• How to train dogs? Home dog training. Dog training at home from scratch


    If she has become your true friend, obedient and devoted, you need to teach her actions that she can easily perform. This article will discuss how to properly train and teach a dog commands at home.

    At what age can you start training?

    When a puppy appears in your home, he is already able to perceive simple and basic commands and training in general. But before you start training, you need to make friends with the baby so that he trusts you. Puppies are easier to train than adults, but this must be done in game form, getting him interested.

    At this stage, training and raising the puppy are closely intertwined. Since the beginning teach him to walk with a collar, come up with a nickname and teach him to respond to it. And he should already know where his toilet is. After learning the basics and reaching 3 months of age, you can begin to use more complex commands.

    Conditions and attributes for learning commands

    The environment in which your dog is trained is of great importance, and the right location will make the learning process quicker and easier.

    Study space

    Any place for training that is convenient for you is suitable, but you need to take into account several important criteria that will affect the process itself:

    • In summer, in hot weather, it is better to conduct classes in the morning or evening;
    • It is best to train your dog while walking;
    • choose a quiet and peaceful place where your pet will not have unnecessary distractions;
    • the area you have chosen should be well known to the animal, and if this is your first time there, then walk with him or let him run around and sniff everything;
    • It is important to remember the rule: the dog is better oriented on the terrain - it learns better;
    • You can practice in your home or in the yard.

    Necessary accessories

    The set of necessary training tools is not at all expensive or difficult. If you go outside, don't forget to bring a collar and leash.

    If you're going for a walk during the day when it's hot, don't forget to bring water for your dog and a bowl to pour it into.

    Basic principles of training

    Let's move on to the most important part - the training process.

    How long does it take to train a dog?

    The first few lessons should last no more than 20-30 minutes, because the dog will get bored and tired. Increase the time every day and bring it up to 1 hour a day. It is better if you divide this time into small intervals. For example, you train for 10 minutes - he runs and plays for 5 minutes. This way the process will be more productive.

    Basic Commands

    « To me" is one of the first commands that needs to be taught. Use it together with your nickname. And when your pet approaches you, praise him and give him a treat.
    « Place»studies from an early age along with the “come to me” command. First, you need to arrange this very place for your pet, putting a rug or pillow and his favorite toys. You need to call the dog to him and say “place”: when he comes, put him down and give him a treat, while repeating “place, well done.”

    « Near" To study, you will need a collar. Place the animal near your left leg. Give the command “near” and start walking. The dog should walk next to you, without rushing ahead or falling behind. And it is important that she does not pull the leash in any direction. If this happens, then sharply tighten the leash and repeat “nearby”.

    « Ugh" This command is easier to describe with an example. If your dog chews a slipper or bites the owner, you need to say “ugh” sharply and threateningly and slap him on the butt. If he does not react, then the command is repeated, and you can hit him harder.

    « Sit"begins with your dog lying at your left leg. Take out a treat, bring it to your nose and lift it up. The pet will rise after the treat, and then you say “sit, good girl.” And be sure to treat them with a treat.

    « Lie" - the command is simple. All you have to do is place a treat on the floor in front of your dog and he will lie down to reach it. Then the command “lie down” sounds and you give the treat.

    « Stand” is a little more complicated, and learns to “sit” afterwards. When the dog sits at your left leg, you need to say “stand” and lift him by the stomach with your left hand so that he stands on his paws. Repeat the command and praise.

    « Excerpt" is an important command for any dog. It is important that in the commands “stand”, “sit” and “lie down” he holds for as long as possible: it starts from 30 seconds of exposure, and ideally reaches 30 minutes. After he has held out, be sure to praise him.

    « Give" is a command when you simply call it and change the pet's toy or stick during play for a treat.

    « Fas" is studied from 6-9 months, and here it is better to resort to the services of professionals, since this team teaches to be angry and aggressive - the wrong approach can direct aggression towards you.

    « Aport"- the command is taught in a playful way: you throw a toy or stick to the animal, and when it grabs it, say “Fetch, well done.”

    Important! When executing commands, it is necessary to change their sequence every day so that the animal does not develop a habit.

    Additional rules

    There are some rules that will make training easier and help in the first lessons:

    1. Before you start training, you need to stay alone so that no one distracts the dog.
    2. Let him have a good run and walk before classes: this way your pet will be more attentive and focused.
    3. The dog must perceive information without a feeling of fear. If you notice that he is scared, then you have overdone it with severity. Continue the next day and be flexible and calm.
    4. Do not repeat the command several times in a row, because in the future your pet will perform them after several repetitions.
    5. Teach your dog to obey all family members.

    Dog breed and training

    There are very smart dogs that are easy to train. The most trained are:

    • Rottweiler;
    • Australian Shepherd;
    • papillon;
    • Doberman;
    • Labrador;
    • Sheltie;
    • poodle;
    • German Shepherd;
    • Border Collie.

    But there are also breeds that are very difficult to work with, and they practically cannot be trained in any way:
    • bulldog;
    • mastiff;
    • Russian greyhound;
    • Afghan Hound;
    • Basenji;
    • chow-chow;
    • beagle;
    • Pekingese;
    • bloodhoud.

    Is it possible to teach something to an adult dog?

    Many people adopt dogs from a shelter (or for other reasons have not trained them since childhood) and ask the question: “Is it possible to train an adult dog, and is there any point in starting?” An unequivocal statement - it is possible and necessary. To train an adult dog, you need to put in more effort and time, but the results will definitely come. Remember that they are one of the smartest animals, so an adult pet can be trained to carry out the necessary commands.

    Be patient and be friends with your pet. Then you will be able to teach him all the most necessary commands.

    No matter what type of pet you have, you need to know how to train a dog. A problem with bad upbringing four-legged friends can lead to sad consequences. And if you decide to get an animal, remember that it must obey the owner’s commands, carrying them out unquestioningly. Proper training will help with this. And this is exactly what will be discussed in the review and attached videos.

    Minimum set of required commands

    You need to know not only how to teach your pet commands. You also need to understand exactly what orders should be taught to your pet. Where to start learning?

    1. "To me!" and “Nearby!” Some of the most important skills. Often, restless pets run away from their owner, simply not understanding orders. Teaching these commands will prevent such troubles by achieving unquestioning obedience. If the pet does not know such simple commands, then even a stranger can take him away.
    2. "Ugh!". Today there is a lot of different garbage lying on the streets. And if the dog starts to chew or eat it, then this will not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is important to wean her from this using the command “Ugh!” Also the order “Ugh!” will be required if a stranger caused aggression on the part of the pet.
    3. "Sit!" and “Lie down!” Just standard commands that will allow you to calm down an active pet. In addition, as numerous videos show, the commands “Sit!” and “Lie down!” often voiced at exhibitions.
    4. "Place!". Of course, the dog can sleep wherever he wants. But she still needs a certain place in the apartment, which she must occupy at the first order of the owner.

    The standard set of popular commands can include “Fetch!”, “Give!”, “Voice!” and “Fass!” The last order is necessary if a stranger has attacked and protection is required.

    Who should teach?

    How to teach a dog commands? This, of course, is an important question, but you need to know who to entrust this task to - yourself or a professional. It should be noted right away that only one person must train. If a stranger is constantly nearby, he will distract the pet.

    Do not forget that a lot depends on the character of the four-legged friend and teacher. It is important that the trainer is patient and has good willpower.

    If you cannot achieve obedience from your pet on your own due to lack of time, it is better to entrust this task to professionals. In addition, service dogs should be trained under the guidance of specialists.

    As numerous videos show, they are able to convey a variety of commands to pets, and not just the standard “Sit!”, “Ugh!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”

    How to teach a dog commands?

    Before you start training, you need to remember some rules of behavior during the training procedure:

    1. You cannot repeat a command twice. Such an attitude will lead to the fact that the pet simply will not accept the owner’s orders on the first try. Accordingly, your four-legged friend simply won’t sit or speak.
    2. From time to time it is necessary to change commands for dogs and the order of requests. This will help increase the effectiveness of training.
    3. You should not show excessive zeal, even if you are trying to teach him to carry out the simplest commands (“Sit!”, “Ugh!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”, etc.). Remember that dogs tend to get tired, which prevents them from remembering orders as well as possible. Moreover, this attitude towards learning can be counterproductive.
    4. You shouldn’t voice commands to dogs too often. Take breaks between them so as not to confuse your four-legged friend.
    5. Before starting training, it is advisable to let the pet play enough, put a little stress on it physically so that he is not distracted during the learning process.
    6. It is not recommended to raise your voice, punish, or beat your pet. This will cause you to display aggression and fear. Training will lead to such a situation being counterproductive. And if a stranger, aggressive person suddenly attacks, then protection from your pet is unlikely to be provided.
    7. Puppy training should be based on encouragement. Treats can be a great incentive for your four-legged friend.
    8. Do not allow commands to be dictated by a stranger, a simple passer-by. Because of this, the effectiveness of parenting will suffer.
    9. Try to conduct interesting training, rather than simple memorization of words such as “Sit!”, “Ugh!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”

    Selecting a location

    It is important to understand where the training will take place. Training dogs at home is not very effective. This can lead to the pet only accepting orders from its owner at home. And outside it, any stranger or foreign animal can cause aggression.

    Therefore, it is important to train outside. The place should be calm without distractions and large number passers-by A stranger will only interfere with learning.

    If the training is correct, then the dog will become well-mannered and disciplined. Over time, the choice of location will not play an important role. Dog training at home will also be effective in this situation. But it shouldn't be permanent.

    It is also important to understand time. Training on fresh air You should pay attention at least twice a week. At home, you can train your pet every day for 10 minutes.

    Raising an adult pet

    There is an opinion that it is possible to train only at a young age, and it is almost impossible to train adult animals to follow commands. However, this statement is not entirely true, as evidenced by numerous videos.

    How to properly train a dog in such a situation? First of all, you should understand that the owner’s attitude towards the pet must be good. Shaggy animals love their owners. And if there are reciprocal feelings, they will try to please everyone accessible ways. You must always demonstrate that you are not a stranger, but a loving owner.

    An adult pet needs to be trained more diligently. This will take more time, as well as patience. However, with maximum effort and diligence, the owner will be able to achieve good results.

    The main thing is not to show excessive zeal, do not raise your voice and do not forget to reward your pet for completed commands. In addition, interesting workouts will help increase the effectiveness of learning.

    How different breeds are trained

    Naturally, if the owner decides to conduct a general dog training course on his own, he will think about which breeds are easier to train. However, as numerous reviews from experts show, it is not the breed that plays the main role in upbringing, but the character of the owner.

    If you firmly decide to train your pet, show desire and determination, you will be able to achieve success, regardless of whether it is a Labrador or a Bull Terrier. In addition, you don’t even have to get a pet if you don’t have confidence in your own abilities.

    When to start?

    It’s worth noting right away that it’s best to start training your pet from an early age. How to teach a puppy commands? First of all, it is recommended to surround him with love and care. Having sensed positive emotions on your part, the pet will begin to better carry out commands, trying to please the owner, feeling that this is not a stranger in front of him.

    From an early age, you can teach simple commands (“Sit!”, “Fu!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”, etc.), gradually making the education program more complex. Kids will perceive this process from the position of play, and interesting activities Absolutely all puppies love it. It is better to start the general training course from one and a half months.


    As already mentioned, it is recommended to start the general training course with the simplest commands (“Sit!”, “Fu!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”, etc.), gradually teaching the pet more complex orders. It is necessary to understand that from the first minutes she may not understand what is expected of her.

    How to teach a dog the command “Near!”? You can start with the order “Come to me!” At first, this command should be given from a short distance so that the pet understands what is required of it. The owner's voice should be firm when voicing commands. Numerous videos clearly demonstrate the training of these orders.

    You cannot call your four-legged friend using this command if you are going to perform some unpleasant procedure (for example, trimming claws). Over time, you can train your pet to walk nearby, rewarding him for good compliance with orders.

    How to teach a dog the command “Lie down!”, “Sit!”. The first training should occur when the pet begins to lie down and sit up on its own. After several repetitions, you can complicate the training, trying to teach your pet to lie down using gestures. The voice should be firm, otherwise, requests will not force the pet to sit or lie down.

    The video course will show you how to get your pet to unquestioningly obey the order “Sit!” or “Lie down!” Using this video as a guide, you can figure out how to teach a dog the “Die!” command.

    In addition to these commands in home environment you can study “Voice!”, “Barrier!”, “Fu!”, “Give!” etc. Also, the “Aport!” command should not cause any difficulties. However, it should be noted right away that the training of service dogs or future guards and hunters should take place under the guidance of professionals. Otherwise, the pet’s protection from actions taken by a stranger, an aggressive person, will not be of high quality.

    We teach you to bring things

    How to teach a dog to fetch a stick? It should be noted that this command can be considered more complex. This order includes both the training of service dogs and the training of pets.

    At the first stage, you need to pronounce the command, opening your mouth slightly and placing the required thing in your teeth. Holding your jaw slightly, you need to say the command “Give!” and pick up the item yourself. This must be done until the four-legged friend is able to independently take things and bring them into the hands of the owner.

    While learning the “Give!” command, you need to gradually increase the distance from the object to you and the dog. The entire learning process is demonstrated in numerous videos.

    Video “Training Process”

    Don't know how to teach your dog the “Fast!” command? Or want to figure out how to teach a dog to give a paw? The video (author Mirta Professional) will tell you how to train your pet to perform commands such as “Sit!”, “Ugh!”, “Voice!”, “Give!”

    Techniques for teaching basic commands to puppies.

    If you have been dreaming of a puppy for a long time, and suddenly became the owner of a soft and plush animal, you should think about socializing the animal. This means that the dog needs to be taught certain skills, this will help eliminate aggressive or overly active behavior.

    In general, from the moment the baby was brought into the house. Initially, it is worth raising the dog, explaining to it where to go to the toilet and what not to do. Many problems arise with toilet training a puppy. The dog should get used to what time you walk it. Try to always go outside with your dog at the same time.

    As for training, it is worth teaching the dog commands and gestures from the age of three months. By this point, the dog should know where his place is and not spoil the house.

    There are two approaches to training:

    • Punishment
    • Promotion

    The reward doesn't have to be a treat. You can simply pet the puppy, praise him and play with him. You shouldn't punish your dog often. To determine if your dog has learned his lesson, look at him after you punish him. If the puppy lowers his head and assumes a submissive pose, then everything is fine. If the dog grins and is indignant, you should continue to punish the dog.

    You cannot beat a puppy; if you want to punish, express your displeasure in a stern voice. You can grab the dog by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. Express your dissatisfaction in a harsh voice. After this, put the dog on the floor and send it to its place. You should not punish the dog for anything, or 2 hours after the harm. In this case, the dog will not be able to understand why he is being punished and will grow up aggressive.

    First principles of training:

    • Accustom your puppy to a collar and leash
    • Let me get used to the nickname
    • Commands: place, come to me, fu

    What treat should you give your puppy during training?

    As a treat, you need to use a product that you do not give your dog often. That is, it should not be dry food. It is best if it is something sweet, for example, biscuits or dry bread. It is also allowed to give small pieces of sausage. Do not overfeed your pet with harmful foods. Remember, what is used for training should be rare in the dog's diet.

    As soon as the puppy was brought into the house, 5-6 days after adaptation, put a collar on the dog. He may pull it off and whine. Don't give in. You can only remove the collar before going to bed. The next day, attach the leash. The puppy may grab the leash with its teeth and try to tear it out of your hands. Don’t give in, despite the puppy’s dissatisfaction, take him out for a walk on a leash.

    If your puppy is 1.5 months old, he has successfully mastered his name, got used to the leash and collar, it’s time to teach him the simplest commands. There are several command blocks in total. Each block lasts approximately 3 months. That is, in 90 days the dog must master all the commands from the first block.

    List of commands from the first block:

    • To me
    • Place

    This is a fairly common command that can be mastered as soon as the puppy has learned the simplest commands and obeys them without question.


    • Take a treat and call your puppy over. Let him smell the treat and gradually, slowly lift the treat over the dog’s nose.
    • After this, as the treat rises, the dog will be forced to sit down on its own. You can help the animal a little by patting it on the butt.
    • After this, say “sit” and praise the dog, pet it and give it a treat. The command is considered learned when the dog quickly follows it and sits as directed. At the same time, he does not get up until the owner says so.

    How to teach a puppy the “sit” command at home: training and gestures

    The teaching order is similar to the "sit" command. But still the principle itself is different.


    • Take a treat and give it to a friend to sniff
    • Now slowly lower the treat, place it on the floor, but do not let the dog eat it
    • Press down on your dog's shoulder blades until he lies down. Give a treat and praise

    How to teach a puppy the “lie down” command at home: training and gestures

    Teaching a dog a command is not difficult at all. But it is still worth knowing certain rules. You should be especially careful on the street when your dog picks up something and brings it to you. You should not immediately take away the prey and shout at the animal. It is necessary to say “ugh” even before the dog grabs some nonsense.


    • As soon as you notice that your pet is mischievous, shout “ugh” and take the dog away.
    • You need to prevent the action, it is better to do this before the offense is committed. There is no point in hitting the dog and shouting afterwards.
    • This also applies to the toilet, there is no need to punish the dog 2 hours after the Skoda, he will not understand why he is being reprimanded. As soon as you see at home that the dog is about to commit mischief, pull him away.
    • If your dog chews on your slippers, take them away and punish the dog. Shout “ew” and tell the animal off. You need to get your pet to hang his head and take a guilty pose.

    The trick is to teach the dog not to pick up anything on the street, because it could be a poisoned piece of bait. To do this, place a piece of treat in front of the dog, he will try to grab and eat it. But your task is to prevent this from happening. Shout ugh and lightly slap him in the face. You can also use a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper. Next, repeat the procedure until the dog learns to ignore the treat. After this, take a piece and give it to the dog from your own hand.

    How to teach a puppy at home the command “fu”, “no”: training and gestures

    The command is easy to teach; it will allow you to keep your dog in sight and instantly bring him back to you.


    • Conduct the lesson after a walk, when the dog is a little tired. This way he will be more willing to follow commands.
    • After this, when the dog is at a distance, call it by name and give it a treat. Say "to me." Pat the dog.
    • Gradually move away from the dog, that is, you need to increase the distance between the animal and yourself. Now shout the name and “come to me.” Show me the treat. Give it to your dog and praise him.

    How to teach a puppy the “come to me” command at home: training and gestures

    How to teach a puppy the “voice” command at home: training and gestures

    This command is quite difficult to learn and optional. Dogs engaged in patrol or search service are required to bark on command. That is, the dog gives a voice when it has found something or when it has seen a stranger approaching.

    The easiest way to teach the “voice” command is to dogs with a sanguine or choleric psychotype. These dogs tend to bark a lot, but it is necessary to teach the dog to be quiet and bark only when necessary. It is considered a sign of lack of training if the dog barks for no reason. The video shows how to quickly teach a dog the “voice” command.

    VIDEO: Training the “voice” command

    This is one of the very first commands that a dog should master. You should not allow your dog to sleep anywhere. This is especially true for the hostess’s bed. No matter how much you love your dog, you should not allow him to sleep on the bed.


    • The “Place” command is mastered immediately after the puppy gets into the house. You should bring the puppy to his mat, lay him down and say “place.”
    • In the evening, you will see that the puppy goes to sleep where it is comfortable for him. Pick up the puppy and carry it to the mat. Say “place” in a quiet voice.
    • You shouldn't put food there, in this case The principle of rewarding food should not be used. The dog may misunderstand you.
    • Over time, the dog may begin to carry food to this place. Therefore, there should be no associations between “place” and food.

    How to teach a puppy the “place” command at home: training and gestures


    • Having said “near”, use a leash to bring the animal to your left leg, at the same time slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg.
    • When he gets into this position, give the puppy a treat. For a service dog, it is critical to follow this command, walking around the owner in a circle clockwise, so it will be easier for him to take the right place.
    • Help the dog with this with a leash. The mongrel does not need to be taught to walk around its owner in a circle. She should just come and stand on the left side.

    How to teach a puppy the “near” command at home: training and gestures

    How to teach a puppy the “give paw” command at home: training and gestures

    The command is optional and has no special value or meaning. Training a dog is quite simple. The video tells more about how to teach a dog to give a paw on command.

    VIDEO: “Give me your paw” command

    The “fetch” command is performed in conjunction with the “give” command. The dog must learn to obey you. To do this at home, when your dog is playing with his toy, say “give” and pull the toy. To get your dog to give it to you, distract him with a treat. Then, when the dog lets go of the toy, praise it.

    Next, you should teach your dog to give you a bowl of food without resistance. This is a kind of indicator of “who is the boss of the house.” Remember, you are the master and don’t let the dog boss you around. When your dog eats, take the bowl away from him. If the dog resists, growls and grins, put pressure on his shoulder blades, pressing him to the floor. Do not release the pressure until the dog stops growling and grinning.


    • Most often, the command is carried out on the street and after the dog has mastered the “give” command. You need to take a stick or your favorite toy and throw it away, shouting “fetch.” The dog's instinct will tell you that it is worth grabbing the object.
    • Call the dog to you and on the command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give a treat and praise.
    • Training of service dogs follows approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a specific object. Small dogs are not usually taught the fetch command.

    How to teach a puppy the “fetch” command at home: training and gestures

    How to teach a puppy the “stand” command at home: training and gestures

    The command to stand or lie down is a way to develop endurance in your dog. That is, do not get up from the specified position without a specific command and action. Initially, you need to teach the dog to lie down. The command is given when it is necessary to force the dog to remain motionless for 5-10 seconds. You should apply pressure on your pet's shoulder blades or back while repeating the command. Ideally, the dog should be able to lie down or sit or stand for up to 30 minutes. More details in the video.

    VIDEO: Teaching the “stand” command

    How to teach a puppy the “front” command at home: training and gestures

    This is one of the most responsible and complex teams. Ideally, you should achieve complete obedience and submission from your dog. When the pet has stopped resisting, gives you the bowl, does not growl, fetch the stick while walking, and gives it back, you can begin teaching the “face” command. This command is necessary for guard breeds or guards.

    It is worth starting training when the dog is 10-12 months old. It is best to do this in a training center that has special suits and bondages. You must understand that after giving a command, the dog can harm another person, so all responsibility falls on you. More details in the video.

    VIDEO: Team "fas"

    Any owner of a four-legged friend should understand that not all dogs are well trained. It depends on the dog's temperament and breed. For some, it is enough to say the command once and the dog will carry it out, but for others, tedious and constant training is needed.

    The best trainable dogs are the German Shepherd and the Caucasian. These breeds themselves are very smart and ready to serve their owner. The most difficult breeds to teach commands are small breeds such as Yorkies or Spitz. The nervous system of such dogs is easily excitable, so you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to train the dog.

    Easy enough with poodles and labradors. All dogs should be taught commands from a certain age. Three months of age is considered ideal. But teaching the simplest skills should be done from the moment the puppy arrives at your home. The commands differ depending on the dog breed. Dogs such as a Yorkie or Spitz do not need to learn the “voice” command. But as practice shows, these dogs love to bark constantly and just like that. Therefore, so that barking does not irritate you, and you want a discreet pet, it is still worth teaching the “voice” command.

    It’s not enough to have a dog and enjoy your plush friend; you need to spend a lot of effort and time adapting the dog to society.

    VIDEO: Dog training

    Beginning dog breeders do not know how to train a dog at home. Many of them think that this is completely impossible. In fact, working out at home is possible. But for it to be successful, a new dog breeder must work with a puppy, not an adult dog. Of course, an experienced trainer can handle an adult dog, but beginners cannot do this.

    Even when training a puppy at home, the animal owner will have to show remarkable hard work and patience. Without these qualities, even from a puppy it is simply impossible to achieve obedience and follow all commands.

    What do you need to train your pet at home? This article will tell you about this.

    Dog breeds that are easy to train

    Before purchasing a puppy of a certain breed, it is recommended that beginners find out how well it will respond to training. Dogs, like people, have their own personalities. Some are naturally obedient, others are stubborn or like to play tricks.

    It is believed that The following breeds are best suited for training:

    Goals and methods of training

    Training a puppy at home needed to achieve the following goals:

    • The dog must learn to obey its owner unquestioningly. She must understand that this is a real leader;
    • during training, the owner will get to know his pet better and will know how he will behave in various situations;
    • social adaptation of the pet. Training will teach your puppy to get along with other pets.

    Before starting training, the puppy owner must clearly understand what he intends to get after completing the training course.

    During class You can use special items: motivational or deterrent. There are 2 main training methods based on their use.


    This method is considered the main one. It allows you to quickly teach the dog the necessary commands, this work will be extremely enjoyable. When using rewards, a trusting relationship is established between the owner and the puppy.

    During training it is necessary to encourage all actions of the animal leading to the achievement of the desired result. The following can be used as incentives:

    • various delicacies;
    • encouraging stroking;
    • voice praise;
    • short game.


    The owner of the animal must be prepared to restrain the pet. This can be done using the following methods:

    • the use of objects that distract the dog’s attention: keys, rattles, special clickers, etc.;
    • if the animal does not comply with the command, the owner stops paying attention to it.

    It is worth noting that restraining methods only work on older puppies at least 4 months old. If the animal is unbalanced, this technique should not be used.

    You cannot train your pet using physical force.. It has been proven that simple ignoring has a much more effective effect on a dog than physical punishment.

    But in some cases without using physical strength not enough. For example, the owner scolded the puppy, but in response he growled and bared his teeth. In this case, you can take him by the scruff of the neck, shake him well and scold him. If after such punishment the pet assumes a pose of submission, it means that he has understood everything and can be trained further.

    It should also be remembered that Reward, like punishment, must be immediate. If you punish or reward a puppy half an hour after the act, the animal will not be able to connect the event with the owner’s action. As a result, the dog owner received a nervous pet who will not know what to expect from the owner. Perhaps this will develop into aggression in the future.

    Preparing for training

    Before starting to train a dog, its owner must prepare thoroughly. You need to understand that training is not entertainment, but real, sometimes hard work, which can last for many months of daily training. Therefore, a person must make his own schedule. During the selected hours, the dog owner should not have anything else to do except training.

    For the first lesson you need to prepare the following items:

    You need to start training your dog by choosing a place. It should be quiet, away from roads and preferably fenced. If the puppy has never been to this place before, you need to give him a few days to get to know it.

    You need to make sure that there are no strangers or dogs nearby during classes. They will distract your pet from training.

    How to properly train a dog at home?

    Practicing basic commands

    First of all, the pet must remember its name. To do this, you need to start communicating with him as with a small child. That is, when serving food, be sure to call the puppy by voice, calling him by his nickname. They attached the leash to the collar and called the puppy by name again. All phrases should be as short as possible, and then the dog will remember the nickname very quickly. After this, it is enough to call the pet so that it immediately turns its head towards the owner or runs towards him.

    After learning the puppy's name, you should accustom it to a leash. If the pet belongs to the decorative breeds of dogs, he needs to buy not a collar, but a harness.

    When putting on a harness or collar for the first time The pet may become very frightened. You should be prepared for this. In order for your pet to get used to the new accessory, you need to let him walk around or play with it. After this, the accessory can be removed and immediately reward the puppy for good behavior. Once the pet understands that putting on a collar or harness is associated with a walk, he himself will bring this accessory to the owner.

    As for the leash, dogs don’t pay attention to it.

    Team "Fu"

    You also need to teach your pet the basic prohibition. Without this command, a dog faces many dangers on the streets of modern cities.

    The puppy must remember what is prohibited:

    To stop the pet’s unwanted actions, its owner gives the command “Fu” with his voice. If the training takes place outside, the voice command is accompanied by a short tug of the leash. At home, you can spank your puppy on the butt with a newspaper. You must remember to praise and encourage your pet after unconditional obedience.

    Team "Come to me"

    You can teach your puppy this command only after he has learned his own name.

    The training takes place in the following order:

    • the owner pronounces the pet’s name - he must look at the person;
    • after this, the owner shows the animal a treat and steps aside, after which he says the command “Come to me”;
    • If the dog runs up, you need to give it a treat and praise it.

    It is better to start training indoors. The team should be strengthened during outdoor training. There, the pet will be hampered by distractions, but if he copes with them, this means that the command has been finally learned.

    You cannot call your pet with the command “Come to me” for punishment. Otherwise, the dog will simply stop obeying.

    Command "Sit"

    This command can be taught both at home and on the street. For this you need call the dog with a suitable command, and when it approaches, begin to press on the pet’s croup with your palm, forcing it to sit. With your free hand you need to show the puppy your open palm, placed vertically. After the animal sits down, you need to remove your hands and say the command “Sit” several times. If your pet stays where he is, he should be rewarded. If the animal gets up after lowering its arms, it must be stopped with the command “No”. After this, the exercise is repeated.

    Command "Stand"

    Your pet should be taught it in 2 stages..

    At the first stage, the puppy is forced to stand. Then they put it on a leash and give the command “Sit”. After this, they pull on the leash, forcing the pet to stand up. At the same time, they give the command “Stand” and show the animal an open palm directed parallel to the floor.

    At the second stage, the pet must learn to stop when any threat appears. The best way to train a dog is outside using a leash. You need to give the command “Stand” and move away from the pet. If she stays put, then she needs to be praised and encouraged. If she follows her owner, you need to stop her with the command “No” and start the exercise over again.

    Team "Place"

    The easiest way to teach a puppy this command is. You need to take the pet to its bedding, give the command “Place” and reward it with a treat. After a couple of weeks, the puppy will quickly run to the mat upon hearing a familiar order.

    Team "Aport"

    First you need just teach the animal to take an object in its mouth and give it back on the command “Give”. Each time a task is completed correctly, the puppy should be given a treat.

    At the second stage of training need to put academic subject on the floor and give the command “Aport”. The dog must take the object in its mouth and not let go until the owner gives the command “Give.”

    At the third stage of training the owner orders the puppy to “Stand,” and he moves to the side, where he places the bait on the floor. After giving the “Fetch” command, the dog must pick up the object and take it to the owner.

    The fourth stage of training - final. The owner throws the training object to the side and at the same time holds the dog by the collar. After which he gives the command “Aport” and releases the pet. The latter must bring the educational item to the owner.

    Finally Some practical advice from training professionals:

    A long-awaited dog appears in the apartment, jumping, amusingly begging for food, actively playing, chattering Stuffed Toys, untidy slippers, jumps on a chair or bed. Remember, the puppy must become well-mannered dog, which will not allow itself such liberties. This requires dog training at home.

    Precursor to training: education

    Raising a dog is teaching the animal simple behavioral skills and the hierarchy between pet and owner. If you don't train her, then sooner or later the dog becomes uncontrollable. Therefore, you should monitor and educate the animal so that it does not chew things, climb on tables, or steal food from plates.

    Simultaneously with the education process, you can gradually move on to training. At this point, the dog should already understand its name. Many breeders advise making it short, sonorous, so that the sound “r” is present in it. When training begins, it is recommended to accustom the dog to a leash and collar. The animal should not pick up food on the street or take it from trash cans.

    How to start training a dog at home

    First, the owner must understand that raising an animal and training are regular processes, and not a temporary pastime at will. Therefore, you should clearly plan your affairs and allocate time that you are willing to spend on your pet.

    For the first training of the dog owner, you should prepare. Buy a collar, pick up a leash, and food for the puppy. This is usually dry food. You should not feed your dog food from the table. In pet stores there is big choice items that are suitable for training your furry friend.

    Suitable age

    You can begin the educational process as early as 1.5 months. Training is done in a playful way. At this stage it is important that the puppy trusts you. So, the owner will quickly make progress, especially if he treats the animal with affection and takes care of the pet.

    IN early age It is better to teach the animal simple commands, and as it grows up, you should move on to more complex exercises. At this age, the puppy will perceive training not as an obligation, but as a game.

    Rules for improving process efficiency

    What can you do to make self-training dogs effective?

    The owner of the animal must fulfill several conditions. You can't repeat the same thing over and over again. The order is given only 2 times. If repeated many times in the future, the dog will not obey the first time.

    For learning to be effective, the animal does not need to develop a specific algorithm. For example, if you repeat “Voice” to the dog over and over again, then “Sit”, “Give me a paw”, “Lie down”, etc. in the same order. Commands for a puppy must be swapped so that the dog can perceive any command separately and also promptly execute it, regardless of the circumstances.

    At first, you shouldn’t tire the dog too much, because it gets tired, and attention (especially in a puppy) quickly dissipates. With long training, the animal will begin to carry out commands slowly and sluggishly. Subsequently, a long process in such a rhythm begins to cause irritation and rejection in the animal.

    Commands are given at intervals of several seconds. The dog must have time to understand this command and carry it out. This way, the dog will understand what the owner wants and will not get confused.

    Before you start training the puppy, you walk him and play with him. After a walk, the dog has less energy, is no longer in a very playful mood, and he behaves more attentively in class and is not distracted. When a puppy is afraid of making a mistake and behaves insecurely, it means that the owner is too strict with him. The more affectionately you treat and talk to the puppy during training, the more he will try. The animal should not be overfed before training, because a well-fed dog will be worse at following commands in order to get goodies.

    Training place

    Place to study - important factor. If you perform training only at home, then often the puppy can listen and follow commands at home, but completely ignore them outside. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate between home and street.

    For the first lessons, the owner should choose a quiet place with a minimum number of irritating factors (passers-by, other pets, playing children, birds). If the training is done correctly, then after a few sessions the dog will become more disciplined and will no longer be very distracted. Then it’s time to move the training to more crowded places. If you had to train your puppy in an unfamiliar place, you should give him 20–30 minutes to explore the area and look around.

    Class time

    The duration of classes is also important. In the first days, they are done no longer than 40 minutes so that the dog does not become overtired. As the pet gets used to it, the training time is extended to 90 minutes. It is better to train your pet outside every 2-3 days, and at home this is done regularly for 10 minutes.

    How to train a dog yourself without the participation of a dog handler?

    Each lesson begins with the assimilation of the material already studied. So, the dog will quickly remember what has been covered. You should not train it immediately in the morning or before bed, after eating.

    The dog cannot be beaten for pranks during classes, disobedience, or incorrect actions. The only thing you can do is reproach it in a reproachful tone, saying: “Bad”, “Wrong”, etc. An animal at the moment of an incorrect action or refusal to perform it cannot be beaten, shouted at the dog, or pulled by the scruff of the neck.

    Classes are always conducted only in a positive attitude and in a playful way. So, the animal is more likely to become interested; it does not need to consider the execution of commands as coercion. The owner should rejoice at every completed command in order to motivate the puppy to do more and better. Classes are held regularly, it is necessary to repeat the learned commands at least 10 minutes a day.

    Training process

    A favorable period for training a pet is the period of socialization. This is the age of the animal from 2 to 3 months. At this time, you can start classes, but they should not take more than 10 minutes. Short workouts can be done 2 times a day. It is best to start training with simple commands, for example, “Place!”, “To your feet,” “To me.”

    After the dog follows the command, it is always rewarded with treats, stroked on the head or affectionately patted on the ears, saying sweet words. If the dog has mastered the material well, then treats are not given after every correct execution, and after several repetitions.

    Team "Place"

    Accustoming to a place is necessarily accompanied by the animal’s name, for example, “Alan, place!” The command is pronounced clearly, and the animal is placed on a bedding, bed or mat. It would be good if there was a soft cloth on it so that the pet would feel comfortable lying on it. This piece of material can then be used to teach the “Guard!” command.

    Team "Come to me"

    Again, the command is repeated by the owner loudly, clearly and accompanied by the puppy’s name. If the dog makes the command reluctantly, slowly, then you can run back a few steps. This will attract her attention and speed her movement towards you. This action is performed every day, so remembering this command is important, especially for walks and also in public places.

    Command "Sit"

    It can be taught to dogs from the age of 60 days. Lure the puppy and let him see (smell the treat in your palm), slowly raise your hand up so that the pet can see the treat only by sitting down.

    As soon as the dog sits down, he is clearly commanded “Sit!”, petted and given a treat. If the dog does not want to sit down on his own, you can slightly help him sit down with your hand, lightly pressing your palm on his back.

    Command "Lie down"

    The dog is forced to sit down, after which they hold it by the withers and help the animal move its paws forward. At the same time, the owner pronounces the command “Lie down!” After the dog lies down, he is given some treats.

    Command "Stop!"

    To teach the animal to do this command, it is transferred to a lying position, and then slowly raised, supporting it under the belly so that the dog does not lie down again. Simultaneously with this action, the command is spoken.

    Command "Near!"

    When the puppy turns 3 months old, it’s time to start using the “Near!” command. To do this, a collar with a leash is put on the animal. The leash should be short, so that the dog is at the owner's left leg. The owner of the puppy holds the leash at a distance of 20 cm from the collar and commands, pulling the leash towards him. Then we loosen the leash and allow the pet to move freely.

    What if you don't train...

    If you do not start training an animal before it is a year old, then later it will become uncontrollable. This will complicate walks and appearances with him. in public places. In principle, you can start training an animal at any age, but after a year it listens less well, training will take longer and be less effective.

    Training mistakes

    The pet understands and notices the slightest changes in the owner’s behavior, rude intonations, and incorrect gestures. To make it easier for the dog to understand what they want from it, you cannot confuse it by actively gesturing, or vary the commands, for example, instead of “Come to me!” use "Come". Roughness during training is unacceptable; it is impossible to traumatize the animal’s psyche. You shouldn’t feed him enough before class; it’s better to let the dog be slightly hungry.

    What depends on the breed?

    The opinions of dog handlers on this issue boil down to one thing; it all depends on the owner himself and his desires. If education and training are regular, repeated many times and done correctly, then a dog, even with a complex character, easily makes contact and obeys. But, nevertheless, dog experts have compiled a rating of breeds that are good and bad for training. Chow-chows, Afghan hounds and bulldogs do not obey their owners well.

    The easiest breeds to train are shelties (a type of collie), service and guard breeds, such as shepherds, Dobermans, and Rottweilers. Companion dogs, for example, border collies and retrievers, easily obey people and are highly intelligent. In addition, they are recognized as the most efficient and do not get tired during training for a long time.

    The personal qualities of the dog itself and genetic predisposition are also important, especially for dogs with a pedigree. A lot here depends on the training ability of the puppy’s parents. The breeders themselves note this.

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