• Test which dog suits me best. If it is difficult to make a choice, we select a dog according to its temperament and character using tests


    If you are not one of those who clearly knows which breed is closest to him, you need to think very hard about your choice. There are a lot of questions to answer. What is my temperament? Which dog is right for me? But passing the test and finding out about the right breed is not a problem today.

    Do you need a dog?

    The question may seem rhetorical - you’re already ready to have a pet in your home, right? In fact, there are a lot of aspects related to purchasing an animal. Sometimes we ourselves have little understanding of the consequences of our choice. A wrong decision will inevitably result in torment for both the owner and the four-legged friend.

    To avoid mistakes and reduce risks as much as possible, you can test yourself with a test. Which dog is better to get? Big, small, calm, active? How to choose a puppy? What signs indicate that this particular baby should be taken to the nursery? Let's try to figure it out.

    Quiz: Which dog breed is right for you?

    The division into many breeds, convenient classification and a good understanding of the specifics of each plays into the hands of the choice. So, how to choose a dog breed?
    • Do you have accommodation? If yes, what is it - an apartment, a house?
    • Do you have content experience?
    • How much time are you willing to devote to walking and raising your pet?
    • What animals do you prefer: dwarf, small, medium, large?
    • Who do you want: smooth-haired, wire-haired, long-haired?
    • What is your goal for your pet? Do you want to see him as a toy, friend, bodyguard?
    • If you do not live alone, are there people in the family who are afraid of dogs?
    • Are you ready to bear the costs of maintaining an animal (feeding, treatment, etc.)?

    This is a test, a kind of checklist that will help you navigate and tell you how to choose a dog. Not having your own home, for example, is not at all conducive to getting a dog. Its own, but small, apartment is incompatible with large breeds. Reluctance or inability to train a pet is a sign that the test for a fighting breed has not been passed. And so on.

    You need to choose a puppy in accordance with your goals, but at the same time feel in your heart whether this dog is right for you.

    Okay, that's settled. But dogs are not born as carbon copies. How to choose a puppy in a kennel?

    Psychological test: which dog is right for you

    What kind of dog to get can be determined from the breeder or any other place where you get a puppy. Or you can answer the questions in the following test.

    Willingness to follow you

    After standing next to the dog for a while, slowly move on.

    1. The baby ran after him with his tail raised.
    2. He followed, but without much interest - the tail was in the same position.
    3. Similar to the previous point, but with the tail lowered.
    4. He followed very slowly or remained in place.

    How tame is the puppy?

    Hold your baby in your arms so that his paws are hanging down.

    1. Expresses dissatisfaction, even to the point of biting.
    2. The kid is unhappy, but not very much.
    3. Calms down quickly.
    4. Shows fear.

    Reaction to stroking

    Pat the little creature on the back.

    1. He shows great pleasure with all his appearance.
    2. Licks your hands and jumps on you.
    3. Limited to licking hands.
    4. Runs away from you.


    Try putting the puppy on its back and hold it in this position for half a minute.

    1. He is violently indignant, even to the point of biting.
    2. Trying to slip out.
    3. Silently licks your hands.
    4. Very afraid.

    Test results

    It's time to learn how to choose a puppy. The test shows which dog is right for you. If the first and second answer options predominate, this is a sign that your four-legged friend may be aggressive. It is hardly worth taking such a puppy into a family with small children.

    If B predominates, it means you are lucky - you will get a great friend. Predominant S - will be a so-so bodyguard, but will probably be obedient and comfortable in coexistence. At a minimum, 2 Ds hint that the puppy will grow up to be trainable, but not prone to loneliness. Good for families with children.

    Now you have a better understanding of how to choose a dog. Use the test to see which dog personality suits your situation best.

    Video “I want a dog: which breed should I choose?”

    Tips for choosing a pet.

    It can be argued that these people are energetic, enterprising and assertive, activity takes up most of their lives. In addition, people of this sign are brave and sometimes commit rash acts. This sign needs dogs with a similar temperament - active, hardy and loud. Aries will be in excellent company with four-legged friends of the German Shepherd, Doberman, Boxer, and Laika breeds. These breeds love to spend time fresh air and remember commands well, so training will benefit both the Aries owner and his dog.

    But sometimes a fire sign still needs to rest, so a relaxer won't hurt. If Aries wants to get a dog to relieve stress, and not for active recreation, then in this case small dogs such as Pekingese, Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, West Highland White Terrier are suitable. These breeds can behave actively, but are also quite capable of adapting to the mood of the owner.


    Taurus is distinguished by peacefulness, generosity and kindness. People of this sign can easily do without a dog at all, but if they have to choose, then these will be breeds that do not require increased attention and activity. It is even desirable that the dogs entertain themselves, and Taurus watches them from the sidelines.

    However, sometimes Taurus get dogs so that they can excite them, because like it or not, the animal needs to be walked. In both cases best friend can become a Shar Pei, Pug, English Bulldog, St. Bernard, Chow Chow, Scotch Terrier. These breeds are quite independent, but also active.


    People born under the sign of Gemini are known for their versatility, their tendency to be always on the move and their need for variety. They vitally need a change of emotions, and Geminis also have a passion for collecting, no matter what. Therefore, it is often not enough for people of this sign to have one animal. An addicted nature constantly demands more. Breeds that are suitable for Gemini include Labrador Retriever, Collie, Yorkshire Terrier, Dalmatian and Cocker Spaniel. Only Geminis have one trait - they can quickly get tired of the dog’s activity and its loud barking. If you notice this feature in yourself, it is better to get a Laika or a Chow Chow. Just the thing for peace of mind.


    The characteristics of Cancer claim that representatives of this zodiac sign are emotional, sensitive, and often fall into melancholy, although they may not outwardly show their condition, which is why others perceive Cancers as cold-blooded and calculating people. And only loved ones know how truly vulnerable Cancers are. From pet these people need peace, comfort and peace of mind. The Cancer dog should serve as an anti-stress externally and internally. The fluffier and more decorative, the better. It’s even better if the dog is sensitive to the change in the owner’s mood.

    Surprisingly, the world of dogs has its own psychologists - these are the balanced and calm Caucasian Shepherd, Bobtail, Maltese, Royal Poodle, and Skye Terrier. As you can see, it’s not the size, but the dog’s ability to be a homebody, just like the Cancer owner.

    a lion

    Those born under the sign of Leo are usually charismatic, self-confident, proud and purposeful people. Like the kings of beasts, people of this sign love to impress others. Being invisible is not about Leo. Bright, catchy, impressive accessories are chosen by Leo people. It's the same with dogs. These should be the kind of four-legged animals that you can’t pass by without looking back. Therefore, suitable dog breeds for Leo are Mastiff, Greyhound, Russian and Afghani, German dog, Giant Schnauzer. The posture, gait and facial expression of these dogs should directly indicate their aristocratic origin, nothing less. And Leo couldn’t have it any other way!


    Virgo is the most humane sign of the zodiac. Kindness, philanthropy and faith in the best are the main traits of Virgos, but at the same time they are very practical, which often stops them from getting a pet. But if they do get one, no matter who it is - a dog, a cat, a hamster or fish, they take care of them as full members of the family. The desire for constant development encourages those born under this sign to show their best pedagogical qualities and the logical side of their personality in training. Difficulties only spur them on, so Virgo will be able to get along with any breed, she will raise every dog ​​the way she needs it, and make it a pet. But, if you have to choose, then the docile dachshund, miniature schnauzer, miniature schnauzer, Doberman, and basset will suit this sign. The main thing is for the dog to become a friend, obedient and rational.


    People born under the sign of Libra coexist with seemingly incompatible qualities, but at the same time Libra is charming, responsible and scrupulous. Representatives of this sign cannot be called balanced. Their mood changes quickly and they become depressed if they cannot achieve balance. Libras find it difficult to make decisions, they often hesitate and can change their mind a hundred times. But having settled on one thing, these people no longer change their opinions. When choosing a pet, these people often also cannot decide, so they immediately get a cat and a dog or puppies different breeds to observe the contrast in their behavior. Libra sees harmony in the attraction of opposites. But if such an owner lacks confidence in tomorrow, then you should think about cohabiting with calm dogs - pugs, bichon frizes, Italian greyhounds. These breeds subtly sense the mood of the owner and bring positivity and peacefulness into his life.


    The sign of Scorpio is considered the most mystical. Representatives of this sign are wise, strong in spirit, but mysterious, it is not easy to understand what is on their mind. You may think that you know a Scorpio man well, but this is not so, day after day he will surprise you with new facets of his unique personality. Scorpio tries to fill his life as much as possible with events and vivid impressions. A distinctive quality of Scorpios is their devotion to those they love.

    What dog are you according to your zodiac sign?

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    There are several opinions about which dogs are best for Scorpio. According to one version, mystical, the most favorable effect on the development of people of this sign will be a large dog with a black color - a shepherd, Great Dane, Newfoundland, Groenendael. Another version, a realistic one, advises getting a Labrador, a friendly and devoted friend. But it is better for Scorpio to avoid decorative breeds with a hysterical character.


    One of the most positive and freedom-loving signs of the zodiac. Sagittarians are desperate adventurers, they never sit still, they always have a lot of plans, most of which are not fulfilled. But this does not upset Sagittarius, because there are so many interesting things in life that there is simply no time for regrets. People of this sign themselves do not recognize training and rules, therefore they do not place too high demands on their dog, but simply love their pet. That's why Sagittarians most often get dogs of the Bloodhound, Basset, Beagle, Greyhound and Basenji breeds. These breeds are difficult to train, but they are incredibly charming and capable of playing with their owner for hours. By the way, mongrel dogs also attract the attention of Sagittarius due to their friendliness.


    Capricorn is ambitious, practical, serious, and has his own point of view on everything. They are responsible, good organizers, but at the same time stubborn both in the process of achieving results and getting along with people. Capricorns do not restrain themselves in their choice of expressions; they can often easily offend a person. In addition, these people are conservatives, and any new idea is perceived with hostility. If Capricorn decides to get a dog, he must clearly understand for what purpose he is doing this. If he needs a like-minded person, then a philosophically-minded Chow Chow, a Rottweiler standing firmly on his paws, or a sedate English Bulldog are best suited for this. If the Capricorn owner plans to educate himself through raising a dog, then best choice will be a dachshund, a French bulldog, a basset hound, a bullmastiff, a boxer and even a bull terrier.

    To our daily life have been in for a long time chinese calendars, horoscopes and other feng shui. According to these Feng Shui, we choose furniture for the house, arrange it, choose our car and even food. And now the time has come to choose a dog according to your horoscope. Many dog ​​lovers think about the question - which dog is right for me?

    And among dog breeders there are people who love horoscopes, so their question sounds a little different - Which dog doesn't suit your horoscope?? Let's look into this issue and see which dogs are suitable for different zodiac signs.

    Which dog suits my horoscope?

    Aries - people of this zodiac sign are decisive and brave, so if you were born under this sign, then any large dog will suit you, you can get yourself a Doberman or Rottweiler, and any shepherd dog will also suit you. If you have health problems, then dachshunds will help you in treatment.

    Taurus - people born under this zodiac sign are usually loners and do not like to look after someone or take care of someone. Therefore, such people are generally not recommended to have a dog, because dogs usually require attention and care from their owner. If you still decide to get yourself a dog, then the Zennerhunt is best suited for the role of your pet. If you have health problems, then dogs such as toy terriers, Italian greyhounds, and poodles are suitable for treatment.

    Geminis are sociable people, loving company, fun, and conversations. Therefore, they should choose a dog to match themselves. Sociable dogs such as Doberman Pinscher, different types terriers. Bulldogs and Rottweilers are suitable for treating sores.

    Cancer – Cancers are responsible, balanced, businesslike people. Therefore, a small or toy size dog is suitable for you. You can get yourself a retriever, these dogs will also suit you. But you may have problems with treatment. For this purpose, Cancer is best suited to an exotic breed of dog.

    Leo - those born under the sign of the lion are people with a strong character and self-confidence, which is why strong, large dogs are suitable for them. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Mastiffs. To treat ailments, a dog breed such as the St. Bernard is suitable for you.

    Virgo – people born as “Virgos” do not like dirt and disorder in general. Therefore, dog breeds that do not leave behind dirt and unpleasant odor. For example, you can get a dachshund or a husky. Suitable for treatment different kinds setters.

    Libras are the scales, cheerful people who love to be involved in their pet's life. Therefore, dogs with a cheerful, even hooligan disposition, such as poodles, pinschers, and sharpeis, are suitable for you. There are different types of water dogs available for your treatment. For example, the American water dog.

    Scorpio - people of this sign are dangerous and have an explosive character. Therefore, it is best for them to keep fish in an aquarium, they calm the nerves. But, if you have already decided to get yourself a dog, then it is best to get a boxer dog. But for treatment, a German shepherd is best suited for you, although this dog can cope well not only with medical tasks, they can also perfectly guard the house and the owner.

    Sagittarius - people born under the constellation Sagittarius have a big soul and an equally big heart. That is why dogs of large and medium breeds, shepherds, St. Bernards, and Rottweilers are best suited for you. But for treatment, it is best to choose a hunting dog.

    Capricorn - such people usually strive for power, they want to be the rulers of the world. Therefore, dogs that emphasize the status of their owner are best suited for them. As usual, the status of the owner is emphasized by dogs of rare breeds and they often cost a lot of money. Therefore, such people love exoticism and high prices. This could be a Great Dane, Cane Corso, or Newfoundland. But dogs of the griffin breed will treat you well.

    Aquarius – Aquarians love to stand out from the crowd, they love everything unusual and unique. When choosing a dog, they do not deviate from their principles. Therefore, if you decide to get yourself a pet, then it is best to get a dog that no one you know has. For example, Dalmatian or Labrador.

    Pisces – in general, any dog ​​is suitable for fish. People born under this zodiac sign are romantic at heart. They also easily adapt to any living conditions, which means they can easily find mutual language with any animals. Just don't get too exotic. Choose for yourself something simpler, folk, so to speak. For example, a German Shepherd, Labrador, or Boxer would be good for you.

    If you need to solve health problems, then pay attention to a dachshund, spaniel or other hunting dog. So with a question what kind of dog is right for me, we figured it out. But, you can not only select a dog based on your zodiac sign. Nowadays there are many sites on the Internet where you can go test which dog is right for me, such tests sometimes even have pictures. In addition to sites girls test which dog is right for me, can be published in their different journals.

    In general, choosing a dog is not difficult, especially if you have new technologies at your disposal. But during our conversation with you, we forgot to mention the most important way to choose a dog, and it is very simple. Your heart will help you decide which dog is right for me. And in order to make your choice you will not need to turn to horoscopes or tests.

    Just listen to yourself. Sometimes, while walking home from work or from a walk, you accidentally come across the eyes, the sad but intelligent eyes of a dog or puppy. You haven’t even thought about having a four-legged friend, but when you see these eyes, you will immediately understand everything. And this dog will not necessarily be purebred. The main thing is that he will be your friend, faithful and devoted.

    In general, in order to choose a dog for yourself, you don’t have to believe horoscopes, because for the most part, all these predictions are nothing more than just empty talk. Choose the dog that you like best and everything will be fine.

    Do you want to start dog, but you don't know How to choose a dog breed? Think about what purposes do you need a dog for and what do you expect from it? By answering the questions in this test, you will find out which dog breed is right for you.


    (If you cannot answer the question, put 0)

    Which of the following films do you like best?

    “Singing teacher”-3

    “Come to me, Mukhtar!” -4

    “K-9. Dog work"-5

    Last time you were in the winter forest:

    I don't exist at all-1

    I don't remember-2

    A few years ago-3

    Last winter-4


    What sports competitions do you like to watch:

    Boxing, wrestling, weightlifting-5

    Athletics, all-around sports-4

    Figure skating-3

    Rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming-2


    Lawn tennis-0

    Which color do you prefer from the above:




    Of the listed areas of activity, you are closest to:





    Holidays you would like to spend:

    In the forest, on the river, lake-5

    On a tourist trip-4

    In sanatorium-2

    I don’t leave home anywhere-1


    Do you prefer to communicate with children aged:

    From 5 to 10-2

    From 10 to 15-3

    Over 15-5

    I generally avoid it-0

    IN free time you prefer:

    Walk around the city-4

    Go to the cinema-2

    Go to Museum-3

    Play sports-5

    Your favorite architectural style:





    Your favorite flower:




    Cereus - 0

    What animals do you associate yourself with:


    You do morning exercises:

    Every day-5

    From time to time-3

    Circumstances do not allow-1

    I don’t do it for reasons of principle -0

    Your children obey you:

    Most often - 4

    When how-3

    They don't give a damn -0

    Are you prone to rash actions?

    Test results:

    60 or more points-Tamer type. The handler usually masks his own carefully hidden self-doubt by actively exerting force on the dog. Most often chooses large and very aggressive breed. However, if such a person takes the trouble to analyze and comprehend everything he does, he can turn out to be a great trainer somewhere in an army or police kennel. Featured breeds: Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Tibetan Mastiff, Moscow Watchdog, Staffordshire Terrier, Shepherd Dog, Laika (West Siberian Laika), husky, rottweiler, saint bernard, chow chow.

    50-60 points- “Mentor” type. This type includes people with pronounced pedagogical inclinations. They build their relationship with a dog thoughtfully, scientifically. But when delving into the general methodology, the mentor is not always attentive enough to his specific dog. Recommended breeds: terriers ( American Pit Bull Terrier) , Doberman, Labrador, German Shepherd, St. Bernard, Bobtail (previously called Old English Sheepdog), Briard, Commander, Deerhound, Schnauzer, Sheltie, Rottweiler.

    40-50 points- “Friend” type. The friend builds his relationship with the dog on the desire to understand the slightest movements of the soul of his pet, often introducing too much “humanization” into this relationship. And, unfortunately, not always noticing the differences in the psyche of a person and a dog. Recommended breeds: Tibetan Terrier, French Bulldog, collie, German shepherd, poodle, labrador, German boxer, Akiun Inu, Bloodhound, Welsh Corgi, Dalmatian, Newfoundland, Airedale Terrier.

    30-40 points-type " Dog to dog" This type most often includes owners of large dogs who have become, sometimes unnoticed by themselves, completely dependent on their pet. To avoid being enslaved by your own dogs, people of this type It is better to choose those who are pliable and devoid of excessive conceit. Recommended breeds: English bulldog, poodle, Dachshund, english cocker spaniel, collie, sharpei, griffon, miniature pinscher, Pug, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, Chihuahua, Welsh Corgi.

    15-30 points- “Outside observer” type. These people have the easiest time with a dog. But you won’t envy their dog. The observer does not need anything from the dog true love, nor training achievements. Prestige is what motivates people when buying a puppy. Recommended breeds: Afghan, Basset Hound, Chow Chow, Shar Pei, Pharaoh Hound, Tibetan Spaniel, Dalmatian (also called Dalmatian), English bulldog, greyhound, whippet, Japanese chin, Shih Tzu.

    Less than 15 points: If you are really interested in the results of this test, try again - you may not have been careful or forthcoming enough.

    (The test was developed by animal psychologist Natalya Krivolapchuk and animal psychologist and veterinarian Yuri Krivolapchuk)

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