• Why does a dog vomit and eat it? A dog vomits after treatment for piroplasmosis, milk, vaccinations, dry food, surgery, childbirth, a tick bite. When vomiting is a serious symptom


    Almost every dog ​​has vomited at least once in its life. But the causes of this disease are very diverse: from a foreign body in the digestive tract and poisoning to an infectious disease. The animal owner will not be able to independently diagnose, much less prescribe the correct treatment.

    Symptoms of incipient vomiting

    Vomiting in a dog does not start suddenly; if you look closely, you can always notice the signs that precede it. For example, licking the face and frequent swallowing of saliva (in addition, much more of it is produced than usual). Symptoms of nausea in a dog also include loud rumbling in the stomach, restlessness of the pet, unsteadiness of its gait, refusal to feed and drink.

    Causes of vomiting in dogs

    The causes of vomiting in dogs are varied. And in some cases, without veterinary care, the animal may die.

    “Cleansing” the stomach

    If the dog’s vomiting was one-time, and there are no other symptoms, then most likely the animal has nothing serious. Often, dogs themselves “induce” vomiting in order to cleanse their stomachs (for example, from fur that the dog has licked), by eating green grass before doing this. However, you shouldn’t blame everything on “cleaning”; watch your pet, and if anything alarms you (loss of appetite, fever, diarrhea, etc.), immediately seek help from a veterinarian.


    If the pet is poisoned by bad or low-quality food, it begins to vomit, diarrhea, and becomes weak. This most often happens to those animals that walk on the street uncontrollably and can dig up litter from the ground or have access to a trash can. Poisoning can also develop due to the owner’s carelessness (when he leaves perishable food in his four-legged friend’s bowl or initially buys low-quality food/with an expired expiration date).

    And some owners feed the dog sour soup, spoiled porridge/pasta and other food products that they themselves would not eat. But a dog is not a trash can where you can “throw” spoiled or bad food. This is a living creature, which, like humans, needs high-quality food with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

    In addition to being supplied with food, toxins can enter the animal’s body in other ways:

    • c medications (overdose, for example, or the use of several drugs at once, which may be incompatible with each other);
    • with vapors (for example, gases, vapors from paints or chemicals);
    • insecticides, acaricides (treating an animal against ticks, fleas), pesticides and other strong poisons (plants are treated, and the animal then runs over them, sniffs or licks them, so the toxins enter the body).

    Foreign body in the digestive tract

    If your pet tries to cough at first, but vomiting appears later, then most likely a foreign object is stuck in the esophagus. You should not try to pull it out yourself, because with inept and uncertain movements you can push it even further. But you shouldn’t delay with first aid either, otherwise Swelling will develop, and removing the stuck object will not be so easy.

    The foreign body does not necessarily get stuck in the esophagus (although often something “gets” across the throat), it can also be in the stomach. What can harm a pet? Yes, the same tubular (chicken, for example) or fish bones, pieces of rubber toys, New Year's tinsel, plastic bags(especially if the animal can pick through the garbage) and much more.

    And the gag reflex helps free the gastrointestinal tract from foreign matter, so without making a diagnosis you should not give antiemetic drugs. But you can’t wait for self-permission, because the pet’s condition can deteriorate sharply. What to do? It is better to contact a veterinarian for help as soon as possible.

    Intestinal obstruction

    If the foreign body is stuck “after” the stomach (in one of the intestinal sections) or if hardened feces cause blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, then vomiting will not help get rid of it. But if the dog eats (although when the blockage occurs, the appetite noticeably decreases), then the food has nowhere to move, which is why vomiting occurs. In this way, the gastrointestinal tract is freed from food that cannot pass through the intestines.

    Infectious diseases

    There is a huge amount infectious diseases, which cause vomiting (and also diarrhea, lethargy, fever). This includes plague, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis and many others.


    Even nervous tension can lead to vomiting in a dog. Remember yourself when you are very worried, you may start to feel sick. So your pet develops the same symptoms.

    Heatstroke or sunstroke

    The owner should always be alert when walking a dog, especially if the dog has sparse or short hair. Such animals are more susceptible to sunstroke. In addition, do not forget that dogs do not have sweat glands, so they have to “reduce their temperature” by sticking out their tongue (fast breathing, profuse salivation). And sometimes this is not enough, the animal overheats, hence heatstroke.

    Inflammatory processes of the digestive organs

    If the dog begins to vomit immediately after eating or on an empty stomach, then most likely he has gastritis. Sometimes even with enteritis, the animal begins to vomit, but diarrhea is also recorded. If vomiting is severe, then cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract cannot be ruled out.

    However, in any case, the help of a veterinarian is necessary to rule out the infectious nature of the disease, as well as to select a treatment regimen that will help eliminate the cause of the disease, and not just “drown out” the symptoms.

    CNS damage

    Damage to the central nervous system can cause vomiting. Inflammatory processes (encephalitis, meningitis, myelitis), trauma (followed by concussion, contusion and brain swelling), neoplasms are very dangerous. And without qualified and timely veterinary care, the pet may die.

    Kidney failure

    If so, then there is a distinct smell of ammonia coming from the mouth after vomiting. Here you need to run to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

    Types of vomiting in dogs

    Vomiting comes in different forms.

    Vomiting immediately after eating

    Vomiting after eating occurs both due to gastritis (especially if the food was fatty) and due to overeating. This is how the animal tries to get rid of the excess.

    Vomiting blood

    Vomiting blood in a dog is very serious symptom. This could be a stomach ulcer (erosions bleed, so vomit is streaked with blood), and an infectious disease (for example, parvovirus, leptospirosis, plague, infectious hepatitis), and oncology, and injury to the mucous membrane of the stomach or esophagus with sharp objects (the same bones ), and even diabetes. Poisoning (for example, rat poison or heavy metals) cannot be ruled out.

    Vomiting with bile

    Vomiting with bile indicates that the liver has “connected”, that is, the masses are “coming out” of the intestines. In addition, bile can also appear if the animal has an intestinal obstruction or helminths.

    Vomiting with foam

    A dog may vomit with white foam due to hunger. Especially if it happened only once. You need to worry when an animal vomits frequently. Sometimes this indicates insufficient functional activity of the liver.

    Treating a Vomiting Dog

    Treatment for a dog that is vomiting should begin with a diagnosis. Without this, it is impossible to select therapy.

    • If the cause lies in an infectious disease, then the dog needs specific treatment (hyperimmune serums, antibiotics, antiviral drugs).
    • If vomiting occurs due to inflammatory processes, then the pet will need a course (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunostimulants, vitamins, etc.). It is imperative to eliminate the cause.
    • If an animal has an intestinal obstruction, then surgery cannot be avoided. And it must be done as soon as possible so that intoxication does not develop or there is no intestinal rupture.
    • In case of poisoning, a starvation diet is prescribed for a day, only water is given ad libitum, then “light” food (chicken broth, porridge) is gradually introduced. If necessary, antidotes (antidotes) are administered and IVs are placed (especially if the dog has become dehydrated or has not eaten for a long time).

    Do not try to stop your dog from vomiting on your own at home. You can only harm the animal. Urgently contact a veterinary clinic or call a doctor to visit your pet at home. Only a veterinary specialist, after collecting an anamnesis and a thorough examination, decides how and with what to treat your four-legged friend.

    Vomiting in a dog is an alarming condition that every owner encounters at least once in their life. It is important to provide first aid and eliminate the consequences of vomiting. Veterinarians note that vomiting is not a disease. This is a set of symptoms that indicate a failure of the dog’s natural digestion of the gastrointestinal tract. Among the common causes of occurrence are a violation of physiological processes in the stomach or intestines, a consequence of another disease or condition, and anatomical features.

    Causes of vomiting in dogs

    Vomiting can be caused by:

    • exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis or inflammation of the gallbladder;
    • chronic or acute renal failure;
    • eating large amounts of food;
    • the onset of a viral disease;
    • intoxication;
    • helminthiasis;
    • exposure to a foreign body inside the stomach or intestines;
    • intestinal torsion;
    • pregnancy;
    • eating inappropriate, spoiled or too fatty food;
    • stress.

    The list of reasons is wide, and each case requires an individual approach.

    In order to correctly prescribe treatment for an animal, the doctor needs to find out the answers to a number of questions. They will help you understand the cause of vomiting.

    Here is what the owner needs to restore or fix if the dog vomits:

    • that his animal during the day before the onset of an acute condition;
    • was there any overeating;
    • whether the dog ate willingly;
    • whether a lethargic or apathetic state was observed.

    It is also important to analyze the color, composition and consistency of the vomit.

    Dog vomits yellow

    If there is yellow mucus or foam on the floor, this indicates a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which bile from the upper part of the small intestine ends up in the stomach. It irritates the walls of the sphincters and the internal epithelium of the stomach, causing the organ to contract and push bile out.

    The dog owner will notice that after the first attacks, thick yellow mucus remains, and when acts of vomiting are repeated, foam comes out. This is due to the limited volume of gastric juice with which bile mixes.

    If food remains are not found in the vomit, then you can be sure that the acute condition that caused the vomiting developed after the last feeding. The food was digested and evacuated into the intestines.

    The most common cause of yellow vomit in dogs is diet failure. More often, the condition occurs after feeding fatty and tasty food, but not suitable for a four-legged friend. For small dogs, it is enough to taste a little pork kebab; for large dogs, vomiting will be caused by porridge cooked in jellied meat, the addition of a large amount of fat, pork legs, broth on a pig's head, and more.

    If there were such errors in the diet, then there is no reason to worry. It is enough to support the gastrointestinal tract by prescribing antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs and adsorbents. The schedule for taking medications must be prescribed by a veterinarian. He will also be able to calculate appropriate doses.

    It is important for animal owners trying to provide first aid on their own to remember that other medications should not be given together with adsorbents. Otherwise, their actions are nullified.

    An animal with a breakdown in food adaptation is lethargic, gets up and walks reluctantly, but will not refuse to sniff a piece of something tasty, and may even make attempts to eat it. It is not worth feeding on the first day after yellow vomiting. It is necessary to allow the excited gallbladder, damaged stomach and intestines to calm down.

    The best type of food during the rehabilitation phase will be low-fat kefir, white bread crackers, soaked in chicken breast broth. You need to return to your usual diet slowly and carefully. In the future, you should avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods.

    If, before the appearance of yellow foam and mucus in the vomit, the dog gave out a portion of food, then it is important for the owner to remember how many hours ago the last feeding was. Breakfast or dinner, which took place several hours ago, has not yet been digested. But if the dog ate 6-8 hours ago or more, then pieces of food in the vomit will alert the veterinarian. They indicate that movement into the intestines and digestion is impossible. This may indicate partial or complete blockage of the intestinal lumen, severe spasm that makes peristalsis impossible, the onset of acute dilation of the stomach, and much more. In this case, the dog must be immediately diagnosed and treated.

    Vomiting of white foam or white mucus occurs with helminthic infestation. The absence of yellow inclusions indicates that bile does not enter the stomach from the intestines.

    Between meals, the dog produces a small or voluminous puddle of white foamy substance. This is gastric juice. The reasons for the contraction of the stomach lie in the processes occurring in the small intestine. If helminths live there, they produce toxins, as a result the dog experiences increased gas production. The intestines put pressure on the lower part of the stomach, which gets rid of gastric juice by vomiting.

    The same mechanism is activated during natural gas formation without the participation of helminths. If the process of producing digestive enzymes in the bile and the secretion of the pancreas is disrupted, then the food is not digested, but ferments. If the process occurs in the upper intestines, this leads to vomiting. Gas formation in the second half of the large intestine will cause foul-smelling farts.

    It is important for owners to examine the contents of white vomit in dogs. In it you can notice white inclusions or an object resembling a thick thread. These are living or dead helminths. According to them appearance you can establish their names and select an anthelmintic drug. If the owner is not confident that he can explain to the veterinarian exactly what he found in the white foam with or without food, then it is reasonable to photograph the vomit.

    Ineffective retching is a rare physiological condition in dogs that occurs when the stomach is empty. The animal has already vomited the synthesized gastric juice, but a new one has not yet formed. The processes of sharp contraction of the stomach cause pain, the owner needs to relieve attacks of ineffective vomiting. To avoid harm by taking medications incorrectly, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

    Why is vomiting blood scary in a dog?

    Vomiting blood is a life-threatening condition for the animal. More often it indicates the presence of ulcerative processes on the walls of the stomach. Often, blood appears in the vomit after the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that provoke this condition. The prescription of pain relievers, for example, the drug ketanov, should be carried out by a doctor and in combination with antiulcer therapy.

    If there is blood in the vomit, the owner should evaluate its color, consistency and volume:

    • copious scarlet blood, almost evenly mixed with gastric juice, clearly indicates an ulcerative process in the stomach;
    • bloody mucous membranes inclusion may indicate that the dog’s esophagus or pharynx has been damaged; they can be the result of eating bones and injuring the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. The danger of the condition must be determined by a veterinarian;
    • spot inclusions of blood drops, especially those that appear at the end of vomiting, are not dangerous.

    How to assess the danger of vomiting

    In some cases, the owner needs to contact a veterinarian, and in non-dangerous conditions, help can be provided independently.

    If a dog vomits once or twice after a walk and the owner finds grass in the vomit, then this is not dangerous. The animal eats plants to cleanse its stomach. Even in the absence of small foreign bodies, for example, dense cartilage or chicken neck joints, the instinct to eat grass is still preserved. In long-haired dogs, the owner may notice hair or small pieces of toys as a result of vomiting grass. If the dog retains a cheerful mood and appetite after vomiting, then there is no need to consult a doctor and should not be treated at all.

    Vomiting with food immediately after eating indicates eating it too quickly or overeating. The contents of the stomach press on the sphincters, resulting in involuntary contractions with the evacuation of food. The owner should not worry if the vomit contains some food eaten. In the future, the dog must be fed in small portions, but more often.

    But if the dog gives away everything he has eaten, a visit to the veterinarian cannot be avoided. And there is no need to put it off. The condition may indicate an acute illness.

    Morning vomiting after feeding or on an empty stomach indicates serious problems in the functioning of the liver and pancreas. It is necessary to conduct an examination and determine which organs are working with disturbances.


    But it is better to postpone subcutaneous infusions or drips with glucose until examined by a veterinarian. If vomiting is associated with a spike in blood sugar, then adding glucose can be harmful.

    The daily dose of liquid is given in several doses. It is determined based on the dog's age and weight. To avoid negative consequences and too much load on the kidneys, it is better to check the norm with a veterinarian, taking into account the dog’s constitution.

    Folk remedies

    A universal folk remedy for animals is chamomile decoction. He has a number useful properties, including relieving inflammation and eliminating spasms. Dog owners should have home medicine cabinet bagged chamomile tea or collection that needs to be brewed.

    You can inject it using a syringe without a needle. For miniature dogs, the daily dose can be divided into 4-5 doses, and the single volume should be at least 5 ml. For giant dog breeds, feeding three times over 3-5 days is sufficient. At the same time, the one-time volume chamomile tea can be up to 1/2 cup.


    Giving antiemetic drugs is not recommended. If vomiting is associated with intoxication, then it is necessary to help evacuate the agents. When suppressing the urge to vomit with medications, toxins will enter the blood more intensely and worsen the condition. Antiemetic drugs should be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the animal and sometimes after receiving the results of laboratory tests.

    If the cause of vomiting is unknown, the specialist will suggest an examination consisting of a clinical and biochemical blood test and ultrasound diagnostics.

    Most often, vomiting and regurgitation are a protective mechanism that allows the body to quickly and effectively get rid of toxic substances or foreign bodies. But sometimes such symptoms indicate the presence of serious diseases. That is why every owner should know what to do if the puppy vomits or constantly burps.

    The puppy is vomiting: causes of false vomiting. What an owner should do when a pet regurgitates

    Regurgitation is a reflex process accompanied by the throwing away of just eaten pieces of food. Reasons why a puppy spits up include:

    · obstruction of the upper intestine;

    foreign body in the larynx;

    · abnormal narrowing or protrusion of the esophagus;

    · eating grass;

    · rapid swallowing of food;

    air entering the esophagus;

    · binge eating;

    · excited state of the puppy.

    In case of rare regurgitation, the owner’s behavior strategy comes down to monitoring the pet. If the process is not complicated by alarming symptoms (fever, lethargy, lack of appetite), then changing the diet and limiting the baby’s active actions after eating will be enough to stop it.

    Constant passive expulsion of food indicates the presence of diseases and requires medical advice. If a puppy is vomiting blood, the reasons may lie in the presence of a foreign body in the body or damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and larynx. In this case, the owner should show his four-legged friend to the veterinarian.

    Types and etiology of real vomiting. Clinical picture

    The process of real vomiting is accompanied by muscle contraction abdominal cavity, diaphragm and chest. By its nature, vomiting is a protective reaction of the body that frees the stomach from toxic contents. In addition, various diseases can be the cause.

    Veterinarians distinguish between acute (up to two weeks) and chronic forms. Spontaneous (acute) vomiting is caused by:

    · changes in feed and improper diet;

    · consumption of low-quality or spoiled food;

    · ingestion of foreign bodies;

    · stress;

    · poisoning;

    · intestinal obstruction;

    · eating grass;

    · heat stroke;

    motion sickness in a car;

    · reactions to medications.

    Chronic vomiting is provoked by:

    · enteritis, colitis;

    gastritis, stomach ulcer;

    · gastrointestinal inflammation of various origins;

    · pancreatitis;

    · endocrinological diseases;

    · pathologies of the central nervous system, heart, kidneys and liver;

    · tumors.

    In some situations (poisoning, overeating, sunstroke) the ejection of vomit passes without a trace. But there are times when a dog needs emergency veterinary care. Prolonged involuntary “cleansing of the stomach” is always accompanied by dehydration of the body.

    The puppy vomited - what should the owner do? First aid and self-treatment

    If nausea and vomiting occur in a puppy, the owner must first assess the condition of his four-legged friend. In the absence of apathy, refusal to eat, bloating, cramps, elevated temperature body, prolonged diarrhea, foam and blood in the vomit, we can talk about the presence of a simple indigestion. In this case, the following methods and medications help well:

    1. Adsorbing agents: enterosgel, microcel, activated carbon.

    2. Fasting diet for 24 hours. Fresh water should always be available to the animal. To replenish lost fluid, it is good to add drinking electrolytes to the water. On the second day, the dog is allowed to be given easily digestible food in small portions: boiled turkey, veal, chicken breast, boiled rice or buckwheat porridge, low-fat cottage cheese.

    3. Antiemetic medications: furazolidone, cerucal, nifuroxazide, domperidone.

    4. Antispasmodic drugs that relieve pain: papaverine, spasmol, trigan, riabal, buscopan, no-shpa.

    5. Gastroprotectors. In order to protect the gastric mucosa from negative action hydrochloric acid, pepsin and aggressive factors, experts advise a course of film-forming agents: de-nol, omeza, ancrusal, smecta, mucogen.

    By following these simple recommendations, the owner will help the pet in as soon as possible get rid of unpleasant symptoms. But what should you do if your puppy has vomited many times and his condition is noticeably worsening? In this case, the only the right decision is an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

    Medical diagnostics

    Vomiting and nausea can be symptoms not only of gastrointestinal problems, but also ominous signs of serious diseases: leptospirosis, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, pancreatitis, meningitis, heart failure and neoplasms (benign and malignant). If despite Taken measures To stop vomiting, the dog continues to vomit and needs medical attention. For the correct medical conclusion, veterinarians practice research:

    · Clinical examination. Includes weighing, behavior assessment, condition check skin, wool and mucous membranes, palpation, listening to breathing, measuring temperature and heart rate.

    · General and biochemical blood test.

    · Urine and feces analysis.

    · X-ray of the abdominal cavity, endoscopy, ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Based on the results obtained, the doctor makes a final diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

    Vomiting in dogs is not a sign of death dangerous disease, as many people think about it. In these animals (as in cats), the gag reflex is well developed. This is largely due to the nature of the dogs’ diet. By nature they are predators who do not disdain carrion. If an animal has eaten something very “fragrant”, protective mechanisms are activated, expressed in vomiting. In a word, this is a normal physiological reflex.

    But this doesn't always happen. When a dog vomits bile, it is always a good reason to visit the veterinarian.

    This is the most important endogenous secretion, designed to improve the digestion of fats. It is synthesized in the liver and is intended for its accumulation. gallbladder. After eating, it enters the thin section of the gastrointestinal tract (through the bile ducts), promoting the emulsification of lipids and their subsequent absorption by the body.

    Thus, vomiting of bile in dogs occurs when this secretion enters the stomach from the intestines, causing irritation and triggering the gag reflex. How to determine its presence in the stomach contents? It turns greenish-yellowish. By the way, vomiting in this case is a very good option. Sometimes a situation occurs when a dog does not have a developed gag reflex, as a result of which bile remains in the organ cavity. All this can easily lead not only to an ulcer, but even to perforation of the stomach. Bile is an aggressive secretion.

    Vomiting is typical in the early morning or late evening. The latter is especially typical for those dogs who receive their rations only once a day. In addition, this can happen in any case when the intervals between meals are too long, or with diseases of the stomach that cause atony of the latter.

    The latter is especially common in older dogs, but similar cases are not uncommon even in puppies. Dogs of all breeds are affected; no gender predisposition has been identified.

    Symptoms and types

    In general, you don’t need to deal with the symptoms for a long time: if a dog vomits bile in the mornings and evenings, then the clinical signs are already obvious. But to make it easier for the veterinarian to subsequently determine what exactly caused this pathology, owners need to pay attention to the following:

    • Chronic intermittent vomiting containing bile.
    • As we said, happens in the morning or late evening/night. At the same time, the dog refuses to eat.
    • Gastrointestinal discomfort, which manifests itself in the dog’s inappropriate behavior: it whines, growls, and may even howl in pain.
    • Nausea: the dog tenses from time to time, looks “somewhere into the distance”, while the animal grunts, due to specific movements it seems that he is about to vomit.
    • Very often observed, caused by a serious disruption of the digestive process.
    • Since in severe cases the dog doesn't eat anything, she quickly develops symptoms of exhaustion: weight loss, sunken eyes, pallor of all visible mucous membranes. The wool becomes thin and brittle.

    Read also: Food allergies in dogs

    Important! If you notice a pet’s “passion” for eating grass (and after this the animal is guaranteed to vomit), then know that in this way he gets rid of the “garbage” accumulated in the stomach. It wouldn't hurt to take him to the vet.

    Read also: Hypothyroidism in dogs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


    The owner must inform the veterinarian of all the symptoms he observes. You need to remember whether your pet has suffered from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also whether he has eaten something “wrong” recently (chicken bones, for example). It is very important to remember exactly when the vomiting appeared, and after what exactly it happened.

    The veterinarian will perform a complete examination of your pet. A complete urine sample is required, since the data obtained from this helps to identify severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    As a rule, vomiting often accompanies many infectious diseases, which are quite accurately determined during the tests described above. If nothing can be reliably determined, the veterinarian resorts to x-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity of the sick animal. It is important to note that before an X-ray examination, it is imperative to feed the dog barium gruel: this way, cases of gastrointestinal blockage, gastrointestinal atony, etc. can be easily identified. In addition, gastroendoscopy is indicated.

    Therapeutic techniques

    In cases where the root cause has not been determined, the specialist will carry out symptomatic treatment. If the problem is hyperacid gastritis, medications are prescribed to lower the acidity level. Medicines that relieve spasms of smooth muscles are also prescribed. N and at first the dog may be shown drugs like regular activated carbon or Smecta, which minimize the damage caused to the mucous membrane of the organ by bile coming from the small intestine.

    In most cases, dogs respond well to treatment. It is only important to remember that your pet will need quite a long therapy, which does not need to be interrupted. The decision on the duration of treatment should only be made by a veterinarian. Note that in many cases, vomiting in dogs is due to the fact that they are given a single dose of food on an empty stomach. a large number of food. It is because of this that many experienced breeders strongly advise against feeding working dogs once a day.

    What to do if your dog is vomiting?

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    Single vomiting sometimes occurs in healthy dog and should not cause concern. Often, a dog will deliberately induce vomiting by eating grass. She does this in cases of deterioration of digestion, in order to ease the sensations in the stomach. However, if a dog eats grass constantly, this may be a sign of the appearance of worms.

    But persistent vomiting, in which simultaneously there are also signs of the disease such as loss of appetite, increased drowsiness, depression, constipation or diarrhea, should raise concerns. Vomiting can cause severe dehydration and other more serious problems.

    Why does the dog vomit? Main reasons

    This phenomenon may have several reasons:

    However, most common problem Vomiting in dogs is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, if vomiting occurs on an empty stomach or immediately after eating and, as a rule, in the morning. This may indicate gastritis. Vomiting a few hours after eating indicates a neoplasm or foreign body in the stomach.

    Debilitating vomiting is a sign of acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis or hepatic colic.

    Symptoms of vomiting in dogs

    • Signs dangerous disease before vomiting are: excessive drooling in the dog, whining and constant walking. The animal does not find a place for itself, its stomach may growl, and belching will appear.
    • Puppies often regurgitate when they begin to eat solid food. This is a normal process that should not bother the owner. Regurgitation occurs when the puppy overeats immediately after eating and undigested food comes out with it.
    • With vomiting, food comes out of the stomach, already digested.
    • Vomiting blood in a dog is a very alarming symptom. It indicates a serious infection, tumor disintegration or mucosal erosion.
    • Vomiting and diarrhea in a dog, along with fever, are frequent accompaniments of infectious diseases and together they lead to rapid exhaustion.
    • If the mouth smells of ammonia, then the diagnosis may be uremia and kidney failure.

    Vomiting of blood, bile, or foam in a dog. What to do? How to treat?

    1. While waiting for the doctor and test results, it is important for a dog owner to properly handle a dog that is vomiting.
    2. The body must be cleansed by not giving the dog not only food, but also water for a day. You can allow him to lick ice cubes or if he ate for a couple of hours and the vomiting does not recur, you can offer a little chicken broth.
    3. On the second day, you can give liquid and bland food: turkey breast puree or white chicken meat in small portions 4-6 times a day. You can add fresh herbs and brown rice to it.
    4. You can add regular food to the puree only from the third day.
    5. If there is severe, persistent vomiting, a blood test is needed to help determine if the animal has kidney or liver disease, cancer, diabetes, or allergies. An x-ray of the abdominal cavity is also needed, with which you can find out whether the dog has a cancerous tumor or a foreign body.

    The appearance of blood in the vomit is a very alarming sign and requires urgent medical attention. This may indicate a foreign body in the dog's stomach or esophagus, or a severe viral illness.

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