• What is the best way to treat burns? Treatment of burns with boiling water at home. Folk remedies for thermal burns


    Treatment of burns - Recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”

    The most effective folk remedies for burns are presented in separate articles, links to which are given below. In these articles, readers of the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” share their experience, how they managed to cure burns, as well as non-healing wounds after burns, how this happened, and how quickly they achieved complete skin restoration, and what folk remedies are suitable for providing first aid for burns .
    Judging by the letters from readers, the most effective remedies for burns, in descending order, are:
    1. Raw eggs (sometimes only whites are used)
    2. Grated potatoes or starch diluted with water
    3. Baking soda
    4. Toothpaste
    5. Pork or beef bile

    All of these products are suitable for first aid. A homemade ointment based on beeswax will help quickly restore skin after burns and cleanse weeping wounds of pus. vegetable oil and eggs, lime water, butter melted from egg yolk, onion ointment and other folk remedies

    Homemade ointment for burns.
    Heat 1 cup of unrefined vegetable oil (preferably linseed), add a piece of beeswax the size of Matchbox, put on low heat and wait for the wax to melt. After this add 1 boiled yolk chicken egg, having previously mashed it with a fork. Sometimes in this recipe the yolk is added in grains, each time the butter foams and must be quickly removed from the heat. When everything has dissolved, stir the mixture and let the ointment cool.
    If you apply this ointment to swollen blisters, they quickly fall off and the wounds heal without complications. (HLS 2015, No. 3 p. 31).

    How to treat a burn with potassium permanganate.
    A man in a bathhouse slipped and fell on a hot stove. The wounds were very large, the stomach and chest were especially damaged, the skin remained on the stove. In the morning he was supposed to be taken to the hospital, but a neighbor came and promised to treat the burns at home in 10 days. The man decided to stay home. The treatment consisted of the following: the neighbor cleaned the surfaces of the affected areas with sterile gauze wipes, and treated the edges of the wounds with 40% alcohol. Then I prepared a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and lubricated all the wounds with this solution. After 2 hours, the burns became covered with a black crust and began to crack. After another two hours, the neighbor smeared all the wounds with unsalted rendered goose fat. The pain immediately disappeared.
    For two days the patient lay on his back and almost did not get up. On the third day, the black crusts began to separate from the wounds; on the fifth day, all the crusts fell off, and underneath there was new skin, slightly redder than the surrounding healthy one. On the 7th day of treatment, the man went to work. None of my friends could believe that the terrible burns were cured so quickly.
    A few years after this incident, an acquaintance of his suffered from the explosion of a moonshine still. He was treated at the regional burn center for two months, but recovery was slow. Then the man invited him to his village and cured the burns with potassium permanganate in 5 days, which greatly surprised the doctors. (HLS 2014, No. 13 p. 9).

    Similar examples of how it was possible to cure burns with the help of potassium permanganate in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 11 p. 32; 2005, No. 18, p. 24; 2002, No. 8, p. 8,).

    Apple vinegar.
    A woman severely burned her finger on a hot frying pan. Immediately I put my finger in the glass with apple cider vinegar, gradually the pain subsided. There are no blisters or redness left on the finger. (HLS 2014, No. 16, p. 33).

    How to treat burns with onion ointment
    Fry 1 onion until golden color in 100 g of butter or vegetable oil, strain and add melted wax - 1 tbsp. l. Mix everything, grease with warm mixture sore spot. This ointment can be made for future use, stored in the refrigerator, and warmed slightly before use.
    The fact that this is a very effective folk remedy for burns is evidenced by reader reviews in the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2014, No. 21, p. 38; 2011, No. 11, p. 32; 2005, No. 8, p. 24; 2007, No. 2, p. 33.

    Treatment of burns with brilliant green
    The woman received severe burns face with hot boiling oil, large blisters immediately swelled up. The woman washed the oil off her face with cold water, wiped it with alcohol, cut off the largest blister with scissors, and a non-healing wound. A neighbor doctor suggested applying brilliant green to the burns every hour. Soon dry crusts formed, which were moisturized with face cream. After 2 weeks, the scabs were painlessly removed with tweezers. There was no suppuration, everything healed without scars. (HLS 2014, No. 21, p. 41).

    Healing agave
    The child was 2 years old when he turned a kettle of boiling water over himself. Mom quickly smeared the burnt skin with the pulp of an agave leaf - there was not even any redness. Agave – indoor plant, a bit like aloe. (HLS 2014, No. 23, p. 33).

    How to treat burns at home with honey
    Honey is good for treating burns. If you lubricate the skin with honey immediately after a burn, the pain disappears, the redness goes away, and a blister does not form. There is no need to apply any bandage. (Healthy Lifestyle 2014, No. 5, p. 32; Healthy Lifestyle 2010, No. 24, p. 31; 2004, No. 9, p. 26; 2006, No. 4, p. 29).

    Treatment of burns with Icelandic moss
    Icelandic moss (cetraria) is rich in auspic acid, which has a strong antibiotic effect. Based on this acid, the drug sodium usninate is made, which is used as an antimicrobial agent in the treatment of burns, wounds, and cracks. A remedy for burns can also be prepared at home: pour 2 teaspoons of Icelandic moss thallus into two glasses of cold water, bring to a boil, and boil for 5 minutes. Used as a lotion on burn wounds. (HLS 2013, No. 23, p. 29).

    How to treat egg burns
    There is a folk remedy for burns: beat a fresh egg and apply it to the burn. Apply frequently, not allowing it to dry out, until the pain stops. The wound heals quickly and no blisters form. Numerous examples demonstrate the effectiveness of this product (12 reviews in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”).
    It is also melted from boiled egg yolk egg oil, which is successfully used to treat burns and festering wounds. There are also a lot of positive reviews about this oil (9 reviews in the newspaper) - the skin heals right before your eyes.

    Goose fat
    Rendered goose fat is very effective remedy from burns. It can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar for years. It is enough to lubricate the burned skin with a thin layer, and after a few minutes the pain subsides, and the burn marks, redness and blisters gradually disappear. (Reviews of treatment in Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 5, p. 17; Healthy Lifestyle 2013, No. 12, p. 31; Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 15, p. 19).

    Treatment of burns with soda
    The burned area should be quickly cooled with cold water under the tap and immediately covered with baking soda. Do not move for 10 minutes so that the soda does not fall off. During this time, the pain and burning goes away, then you can shake off the soda and move on with your business, but it is advisable not to wet the burn for 30-40 minutes. Or the second way is to lubricate the skin with vegetable oil and cover it with soda. There are no blisters or redness left.
    11 positive reviews of healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 1, p. 29; 2010, No. 16, p. 32; 2009 No. 9, p. 13.31; 2012, No. 21, p. 31; 2011, No. 6, p. 40; 2005, No. 8, p. 23; Healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 20, p. 9; 2008, No. 24, p. 38; 2010, No. 17, p. 33.

    The woman scalded her arm with boiling water from the shoulder to the hand, immediately smeared it with sunflower oil and sprinkled it with soda - there was not even any redness left. (HLS 2007, No. 13, p. 37).

    Potatoes and starch in the treatment of burns with folk remedies
    In case of a burn, you need to quickly cool the skin under running cold water, grate the raw potato along with the peel and apply it to the burnt skin. After 30 minutes, change the compress. This potato compress relieves burning and pain, without redness or blisters after a burn. The compress is applied 3-4 times in a row as the compress warms up. Grated potatoes can be used several times, once used, cool in the freezer. (HLS 2012, No. 11, p. 31; 2011, No. 6, p. 39).

    An effective remedy for burns is potato starch. It must be mixed with water to form a paste, applied to a napkin and applied to the burn.

    In case of a burn, you should anoint the burn area with toothpaste, preferably mint. After 2-3 minutes the pain will go away, and after 2-3 hours the paste will dry out and a white crust will form, after washing it off you will not find any blisters or redness underneath. (2010, No. 2, p. 31; 2012, No. 11, p. 28; 2008, No. 5, p. 31-32; Healthy lifestyle 2004, No. 20, p. 25; Healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 17 , p. 25).

    How to treat a Kalanchoe burn
    Kalanchoe always helps to quickly cure a burn. The woman burned her hand with boiling water, crushed a Kalanchoe leaf, applied it several times, and after two hours there was not even any redness left.
    (HLS 2012, No. 8, p. 39).

    To treat burns at home, it is better to use not a feathery Kalanchoe, but one that has “babies” growing on its leaves. Remove the film from the underside of the sheet, this is very easy to do, and immediately apply it to the burned area. But it is imperative to cover the entire burn, otherwise a burning sensation will remain in the uncovered area. Keep the leaf for about an hour, then remove, there will be no burn blisters or redness left. (HLS 2007, No. 13, p. 37).

    Wounds after burns - treatment with folk remedies
    The man severely burned his hand; doctors prescribed ointments, but they did not help. The wound became deep. Once a doctor asked, “Aren’t you afraid that gangrene will start?” It became clear that burn treatment should be taken into one’s own hands and folk remedies used. In the evening, he treated the edges of the wound with hydrogen peroxide and applied a clean cabbage leaf. In the morning the wound was clean. And after three compresses it healed completely. (HLS 2012, No. 13, p. 14).

    Porridge of cabbage leaves and egg white- An excellent folk remedy for burns. (2011, no. 6, p. 34).

    If you get a skin burn from boiling water, immediately take a clean, juicy cabbage leaf, scratch it with a sterile needle, and brush the leaf with yolk. raw egg and apply to the burn site. When the leaf withers, replace it with a fresh one. (HLS 2008, No. 16, p. 33).

    Treatment of burns with St. John's wort
    2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort flowers pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Use as compresses for speedy healing of wounds and burns. St. John's wort oil is also very effective - bandages moistened with St. John's wort oil are applied to wounds after burns. After using St. John's wort, tissue regeneration occurs much faster, and wound infection can be avoided, since St. John's wort has antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. In scientific medicine, St. John's wort preparations are also widely used to treat burns - the preparations "Imanin", "Novoimanin" in the form of an aerosol. (2012, no. 16, p. 29).

    A woman was making syrup for compote and burned her hand, immediately put her hand under cold water, and then smeared it with St. John's wort oil. Despite the fact that the burn was severe, not a single blister appeared. (HLS 2011, No. 16, p. 31).

    St. John's wort oil - recipe
    Fill a liter jar 3/4 full with St. John's wort flowers and add 200 g of vegetable oil. Close and place in a dark place for 15 days, shaking daily. Strain the oil and apply it to the burns.
    (HLS 2003, No. 8, p. 20).

    How to treat a burn with kombucha
    When kombucha peroxides and becomes unfit for drinking, there is no need to throw it away - this is a valuable folk remedy for burns and can last in the refrigerator for a long time. If your hand gets burned, you need to put your hand in a jar of mushroom for 1-2 minutes. There will be no traces left. (2012, no. 19, p. 32).

    Treatment of burns with yeast
    You can treat burns at home with yeast diluted with warm water. Apply thickly to the burned area, cover with a sterile bandage and tie. Do not remove the bandage, but when it dries, moisten the top with liquidly diluted yeast.
    (2012, no. 24, p. 30).

    How to treat an infected burn with lemongrass
    For an infected burn, ointment made from dried lemongrass berries will help. 100 g of berries should be crushed into powder, placed in a small jar and poured with alcohol to completely cover everything. Stir and leave for 10 hours. Then add 50 g castor oil, shake, place the mixture on a sterile napkin and apply to the burned skin. It will sting for about 1.5 hours, you have to be patient. Change the bandage once every three days. And in case of severe infection - daily. Improvement occurs on the 5-6th day. (HLS 2012, No. 20, p. 38,).

    Quick help for burns
    If you get burned, quickly and generously soap the burn area with soap, preferably household soap, but you can use toilet soap, so that the foam forms a kind of soap crust - the pain will immediately subside and no traces will remain. (Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 13, p. 29; 2011, No. 20, p. 39; Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 20, p. 28; Healthy Lifestyle 2006, No. 14, p. 31).

    Eye burn - lotions to relieve pain
    If you get an eye burn while welding, apply lotions with any fermented milk product: kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese. This recipe helped the man. Then we tried all the folk remedies for burns - raw grated potatoes, baked onions, cooling compresses. Nothing helped relieve the pain from the burn. We remembered about lactic acid compresses. They applied a lotion to the eye, and after 20 minutes the pain went away. (HLS 2010, No. 1, p. 37).

    Treatment of a burn in a child with aloe
    A four-year-old child was scalded with tea; the burn was quite extensive. Mom tried many remedies, but aloe helped. They cut it into slices, applied it to the wound and secured it overnight with an elastic bandage. In the middle of the night, the bandage was removed because the baby woke up feeling uncomfortable. The next night they made the same bandage again. In the morning they took it off, and in place of the burn wound there was new pink skin. The bandage was no longer made. The child recovered very quickly. (HLS 2010, No. 7, p. 36).

    Chemical burn - treatment at home
    The woman burned her hands with chloramine, her skin was covered with small pimples. The doctor advised to smear the burn sea ​​buckthorn oil, but it didn't help.
    The niece promised to cure the burn. I cut down a tartar bush, rinsed it in the river to remove dust, chopped it into pieces, poured it with water in a five-liter saucepan, boiled it, let it sit, strained it and divided it into 2 parts. She put one part in the refrigerator, and the patient periodically
    I used it - I kept my hands in this broth and didn’t wipe it afterwards. After three days, the skin on my hands cleared up. The second part of the decoction was not even useful (2010, No. 8, p. 30).

    An ancient folk remedy for burns
    If a person is burned, this ancient remedy will help: cut beef lung into slices, apply it to the burned area, and secure with a bandage. In the morning, you take off the bandage and at the site of the burn wound there is young pink skin. (2009, No. 20 p. 31).

    How to treat a burn with salt
    There is no need to reinvent the wheel and lubricate the burn with various ointments. After all, we have everything we need at hand - ordinary salt. The author of the letter was convinced of this from her own experience several times. One day she was pouring boiling fat into a three-liter glass jar, the jar burst and all the hot fat spilled onto her lap. The pain from the burn was terrible. The woman immediately grabbed a pack of salt and sprinkled it thickly on her knees and bandaged them with towels. After 10 minutes the pain subsided. I took off the bandages only in the evening; there were no traces of burns on my knees.
    The second case - I dropped a jar of freshly made jam on my foot, and I also saved the salt without fail. (2009, No. 21 p. 39).

    Black bread for burns
    If you get a burn, you need to quickly rinse your mouth, bite off a crumb of bread (preferably black), chew, then apply the crumb to the burn and tie it. After 30-40 minutes the pain will subside. In the morning, the bandage can be changed. You don't have to tear off the bandage - it won't dry out and comes off easily. Do this until complete healing. This recipe has been tried many times on both children and adults. (HLS 2009, No. 5, p. 32).

    Cattail fluff for burns
    A woman worked in a cannery and was severely scalded by boiling water. The burn was so severe that the clothes were taken off along with the skin; the legs were especially damaged, because boiling water poured into the boots. An ambulance arrived, but the victim asked to be taken not to the hospital, but home. At home, her mother covered it with fluff from black velvety cattail sticks. The pain stopped immediately. So they bandaged it over the fluff. A few days later the bandages were removed - there was pink skin at the burn site. A week later she already went to work. The same fluff from the cattail saved from burns several times, including in children. To make the fluff stick better, the skin can be lubricated with goose fat or vegetable oil. (HLS 2006, No. 18, p. 33).

    Take a pine cone from the reed. She has fluff on her. It must be scraped off and applied directly to the wound, do not wash it off, apply it again - and it heals quickly. (HLS 2004, No. 22, p. 34).

    Chemical burn - treatment with blue
    Small drops of sulfuric acid fell on the woman’s face, she didn’t even notice them. But the next morning, my face began to burn, and blisters swelled on my forehead, nose, and cheeks. Before that, she had repeatedly used blueing agent for thermal burns, the same one that is used to blue linen. Previously, it was sold in powder, but now in a ready-made solution, and it should always be kept on hand to provide first aid for burns. Blue relieves pain well, and burn wounds do not occur. I decided to use this product for chemically damaged skin. She poured the blue into her palm and smeared the bubbles. The burning stopped immediately, but after 10 minutes it started again, then the woman smeared her face again. I did this 5-6 times until the burning finally stopped. A thick layer of blue had frozen on his face like a mask. She didn’t wash it off for 4 days, so she didn’t leave the house. But there were no consequences left - after 4 days the skin was smooth and clean. (HLS 2007, No. 22, p. 7).

    Treatment of burns with badger fat
    The man received severe burns to the skin of his abdomen. He was taken to the hospital and smeared with some white ointment. After some time, the skin on my stomach became like a drum.
    The son came to visit the patient at the hospital, brought badger fat with him, smeared the burned areas, and immediately felt better. The next day I repeated the procedure. After 3 days, the damaged areas began to heal. Doctors allowed me to smear myself with fat. After 6 days, treating the burns daily, he was discharged from the hospital. I continued my treatment at home. After 20 days I went back to work. In total I used 450 ml of badger fat. (HLS 2006, No. 1, p. 33).

    Streptocide for burns
    If someone is burned, it is important to provide assistance in the first seconds, before painful shock occurs. Powdered streptocide is indispensable here. If the burn is severe, down to the flesh, then it cannot be washed, even if dirt gets in. You just need to sprinkle it generously with streptocide. Constantly add more to where the burn wounds get wet. The pain will go away in 5-10 minutes.
    Streptocide will shrink into a crust, as if cementing the wound. This crust cannot be torn off - natural cell restoration takes place underneath it. When the crust falls off on its own, it will remain at the burn site. dark spot, which will soon match the color of the surrounding skin. (HLS 2006, No. 2, p. 8,).

    How to treat a burn with flour
    A man scalded his leg with boiling water. It was painful even to take off the sock. My wife advised me to apply cologne to the burn. But after this procedure the pain did not go away. I couldn’t sleep that night, my leg hurt and was on fire. It’s not clear how to put on shoes and go to work in the morning. I remembered that someone advised treating a burn with flour. He stood up, poured flour into a sock, put it on, smoothed the flour over the entire surface, and put another sock on top. The pain gradually went away. In the morning I took off the sock - no blister, no redness, and especially no pain.
    (HLS 2006, No. 13, p. 2).

    Flour with butter.
    This was in 1948. A woman accidentally dropped a cast iron pot with freshly boiled potatoes from her hands and poured boiling water over her little daughter. At this time, an old man just came into the house to ask for alms. He suggested a folk remedy for treating burns. You need to pour 3-4 tbsp into the frying pan. l. sunflower oil. Add 2 tbsp to hot oil. l. flour. Stir well so that there are no lumps, cool. This paste should be applied to the burnt skin; it is better not to tie it with anything, so that the skin can breathe. Blisters and burns go away without leaving a mark. (HLS 2015, No. 5 p. 33).

    Chemical burn from plaster
    The woman broke her ankle joint, they put her in a cast, and it caused a real burn - blisters formed on the skin. An ambulance was called and the plaster was removed along with the skin. The leg was treated and a bandage was applied, but the pain and burning sensation were so strong that even painkillers did not help. Then the woman began to pour the infusion of golden mustache on her bandaged leg, and the pain subsided. As soon as the bandages dried, he poured the infusion again and again. On the 4-1 day, doctors came to her to change the bandage, the bandages came off easily, there was new skin underneath, only the deepest wound continued to ooze. (HLS 2006, No. 16, p. 31).

    Golden mustache
    A woman's golden mustache helped her heal a chemical burn without scarring - just by tying a piece of leaf at night. (HLS 2004, No. 12, p. 22).

    Furacilin for burns
    A 9-month-old child threw boiling water over his feet, the burnt surface was treated at the emergency room, a bandage was applied and he was sent home. The next day there was a dressing, the bandage was torn off with a scab. So they suffered until they were advised to treat the burns with a furatsilin solution - apply a sterile bandage to the burn and pour the solution on it, not allowing the bandages to dry. Change the dressing after 3 days.
    After this treatment, on the very first day the child’s pain disappeared, the girl began to crawl, and then stand on her feet. While changing the dressings, it was clear that a new one was appearing. healthy skin. Soon all the burn wounds healed. (HLS 2006, No. 16, pp. 32-33).

    How to treat sunburn at home
    In sunny weather, try to spend more time in the shade. It is especially necessary to hide moles and dark spots, because sun rays are a strong carcinogen and can provoke melanoma.
    If you do get a sunburn, then folk remedies will come to the rescue:
    1. Kefir or yogurt. Lubricate the affected area with kefir or other lactic acid product. This remedy will become much more effective if you first mix kefir with a pinch of turmeric.
    2. Aloe. Pick an aloe leaf, remove the thorns from it, cut it in half lengthwise and lubricate the skin with the wet pulp. If there is no aloe, you can replace it with grated potatoes - apply a compress or lubricate the skin with potato juice.
    3. Oak bark. Pour 20-40 g of oak bark into 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Make lotions with this decoction. If you don’t have oak bark, you can make lotions for sunburn with strong brewed tea.
    4. St. John's wort oil. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort with 200 ml of vegetable oil, leave for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally. If necessary, lubricate damaged skin. St. John's wort oil will quickly relieve inflammation and relieve itching.
    (HLS 2006, No. 13, p. 26).

    How to treat a burn from hogweed - folk remedies
    Some plants, such as hogweed, cause phytodermatitis of the skin. If left untreated, the consequences can be very serious, including skin necrosis. Burns to the mucous membranes are especially dangerous, because some children make pipes from hogweed stems.
    Treatment of burns from plants and thermal burns are largely the same. You need to thoroughly wash the affected area with cold water and soap, then apply burn ointment or furatsilin solution, or rivinol solution. You can use folk remedies to treat burns.
    1. Compress from aloe leaf juice - do 2 times a day for 3 hours.
    2. Potato compress - grate, apply to a cloth and tie to the sore spot. Keep it until it warms up, then replace it with a fresh one.
    3. Cabbage with protein - pass the cabbage through a meat grinder, mix with protein, apply to burns.
    4. Honey – lubricate burns with honey, it relieves pain, prevents the appearance of blisters, and promotes rapid skin restoration.
    (Healthy lifestyle 2006, No. 13, p. 26. From a conversation with a doctor - herbalist E. Korzhikova).

    Chinese rose
    Chinese rose petals - excellent remedy from burns. One day a woman scalded her feet, and a wedding was scheduled for tomorrow - her daughter was getting married. Not knowing what to do, she covered her feet with the leaves of a Chinese rose growing in her house. I bandaged it, went to bed, and woke up in the morning - there was no pain. I took off the bandages and there were no traces of the burn left.
    The woman told this story to her friend. And she remembered the rose when she burned her finger. At first she applied calendula ointment to the burn, but the pain did not go away. Then she picked 2 leaves of a Chinese rose. She crushed one and applied it to the burn, and the whole one she placed on the crushed one and tied it with a scarf. The pain immediately subsided. Before going to bed, I decided to change the compress, but there were no blisters or redness under the bandage. (HLS 2005, No. 4, p. 6).

    Bean powder
    You can very well treat burns at home with beans: dry beans should be ground into powder in a coffee grinder and sprinkled on the affected area. After a day, a crust will form on the wet wound and healing will begin. (HLS 2005, No. 10, p. 6).

    To prevent a bubble from appearing during a burn, you need to put a piece of cotton wool or a gauze cloth soaked in an alcohol tincture of calendula on the burned area. (Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 18, p. 21, Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 23, p. 21, 2001, No. 18, p. 20).

    The woman received severe burns to her face and ear. She spent 2 weeks in the hospital, but the weeping wounds remained. When she was driving home from the hospital, she met a woman on the bus who gave her a recipe for an effective folk remedy for treating burns - calendula oil. This oil quickly helped heal wounds.
    It has come in handy more than once. Once a woman scalded her knees with boiling water. The pain was terrible, but she had calendula oil in the refrigerator. I immediately started applying this oil to the burn. In the evening I was somehow able to fall asleep - the pain was interfering. In the morning I woke up, looked at my knees, and there was only a small pink spot and no pain.
    Calendula oil – recipe
    To prepare calendula oil, you need to boil 300 ml of refined sunflower oil and add a half-liter jar of fresh calendula flowers to the boiling oil. When it cools, transfer the mixture into a glass jar and leave for 40 days in a cool, dark place. Strain and discard flowers. The medicine is ready. Can be stored for 5 years. (HLS 2002, No. 8, p. 17).

    Sophora japonica for treating burns
    A three-year-old girl accidentally sat down in a bowl of jam, which had just been removed from the fire, and there was a lot of screaming. And at home there was a tincture of Sophora (a glass of Sophora for a bottle of vodka). Mom quickly wet the cotton wool and lubricated the body. The girl immediately fell asleep, and when she woke up two hours later, the trouble was already over, there were even no blisters. (HLS 2004, No. 6, p. 10).

    The woman prepared a tincture and ointment made with goose fat from Sophora for future use. She had a lot of St. John's wort oil left, so she poured it over the fruits and dried Sophora flowers, ground into a paste. And in winter there was a fire in her apartment. Both she and her husband received severe burns.
    The firefighters have arrived. The fire was extinguished. The ambulance doctors recommended going to the hospital, but they refused because the door was burned down and there was no one to leave the apartment with. And at first they didn’t understand how severe the burns they received. Then the burnt skin erupted into blisters, the pain was terrible, the husband was in danger of gangrene... Sophora saved them: tincture, ointment, and especially that same St. John's wort oil, infused with yala on the ground fruits and flowers of sophora. (HLS 2004, No. 5, p. 22).

    Blue iodine
    Blue iodine is a magical remedy for burns. What could be simpler - stir one teaspoon of 5 percent iodine in a glass of cooled jelly (water + starch)! The pain subsides almost instantly, there is no blister or redness left. (HLS 2003, No. 21, p. 2).

    Treatment of burns with cottage cheese
    A bucket of boiling water was thrown over a seven-year-old child. The entire side was scalded from shoulder to heels. They treated the burn at home for a long time using pharmaceutical and folk remedies, but without success. The condition was very serious. Knowledgeable people advised treating burns with homemade cottage cheese. After starting treatment with cottage cheese, the child quickly began to recover, and after 2 weeks he began to get out of bed. It was possible to cure so that there were no scars left.
    The treatment is very simple: you need to apply 1 cm thick cottage cheese on the wounds, put a film on top and bandage it. After removing the bandage, the wound becomes clean and rosey. The cottage cheese does not dry out and comes off easily. Problems arise when applying cottage cheese to large surfaces of the skin - because it is liquid and spreads. Here you need to apply maximum skill and ingenuity. But the result is worth it.
    (HLS 2001, No. 6, p. 15).

    How to treat apple burns
    The boy burned his head with burning resin - he made a torch and fireworks. The skin came off the head along with the hair. Some of the skin peeled off my face. The pain was unbearable, we were afraid that they wouldn’t take us to the hospital, and decided to treat the burn at home. The whole family began to chew apples and put them in a bowl. This mixture was applied to all burned areas. The pain immediately subsided and the boy fell asleep. In the morning they again smeared the chewed apples on the skin and noticed that the wounds began to dry out. Three days later the burns healed and the bandage was removed. My hair grew back normally and there were no scars left.
    (HLS 2001, No. 23, p. 18).

    Treatment with celandine juice
    The burned area should be lubricated with the juice of the celandine herb. Repeat several times at intervals of 3-5 minutes, and then lubricate every 2-3 hours. Do not apply a bandage.
    To prepare the juice, you need to dig up the celandine with roots, rinse, dry, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. After 7-8 days, fermentation will begin - carefully release gases from the bottle with juice. Store fermented juice in the refrigerator.
    (HLS 2000, No. 14, p. 13).

    Whatever you say, an adult should know how to provide first aid for burns using folk remedies, because they are easily accessible and effective. No, of course, you can get pharmaceutical Panthenol or other pharmaceutical miracles, but for some reason they never helped me.

    Life forced me to find and write down a whole arsenal of remedies for burns - they are simply irreplaceable in the kitchen. Every mother knows how difficult it is to cook with small children. While you're keeping an eye on everyone, you might drench your hand in hot steam, or touch a hot frying pan in a hurry, or... In general, anything can happen.

    But that's us, adults. It is much worse when children suffer. Every mother should be able to quickly provide first aid for a burn at home, and only then consult a doctor if necessary. Therefore, first I publish proven remedies that can be used to treat children. And then I’ll move on to more complex compositions that successfully treat severe burns and non-healing wounds.

    Burns: first aid for burns in children

    At lungs household burns (boiling water, steam, touching a hot surface), the first thing to do is hold the affected area of ​​the body over running cold water. If it is a baby's face, then generously moisten the burned area with cold water from the palm of your hand over the sink or bathtub. You need to do this for a long time, at least 10 minutes, until the skin cools down sufficiently.

    This is the simplest method that allows you to very quickly remove redness and prevent the appearance of blisters or wounds. If possible, after water you can apply ice wrapped in a towel made of natural fabric.

    Most often, children are burned by boiling water or touching hot surfaces. In such cases, there are still many good proven treatments. So, instructions for mothers (and not only).

    Burns from boiling water: what to do at home

    These home remedies are suitable for both kids and adults:

    ♦ As soon as such a disaster occurs, you need to grate the potatoes with their skins and apply the pulp to the burn site. Change every 10-15 minutes for an hour or even two (depending on the degree of damage, the stronger the burn, the longer to apply and change more often). This is a quick treatment for minor burns that relieves pain and prevents wounds.

    ♦ The following good remedy has been tested on myself and children: as soon as one of the household members, immediately lightly beat the white of a chicken egg with a fork and apply it to the affected area. At first it will be very hot, but after 1-2 minutes the pain will subside. This method is good because even with severe burns from boiling water, blisters and wounds, as a rule, do not remain.

    ♦ If you are burned by boiling water, you don’t know what to do at home (panic, etc.), then remember about regular flour, which you probably have in the kitchen. Sprinkle flour on the burned area and the pain subsides instantly. To avoid blisters or peeling skin, the burn should be generously coated with flour in a thick layer and left for a long time.

    ♦ Don’t forget about simple laundry soap. If you immediately rub a piece of damp soap over the area of ​​a small burn, the pain and redness will go away very quickly. But only gray or brown soap is suitable for this; today’s newfangled white synthetic substitutes are completely unsuitable.

    ♦ What else is there in every home? Surely there will always be beets. So, for burns, grated beetroot gruel also helps a lot. You just need to cover the burn area with freshly grated pulp. There will be no burn marks left.

    ♦ Pumpkin also works. Grate the fresh pulp and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin. This treatment is especially suitable for children with ordinary household burns, because it quickly relieves pain and cools the skin. By the way, you can use warm pumpkin compresses and when you introduce dishes from this vegetable into the menu, you can cope with it.

    ♦ There is also this method: grind a Penicillin tablet into powder and sprinkle it on the burn area. There will be no pain or blisters. The tablet is simply crushed: put the pill in one spoon (hold the spoon in your hand), and with the other press on the tablet and rub it in a circular motion. Everything takes a few seconds.

    ♦ A friend’s little daughter scalded her shoulders with boiling water (she knocked over a cup of tea). The grandmother tore off several branches of aloe, cut off the thorns, crushed them and applied them to the burned areas. They did this 3-4 times in the evening, tied the scarlet plates with an elastic bandage at night, and the next day everything was fine.

    ♦ You can also lubricate the burn natural honey. The oven stops baking immediately and blisters are avoided.

    ♦ This simple method is suitable only for adults. For burns, cuts and non-healing wounds, a pharmacy tincture of echinacea will help. Simply soak a strip of bandage in the tincture and apply to the affected area. Do it several times a day.

    Such simple methods help cope with minor burns. But there are serious cases and ordinary methods do not help. Of course, in case of severe burns you need to go to the hospital. However, even after treatment, many are left with non-healing wounds, ulcers or oozing cracks. And such people are discharged! Months, or even years of torment begin - dressings, lubrication, antibiotic injections, etc. But you can be healed, you just need to find a suitable folk medicine.

    Treatment of severe burns and non-healing wounds

    Egg yolk for severe burns

    If the burn is severe, hard-boil 4 eggs (cook for at least 15 minutes to make the yolk harder). Peel the eggs, remove the yolks. In a preheated dry frying pan you need to fry the boiled yolks, mashing them with a fork. After 15-20 minutes, liquid will begin to separate from the yolk mass, which must be drained into a clean container. This is an invaluable medicine for severe burns.

    Lubricate burn areas several times a day. If there are bleeding wounds, wrap a sterile bandage around your fingers and apply ointment to all affected areas. Healing will be quick, and the strength of the ointment is such that many will not even have scars. For a large affected area, you need to use 10-15-20 eggs, and store the jar of healing liquid in the refrigerator. Shelf life is unlimited.

    Another variation of this recipe

    One woman told me that she treated her adult son with the same ointment, but prepared differently. While working at a construction site, he scalded his leg with hot resin, the skin peeled off instantly and the pain was terrible. The mother immediately boiled 20 eggs, put the yolks in a duck pot and simmered them in the oven for about 4 hours. The result was a homogeneous mass, which was used to lubricate the wound. The treatment is painless, this man has no scars or scars. They say the ointment works flawlessly.

    Oak bark for treating burned areas of the body

    Grind 2 tablespoons of oak bark into powder and pour a glass of boiling water. Place in a water bath and cook until the liquid has reduced by half. Strain and mix with 50 g of fresh butter. Apply to burns several times a day. You can make bandages with ointment.

    Ointment for burns

    Melt 3 tbsp in a water bath. spoons of sunflower oil, the same amount of honey and natural wax(you can take a candle). Stir the resulting ointment and cool. Then add the raw egg white and mix thoroughly. Lubricate the burn frequently, at least 7 times a day.

    Ointment for burns, fistulas, non-healing wounds based on spruce resin

    Take equal parts of resin, beeswax and internal pork fat, mix, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool. Spread the ointment onto a clean bandage and apply to the wounds. Carry out at least 5 procedures.

    Burn of the oral mucosa

    It happens that too hot food burns the tongue, palate and inside of the cheeks. The pain is not pleasant, and it’s impossible to eat afterwards. If this happens, just hold cold brewed tea in your mouth and the pain will go away. Do it several times.


    We all know that sunburned skin can be treated well with kefir, sour cream, whey and fresh cottage cheese. However, aloe good helper: for severe sunburn, cut aloe branches, twist into a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Generously lubricate the burned areas. You can soak the bandage in juice and apply it.

    We may never need these tips, but I still hope that in case of burns from boiling water, you now know what to do at home. And not only burns, but also wounds, cuts, cracks in the skin and even boils can be cured using these recipes. And ointments can even cope with trophic ulcers.

    Health to everyone!

    Now listen to a beautiful song performed by singer Enya. This Irish singer sings in a new age style. Well, very beautiful!

    With best wishes, Irina Lirnetskaya


    Every person has experienced burns at least once in their life. You can even get them at home by spilling boiling water on yourself or accidentally touching the iron. As a result of high temperatures, the skin becomes red and blisters. Damage may vary depending on the duration of contact with a hot object and the area of ​​the source.

    When more than 15% of the body is affected, a person requires medical attention in a hospital. Less severe burns can be treated at home.

    What is a burn This is a violation of integrity skin

    • and mucous membranes under the influence of high temperature, electric current or chemically aggressive substances. At home, women often receive such injuries while cooking or ironing clothes. Children, due to their curiosity, often get burned by boiling water. Regardless of the cause, the burn is divided into several degrees: first
    • – redness of the skin, which may become swollen; second
    • – the appearance of blisters with liquid (blood plasma) inside; third
    • – formation of necrotic areas on the skin; fourth

    – necrosis of the skin, muscles and bones. Only the first two degrees can be treated at home.

    • When skin necrosis develops, you should consult a doctor. Depending on the cause, burns are divided into several types: chemical
    • – occur in close contact with chemicals; electric
    • – are a consequence of the action of lightning and electrical appliances; thermal (thermal)
    • – are formed after contact of human skin with steam, fire, hot liquids or objects; radial

    – appear when exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time in a solarium or in the sun.

    Treatment of burns

    How and with what to treat a burn depends on the type and degree of skin injury. If the damage covers a significant area of ​​the skin and numerous blisters appear, you should consult a doctor.

    • In other cases, it is possible to treat burn wounds at home. After stopping contact with the source of high temperature, you need to calm down and take action, because further tissue healing depends on first aid.
    • instead of cold water, you can use a compress from an ice pack wrapped in a towel;
    • if pain occurs, then you need to take a painkiller, for example, Aspirin or Ibuprofen;
    • before touching the wound, you need to wash your hands with soap;
    • During treatment, follow a high-protein diet with cottage cheese, cheese, chicken and eggs.

    Treatment of thermal burns at home

    After receiving an injury, it is important to monitor the location of the injury: whether the color of the wound changes to black, brown or red, and whether a greenish tint appears inside it. Slow healing may indicate infection and complications. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. Mandatory hospitalization is required for the following symptoms:

    • rough skin or softening of the skin in the wound area;
    • the source of damage becomes warm;
    • temperature rise to 39 or drop (below 36.5 degrees).

    In the absence of such signs, the wound can be treated at home. First, first aid is provided, and then they begin to use burn remedies in the form of ointments, creams, and aerosols. Treatment is aimed at healing and disinfecting the injury site. With proper treatment of blisters, suppuration and inflammation can be avoided. The resulting bubbles will burst on their own and dry out in 1-2 weeks.

    First aid

    Proper first aid for burns at home helps to minimize complications and alleviate the condition of the victim. The main condition is the absence of panic, because only a calm and collected person can correctly provide first aid. It is as follows:

    1. Stop the victim's contact with the source of high temperature. If this is an electric current, then you cannot touch the person with your hands; for this you need to use an insulated object. When, after cessation of contact with the source, the remaining heat or chemicals continue to destroy the tissue (i.e., the affected area increases), apply ice, snow, or expose the wound to cold water for 10-15 minutes.
    2. If the victim experiences severe pain, then give him a painkiller: Ketanov, Ibuprofen, Aspirin.
    3. Rinse the burned area with cold water or a weak solution of manganese. If the skin is damaged by alkali, treat the wound with a few drops citric acid, when damaged by acid - soapy water.
    4. Apply a sterile gauze bandage made of a special material, for example, Diosept or Combixin.

    How to anoint a burn

    Treatment of burn wounds at home in the first couple of hours is carried out using a spray.

    Further treatment of the wound is carried out:

    • Olazol - it is especially effective if you have been burned by steam or boiling water;
    • Betadine ointment - if you are injured from a hot iron, this remedy prevents infection of the wound.

    The anti-burn agent should not only help restore the skin, but also relieve the pain that sometimes accompanies such an injury. Fastin ointment has an analgesic effect. It is used until the wound is completely healed. Additionally, you can make bandages with Methyluracil, which promotes cell regeneration. Solcoseryl ointment helps restore the skin. Balm Rescuer is used on early stage for minor burns of the hand or finger.

    Home remedy for burns

    For thermal burns, Levomekol ointment is often used. It has wound healing and bactericidal properties. Additionally, this ointment has an analgesic effect, which helps facilitate the wound healing process. As an alternative to this drug, Vishnevsky ointment is often used; it also has an antimicrobial effect. A gauze bandage that is applied to the burned area can be moistened with an antiseptic solution:

    • Chlorhexidine;
    • Furacilin;
    • St. John's wort decoction.

    Creams are used already at the stage of skin restoration and to prevent the formation of scars. When contact with the skin causes pain, it is worth using anti-burn agents in the form of sprays. They are sprayed directly onto the damaged area. Another form of release of anti-burn agents is gels, for example:

    • "Apollo"
    • "No burns."


    Helps treat burned skin different means. They differ not only in the form of release, but also in their therapeutic effect. Among the popular antiseptic, wound healing and disinfecting drugs are:

    • Betadine– antiseptic drug for wide use;
    • Karipazim– breaks down necrotic tissues, softens viscous secretions;
    • Solcoseryl– stimulates regeneration processes;
    • Amprovisol– exhibits analgesic, antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory properties;
    • Levomekol– antimicrobial ointment, effective even in the presence of necrotic masses and purulent discharge;
    • Inflarax– ointment with a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action;

    Some drugs disinfect, others prevent inflammation, and others help skin cells recover faster. All of them are intended for external use. The following are considered especially effective:

    1. Inflarax. Contains amikacin, benzalkonium chloride, lidocaine. Shows analgesic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effects. Used to treat purulent-inflammatory skin diseases and to prevent suppuration of burn wounds. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day in a thin layer to the affected areas. Another way to use it is to soak gauze dressings in it, which are then applied to the wound. The only possible adverse reaction is allergy. Contraindications: psoriasis, fungal infections skin, eczema, age less than 2 years. The advantage is that the therapeutic activity lasts for 20-24 hours.
    2. Levomekol. Contains dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine and the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Has dehydrating and antimicrobial effects. Indications for use: healing of wounds and bedsores, boils, hemorrhoids, calluses, herpes, purulent acne. A napkin or gauze should be soaked in ointment and applied to the affected area. The course of treatment is 4 days. The dressing is changed up to 4-5 times a day. Contraindications: psoriasis, eczema, skin fungus. Side effects: local swelling, dermatitis, burning, hyperemia, urticaria.
    3. Karipazim. Based on the milky juice of papaya. Shows necrolytic properties. Helps treat third degree burn wounds and speed up the shedding of scabs. The contents of the bottle are diluted in 10 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. A napkin is moistened in the product and placed on the burn surface. The dressing is changed once a day. The course of treatment is 4-12 days. Contraindications: lactation, pregnancy, sequestration of disc herniation. Advantage - absence side effects. Sometimes it's just an allergy.

    How to relieve pain

    With a first-degree burn, the pain is searing, the second is more pronounced and piercing, the third and fourth are the most severe and sometimes even unbearable. In the last two cases, you need to see a doctor. For first and second degree burns, it is necessary to use special external means to relieve pain, since Panthenol does not contain pain-relieving components. Instead, you can choose the following drugs:

    1. Radevit. Contains retinol, ergocalciferol and tocopherol. Has anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Used to treat ulcers, seborrheic dermatitis, ichthyosis, eczema, burn wounds. The ointment is applied 2 times a day in a thin layer to the affected area. The advantage is the absence of side effects. Contraindications: hypervitaminosis A, E, D, prescription of retinoids.
    2. Sulfargin. The base is silver sulfadiazine. Has bactericidal and analgesic effects. Sulfargin treats infected burn wounds, abrasions, bedsores, and skin ulcers. It is used externally - apply a thin layer to the damaged surface 1-2 times a day. After the procedure, itching and burning in the area of ​​use is possible. Contraindications include lactation, pregnancy, sensitivity to sulfonamides, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. The advantage is that it can be used for children from 1 year old.
    3. Olazol. Contains benzocaine, boric acid, chloramphenicol, sea buckthorn oil. It exhibits antibacterial and local anesthetic effects. Helps treat burn wounds. Apply up to 4 times a day. Apply foam from a container to the cleaned surface in an even layer. Contraindicated in case of renal impairment, lactation, pregnancy. Side effects: cramps, nausea, headache, confusion, diarrhea. The advantage is a quick pain-relieving effect.

    How to treat a chemical burn at home

    Damage to the skin caused by chemicals is more dangerous than thermal burns. The damaged surface should not be washed with water.. If the burn is caused by acid, use soda or ammonia solution diluted with water; if it is caused by alkali, use diluted vinegar or citric acid. The following recipes will help treat damaged skin in the future:

    1. Grind fresh burdock or plantain leaves. Place the resulting pulp on the burn wound and place a gauze bandage on top. Repeat up to 2-3 times a day.
    2. Wash half the pumpkin and puree in a blender. Squeeze out the juice through gauze and apply to the damaged area several times a day.
    3. Peel one potato and grate it. Apply the paste to the wound for 40-50 minutes. If the skin continues to “burn,” grate another potato and apply it to the burn again.

    How to anoint a child’s burn at home

    First aid for a burn in a child has the same principles as measures for adults. Only after cooling under cool water should you apply a damp diaper to the damaged area. If the wound is open, then you need to cover the burn surface with a moistened linen or cotton cloth. If the burn surface is extensive, you should immediately call an ambulance before providing first aid. Children should not be given medications without a doctor's prescription. For external remedies, it is worth using sprays with an analgesic effect, such as:

    1. Dermazin. Contains silver sulfadiazine. The main effect of the cream is antimicrobial. Additionally, the product reduces painful sensations and discomfort in the area of ​​application. Dermazin helps treat burn infections, trophic ulcers and wounds of various etiologies. You need to apply the cream 1-2 times a day with a layer of up to 4 mm on the damaged surface. Treatment is continued until the wound is completely healed. Local side effects include itching and burning. The advantage is that it can be used from 2 months of age. Contraindications: premature babies, sensitivity to the composition of Dermazin.

    Folk remedies

    Treatment of burns with folk remedies at home is carried out in different ways. The main condition is that the lesion is not extensive, but there are only redness or blisters that do not cause discomfort (first or second degree burn). Self-medication with folk remedies for severe injuries is life-threatening. Effective against minor burn wounds are:

    1. St. John's wort oil. Take 2 tbsp. St. John's wort flowers. Mix them with 200 ml of sunflower oil. Infuse the product for 21 days. You need to lubricate your skin with oil up to 2 times a day.
    2. Aloe. Cut a leaf of this plant in half, grate it, apply it to the wound and bandage it. The lotion is left for a couple of hours. Repeat the procedure 2 more times per day.
    3. Compresses with soda. It is taken in the amount of 1 tsp. per glass of water. You need to moisten gauze in the solution, which you then apply to the damaged area. The compress is left until the pain subsides.

    What not to do for burns

    Many traditional first aid methods for burns are not only ineffective, but also dangerous, since they can only worsen the condition. In case of such damage, you should not do the following:

    • lubricate the wound with vegetable oil;
    • puncture blisters;
    • use alcohol, iodine, brilliant green or urine to lubricate the wound;
    • clean the damaged area from remnants of clothing;
    • cover the wound with a plaster (it blocks the access of oxygen to the skin), apply a tight bandage;
    • Use tea leaves to wash the damaged area.


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    It is not difficult to get a burn at home or at work. Thermal or chemical damage to the skin often results from careless handling of household appliances, dishes, and reagents. Often a person is not prepared for an injury and has to receive first aid at home. Treatment of burns with folk remedies is carried out using proven recipes. To improve the effect, it is important to learn more about the characteristics and types of injuries.

    When more than 15% of the body is affected, a person requires medical attention in a hospital. Less severe burns can be treated at home.

    Tissue damage caused by local aggressive exposure to chemical elements, high temperatures(more than 55 degrees), light radiation or electric current is called a burn. Depending on the depth of skin damage, there are 4 degrees. Extensive burns can trigger the development of burn disease, which is very dangerous. It leads to problems with cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, to infectious diseases.

    Complications can cause death.

    1. Before you begin treatment, it is important to find out what type of burn it is. Below is the classification of thermal damage:
    2. Flame burns. This type includes lesions of the upper respiratory tract, large areas of skin, and eyes (grade 2).
    3. Liquid lesions are characterized by a shallow depth of tissue damage. The group includes grades 2 and 3.
    4. Steam burns. This group includes damage with a large area but small depth. The airways are often affected.

    Tissue damage from hot objects. Damage may be 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree. The wound has a clear boundary and a significant depth. Skin peeling may occur. Chemical injuries include burns caused by acid, alkali or salts. heavy metals

    In the first case, coagulation (folding) of the protein occurs in the tissues. Due to this, the depth of damage is insignificant. Alkali burns can reach significant depths due to the lack of protein coagulation. In the latter case, when exposed to heavy metal salts, tissue damage is superficial. Violation of the integrity of the skin may be a consequence of an electric shock. The wounds remain small, only at the entry points of the charge, but are distinguished by significant depth. When exposed to an electromagnetic field, the burn is accompanied by damage internal organs

    1. 1st and 2nd degree burns occur under the sun or in a solarium.
    2. Damage to body parts and tissues from laser weapons, ground and air nuclear explosions. In this case, burns of the cornea of ​​the eyes are additionally possible.
    3. Damage to tissues by ionizing radiation (usually superficial). They are accompanied by radiation sickness, so they take a long time to heal.


    Effective treatment of burns at home depends not only on the type of injury, but also on the category. There are 4 degrees of tissue damage:

    1. If redness, swelling, and slight pain appear after an injury, then it is classified as first degree. With such damage, the skin regenerates without special treatment.
    2. Additional swelling of the blister indicates the second degree of damage. The danger of such an injury lies in the possibility of infection if the bladder is damaged.
    3. Covering the skin with white blisters with blood indicates third degree damage. In this case, the patient requires urgent hospitalization. The use of folk remedies for burns in this category is ineffective.
    4. If the patient has damaged tissue and bones, then the burn is classified as fourth degree. Treatment requires urgent hospitalization in a hospital.

    Home remedies for burns for first aid

    Experts advise treating burn injuries of any type strictly under the supervision of a doctor. First and second degree injuries, when no more than 9% of the body is burned, can be healed with folk remedies. Do not use home treatments if your eyes, esophagus, or respiratory tract are damaged. If the patient has suffered from an electric shock, he must be examined by a doctor. Such injuries negatively affect the heart.

    Folk remedies for burns can be used to speed up the process of tissue repair. All manipulations must be agreed with a doctor. Immediately after the burn you should take Urgent measures which include the following:

    1. Termination negative impact on the human body.
    2. Rinse the damaged area of ​​skin with water (to cool the wound, keep the wound under running water for at least 30 minutes).
    3. Neutralization of irritants in chemical burns. Alkaline damage is treated with vinegar or citric acid. Soda or soap solution is suitable for neutralizing acidic effects.
    4. Injuries or blisters require disinfection with a gauze bandage and an antiseptic solution.
    5. For severe pain, it is recommended to take a pain reliever and a sedative (for example, tea with mint, honey and milk).

    For household thermal burns

    Often burn wounds are the result of careless handling of heating and other household appliances. Depending on the type of injury, the following folk recipes can be used:

    1. If damaged by an iron, apply a cabbage leaf to the injury. Every half hour it is changed to a fresh one. Cabbage relieves pain and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.
    2. If a person is burned by fire, beets should be used. The raw vegetable is grated on a fine grater and used to apply compresses using gauze. The mixture provides cell regeneration and pain relief.
    3. Damage is treated with boiling water and toothpaste. The affected area should be washed with water and a thick layer of the product should be applied to it. After 2 hours, wash off the toothpaste. Such folk remedies for burns with boiling water help with swelling and have an analgesic effect.
    4. For oil lesions, egg yolks are used. Raw and boiled are suitable. The yolks are mixed with honey before applying to the skin. This composition has a wound healing and analgesic effect.

    When sunny

    If you spend a long time in the sun or in a solarium, it is easy to get burn damage to your skin. The main folk remedy for such wounds is fermented milk products. Sour cream, kefir, whey or fermented baked milk help relieve pain and are used in everyday life for first aid.

    1. In addition, you can try other folk remedies:
    2. Several cucumbers are ground in a blender. The resulting puree is evenly distributed over the burned skin and covered with gauze. Keep for up to half an hour. The procedure helps cool the skin and relieve pain. Good for coping with the consequences of an unsuccessful tan green tea
    3. . It is used to treat reddened areas of the skin.

    If there is slight redness, you can try the following folk remedy: mix 1 raw yolk, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix everything and spread it over the skin in a thin layer. Cover the product with gauze or a scarf on top to enhance the effect. Repeat manipulations as necessary.

    For chemical injuries More dangerous than thermal burn wounds are chemical tissue damage. After receiving such an injury, the irritant should be neutralized. If the wound was caused by acid, then aqueous solutions are used baking soda

    After washing the damaged tissue, folk remedies are used to speed up healing. The following will help you cope with a chemical burn:

    1. Blank burdock leaf applied to the affected area of ​​tissue.
    2. Plantain crushed with a blender or finely chopped, used as a compress on a wound.
    3. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice used to treat damaged tissues 5-6 times daily.

    How to soothe a burn at home

    Traditional medicine offers a large number of effective methods of treating burn wounds. To soothe pain and relieve discomfort immediately after an injury, you can use one of the following:

    1. Soda. Dilute 1 tsp. products in 200 ml of water. The solution is used for compresses on affected tissues. The recipe is used to reduce pain, prevent inflammation, and infection of wounds.
    2. Mint toothpaste . The burn wound is first washed under running ice water, after which the area is treated with a large amount of toothpaste. The product is washed off after 2 hours. This folk recipe not only soothes the burn, but also prevents blisters.
    3. Aloe. A leaf of a houseplant is cut or crushed with a blender and applied to the affected area. Apply this compress 2 times every day until the wound is completely healed.

    Treatment of burn wounds at home

    Regardless of whether a person has suffered deep or superficial tissue damage, it is important to correctly approach the process of treating a burn using folk remedies. It is recommended to take the following precautions into account:

    1. Ointments with a high fat content (containing lanolin, petroleum jelly) should not be applied to an open wound. Such compositions can be used at the last stage of treatment, when the wound has healed, and only for additional moisturizing of the skin.
    2. If there is no effect from home therapy, it is recommended to replace folk remedies with others or switch to drug treatment.
    3. Each type of burn injury requires individual selection non-traditional means.
    4. The basis of traditional treatment should be drying the resulting wound. Due to this, purulent reactions are eliminated and the process of cell regeneration is accelerated.
    5. When blisters appear, it is forbidden to violate their integrity. IN otherwise infection is possible.

    Traditional recipes for burns

    Severe cases of burn injuries, when destruction of subcutaneous tissue or bones has occurred, require drug treatment. For injuries of 1st and 2nd degree, you can use folk recipes. Below are popular means:

    1. The most popular product for home treatment of burns is potatoes. Use grated tuber or fresh juice. The product is applied to the damaged areas as a compress. Change the dressing as it warms up to 4-5 times. The starch found in potatoes helps prevent blisters.
    2. Castoreum for burn injuries of the first or second degree, it is used to treat the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. You can buy the tincture at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The product effectively heals the wound, prevents inflammation, infection, dries and soothes.
    3. Aloe juice has a wound-healing and bactericidal effect. It is used for compresses on burn wounds. The bandage is applied for a long time. Change the compress daily until the wound is completely healed.
    4. White cabbage helps relieve pain from first-degree burns. The vegetable is crushed in a meat grinder and applied to the injured area. After 1-2 hours, the product is removed, the remaining pulp is washed off with water. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of cabbage, the compress quickly relieves pain and burning.
    5. Cow butter and 2 raw eggs mix well, use for moisturizing and healing burns at the last stage of treatment. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected area and tied with a bandage. The bandage is removed after the product has completely dried.
    6. Sea buckthorn and fir oil Mix in equal proportions and use to treat wounds for several days. This folk remedy has a calming and bactericidal effect.
    7. Calendula flowers are brewed in 200 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. The resulting product is used to treat wounds or apply compresses. The infusion has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.
    8. Burdock and plantain leaves wash well, scald with boiling water, grind into pulp. The resulting paste is applied to the burned areas of the skin. This folk remedy heals wounds well, dries, and disinfects.
    9. 50 g propolis or beeswax, 20 g linseed, 100 g butter boil for 5 minutes. The resulting ointment is cooled, applied to a gauze bandage, and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Change the compress 2-3 times a week. Repeat the manipulations until the wound is completely healed.


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    Let's consider effective folk remedies for burns, which were successfully used for treatment at home by readers of the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH. Below are numerous reviews of their use.

    Burn is damage to human body tissue due to external influences. They are thermal, chemical, electrical.

    Treatment of burns at home - types of burns.

    • 1st and 2nd degree burns can be treated at home. In more complex cases, the patient must be hospitalized.
      Burns are divided into the following categories:
      1st degree burn- redness of the skin, slight swelling is possible.
      2nd degree burn- the appearance of blisters filled with liquid on the skin. they may not appear immediately.
      3rd degree burn– necrosis of the skin, it becomes dark in color.
      4th degree burn- damage not only to the skin. but also deeper tissues.
    • The general condition of the patient does not cause concern: the person is conscious, there is no fever, etc.
    • The burn area is no more than 1% of the body surface (palm area). In more complex cases, you should consult a doctor.

    How and with what to treat burns at home:

    • The first thing to do is to stop exposure to the damaging factor. A person usually does this instinctively, but if he loses consciousness from painful shock, those around him should help with this.
    • If a person has received a thermal burn, i.e. If you burn yourself with an iron, boiling water, steam, boiling hot oil or fat, you need to cool the damaged area - keep the burned area under running cold water for several minutes so that the destructive effect of heat stops. For severe injuries of 3-4 degrees, apply cold lotions.
    • If you have a chemical burn, the first thing you should do is wash the chemical off the surface of your skin.
    • If the damaging factor is alkali, then it must be washed off with a weak solution of acetic acid to neutralize it.
    • If a person is burned by acid, then the burned area should be washed with soap or soda solution.
    • Then, to relieve pain and minimize skin damage, you should apply medicinal or folk remedies to the skin. Featured pharmaceutical drugs: Panthenol, Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, etc. with antimicrobial and wound healing effect.
    • For pain relief, you can take any painkillers (analgin, aspirin, etc.).
    • They recommend drinking plenty of fluids and eating foods rich in proteins and vitamins (A, E).
    • Under no circumstances should you open the resulting bubble yourself. If the blister bursts on its own, gently press the skin against the wound using a sterile napkin.

    Treatment of burns at home - folk remedies and recipes.

    Judging by the letters from readers, the most effective folk remedies for burns at home, in descending order, are:
    1. Raw eggs (sometimes only whites are used)
    2. Grated potatoes or starch diluted with water
    3. Baking soda
    4. Toothpaste
    5. Pork or beef bile
    With a minor burn and quick application of traditional methods, there may be no damage to the skin at all.

    The best home remedies for burns are presented in separate articles, links to which are provided in the sidebar. In these articles, readers of the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” share their experience, how they managed to cure burns, as well as non-healing wounds after burns, how this happened, and how quickly they achieved complete skin restoration, and what folk remedies are suitable for treating burns at home .

    How to quickly cure a burn at home with an egg.

    There is a folk remedy for burns: beat a fresh egg and apply it to the burn. Apply frequently, not allowing it to dry out, until the pain stops. The wound heals quickly and no blisters form. Numerous reviews indicate the effectiveness of this product (12 reviews in the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”).
    Egg oil is also melted from boiled egg yolk, which is successfully used to treat burns and festering wounds. There are also a lot of positive reviews about this oil (9 reviews in the newspaper) - the skin heals right before your eyes.

    Potatoes and starch in the treatment of burns with folk remedies.

    You can easily and quickly make a compress for a burn at home. In case of a burn, you need to quickly cool the skin under running cold water, grate the raw potato along with the peel and apply it to the burnt skin. After 30 minutes, change the compress. This potato compress relieves burning and pain, without redness or blisters after a burn. The compress is applied 3-4 times in a row as the compress warms up. Grated potatoes can be used several times, once used, cool in the freezer. ( Folk way from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2012, No. 11, p. 31; 2011, No. 6, p. 39).

    An effective folk remedy for burns is potato starch. It must be mixed with water to form a paste, applied to a napkin and applied to the burn.

    Home treatment for burns with baking soda.

    The burned area should be quickly cooled with cold water under the tap and immediately covered with baking soda. Do not move for 10 minutes so that the soda does not fall off. During this time, the pain and burning goes away, then you can shake off the soda and move on with your business, but it is advisable not to wet the burn for 30-40 minutes. Or the second way is to lubricate the skin with vegetable oil and cover it with soda. There are no blisters or redness left.
    11 positive reviews of healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 1, p. 29; 2010, No. 16, p. 32; 2009 No. 9, p. 13.31; 2012, No. 21, p. 31; 2011, No. 6, p. 40; 2005, No. 8, p. 23; Healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 20, p. 9; 2008, No. 24, p. 38; 2010, No. 17, p. 33.

    Treatment of burns from boiling water with soda.
    Review from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2007, No. 13, p. 37.
    The woman scalded her hand with boiling water, received a burn on her arm from the shoulder to the hand, immediately smeared it with sunflower oil and sprinkled it with soda - there was not even any redness left.

    How to treat a salt burn at home.

    There is no need to reinvent the wheel and lubricate the burn with various ointments. After all, we have everything we need at hand - ordinary salt. The author of the letter was convinced of this from her own experience several times. One day she was pouring boiling fat into a three-liter glass jar, the jar burst and all the hot fat spilled onto her lap. The pain from the burn was terrible. The woman immediately grabbed a pack of salt and sprinkled it thickly on her knees and bandaged them with towels. After 10 minutes the pain subsided. I took off the bandages only in the evening; there were no traces of burns on my knees.
    The second case - I dropped a jar of freshly made jam on my foot, and I also saved the salt without fail. (Folk remedy from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 21 p. 39).

    Toothpaste for burns.

    In case of a burn, you should anoint the burn area with toothpaste, preferably mint. After 2-3 minutes the pain will go away, and after 2-3 hours the paste will dry out and a white crust will form, after washing it off you will not find any blisters or redness underneath. (Recipes from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2010, No. 2, p. 31; 2012, No. 11, p. 28; 2008, No. 5, p. 31-32; Healthy Lifestyle 2004, No. 20, p. 25 ; Healthy Lifestyle 2003, No. 17, p. 25).

    How to prepare ointment for burns at home.

    A homemade ointment based on beeswax, vegetable oil and eggs, oil melted from egg yolk, onion ointment and other folk remedies will help quickly restore skin after burns and cleanse weeping burn wounds from pus.

    How to treat burns with onion ointment.

    Fry 1 onion until golden brown in 100 g of butter or vegetable oil, strain and add melted wax - 1 tbsp. l. Mix everything, lubricate the sore spot with the warm mixture. This ointment can be made for future use, stored in the refrigerator, and warmed slightly before use.

    The fact that onions are a very effective folk remedy for burns is evidenced by reader reviews in the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2014, No. 21, p. 38; 2011, No. 11, p. 32; 2005, No. 8, p. 24; 2007, No. 2, p. 33.

    Homemade ointment for burns.

    Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2015, No. 3 p. 31.
    Heat 1 glass of unrefined vegetable oil (preferably linseed), add a piece of beeswax the size of a matchbox, put on low heat and wait until the wax melts. After this, add 1 yolk from a boiled chicken egg, first mashing it with a fork. Sometimes in this folk recipe the yolk is added in grains, each time the butter foams and must be quickly removed from the heat. When everything has dissolved, stir the mixture and let the ointment cool.
    If you apply this ointment to swollen blisters, they quickly fall off and burn wounds heal without complications.

    Ointments for burns are a very effective folk remedy; reviews of their use can be calculated in the article. "Ointments for burns". This article also contains other recipes for homemade ointments.

    Let's look at effective methods for treating burns at home.

    These folk methods are extremely simple; the means for them are available in every home.

    Treatment of burns with potassium permanganate at home.
    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 13 p. 9.
    A man slipped in a bathhouse, fell on a hot stove and received a severe burn. The wounds were very large, the stomach and chest were especially damaged, the skin remained on the stove. In the morning he was supposed to be taken to the hospital, but a neighbor came and promised to treat the burns at home in 10 days. The man decided to stay home. The treatment consisted of the following. The neighbor cleaned the surfaces of the affected areas with sterile gauze wipes and treated the edges of the wounds with 40% alcohol. Then I prepared a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and lubricated all the burn wounds with this solution. After 2 hours, the burns became covered with a black crust and began to crack. After another two hours, the neighbor smeared all the wounds with unsalted rendered goose fat. The pain immediately disappeared.
    For two days the patient lay on his back and almost did not get up. On the third day, the black crusts began to separate from the wounds; on the fifth day, all the crusts fell off, and underneath there was new skin, slightly redder than the surrounding healthy skin. On the 7th day of treatment, the man went to work. None of my friends could believe that the terrible burns were cured so quickly.
    A few years after this incident, an acquaintance of his suffered from the explosion of a moonshine still. He was treated at the regional burn center for two months, but recovery was slow. Then the man invited him to his village and cured the burns with potassium permanganate in 5 days, which greatly surprised the doctors.

    Judging by the reviews, potassium permanganate is a simple but very effective folk remedy for burns. Reviews about how it was possible to cure burns with the help of potassium permanganate are taken from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2014, No. 11 p. 32; 2005, No. 18, p. 24; 2002, No. 8, p. 8.

    Apple cider vinegar to treat burns at home.
    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 16, p. 33.
    A woman severely burned her finger on a hot frying pan. I immediately put my finger in a glass of apple cider vinegar, and the pain gradually subsided. There are no blisters or redness left on the finger.

    Home treatment for burns with brilliant green.
    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 21, p. 41.
    The woman received severe burns to her face from hot boiling oil, and large blisters immediately swelled. The woman washed the oil off her face with cold water, wiped it with alcohol, cut off the largest blister with scissors, and a non-healing wound appeared. A neighbor doctor suggested applying brilliant green to the burns every hour. Soon dry crusts formed, which were moisturized with face cream. After 2 weeks, the scab from the burn was painlessly removed with tweezers. There was no suppuration, everything healed without scars.

    How to treat burns at home with honey.
    Honey is good for treating burns. If you lubricate the skin with honey immediately after a burn, the pain disappears, the redness goes away, and a blister does not form. There is no need to apply any bandage.
    Reviews and recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 5, p. 32; Healthy lifestyle 2010, No. 24, p. 31; 2004, No. 9, p. 26; 2006, No. 4, p. 29.

    Folk remedies for burns with boiling water - reviews.

    Treatment of a burn with boiling water in a child - agave helped.
    The child was 2 years old when he turned a kettle of boiling water over himself. Mom quickly smeared the burnt skin with the pulp of an agave leaf - there was not even any redness. Agave is a houseplant that looks a bit like aloe.
    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 23, p. 33.

    How to treat a burn from Kalanchoe boiling water.
    Kalanchoe always helps to quickly cure a burn. The woman burned her hand with boiling water, crushed a Kalanchoe leaf, applied it several times, and after two hours there was not even any redness left. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 8, p. 39.
    A paste of cabbage leaves and egg whites is an excellent folk remedy for burns. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 6, p. 34.
    If you get a skin burn from boiling water, immediately take a clean, juicy cabbage leaf, scratch it with a sterile needle, brush the leaf with the yolk of a raw egg and apply it to the burn site. When the leaf withers, replace it with a fresh one. Remedy for burns from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 16, p. 33.
    Traditional treatment of burns with boiling water in a child - aloe.
    A four-year-old child was scalded with tea; the burn was quite extensive. Mom tried many remedies, but aloe helped. They cut it into slices, applied it to the wound and secured it overnight with an elastic bandage. In the middle of the night, the bandage was removed because the baby woke up feeling uncomfortable. The next night they made the same bandage again. In the morning they took it off, and in place of the burn wound there was new pink skin. The bandage was no longer made. The child recovered very quickly. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2010, No. 7, p. 36.
    Cattail fluff for burns.
    A woman worked in a cannery and was severely scalded by boiling water. The burn was so severe that clothes were taken off along with the skin; the legs were especially damaged, because boiling water poured into the boots. An ambulance arrived, but the victim asked to be taken not to the hospital, but home. At home, her mother covered it with fluff from black velvety cattail sticks. The pain stopped immediately. So they bandaged it over the fluff. A few days later the bandages were removed - there was pink skin at the burn site. A week later she already went to work. The same fluff from the cattail saved from burns several times, including in children. To make the fluff stick better, the skin can be lubricated with goose fat or vegetable oil. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 18, p. 33.
    Take a pine cone from the reed. There's fluff on her. It must be scraped off and applied directly to the wound, do not wash it off, apply it again - and it heals quickly. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 22, p. 34.
    How to treat a burn from boiling water with flour at home.
    A man scalded his leg with boiling water. It was painful even to take off the sock. My wife advised me to apply cologne to the burn. But after this procedure the pain did not go away. I couldn’t sleep that night, my leg hurt and was on fire. It’s not clear how to put on shoes and go to work in the morning. I remembered that someone advised treating a burn with flour. He stood up, poured flour into a sock, put it on, smoothed the flour over the entire surface, and put another sock on top. The pain gradually went away. In the morning I took off the sock - no blister, no redness, and especially no pain.
    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 13, p. 2.

    Burn from boiling water in a child. Flour and butter helped.
    This was in 1948. A woman accidentally dropped a cast iron pot with freshly boiled potatoes from her hands and poured boiling water over her little daughter. At this time, an old man just came into the house to ask for alms. He suggested a folk remedy for treating burns. You need to pour 3-4 tbsp into the frying pan. l. sunflower oil. Add 2 tbsp to hot oil. l. flour. Stir well so that there are no lumps, cool. This paste should be applied to the burnt skin; it is better not to tie it with anything, so that the skin can breathe. Blisters and burns go away without leaving a mark. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2015, No. 5 p. 33.
    Furacilin - treatment of burns with boiling water at home.
    A 9-month-old child threw boiling water over his feet, the burnt surface was treated at the emergency room, a bandage was applied and he was sent home. The next day there was a dressing, the bandage was torn off with a scab. So they suffered until they were advised to treat the burns with a furatsilin solution - apply a sterile bandage to the burn and pour the solution on it, not allowing the bandages to dry. Change the dressing after 3 days.
    After this treatment, on the very first day the child’s pain disappeared, the girl began to crawl, and then stand on her feet. While changing the bandages, it was clear that new healthy skin was appearing. Soon all the wounds from the boiling water burns healed. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 16, p. 32-33.

    Chinese rose petals are an excellent folk remedy for burns.
    One day a woman scalded her feet with boiling water, and a wedding was scheduled for tomorrow - her daughter was getting married. Not knowing what to do, she covered her feet with the leaves of a Chinese rose growing in her house. I bandaged it, went to bed, and woke up in the morning - there was no pain. I took off the bandages and there were no traces of the burn left.
    The woman told this story to her friend. And she remembered the rose when she burned her finger. At first she applied calendula ointment to the burn, but the pain did not go away. Then she picked 2 leaves of a Chinese rose. She crushed one and applied it to the burn, and the whole one she placed on the crushed one and tied it with a scarf. The pain immediately subsided. Before going to bed, I decided to change the compress, but there were no blisters or redness under the bandage. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 4, p. 6.

    Simple folk remedies for treating burns at home.

    Home treatment for burns with Icelandic moss.
    Folk method treatment of burns taken from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 23, p. 29.
    Icelandic moss (cetraria) is rich in auspic acid, which has a strong antibiotic effect. Based on this acid, the drug sodium usninate is made, which is used as an antimicrobial agent in the treatment of burns, wounds, and cracks. A remedy for burns can also be prepared at home. 2 teaspoons of Icelandic moss thallus are poured into two glasses of cold water, brought to a boil, and boiled for 5 minutes. Used as a lotion on burn wounds.

    Rendered goose fat is an effective folk remedy for burns.
    Recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2014, No. 16, p. 33. 2001, No. 5, p. 17; 2013, No. 12, p. 31; 2001, No. 15, p. 19.
    Goose fat can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar for years. It is enough to lubricate the burned skin with a thin layer, and after a few minutes the pain subsides, and the burn marks, redness and blisters gradually disappear.

    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 13, p. 37.
    To treat burns at home, it is better to use not a feathery Kalanchoe, but one that has “babies” growing on its leaves. Remove the film from the underside of the sheet, this is very easy to do, and immediately apply it to the burned area. But it is imperative to cover the entire burn, otherwise a burning sensation will remain in the uncovered area. Keep the leaf for about an hour, then remove, there will be no burn blisters or redness left.

    Wounds after burns - treatment with folk remedies at home.
    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 13, p. 14.
    The man severely burned his hand; doctors prescribed ointments, but they did not help. The wound became deep. Once a doctor asked, “Aren’t you afraid that gangrene will start?” It became clear that burn treatment should be taken into one’s own hands and folk remedies used. In the evening, he treated the edges of the burn wound with hydrogen peroxide and applied a clean cabbage leaf. In the morning the wound was clean. And after three compresses it healed completely.

    Traditional treatment of burns with St. John's wort.
    2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort flowers pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Use as compresses for speedy healing of wounds and burns. St. John's wort oil is also very effective - bandages moistened with St. John's wort oil are applied to wounds after burns. After using St. John's wort, tissue regeneration occurs much faster, and it is possible to avoid infection of the burn wound, since St. John's wort has antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. In scientific medicine, St. John's wort preparations are also widely used to treat burns - the preparations "Imanin", "Novoimanin" in the form of an aerosol. Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 16, p. 29.

    A woman was making syrup for compote and burned her hand, immediately put her hand under cold water, and then smeared it with St. John's wort oil. Despite the fact that the burn was severe, not a single blister appeared. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 16, p. 31.

    St. John's wort oil is a folk recipe for burns.
    Fill a liter jar 3/4 full with St. John's wort flowers and add 200 g of vegetable oil. Close and place in a dark place for 15 days, shaking daily. Strain the oil and apply it to the burns. Folk remedy from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2003, No. 8, p. 20.

    How to treat a burn with kombucha at home.
    When kombucha peroxides and becomes unfit for drinking, there is no need to throw it away - this is a valuable folk remedy for burns and can last a long time in the refrigerator. If your hand gets burned, you need to put your hand in a jar of mushroom for 1-2 minutes. There will be no traces left. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 19, p. 32.

    Treating a burn with yeast is an accessible folk method.
    You can treat burns at home with yeast diluted with warm water. Apply thickly to the burned area, cover with a sterile bandage and tie. Do not remove the bandage, but when it dries, moisten the top with liquidly diluted yeast. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 24, p. thirty.

    How to treat an infected burn with lemongrass.
    For an infected burn, ointment made from dried lemongrass berries will help. 100 g of berries should be crushed into powder, placed in a small jar and poured with alcohol to completely cover everything. Stir and leave for 10 hours. Then add 50 g of castor oil, shake, place the mixture on a sterile napkin and apply to the burned skin. It will sting for about 1.5 hours, you have to be patient. Change the bandage once every three days. And in case of severe infection - daily. Improvement occurs on the 5-6th day. Home method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 20, p. 38.

    Quick help for burns.
    If you get burned, quickly and generously soap the burn area with soap, preferably household soap, but you can use toilet soap, so that the foam forms a kind of soap crust - the pain will immediately subside and no traces will remain. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 13, p. 29; 2011, No. 20, p. 39; Healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 20, p. 28; Healthy lifestyle 2006, No. 14, p. 31.

    Eye burn - lotions to relieve pain.
    If you get an eye burn while welding, make lotions with any fermented milk product. kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese. This folk recipe helped the man. Then we tried all the folk remedies for burns - raw grated potatoes, baked onions, cooling compresses. Nothing helped relieve the pain from the burn. We remembered about lactic acid compresses. They applied a lotion to the eye, and after 20 minutes the pain went away. Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2010, No. 1, p. 37.

    An ancient folk remedy for burns.
    If a person is burned, this ancient remedy will help. cut the beef lung into slices, apply to the burned area, and secure with a bandage. In the morning, you take off the bandage and at the site of the burn wound there is young pink skin. Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 20 p. 31.

    Black bread is a folk remedy for burns.
    If you get a burn, you need to quickly rinse your mouth, bite off a crumb of bread (preferably black), chew, then apply the crumb to the burn and tie it. After 30-40 minutes the pain will subside. In the morning, the bandage can be changed. You don't have to tear off the bandage - it won't dry out and comes off easily. Do this until complete healing. This folk recipe has been tried many times on both children and adults. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 5, p. 32.

    Traditional treatment of burns with badger fat.
    The man received severe burns to the skin of his abdomen. He was taken to the hospital and smeared with some white ointment. After some time, the skin on my stomach became like a drum.
    The son came to visit the patient at the hospital, brought badger fat with him, smeared the burned areas, and immediately felt better. The next day I repeated the procedure. After 3 days, the damaged areas on the abdomen began to heal. Doctors allowed me to smear myself with badger fat. After 6 days, treating the burns daily, he was discharged from the hospital and continued treatment at home. After 20 days I went back to work. In total I used 450 ml of badger fat. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 1, p. 33.

    Streptocide for burns.
    If someone is burned, it is important to provide assistance in the first seconds, before painful shock occurs. Powdered streptocide is indispensable here. If the burn is severe, down to the flesh, then it cannot be washed, even if dirt gets in. You just need to sprinkle it generously with streptocide. Constantly add more to where the burn wounds get wet. The pain will go away in 5-10 minutes.
    Streptocide will shrink into a crust, as if cementing the wound. This crust cannot be torn off - natural restoration of skin cells occurs underneath it. When the crust falls off on its own, a dark spot will remain at the burn site, which will soon match the color of the surrounding skin. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 2, p. 8.

    Bean powder.
    You can very well treat burns at home with beans. dry beans should be ground into powder in a coffee grinder and sprinkled on the affected area. After a day, a burn crust will form on the wet wound and healing will begin. Folk remedy from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 10, p. 6.

    To prevent a bubble from appearing during a burn, you need to put a piece of cotton wool or a gauze cloth soaked in an alcohol tincture of calendula on the burned area. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 18, p. 21, Healthy Lifestyle 2005, No. 23, p. 21, 2001, No. 18, p. 20.

    The woman received severe burns to her face and ear. She spent 2 weeks in the hospital, but the weeping wounds remained. When she was driving home from the hospital, she met a woman on the bus who gave her a recipe for an effective folk remedy for treating burns - calendula oil. This oil quickly helped heal wounds.
    It has come in handy more than once. Once a woman scalded her knees with boiling water. The pain was terrible, but she had calendula oil in the refrigerator. I immediately started applying this oil to the burn. In the evening I was somehow able to fall asleep - the pain was interfering. In the morning I woke up, looked at my knees, and there was only a small pink spot and no pain.
    Calendula oil - recipe.
    To prepare calendula oil, you need to boil 300 ml of refined sunflower oil and add a half-liter jar of fresh calendula flowers to the boiling oil. When it cools, transfer the mixture into a glass jar and leave for 40 days in a cool, dark place. Strain and discard flowers. The medicine is ready. Can be stored for 5 years. Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2002, No. 8, p. 17.

    Sophora japonica for home treatment of burns.
    A three-year-old girl accidentally sat down in a bowl of jam, which had just been removed from the fire, and there was a lot of screaming. And at home there was a tincture of Sophora (a glass of Sophora for a bottle of vodka). Mom quickly wet the cotton wool and lubricated the body. The girl immediately fell asleep, and when she woke up two hours later, the trouble was already over, there were even no blisters. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 6, p. 10.

    How to cure a burn with St. John's wort oil.
    The woman prepared a tincture and ointment made with goose fat from Sophora for future use. She had a lot of St. John's wort oil left, so she poured it over the fruits and dried Sophora flowers, ground into a paste. And in winter there was a fire in her apartment. Both she and her husband received severe burns.
    The firefighters have arrived. The fire was extinguished. The ambulance doctors recommended going to the hospital, but they refused because the door was burned down and there was no one to leave the apartment with. And at first they didn’t understand how severe the burns they received. Then the burned skin rose up into blisters, the pain was terrible, the husband was in danger of gangrene... Sophora saved them. and tincture, and ointment, and especially that same St. John's wort oil, infused with yala on ground sophora fruits and flowers. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 5, p. 22.

    Blue iodine.
    Blue iodine is a magical folk remedy for burns. What could be simpler - stir one teaspoon of 5 percent iodine in a glass of cooled jelly (water + starch)! The pain subsides almost instantly, there is no blister or redness left. Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2003, No. 21, p. 2.

    Treatment of burns with boiling water at home using cottage cheese. Review.
    A bucket of boiling water was thrown over a seven-year-old child. The entire side was scalded from shoulder to heels. They treated the burn at home for a long time using pharmaceutical and folk remedies, but without success. The condition was very serious. Knowledgeable people advised treating burns from boiling water with homemade cottage cheese. After starting treatment with cottage cheese, the child quickly began to recover, and after 2 weeks he began to get out of bed. It was possible to cure so that there were no scars left.
    The treatment is very simple. You need to apply 1 cm thick cottage cheese on the wounds, put a film on top and bandage it. After removing the bandage, the wound becomes clean and rosey. The cottage cheese does not dry out and comes off easily. Problems arise when applying cottage cheese to large surfaces of the skin - because it is liquid and spreads. Here you need to apply maximum skill and ingenuity. But the result is worth it. Review from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 6, p. 15.

    How to treat burns on the head with apples at home. Review.
    The boy burned his head with burning resin - he made a torch and fireworks. The skin came off the head along with the hair. Some of the skin peeled off my face. The pain was unbearable, we were afraid that they wouldn’t take us to the hospital, and decided to treat the burn at home. The whole family began to chew apples and put them in a bowl. This mixture was applied to all burned areas. The pain immediately subsided and the boy fell asleep. In the morning they again smeared the chewed apples on the skin and noticed that the wounds began to dry out. Three days later, the burns on my head healed and the bandage was removed. My hair grew back normally and there were no scars left. Recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2001, No. 23, p. 18.

    Home treatment for burns with celandine juice.
    The burned area should be lubricated with the juice of the celandine herb. Repeat several times at intervals of 3-5 minutes, and then lubricate every 2-3 hours. Do not apply a bandage.
    To prepare the juice, you need to dig up the celandine with roots, rinse, dry, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. After 7-8 days, fermentation will begin - carefully release gases from the bottle with juice. Store fermented juice in the refrigerator. Recipe from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2000, No. 14, p. 13.

    How to treat a chemical burn at home.

    • Chemical burn on the leg from a cast.
      Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 16, p. 31.
      The woman broke her ankle joint, they put her in a cast, and it caused a real burn - blisters formed on the skin. An ambulance was called and the plaster was removed along with the skin. The leg was treated and a bandage was applied, but the pain and burning sensation were so severe that even painkillers did not help. Then the woman began to pour the infusion of golden mustache on her bandaged leg, and the pain subsided. As soon as the bandages dried, he poured the infusion again and again. On the 4th-1st day, doctors came to her to change the bandage, the bandages came off easily, there was new skin underneath, only the deepest wound continued to ooze.
    • Chemical burn on the face - traditional treatment blue.
      Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 22, p. 7.
      Small drops of sulfuric acid fell on the woman’s face, she didn’t even notice them. But the next morning, my face began to burn, and blisters swelled on my forehead, nose, and cheeks. Before that, she had repeatedly used blueing agent for thermal burns, the same one that is used to blue linen. Previously, it was sold in powder, but now in a ready-made solution, and it should always be kept on hand to provide first aid for burns. Blue relieves pain well, and burn wounds do not occur. I decided to use this product for chemically damaged skin. She poured the blue into her palm and smeared the bubbles. The burning stopped immediately, but after 10 minutes it started again, then the woman smeared her face again. I did this 5-6 times until the burning finally stopped. A thick layer of blue had frozen on his face like a mask. She didn’t wash it off for 4 days, so she didn’t leave the house. But there were no consequences left - the skin on the face after 4 days was smooth and clean.
    • Chemical burn - treatment at home.
      The woman burned her hands with chloramine, her skin was covered with small pimples. The doctor advised me to apply sea buckthorn oil to the burn on my hand, but it did not help.
      The niece promised to cure the burn. She cut down a tartar bush, rinsed it in the river to remove dust, and chopped it into pieces. I poured water into a five-liter saucepan, boiled it, let it sit, strained it and divided it into 2 parts. She put one part in the refrigerator, and the patient periodically
      I used it - I kept my hands in this broth and didn’t wipe it afterwards. After three days, the skin on my hands cleared up. The second part of the decoction was not even useful.
      Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2010, No. 8 p. 30.
    • Golden mustache.
      A woman's golden mustache helped her heal a chemical burn on her arm without scarring - just by tying a piece of leaf at night. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 12, p. 22).

    Treating sunburn at home.

    Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 13, p. 26.
    In sunny weather, try to spend more time in the shade. It is especially necessary to hide moles and age spots from the sun, since the sun's rays are a strong carcinogen and can provoke melanoma.
    If you do get a sunburn, the following folk remedies will help you cure it at home:
    1. Kefir or yogurt. Skin after a sunburn will quickly heal if you lubricate the affected area with kefir or other lactic acid product. This remedy will become much more effective if you first mix kefir with a pinch of turmeric.
    2. Aloe. Pick an aloe leaf, remove the thorns from it, cut it in half lengthwise and lubricate the skin with the wet pulp. If there is no aloe, you can replace it with grated potatoes - apply a compress or lubricate the skin with potato juice.
    3. Oak bark will quickly heal sunburn. Pour 20-40 grams of oak bark with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Make lotions with this decoction. If you don’t have oak bark, you can make lotions for sunburn with strong brewed tea.
    4. St. John's wort oil. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort with 200 ml of vegetable oil, leave for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally. If necessary, lubricate damaged skin. St. John's wort oil will quickly relieve inflammation, heal the skin and relieve sunburn.

    How to treat a burn from hogweed - folk remedies.

    Some plants, such as hogweed, cause phytodermatitis of the skin. If left untreated, the consequences can be very serious, including skin necrosis. Burns to the mucous membranes are especially dangerous, because some children make pipes from hogweed stems.
    Treatment of burns from plants and thermal burns are largely the same. You need to thoroughly wash the affected area with cold water and soap, then apply burn ointment or furatsilin solution, or rivinol solution. You can use folk remedies to treat burns.
    1. Compress from aloe leaf juice - do 2 times a day for 3 hours.
    2. Potato compress - grate, apply to a cloth and tie to the sore spot. Keep it until it warms up, then replace it with a fresh one.
    3. Cabbage with protein - pass the cabbage through a meat grinder, mix with protein, apply to burns.
    4. Honey - lubricate burns with honey, it relieves pain, prevents the appearance of blisters, promotes rapid recovery and healing of the skin.
    (Recipes from the newspaper Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle 2006, No. 13, p. 26. Advice from herbalist E. Korzhikova).

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