated with a nutrient composition, removing dead cells in a circular motion. The consistency is washed off with chamomile decoction. Upon completion of the procedure, the dermis is moisturized with oil and cream.

    Oatmeal peeling

    The oatmeal-based composition is suitable for all skin types and is universal. Use the composition to cleanse the entire body.


    • 100 mg oatmeal;
    • 45 ml honey;
    • 1 chicken egg.

    Cooking method: Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add egg and honey until a homogeneous mass is formed. The prepared mass is treated throughout the body, massaging it. The results are noticeable after just 2 sessions of oatmeal peeling. After completion of the procedure, the skin is moisturized with nourishing lotion.


    An unpleasant defect in the form of dry skin can be avoided if you carefully care for the skin. Prevention requires a minimum of effort and time, but the results will be impressive.

    Correct daily care behind the skin - the key to success in the fight against dry epidermis

    The skin and its condition are a litmus test by which the health of the body as a whole is assessed. The slightest problems with internal organs also affect appearance. Do not ignore the signals sent by the body. Nowadays there are a huge number of specialized products for the prevention and care of dry skin on sale.

    Causes of dry body skin

    Dry body skin is often caused by internal factors (diseases, disorders hormonal levels, stressful situations). In the case of the hands and face, the negative manifestations are localized, but if the entire body is affected, it is time to talk about complex problems. Scientists continue to actively study the processes that worsen the condition of the epidermis. Dry dermis is considered under the prism of immunological and biochemical processes.

    The barrier function of the epithelium is leveled when.

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