• How to determine your type. The best skin care products for oily skin


    Maya Samoilova, dermatologist, cosmetologist at the Reforma clinic, knows everything about caring for oily and combination skin. She not only drew up a detailed care plan for us, but also answered the most frequently asked questions about problem skin.

    What is called “problem skin”

    Obviously, this is a type of skin that is called oily or combination, with the presence of inflammatory elements. Oily skin without inflammatory elements is healthy from the point of view of a dermatologist.

    Oily skin is characterized by increased sebum production. The sebaceous glands expand, become clogged and so-called comedones (blackheads) are formed. The appearance of such skin seems unsightly, uneven, earthy. If you experience a feeling of tightness after washing, it means that the skin is also damaged. lipid barrier epidermis, while the skin type is still oily. It’s just that the epidermis lacks special lipids – ceramides, which create a protective film on the surface of the skin.

    The lipid barrier of the epidermis can be damaged for various reasons, the most common being improper skin care, the use of too aggressive, drying products, or alcohol-containing lotions.

    I would like to especially highlight combination skin. In this case, areas of oily skin (most often the T-zone - forehead, nose, chin) are combined with areas normal skin. If the difference is very significant, with inflammatory elements, the T-zone is taken care of separately.

    The problem of enlarged pores becomes more urgent the higher the thermometer rises. The heat turns even minor skin problems into a real disaster. We tell you how to get rid of enlarged pores and look your best, even when the thermometer shows thirty.

    How to care for oily skin

    If there are a lot of inflammatory elements on the skin, then you need to start by consulting a dermatologist. He will prescribe treatment, and the cosmetologist will select competent skin care. Without an integrated approach, success cannot be achieved. Such skin requires increased attention and constant monitoring. But oily skin itself, even if there are no rashes, requires special care. The main aesthetic disadvantages of oily and problem skin are:

    • greasy shine
    • "blackheads" (comedones)
    • uneven skin structure, roughness (hyperkeratosis)
    • enlarged pores
    • inflammatory elements
    • stagnant bluish spots, after inflammatory elements
    • scars
    • There may be peeling if the lipid barrier is disrupted

    Skin care steps at home


    1. Washing

    The cleanser should have a light structure, in the form of a mousse or gel. It should contain anti-inflammatory components. Any active ingredients or vitamins in the cleanser are unnecessary. The product should be foamed with water, massaged into the skin and rinsed with plenty of water. Cleansing products that some manufacturers recommend not rinsing off but simply wiping your face are not suitable! Since in this case the washing is of poor quality. I can recommend a cleanser for problem skin - Dr. Schrammek Gel Super Purifiant - it tightens pores, relieves redness, prevents the formation of papules, pustules and comedones.

    2. Toning

    Use a cotton pad moistened with tonic or lotion to thoroughly wipe your face. The goal is to remove the remnants of the cleanser, tone the skin and normalize the pH balance after cleansing. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic lotion Gernetic Sebo Ger copes well with its tasks. Tonics can also be in the form of sprays. This also includes thermal water, do not forget that you need to spray it on clean skin. Tonics and lotions for oily skin may also contain anti-inflammatory, exfoliating, pigment-constricting, absorbable, astringent components.

    3. Protection

    After the toning stage, apply in the morning protective equipment. The goal is to create a protective layer from the adverse effects of external factors. Creams for oily skin may contain anti-inflammatory, sebostatic, matting, absorbent, exfoliating, astringent, and light moisturizers. There are a minimum of nutritional components in the day cream. These should be light textures, and do not forget about sun protection factor, since ultraviolet radiation damages the skin and reduces local immunity, which is fraught with new inflammatory elements and pigmentation.


    1. Makeup remover

    For makeup removal (removal decorative cosmetics) it is better to take a separate product. There is no need to take skin type into account.

    2. Washing

    You can wash your face with the same product for oily skin that you use in the morning.

    3. Deep cleansing

    This step is used for oily skin 1-3 times a week. If there are a large number of inflammatory elements, this is contraindicated. Scrubs, peelings, gommages, light peelings with AHA acids are used. Scrubs should be chosen that are gentle, with small abrasive particles to avoid microcracks, for example Gernetic Ger Peel surface peeling cream. The goal is to cleanse the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and eliminate hyperkeratosis.


    All recovery processes mainly take place at night; oily skin also needs anti-aging care. In night care products oily skin may contain nutritional components, vitamins, moisturizing components, growth factors. If the skin is severely dehydrated, then products with components that restore the lipid barrier of the epidermis are used - ceramides, soothing components (panthenol, allantoin). Clay-based masks with anti-inflammatory, sebostatic and astringent effects are good for oily skin.

    At all stages of oily skin care, prevention of inflammatory manifestations is carried out. You should not try to remove inflammatory elements yourself! This can lead to serious complications, especially if the inflammatory element is in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

    Many of us know that oily skin ages much slower than dry skin, but everyone dreams of getting rid of this problem. A greasy sheen, the appearance of comedones and purulent pimples, enlarged pores, a grayish complexion, blurry makeup - these signs of this type are familiar to many and cause a lot of anxiety, worry and inconvenience. Not only girls and boys going through puberty can face this problem, but also people older mature age. And 10% of teenagers with oily skin remain oily even after 30 years.

    What can you do to ensure that your skin is healthy, beautiful, clean, matte and well-groomed? You will get the answer to this question, which is important for many people with oily skin, in this article. In it we will introduce you to the causes of oily skin, principles of skin care and treatment. Using our tips, you will be able to look at your reflection in the mirror with pleasure and forget about the oily sheen that bothers you and many other problems characteristic of this skin type.

    Why does skin become oily?

    Poor nutrition and frequent stress contribute to hormonal changes in the body and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

    The main cause of increased oily skin is excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Excessive production of sebum leads to the formation of an oily film on the face, clogging of the sebaceous glands with plugs (comedones), the appearance of a rash and deterioration of the complexion.

    Why do the sebaceous glands begin to produce too much? a large number of sebum? There are many reasons for their activation. Here are the main ones.

    1. Excess testosterone. This one common reason Oily skin is most typical during adolescence, when powerful hormonal changes begin in the body. In most cases, by the age of 25 the level returns to normal and the problem resolves on its own. Hormonal imbalance can occur in women during different phases of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
    2. Hereditary predisposition. This reason is due to the characteristics hormonal levels and the functioning of the nervous system, and it cannot be eliminated. In such cases, owners of oily skin have to master the features daily care for this skin type.
    3. Poor nutrition(fast food, fatty, sweet and salty dishes, excess preservatives, etc.). This cause of oily skin is due to dysfunction of many systems and organs, and you can only get rid of it by reviewing your diet.
    4. Frequent stress or depression. This cause of oily skin is due to a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. You can get rid of it by changing your attitude towards problems that arise, having a positive attitude towards life, or treating nervous disorders.
    5. Impaired functioning internal organs :, intestines, stomach, etc. Many of the diseases of the internal organs lead to hormonal imbalance, and the sebaceous glands begin to work in increased mode. To get rid of this cause, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment for the underlying disease.
    6. Frequent use of cleansersalcohol-based products.Under the influence of alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, the epidermis is actively dehydrated, and in response to this, the sebaceous glands begin to produce more sebum. To get rid of this reason, it is often enough to choose the right skin care products.
    7. Frequent peelings. Facial cleansing using mechanical or chemical peels always gives noticeable and tangible results, and “in the pursuit of perfection” many begin to abuse these procedures. Constant microtrauma and inflammation of the epidermis that accompany the process of skin resurfacing lead to excessive production of sebum. You can get rid of this reason only by changing your attitude towards the need for peelings and performing them in a more “gentle” mode.

    In some cases, excess oily skin can be caused by more than one reason.

    Signs of oily skin

    Oily skin type can be determined by the following signs:

    • an hour or two after washing, a greasy film appears on the skin;
    • oily shine (usually in the area of ​​the nose, forehead or chin);
    • frequent appearance of areas of inflammation or rashes;
    • enlarged pores (especially in the T-zone);
    • periodic peeling of the skin;
    • black and white comedones;
    • the presence of hyperpigmentation from rashes;
    • the appearance of scars and post-acne;
    • smudging makeup.

    How to properly care for oily skin?

    Oily skin needs special care, and its appearance will largely depend on its correctness and regularity. Caring procedures must be supplemented by compliance with the following recommendations:

    • diet: exclude spicy, sweet, fatty, spicy and too salty foods, alcoholic drinks, coffee and chocolate from the diet;
    • stress prevention: excessive stimulation of the nervous system leads to more active work sebaceous glands, if necessary, should be taken;
    • frequent replacement of the pillowcase: it is better to change this piece of bed linen daily, since bacteria accumulating on it can cause inflammation of the skin and the appearance of acne;
    • no touching your face with your hands during the day: touching your skin with dirty hands increases the likelihood of inflammation and acne;
    • respect for the skin: do not squeeze out pimples and comedones yourself; such procedures should only be performed by a specialist, since if performed incorrectly, they can lead to infection and more severe complications (including sepsis);
    • mandatory makeup removal before bed: a layer of decorative cosmetics interferes with the normal functioning of the skin, clogs pores and leads to the appearance of acne and areas of inflammation.


    If you have oily skin, you should cleanse your face 2-3 times a day. For this procedure, it is advisable to use slightly warm water and special cleansers: gels or foams for this skin type. It is not recommended to use antibacterial soap for cleansing, as it dries out the upper layers of the epidermis, activates the activity of the sebaceous glands and can provoke the appearance of inflammatory reactions.

    If you have oily skin, you should completely avoid washing your face with hot or too warm water, as its high temperature will lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Constantly using only warm water is also not recommended, as this causes skin atony and constant enlargement of pores. To avoid such consequences, rinsing your face with cool water after washing with a cleanser will help.

    To wash with gel or foam, you can use a special brush or sponge for the face, which provides deeper cleansing of sebum from the pores. The cleanser is applied to damp skin, and gentle massaging movements are performed with a brush or sponge for 2-3 minutes. After this, the face is rinsed with water and blotted with a towel.

    Toning and antiseptics

    After cleansing the skin, apply a toner or lotion for oily skin containing oxide and salicylic acid on the face. For daily care, you should choose products that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol-containing products should be used only if there are inflammatory elements and pustules on the skin. To treat such problem areas, you can use tea tree oil, which has a strong antiseptic and wound-healing effect.


    For oily facial skin, it is recommended to exfoliate 1-2 times a week, which exfoliates dead skin cells and prevents clogging of pores. For this procedure, you can use ready-made cosmetics (scrubs and peels) for oily skin or products that were prepared at home.

    Application of creams and gels

    Oily skin, like any other, needs additional hydration and nutrition. This is why you should not refuse to use creams. They must be chosen taking into account the needs of this skin type: they should not contain a large amount of fat. To care for oily skin, you should use only light, non-greasy creams or special hydrogels. Their composition should include fatty acids, antiseptic and astringent extracts (birch, tea tree, witch hazel, eucalyptus, cedar, pine, etc.). Creams or hydrogels can be applied 1-2 times a day (morning and evening).

    When choosing cosmetics to care for this type of skin, you should pay attention to products labeled “non-comedogenic.” Various dyes, thickeners and moisturizers can be comedogenic, i.e., clog pores, for oily skin. In some cases, this tendency to block the lumen of the sebaceous glands may be individual, and you will have to choose care products using a selection method.

    Steam baths

    People with oily skin are recommended to take steam baths 2-3 times a month. For this procedure, you should use decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, yarrow) or collections from them. Steam baths are best done before bed and only after thoroughly cleansing the skin. Such procedures improve blood circulation, cleanse pores and eliminate black and whiteheads (comedones).

    Face masks

    For more complete care for oily skin, it is recommended to make masks 2-3 times a week. Such procedures eliminate and prevent inflammation of the skin, dry it, deeply cleanse the pores, make them narrower and improve complexion. For masks, you can use ready-made cosmetics or healing compositions prepared at home.

    Any mask is applied only to well-cleaned skin and removed according to the instructions. With such procedures, the duration of applications must also be observed.


    Oily facial skin needs protection from harmful effects ultraviolet rays. Sunscreens for this skin type should not contain comedogenic ingredients or fragrances. Preference should be given to those products that were created for sensitive skin. Such creams are softer and do not clog pores.

    For daily use, you need to choose products with SPF 15-30. When visiting the beach, pool or park - with an SPF of more than 30. The application of such products replaces the use of moisturizing creams or hydrogels. If necessary, sunscreens are reapplied to the skin (for example, after contact with water or at certain intervals).

    Anti-aging creams

    Many anti-aging creams are too heavy for oily skin because they contain comedogenic substances. For this skin type, it is better to use anti-aging gels or serums that have a lighter texture. Such anti-aging products should include anti-radicals and sunscreen components.

    What care products for oily skin can you prepare yourself?

    To solve many problems associated with oily facial skin, products that can be prepared at home help perfectly. For their production they are used medicinal herbs, food, essential and natural oils. When using such home cosmetics, you should definitely make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components.

    There are many recipes for preparing oily skin care products. In this article we will describe some of them.

    Soap based on white or blue clay

    100 g baby soap grate and place in an enamel bowl, add ½ cup of herbal decoction (chamomile, sage, calendula and oregano) and melt the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil, 2.5 ml of grape seed oil and a heaped teaspoon of white or blue clay to the soap base. If desired, you can add juice from ¼ lemon to this recipe. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into a mold (for example, a small glass jar). After cooling, use for washing.

    Oatmeal soap

    Grind 100 g of baby soap and place in an enamel bowl, add ½ cup of herbal decoction (chamomile, sage, calendula and oregano) and melt the resulting mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. To the soap base, add a tablespoon of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder, ½ teaspoon each of lemon juice and almond oil, 5 drops each of rosemary and mint essential oils. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and cool in the mold.

    Sea salt and lemon juice scrub

    Mix lemon juice and chopped sea ​​salt. Rub the resulting mixture onto your cleansed face with massage movements for 1-2 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

    Scrub made from honey, wheat bran and lemon juice

    Melt 2 tablespoons of honey in a water bath and add 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of wheat bran to it. Mix thoroughly, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to face. Massage the skin for several minutes and rinse with warm water.

    Toner with apple cider vinegar and essential oil

    Mix 2/3 cup of witch hazel or chamomile decoction with 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar and add 5 drops of essential oil (lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus or juniper) to the resulting solution. Pour the tonic into a sterilized glass container, close the lid and shake several times. Be sure to shake the tonic before applying to the skin.

    Tonic of mint, calendula and lemon juice

    Pour boiling water over a mint tea bag and let steep for about 10-15 minutes. Prepare a decoction of calendula. Pour mint infusion into a sterilized glass container, add 2 teaspoons of calendula decoction and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Close the container with a lid and mix thoroughly. Store tonic in the refrigerator.

    Cream jelly made from honey, glycerin and salicylic acid

    Soak 6 g of gelatin in ½ cup of warm water and add 50 g of honey, 1 g of salicylic acid and 80 g of glycerin to the resulting mass. Place the bowl with the future cream in a water bath and keep it, stirring constantly, until all the ingredients are completely dissolved. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil (cedar, rosemary or lemon) to the cream for fragrance. Beat the cream, pour into a sterilized glass container and close with a lid. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

    Cream based on oils and beeswax

    To prepare the cream, you can take various base oils:

    • oil apricot kernels– with severe peeling of the skin;
    • olive oil – if there are areas of redness;
    • grape seed oil – in the presence of comedones, acne and areas of inflammation;
    • wheat germ oil – for wrinkled problem skin.

    Essential oils are also selected depending on the characteristics of the facial skin:

    • bergamot, lemon, cypress, geranium, eucalyptus, tea tree or juniper oils - in the presence of comedones, acne and areas of inflammation;
    • lavender, chamomile, neroli or lemon balm oils - for itching and flaking of the skin;
    • mala cedar, jasmine or sandalwood - for wrinkled skin.

    Melt 15 g of beeswax in a water bath and mix it with 50 ml of base oil. Cool the mixture to room temperature and add 5 drops of essential oil to it. Beat the cream, pour into a sterilized glass container and close with a lid. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. Shake before application.

    White clay and pineapple juice mask

    Mix 2 tablespoons of white clay with a tablespoon of pineapple juice. Add another spoonful of juice and mix until smooth. Place the mask in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Apply to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Make the mask 2-3 times a week. Pineapple juice can be replaced with lemon juice.

    Vitamin mask made from grapefruit juice and oatmeal

    Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix it with ¼ cup fresh juice grapefruit. Apply to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse off first with warm and then cool water. Make the mask 2-3 times a week.

    What salon treatments are good for oily skin?

    Help improve skin condition salon treatments.

    Many salon procedures help suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and tighten pores, remove age spots and acne scars, and improve skin color. They are selected individually for each client, and their choice depends on many indications, contraindications and skin characteristics.

    In the salon, those with oily skin may be offered the following procedures:

    1. Ultrasonic facial cleansing. This gentle procedure allows you to cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and even out the tone and texture of the skin.
    2. Vacuum peeling. This surface resurfacing procedure allows you to even out skin texture, remove comedones and excess sebum, eliminate fine wrinkles and improve blood circulation.
    3. Biocybernetic therapy. This procedure normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, accelerates the removal of harmful substances, improves local metabolism in skin cells and accelerates its recovery processes.
    4. Darsonvalization. Exposure to pulsed alternating currents improves blood microcirculation, narrows pores, suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and eliminates compactions and hyperpigmented spots on the face.
    5. Mesotherapy. This procedure allows you to deliver medicinal substances, vitamins and minerals into the deep layers of the skin. If necessary, can be used only on problem areas of the face.
    6. LPG facial massage. This procedure is performed to eliminate enlarged pores, swelling, infiltrates, normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and improve skin tone.
    7. Laser resurfacing. This procedure allows you to get rid of increased activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates areas of hyperpigmentation after acne, scars, post-acne and significantly improves complexion.
    8. Microcrystalline dermabrasion. This procedure allows you to open the pores of the sebaceous glands, removes upper layer keratinized skin, evens out facial tone and allows you to get rid of scarring, hyperpigmentation from acne and post-acne.
    9. Surface chemical peeling. To perform such procedures, non-toxic alpha hydroxy acids can be used: glycolic, tartaric, lactic, malic, trichloroacetic, mandelic and salicylic. Such peels can suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, tighten pores, prevent the appearance of acne and improve complexion.
    10. Medium chemical peeling. To perform such procedures, Pro Anthox techniques are used (peeling using a composition of 5% TCA and 10% glycolic acid) or Yellow peel (peeling using a composition of retinoic, azelaic, phytic, ascorbic and kojic acids). Such procedures allow you to get rid of deeper skin defects: hyperpigmentation after acne, post-acne, scars and wrinkles.

    Salons can also offer complex individual care services for oily skin using professional lines of cosmetics. Such cosmetics not only allow you to achieve a temporary aesthetic result, but also have an effective therapeutic effect. Their prescription should only be carried out by dermatologists or cosmetologists.

    The most popular professional lines cosmetics brands for oily skin care include:

    • Dermalogica;
    • Natura Bisse;
    • GIGI Cosmetic Labs;
    • Comodex;
    • Dermo Control;
    • A-NOX;
    • ONmacabim et al.

    In what cases is treatment necessary for oily skin?

    Proper and regular care for oily facial skin in many cases helps to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of this skin type, but for some diseases of the internal organs it gives only temporary results.

    To eliminate such problems, it is necessary to undergo a series of diagnostic examinations that will identify the cause of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. To do this, you need to seek advice from the following specialists:

    • endocrinologist;
    • gynecologist;

    ) I gave you advice on how to make sure that your care is truly gentle and benefits your skin. These tips apply to all face types. Today we’ll talk about...

    I have suffered from oily skin since I was a teenager. Plus, I suffered from terrible acne. I struggled with this in different ways. Under the influence of inspiration and hope that everything will change, one stage of caring for my unhappy skin sometimes reached 4-5 steps, i.e. first wash (with something vigorous), until the skin squeaks, then tonic (equally vigorous), then scrub (more, more), then some kind of mask (super-duper cleansing), then cream (of course from shine, read - completely drying out the skin).

    From such a shock, the skin became better at first, then worse... I gave up... Until I myself, by trial and error, after many, many, many hours of studying the Internet, literature, and the experience of other “victims”, came to the conclusion, what exactly for oily skin prone to acne, rule "Less is better" works best.

    Why am I writing this to you? Then, so that you take my advice seriously and read it thoughtfully (and read it again and again each time, especially if in the store your hands reach for another gel/scrub/foam/tonic that promises deep cleaning and other miracles). It's real effective advice for oily skin care, which I have suffered through and tried more than once.

    Maybe you will think that they are too simple, or maybe too crazy. This is fine! After all, they are not at all similar to what advertising and glossy magazines tell us.

    So, go ahead!

    How to care for oily skin?

    2. Tip two(gentle)
    The rule says: the oilier the skin, the more acne, the more often you should scrub. THIS IS WRONG! I wanted to write that it should be the other way around, but I believe that scrubs are a “duty” inspired by advertising. If this were so important for the skin, nature would give us the opportunity to change our skin like snakes))) In order to maintain skin renewal in its natural rhythm, it is enough to make a clay mask or gassoul once (maximum twice) a week (Moroccan clay, much fatter and softer than regular clay).
    Why? The principle here is the same as in the first tip: the more top layer of skin you remove, the more (and faster) it grows + more fat is produced in order to “smooth out” such gross interference in the natural rhythm of the skin.

    3. Tip three(anti-chemical)
    No skin, especially oily skin, will tolerate a lot of chemicals. This means, carefully read the composition on the tubes. Both skin cleansing and care should be no tensides, no emulsifiers (PEG), no artificial preservatives or synthetic fragrances. It is very important! All these components of cosmetics, which are found almost everywhere, irritate the skin in highest degree. Sometimes it is worth excluding all this from care and cleansing, and the skin, as if by magic, becomes matte and clean. As for essential oils, you also need to be careful with them. And they can cause rashes. In general: are you thinking about how to care for oily skin? choose hypoallergenic products(the best thing organic cosmetics), and you will be happy!

    4. Tip four(toning)
    Choose foundation for face you need to be very careful and thoughtful! Study the composition carefully, especially the makeup. After all, if you applied the cleansing gel and washed it off, then you will wear foundation all day. 50% of the condition of your skin depends on the quality (read, composition) of foundation. What to look for: foundation for oily skin prone to breakouts should not contain:

    • emulsifiers (PEG and similar)
    • paraffins
    • other petroleum products (silicones, etc.)

    The most annoying thing is that the foundations that best cover up skin imperfections contain either all or part of them. You probably think that makeup for oily skin, which most often says “oil-free,” is completely harmless. It is not always so. In the near future I will post the results on foundations, and you will be horrified. (Here it is! It's ready!)

    For example, toners such as Vichy Aéra Teint Fluid(with mattifying effect!!!) or Clinique Superbalances Makeup contain not only silicones (which form a film on the skin and immediately clog pores), but also other harmful substances.

    5. Tip five(simplest)

    ... it says - no cream in the evening. It sounds crazy, but it's true. I have already described

    Girls, whom nature has endowed with oily skin, constantly experience discomfort. Greasy shine, unhealthy tint, enlarged pores - and these are not all the “gifts”. It is on such skin that acne and comedones constantly appear. To protect yourself from such aesthetic problems, it is necessary to organize competent care for oily skin. The dermis will become flawless only if the procedures are carried out correctly and regularly.

    Oily skin causes a lot of trouble. She needs proper daily care. She can react to any errors in cosmetics, and even in nutrition, with increased greasiness. But don't complain about fate. After all, it is those with oily skin who remain young longer than others. Unlike dry skin, oily skin retains firmness and elasticity longer.

    4 signs of oily skin

    Increased fat content of the epithelium is most clearly manifested in adolescence. Over time, women adapt to the characteristics of their skin. And thanks to skillful care, it masks gloss, wide pores and other imperfections. After 30 years, greasiness gradually decreases. However, the main manifestations of skin features can persist to varying degrees throughout life.

    Four main signs that you have oily skin type.

    1. Oily shine. Increased functioning of the sebaceous glands leads to the accumulation of sebum.
    2. Gray shade. Excess fat mixes with dust and dirt from the environment. The face looks gray and dirty.
    3. Enlarged pores. Fat, combined with dirt and dead cells, clogs pores. Untimely cleansing leads to their expansion. The skin becomes like an orange peel.
    4. Acne, inflammation. Accumulated excess fat and dead epithelium create a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply. Pathogenic microorganisms trigger inflammation processes in the dermis, which leads to the appearance of acne and comedones (blackheads).

    Excessive greasiness can be not only individual feature, but also a signal from the body about the development of certain diseases. For example, if you didn’t have any special skin problems at school, but as you get older, acne and shine start to bother you, you should consult your doctor. Such changes may be a sign of hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal problems, or problems in the endocrine system.

    Main causes of oily skin

    The appearance of oily plaque on the skin is dictated by the intense work of the sebaceous glands. Their greatest accumulation is observed in the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin. This is why the T-zone is characterized by increased oiliness. Dermatologists identify several main reasons increased greasiness.

    • Natural hormonal imbalance. Such changes are observed in adolescence, during pregnancy or menopause. This is due to increased production of sex hormones. The violation is temporary.
    • Hormonal disorders. Hormonal imbalance may be based on endocrine diseases, pathologies of the female reproductive system, and uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives.
    • Gastrointestinal and liver disorders. Oily skin can signal poor nutrition. Increased greasiness is typical for people who enjoy starchy, fatty, spicy foods, soda and alcohol. Oily skin can be a symptom of diseases such as colitis, cholecystitis, and hepatitis.

    One of the common causes of increased greasiness of the epidermis is improper care. Frequent peeling, aggressive cosmetics, and constant degreasing injure the dermis. To protect the skin, the body begins to produce sebum with redoubled force.

    Age-appropriate care for oily skin

    The secretion of the sebaceous glands is significantly increased during adolescence. Over the years it decreases. After 30, most people no longer experience severe discomfort caused by oily skin. And by the age of 40, the dermis usually becomes dry. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account age-related characteristics in skin care.

    After 20 years

    The main task proper care behind the dermis in youth is the removal of excess fat. Proper cleansing eliminates oiliness, tightens pores and maintains a natural complexion.

    Cosmetologists explain how to get rid of oily facial skin if the girl is only 20 years old.

    After 30 years

    After age 30, sebum production decreases noticeably. Therefore, the face no longer looks so oily. But at this age, the dermis begins to lose its elasticity. Metabolism proceeds more slowly, cell renewal worsens, and blood flow weakens. And although oily skin remains young for a long time, after 30 years you can notice the first, barely noticeable, signs of aging.

    Therefore, facial care for “30+” includes some features.

    After 40 years

    Sebum synthesis is reduced almost threefold. However, even after 40 years, some features of oily skin remain: a tendency to inflammation, enlarged pores, increased contamination of the dermis.

    Cosmetologists give the following recommendations to women over 40 years old.

    Winter and summer laws in care

    Looking beautiful every day is not easy, especially if your skin is constantly blown by a cold frosty wind or burned by the sultry sun. Under such conditions, the dermis becomes capricious and needs appropriate care.

    5 rules for winter care

    The epidermis reacts sharply to lower temperatures. The face that is not protected from frost suffers the most. The production of sebum in the dermis sharply decreases, and peeling begins. As a result of a drop in air humidity, tissues become dehydrated. And sudden changes in temperature lead to a slowdown in blood circulation.

    Caring for oily skin in winter includes five important rules.

    1. How to wash your face. For washing, lukewarm water with the addition of grape seed or tea tree oil is suitable. Five drops per half liter of water is enough. This will help the skin become soft, elastic and protect against moisture loss.
    2. How to apply cream. You can use the cream an hour before going out into the cold. For winter, it is better to choose light products rich in vitamin E.
    3. How to scrub. The scrubbing procedure is carried out once a week in winter.
    4. Is toning necessary?. It is better to avoid rubbing the dermis with ice cubes. The skin has to cope with weather conditions, so do not overload it with contrasting procedures.
    5. Special “frost” cosmetics. If you are going to be in the cold for a long time, you need to take care of your skin. Use cream and lipstick that are designed to protect against the cold.

    5 rules for summer care

    There is a widespread belief among girls that the sun helps dry out oily secretions on the face and fights acne. Therefore, those with oily skin try to sunbathe as much as possible. But this is a mistake. This “sun therapy” results in activation of the sebaceous glands, the formation of new inflammations and the spread of acne.

    1. How to wash your face. You need to wash your face twice a day. Cool water is used for the procedure. It is recommended to use gels, foams, lotions that contain components that reduce oiliness. These can be extracts of sea buckthorn, chamomile, rosemary oil, and lavender.
    2. Is toning necessary?. You can and should tone your skin. Preferably three to four times a day. This will significantly reduce fat secretion. It is useful to use tonics with the addition of citrus juices.
    3. How to scrub. Deep skin cleansing procedure summer period carried out more often. It is recommended to scrub the dermis every three days. For the event, cosmetics are selected that contain salicylic, glycolic, and citric acids.
    4. What cream do you need?. In the summer, cream is used only with a soft consistency and must include an SPF factor. It indicates protection of the dermis from the sun. The optimal protection index is SPF 30. It will “hide” the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation and allow you to get a tan.
    5. Vitamin "bonus". In summer it is useful to nourish the dermis with fruit masks.

    In summer it is not recommended to use foundation. Under the influence of heat, such cosmetics clog pores and create an unpleasant shiny layer on the face. Instead of foundation, it is better to choose powder. It will mask imperfections well, reduce oiliness and will not clog pores.

    Daily procedures

    Where should you start taking care of your dermis? The best solution is a visit to a specialist. A dermatologist will prescribe a course of treatment for problem skin. Recommend suitable cosmetics. And most importantly: only a doctor can promptly predict diseases of the internal organs and refer the patient for additional diagnostics.

    To properly care for oily facial skin at home, you need to take care of gentle cleansing, moisturizing, periodic scrubbing and mandatory toning.


    Daily care must begin with cleansing your face. Those with sebaceous dermis are sure that frequent washing is good for their skin. It's a delusion. The condition of the epidermis will improve not on the frequency, but on the quality of the procedure performed.

    Cleansing the skin consists of three important points.

    1. Water temperature. You need to start with warm water. It will help open the pores. Hot water is not used. Complete the procedure with cool water.
    2. Choosing a washbasin. If you have inflammation and acne, it is better to opt for gels containing zinc and salicylic acid. For oily skin, products enriched with essential oils tea tree, basil, with a pH level not higher than 4.5. Cosmetics containing alcohol are strictly contraindicated.
    3. Special brush. For morning cleansing, it is recommended to use a special soft brush. It will help to properly massage the skin, ensure the opening and cleaning of pores.


    After cleansing, the dermis needs toning. This helps tighten the epidermis and strengthen it. Tonic tightens pores and protects them from pollution. It cleanses the skin of bacteria, preventing the occurrence of acne.

    You can prepare such products to care for oily skin yourself. Here simple recipes homemade tonics.

    • Lemon. Add one teaspoon of squeezed lemon juice to half a glass of water. Ready.
    • Chamomile. Pour one tablespoon of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes and use to wipe the skin.
    • From nettle. Pour one tablespoon of squeezed nettle juice into a glass of boiling water. Nettle juice is obtained as follows: the leaves of the plant are passed through a meat grinder and the resulting pulp is filtered using a piece of gauze.

    Night oil

    The following oils are useful for the sebaceous epidermis.

    Deep cleaning

    Periodically, the skin needs deep cleansing. Using exfoliating products helps remove dead epithelium and prevent acne. The scrubbing procedure improves blood flow and nutrition of the dermis.

    You need to remember what to do with oily facial skin for deep cleansing.

    • Herbal compress. Wash your face well. Afterwards, it is advisable to steam it with herbal compresses. For example, chamomile, string, sage.
    • Massage with scrub. Apply the scrub and massage the skin for two or three minutes, excluding strong pressure, so as not to injure the skin.
    • Moisturizing and tone. Wash off the mixture and be sure to moisturize the epidermis with cream or tonic.

    Scrub recipes

    • Clay. You can use green, black, and white clay. Red is suitable for mature dermis. One spoon of the selected clay is diluted with a spoon of water. Instead of water, you can use fermented milk products.
    • Lemon-salt. A tablespoon of salt is mixed with half a spoon of lemon juice and half a spoon of water.
    • Sugar. Two teaspoons of brown sugar are combined with three teaspoons of warm milk.

    Mask recipes

    For effective cleansing skin, you can use masks. Such procedures are carried out no more than three times a week. The mask is applied to the face for approximately 15-20 minutes. At home, you can resort to such recipes.

    • Made from protein, honey and flour. Egg white beat into thick foam. Gradually add a teaspoon of liquid honey to it. To obtain a mushy mixture, add wheat flour, approximately half a teaspoon.
    • Made from oatmeal, kefir and lemon. Three tablespoons of flakes are crushed. Add two spoons of kefir and one spoon of lemon juice to the powder.
    • From yeast and cranberry juice. 20 g of fresh yeast are ground and mixed with a spoon of cranberry juice. If necessary, you can add a little warm milk to achieve the desired consistency.

    For rashes, pimples or inflammation, scrubbing and cleansing masks are not carried out, since there is a high risk of pathogenic bacteria spreading over the entire surface of the face. And if the dermis is injured by abrasive particles, infection can also affect the deep layers of the epidermis.

    The right diet

    What else can you do at home with oily skin? Along with cosmetic procedures, you need to reconsider your diet. Nutritionists note that spicy, fatty foods, seasonings, flour products are able to activate the sebaceous glands. To normalize their functioning, it is recommended to take lactic acid products, low-fat fish, grain porridges, white meat, fruits, bran, vegetables, and veal as the basis for the menu. This diet is better than any cosmetics.

    Experience in caring for oily skin - reviews

    Hello girls. Homemade scrubs for oily skin are very useful and effective technique. But I also really like procedures in salons, I go to the non-surgical rejuvenation center. I do it there too professional peeling using chemicals. It works very effectively, after peeling there is no trace left of oily shine and very enlarged pores. So I can also recommend you to see a cosmetologist. The master will tell you exactly how to make your skin better.

    Adelina Andropova, https://lady.mail.ru/forum/topic/zhirnaja_kozha/?page=1#comment-42727

    I recently discovered a wonderful remedy - chamomile decoction. It dries out inflammation well, but does not dry out the skin. I use it instead of tonic. The face is fresher, there is no inflammation. I recommend!

    Stardustik, //forum.cosmetic.ua/topic185645start40.html

    I freeze the chamomile decoction, then wipe my face with this ice in the morning, the effect is even better, try it, I think you’ll like it too))) Sometimes I alternate it with nettle, it also helps relieve swelling, if any

    Irena, //forum.cosmetic.ua/topic185645start40.html

    Now I’m fasting, I eat less fatty and sweet foods, my skin looks much better - it’s not shiny and my pores are almost invisible. So it’s not just the outside that needs to be taken care of. My girlfriend’s skin was constantly shiny on her face and she had rashes. One dermatologist advised her to give up sweets for a while to understand whether it was for her or not. That's how she became such a beauty! After a month, her skin became completely clear, and after six months she lost 6 kg! She has become such a little doll!

    Tetyana, //forum.cosmetic.ua/topic185645start40.html

    Homemade recipes for face masks with lemon, or How to squeeze out all the benefits from citrus 1154 Gelatin face mask for blackheads: how to achieve the effect of the sensational Black Mask

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    The owner or owner of oily skin can be seen from afar. Such people have rough and oily facial skin, shiny with an earthy tint, reminiscent of an orange in texture. Oily skin is characterized by the fact that it is secreted in excess and, combining with dead skin cells, creates a blockage of the sebaceous glands. This leads to the formation of acne and blackheads.

    Characteristics of oily skin type

    As a rule, this type of skin causes many problems for its owners. Pimples form on it, it is constantly covered with an oily film that prevents it from “breathing.”

    As a rule, this type of skin is typical, but 10% of adults have “faces” with oily skin. The culprit of such skin manifestations is hormonal system, namely the male hormone - testosterone, which activates the sebaceous glands. The only joy of having fatty type skin is that it is less susceptible to aging, and wrinkles appear on it a little later than in the owners of or.

    At improper care If you have oily skin, it becomes oily even faster.

    That's why good view and the health of oily skin depends on the factors affecting it and on proper care. Some products may be great for one girl or guy's oily skin, but may not help others maintain a healthy, beautiful complexion. Therefore, choosing the right effective remedy for a particular person is quite difficult.

    Various benefits for oily skin cleansing masks, compresses, steam baths.

    When washing your face in the morning and evening, you can use a decoction of oatmeal or sour milk. After washing, you can lubricate the skin with a cleansing lotion or tonic, strong brewed tea, infusion of chamomile, sage or oak bark.

    Nourishing and moisturizing cosmetics help oily skin look healthy. Cosmetologists recommend making cleansing masks 2 times a week. For enlarged pores, dermatologists advise wiping the skin with cucumber or lemon juice diluted with water, and instead ordinary water Wash your face every few days with unboiled milk.

    Cosmetologists and dermatologists suggest owners of oily skin try the following step-by-step daily care:

    Morning care for oily skin

    1. Washing with cool water and cleansing gel or foam

    Washing with cool water, which tones the skin, with a special cleansing gel or foam, easily soluble in water and intended for the care of skin prone to excess oil production. You cannot use simple soap, which only dries out the skin, leaving a residue.

    This product cleanses and soothes the skin well, preparing it for subsequent makeup application.

    3. Applying a special moisturizing base cream with a low content of fatty components and oils

    If acne and inflammatory formations are already observed on the skin, it is recommended to spot treat them with a product containing salicylic acid or peroxide.

    4. Use of SPF products (foundation, mineral powder)

    If you need to go outside, you need to apply an SPF product, for example, foundation or mineral powder. A product with SPF protection is applied last, on top of all makeup, otherwise it simply won’t work.

    Evening care for oily skin

    Evening care for oily or any other skin begins with cleansing it of makeup using special products - gel or foam cleanser.

    It is good to use special serums containing vitamins.

    Care for oily skin during the day and regularly

    During the day, you can use special wipes that remove oily shine. They do not spoil makeup and effectively remove excess sebum.

    The most important part of caring for oily skin is regular cleansing. This is helped by scrubs with particles of raspberry seeds, microparticles of cedar shells or apricot kernels. After cleansing with this scrub, the skin becomes smooth and silky. However, the cleansing procedure must be very careful, as there is a danger of microtrauma. Peeling is done no more than once every three days. It is best to exfoliate your skin before bed, when you no longer need to go outside.

    After 25 years good effect can be achieved by peeling with products containing AHA acids. They are considered best helpers to get rid of old and dead cells, renew the skin, stimulate the formation of young cells. It is best to have these procedures carried out by specialists.

    Mixtures containing clay or medicinal mud work well as masks. They allow you to narrow enlarged pores, preventing them from becoming dirty.

    Cleansing oily skin

    Oily skin needs cleansing more often than other skin types. You need to wash your face at least three times a day with special products.. And remove makeup with a cleansing cream. It is better to use soft lotions with a tonic effect. They stimulate blood circulation and tone the skin, improving its texture.

    For oily skin it is very important to use special means, which regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and increase the immunity of cells to various infections.

    Water for washing should not be hard.

    Oily skin: mistakes in care

    The first mistake is dry skin

    If the cleanser dries the skin too much, the result will be the opposite. The skin tries to restore its composition and brings even more sebum to the surface.

    Cosmetologist's advice: Use gentle products, but more often. Wipe your skin several times a day with a lotion or toner designed for oily skin. This product contains antibacterial substances that prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

    The second mistake is squeezing pimples.

    Do not squeeze out blackheads and pimples often. A pimple is a plug of dead cells and sebum. An inflamed pimple may be replaced by acne and serious inflammation.

    Cosmetologist's advice: Blackheads should be squeezed out no more than once a week. You need to thoroughly clean the skin, steam it using a steam bath with a decoction of chamomile or sage. After this, use a cosmetic cotton wool wrapped around your finger and press lightly to squeeze out the blackhead. Then disinfect the inflamed area.

    The third mistake is stress and severe anxiety.

    Don't worry about oily skin and acne. The reasons may be different: a large amount of sweets in the diet, hormonal imbalance, poor hygiene. We need to identify the cause and solve it! And here unnecessary stress may worsen poor skin conditions.

    Cosmetologist's advice: It is worth contacting a specialist - together it will be easier to cope with the problem.

    The fourth mistake is choosing the wrong medicine

    An incorrectly selected medicine aggravates the problem, causing the appearance of new skin inflammations.

    Cosmetologist's advice: When prescribing any medication, ask a specialist about its effect on the skin.

    Fifth mistake - frequent peeling

    You shouldn't peel very often. Removing dead skin cells using exfoliants is definitely beneficial. However, if it is carried out frequently and uncontrolled, the opposite result occurs: the skin begins to secrete sebum in even greater quantities.

    Cosmetologist's advice: Peeling should not be done more than once every three days. In case of acute inflammation of numerous pimples, you should avoid peeling until they are cured, since exfoliation of particles can further injure the inflamed areas of the skin.

    Masks for oily skin

    Exist special masks for oily skin, helping to get rid of the problem:

    Mix one tablespoon each of kaolin and corn flour, the white of one egg, half a teaspoon each of medical alcohol and lemon juice. The resulting mask is applied to the face and left for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

    Mix two teaspoons of honey and natural yogurt with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.

    Beat the white of one egg with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply a thin layer to the face. Wait until the composition turns into a film, rinse with warm water.

    Pour 100 g of boiling water over one tablespoon of calendula leaves. Cool until warm. Place a towel soaked in the infusion on your face for a quarter of an hour. Wipe your face with a dry soft towel.

    Propolis mask

    Mix a quarter glass of olive oil and 15 ml of propolis tincture with 15 g of wax. On steam bath melt. Cool until creamy and add 2 egg yolks. Apply to face for 10-12 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    In the production portfolio of any well-known cosmetics company there is a line of medicinal cosmetics aimed at caring for facial skin prone to excessive sebum secretion.

    To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, clean and narrow pores, it is recommended to use products from the same series. Experts explain this by saying that then cosmetic products will not have a reason to “conflict,” causing irritation and additional problems. In addition, dermatologists recommend changing manufacturers every quarter due to the different effects that medicinal cosmetics have on the skin. This method will help you achieve great results. It is best to choose medicinal and caring cosmetics with the help of professional help.

    You can start selecting “your” series with the main components. Antibacterial tonic And cleansing gel Those with oily problem skin are a must have in their makeup bag.

    If after several days of using them the skin condition has improved, then these cosmetics are ideal.

    You can safely purchase the rest of the products in this series: foam wash, tonic lotion, scrub, moisturizer, cleansing mask.


    Prevention of premature age-related changes

    As mentioned above, before going outside, where the skin will be exposed to sun rays and wind, you should use special protective equipment. They help protect facial skin from premature aging. Sunscreens consist of water, fat, vitamin E, softening and moisturizing components. Returning from the street, especially in hot summer or severe winter, it is useful the use of after-tanning products to moisturize and nourish the skin.


    A good prevention of premature aging is good hydration skin. Any climatic and atmospheric factors negatively affect the skin. Regular, systematic and thorough moisturizing of facial skin. Both hot and dry air and frosty air dry out the skin, after which it becomes susceptible to microtraumas, cracks, and loses elasticity. All this leads to the formation of inflammatory processes and wrinkles. The wind exudes and peels the skin. Using a quality moisturizer allows these impacts to be minimized.

    Helps to avoid early aging of the skin and the whole body organization of a healthy and rational lifestyle. Thus, the body, which is deprived of sufficient sleep, suffers, and the first adverse consequence is tired skin. New cells are formed during sleep. It is at night that the skin restores its structure, so sleep should not only be continuous and restful, but also long.

    Morning jog and moderate exercise help increase skin elasticity. Physical activity increases blood circulation and stimulates well skin covering person. Call premature aging skin can be damaged by prolonged stress and nervous overload. They cause excessive contraction of the facial muscles and fatigue. The skin begins to lack vitamins and oxygen, and blood circulation is impaired.

    A philosophical attitude to life is an effective way to prevent early skin aging.

    Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the condition of the skin, causing the formation of wrinkles, enlarged pores, and redness of the face. And here balanced diet and sufficient water consumption (up to 2 liters per day) can maintain normal vital balance in cells and tissues, and therefore prevent early skin aging.

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