• Dog training at home: secrets of success. How to make a dog obedient and well-mannered - all about pet training


    Have you just acquired a pet, does it seem small and defenseless to you, causing tenderness and pity?

    Do not give in to emotions under any circumstances, but get down to raising a dog, no matter what kind of dog it is.

    It is better to start initial training from the first days the dog is in the house.

    This is necessary so that the pet does not make the wrong conclusions about what is possible and what is not.

    How to get a dog's attention?

    Full training can be done at the age of 4-5 months.

    You can exercise with dogs the most different breeds, from and , to , and .

    Training pets, including pets, at home requires the “carrot and stick” method.

    The whip is not literally beating the animal, but shouting and noise effects to wean the four-legged animal from wrong actions.

    Gingerbread is just that sweet Nothing, reward in the form of treats.

    How to choose treats

    First of all it should be:

    • Easily transportable. For example, raisins are not the most suitable treat: crushed berries, sticky hands, just like raw meat: smell, traces of blood.
    • Delicious. The animal should strive to do everything as you need, just to get the desired treat. Otherwise, training will not succeed.
    • Useful. Or at least not harm your health.
    • Easy to chew. So that chewing does not take a lot of time.
    • Small and equal in size. So that the dog receives the same portion each time.

    Most often, for training, dog breeders advise taking: biscuits, boiled sausage, sausages (cut into 0.5 cm cubes), cheese (choose low-fat - Adyghe).

    Some people use a simple one, but training with it is possible only when the dog is very hungry, in otherwise for her it will be ordinary, unattractive food.

    Do not use smoked or sweet foods for training. They can harm the health of the animal.

    Important! Dog training at home should take place before meals. After eating, the animal may lose motivation to exercise. And even if there is a desire, active exercises and sudden movements can lead to stomach pain in your pet.

    Let's start learning: necessary commands

    At first life together with an animal, you need to teach her the basics. So that you can safely walk your dog on the street and not suffer from the animal’s disobedience at home.

    • Let's get used to the nickname
      Say the dog’s name as often as possible, and most importantly with positive emotions. Call the animal by name and, when a reaction appears, give some kind of treat.
    • "To me"
      Since we are talking about raising a dog in the first stages of life together with you, we can lay the foundation for this command. Say it when calling your pet to eat or play. Thus, the animal will associate “to me” with positive emotions. Afterwards, when training on the street, adjustments will need to be made. The dog will have to not just come up to you, but sit at your leg, walk around, or in front of you. But first, the main thing is to strengthen the pet’s desire to respond to the “come to me” command. Periodically, during walks, call the puppy to you, for no reason, just to give a treat. In a situation where you call him to prevent him from eating fish waste, for example, he will come to you because he will expect an equally pleasant treat.

    Also, the dog must understand the commands “come to me” and “near”

    • Let's focus our attention
      The puppy must be dependent on you and your presence. You left, which means it’s time for him to follow you. From the first months you need to build endurance in the dog. To do this, repeat a fairly simple exercise for physical activity while walking. Release the puppy (of course, you need to take care of choosing a place for training), give him time to play. Move away yourself, first about 10 meters, and stand half a turn away from your pet. He will not immediately notice your absence, but then he will start looking and run to you, looking for eye contact. Wait a couple of seconds, don’t say anything, and then praise: “Well done,” “Good,” “Yes,” and give a treat. Let him go for a walk. After a few minutes, repeat the exercise. And each time let more time pass between the time the dog approaches and your praise. You can make the exercise more difficult: turn away from him when the puppy runs up. The puppy will still sit opposite you and wait for eye contact, looking for approval in your eyes. Afterwards, praise. This exercise kills two birds with one stone: the dog masters the command “come to me” (trainers often use a nickname instead of the words “come to me”), and the puppy develops concentration on the owner. The puppy is not distracted by strangers, but waits for the person’s reaction.
    • Getting used to the place
      It is almost impossible to train an adult dog to a place, and if you succeed, you will have to spend a lot of time on it. It is better to start at a young age and not allow the puppy, whether a cub or a puppy, to be in the apartment wherever he pleases. You are required to prepare the place. It could be a blanket, a pillow, a purchased soft house - anything. Introduce the puppy to him. When he falls asleep, move him to his corner. Do not do anything in this place that could leave negative memories in the animal’s memory: do not clean the ears, or comb them if he does not like it. Take all the dog's toys to his house. The pet must understand that a more comfortable place cannot be found in the apartment.
    • Prohibition of unwanted actions
      The word “No” should become a command. The dog needs to understand that you don't like everything he does. Say the word “No” firmly, but do not shout. It is better if you stand in front of the dog and place your hands on your hips. This is how you seem to hang over your pet and show your superiority. Although you always feel sorry for the puppy, don’t give in any slack. If you can't sleep in a bed, then you can't under any circumstances. Also with begging for food when the family eats. Training dogs at home requires strength of character from the owner, and in some cases even toughness. Show that the dog is not the owner, it is under your control. It may seem rude to you, but otherwise, over time, the dog will begin to command you.

    Secrets of successful training

    The training process should not be chaotic, you need to develop some kind of system. And never:

    • Do not start praising your pet in advance - before executing the command. The animal may incorrectly remember the essence of the command. For example, he will not sit down, but will only squat and immediately jump up.
    • Don't skimp on treats. The dog will lose interest if you give it some crumbs for a correctly executed command.
    • Don't get hung up on monotony. Some animals can get used to treats, so it is worth changing one for another after a while. Also, encourage more than one hand. To prevent your limbs from becoming prey.

    Important! The dog must understand that it is doing everything right not only thanks to treats, but also to your positive emotions. Praise the animal, give a piece of goodies with joyful exclamations.

    Over time, the dog should learn to follow the command without a treat, but only with verbal encouragement.

    When the command is worked out well enough, you can give the treat every other time, then less and less.

    It takes literally a few days to train a dog to use the common “give paw” command.

    The dog can master the command quite quickly - a couple of days is enough.

    It is important that you regularly study with her and remind her of what has been accomplished.

    To do this, half an hour of at least one walk a day should be devoted to learning new and repeating old commands.

    At the same time, you should take your dog in crowded places, but let him go in parks and nature so that he can feel freedom.

    Raising a puppy requires a lot of patience from the owner - good luck!

    Dog training at home: secrets of success

    Dog training at home. You also need to prepare for training: treats, mood and at least half an hour of free time.

    Has a little “bell” appeared in the house? Is he jumping funny, biting surrounding objects, shaking his slippers and trying to climb onto the sofa? It's time to start training so that the grown-up pet does not take such liberties. Dog training is a must. Don’t think that the puppy is still small and unintelligent. You need to start raising him as early as possible, and you can do this yourself at home.

    Training a dog at home has three important goals:

    • The pet must recognize the leader in the owner, which means he will know his own status.
    • A person gets to know a pet well, and in the most critical situations knows what to expect from it and how to behave.
    • Trained dog is a socially adapted pet that can get along well not only with people, but also with other animals.

    Before training, the owner must clearly formulate for himself what he wants to get as a result of the training. You can use deterrents or rewards as a motivational object. Maximum returns can be achieved if the dog gets what it wants immediately, in the first seconds, after the command is executed. There should be no hitches, which means everything should be prepared in advance.

    Methods of containment include the following:

    • Using objects that can attract the dog's attention. In most cases, these are things that make sharp sounds - whistles, a bunch of keys, a rattle from a tin can with pebbles, etc.
    • If the actions are not followed, the dog loses the owner's attention. She is sent to her place without the usual stroking and praise, in a stern voice.

    Pet restraint methods can be used on older puppies older than 4 months. If the dog is unbalanced, then this method should not be used either.

    It has been noted that ignoring a pet is a more effective technique than physical impact - the dog often perceives spanking as elements of play.

    Training is quite a labor-intensive task, and if you are tired of the process, you can motivate yourself by the fact that teaching a dog to behave appropriately is much easier than correcting inappropriate behavior.

    Preparation for training

    If we talk about where to start, then the answer is obvious - with yourself. The owner of a pet must understand that training is not a leisure activity caused by every minute desire, but painstaking, everyday work. Therefore, you need to clearly plan your schedule, setting aside time for classes. No tasks should be scheduled during this time, and nothing should distract from the process.

    For the first lesson you need to prepare a collar, leash and your pet’s favorite treat. As a last resort, you should not choose products from your own table. Suitable for these purposes. For dogs that are particularly picky about food, you can purchase special treats at the pet store that are intended for training.

    It is better to start training in a place that is familiar to your pet, so that it is not distracted by foreign objects. If the area is unknown for the puppy, then you need to give it some time to develop the territory.

    One more condition must be met - during classes there should be no strangers nearby, this will significantly complicate the task and constantly distract the puppy.

    Required Commands

    Among the basic commands, which are the basis of all further skills, the following can be distinguished:

    1. Accustoming to a nickname. The pet must not only know its own name, but also be able to instantly respond to it. This is the key to excellent obedience, both at home and on the run. To achieve success, you need to pronounce your nickname more often, putting as much positive emotion into your voice as possible. As soon as the dog responded to its own name, it automatically earned a reward.
    2. Team " !". At the initial stage, you can use this command exclusively for positive moments - when inviting your pet to eat, take a walk or play. This will allow the dog to perceive it as something good and reinforce the command in his mind. Later, during training, the reaction to the command needs to be adjusted. The pet will have to not only approach the owner, but sit at his feet. During normal walks, you can simply call the puppy, without any reason, and treat him with a treat. This will not only speed up training, but will also help distract the dog from eating street waste, because it will be easier for him to refuse questionable food in favor of a tasty treat.
    3. Concentration of attention. Any dog ​​must depend on its owner. If the owner leaves, the pet must follow. This skill must be instilled in the puppy from the first days. To do this, you need to use a useful exercise:
    • The puppy needs to be let off the leash and given some time to play. The owner must move away, at least 10 meters, and stand in half a circle. The dog will definitely notice the absence of the owner and will run to look for him. Having found it, the pet will show emotions of joy and begin to look into the eyes, looking for approval. Two to three seconds after this, you need to praise the puppy and treat him with a treat. After some time, the exercise is repeated, only in this case a little more time should pass between the moment when the dog approached and received praise.
    • Later, you can complicate the task - the owner must turn away from the pet when the dog runs up. In this case, the puppy will be patient and sit faithfully, waiting for eye contact to be established and he will receive the expected approval. After this, the dog must be praised. These exercises will allow your puppy to learn to follow the command “come!” and at the same time concentrate your attention on the owner. At this moment, the pet does not pay attention to strangers, but expects a reaction from the owner.
    1. Accustoming your pet to its place. If we are talking about an adult dog, then there is practically no chance of place training. As for puppies, they are quite trainable. There is no need to encourage your pet to move freely around the apartment. It is necessary to prepare a special place (bed, house, pillow, etc.) and introduce the new family member to it. Little puppies, like any children, tend to fall asleep where they played. Therefore, it is worth taking a sleeping baby to his place every time. You should not instill in your pet negative memories of a place, so all unpleasant procedures (scratching, trimming nails, etc.) must be carried out outside this place. You can provide comfort for your four-legged friend - lay something soft and pleasant, put your favorite toys nearby. The dog must learn that this is the safest and most comfortable place in the whole house.

    All this is the basis trust relationships between man and dog. But there are still a lot of useful commands that the pet will have to learn:

    • « !» – will allow you to pick up from your pet any item picked up on the street or dropped in the house. A trained dog will have to obey, despite the increased interest in the subject.
    • « !» – a useful command when walking, whether with or without a leash.
    • « !» excellent remedy when a rather large pet shows excessive joy.
    • Learn ;
    • and much more.

    Expert opinion on puppy training:

    Basic rules of training

    There are a number of immutable truths that must be taken for granted:

    • Initial classes should be short - 10-12 minutes, at least twice a day.
    • Any lesson should begin with consolidating previously acquired knowledge.
    • The dog absorbs material worse immediately after eating, after sleep and later in the day.
    • Physical violence cannot be used as punishment, only vocal violence. A reproachful “Bad”, “Ay-ay” will be quite enough.
    • The command must be spoken once, maximum twice, clearly and in a loud voice.
    • It is necessary to praise a pet, even if it has done something that, in the owner’s opinion, is insignificant.

    And most importantly, you need to practice every day so that your pet can better remember what has been covered and acquire more knowledge and skills. By adhering to certain rules and recommendations of qualified dog handlers, the dog will grow up well-mannered and trained.

    How to train a dog at home

    Dog training at home is teaching the animal some disciplines, skills and exercises. It is necessary to raise and train a dog from the moment it appears in the house. From the first days of communicating with a dog, it is necessary to make it clear that it must always obey its owner.

    Training dogs at home is a responsible and time-consuming task, however, by following simple rules, you can quickly achieve the desired result. They'll tell you how to train a dog at home simple rules, the implementation of which will give desired result.

    The most suitable period for mastering commands is considered to be during age period puppy from 8 to 12 weeks. The first lessons should not be long, but effective. It is not recommended to exercise your dog for more than 5-10 minutes. It is better to repeat the workout several times a day. Your behavior and tone of voice should arouse your puppy's interest. During this period, he must master the commands “Come to me!” and “Place!” After each successful execution of the technique, the dog should be rewarded with a treat and stroked, repeating the word “good”. When the puppy gets used to this word, the treat can be given after several repetitions of the reception.

    Team "Place!" should appear on the puppy along with his name. Each time you pronounce this word loudly, place your pet on its bedding. It’s good if there is some kind of soft rag in the place allotted to him, which the puppy can get used to. In the future, it can be used to indicate a security location.

    The basis of a dog’s obedience to its owner is the command “Come to me!” When you say the puppy's name, say the command. If your pet approaches you slowly, then run back, this will speed up its movement. Mastering this command is very important, since it will be used every day.

    Violent methods of behavior correction and training are not acceptable. Carefully monitor your dog's reactions and do not injure his nervous system. Before training, do not feed the animal; it is better if she is a little hungry. By following these simple rules, dog training at home will be easy and effective.

    Starting from the age of two months, the puppy can be taught the command “Sit!” Call your pet to you, show him the treat in your hand and raise it so that the puppy can only see it while sitting. As soon as your pet sits, give the command “Sit!”, praise him and give him a reward. If the dog does not sit down on its own, you can push it a little.

    The command “Lie down!” executed from sitting position dogs. To do this, hold the puppy by the withers and move his front paws forward, while repeating the command “Lie down!” After completing the technique, the dog is rewarded with a treat. To train the command “Stop!”, lift the puppy by the belly with your hand and hold him so that he does not lie down again, while repeating the command.

    At the age of 3 months and older, the puppy can be taught the command “Near!” To teach this command, put a collar with a short leash on your puppy and place it near his left leg. Hold the leash about 20 cm from the collar. Clearly give the command “Near!” and tighten the leash. When the puppy tries to move away from you, pull on the leash and give the command. Then loosen the leash and allow the puppy to move freely near you.

    If you do not start training and raising a dog before it is one year old, then in the future you may end up with a completely uncontrollable animal. Dogs can be trained at any age, but the later you start, the more difficult it will be to achieve results. Dog training at home can be carried out as part of a general training course and include simple commands, including the ones described above. For dog training special course training will require the help of an experienced instructor, and training dogs at home will not bring the desired result.

    The appearance of a four-legged friend in the house not only brings joy, but also imposes a number of responsibilities on the owner. In order for a cute puppy to grow into a devoted and disciplined dog, you need to educate and train him. Even if you don’t plan to visit exhibitions or participate in various competitions, training is a must. Then in the future there will be no problems with the pet in terms of behavior when visiting public places. It will be useful for novice dog breeders to learn how to train dogs at home.

    Dog breeds that are easy to train

    Don’t think that successful training depends on the dog’s breed. The main thing here is the desire and attitude of the owner

    Each breed of dog is individual: in its demeanor, habits, character traits, intellectual capabilities and degree of learning ability. The following breeds are easier to train:

    Breed name Characteristic Visual photo
    Border Collie Champion in learning ability in the hit parade of four-legged intellectuals. These representatives are extremely active, savvy, friendly and understanding. They enjoy serving their master. They need systematic stress - mental and physical. They are easy to train.
    Golden retriever Friendly, sociable and harmless animals. Endowed with great endurance and patience. They learn new things easily. They are distinguished by a calm disposition, bark little and therefore are not suitable as a watchman. But they are the best hunters.
    Doberman A breed designed for defense and attack. They can be dangerous to others if they are ill-mannered. Dogs with a highly developed sense of smell. Need daily physical activity to stay in shape. Strong, brave and reliable.
    Rottweiler Faithful protector, friend and helper. Hardy and energetic. They obey only one person - the owner.
    Aussie or Australian Shepherd A breed that was originally assigned the role of a shepherd. Training them is a pleasure, as they quickly understand everything and carry out everything without question. The only hindrance sometimes becomes excessive activity and “talkativeness.”
    German bearish A large companion and guard dog without the slightest signs of aggression, always calm and balanced. Follows commands correctly, is obedient and loyal. She needs to be trained from puppyhood in order to consolidate the best qualities in her character.
    Italian Mastiff A watchdog, ready at any moment to defend the protected property and the owner and his family. Characterized by a stable psyche and reasonable behavior, showing aggression only in case of danger. There may be difficulties in contact with other breeds. It is easy to train, as it remembers many commands at the same time.
    Basset Hound Hounds with innate hunting skills. They have a keen sense of smell and smell. Peace-loving and contact dogs. Very mobile and hardy.
    German Shepherd A breed that was originally bred for shepherding and service-search activities. Considered the smartest dog
    Black Russian Terrier A service dog with excellent fighting skills and high intelligence. There is a need for daily exercise due to excessive mobility. Needs a strong-willed owner who can immediately set priorities. Amenable to early socialization, but is extremely wary of strangers.
    Maltese Cute decorative dogs with a cheerful disposition. They are always full of enthusiasm and infinitely devoted to their owner, so they are ready to happily carry out any of his tasks. Despite their small size, they are ready to bravely stand up for the protection of loved ones.

    Where to begin

    You can walk your pet around the house in gear for a few days before going on a walk.

    For the first outdoor lesson, you need to purchase the appropriate accessories: collar, muzzle, leash, treats and toys.

    The latter accessories are necessary to reward your pet for correctly executed commands. Without this, training will end before it even begins. The fixing collar is selected from genuine leather without any decorations. The leash must be strong to withstand the pressure big dog

    . A roulette leash is not suitable for training, as it can cut your hand if you jerk the animal sharply.

    At first, the puppy will resist in every possible way unfamiliar objects on its body. This requires patience and a gentle approach, with periodic rewards in the form of praise and something tasty.

    When teaching a leash, they try to ensure that the dog is always nearby. If you want to get ahead, pull back easily (3 short jerks), but not abruptly. This makes it clear that these are unacceptable actions. Dry food, which is easy to carry and does not dirty your hands, is a universal treat for your dog. If the pet is not particularly inclined towards it, then take another treat depending on the taste preferences

    • . The pet store sells dog biscuits designed specifically for use during training.
    • sliced ​​boiled sausage;
    • sausages;
    • crackers;

    pieces of Adyghe cheese. It is advisable to choose a familiar place for training. If the pet gets there for the first time, then they give him time to sniff and get used to the unknown area. This important point

    , since without this it will be difficult for the dog to work in uncharted territory. The owner should train alone with his four-legged ward - there should be no strangers.

    General rules You shouldn’t delay training your puppy too much, optimal time start of classes - 3 months.

    A competent approach guarantees successful training of any dog, regardless of age. To ensure your pet has a clear response to commands, it is important to adhere to a number of basic rules:

    • Training is divided into stages.
    • Each time the student is encouraged and praised.
    • They show firmness, but not aggression or physical punishment.
    • They take into account the characteristics of the ward’s character and adapt to them.

    With patience and perseverance, you can teach your furry friend everything on your own. It is not too late to start training at any age, but it is better to start as early as possible. Then a reliable and well-mannered dog grows up, with whom he will be calm in any situation.

    Training on the street and at home

    During training, it is advisable to give your pet short breaks, letting him run around.

    Commands that are mastered first:

    • To me. They study simultaneously with accustoming to the nickname. They call the dog, showing him a treat. After completing the commands, they must be rewarded. At first they act this way when the puppy is halfway to the owner. Gradually they learn to respond at longer distances, even when the owner is out of sight of the pet. They also use their nickname every time they give them food, want to play, or simply attract attention. They always call you in a confident voice, clearly pronouncing the command.
    • Near. A collar is required here. Every time the pet tries to move in the opposite direction, they pull it back and firmly pronounce the command.
    • Place. They show the dog its place and command it to take it. When done, they are treated to a treat and petted.
    • Sit, lie down. They work as a complex. A similar skill is used to replace the “Stand” order when it is necessary to prevent a four-legged friend from rapidly moving to where he does not want to be. For hunting breeds, the cry “Stand” is mandatory for learning, but for urban breeds it is not - it is enough to learn to lie down or sit down on command. What needs to be done: stand in front of the dog, raise a hand with a treat over it and confidently order it to sit. At first, the puppy will jump and spin around trying to get food. You cannot move until the dog understands what they want from him. When he sits down, they praise him and give him a treat.

    These are fundamental commands that the dog must carry out instantly, regardless of the situation and mood.. Until they are accustomed to going outside, they cannot go out without a leash and muzzle.

    Then, successively at home, they begin to study other commands: “Voice”, “Barrier”, “Aport”.

    You learn to give a voice when the puppy starts barking. At first, they cause such a reaction through irritation - they turn on loud music, slam the door. In the future, they are forced to bark only on demand without any stimuli.

    “Fetch” is the most difficult command to learn. In combination with it, you can train the dog to guard something. At the initial stage, they pronounce the command, unclench the pet’s mouth, and put a toy there. Then they say “Give it back” and take it away. If you are patient, then quite quickly the dog begins to understand the principle of such a game and happily perform it.

    When the lesson is completely learned, they begin to throw the object at a distance and pronounce the same command

    When teaching the “Barrier” command, any object is used: a chair, a box, an ottoman. It is recommended to turn the training into a game - tease the dog with a toy or something tasty and draw an arc with the contents (over the obstacle), while pronouncing the command. Thereby calling the animal to jump over. Using the same principles, they teach endurance and the commands “Fu” and “Give.”

    When all the lessons have been thoroughly studied and tested in practice at home, they begin the same training, but on the street. There it is more difficult for four-legged animals, as there are all sorts of distractions. external factors : car noise, voices, passers-by, unpleasant odors And so on. Therefore it is possible common mistakes

    . But do not despair, but persistently act in the same direction. Classes should be no more than an hour, which is divided into several sessions.

    How to train an adult dog

    During the training process, the use of rudeness and aggression towards the animal is unacceptable. You should not hit or scream at the animal, this contributes to the development of fear in the dog

    • Often an adult dog comes into the house, not a puppy. But this is not a reason to neglect training. The only difference is that it takes longer to train an adult dog. This is due to already ingrained habits and habits that are difficult to correct in a short period of time.
    • The commands are spoken clearly and loudly, without strain.
    • Proper execution of a task should be followed by praise and reward.

    The emphasis is placed not only on sound commands, but also on gestures.

    Hunting dog training

    During the training process, it is important to establish the relationship between the hunter and the dog.

    The basics are laid in the age range from 5 to 9 months. During this time, it is necessary to instill in the dog unquestioning obedience, teach him to clearly respond to commands: “No”, “Drop” and “Come to me” (on a whistle). Starting from 10 months, they begin to master special commands that are used in hunting.

    Dogs of hunting breeds are characterized by powerful intelligence. They are able to accumulate experience and independently apply it in practice.

    The nuances of successful training:

    • A chaotic approach is unacceptable - they are developing a stable system.
    • You cannot praise before the dog follows the command.
    • Do not skimp on encouragement and praise when good behavior ward.

    To prevent addiction and the animal’s loss of desire to do everything correctly, the type of treat is systematically replaced. In order for the dog to learn to follow commands without subsequent reward, it is necessary to accompany each treat with positive emotional manifestations (a joyful exclamation). Gradually they give goodies every other time and stop altogether. Then the dog will work only for praise.

    It only takes a few days to learn the “Give me your paw” command, but only if you spend at least half an hour doing fruitful exercise while walking. Each time, before new tasks, they always repeat the old ones completed earlier. In places where there are large crowds of people, the dog is kept in a muzzle and on a harness, but in nature they are let down and allowed to run around to their heart's content.

    Standard beginner mistakes

    Puppies quickly develop unwanted behavioral patterns that will be difficult to correct in the future.

    The main mistake of most inexperienced dog breeders is delaying the start of training. Many people think that the puppy is still too small and will not understand anything. While lost time leads to a complication of the learning process in the future, adult dogs have a much more difficult time learning the material.

    Other common mistakes that beginners make:

    • They give a command to the puppy and do not wait for it to be fully executed. For example, they call, but when the dog runs up, they do not react to it at all. This is how she develops the habit of not responding to the call.
    • They protect the baby, trying to avoid group training areas where there are many other dogs. This leads to a lack of socialization - an inability to communicate with strangers.
    • They don't prioritize. It is important to initially let the puppy know who is in charge. That all family members without exception (even children) should have undeniable authority.

    Only under such conditions is it possible to raise and educate a worthy four-legged citizen without the involvement of specialists. Dogs, like people, appreciate good and fair treatment and are always ready to return the favor.

    Owners of all dog breeds, from small terriers to impressive Caucasians, are faced with the difficult task of how to train their dog. Dogs are serious animals; it is required that the dogs obey their owner and unquestioningly follow orders. Competent, well-thought-out training is expected. By and large, the standard set of commands for training includes:

    1. “Come to me”, the most necessary command to help recall your pet;
    2. "Fu", a universal command, extremely useful under any circumstances;
    3. “Sit” is a frequently used necessary command in a dog owner’s daily arsenal;
    4. “Lie down” - less used than the previous one, but useful and easy for the animal;
    5. “Nearby” is simply irreplaceable for walking and teaching the dog discipline;
    6. “Place” - if the dog sleeps where it likes, the animal must know the place in the apartment and is there at the first order of the owner;
    7. “Give” is a relatively complex command, necessary primarily for guard dog breeds;
    8. “Fetch” - the command allows you to train the dog in terms of physical development, in terms of attentiveness on the ground.
    9. “Face” is considered a tough, serious command; it is permissible to begin studying if the dog unconditionally obeys the owner. To teach the command, it is better to invite a dog handler who is able to assess the dog’s readiness.

    Training by a master or family member

    The question of who trains the dog or is obliged to do so is complex and ambiguous. The only accurate and correct answer will be the statement that the training is carried out by a single person. For an animal, the presence of strangers or family members at the training site is a distraction that makes it difficult to concentrate on remembering commands. Remember, effective training can be carried out by people with a special character, with a large reserve of patience and developed willpower.

    If family members are not able to train the dog, it is permissible to give it to an instructor - a dog handler. Masters will be able to teach the animal different commands so that the orders remain internalized by the dog. The dog is called upon to carry out the orders of family members, regardless of the trainer. Remember, a dog has a circle of owners. If the animal is too friendly and follows the orders of strangers, this is bad; the dog is easy to take away.

    Rules on and off the training ground

    Training a dog correctly means following important points:

    • Do not repeat commands. It is permissible to give an order twice, otherwise the animal will not accept the owner’s commands the first time.
    • Mix up teams in places. For effectiveness, so that the dog listens to requests, exclude the possibility of simply memorizing training as an algorithm for constant actions in in the prescribed manner. Try to change the order of requests to effectively train the animal.
    • Don't be overzealous. Dogs, like people, get tired; excessive stress has a bad effect on training. Attention weakens, the animal reluctantly carries out orders. With systematic training in a tired state, it is easy to achieve the opposite effect.
    • Commands should not be given too often. Before a new approach, a pause is made for several moments, otherwise the dog will begin to get confused.
    • Before training, it’s a good idea to walk the dog and give it some physical exercise. A slightly tired dog is less distracted during training.
    • If the dog obeys commands hesitantly or is afraid, most likely the trainer is treating the animal too harshly. Remember, dogs love affection, and with kind treatment they try harder.
    • Encouragement is important. A treat or praise is a great incentive for your pet. It is better to go out for training with a slightly hungry dog; a well-fed animal will ignore the treat, and it will be worse to think with a full belly.

    Training place

    The question of where to train your dog is extremely important. Training at home can give a not very impressive result - the pet will begin to perceive commands exclusively at home, while on the street behaving as it pleases. You are supposed to pick up the animal and take it outside. For the first training, choose quieter places so that your shaggy friend is not distracted by numerous stimuli in the form of passers-by and animals.

    With proper training, the dog will develop discipline and the reaction to distractions will disappear. It is already permissible to take her to crowded places. Training time is important. Initially, classes last 30-40 minutes so that the pet does not get too tired. Subsequently, the time increases to one and a half hours. It is better to do outdoor training two to three times a week; at home, train your pet during the day for 5-10 minutes.

    Training an adult dog - reality and fiction

    There is often an opinion that adult dogs cannot be trained. Of course, more difficulties are expected with raising an adult dog, but with due diligence the dog can be taught everything necessary. Shaggy friends love people good attitude ready to serve and teach, to carry out commands.

    When training an adult dog, much more effort is required, but the result remains positive. The main thing is not to overdo it and remember to reward the animal with treats or praise. Dog handlers advise not to mix types of rewards. Either the first or the second. Training an adult dog requires more time and more training.

    Dog breeds and training

    When deciding to get a puppy and start training themselves, people think about dog breeds. Does breed affect training, is the most trainable dog bred? Dog handlers say that a lot depends on the owner. If a person is determined to raise an animal, he will succeed in any case. Scientists have compiled a rating of animals, which examined the degree of loyalty to training.

    Based on data from dog trainers, a list of breeds has been compiled. The indicator of command memorization was used as an indicator. The most poorly trained dogs: chow chow breeds, bulldogs, Afghan hound. The top ten breeds for training include retrievers, poodles, German shepherds, papillons, shelties, Doberman Pinschers and Rottweilers. The most trained breed was the border collie. The breed was bred as an assistant to farmers; it soon turned out that its trainability was superior to other breeds. In addition to their natural intelligence, Border Collies have an extreme ability to work and are unable to sit still.

    It is worth remembering that success does not depend on the breed of dog, but on personal qualities. There are bad dogs from trained breeds, but more often people are to blame for improper training. You should not get a pet if a person is not sure that he can handle raising and training.

    At what age are dogs trained?

    Training begins at one and a half months, at game form keeping the baby busy and teaching the intricacies of canine science. When starting to train a puppy, it is important to remember that dogs pay for love in spades. If you surround your puppy with care and affection from the first days, it is easy to achieve success. WITH early age Give the puppy simple commands, gradually complicating the program. For kids, the process will become both a game and time with their beloved owner, the right approach to proper training.

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