• Non-healing wound after a dog bite. In what cases can a dog bite wound be dangerous and its consequences?


    A dog, no matter how human a friend it is, is, first of all, an animal, quite strong and, given the current situation, very aggressive, often unpredictable and by its nature endowed with predatory habits. As practice shows, in most cases, the injured people themselves provoked the dogs to attack. With the help of a powerful, well-developed jaw, sharp teeth with fangs, a dog can inflict severe lacerations and cause terrible injuries with a fatal outcome. Therefore, even with a homeschooler, you should always behave with proactive and intentional caution. A dog, even while playing, can injure him or bite him.

    Even the most minor injury or bite from a dog can be fraught with various viral diseases: hemophilius, enterobacter, streptococcus, neisseria, klebsiella, staphylococcus (here you can read about). But the most terrible disease is rabies. Delayed treatment or failure to seek medical attention if bitten by a dog or other animal can lead to the rapid development of rabies and death of the patient.

    When an animal is bitten on the head, neck, or arms in the absence of appropriate vaccinations, the disease develops within ten days; when an animal bites the lower extremities, the disease may not manifest itself for up to three months. For any animal bites, it is advisable to consult a doctor for a tetanus vaccination. In case of animal bites, the wound must be washed with water for at least five minutes with the addition of disinfectants.

    There are also. The bite wound is washed with water with the addition of potassium permanganate, saline solution, tincture of vinegar and echinacea. To avoid severe dryness of the wound itself, its surface must be treated nut butter, which is recommended to be taken orally three times a dinner spoon during the day while awake. Apply immediately folk remedies after a dog bite in the form of applying various antiseptics to a washed and treated wound honey-based dressings. Turmeric mixed with honey and applied to a wound has an excellent healing and disinfecting factor. A fine substance of garlic or onion mixed with the same amount of honey and applied as a paste to the wound has such qualities. An excellent remedy for applying to a wound can be prepared from equal and well-mixed parts of nuts, salt and onions. Fast healing the wound occurs when it is sprinkled with asafoetida powder. An excellent tool There is an infusion of immortelle inflorescences, which is drunk one dinner spoon four times during waking hours. Nettle sprinkled with salt (you can read about it here) and applied to the bite will anesthetize, disinfect and heal the wound. Garlic of at least four cloves per day when consumed orally gives good results in disinfecting the body, and foods high in vitamins C will make it possible to quickly heal a wound. The leaves of freshly picked meadowsweet, crushed into a pulp and applied directly to the wound, have an excellent healing effect.

    All folk remedies for dog bites have undeniable medicinal qualities. But a child who has been bitten, even by a vaccinated domestic dog, must be shown to a doctor and immediately given the prescribed anti-tetanus vaccinations. A child's fragile body is simply defenseless against dangerous viruses. Therefore, parents need to urgently contact emergency medical care at their place of residence, where they will use instantly effective disinfectants. Do not risk the lives of children and consult a doctor.

    Dog bites are always a serious event that may not end well. in a successful manner. It is most difficult for young children and people who are unable to protect themselves. If the animal is not scared off in time, it can leave lacerations on the body. They will bleed, hurt, and break out if help is not provided in a timely manner. Today we will look at the causes of aggression and what to do if a dog bites you.

    Why does an animal show aggression?

    1. There is no single breed, size or age of animal that can bite. Absolutely any dog ​​can do this for various reasons. Even vaccinated pets attack their owners because they “harass” them.
    2. Very often animals bite when they want to play. It is at these moments that a pet can attack a child. There are also many reasons why an animal is aggressive against humans. Some people simply don't like people because they once caused harm.
    3. Other dogs do not feel well, do not feel love for their owner, and eat little. The main reason, perhaps, is a lack of education. If you allow your pet to bite itself, even as a joke, it will not see the difference.
    4. Yard dogs, worn out by life and bad attitude of people. They gather in flocks, then the whole swarm hunts a person. Most often this happens for no apparent reason. And the place of the bite is the neck, calves, arms. Children are bitten on the face and the area closer to the shoulders.

    First aid

    A number of actions have been developed that you need to carry out in order to prevent a deterioration in your health and promptly disinfect the wound.

    1. You should immediately wash the wound with warm water and laundry or tar soap. It contains alkali, which will have a destructive effect on bacteria.
    2. After the rinsing is completed, take peroxide or apply a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Disinfect until the hissing stops. Then wait for it to dry. Take iodine or brilliant green and treat the damaged area.
    3. Now it is necessary to numb the wound and prevent the spread of infection to neighboring tissues. Santomycin ointment is suitable as a means of lubricating the damage.
    4. Take a sterile bandage (required), lubricate it with the same product that you used to treat the bite area. Apply to the wound and wrap it, making a kind of compress. Don't overtighten.
    5. Now it's time to seek medical help. Carefully analyze the situation and tell your doctor everything. If your dog has rabies or tetanus, targeted injections may be needed.

    Home remedies for dog bites

    1. There are times when it is not possible to seek professional help in such a situation. To quickly disinfect the wound and promote its speedy healing, use simple remedies.
    2. Take a suitable container and combine turmeric powder with a small amount flower honey. Mix the ingredients. Wash the wound first with water, then with soap. Apply the prepared solution to the bite site.
    3. This combination of components has a powerful antiseptic effect. Honey also perfectly eliminates inflammatory processes. In addition, it is necessary to consume ascorbic acid daily. Vitamin C should be taken until the wounds are completely healed.
    4. As an alternative, it is suggested to use a healing ointment. To prepare it, you need to chop 3 walnut kernels. Mix onion gruel and a pinch of sea ​​salt. Mix the healing agent thoroughly.
    5. Apply the mixture to the bite site and secure it loosely with a bandage. The healing mixture is considered the most powerful means in such situations. You can also chop the onion and mix the pulp with 15 g. honey, 7 ml. 3% vinegar. Apply the mixture to the affected area.
    6. Mix 80 gr. burdock roots with 250 ml. vegetable oil(anyone). Leave the remedy for at least a day. After this, boil the composition over low heat for several minutes. Pour the product into a glass container. This ointment is suitable for any type of wound. Use twice daily.
    7. If you are in nature, you can apply celandine leaves to the wound. It is recommended to rinse the raw materials with water or wipe off dust. You can also cook more effective remedy. Boil in 500 ml. water 50 gr. eucalyptus leaves. The procedure will take no more than 5 minutes.
    8. After cooling, strain the mixture and add 60 g. natural honey. This product can be used to treat any damage to disinfect and speed up wound healing.

    1. This case is the most dangerous because rabies itself is caused by a strong virus. If it enters the human blood due to the bite and saliva of a dog, then damage to the nerve endings will begin to develop.
    2. It is difficult to identify an animal with this disease, but it is possible. The dog will be overly violent or, on the contrary, very calm. Due to constant spasms in the throat area, it is difficult for the animal to swallow, so it refuses to drink and eat. Mad dogs have increased salivation, which is noticeable to the naked eye. At the same time, the dog cannot bark, it only whines.
    3. To determine for sure whether the rabies virus has been transferred into your blood, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Signs include increased body temperature, itching, pain, swelling during three days after the situation happened.
    4. In advanced cases, excessive disturbance of the psycho-emotional environment, overexcitation, and anger appear. Sometimes there is a fear of water, light, sounds, etc. It also becomes difficult for a person to swallow due to a swollen larynx, but this is in the last stages.
    5. After a dog bites you, immediately prepare a warm soapy solution from household soap shavings and water. Wash the wound generously to kill bacteria. Then pour peroxide, dry, apply iodine or brilliant green.
    6. Remember that you need to get vaccinated against rabies within the next three days. Injections are given within a month after the situation. Then the doctor will tell you that after them you can’t drink alcohol for 6 months. IN otherwise there will be no result. Rabies is extreme dangerous disease, which may not always appear immediately. So be on your guard throughout the year.

    Signs of rabies in humans

    1. If we take average statistical data, the disease develops within 30-75 days after the bite occurred. But there are cases when the first symptoms could be established after a week or, on the contrary, after whole year after the situation.
    2. Often, the duration of infection varies depending on what stage of the disease the infected animal was at, how deep the wound was, how much saliva got into it, when the first injections were given, and whether vaccination was done at all.
    3. But the most important thing is the affected area. The closer the area is to the brain, the faster the disease will develop. Rabies makes itself felt extremely quickly if the dog bites the neck or face. A little later - legs, arms.
    4. Conventionally, the entire process of disease development can be divided into several stages. On early stage which lasts from 1 to 3 days, there may be an increase in temperature, pain in the affected area, headaches and migraines, pulsation in the temples, mental problems (apathy with anger, joy with sadness, isolation with a feeling of fear, insomnia, etc.) .
    5. The next stage is called nothing less than the period of the full height of the disease. It lasts a couple of days. At this stage, the patient may be afraid of the sound of water, loud sounds, light, all this literally drives horror. The secretion of saliva also increases, and some people experience foam. The patient may show causeless aggression, rush from corner to corner, and be too emotional for 2-3 days.
    6. At the last stage, a strong change in the physical and mental plane begins. There are also difficulties with the respiratory system, delirium, hallucinations, convulsive spasms, problems with blood circulation and the vascular system as a whole. Breathing becomes worse and worse, a certain whistling is felt. Then comes calm for a couple of days and death.

    1. If you are faced with such a terrible situation where a dog has attacked a child, you must remain calm. When you panic, you can only make things worse. Act clearly and judiciously. Immediately wash the wound with warm water.
    2. After this, repeat the procedure with laundry soap. Treat the affected area with green paint or iodine. This composition should not get directly into the wound. After this, be sure to visit the emergency room.
    3. As soon as you get to a medical institution, be sure to explain to the doctor what exactly happened. Try to remember everything and tell it in detail. This way you can avoid complications. If a pet has attacked, provide the specialist with a vaccination certificate.
    4. Often in hospitals, the wound is washed and treated with a disinfectant. The doctor will also apply a sterile bandage to the affected area. As a last resort, surgery is performed. The wound can be dangerous. If soil or dirt gets into the wound, the baby will be vaccinated against tetanus.
    5. As for rabies injections, they are given if a stray animal attacks. The doctor himself will decide what to inject. Often a dog attacks a child out of fear. Children may not understand much and treat the animal as a toy. The child can squeeze him or pull him hard by the tail.
    6. Because of this, even the most well-mannered and devoted dog may not be able to withstand such abuse. Instincts and emotions take over the animal. The dog may feel like it is in danger. Because of this, she attacks the child to make everything stop. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your child more than the animal.
    7. In addition, the dog may be sick or unwell. And if a child bothers her, no one’s nerves can stand it anymore. In pain, the animal will show aggression. The pet may also become jealous of the baby. Because of such irritation, aggression appears. Therefore, try to control the situation in any case.

    Remember, if the dog bites hard enough and the wound is deep, consult a doctor immediately. It is prohibited to use various medications on your own. Try to calm down and pull yourself together. Apply a bandage to stop bleeding. Don't delay calling an ambulance.

    Video: what to do if bitten by a dog?

    “A dog is a man’s friend” - says famous saying. But it is important to understand that communication with a dog, like with any other animal, is dangerous. First aid for a dog bite should be provided to the victim as soon as possible to avoid unwanted health consequences.

    Why is an animal bite dangerous for humans?

    Not only stray animals, but also domestic animals pose a danger to humans. Fighting breed dogs are especially likely to attack. First aid for a bite from a domestic or stray dog ​​depends on the nature of the injury and the extent of the damage. Types of damage that a bite can cause:

    • state of shock;
    • bleeding;
    • soft tissue damage;
    • rabies infection.

    After a bite, puncture or laceration wounds may appear. A puncture wound is a puncture bite. In such cases, the depth of the wound exceeds its length. Lacerations occur when teeth drag across the skin with pressure. First aid for a dog bite should be carried out taking these factors into account.

    Psychological shock

    Do not underestimate the psychological trauma that a dog attack can cause to a person. This is especially true when a child is injured. The children's psyche is less stable than that of adults, and therefore is more susceptible to external influences.

    If a dog bites a child, first of all, it is important not to create panic, so as not to frighten the baby even more. You need to act quickly and judiciously. First aid after a dog bite, which must be provided to a child, does not differ from the procedures carried out with an adult victim. It is necessary to constantly talk to the child in a calm tone, while carefully treating the wound. You should also try to distract the child's attention. After the bite has healed, you may need to visit a child psychologist with your child.

    Suffering psychological shock can also cause irreparable harm to people with a work disorder cardiovascular systems s and with nervous disorders.


    Any bite that breaks the integrity of the skin is accompanied by bleeding. Because dogs have very sharp teeth, the bite can be deep enough to damage important arteries. Capillary bleeding is the most insignificant; venous and arterial bleeding pose a danger.

    Arteries are located in tissues close to bones. Arterial bleeding occurs with a deep bite. Blood in the arteries flows under strong pressure, so bleeding from the arteries is dangerous due to heavy loss of blood in a short time. The arteries are enclosed in a muscular layer and have the ability to contract. Thanks to this, arterial bleeding can stop on its own.

    Venous bleeding is more common than arterial bleeding, since the veins are located closer to the skin. When a vein is damaged, blood flows continuously and abundantly.

    Help with bleeding

    If there is bleeding, first aid for a dog bite will primarily consist of stopping the blood loss. The easiest way to stop bleeding is to press the wound with your fingers. If an artery is damaged, finger pressure is applied above the injured area.

    Capillary bleeding occurs if, for example, a dog bites a finger by force. First aid does not provide for immediate stopping of bleeding. It is recommended to let the blood drain a little, this will prevent infection from entering the blood.

    In case of arterial bleeding, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the damaged area. For venous bleeding, use a clean pressure bandage. It is important to follow one rule: the bandage is applied for no more than an hour in warm weather and for no more than two hours in cold weather.

    Bleeding after a dog bite threatens not only blood loss and, as a consequence, serious disruption of the functioning of the human body. With such injuries, the likelihood of blood poisoning is very high. To avoid undesirable consequences, you must contact the medical institution, where the first one will be provided health care when bitten by a dog.

    Help with soft tissue damage

    A dog bite is usually a puncture or laceration wound. A lacerated wound has jagged edges and takes quite a long time to heal. In addition, with deep damage, the likelihood of infection increases.

    First aid for a dog bite or wound consists, first of all, of stopping the bleeding. Next, you should disinfect the damaged area of ​​skin. To do this, the wound is first washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic. The use of hydrogen peroxide is recommended. After disinfecting the wound, apply an antibiotic ointment and bandage it with a sterile bandage. After carrying out all these measures, you should consult a doctor.

    Infection during a bite

    When a dog bites, there is a high probability of infection. It should be understood that even if a domestic dog, vaccinated and healthy, is bitten, many microbes accumulate on the animal’s teeth, which, when bitten, can enter the human body. The most common bacteria that can become infected after a bite are:

    • staphylococcus;
    • streptococcus;
    • Proteus;
    • corynobacteria.

    The most dangerous bacteria are the ones that cause tetanus and rabies. Wound infection is accompanied by some symptoms. First, the skin around the bite becomes red and inflamed. A rash and white discharge from the wound may also appear. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately.

    Help with an infected bite

    Help with a dog bite resulting in infection is impossible at home. To avoid adverse consequences for the body, the victim should receive assistance from a qualified specialist. At home, you should only stop the bleeding by letting the blood drain for two minutes to reduce the risk of infection. You also need to treat the wound with an antiseptic.

    Providing first aid for a dog bite will include suturing if the wound is lacerated, administering a vaccine to prevent the development of infection, and administering medicines, ensuring speedy healing of the bite.


    The greatest danger in a dog attack is the risk of contracting rabies from a sick animal. Rabies is a viral disease that damages the central nervous system. Without proper treatment, it will inevitably lead to death. The disease is most often transmitted when the saliva of an infected animal enters the human bloodstream.

    The incubation period of the disease can last up to six months. That is, the disease can make itself felt after the bite wounds have healed. A person experiences the following symptoms of the disease:

    • slight increase in body temperature;
    • fear of water;
    • irritability, aggression, panic attacks;
    • hallucinations.

    It is important to understand that once symptoms of the disease appear, it is useless to fight the disease. The disease lasts for about a week. At the last stage of the disease, paralysis of the limbs and eye muscles occurs, then the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body is disrupted, resulting in death.

    Symptoms of rabies in dogs

    Domestic dogs are less susceptible to rabies than stray dogs. However, the risk of infection of a healthy vaccinated pet still exists. If a person is attacked by a stray animal, there is a practice of catching such dogs in order to subsequently monitor them and identify signs of rabies. Infected dogs exhibit the following symptoms:

    1. On initial stages diseases in such animals there is lethargy and lack of appetite. Dogs avoid people and do not go out in bright light.
    2. At the next stage the animal exhibits unjustified aggression, completely refuses food, reacts painfully to loud sounds and bright light.
    3. Late stages are accompanied profuse salivation, apathy. On aggressive behavior The animal is provoked by sharp sounds. Then paralysis sets in and the animal dies.

    This form of rabies often occurs when the animal behaves very friendly and affectionately. If you suspect that an animal has been infected with rabies, you should contact a veterinarian, as the dog can pose a threat to others.

    Treatment of rabies

    In the event of a dog attack, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible, even if the animal does not show signs of rabies. Does not exist exact date incubation period of the disease, in each individual case it is individual. Therefore, you should not wait for time after a dog attack; you should immediately consult a doctor.

    If an attack and a dog bite occurs, first aid (rabies vaccine can be prescribed by a doctor) should be provided as soon as possible. After the vaccine is administered, the body begins to produce antibodies that fight the infection within about ten days. The vaccine is administered to the victim in several stages, the last one on the ninetieth day.

    In addition to the vaccine, the victim is given an immunoglobulin drug. These are antibodies that fight the virus until the body begins to produce its own. An immunoglobulin injection is effective only in the first three days after possible infection. It is given to the affected area and intramuscularly.

    If after the bite it was possible to catch the attacking animal, it is monitored over the next ten days. If during this period the dog did not die and did not show signs of rabies, vaccination can be interrupted.

    Causes of aggressive behavior in dogs

    According to statistics, more than one hundred and fifty thousand people suffer from dog attacks in Russia every year. Children and teenagers are especially often attacked. This is due to the child’s behavior: he is overly active, makes loud noises, and can accidentally hurt the dog. The animal becomes nervous when faced with such behavior, fears aggression from humans and, as a result, attacks first.

    Very often, an animal attacks when the person next to it experiences severe fear. The dog reacts to strong emotions and feels superior. A dog attacks in defense of its territory, its puppies, and also in response to aggressive human behavior.

    From the above, we can conclude that the cause of aggression in a healthy, adequate animal in most cases is human behavior. Accordingly, a person is usually able to prevent an attack. But if the attack does occur, first aid for a dog bite should be provided as soon as possible.

    Since ancient times, a dog has lived next to a person, shared his shelter and played with his children. Can you doubt her loyalty and friendliness? If the animal is domestic, does not show aggression and is healthy, then no. What about other dogs that constantly live on the street? The street mongrel is a formidable enemy that defends its territory and itself. In this case, the bite is more a pattern than a surprise. Let's figure out what to do if a dog bites you.

    Before understanding what needs to be done, it is important to understand the types of bites. Bites caused by dog ​​teeth are divided into two types:

    • Puncture wounds - the depth exceeds the width of the damage. In this case, bleeding occurs at the site of injury, which requires immediate assistance. First of all, the bleeding is stopped, then the wounds are treated with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents, and a gauze bandage is applied over the injuries.
    • Lacerations are caused by teeth sliding across the skin while applying pressure. This bite has noticeable damage to the skin and is more dangerous than a puncture bite. The skin may peel off or even be partially scalped. Most often the limbs are affected, both upper and lower. In situations with children, the most vulnerable place is the face and head. In most cases, stitches are required and treatment continues under the supervision of a specialist.

    Symptoms of a dog bite

    Bites can leave either a small wound or significant damage. In both cases, a person may face dangerous complications. As a rule, symptoms appear immediately:

    • Wound infection. Already during the bite or after, there is a risk of infection. In this situation, the person begins to feel feverish and shiver. Body temperature rises. Skin The lymph nodes around the injury become red, swollen, and the lymph nodes become significantly enlarged.
    • . Large dogs with powerful jaws can not only break, but also crush human bones. This especially applies to dogs of fighting breeds.
    • Damage to muscle tissue and bleeding (both external and internal).
    • Suppuration of wounds. Without timely assistance and caring for the injury, very often pus begins to accumulate in the tissues.
    • Infection with various infections - E. coli, ticks and, most dangerously,...

    In any case, after an animal attack, you must seek medical help. If a person has lost consciousness or feels feverish or is vomiting, then you should not hesitate, but immediately call an emergency ambulance. In this case, we are talking about possible consequences such as disability and even death.

    Among the most dangerous consequences infection with rabies can be identified. This case is worth considering in more detail.

    Signs of rabies in humans

    As soon as the virus enters the body, an incubation period immediately begins, which on average lasts from 1 to 3 months. The further the site of infection is from the brain, the longer this period will be. There are three stages of the disease:

    • Initial. Duration from 1 to 3 days. Even if the wound heals, the person begins to “feel” it, this may be a feeling of pain, burning, itching. The scar may become swollen, the temperature rises to 37°C and remains at this level. The person’s condition changes - he feels weak, upset stools and the urge to vomit occur. During the same period, he begins to be haunted by various hallucinations and a depressive state. Sleep is disturbed and nightmares appear.
    • Excitement stage (2-3 days). Characterized by the development of hydrophobia, fear of water. The sight, and subsequently the sound, of water provokes spasms of the swallowing and respiratory muscles. The person develops convulsions and a feeling of overwhelming fear. The patient's gaze is focused at one point, the pupils dilate.
    • Stage of paralysis (from 12 hours to 1 day). Outwardly, a person calms down, his functions of movement and feelings fade away. Body temperature rises to 42°C, blood pressure drops, and heart rate increases. A person dies due to paralysis of the heart muscle or respiratory organs.

    Vaccinating a person against rabies

    At the slightest suspicion of the disease, a person is vaccinated in the buttock or forearm. Of course, it does not consist of 40 mythical injections, but only six, which completely remove the virus. The vaccination schedule is as follows:

    • it is initially placed on the day a person is admitted to a medical facility;
    • then after three days;
    • on the seventh day;
    • two weeks later, on the 14th day;
    • a month later, on the 30th day;
    • three months later, on the 90th day.

    Rabies vaccination is the only cure. In some cases, if after 10 days the dog is alive and well, then vaccination of the person is stopped.

    When a vaccine may not help

    For a healthy person before a dog bite, the vaccine is a 100% salvation. But there are a number of reasons when it may not work:

    • congenital weakness of the immune system;
    • long-term treatment with glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants;
    • delayed vaccination;
    • expired or improperly stored vaccine;
    • missed procedures;
    • drinking alcohol.

    What to do after a dog bite

    After being bitten by a dog (even one that has vaccinations), the victim needs help:

    • First of all, you need to inspect the damage - determine the severity of the injury, whether bones, large vessels, or ligaments have been damaged.
    • Before treatment, you need to stop the bleeding. If an artery is affected, then it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the damaged area, but in the case of a vein being affected, a tight-fitting bandage will be sufficient.
    • The bite is treated as follows: washed with boiled water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide; if there is no remedy, then soapy water will do; Afterwards, the wound is treated with an antiseptic - a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacillin. The skin around the injury can be lubricated with iodine solution or brilliant green.
    • The treated wound is covered with a gauze bandage, which should not be tightened too much without existing bleeding.

    Often, such procedures are quite sufficient to avoid complications and achieve successful tissue healing.

    Video on the topic

    When medical attention and treatment is needed

    All severe injuries require examination by a traumatologist. Both puncture and laceration wounds can lead to significant complications. Most lacerations require stitches, and any facial wounds or bites to the head should also see a doctor.

    If a child has been injured, often in addition to medical assistance, consultation with a psychologist will be required.

    For minor injuries, you can treat the bite yourself, following the basic rules:

    • Inspect and treat the wound daily.
    • Do not wet the affected area.
    • Replace the bandage with a new one every day.
    • If minor discharge appears from the bitten area, you will need to rinse with an antiseptic solution (do not use hydrogen peroxide at this time), and then sprinkle the bite with talcum powder (you can use baby powder).
    • Use ointment under the bandage if the wound is not wet and without discharge.

    Among ointments, Synthomycin ointment and Balsamic Liniment according to Vishnevsky are highly effective for bites and other wounds. It is recommended to use Panthenol and Akutol sprays as an antiseptic.

    If the damage is serious, then only a doctor can provide appropriate treatment. If the wound becomes infected, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

    In case of emergency assistance, call ambulance, in other situations, you can contact a therapist in a clinic or an infectious disease specialist right away.

    Of course, a dog bite is an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon. But the animal is not always to blame for such a phenomenon. Do not be careless and approach unknown dogs, try to stroke them, especially show aggression, as you can run into a “response”. In the event of an attack, the victim should be given first aid and taken to the clinic independently or called an ambulance.

    After a dog bite, your hand is swollen, what needs to be done in this situation and how to treat the bite - a dog attack is a situation from which no one is immune. If after an attack the limb is swollen and painful, this may be a sign of infection. Every person should know what emergency measures need to be taken to protect themselves and loved ones from serious consequences, many of which can be fatal.

    The severity of the clinical case depends on many factors, especially the size of the animal and the degree of its aggressiveness. The most severe injuries are those inflicted by fighting breeds - shepherd dogs, pit bulls, bull terriers. Types of bites:

    • punctured (superficial) - violation of the integrity of the skin, tissue ruptures, extensive swelling. This type of injury is considered the easiest; if the victim is given first aid and there are no complications, healing occurs quickly;

    • torn – ruptures of soft tissues, joints, damage to blood vessels. With such an injury, there is a high risk of complications; the victim must be taken to a medical facility as quickly as possible.

    • The most common places for bites in adults are the hands, forearms, and ankles. In children - head, face and neck. Neck injuries are the most dangerous, since the carotid artery passes there and damage to it leads to heavy blood loss with a fatal outcome.

      The health status of the animal influences the consequences of a bite. After a dog bite, if it was infected with infections or its saliva contained pathogenic bacteria, there is a high risk of infection to humans.

      If a person's injured body part swells after an attack, this is a sign that requires immediate medical attention. Even if one finger is swollen, the tissue of which has pathogenic microorganisms, this can lead to the infection spreading throughout the body, and then the likelihood of death increases significantly.


      Bites that occur on areas of the body covered by clothing, without deep damage to soft tissues and blood vessels, are considered less dangerous. Swelling in such cases rarely occurs. The consequences are dangerous after puncture bite dogs, when blood vessels are damaged, bleeding opens and a tumor forms. If there is an open wound, the likelihood of infection is very high, and in addition to providing primary care, complex treatment is required.

      Infection of a person is indicated by symptoms such as incessant bleeding, enlarged lymph nodes, signs of general poisoning and attacks of neurological disorder, swelling. The patient experiences nausea and vomiting, and body temperature rises. Symptoms such as swelling of soft tissues, the appearance of a rash on the skin, and a feverish state in the affected person are especially dangerous. If the bite site swells, this indicates infection with pathogenic bacteria.

      If you suspect that you have an infection, you should urgently seek medical help. Many diseases transmitted through saliva that enters an open wound are deadly.


      Rabies is often reported in affected people. This is the hardest infection. The bacteria are found in the saliva of an infected animal, and if the saliva comes into contact with an open wound, the chance of infecting a person is close to 100%. Without immediate medical care, if infected, a person dies.

      The intensity of the symptoms of the disease increases gradually. The first sign of the disease is painful tissue swelling. 1-2 weeks after infection, symptoms such as fever, swelling of soft tissues, severe headaches, general weakness, and swelling increase. There are signs of poisoning, an attack of central nervous system disorder occurs, joint aches after a bite, and severe stress aggravates the condition. When infected with rabies, a person becomes aggressive, nervous and overly irritable, he loses his appetite, and insomnia appears. The swelling on the skin increases, becomes hot and painful.

      Treatment for a dog bite involves the administration of a special rabies vaccine. Additionally, complex symptomatic therapy is carried out to restore impaired body functions.


      Tetanus infection can occur after a dog bite. The disease is as dangerous as rabies. Symptoms of tetanus development develop gradually, the incubation period lasts from 1 week to a month.

      Infection with E. coli through the saliva of an infected animal is accompanied by swelling of the skin at the site of the bite, nagging pain appears, and muscle cramps occur. If medical assistance is not provided early stages, the intensity of the signs increases.

      First, the skin swells and turns red. The swelling area becomes painful. Spasms of facial and chewing muscles appear. The person cannot swallow food, and the convulsions intensify. Possible consequences tetanus: rupture of muscle fibers, fractures of the spinal column, cardiac arrest.

      How to treat a dog bite

      Emergency help for a bite is: correct processing wounds and relief of swelling. It must be washed with an antiseptic, for example, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, Betadine, Chlorhexidine. You can also treat a wound or swollen area with a solution of brilliant green. Moderate bleeding does not need to be stopped; pathogenic bacteria that have entered the wound will flow out with the blood. After a dog attack, what should you do if the bleeding is profuse? You need to apply a tourniquet to the injured limb and fix it in an elevated position. After treating the wound, a sterile bandage is applied.

      If the injury is accompanied by swelling, how to relieve swelling after a bite? To do this, apply a cold compress. It is forbidden to bandage tightly, put cotton wool or a bandage into the wound. Immediately after a bite, if a stray animal has attacked and there is a possibility that it is infected with rabies or tetanus, it is necessary to treat the wound with a solution of water and laundry soap. After providing primary care, you should immediately go to the emergency room. Treatment after a dog bite is complex.

      In the hospital, medical treatment of the wound is carried out, swelling on the skin is stopped. To determine the depth of the injury, you need to do an ultrasound; blood is taken from the victim and a swab is taken from the bite site for testing. laboratory research. If the dog has bitten but the wound is not deep and the swelling is minor, the patient can undergo treatment at home, which includes drug therapy and traditional methods. How to treat a wound at home - use lotions from a decoction of herbs and plants, which have a calming and antiseptic effect, relieve swelling - chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark.

      How to treat a patient infected with rabies - an anti-rabies vaccine is administered. A total of 6 injections are given in the shoulder. If you are infected with E. coli, treatment is with a tetanus shot. Immediately after the nurse has given an injection for rabies or tetanus, an immunoglobulin vaccine is administered.

      If there is no infection, the symptoms are not expressed, the swelling of the limb is slight, antibiotics are prescribed - Augmentin, Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Lincomycin. Antibiotics are selected individually, depending on the type of pathogenic microflora. The duration of antibacterial therapy is 1 week.

      After a dog bite, it is possible to prevent swelling of soft tissues or the development of severe, often fatal consequences, only by immediately contacting a medical facility. If possible, it is necessary to establish observation of the attacked animal in order to understand from its behavior whether the dog is infected with rabies. The rabies vaccine is not given in cases where the attack domestic dog, and the owner has vaccination cards for the animal, indicating recent vaccination.

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