• In what cases can a wound from a dog bite be dangerous and its consequences? How to treat dog bites


    The trauma caused by these animals can threaten not only human health, but also human life. What to do if bitten by a dog? How to provide first aid to a victim? This is extremely important to know in order to prevent tragic consequences.

    How dangerous are dog bites?

    Depending on the severity, doctors divide them into superficial and deep. In a superficial dog bite, the animal's teeth only pierce the victim's skin, creating a puncture wound. With a deep injury, muscle tissue and blood vessels are affected, and due to a laceration a person can lose a lot of blood. Most often, dogs bite people on the legs and arms. Wounds in the neck and head are much more dangerous, since internal bleeding with a fatal outcome is possible due to bone fractures and ruptures of large vessels.

    Pathology most often manifests itself in two main variants. IN best case scenario the wound turns out to be shallow and becomes infected with pathogenic bacteria that multiply in the animal’s mouth. In such a situation, the inflammatory process begins with tissue suppuration. Wound infection usually develops during the first or second day after injury. When pathogenic flora enters the circulatory system, there is a risk of sepsis - infection of the entire body, but this rarely occurs.

    The most dangerous type of bite is infection of the wound with the rabies virus. People bitten by dogs are usually primarily driven by fear. You need to try to overcome it and determine whether the bitten animal is vaccinated against a deadly disease. As a rule, this is not so simple. If you are bitten by a domestic dog, you can ask its owner whether it is vaccinated. What to do if a dog bites its owner? This sometimes happens, especially when an animal is abused. And in this case, the possibility of rabies can never be ruled out.

    The greatest risk is posed by homeless and stray dogs, especially if they gather in packs. Should know characteristic symptoms mad dog that immediately catches your eye. She has:

    • saliva flows copiously from the hanging jaw;
    • eyes squint;
    • the body at times twitches with convulsions;
    • there is a need to gnaw on the ground and inedible objects.

    It is important to consider which part of the body the dog injured. Bites to the neck and head are the most dangerous because rabies viruses penetrate the brain very quickly. According to medical statistics, the disease develops in 90% of such cases and reaches its apogee after 9-10 days. With leg injuries, the disease occurs in 20-25% of cases and much later, several months after the bites.

    Signs of pathology

    What you need to know about symptoms after a dog bite? About development in the wound bacterial infection testify:

    • redness, swelling;
    • the appearance of pus;
    • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes;
    • rise in temperature;
    • moderate malaise.

    The symptoms of rabies are completely different. Once in the brain, its viruses multiply intensively and gradually cover the entire body, damaging the nervous system. The salivary glands, muscles, lungs, intestines, and kidneys are primarily affected.

    You need to know that rabies develops in 3 stages, and each of them has its own characteristic manifestations. For the initial period, which lasts several days, the following symptoms are typical:

    • pain in the area of ​​an already healed wound, occurring much later than the bite;
    • headache;
    • loss of appetite;
    • insomnia;
    • depressed mood, increased irritability;
    • general weakness;
    • sometimes - an increase in temperature.

    During the period of active development of the pathology, which also lasts 2-3 days, short-term but increasingly frequent attacks of psychophysical agitation of the patient occur. They are usually provoked by the sight and sound of water, bright light, loud sounds, and sharp gusts of wind. During attacks:

    • muscle cramps occur;
    • pupils dilate;
    • the face twists into a grimace of horror;
    • breathing becomes rapid and noisy;
    • saliva and foam are intensely released from the mouth;
    • behavior becomes extremely aggressive;
    • delusions and hallucinations appear.

    After this, the disease ends with a period of imaginary improvement:

    • convulsions stop;
    • excitement gives way to calm;
    • consciousness becomes clearer;
    • due to paralysis of the respiratory center of the brain or cardiac arrest, the patient dies.

    First aid

    In case of dog bites, what should you do first?

    If the victim suspects that they have been bitten by a rabid dog, it is important to induce some bleeding. To do this, you need to strongly massage the injured area or even cut the skin to draw blood. Only after this should the wound be disinfected and a bandage applied to it.

    Competent first aid for a dog bite allows you to block infection of the body and minimize its consequences.

    After this, the victim should be immediately taken to a trauma center. The doctor, having assessed his condition, will prescribe adequate treatment.

    For lacerated wounds, surgical sutures must be applied. To eliminate the risk of sepsis, you need to inject an antibiotic (Amoxicillin, Clavulanate or Doxycycline, Metronidazole). If it is known for sure that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies, an anti-tetanus injection is sufficient. How to treat a dog bite at the slightest suspicion that it may be terminally ill?

    Vaccination against rabies Thanks to its implementation, many were saved human lives . If a dog bites you, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible, no later than 8 hours after receiving such an injury. If the wounds are deep or shallow, but the head, neck, toes, hands, and genitals of a person are affected, immunoglobulin injections must be given. This drug neutralizes the rabies virus. Sometimes, a day or two or even a week after its administration, symptoms may appear. allergic reactions

    varying degrees of severity. Then the traumatologist prescribes a course of injections of the rabies vaccine to the victim. This effective drug

    , thanks to which the body forms immune defense against the deadly virus. Vaccination is not necessary only if the owner of the dog presents a certificate confirming that it is vaccinated against rabies.

    The number of injections is determined depending on the information about the dog that bit the patient. If it is an unknown stray animal, 6 injections are prescribed. The first is done immediately on the day the victim applies. He receives the rest upon arriving at the trauma center on the 3rd, 7th, 14th day, then after 1 and 3 months.

    After each injection, the victim should be under medical supervision for approximately half an hour. If necessary, he is given anti-shock treatment. Upon completion of the course of vaccinations, the patient receives a certificate indicating the type and series of the vaccine and possible post-vaccination side effects.

    Such reactions, although rare, do occur. Can be:

    • redness, swelling, itching at the injection site;
    • headache;
    • rise in temperature;
    • slight enlargement of lymph nodes;
    • malaise.

    Pregnancy and childhood are not grounds for refusing vaccinations. They are mandatory even several months after a dog bite. Vaccination is provided free of charge.

    There are many reasons why dogs become aggressive. The result of an animal attack on a person is usually a bite in the form of a puncture or laceration. However, such damage must be treated using a special method. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is the health of the dog.

    How to treat pet dog bites

    Bites from domestic dogs are much easier to tolerate and treat than wounds from attacks by street animals. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of getting infected from a vaccinated and healthy pet is very low. Conscientious owners monitor the dog’s health, regularly consult with veterinarians and receive all necessary vaccinations. If you are bitten a pet, then the wound must be treated in accordance with the degree of its complexity. First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding if it exists. This is done using a tight bandage. If the wounds are not too deep, then you can stop the bleeding by pressing on the damaged area with your finger. As soon as the blood stops oozing, the wound must be thoroughly treated with hydrogen peroxide or any antiseptic. The previously damaged area should be rinsed with clean water. After all these procedures, the bite site is treated with antibiotic ointment and bandaged. Please note that bandages must be changed regularly, and if inflammation occurs, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

    Lacerations from bites

    If a bite results in a laceration, then regardless of whether you were attacked by a pet or a street dog, you will have to visit a doctor. It is likely that you will have to apply stitches and carry out additional treatment measures. First aid for lacerated wounds is carried out according to the same principle as for puncture wounds. First, the affected area is washed, then treated with hydrogen peroxide and bandaged. A problem may arise when the blood stops, so in some cases you have to call an ambulance.

    Features of dog bites

    Even if you are confident in the health of the dog that bit you, it is better to seek help from a specialist. The fact is that even pets’ teeth can accumulate many harmful bacteria, which cause the most dangerous infections. The doctor prescribes special course antibiotic-based treatments. The most common means of preventing infection is injections. It is important to remember that stray animals can be carriers of rabies, and external signs they may look completely healthy. If a person is attacked by an overly aggressive dog or several animals at once, then in this case inevitable not only serious and lengthy treatment, but also hospitalization. After mass attacks, it is necessary to call an ambulance for the victim as quickly as possible.

    Traditional methods

    It is better to immediately treat any wounds or dog bites with a solution of brilliant green or iodine. For several days after being injured, take vitamin C. You can also use the following to relieve pain and help the wound heal faster. traditional methods. For example, bandages with crushed aloe leaves or a mixture of walnuts, onions and honey.

    A dog bite can sometimes cause problems, but if you have the necessary knowledge about the possible dangers, you can successfully avoid or at least minimize them. Specific diseases, infections and other consequences of bites can cause a painful reaction in the body. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat the wound and what to do to prevent complications from developing.

    What is a dog bite?

    A dog bite is a common injury that can occur at any age. People who live with or near animals are especially susceptible to this type of injury. The risk group includes children who have not yet been taught how to handle their own and especially other people’s pets, as well as how to behave when meeting a stray dog.

    The nature of the injury depends on the depth of the bite, the force of compression and the size of the jaws, the multiplicity of teeth attached, the type and degree of infection, the general contamination of the skin surface and some other factors. Therefore, the variety of manifestations of consequences can be classified in a similar way. However, the main types of dog bites are distinguished based on the nature of the damage - superficial or lacerated.

    With superficial compression of soft tissue occurs, often in a mild form. In such cases, the bite is called “dog bit.” In this way, the animal makes it clear that the person has crossed the boundary of what is permitted, for example, by paying too much attention to it, causing inconvenience by touching, making noise, or simply violating the dog’s personal space. A four-legged friend can report his discomfort by jaw compression of an accessible limb - an arm, leg or any other area human body for lack of any other way.

    Superficial dog bites are not dangerous

    Lacerations are much more painful and dangerous. Mainly due to the opened access to infections, severe damage to soft tissues and even bones. Such wounds require immediate treatment; there is a need for special medical procedures and even anti-rabies treatments (anti-rabies injections) events. The central focus in them is the consequences of the bite.

    A lacerated wound needs immediate treatment

    What are the consequences of a dog bite

    The consequences of dog bites can be divided into several types:

    1. Infections. And their variety is great. Infections, in turn, can be local and systemic, viral or bacterial, acute, causing incurable diseases, complicated by fever or swollen lymph nodes, etc.
    2. Sepsis. The most common consequence of contaminated wounds is tissue inflammation, accompanied by pain, redness, and swelling. Caused and complicated by prolonged lack of medical care. Dangerous due to general blood poisoning.
    3. Inflammatory processes. Accompanied by pain, purulent discharge, redness, swelling, bleeding, and an unpleasant odor is possible.
    4. Noticeable scars after healing. They remain for life, and on exposed areas of the skin they attract unwanted attention. It is possible to reduce scars, but their complete disappearance is not always guaranteed.
    5. Diseases of bones and joints. They develop in the corresponding places of strong bites.
    6. Consequences of dog bites during pregnancy. The entry of saliva into the wound serves as the basis for anti-rabies measures, with which continuation of pregnancy is incompatible. The tetanus vaccine is harmless while pregnant.
    7. Stress. May result from a sudden and severe dog bite. Stress is dangerous for complications during pregnancy (severe fear), in childhood or with a mobile nervous system. Fear of dogs may appear, even if there was none before the bite.

    Complications after a bite to the arm, leg, face and other parts of the body

    A certain role in the occurrence of consequences is played by the location of the bite, which can occur on the arm (hand, elbow, shoulder), leg (foot, lower leg, knee, thigh), body (side, stomach, buttocks), face, neck. If large blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin are damaged, severe bleeding, venous or arterial, may occur, which will require separate measures to stop them and even replenish blood loss. Strong bites of the hand, elbow, neck, foot, knee are dangerous due to changes in their functionality in the future. Bite wounds to the face can affect the rest of the victim's life.

    Tetanus and rabies: likelihood of infection

    The most dangerous consequences of a dog bite are the following: infectious diseases, like tetanus and rabies. The likelihood of contracting rabies from a vaccinated domestic dog

    - zero. Infection after a bite from homeless and wild animals is extremely rare, due to ongoing measures at the state level to catch, monitor and, if necessary, destroy suspicious animals.

    Tetanus can be transmitted through bites, but the likelihood of contracting it from a dog is also low and depends on the exposure of certain categories of citizens to bites.

    80% of cases of tetanus occur in newborns (when infected through the umbilical cord), as well as in boys under 15 years of age due to their increased trauma. Among adults, about 60% of tetanus cases occur in the elderly; the highest percentage of cases and deaths occurs in rural areas. Moreover, these statistics should take into account the tiny proportion of transmission of infection through dog bites. Meanwhile, rabies remains the most dangerous disease

    , which can be contracted from a sick animal, including a dog. Rabies is incurable.

    Video: all stages of rabies disease under medical supervision

    It is possible to visually determine whether an animal has a disease only in its final stages. Dogs infected with rabies may not show any symptoms for six months. An asymptomatic course of the disease for several months is an insidious sign of rabies. At the same time, the animal remains dangerous to others. However, most often the disease manifests itself and can be diagnosed as typical rabies.

    • Early symptoms of the disease: the dog is agitated, overly active, avoids light, and trembles. There may be diarrhea and problems with swallowing. That is, almost any signs of ill health matter, even in a mild form. Particular attention should be paid to these manifestations if traces of a struggle, bites, or torn hair are found on the dog’s body;
    • the next stage, the so-called paralytic, since the dog exhibits: paralysis of individual muscle groups, the lower jaw involuntarily drops, the voice changes, salivation increases;
    • the final stage is violent: saliva is released excessively and constantly, fear of water leads to panic in the dog, and uncontrolled aggression appears.

    Excessive salivation is a sign of the last (violent) stage of rabies

    As follows from the listed signs, it is almost impossible to visually detect the presence of rabies in an animal. However, you should know which dog bites pose the greatest danger. After all, most large breeds, in particular those that are guard dogs and other service breeds, are designed to repel an attack on the owner, that is, to protect him. The bites of such dogs are especially painful and serious due to the power of the jaws, the sharpness and strength of the teeth, the depth of the damage caused, and can even be fatal.

    In 2000, the American organization Centers for Disease Control published a report on fatal dog attacks in the United States from 1978 to 1998. In particular, 118 people died from pit bull bites, 67 from Rottweiler bites, 47 from mixed-breed bites, 41 people from German shepherd bites, and 21 people from husky and chow-chow dogs, respectively.

    Symptoms and signs

    Symptoms of the consequences of dog bites include both local and general reactions. The first includes changes at the site of injury: the skin around the wound changes color, redness occurs, even purple shades, swelling (tumor), sensitivity dulls, and numbness appears. When swelling occurs, lymph may ooze from the wound, and as a result of an irritable skin reaction, pimples and itching appear. The reason for the manifestation of these signs is the development of infection due to a bite. Complications and increased symptoms occur in the absence of emergency medical care in such cases. The general reaction of the body is manifested in the form elevated temperature, weakness from blood loss, dizziness, nervousness.

    After a bite, slight bleeding, swelling, and redness may occur.

    If infection with tetanus or rabies has not occurred, then the consequences of the bite are eliminated by medication, surgery, or any other method as indicated.

    Signs that may indicate rabies infection:

    • causeless fear;
    • insomnia;
    • irritability;
    • a sharp increase in temperature;
    • painful sensations.

    Tetanus infection is indicated by:

    • jaw immobility;
    • spasm of the masticatory muscles, accompanied by:
      • neck spasm;
      • difficulty swallowing;
      • tension in the abdominal muscles;
      • sweat and elevated temperature.

    If these signs appear, immediate attention is needed health care.

    What to do after a bite: should you see a doctor?

    First of all, you need to remain calm in order to clearly and in detail describe your condition to the arriving doctors, as well as when providing first aid. To correctly determine the condition of the wound and your well-being after a dog bite, you should examine the site of the injury, assess the degree of damage caused, identify the presence and nature of bleeding, and other injuries (bones, tendons, ligaments). If there is a need to seek emergency medical care, call the emergency medical services operator, describe in detail how you feel (are you feeling dizzy, weak, etc.), and state the results of examining the wound. In case of bleeding, go to the nearest emergency room. If it is not possible to get professional medical help or if the injuries are minor, you can treat the wound yourself or use the support of others.

    First aid: how to stop the bleeding and treat a wound

    Providing first aid to a dog bite victim should be immediate, especially if there is bleeding.

    1. This is important to reduce the risk of infection getting into the wound, and therefore the development of inflammatory processes. Actions should be close to the following algorithm:
    2. In case of severe bleeding, it is necessary to stop the bleeding. Usually, when medium-sized vessels are damaged, the wound is clamped and covered with a tampon/bandage. Large vessels splash and even gush with blood; in such cases, a tourniquet (a special medical one, maybe a belt, a belt, a scarf, a handkerchief, etc.) is applied above the wound itself, or if it is located in the area of ​​two closely spaced bones, then above the nearest joint. For example, if the wound is on the lower leg, the tourniquet is applied above the knee, and if the wound is on the forearm, then above the elbow joint. It is important to determine the location of the tourniquet correctly in order to stop the bleeding and not cause an even greater rush.
    3. If the blood oozes moderately, then there is no need to rush to stop it, since the dog’s saliva is washed out of the wound along with it.
    4. If the nature of the wound allows, then it is better to wash the bitten area with a solution of laundry soap. It is recommended to do this for about 10 minutes in order to thoroughly rid the bite site of any saliva that has gotten into it.
    5. Treat the damage with hydrogen peroxide.
    6. Bandage the cleaned and treated wound; you can apply a gauze pad or a cotton swab. Instead of a bandage, a plaster is suitable. It is important not to squeeze the damaged area with a bandage and not to try to make it tight.

    Now you can (and should!) seek medical help.

    Hydrogen peroxide is used to treat the wound

    Under no circumstances should you provoke the dog into further actions. On the contrary, it needs to be remembered in order to communicate the signs, behavior and location to the veterinary services. This must be done to avoid further attacks.

    After providing first aid, you should consult a doctor for treatment. You should not neglect the help of medical professionals in case of a dog bite - this type of injury is very common, but not all features of the injury may be noticeable to a non-specialist. The attending physician will prescribe the necessary procedures, determine drug therapy, the frequency of changing the dressing, taking into account the nature of the wound treatment, removing sutures, if the wound had to be sutured, and, if necessary, prescribe an x-ray. In addition, the doctor will definitely monitor the patient’s well-being. Therefore, even if hospitalization is not required after medical care, any changes in your feelings, fever, sleep disturbances, etc. should be immediately reported to the doctor. Therapy for dog bites takes place only under the supervision of a specialist; self-medication at home is unacceptable!

    Disinfection of the wound surface and its isolation (relative in any case) do not guarantee the absence of discomfort, pain, as well as the penetration of contaminants, microorganisms and animal saliva into the deeper layers of damaged tissues. With extensive serious bites antibiotics are prescribed. They will help the body cope with a possible infection and resist its secondary entry into the wound when the bandage is removed or removed. General antibiotics such as Penicillin, Doxycycline, Ceftriaxone and others are usually prescribed. It is possible to prescribe the antibacterial drug Dioxidin in case of severe infectious lesions with intolerance to other similar drugs.

    Vaccination after a bite: where and how many injections are given to a person

    Whether rabies vaccination should be carried out is a decision that only a doctor can make.

    There is a strong belief that rabies vaccinations are the notorious 40 injections in the stomach, which are very painful. Modern medicine has long stepped forward in this matter, and now vaccinations are carried out in the shoulder on days 0 (day of treatment) - 3 - 7 - 14 - 30 - 90. That is, only 6 days over three months.

    In addition, if the bitten dog does not disappear from view and does not show signs of disease in the next 10 days of observation, then vaccination is stopped, which means that the victim will no longer receive more than three injections.

    Rabies vaccinations are given in the shoulder

    It is very important to begin anti-rabies measures as soon as possible, without waiting for rabies symptoms to appear.

    If a person falls ill, then it should be remembered that therapy for this pathology is currently impossible, which means that the patient will inevitably face death.

    Often attacks are committed by dogs that have owners who are ill-mannered or aggressive for some reason. The owners of the bitten animal must be asked to provide a passport or other document certifying that the pet has been vaccinated against rabies. If it is, then there is no need to inject the vaccine. If the vaccination is expired or missing altogether, then vaccination will definitely be required. And the attacking dog is also subject to ten-day veterinary observation.

    Folk remedies for home use In addition to medical help, you can also use folk remedies. But they should be considered only as an additional, and not the main therapeutic agent.

    Folk recipes often contain strengthening compounds, fortified infusions, bactericidal lotions and compresses. Therefore, their concomitant use performs an auxiliary function. So, when treating wounds, solutions of potassium permanganate, salts, and echinacea tinctures are used. At increased dryness damaged area (for example, due to treatments) is applied peanut butter

    . Antiseptic dressings based on honey and bee products are good. And if you add a small amount of turmeric to honey, then this composition will not only help disinfect the wound, but will also promote a wound-healing effect.

    1. Here are some more recipes:
    2. A mixture made from walnuts. They are thoroughly crushed and mixed with salt and onion. The well-mixed mixture should be applied to the wound.
    3. A mixture of nettle and salt (the proportions are not important) is an excellent folk analgesic. When applied to the wound, the pain goes away, which brings relief.
    4. Garlic + honey lotions. Garlic can be replaced with onion. A paste-like mixture is prepared from the ingredients and applied to the wound.

    Meadowsweet leaves pulp - the leaves are crushed in any way and applied to the damaged area. However, it should be remembered that the use of such folk remedies is impossible for deep wounds.

    And in no case will they replace the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

    Products used in folk medicine to treat the consequences of dog bites - photo gallery
    Walnuts promote wound healing
    Salt is included in wound healing recipes
    Garlic enhances the healing effect of healing mixtures
    Honey is a unique natural antiseptic
    Nettle serves as a base folk recipe analgesic
    Meadowsweet (leaves) is used to produce a wound healing agent

    Nutritional Features

    Both immediately after a dog bite and when using antibiotics, the body needs to be restored, strengthened and supported. Therefore, it is recommended to eat foods with a high content of vitamin C, which include:

    • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
    • black currant;
    • sweet green pepper;
    • parsley;
    • dill;
    • Brussels sprouts and others.

    You can eat 3-4 cloves of garlic three times a day to enhance the healing effect and disinfection. With proper nutrition and good immune properties of the body, recovery and healing will not take long.

    How to Avoid a Dog Bite

    Avoiding a bite can be difficult, but trying to minimize its consequences is always possible. Therefore, when meeting an aggressive dog, it is already too late to understand the reasons for its behavior or look for those to blame. It is important to protect yourself from teeth here. A few preventative tips in case of imminent proximity of dog jaws will help you to separate from them as peacefully as possible:

    Meeting dogs in life is possible every day. And although not every one of them promises the threat of being bitten and the dire consequences associated with this, but knowledge about correct behavior, first aid and treatment of consequences will help everyone to be much more confident on the streets of the city, the rural outskirts, when communicating with a neighbor’s dog or with their pets. Dogs are, first of all, man’s faithful companions, selflessly devoted to him and serving in the most different types activities. But they still remain predatory animals, the instinct of which can be activated for certain reasons. Be armed with this useful knowledge to help yourself and others in time.

    Since ancient times, a dog has lived next to a person, shared his shelter and played with his children. Can you doubt her loyalty and friendliness? If the animal is domestic, does not show aggression and is healthy, then no. What about other dogs that constantly live on the street? The street mongrel is a formidable enemy that defends its territory and itself. In this case, the bite is more a pattern than a surprise. Let's figure out what to do if a dog bites you.

    Before understanding what needs to be done, it is important to understand the types of bites. Bites caused by dog ​​teeth are divided into two types:

    • Puncture wounds – the depth exceeds the width of the damage. In this case, bleeding occurs at the site of injury, which requires immediate assistance. First of all, the bleeding is stopped, then the wounds are treated with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents, and a gauze bandage is applied over the injuries.
    • Lacerations are caused by teeth sliding across the skin while applying pressure. This bite has noticeable damage to the skin and is more dangerous than a puncture bite. The skin may peel off or even be partially scalped. Most often the limbs are affected, both upper and lower. In situations with children, the most vulnerable place is the face and head. In most cases, stitches are required and treatment continues under the supervision of a specialist.

    Symptoms of a dog bite

    Bites can leave either a small wound or significant damage. In both cases, a person may face dangerous complications. As a rule, symptoms appear immediately:

    • Wound infection. Already during the bite or after, there is a risk of infection. In this situation, the person begins to feel feverish and shiver. Body temperature rises. Skin The lymph nodes around the injury become red, swollen, and the lymph nodes become significantly enlarged.
    • . Large dogs with powerful jaws can not only break, but also crush human bones. This especially applies to dogs of fighting breeds.
    • Damage to muscle tissue and bleeding (both external and internal).
    • Suppuration of wounds. Without timely assistance and caring for the injury, very often pus begins to accumulate in the tissues.
    • Infection with various infections - E. coli, ticks and, most dangerously,...

    In any case, after an animal attack, you must seek medical help. If a person has lost consciousness or feels feverish or is vomiting, then you should not hesitate, but immediately call an emergency ambulance. In this case we are talking about such possible consequences, such as disability and even death.

    Among the most dangerous consequences infection with rabies can be identified. This case is worth considering in more detail.

    Signs of rabies in humans

    As soon as the virus enters the body, an incubation period immediately begins, which on average lasts from 1 to 3 months. The further the site of infection is from the brain, the longer this period will be. There are three stages of the disease:

    • Initial. Duration from 1 to 3 days. Even if the wound heals, the person begins to “feel” it, this may be a feeling of pain, burning, itching. The scar may become swollen, the temperature rises to 37°C and remains at this level. The person’s condition changes - he feels weak, upset stools and the urge to vomit occur. During the same period, he begins to be haunted by various hallucinations and a depressive state. Sleep is disturbed and nightmares appear.
    • Excitement stage (2-3 days). Characterized by the development of hydrophobia, fear of water. The sight, and subsequently the sound, of water provokes spasms of the swallowing and respiratory muscles. The person develops convulsions and a feeling of overwhelming fear. The patient's gaze is focused at one point, the pupils dilate.
    • Stage of paralysis (from 12 hours to 1 day). Outwardly, a person calms down, his functions of movement and feelings fade away. Body temperature rises to 42°C, blood pressure drops, and heart rate increases. A person dies due to paralysis of the heart muscle or respiratory organs.

    Vaccinating a person against rabies

    At the slightest suspicion of the disease, a person is vaccinated in the buttock or forearm. Of course, it does not consist of 40 mythical injections, but only six, which completely remove the virus. The vaccination schedule is as follows:

    • it is initially placed on the day a person is admitted to a medical facility;
    • then after three days;
    • on the seventh day;
    • two weeks later, on the 14th day;
    • a month later, on the 30th day;
    • three months later, on the 90th day.

    Rabies vaccination is the only cure. In some cases, if after 10 days the dog is alive and well, then vaccination of the person is stopped.

    When a vaccine may not help

    For a healthy person before a dog bite, the vaccine is a 100% salvation. But there are a number of reasons when it may not work:

    • congenital weakness of the immune system;
    • long-term treatment with glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants;
    • delayed vaccination;
    • expired or improperly stored vaccine;
    • missed procedures;
    • drinking alcohol.

    What to do after a dog bite

    After being bitten by a dog (even one with vaccinations), the victim needs help:

    • First of all, you need to inspect the damage - determine the severity of the injury, whether bones, large vessels, or ligaments have been damaged.
    • Before treatment, you need to stop the bleeding. If an artery is affected, then it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the damaged area, but in the case of a vein being affected, a tight-fitting bandage will be sufficient.
    • The bite is treated as follows: washed with boiled water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide; if there is no remedy, then soapy water will do; Afterwards, the wound is treated with an antiseptic - a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacillin. The skin around the injury can be lubricated with iodine solution or brilliant green.
    • The treated wound is covered with a gauze bandage, which should not be tightened too much without bleeding.

    Often, such procedures are quite sufficient to avoid complications and achieve successful tissue healing.

    Video on the topic

    When medical attention and treatment is needed

    All severe injuries require examination by a traumatologist. Both puncture and laceration wounds can lead to significant complications. Most lacerations require stitches, and any facial wounds or bites to the head should also see a doctor.

    If a child has been injured, often in addition to medical assistance, consultation with a psychologist will be required.

    For minor injuries, you can treat the bite yourself, following the basic rules:

    • Inspect and treat the wound daily.
    • Do not wet the affected area.
    • Replace the bandage with a new one every day.
    • If minor discharge appears from the bitten area, you will need to rinse with an antiseptic solution (do not use hydrogen peroxide at this time), and then sprinkle the bite with talcum powder (you can use baby powder).
    • Use ointment under the bandage if the wound is not wet and without discharge.

    Among ointments, Synthomycin ointment and Balsamic Liniment according to Vishnevsky are highly effective for bites and other wounds. It is recommended to use Panthenol and Akutol sprays as an antiseptic.

    If the damage is serious, then only a doctor can provide appropriate treatment. If the wound becomes infected, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

    In case of emergency assistance, call ambulance, in other situations, you can contact a therapist in a clinic or immediately an infectious disease doctor.

    Of course, a dog bite is an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous phenomenon. But the animal is not always to blame for such a phenomenon. Do not be careless and approach unknown dogs, try to stroke them, especially show aggression, as you can run into a “response”. In the event of an attack, the victim should be given first aid and taken to the clinic independently or called an ambulance.

    There are homeless or lost animals in any city, and not all owners keep their pets on a leash. In addition, it is not always possible to predict a dog’s aggressive mood in advance and successfully avoid meeting him. If a person is bitten by a dog, it is important to have information about what to do and not waste time. The consequences of such a bite will most likely turn out to be quite harmless, but there can also be complications, even death.

    The following symptoms are considered characteristic signs in a person after a dog bite:

    • Redness, swelling at the site of the bite from the first to the third day.
    • Heat.
    • Discharge of pus.
    • Aches in muscles and bones.
    • Itching and irritation after a dog bite.
    • Nausea.
    • Emotional stress.
    • Enlarged lymph nodes.
    • If the lesion is large, bleeding is profuse.
    • It is difficult to move the injured arm or leg.
    • A person cannot swallow saliva, a spasm appears.
    • Insomnia.
    • Loss of appetite.
    • The rabies virus in humans damages muscles, kidneys, intestines, lungs, and salivary glands.
    • Fear of water, sound or light.
    • The most terrible symptoms after a rabid dog bite are paralysis, causing death.

    But remember that a dog bite is dangerous. The disease occurs gradually; signs of the disease may appear even after a year. Don't delay treatment. When dog bites are not accompanied by any of the above symptoms, still see a doctor.

    First aid for a dog bite

    What is the provision of first aid to a person who has been bitten by a dog?

    • If severe bleeding occurs, immediate treatment of the wound after a dog bite will not be necessary. The blood will wash away the saliva of sick animals if it gets on the wound. Give your body the opportunity to get rid of the infection on its own.
    • First you need to wash the damaged area with water and laundry soap, which can kill viruses and bacteria due to its alkali content.
    • Then the wound of the bitten person is treated. How to treat a dog bite at home? This can be a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide, if iodine and brilliant green are not available.
    • Apply syntomycin or other ointment containing an antibiotic to the skin around the wound.
    • Wrap the damaged area with a gauze bandage, but do not bandage it tightly - harmful bacteria will go away with the ichor.
    • When dog bites do not cause severe bleeding, first aid is to cut the wound slightly and let the blood flow to prevent infection.
    • Monitor what complications the injured person will experience during the bite.
    • If you think that the bone is damaged, you need to secure it and go to the emergency room.

    Basic assistance for a dog bite has been provided. Now you need to take care of the emotional health of the bitten person. Give him a sedative if necessary.

    Do not make the victim feel severe pain; offer pain relief.

    The above measures are needed immediately after a dog bite, then go to the doctor. He will tell you what to do next and make recommendations effective means. If the victim was bitten by a dog with a known history, he will need to tell a specialist about the vaccinations he received and the period during which they are still valid. This will help get rid of additional unpleasant procedures.

    If your friend was bitten by a dog and you have the opportunity to observe its behavior from a safe place, you can roughly determine whether it has rabies or not. A sick animal will behave too aggressively or, conversely, very calmly. It will not be able to drink - spasms in the throat will interfere with it. But she will want to gnaw on the ground or other inedible objects. Heavy salivation, squinting eyes, body spasms are sure sign rabies. The pet can whine or howl, but cannot bark. In this case, no one tries to cure the animal anymore: how to treat a dog bite at home, the owner no longer needs to know. Seek qualified help immediately.

    First aid for a child injured by a dog bite

    Adults are often perplexed as to why a previously calm dog would bite a child. Children treat animals as if they were toys. They can pull their pet by the tail or accidentally hit him; he remembers such characteristics of children well. It is difficult for a child to understand that this is bad, so do not be surprised if a calm and kind dog bites a child.

    This is a very loyal animal, but sometimes her love is excessive. The pet may be jealous. Nothing can be done here: the dog bit the child because he irritates her and takes away the love of his owners. Animals bite children on the face, neck or forearm. Don’t ask what to do, you need to make a decision in favor of the child. To avoid such conflicts, such an animal will have to be given to someone. The question “how to treat a child’s wound after a dog bite” becomes relevant when the pet considers itself the head of the pack. This is a pack animal, and in each pack there is a certain gradation, so it demonstrates its superiority.

    First aid for a dog bite at home is usually required by parents. They begin to panic and act incorrectly. If you feel panicked, take a sedative and calmly decide what to do with your child after a dog bite.

    First aid for a bite by an unknown dog is the same as for an adult. The wound is thoroughly treated with soap and water, and a tight bandage is applied if the bleeding is severe. For dog bites, first aid consists of treating with an antiseptic (Levomikol or boric ointment). Parents calm the child down and go to a specialist.

    Bitten by a domestic dog

    The target of an attack is not always stranger. It also happens that a dog bites its owner. No owner is immune from this. A pet, while playing, may not calculate its strength. Reason aggressive behavior the animal may become in pain, hunger, or a negative attitude from the breeder. There are owners who complain that the dog bit the hand, and do not understand: they are the reason for this behavior.

    Pets are usually vaccinated promptly. Therefore, if you decide not to visit a medical facility where medical care is provided, first aid for a dog bite should be carried out at home. First you need to isolate yourself from the bitten pet, so if a dog bites you, try to lock it in the room.

    • Prepare a healing cream. To do this, chop 3 walnuts, grind the onion to a pulp and take a little salt. Mix everything. Apply ointment and bandage lightly. This mixture acts as an antidote for dog bites. There are other means that can be used to treat a wound.
    • Drink vitamin C daily, eat more foods that contain it. You can stop taking it when the skin tightens.
    • Chopped garlic and a spoonful of honey is the best anti-inflammatory remedy that can be used when a dog is bitten - whether domestic or yard.
    • Turmeric powder with honey will be a good help. Honey has a calming effect, turmeric is an excellent antiseptic.
    • Boil 50 grams of eucalyptus leaf in small quantity water, after boiling 4 minutes will be enough. Then strain the broth, wait for it to cool, add 2 tablespoons of honey.
    • Chop the onion, add a little honey, you get a healing ointment.
    • Do healing oil. To do this, pour 75 g of burdock root with 1 glass of oil. Leave the mixture for a day. Then the composition must be boiled, strained, and poured into another container. Damaged areas are lubricated 2 times a day.
    • These remedies can be used at home, but what should you do if your pet dog bites you on the street? It is enough to tear off a leaf of celandine and put it on the damaged area.

    A different treatment is needed for a domestic dog bite when the wound is very deep: all that needs to be done in this case is to call an ambulance.


    The doctor knows that a treated wound reduces the risk of serious consequences, how dangerous a dog bite is and how to treat a human wound. This is usually an antiseptic or alkaline solution. The doctor will put stitches when:

    • Vessels are damaged and bleeding;
    • The wounds are on the face,
    • The lacerations are deep.

    The possibility of infection from bites can be completely eliminated only when the owner provides documents on the latest vaccinations at the veterinary clinic. If there are no such documents, there is a high probability of contracting rabies. You will be given a rabies vaccination at the emergency room. Everyone has probably heard about rabies injections - 40 injections, one every day. Don’t worry, this is now a relic of the past, medicine is gradually developing. Now only six injections are enough - on the third day, 7 days after the bite, after 2 weeks, after a month and after 3 months. This rabies vaccine has no contraindications, it can be administered to absolutely everyone, even pregnant women, but there is one limitation: you cannot drink alcohol at this time and six months later. When victims are treated promptly and know how to treat a dog bite, everyone Taken measures turn out to be effective. After receiving the vaccine, you must remain in medical institution some more time to avoid poisoning. Drug poisoning (or allergies) appear within the first 30 minutes.

    The vaccine is given immediately to the wounded area, and then to the shoulder. If you decide not to install it, fill out a written refusal. During the examination, the doctor will decide how to treat the dog bite. When the wound cannot be thoroughly washed from dirt, an anti-tetanus injection is needed. A course of antibiotics is often prescribed. If a bone fracture occurs or teeth remain in the body, an x-ray is taken.

    It’s good when you have the opportunity to monitor your pet’s behavior for a long time. If the animal is calm for about two weeks, you need to consult a doctor again. He may stop further treatment. Be careful: if a dog bite heals slowly (non-healing takes longer due date There are quite a lot of wounds), it’s better not to take risks and consult a doctor. Do not wait for the wound to heal on its own - if treatment does not produce results for a long time, but only gets worse - this is also the first sign dangerous disease. Remember that if you do not see a specialist within the first three days, the vaccine may not help, and the person is doomed. It is better to start treating the wound left by a dog bite no later than 8 hours than to regret the lost time later.


    There are categories of people who definitely need preventive vaccinations. These are foresters, slaughterhouse workers, hunters, veterinarians, and dog catchers. In this case, do not wait to see what happens after a dog bite; it is better to immediately prevent bad consequences. First, they give an injection on the first day, after a week, a month, a year. Then just one vaccine is administered every three years. But there are also contraindications:

    • Allergy (to an antibiotic or to a previous injection).
    • Acute chronic diseases. It is necessary for the exacerbation to end and for the person to fully recover.
    • Pregnancy.

    If possible, it is best to avoid contact with unknown or known aggressive animals, especially if they are not muzzled. Not worth it:

    • Tease a dog, even a chained one. He experiences strong aggression, the dog at this moment becomes stronger and can break the chain.
    • Approach your pet when he is eating or guarding puppies.
    • Wave your arms, run, scream loudly, show your fear or smile.
    • Suddenly waking up a sleeping animal can cause it to become frightened.
    • Approach him while drunk.
    • Separate fighting animals.
    • Approach a pack of stray dogs. They can attack for no reason, targeting a person's thighs, ankles or arms.
    • Allow children to pet or leave mongrels alone.
    • Respect the territory that the animal considers its own.

    What can scare off an aggressive dog:

    • Reciprocal anger towards her.
    • A call for help, but only in a low voice, not a loud screech.
    • Confident command: “No!”
    • A little earth or sand thrown into the eyes.

    How dangerous is a dog bite?

    Damage after a collision with an animal can vary.

    Superficial abrasions heal the fastest. The animal only damages the skin, so the wound is shallow.

    How dangerous is a dog bite to a person? Severe bleeding begins, and if it is not stopped, the person may die.

    The location of the injury plays an important role. A person may not always become infected; it depends on the degree of infection and other factors. The head and neck are the most traumatic; the virus gets to the brain faster. Rabies occurs in 90% of cases and 10 days are enough for the disease to develop. After a dog bites the leg, the risk of infection is 25%; signs of the disease appear much later - after several months. The disease is not transmitted from person to person; it can only be contracted from an animal.

    Consequences of a dog bite

    The consequences of a bite can be the most unpleasant:

    • Painful sensations and the need to treat the injury site,
    • If there is an infection in the wound, there is a risk of sepsis.
    • Rabies disease.
    • Bleeding.
    • Negative psychological condition sick person.
    • Ruptures of large vessels.
    • Bone fractures.
    • Death.

    Men most often suffer from aggressive behavior of animals; children are also injured. An increase in the number of victims is observed from June to September. In any case, the most dangerous are fighting breeds (Rottweilers, pit bull terriers, Dobermans). You should be careful and take all necessary precautions.

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