• Great Dane in the apartment. Royal Dane: description of the breed, photo and price


    Few people know that The ancestors of Great Danes were Tibetan dogs, which shepherds used to guard livestock.

    From its ancestors, the Great Dane inherited its large size, character and protective abilities.

    The breed is divided into several types, differing in size, color and purpose.

    In contact with


    Breed varieties

    There are seven varieties of Great Danes. Interesting fact: During the Soviet era, only the Great Dane breed was widespread. It was most popular service dog. After perestroika, other varieties of Great Danes began to be imported to Russia. For the first time, Russian dog lovers were able to see such representatives of the breed as, for example, the Brazilian and English Great Danes.

    German dog

    Belongs to the largest dog breeds. It was developed in 1871 in Germany. Representatives of this species are endowed with a graceful physique, long limbs and tall stature. (up to 90 cm at the withers). Their coat is smooth and can be of completely different colors - from black and white to blue.

    Great Danes look like real aristocrats, and they behave accordingly. Despite their menacing appearance and size, these dogs are kind, active and sociable.

    French Dogue

    French Dogues (Bordeaux) are strikingly different in appearance from their German counterparts. They have large noses, folds on the muzzle and near the eyes, and medium-sized floppy ears. The body is dense, the paws are massive. The color can be brown or red. The coat is short and smooth.

    Representatives of this species are very friendly creatures, can't stand loneliness, in the absence of the owner, they often feel stress and melancholy. French Danes are leaders, accustomed to dominating other animals. If you don't train your dog, it can feel like the master of your house.

    Dogo Argentino

    This variety was bred in the Argentine city of Cordoba. Initially it was used for hunting big game, later it was used for search and rescue work and police service. Some dog breeders used Dogo Argentinos in dog fights, which subsequently ruined the reputation of these dogs.

    These are very smart and quick-witted dogs. At proper education and training, Dogo Argentinos can become excellent protectors and home guards.

    Tibetan mastiff

    This type of breed is shrouded in secrets and riddles.

    Some are sure that real Tibetan Great Danes became extinct several centuries ago, others claim that this species was continued in the breed Tibetan mastiff. Dogs of this breed have a massive build and thick hair, like their ancestors. In addition to external characteristics, they inherited high intelligence and courage.

    Dogo Brasil

    This species has an innate instinct to protect its owner and guard the territory. For a long time, Dogo Brasileiros have been used for hunting, guarding livestock, and even to chase runaway slaves. Security functions are in their blood.

    Early socialization and training make Great Danes good companions. At heart, these giants are real good-natured people, devoted to their owner, but at the same time they do not lose their innate qualities.

    Dogo Canario

    The ancestors of the Dogo Canario are fighting dogs, who lived on the Spanish islands in the third century BC. This breed arose naturally without artificial crossing, which is why it is highly valued and is of particular interest to dog breeders.

    In the past, Dogo Canarios were used for hunting and as home protectors. They are very strong, massive and stubborn. The owners will have to try hard to instill obedience in them.

    Great Dane

    These giants were heroes of dog fights and military campaigns in the past. Nowadays, Great Danes are considered excellent companions. They are easy get along with people, children and other pets. The most important thing is to start teaching your pet commands and order in a timely manner.

    Description of the breed

    The main external feature of the Great Dane is its large dimensions and massiveness.

    • Height can reach up to 90 cm at the withers.
    • Weight – up to 90 kg.
    • External characteristics: elongated muzzle, shape depends on the breed type. The nose is wide and has large nostrils. Almond-shaped eyes. The tail is of medium length, the coat of most varieties is short and smooth.
    • Various colors: brindle, black, blue, marbled, fawn, red, brown.
    • Body type depends on the type of breed. For example, the Great Dane has a toned body with a pronounced arch of the abdomen, while the Dogo Argentino has a denser and more massive build.


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    Dog character

    Great Danes are distinguished by their loyalty, calmness, patience and sociability. These are confident dogs that can sometimes be stubborn and uncontrollable. That's why it's easy for them training required and classes with a dog handler.

    The breed is suitable for those who are willing to spend a lot of time with their pet and exercise it regularly. Keeping a Great Dane in a small apartment is quite problematic. He needs a lot of free space.

    Dogs like the Great Dane requires constant physical activity to maintain shape. Walking on fresh air are an essential condition for keeping this breed.

    Many dog ​​breeders are not afraid to introduce Great Danes to their children, since they do not show aggression towards them. However, due to their large size, interactions between Great Danes and small children should be kept under close control. As for getting along with other pets, in this case a lot depends on socialization.

    The sooner a Great Dane gets to know all the animals in the house, the faster he will make friends with them. It is worth knowing that sometimes dogs of this breed can take a dominant position in relation to other pets.

    Reactions to strangers can vary. It depends on the upbringing and degree of socialization of the dog. Dogs of this breed can be wary of passers-by and guests, or they can be completely indifferent.

    Those who want to own a Great Dane should know that they are not very clean. One of the features of this breed is profuse salivation.

    Is a dog dangerous?

    The breed is included in the rating the most dangerous and aggressive dogs. If we remember the past of representatives of this breed, then the desire to protect their territory and show dominant qualities is in their blood.

    Great Danes were used in hunting to chase prey, they were used to hunt runaway slaves, and they were even kept on the battlefield. The dogs took part in dog fights and were initially known as one of the most aggressive breeds.

    However, early socialization the right approach, constant exercise and training make Great Danes more flexible, restrained and good-natured. The more a dog is surrounded by people, the less it shows its innate instincts of a hunter and warrior. Numerous reviews from owners indicate that Great Danes are absolutely harmless creatures, sensitive and vulnerable.

    The Royal Dane is the king among dogs, a huge dog that was mentioned in one of the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, and it was this dog that starred in the latest (domestic) film adaptation of the novel “The Master and Margarita”; it was the Royal Dane that lay next to Pontius Pilate, according to the version the director, of course. The most interesting thing is that conversations about the Royal Dane have not subsided for several centuries, when dogs of the Great Dane breed were popular in our area, and this was in the 90s of the last century, you could often hear the phrase Royal Dane on the streets. Many dog ​​breeders simply do not know that there are many Great Danes in the world, but the Royal Dane does not exist at all.

    These are the things, all these conversations were conducted around two breeds of dogs, the Great Dane and the Great Dane, these breeds were often confused with each other and were sometimes mistakenly called the Royal Dane. However, at the end of the 19th century, these breeds were combined into one and became known as the Great Dane. So, if you hear the name Royal Dane somewhere, then you should know that there is no such breed.

    Where did the legend about the Royal Dane dog come from? Everything is very simple, if you look at the photo of the Royal Dane (for convenience, this is what we will call the Great Dane in this article), then indeed in the features of this dog you will be able to notice something aristocratic, royal. A proud profile, huge size, proud posture, all this indicates that the dog is very noble. In addition to appearance, it is also misleading that dogs of this breed have always been close to European monarchs in the past. Indeed, if you go to one of the art museums, you can find many paintings depicting powerful people of the past: kings, queens, cardinals, counts, and very often in the paintings next to these powerful people in the past there are Great Danes, which later and began to be called royal.

    Russia also kept up with Europe, and royal mastiffs were frequent residents of the houses of formerly noble people. Thanks to this, people have developed a stereotype that a person walking next to such a dog must be very rich. So, as we have already said, the Royal Dane is a mistaken name for the Great Dane, but even now you can very often hear this name for the dog. Everything is very simple, and now dogs of this breed are quite popular in our area.

    A few words about appearance

    So, what are they - royal mastiffs? And they are the most different coloring pages: black and white, white and black, brindle, black, sand. A dog can come in a variety of colors, but all these dogs have one thing in common - huge size.

    Indeed, dogs of the Royal Dane breed can reach a height of up to 90-95 centimeters at the withers, can you imagine such a colossus?! The weight of a dog can exceed 60 kilograms and in general the dog’s appearance shows that I am very calm, but it’s better not to approach me and my owner with bad intentions, you will be safe, gentlemen bandits, and this is really so.

    Character of the Royal Dane

    Royal Danes really have a very calm and easy-going character. These dogs easily find a common language with all the inhabitants of the house. They get along easily with children, find a common language with other animals in the house, and treat strangers or unfamiliar people with suspicion, but they will not show aggression unnecessarily.

    With proper training, you will get a very smart, loyal and devoted dog from the Royal Dane. These dogs are very happy to be close to their owner, they will always support your proposal to go for a walk or go out of town. In general, dogs of this breed have an excellent character and will not let you down at a crucial moment.

    Maintenance, care and feeding of the Royal Dane

    Since we are talking about a royal dog, the care of Great Danes should be royal. These dogs need to be brushed regularly so that their coat appears clean and well-groomed, and they need to be bathed occasionally, since Royal Danes live exclusively in the house. These dogs have practically no undercoat and they have little hair, so it is simply impossible to keep the Royal Dane outside in an enclosure; in the conditions of our harsh and not very winters, these dogs can simply die. You should not only monitor the cleanliness of the dog’s fur, but also pay attention to the cleanliness of the ears; the claws usually do not grind down on their own, but sometimes you have to trim them yourself.

    The fact is that these dogs cannot walk a lot, or rather, heavy physical activity is contraindicated for them. Why this is so, everything is very simple, due to the length of the limbs and weight, during physical activity these dogs may develop problems with the joints. Ice is especially dangerous for them in winter; the dog can slip and break its paw, so leisurely, even lazy walks are preferable for dogs of the Royal Dane breed.

    Very important aspect When caring for a Great Dane, or any other breed of dog, feeding is important, it must be correct, balanced and nutritious. But we want to immediately warn those people who decided to buy a Royal Dane puppy after reading this article - these dogs are simply mind-blowing gluttons. According to statistics, approximately 40% of dogs of this breed die due to overeating. The feeding regime for these dogs must be very strict, but in all other respects they are ordinary dogs.

    Where to buy and how much does a puppy cost?

    So, we come to the most interesting part of our conversation. You can buy a Royal Dane puppy without any problems. You can find them in nurseries, clubs, advertisements on the Internet, and you can even search at bird markets, although such searches may not be successful. As for prices, they can be very different, usually prices for King Dane puppies start from $200. It all depends on the eminence of the puppy’s parents and the greed of the breeder. In Ukraine, the price of a Royal Dane is slightly lower; here you can buy a puppy for about 100-150 dollars.

    So, this concludes our conversation, we hope you liked the article.

    The giant, who exudes calm and nobility, is often called the largest indoor dog. He received this nickname for his “golden” character, kind heart and warm affection for the owner. No matter what happens, the Great Dane is majestically reserved, looks like an elegant statue, and even in an excited state never shows anxiety or nervousness. Characteristics of the Great Dane breed will help you understand whether it is difficult to keep a canine giant.

    An impressive Great Dane with “immodest” dimensions is often purchased for status. However, like any living creature, he needs love and communication. The dog forever “clings to” his own family, shows love, and in protecting it, without hesitation, he will sacrifice his life. He - a true friend and a nanny for small children. Reviews from owners about the Great Dane indicate that he will make an excellent companion dog, unless you are afraid of the significant financial costs of maintaining him.

    Great Dane: characteristics of the breed

    The official history of this genus is connected with Germany. Thanks to the pedantic Germans, the uniform breed standards are spelled out with great care and specificity.

    • Weight . For males it is 55-90 kg. Females weigh on average from 45 to 60 kg.
    • Height . According to standard minimum dimensions an adult Great Dane is 80 cm, height at the withers of females is 72 cm. There is no upper height threshold.
    • Color. Black (completely or with white spots), brindle, blue (steel), fawn, marbled.
    • Lifespan. The dog is not a long-livers. Great Danes live for about eight years. At this age they are complete old men. Dogs that have crossed the 10-13 year mark are very rare.
    • Character . Distinctive features are good nature, friendliness, tenderness, devotion, unconditional obedience. Moderately smart, playful, careful, sensitive dog. Great Danes are not noisy, they don’t get hysterical, and they don’t suffer from mood swings.
    • Intelligence. They are classified as dogs of average intelligence. They quickly become toilet trained. Great Dane training ensures basic commands are followed. According to the canine intelligence scale compiled by Canadian psychology professor Stanley Coren, the Great Dane and the Boxer share 48th place out of 133.
    • Security and guard potential. They are not characterized by aggression and malice; the “weapons” of Great Danes are their impressive size, stern appearance, and strength. In case of a threat, your pet will defend itself, showing courage and energy.

    Cases of a Great Dane attacking a person are quite rare. Usually the dog first knocks the opponent down and holds him until the owner appears. They don't bark a lot, but they make good watchdogs. Enraged dogs are dangerous.

    By temperament, these dogs are somewhat phlegmatic - like many large breeds, Great Danes like to lie in one position, which is fraught with calluses and even bedsores. Therefore, owners must constantly stir up their giant pet, force him to move and change position, and give him massages.

    Breed standard

    A description of the Great Dane breed, which made it possible to call it “Apollo” among all dogs, is presented in the table.

    Table - Visual parameters of the Great Dane

    Part of the bodyPeculiarities
    Head- “Sculptural”;
    - massive;
    - long;
    - flattened on the sides;
    - with a distinct transition line from the forehead to the muzzle;
    - with a drooping upper lip, brightly marked jowls
    Neck- Relief;
    - elongated;
    - graceful;
    - vertical - in a rack;
    - with a slight bend forward - in motion
    Frame- Athletic;
    - balanced;
    - square format in males, somewhat stretched - in females;
    - the highest point of growth is the withers;
    - straight, short back, with a line of inclination towards the croup;
    - strong lower back;
    - stomach tucked
    Limbs- Smooth, parallel to each other;
    - powerful;
    - long;
    - slim;
    - providing springiness and ease of gait
    Tail- Middle length;
    - thick at the base with gradual thinning;
    - without creases, curls, “hairiness”;
    - lowered down;
    - when running (or when excited) it is raised like a saber, does not twist like a donut
    Eyes- Medium size;
    - almond-shaped;
    - expressive, lively;
    - with dry, dense eyelids;
    - as dark as possible (for blue colors - dark hazel, for marbled ones - blue or mixed eyes)
    Ears- Large, proportional to the head;
    - pointed, “tensely alert” (if the Great Dane’s ears have been cropped);
    - long, hanging, with the leading edge touching the cheeks (in undocked dogs)

    A healthy Great Dane has well-functioning sebaceous glands, which, along with the tongue, perform the function of thermoregulation. Therefore, the breed does not have the characteristic dog smell.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Dogs of this breed want to please their owner in every possible way. They experience real happiness when they are caressed, they love to bask in a chair or on the sofa. Great Danes are poorly aware of their strength; during a game or a joyful meeting with family members they can easily knock them down.

    Before choosing a Great Dane puppy, weigh the breed's advantages and disadvantages, summarized in the following table.

    Table - Pros and cons of the Great Dane breed

    In addition to the fact that the Great Dane puppy itself is not cheap, you need to be prepared for unplanned expenses. The impressive weight and size of a dog are often a source of trouble: the animal can even inadvertently damage property by knocking over interior items and decor.

    Origin history and interesting facts

    The Great Danes have an ancient genealogy. The first evidence of them dates back to the 7th century BC. There are several hypotheses about the origin of the breed. It is believed that Great Danes are descendants of:

    • now defunct bullenbeisers;
    • greyhound (English greyhound);
    • mastiff;
    • Irish wolfhound.

    The most plausible version classifies Great Danes as Molossians, and considers the Tibetan Great Danes to be the ancestors of the breed, which is confirmed by archaeological finds. Strong and fearless animals first served as herding dogs and were later used for hunting and military purposes. From Tibet, along with traders, dogs came to India, China, and Europe, where they appeared as bodyguards for the nobility, wore gold-plated collars, and were an attribute of wealth.

    It is believed that the appearance of the modern Great Dane was formed by the 19th century. The first was Denmark, where in the 1860s a standard Great Dane with a wide torso and muzzle appeared. But a different type took root - dry, fit and slender, bred by German dog handlers, who did a tremendous amount of work to create an official breed standard. It came out in 1880 and was adopted eight years later. At the same time, the Great Dane was proclaimed the national breed of Germany.

    The existence of the Great Dane remained in history in the English-language nickname of the German Great Dane “great dane” - “big Dane”. The Italians call it “alano”; we often use the phrase “royal mastiff”. The breed came to Russia with Alexander II, who acquired a couple of dogs in Hamburg. Later, dogs appeared on the estates of Russian aristocrats.

    In the history of the origin of the Great Dane, Cardinal Richelieu is mentioned, who was enthusiastically involved in their breeding. Otto von Bismarck is known as the patron of the breed. Alexandre Dumas, describing the hunting scenes in “Queen Margot,” confirmed the fashion for these dogs. Today, Great Danes are ranked 24th in popularity among breeds registered by the American Kennel Club.


    The Great Dane dog breed differs in constitution - there are individuals that are more massive and more elegant. But they are divided into varieties according to color. The breed is bred in five color groups, described in the table.

    Table - Types by color

    ColorWhat does it look like
    Black- “Coal” whole body;
    - lacquered black with white spots;
    - “cloak” effect (as if a white dog was covered with a black blanket or cloak)
    Blue- Light gray tones;
    - blue-steel;
    - without yellowness;
    - white markings on paws and chest are acceptable
    Marble- Snow-white with black, clearly defined, torn spots;
    - brown, gray spots, as well as an off-white base are acceptable;
    - drawing without specks
    Pale yellow- Sandy;
    - pale gold;
    - intense red;
    - red gold color;
    - black mask is welcome;
    - specks and light spots are undesirable
    brindle- Basic - all shades of red;
    - contrasting vertical tiger stripes (black);
    - white spotting is unacceptable

    The Great Dane has a beautiful elegant silhouette. It harmoniously combines strength, power and grace. He is a real handsome man with a height of 80-90 cm.

    Before you get a Great Dane, honestly answer the question: can you keep him? Do you have enough strength, finances and time?

    • Place. Not only the lack of undercoat, but also the attachment to the owner does not allow the Great Dane to live in an enclosure or on a leash. Small-sized apartments are also poorly suited: although he can curl up into a compact ball, no one is safe from accidental damage to property. A four-legged friend will be grateful for a personal corner: a bed or sofa, sheltered from drafts and raised 10-15 cm above the floor.
    • Walks. At normal temperature loves to walk for several hours. In summer he is protected from overheating, in winter - from long stays outside, and in cold and wet weather he is prohibited from sitting on the ground.
    • Bathing. Because redeem huge dog It’s very problematic; they take care of it with dry shampoo. They often resort to the services of groomers who provide professional beauty treatments.

    Despite its size, the gentle giant has the unique ability to be invisible, occupy a minimum of space, and lie silently and motionlessly for hours at the feet of its “master.” But what you have to put up with is coarse hairs during molting and traces of drool on clothes and furniture.

    Features of care

    Giant dogs are unpretentious, but they cannot do without constant examination of the ears, eyes, nose, and limbs.

    • Claws. With sufficient walking, they wear down on their own. It is convenient to trim them with strong guillotine cutters, being careful when trimming dark nails.
    • Ears. Once a week, clean the wax and impurities with a special solution and a cotton swab. The reason to see a doctor is the smell from the ears.
    • Eyes . Examine every week, especially if there are “raw” eyelids. WITH heavy discharge Furacilin will handle it. Ordinary ones - remove with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or chamomile decoction.
    • Teeth. For oral hygiene, teeth are brushed weekly (there are 42 of them), and solid treats are given for self-cleaning.
    • Wool. The short, smooth and shiny coat requires minimal care: periodic brushing with a brush or rubberized glove. They shed moderately.

    To buy or not

    According to the standards adopted in Germany in 1888, ears were cropped, which was due to the real need to protect them from injury during hunting. Since the dog's modern purpose is to be a companion, cosmetic circumcision has lost its relevance. Moreover, from January 1, 1993, a new standard came into force in Europe, and a ban on docking came into force, providing for penalties and fines.

    In Russia, this issue is a subject of controversy and disagreement. In our country, docking continues to be valued, but in competitions both categories of participants compete on an equal footing. One way or another, the decision on surgical correction is made by the owner, after consulting with a dog veterinarian. The acceptable age for this is two to three and a half months: then the shortening procedure is less painful and healing is faster. The main thing is that the operation does not overlap with vaccination.

    According to veterinarians, uncropped ears are more reliably protected from dust, insects, and dirt getting into them, and are less susceptible to otitis (contrary to popular belief). Every year in the country there is a growing army of adherents of non-interference in the “nature” of the animal, preserving the soft, velvety “burdock” ears of their pets. And in order not to spoil them with creases, do not stroke the puppies on the head.


    Between natural and ready-made food, experts recommend the first option, although it is more troublesome. Having made a choice in favor of packaged food, purchase specialized age lines for large breeds of at least premium class.

    It is noteworthy that the dog is not able to eat much: after all, its gastrointestinal tract is half that of its brothers. However, feeding it is expensive: the price of high-quality food starts from 3 thousand rubles for a bag weighing 15-20 kg, which is enough for a month.

    A grown-up Great Dane is fed twice a day with the morning norm being 10% less than the evening norm. Every day he needs 50 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Increased attention to the period of growth. The following feeding schedule is optimal:

    • in one and a half to two months- every three hours up to six times a day;
    • from three months - five times with a simultaneous increase in portions;
    • at four to five months- four times a day;
    • at six months you can switch to three meals a day.

    The puppies' diet is supplemented with calcium. If it is deficient, there is a high risk of fractures. Excess weight also leads to osteoarticular disorders: up to a year, a Great Dane should gain a maximum of 150-200 g per day. The priority is the dietary menu. The following table will tell you which products are its basis and which are prohibited.

    Table - Balanced diet

    Great Danes are prone to allergies. It can be caused by carrots, buckwheat, chicken, fish. When swelling, redness, eczema and skin itching they should be excluded from the diet first.


    Raising a controlled, self-confident, socially adapted dog begins in early childhood (from three months). The dog learns well, but it is almost impossible to retrain it, and without practice, the acquired knowledge is forgotten.

    Traditionally, training begins with accustoming to:

    • leash, collar, muzzle;
    • hygiene procedures;
    • visiting a veterinarian;
    • “even” reaction to loud sounds.

    Demonstrate consistency, patience, take into account the pet’s genetics, including its slowness. He learns quickly, but does everything slowly, “with a sense of push and balance,” and is very receptive to praise and intonations.

    Diseases and treatment

    The breed is a late maturing breed: the formation of the musculoskeletal system takes quite a long time. The puppy becomes an adult only at 18-24 months. Until he is one and a half years old, try to avoid unnecessary stress - do not allow him to jump a lot, do not allow exhausting jogging, or walking up stairs (especially downstairs). There is a practice of bandaging the pasterns of the paws before going outside. Also, according to indications, the veterinarian may prescribe the use of feed formulations with chondroprotectors - substances that promote the proper development of joints. Typical diseases include the following.

    Genetics poses a potential danger. Blue colors can develop a problem immune system; merle representatives suffer from blindness, deafness, and infertility.

    Breeders, sharing their experience, advise always keeping veterinary clinic contacts at hand and having the necessary reserves of funds, and not self-medicating.


    Vaccinations stimulate the development of immunity that can protect your pet’s body from major serious diseases. Systematically check the vaccination calendar with your veterinarian. He will also determine the vaccination schedule and recommend vaccines (mono- or polyvalent). The first vaccination is given at two months.


    A true “standard” Great Dane will only be born to purebred parents. Crossing Great Danes of dubious origin is not recommended, as this can lead to mental disorders in future offspring.

    The female first comes into heat at 8-14 months, but a physically developed, completely healthy female not younger than 22 months, but not older than six years, is allowed to mate. “Debut” mating is a difficult and exciting process, so owners rush to enlist the support of professionals.

    Pregnancy lasts nine weeks. During this time, the expectant mother is prepared for delivery. Including, the menu is adjusted, enriching it with vitamins, dairy products, fish, and poultry. Pathological birth require immediate veterinary intervention, and caesarean section is often performed.

    The average litter is four to six young. Cases of the appearance of 17 to 24 puppies in one litter are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

    TOP nicknames

    Choosing a name for a new family member is a responsible matter. The sooner you decide, the sooner they will begin to form. trusting relationship with a puppy. Simple nicknames will not suit your pupil. Choose a solid name that is in harmony with the representative appearance and noble disposition of the breed. Legends and myths provide great scope for imagination, where among the names of the ancient Greek gods you can find a suitable nickname.

    Popular nicknames for the Great Dane “boy”:

    • Diamond;
    • Amber;
    • Graph;
    • Gordon;
    • Baron;
    • Knight;
    • Duke;
    • Henry;
    • Joy;
    • Zeus;
    • Lord;
    • Mike;
    • Milan;
    • Nilson;
    • Oscar;
    • Pierre;
    • Richard;
    • Taylor;
    • Fidel;
    • Caesar.

    Popular nicknames for the “girl” Great Dane:

    • Agatha;
    • Adele;
    • Aster;
    • Gloria;
    • Jena (Gina);
    • Cleo;
    • Lada;
    • Monica;
    • Nicole;
    • Audrey;
    • Peris;
    • Paula;
    • Rebecca;
    • Ruta;
    • Silvia;
    • Secret;
    • Francesca;
    • Honda;
    • Tsarina;
    • Alice;
    • Erika.

    Photo review

    Photos of puppies and dogs of the breed prove that the Great Dane is a true canine aristocrat, a handsome giant, captivating with his elegance and self-confidence. Particularly impressive are the photographs where giant Great Danes are captured in the company of miniature Toys or Yorkies.

    Cost and where to buy

    If you are planning to raise a champion or engage in breeding, then contact reputable clubs that offer pure pedigrees. Prices for puppies
    differ: in different nurseries they ask for from 20 to 70 thousand rubles (data as of February 2018).

    Cheaper puppies may be sold due to unscheduled matings.
    Choose a three-month-old pet, when the breed and deviations are already visible.
    The following points are important:

    • parents - their character and psychological characteristics(passed on by inheritance);
    • health - the puppy must be cheerful, with clean ears and eyes;
    • weight - pay attention to well-fed babies;
    • limbs - located strictly parallel, long and thick;
    • the tail - the longer, the larger the dog will be.


    It is best to select a puppy on the spot, and not from a photo. You will recognize “your” pet from many others: choosing with your heart is the most correct. Below are the contacts of famous Great Dane kennels:

    • Di Stella Ardens (Moscow)- http://www.kennel-dog.com;
    • "New Hermitage" (St. Petersburg)- https://noviy-hermitage.jimdo.com;
    • "Bigfort" (Ekaterinburg)- https://www.bigfort.net;
    • "Don-Ratibor" (Rostov-on-Don)- http://don-ratibor.3dn.ru/;
    • Inner Light (Kyiv) - http://distella-ardens.org.ua.

    In the appearance of a giant, the main thing is not parameters, but exceptional balance, harmony of “soul and body.” In the Middle Ages, it was believed that this dog was able to protect people not only from enemies, but also from evil spirits. But the handsome giant has only one significant drawback - short life. But a competent, balanced diet, moderation of exercise, timely veterinary examinations and consultations will help increase the life expectancy of a Great Dane.

    Reviews: “Very neat and intelligent”

    We have a large house and therefore when we were choosing a dog breed for our family, the issue was resolved quickly - we want a marbled Great Dane. Our boy is three years old, our children are 2 and 6. He is very neat and intelligent, he lives in the house with us, although he also has an enclosure, which he considers a real punishment for himself. He gets along well with everyone who visits our house, takes care of our parents and children, trying not to make sudden movements when communicating with them.

    Galina and Evgeniy,

    In 1992, when I was only 6 years old, my mom and dad decided to give my sister and me a dog - a Great Dane. As I remember now, we arrived from my grandmother, we went into the apartment, and there was this little miracle and my father’s slippers on the chair next to it) Dad called him Hamlet) Hamlet was easy to educate, he understood all the commands the first time! He was an excellent protector, my sister and I often walked with him and he didn’t let anyone near us! He loved to swim, although in my opinion Great Danes are not very good at swimming, he would go into the water up to his neck and stand there to cool off :) He also really loved to walk in the forest, ate wild raspberries straight from the bushes, carefully one berry at a time :) Like a person!

    I still dream about him, a big, beautiful tabby - the tabby, his little black puffs (that’s what we called his cheeks), which I loved to kiss so much! I still remember him and miss him: (I have never met a more loyal and kind dog! It’s a pity that Great Danes live so short!

    PreLesya, http://irecommend.ru/content/samyi-luchshii-i-predannyi-drug-0

    We have been living with my Great Dane for six years now. He is a refusenik - I took him as a one-year-old from his owners, who could not keep and feed him well. I can’t say anything bad about the dog - his excessive appetite disappeared after a week of normal feeding, he is very careful when it comes to toileting, and on walks he never tries to go far, tracking me. At home he tries to be inconspicuous, sleeps while waiting for me from work, barks a little. I am very glad that Hector became my dog.

    Sergey, Mariupol, http://nopoga.ru/breed_dogs/nemeckij_dog/nemeckij_dog_otzyvy.php

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    The birthplace of the modern Great Dane is, of course, Germany. In the 10th century, ancient Germanic tribes developed a Code of Forest Hunting Laws - "Geoponics", which describes seven species of mastiff dogs, including dogs for baiting boar (wild boar) and bear.

    These distant descendants of the Molosser, crossed, according to some historians, with English hunting dogs, unexpectedly appeared in the 15th century in the form of modern Great Danes. They had many local names: Great Dane (which had nothing in common with Denmark), Old German Mastiff, Bulenbeiser, Ulm Dane, etc.

    In 1879, the Germans decided to put an end to such diversity, and at a meeting of German breeders chaired by Dr. Bodinus, it was decided to recognize the Great Dane as the national breed of Germany and, having abolished the previous names, henceforth call it the Great Dane.

    The beginning of systematic breeding of Great Danes coincides with the creation of the National Dog Club of Germany (DDC 1888 e.V.) on January 12, 1888 and the publication of the first volume of the Great Dane Stud Book (DDZB). The target of breeding at that time was the nursery "Plavia" of Mark Hartenstein, famous for the blue mastiffs Faust-1 and Faust-II included in the stud book.

    No less famous are Mr. Messter and best dogs Nero-I, Nero-II, Mentor, Sultan-I, born in his nursery "Nill" in Stuttgart. Nero-I gave a genetically rich inheritance. It was a magnificent animal of impressive stature, brindle in color, with a beautiful head, a voluminous muzzle, a short ear and an elegant body.

    Other, no less glorious nicknames also appeared in the pedigrees: Minka, Flora, Sara, Riego, Bella, Harras, Tyrus, Wotan. Most of these dogs were fawn and brindle in color, but Sara (b. 1886 Tirus x Bella) was a distinctly stylish harlequin.

    Meanwhile, improvement of the breed continued in Germany. At the beginning of the 20th century, several animals appeared that were apparently the result of minor genetic mutations in the direction of the desired standard and were recognized as such by German breeders.

    The beginning of a new wave of champions was laid by the famous fawn male Bosko v.d. Saalburg (b. August 8, 1921) from the nursery of Karl Farber. Thanks to the work of this breeder, the type of modern Great Dane was finally formed.

    This allowed the Loheland kennel to obtain, perhaps, the best Great Danes for that time. It was here that the champions Fionne and Ferguni appeared, and the letter F became the symbol of the breed. Ferguni, inbred with her father (Bosko), produced a magnificent litter of N, which had an extraordinary influence on future Great Dane pedigrees.

    The combination of beauty, poise and health of these dogs was beyond comparison. Without her, the Great Dane would never have achieved the title of "Apollo of dogs."

    Breeding Great Danes in Germany is allowed only separately according to color groups. Thus, it is unacceptable to breed a merle dog with a black one if the latter is not a descendant of merle dogs.

    Blacks can be crossed with blacks and blues to prevent lightening of the blue color and to maintain the deep blue-black tone of black dogs; but since blacks carry recessive blue from under blues, they should not be partners with merles. Such matings can produce blue spots or specks on the main white background and spoil the picture of a real harlequin.

    Fawn and brindle dogs only mate with each other. Dogs in this group are considered by experts as reference dogs. That is why at the beginning of the 20th century, in order to bring the number of black, marbled and blue dogs to the required level, German breeders (after lengthy discussions) allowed bitches of these colors to be bred with the best brindle producer Dolf v.d. Saalburg.

    In 1945, in Hamburg, due to the lack of a marble male, it was decided to breed a Harlequin female with the best fawn sire. In the pedigrees of the Harlequin puppies from this litter there was a note: “Breeding use only with the special permission of the National Dog Club of Germany.” Some outstanding Great Danes trace their origins to these dogs.

    It so happened historically that the main breeding centers for the best Great Danes are concentrated in Germany to this day. As the creators of the breed, German breeders are undoubtedly leaders and determine the directions for further improvement of Great Danes and establish evaluation criteria. This is ensured by a large number of excellent producers, well-thought-out policies in breeding and special scientific developments.

    The population of Great Danes in the UK and USA is very homogeneous. When you look at Great Dane rings in England or the USA, thoughts about identical twins involuntarily come to mind. The American type of Great Dane is very different from the European type that is so familiar to us.

    “Americans” are mostly fawn in color (the most respected in the USA), as a rule, very tall, with a slightly elongated body, a long back and loin. The head is long, narrow, dry, with a low forehead and a weakly defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

    The first Great Danes came to Russia even before the revolution. At the Hamburg Exhibition of 1869, eight Great Danes were exhibited for the first time. They made an indelible impression on the Russian emperor, and Alexander II acquired two dogs.

    However, the breed did not become widespread until the mid-60s. At the 1946 exhibition, only five Great Danes were presented, three of them of unknown origin. In the mid-60s, the basis of the Muscovy Great Dane population were black and blue dogs; there were almost no merle dogs. Fawns of domestic breeding also appeared, but obtained from blue ones, they had a gray-yellow color without masks.

    And finally, in the early 70s, significant changes took place. This period became a turning point in the history of the Russian population of Great Danes. Thanks to Zoovetsnab, many dogs imported from the GDR, Poland, Czechoslovakia and a number of other countries came to Russia.

    Their quality can be debated, but, undoubtedly, it was thanks to them that the number of Russian Great Danes has risen to a qualitatively new level. Moderate use of these sires made it possible to finally move on to breeding according to color variants.

    German dog- one of the largest dogs in the world. It is safe to say that he is aware of this. The standard requires that even during maximum arousal he should not show any emotion either towards members of his family or towards strangers. And it seems that not a single Great Dane wants to conflict with the standard.

    You shouldn’t be surprised at the outward indifference that the dog bestows on strangers: he is an excellent watchman and protector of his property. His teeth are large, his jaws are powerful, and his head is large enough to figure out what to do in the event of an attack on his beloved owner or his property.

    The idea that in old age a Great Dane becomes grumpy and boring is obvious slander. Of course, he can become aggressive and even dangerous, but the reason for this may be illiterate upbringing and incorrect treatment of him in childhood. In this, the Great Dane is no different from small dogs, only it bites much more painfully.

    Innately intelligent, the Great Dane is more than just a dog. This is DOG superlative. Try to find a common language with him from early childhood, and then he will become a brilliant companion in all your endeavors.

    You can communicate with him on equal terms (especially since there is no need to bend over to look into his eyes), he can even be your interlocutor - his gaze is so expressive and his facial expressions are rich.

    The Great Dane is highly trainable (however, it is almost impossible to retrain it); with a properly designed training program, it is capable of service of any kind. However, the job of a watchman-bodyguard is most suitable for him.

    In addition, almost all Great Danes, due to their tendency to patronize the weaker members of their “pack,” can be unsurpassed nannies. Leaving even the smallest child with your dog, you don’t have to worry about his safety - no one will dare to harm him.

    The content of the article:

    It is perhaps difficult to imagine a more majestic dog. She is one of the strongest and largest in the world. The distant ancestors of these dogs marched in armor against Egypt alongside the Persian infantry and had great success with Alexander the Great. Today he is the only one who has gone further in grace than all his ancestors and in appearance different from the mastiff. These canine Apollos are the most beautiful among their kind. They always accompanied noble monarchs and glorious warriors. If you have a desire, a home and a fireplace, then you won't find a better living decoration.

    Historical data on the origin of the Great Dane breed

    The Great Dane owes its current winning combination of beauty, poise and nobility to the fanatics of the variety. For many years, specialists have been working to hone the perfection of the species through scrupulous selection work. The pedigree of these Great Danes dates back to huge dogs, whose roots are connected with the oldest ancestors - Tibetan guard dogs.

    Versions regarding their breeding and popularization can be found in the works of many famous dog handlers. The guiding principles were taken from the testimony of ancient and modern authors. Archaeological excavations played a major role in this issue. Many breeders agree that this type of dog appeared in European countries thanks to the nomadic tribes of Asia, during their aggressive operations, constant movements and trading activities with European nations.

    Subsequently, these dogs, combining with the indigenous dogs, gave the name to the species, which in Latin sounds like “cannies familiaris dekumanus”. It is from this that the German hunting dog breeds, the “soupaker”, originate. We can see them in many paintings and graphic canvases of that time. It can be seen that their ears are cropped and they are folded tightly. But with such data, they are flexible, graceful and at the same time with lean muscles. Based on this, most researchers consider Great Danes to be a consequence of the combination of greyhounds and guard dogs in the 12th and 13th centuries. Of course, not all experts are inclined to consider this version correct. Many other dog handlers claim that the ancestors of the Great Dane were pack dogs that were used to hunt wild boars.

    IN various countries In Europe, such dogs were called differently, and only at the end of the 18th century were they separated into an independent breed in Germany. Since then, in most cases, one comes across images and descriptions of large guard dogs, which can easily be considered Great Danes. From 1891 until almost the present time, the variety has experienced a series of step-by-step external transformations, marking its slow but constant formation.

    The golden age for this breed came in the twenties of the 20th century. Count Karl Brazovoll, one of the first ardent admirers and lovers of the species, popularized and developed the Great Dane. His work was invaluable in the formation of the “giants”. The individuals he selected under his Alania brand had excellent physical and behavioral characteristics. In 1923, he also created a club of Great Dane admirers. His main goal was to preserve this breed. Further time was not so serene for these dogs. Second World War did a disservice not only to Great Danes, but to the entire dog industry as a whole. After such a difficult period, there were people who persistently restored the almost lost heritage. Only towards the end of the sixties did Great Danes appear to be worthy of being considered such.

    Without such hard work worthy people like Count Wiederda de Sanclair of Lates on Garda, Great Danes would have disappeared. These amateur breeders have been breeding Great Danes since 1958. They invested all their time and effort into their favorite pastime, as well as the desire to give the breed an extraordinary consistency of outline, at the same time fixing in it such behavioral traits that have always distinguished the serene and balanced Great Danes. Such dogs are difficult to raise and maintain. But despite everything, people continue to love and breed them. Today there are many pets that are as close as possible to the standard and demonstrate themselves brilliantly at national and international competitions.

    Characteristics of the appearance of the Great Dane

    The dog is built athletically and harmoniously. The muscles are dry, the coat is shiny. They can be companions or guards. Calm and balanced in behavior. According to the criteria, the minimum height at the withers is 80 cm for males and 72 cm for females. It is desirable that these values ​​be slightly higher. Weight ranges from 75 kg to 92 kg. The gait is wide and springy.
    • Head oblong, narrow, expressive, well-defined, proportional to body parameters. The cheekbones are beautifully defined. A not deep furrow is visible on the forehead. The occipital protuberance is not very prominent. The brow ridges are obvious, but do not protrude.
    • Muzzle full, rectangular in shape, in parallel with the top line of the skull. The transition from the frontal part to the nose (stop) is well defined. Upper lip must be large. Strong, even white teeth form a scissor bite.
    • Nose thick, well filled. The pigmentation of the nose is black.
    • Eyes Great Danes are small, medium-sized. Predominantly dark pigmentation. They have a lively, expressive look.
    • Ears located quite high, have natural, triangular shape, medium, hanging on cartilage. Their leading edge is adjacent to the cheekbones. If they are docked, they are raised straight up.
    • Neck long, dry, with a beautiful smooth bend. Muscular and strong, slightly bent forward.
    • Frame The shape is close to square. The line of the back is firm and straight. Rib cage well developed in width and length. The croup is slightly sloping. The ribs are laid back. The belly is gracefully tucked.
    • Tail It has average length, slightly raised above the level of the withers. When resting, the tail should hang down; when the Great Dane is in motion, it should be slightly raised, but not higher than the line of the back.
    • Forelegs- strong and muscular. They stand perfectly vertical. The rear ones are powerful. The hips are wide, rounded with powerful muscles.
    • Paws round, compact. The fingers are short and tightly fitted to each other. The claws are strong, the pads are springy.
    • Coat very short, thick, close to the body, shiny.
    • Skin fits the whole dog well.
    • Color The Great Dane is divided into five varieties: red, brindle, blue, black and merle. Red-haired individuals should have a yellow-golden color. There should be no white spots on the chest. The presence of a black mask on the face is mandatory, and it extends beyond the eye line. The brindle pattern consists of bright black stripes spaced in moderate frequency on a red and gold background. The Blue Great Dane has a steel-blue coloring, with no yellow or black highlights. Black dogs have black, shiny, as if varnished fur. In blue and black individuals, white spots are allowed on the chest and tips of the paws.
    An ideal marbled Great Dane should have a coat with a snow-white background without speckles, with black spots of ragged outline, of medium size, evenly distributed throughout the body. Their eyes are dark and their nose is black. The difficulty of obtaining ideal characteristics in the same individual has necessitated a more tolerant attitude towards the color of the nose and iris of the eyes. As a result, the eyes may appear lighter or different colors. The nose is allowed to be spotted and pink. Great Danes with extensive black spots on a white background are classified as Black Great Danes. These include black dogs with white spots on the neck, chest, limbs and tail.

    Great Dane behavior

    Despite such a gigantic appearance, the Great Dane, with proper training, is a peace-loving dog. He is immensely devoted to his owner and loves communication very much. He has his inherent pride and will never stoop to baseness. You can trust a dog with the most precious thing - your child. They treat children very lovingly. You can safely leave your baby in a stroller with a good trained Great Dane; he will be under reliable protection. But dogs not only protect, but also know how to play. Being giants, dogs are very calm about food. Pets will never wander through garbage dumps in search of food and are unlikely to follow a command just for the sake of a treat.

    Great Dane Health

    Great Danes belong to giant breeds of dogs, so their main health problems affect the issue of nutrition in at a young age. Great Danes grow up to eighteen months of age. Therefore, intense loads can cause them great harm. In their diet, first of all, attention is paid to complete protein and calcium content. The remaining components of the diet are selected evenly and carefully. This approach will help avoid the problem of rickets.

    If a large load is given during training to young animals before they reach eighteen months of life, then they develop problems with joints and bones. The dog may suffer from hip dysplasia. This disease is characterized by improper formation of the joint and causes severe suffering to the animal. Therefore, observation of puppies begins at three or four months of age. The growth and development of the pet takes place under the supervision of a veterinarian.

    Of course, like other dogs, they are predisposed to certain diseases. Their eyes and oral health require constant monitoring. If stones are present, they must be removed by a veterinarian. Great Danes are also prone to hypothermia and are prone to colds. It is not difficult to monitor the health of your Great Dane if you start with “young teeth”. If you follow all the rules, you can watch with pleasure how the dog gains strength and beauty.

    Caring for a Great Dane

    A question that interests many guardians of cleanliness and order is dog hair. With the right attention, even if your dog is a huge Great Dane, you will have a clean home.
    1. Wool Such pets shed moderately, so it is not difficult to monitor their external condition. To do this, you will need a rubber or natural bristle massage brush. Regular use of cleansing powder, express shampoo or grooming spray without water is more beneficial for dogs with this type of hair and size. Dogs are very large and it costs something to wash such a colossus, but frequent bathing deteriorates the quality of wool.
    2. Ears It's better not to ignore it. Check them and clean them regularly. Special sprays and lotions will help you during the manipulation. When cleaning your ear, do not reach far into the ear canal with the ear swab to avoid damaging it.
    3. Eyes inspect. As soon as you notice slight redness, you need to wet a cotton swab with a soothing solution and wipe towards the inner corner. If the procedure does not help, then to avoid complications, immediately contact your veterinarian. He will examine the pet, determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
    4. Teeth require increased attention. They must be cleaned twice a week. Buy a special brush and edible brush for your pet at the pet store. toothpaste. Give us bones from veins and rubber toys for prevention.
    5. Claws at home it is necessary to trim regularly. Even frequent walks on the street do not ensure that the Great Dane wears down its claws. For such manipulation, special nail clippers are used.
    6. Feeding large dogs should be special. If you are overweight, joint diseases can occur. Great Danes often have food allergies. With volume feeding, there may be gastric volvulus, which is characteristic of this breed. Therefore, they should not be fed food from the human table or anything else. It is necessary to clearly balance the diet. With a small portion, it should be high in calories. If you are not ready to monitor the balance of your dog’s diet and its health on a daily basis, it is better to use ready-made super-premium food. To prevent food allergies, choose foods that are grain-free or contain minimal grains. If you strictly follow the manufacturers' recommendations and give your pet limited portions, then you will avoid problems with overeating and, accordingly, with gaining excess weight and joint diseases. To prevent diseases of the bone system, puppies must be given vitamins and chondroprotectors. Also, do not forget about the intake of calcium into the body. Great Danes should receive twenty percent more nutrients and calories than other large dog breeds.
    7. Walks must be long lasting. Big sizes and the athletic appearance of this dog require maintaining good physical shape. Great Danes need to run out well, and not just walk imposingly through the park on a leash. Every day in the mornings and evenings you need to walk at least two and a half kilometers. Small puppies up to five months old are not particularly loaded so that there is no unnecessary stress on their developing ligaments, legs and spine.
    The Great Dane feels good in a city apartment, and those who think that it fills the entire space are mistaken. Adults of this breed are self-sufficient. They will not wander around the apartment or rush from room to room. The pet has its own bedding and will sleep in its designated resting place for most of the day when it is in the house. Until the age of one and a half years, Great Danes are more energetic and need to play, but then this problem goes away.

    Great Dane training

    Raising a Great Dane is a responsible task, if only because otherwise the lack of hearing will turn out to be very large and strong. However, no special difficulties are required to train such pets. When working with him, it is imperative to apply such principles as love and severity. After all, from a small twelve-kilogram puppy a hundred-kilogram dog grows. If you don’t set certain limits on what is possible or not, then you will raise a real monster and, believe me, you will not be able to cope with him either by force or by word.

    A Great Dane, like any other dog, needs to be trained consistently and patiently. A person must be aware that the little puppy we love cannot be placed on our neck. A large large dog will dominate, demand more attention to it and put itself above its owner, especially a male. All family members should behave equally consistently when working with a pet. Developing his habits also includes feeding. The fact is that handouts from the table can seriously harm the dog.

    The largest Great Dane was one hundred and eighteen centimeters tall at the withers. When he stood on his hind legs, he reached a height of two meters and twenty-four centimeters.

    Buying a Great Dane puppy

    If you are wondering whether to get such a dog or not, then you must remember that the size of the dog is far from average. Think about how much you can adjust your life routine to suit the little “giant”. A growing puppy is not allowed to be brought up and is alone. For example, if the owner left for work at eight in the morning and arrived at seven. He needs care. This is not how you grow physically and mentally. healthy dog. The cost of a Great Dane can range from $600 to $1000.

    For more details about the Great Dane, watch this video:

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