• Open drawing lesson “Non-traditional drawing techniques. Lesson outline on the topic: Summary of an open lesson on non-traditional drawing techniques using ICT. Topic: “Winter forest


    Formation of skills and abilities: consolidate children's skills in mastering different ways drawing (, poking, wet, etc.)

    Formation of creative activity of children:

    To develop children’s ability to be original in creating their own landscape, the ability to understand the artist’s main idea, his mood and means of expression,

    Encourage children to express their personal opinions about what they see.

    Formation of an emotionally holistic attitude towards life:

    Arouse in children a feeling of concern in solving an unforeseen situation.

    Based on the analysis of works of fine art (landscape), arouse interest in depicting your own version of the landscape.

    The ability to see beauty in nature and enjoy it, to cultivate love and respect for nature.

    Preliminary work:

    – examination of reproductions of landscapes by A. Levitan, I. Grabari, A. Kuindzhi, I. Shishkin and others.

    Drawing different materials"(pencils, gouache, watercolors, etc.).

    Materials: drawing paper of various formats, tinted, thin brushes, hard to poke, colored and simple pencils, dry leaves, morphological path, folder with reproductions.

    Progress of a drawing lesson for middle group children:

    Children enter the studio and greet the guests.

    The teacher tells the children that today we were all invited to an exhibition of paintings in the exhibition hall. Are you interested in exhibitions, magazines in general? What paintings and what authors have you seen somewhere in our city and in illustrated magazines?

    You know that there is an exhibition hall in our garden and you have visited it more than once. Today we were invited to an exhibition of famous artists.

    Everyone is in a more cheerful mood, do you remember how to behave in the exhibition hall, does everyone have a desire to see something new? So let's go.

    A guide meets the children in the exhibition hall. She says hello and looks very upset and confused. The teacher asks the guide why she is so upset.

    Guys, you can’t even imagine what happened. I come to the exhibition hall to prepare for your arrival and suddenly I see that many of the paintings are damaged. Moreover, paintings depicting landscapes were damaged. Do you all know what a landscape is?

    All damaged with black paint. I can’t even imagine how, who and why all this was done. Guys, what do you think? Why are paintings damaged by black paint? (Children's answers).

    What to do? What should I do? (Children's answers).

    Educator, How are the pictures updated? Do you know anything about this (They paint new ones or restore them).

    Guys, what can we do, how can we help? Guys, you and I have already drawn, and landscapes more than once, and now we will try to draw our own landscapes (Generalization of children’s answers).

    Irina Mikhailovna, the children will try very hard and we will be able to draw pictures with landscapes. We will bring them to you, and we will temporarily arrange an exhibition of our works and today you will be able to invite children to the exhibition.

    Guide: Guys, I really hope that everything we plan will work out. Here is a folder with reproductions that I accidentally got mixed up here, you select all the landscapes. This will help you decide what kind of paintings you will paint.

    Educator. Well done boys! You did your assignments very well. I am very pleased that you have accomplished much of what we are learning in the studio.

    Well, now it's time to get down to business. Let's all go to the art studio, now creativity will reign among us and each of us will be an artist and a little bit of a wizard. You can choose everything you need for drawing. Remember how I taught you: artists don’t draw anything just like that; with their drawing they want to express something and tell about something. First, think about what you want to depict and with what materials.

    I will approach each individual individually and answer your questions if anything is unclear to you. Our “Rules for Young Artists” will help us maintain order in the studio

    Children complete the task using the freedom to choose materials for drawing. While completing the task, children can move freely around the hall necessary supplies. At this time music sounds. Upon completion of the task, children's work is placed on a stand for drying.

    The children look at them.

    The teacher conducts a conversation with the children using questions that require detailed answers. When analyzing works, it is important to find something significant in each work. The following questions will help develop value judgments in children:

    Do you think there is a funny drawing among the works? Why?

    Which drawing can we call the most striking and why?

    Which drawing or whose work do you think is the saddest? Why?

    Why do you think I liked this job?

    What interesting things did this drawing tell us?

    What would you do differently in this work? Why?

    What would you title your drawings and why?

    Educator. Guys, do you think we can consider that we have completed the task? Not really! Right. And why? Drawings can be turned into paintings with the help of frames, right? Right. But we cannot put undried works in a frame. Therefore, we will consider that we have done the main thing - there are drawings of landscapes.

    And here is our tour guide! Look at our work, we tried so hard!

    The guide professionally evaluates the work using certain concepts. For example: What a great Nikita, he used the most necessary combinations of colors in his work, so he turned out very expressively.

    I see what unites your paintings good mood, with whom you did creative work here?

    All pictures were painted by you great love to nature. Well done!

    Now I will have something to show my children junior group in the exhibition hall, and I’ll also tell you a secret that when I offer your drawings to the kids, I will definitely say:

    Thank you! Here are some brushes from me as a souvenir, they will become magical in your hands, because today you yourself are like magicians.

    Now I will take your works and frame them. All the best and goodbye.


    Summary of the lesson “Drawing an apple with cotton swabs.”

    Purpose: gift, interior decoration
    Target: development of children's creative abilities through familiarization with the technique of drawing with cotton swabs.
    - master the technique of drawing with cotton swabs;
    - develop fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste;
    - to cultivate accuracy, hard work, and composure when performing work techniques.
    Equipment: a sheet of paper, paints, cotton swabs, a container of water, drawings by artists.

    Progress of the lesson.
    1. Introduction.
    The technique of drawing with cotton swabs has deep roots. Our ancestors painted pictures with a vice - a soaked stick pulled out of an ordinary broom. There is such a stylistic direction in painting - pointillism. It is based on the manner of writing with separate strokes of a regular, dotted or rectangular shape.

    2. Preparing children for practical classes.
    High on the tree the apples are ripe,
    The ripe sides are soaked in the sun;
    We have never eaten such apples
    And no one has tried, for sure.
    Sweet and tasty, golden red,
    The smell is amazing, warm in the hand.
    The apple tree produced beautiful apples,
    There are no tastier apples on our farm!

    Guys, today we will draw an apple using cotton swabs. The principle is very simple: you dip cotton swab into the paint and apply dots to the drawing. For different colors you need your own cotton swab. And if you place the dots more often, the color will be more saturated.

    3. Practical lesson.
    Guys, we are starting to draw with cotton swabs. Take a sheet of paper with a contour blank.

    Draw the outline of the apple. Take a cotton swab, dip it in red paint and put dots along the outline of the drawing.

    To make the prints even and round, the cotton swab must be held strictly vertically and pressed against the sheet with sufficient pressure.
    Similarly, paint the stem with brown paint and the leaf with green paint.

    Fill the inside of the apple with red dots. Older children can be asked to use 2-3 colors to fill.

    Fill the sheet with green dots. Our apple is ready.


    Lesson notes on unconventional drawing in senior group: (blotography-experimentation)

    "Spring Tree"

    Target : Continue to strengthen the ability to perform work using non-traditional techniques.

    Artistic creativity:

    • Introduce children to a new type of unconventional drawing technique “blotography”.
    • Introduce the method of drawing using a tube and the method of finishing drawings using napkins.
    • Develop the ability to convey colors.
    • Develop color perception and sense of composition.
    • To arouse the desire of children to convey their impressions of the perception of objects in art activities, to bring them to the awareness of an expressive image.


    • Develop cognitive and research activities.
    • Develop imagination, attention, memory and thinking.
    • Develop the respiratory system.


    • Improve speech as a means of communication.
    • Improve the ability to accurately characterize an object, make assumptions and draw simple conclusions.

    Activating the dictionary: cocktail straw.

    Dictionary enrichment: blotography.

    Preliminary work:

    • Excursion through the spring park.
    • Looking at illustrations on the theme “Spring has come.”
    • Games with water and a cocktail straw “Battleship”
    • Blowing air through a tube.
    • Making a background using the “Wet on wet” technique.


    • Tinted sheets
    • Diluted gouache
    • Watercolor, paint brush (squirrel)
    • Cocktail straws.
    • Water in jars
    • River sand on plates.
    • Paper napkins.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Organizing time.

    Children, do you believe in magic?

    (Children's answers)

    What wizards or magical objects do you know?

    (children's answers)

    Where are the wizards?

    In your fantasies!

    Who do wizards hang out with?

    And with those who believe in them!

    Today you and I will be wizards, and the cocktail straw will be a magic wand.

    1. Experimentation:

    We are a magic wand

    Let's wave it quietly

    And miracles in a plate

    We will find it from the sand.

    Move a plate of sand towards you and try to blow into a stick, what do you see? (the sand swells). Try to draw the sun using a straw and air that you blow out (children draw). Now try this in a bowl of water (the kids do it). Does not work. And I suggest you draw on paper with the help of our magic wand, and not just draw, but blow out a drawing, but first we will talk to you.

    1. Conversation:

    Let's all remember and list the seasons together.

    What time of year is it now?

    What do you like or dislike in spring?

    What can you say about trees?

    (children's answers)

    Reading a poem by T. Dmitriev

    Buds swell in spring

    And the leaves hatched

    Look at the maple branches -

    How many green noses?

    Guys, I invite you for a walk along the spring path. Let's go to?

    Look, there are some traces here. Whose do you think it is? (there are painted hare tracks on the floor). The bunnies probably played in this clearing and left a lot of traces.

    Let's play like bunnies too.

    Jumping and jumping in the woods

    Hares are gray balls

    Jump - jump, jump - jump -

    The little bunny stood on a stump

    He lined everyone up in order and began showing them exercises.

    Once! Everyone walks in place.

    Two! They wave their hands together.

    Three! They sat down and stood up together.

    Everyone scratched behind the ear.

    We reached four.

    Five! They bent over and bent over.

    Six! Everyone lined up again

    They walked like a squad.

    We had a nice walk, played enough, and now we can get down to business.

    Look what we have on the table.

    (album sheets with a prepared background, watercolors, brushes, diluted gouache, spoons, jars of water, paper napkins)

    We will draw trees using our magic tube wand. First, we will take the paint with a spoon and make a blot at the place where the tree trunk will begin. Then we begin to inflate the blot with a straw, without touching either the paint or the paper. The leaf can be rotated to create a trunk. Next, we draw the crown of the tree using a napkin (take a napkin, crumple it and dip it in paint and draw the crown of the tree (dip it) or use a brush to paint the leaves using the dipping method, but first the drawing must dry. In the meantime, you and I will have a little rest. Let’s lie down on the carpet with our eyes closed and imagine the beauty of the spring forest.

    (recording of relaxation music “Sounds of the spring forest” sounds)

    1. What needs to be done to make the drawing beautiful?

    You need to try hard and do the drawing with love. Children draw. Independent activity.

    Lesson summary:

    Our drawings are ready, bright and elegant!

    In conclusion, a physical education session:

    We painted today

    We painted today

    Our fingers are tired.

    Let them rest a little

    They'll start drawing again

    Let's move our elbows away together

    Let's start drawing again (we stroked our hands, shook them, and kneaded them.)

    We painted today

    Our fingers are tired.

    Let's shake our fingers

    Let's start drawing again.

    Legs together, legs apart,

    We hammer in the nails (children smoothly raise their arms in front of them, shake their hands, and stamp their feet.)

    We tried, we drew,

    And now everyone stood up together,

    They stomped their feet, clapped their hands,

    Then we squeeze our fingers,

    Let's start drawing again.

    We tried, we drew,

    Our fingers are tired.

    And now we will rest -

    Let's start drawing again

    (When reciting a poem, children perform movements, repeating after the teacher.)

    If one of the children did not have time to finish the drawing, they finish the drawing. At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition of the resulting works. Viewing children's drawings is carried out with the task of choosing expressive images: the most unusual, bright, elegant, cheerful tree. The realism of the image is noted. It is determined for each child what materials and techniques he used.


    Subject: "Undersea world".



    Types of children's activities:

    Materials and equipment:

    Progress of the lesson.

    Riddle - exercise for the mind.

    1.It contains salt water,

    Ships sail along it.

    In summer adults and children

    They go there on vacation. (Sea)

    2.For parents and children

    3. A forest grew in the sea,

    He's all green. (Seaweed)

    Finger gymnastics.

    Two sisters - two hands(Children show hands)

    They cut, build, dig,(Imitate actions)

    The weeds are falling together(Lean down)

    And they wash each other(Wash your fist with your palm)

    Two hands knead the dough(Imitate actions)

    Sea and river water

    Rowing while swimming(Imitate actions)

    Stages of work:

    3.Analysis of work.

    Summary of the lesson.

    Well done!


    Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group

    Subject: "Undersea world".

    Integration educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”.

    Target: develop children's cognitive interest, Creative skills.


    Systematize and expand children’s knowledge about the inhabitants of the underwater world;

    Develop speech activity, enrich vocabulary (starfish, octopus, jellyfish);

    Improve children's drawing skills unconventional technology(wax crayons + watercolor), create a composition on a given topic;

    Realize aesthetic education; cultivate a caring attitude towards natural objects.

    Types of children's activities:cognitive-research, communicative, artistic and musical, productive, gaming.

    Materials and equipment:photo depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world, picture “Dissatisfied Fish”, audio recording “The Sound of the Sea”, A4 sheets, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes, cups of water.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Guys, today we will go with you on an exciting journey. Look carefully at the photo. What does it show? (Children's answers). I propose to turn into fish and find yourself at the bottom of the sea. (The teacher plays the audio recording “The Sound of the Sea”).

    Did you like being a fish? Which fish did you imagine, happy or sad? (Children's statements)

    Now look carefully at the picture. What is the fish's mood? What could upset them? (Children's statements)

    Let's remember together the rules of conduct near a pond. (Children tell how to behave near a body of water)

    In addition to fish, in the sea we can meetstarfish, jellyfish, octopus.

    (The teacher shows a photo of them)

    Look, guys, how beautiful they are! We will not meet such interesting inhabitants on land. These are inhabitants of the deep sea.

    Riddle - exercise for the mind.

    Guys, I will tell you riddles, and you must find the answers in our sea picture.

    1.It contains salt water,

    Ships sail along it.

    In summer adults and children

    They go there on vacation. (Sea)

    2.For parents and children

    All clothes are made from coins. (Fish)

    3. A forest grew in the sea,

    He's all green. (Seaweed)

    Guys, the world of the deep sea is rich, beautiful and diverse. Today I propose to depict your undersea world.

    Finger gymnastics.

    Two sisters - two hands(Children show hands)

    They cut, build, dig,(Imitate actions)

    The weeds are falling together(Lean down)

    And they wash each other(Wash your fist with your palm)

    Two hands knead the dough(Imitate actions)

    Left and right, (Show one hand, then the other)

    Sea and river water (Make wave-like movements with the hands)

    Rowing while swimming(Imitate actions)

    Independent activity of children.

    Stages of work:

    1.Draw fish, pebbles, algae with wax crayons...

    2.Color the entire sheet of paper with blue paint.

    3.Analysis of work.

    Summary of the lesson.

    Guys, let's show each other what wonderful drawings we have made. Each of you has your own unique underwater world. All the guys tried hard, showed their imagination and showed their knowledge about marine life. Everything today Well done!


    Notes on drawing in a non-traditional form “Pictures from Sand” in the senior group

    Target : introduce children to unconventional form sand painting;

    Develop artistic abilities visual arts, the ability to accept and independently implement a creative task, creative imagination.

    Preliminary work: drawing with sticks in the sand. Sandbox games. Conversation about summer holidays.

    Equipment : sheets of yellow, orange, beige paper of different sizes, felt-tip pens. Boxes with sand, sheets of paper white, glue sticks, oilcloth.

    GCD move

    Educator : guys, listen to the poem by V. Shipunova"Palms":

    I stroke with my palms

    Warm sand.

    I'm drawing a boat

    And next to it is a flower

    And my mother's cat

    And grandfather's accordion,

    flying crane

    And the letter is Antoshka.

    flowing grains of sand...

    I’m sitting and not breathing,

    after all, pictures of the world

    I hold it in my palms.

    Guys, what time of year is it now?

    That's right - summer. What games can you play on the playground?

    In addition to the games you listed, you can not only play with sand, but also draw on it; what can you use to draw on the sand?(With chopsticks or fingers)

    Educator : Guys, we have yellow, orange, beige paper, let's imagine that this is sand, and pencils are shelves.

    Imagine that you and I are sitting on the shore of the sea or river, stroking the yellow sand with our palms and drawing the most beautiful pictures in the world. Choose sand-colored paper. This can be one large sheet - many pictures will fit on it. Or several small leaves - one for each picture.

    Sit as comfortably as you like, because we are on the beach and draw any picture. Think about what you would like to draw and be sure to come up with a name for your picture.

    The teacher asks who will draw what and writes the name of the picture on each person’s piece of paper.

    Physical education minute:

    Like the sea on ours

    Goldfish are dancing.

    They are having fun

    In clean warm water,

    They will shrink, they will unclench,

    They'll bury themselves in the sand,

    They'll wave their fins,

    They will spin in circles.

    Children pretend to be frolicking fish.

    Educator : Guys, now we’ll turn your pictures into unusual ones"sandy" . I have a magic box, what do you think is in it?(sand)

    There is one unusual way creation"sand" paintings -

    Using paper and glue. It is necessary to draw an adhesive pencil along all the lines of the picture and quickly place the picture flat in a box with sand with the image facing down, lightly pat it and lift the picture.

    Children master new way, located near the boxes of sand.

    Upon completion of the work, the teacher and the children prepare an exhibition of children's works"Sand Pictures".


    Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

    on the topic: “Wonderful transformations of a blot”


    Tasks. Create conditions for free experimentation with different materials and tools (art and household). Show new ways of obtaining abstract images (blots). Arouse interest in the objectification and “revival” of unusual forms (blots).

    Develop creative imagination.

    Preliminary work.

    Observations on a walk and conversation about what clouds look like, what puddles look like?

    The teacher reads to the children an excerpt from “The Story of the Boy Who Wanted to Become an Artist” (book by I.A. Lykova “Colored Palms”).


    Paints – watercolor, gouache; colored ink, soft brushes of different sizes, old toothbrushes, slices of vegetables (potatoes, beets), rags, sponges, newspapers for crumpling and stamping; jars of water, cocktail tubes (straws).

    Progress of the lesson.

    The teacher reads to the children D. Ciardi’s poem “About the One Who Came from a Blot.”

    Yesterday my sister brought me a gift

    A bottle of black - black ink.

    I began to draw, but straight from the pen

    He dropped a huge blot.

    And a spot spread on the sheet,

    It began to grow little by little:

    On the left is the trunk, and on the right is the tail,

    Legs are like pedestals, tall...

    I immediately go to black mascara

    I drew huge ears,

    And, of course, he turned out -

    You guessed it - an Indian elephant.

    Guys, what is a blot?

    Yes, a blot is a spot of an indefinite shape that is created if you accidentally spill a colored liquid - paint or ink. Because the spot does not have an exact shape, it can be turned into anything or anyone.

    Let's also draw blots today, and then turn them into whoever we want or into whoever they look like.

    How do you think you can put or receive or draw a blot?

    That's right: you can make an imprint with a sponge, a cloth, or a wad of paper.

    Stamp with a cut of beetroot, which leaves traces of its juice.

    Draw a puddle with a soft brush or toothbrush.

    Apply a little mascara to a piece of paper and blow it out of a tube or straw into different sides.

    Let us draw different blots on separate pieces of paper. different ways. Children experiment. The teacher reminds that the main thing in a blot is uncertainty, surprise, and unusual shape.

    Physical education minute

    After the children have mastered several methods and created several blots, I propose to revive the blots - turn them into living beings or objects.

    Children, carefully examine your blots, turn the sheets of paper in different directions. Here, for example, is my blot: if you look at it like this, it looks like a little man, you just need to finish drawing the eyes and mouth; and if the blot is turned over, it resembles a flower, only I’ll add a stem and leaves.

    What will your blots turn into? (I quietly ask each child about his associations, plans, help indecisive children)

    The children do the work. A general exhibition of “live” blots is being organized.


    Topic: “Subject monotype “Butterfly”.
    Age group: senior group.

    Goal: to develop children's interest in visual arts. To introduce children to the world of art through knowledge of the surrounding world, its artistic meaning. Program objectives of educational areas:
    Artistic and aesthetic development: introduce children to the “monotype” visual technique, activate the manifestation of an aesthetic attitude towards the natural world, develop an emotional response to the manifestation of beauty in the world around them. Develop imagination.
    Cognitive development: consolidate children’s knowledge about butterflies as representatives of the insect class, continue to develop children’s knowledge about the three phases of butterfly development, and cultivate a caring attitude towards the world of insects.
    Physical development: develop fine motor skills of the hands, develop coordination abilities.
    Preliminary work: viewing the presentation “Insects”. Lexico-grammatical exercises on the topic “Butterflies”, “Insects”. Conversation “How a butterfly appears.” Printed board games: lotto “Insects”, “Harm and Benefit”, “Who Lives Where”, “Assemble from Parts”. Discussion of the stories by V. S. Grebennikov “Secrets of the world of insects.”
    Methods and techniques:
    Visual: showing a diagram of how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, showing techniques for depicting a butterfly using the monotype technique.
    Verbal: conversation, questions for children, pronouncing words from physical education lessons, instructions, explanation, verbal description of the process of turning a caterpillar into a butterfly.
    Practical: productive activity, physical education.
    Equipment: watercolor paints, brushes of different thicknesses, napkins, water containers, sheets of white A4 paper, cards depicting the stages of butterfly development, painting material on the theme “Butterflies”, easel.
    The teacher invites the children to wish the guests good morning:
    Educator: Guys, let’s all stand in a circle and wish each other good morning. All together: All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world! Activities of pupils.
    Greeting, children say hello, give guests smiles, perform movements in accordance with the words of the text.
    Methods, forms, techniques,
    possible types
    activities. Result.
    Children develop psychological readiness for educational activities.
    The teacher makes a riddle about a caterpillar, introduces a fairy-tale character and plays it out, and invites the children to get to know the caterpillar. Children listen carefully, guess the riddle, agree to meet, and get acquainted with the fairy-tale character - the caterpillar. They concentrate attention and emotionally express their attitude towards the activity.
    The surprise moment is the appearance of the caterpillar hero. Mutual greeting.
    The children are ready for the upcoming activity.
    -We are all having fun, but the caterpillar is sad,
    (asks the children to answer why? Because everyone thinks the caterpillar is ugly, clumsy, some want to crush it). - Please think about how we can help the caterpillar? Cheer her up. Do you want to help the caterpillar? Respects children's statements and helps children draw conclusions. Children notice a sad caterpillar and call possible reasons sad mood of the caterpillar. They make judgments about how to help the caterpillar, express their own thoughts, and draw conclusions based on their own experience. Problem statement: help the caterpillar find a good mood.
    Posing problematic questions: what can be done, how can one help the caterpillar. Discussion.
    Children develop internal motivation for activity and a desire to help the caterpillar is formed - to tell it that the caterpillar can turn into a beautiful butterfly.
    I am convinced that you are really ready to help the caterpillar turn into a butterfly, but for this we need to remember the stages of the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly (offer children the game task “Name the stage of transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly”, based on visual material).
    Systematizes children's answers, generalizes, asks children questions that stimulate the thinking process. Children participate in dialogue
    express their opinion
    based on available
    representations, recall previously learned, ask
    and answer the questions:
    What does a caterpillar come from? Where do butterflies lay their eggs? What happens to the caterpillar, what does it turn into? When does the pupa turn into a butterfly?, perform a game task: name the stages of the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The conversation is accompanied by a demonstration on an easel
    pictures depicting the stages of transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Children reproduce information
    for a successful
    learning new things, correct answers show that children have knowledge on the topic “Reproduction and development of insects.”

    The teacher pronounces and shows the movements of the physical education lesson “A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up”
    together with the children performs movements in accordance with the words of the text. Children perform the movements of the physical education lesson, in accordance with the words of the text, the children liked the physical education lesson, they carefully follow the teacher, listen to the text, and repeat the movements. Showing the movements of the physical education lesson “A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up.”
    Performing movements in accordance with the words of the text. Relieving tension, emotional and physical release.
    Mastering methods of action, applying knowledge, skills and
    skills. The teacher says,
    shows children the sequence,
    techniques for performing unconventional techniques
    drawing “subject monotype”, pronounces the name of the non-traditional technique with the children. He suggests using a thin brush to draw small details: a pattern on the wings, antennae, limbs. Provides necessary assistance and emotional support.
    Children listen carefully to the teacher, pronounce the stages and sequence of work, do practical work independently - draw a butterfly using the “object monotype” technique, draw small details with a thin brush.

    The teacher organizes an analysis of practical work, a discussion of the most successful and interesting ones, notes to each child that he drew something interesting, listens to the children’s opinions in discussing their work and the work of their peers. Invites children to create an album with drawings and give it to the caterpillar. Children talk about their completed work, what, in their opinion, they did most successfully, and what the idea was. They are preparing drawings for an album as a gift for the caterpillar. Analysis, active discussion. Children become aware of themselves as participants creative process. Children develop basic self-esteem skills and the ability to evaluate the work of their peers. Children see the results of their activities.
    Summing up the results of the GCD, summarizing the experience gained by the child.
    The teacher asks the children questions:
    -Was it difficult to do the job? What did you like most? Which non-traditional technique do you enjoy working with the most? Did we help the caterpillar? The teacher offers to draw a smile on the caterpillar and involves the children in summing up the results. Children react emotionally to the work done. Answer the teacher's questions. Evaluation, praise, approval. Children are able to analyze their work, children received satisfaction from joint activities with the teacher and are satisfied with the result of their activities.

    Abstract open class on drawing in an unconventional technique, a sketch on the theme “Underwater World” for the regional methodological association.

    Nadezhda Viktorovna Vinogradova, teacher at GBDOU d/s No. 14, St. Petersburg.
    Description: I offer you a summary of an open lesson in a preparatory group for school. This material will be useful to teachers and methodologists of preschool institutions.
    Target: drawing on the theme “Underwater world” using the non-traditional technique of scratching
    Tasks: Strengthen children's technical drawing skills. Continue to learn how to build a composition of a drawing, reflect your impressions and knowledge about the world around you in a drawing. Develop children's imagination and creativity.
    Methods and techniques: gaming, verbal (conversation), visual, practical, unconventional drawing.
    Materials and equipment for the lesson: sheets of thick paper specially primed for making drawings using the grattage technique (first, the entire surface of the cardboard is carefully painted with wax crayons of different colors, then the cardboard is covered with a layer of blue gouache, after complete drying the cardboard is ready for drawing), toothpicks, illustrations of sea creatures, puzzles (cut photographs marine animals and fish, A4 format), audio recordings: A. Kanachyan - “In the blue sea, in white foam”, the sound of the surf. Diving accessories: fins, masks, goggles, snorkels, “the gate of the sea Tsarstav”: a screen with blue drapery. For a relaxation corner: a bath with sand and pebbles and shells hidden in it.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Introductory part:

    A. Kanachyan’s song “In the blue sea in white foam...” sounds, the children enter the hall.
    The music stops.
    - Guys, today is an unusual day for us, guests have come to us, let's say hello to them (Hello!)
    - Now let's move on... Look, what is this lying here? What is this for? (Children look at the objects on the green “island” on the floor, offer possible answers: mask and snorkel for diving, fins, inflatable ring, etc.).

    - Where is all this used, on land or in water? (in water)
    - So, where will we travel today? (in the sea)
    - That's right, in the depths of the sea. We have already met some of the inhabitants of the underwater world. Let's remember them (the teacher takes the children to a stand with images of fish and sea animals).

    Children list, pointing to pictures, those fish and animals they know, remember their habits and characteristics. The teacher draws attention to the shape and color of the sea inhabitants, as well as to the fact that there are plants in the sea - algae - and they are also all different in shape and color.
    The teacher asks about those who were not named:
    -Who do you think it is? Who does he look like? (Children make assumptions, the teacher corrects, naming correctly)

    2. Puzzles
    The teacher turns to the center of the hall, where there is a “lake” (blue fabric in the shape of a circle) on the floor, draws the children’s attention to it and what lies in it:
    - Guys, what do we have here? It looks like a pond, and there is sea mail in it, look - envelopes! Take an envelope each and let's see what's inside?
    - Oh, yes, there are photographs of someone, but they are not whole, but divided into parts... We need to make photographs from these pieces, then we can find out whose they are.

    Children sit/lay down on the “lake”, put together puzzles, and discuss who has whose photo.
    - Thank you guys, now underwater inhabitants can easily find their photos.

    3. Riddles

    - Do you know that we have an aquarium in St. Petersburg? Have any of you been in it? If you haven’t been, I highly recommend visiting with your parents. It's so interesting there! You can meet amazing fish and sea animals, examine the seabed and various underwater plants. Guess who I met there?

    This fish is an evil predator
    It will swallow everyone wholeheartedly
    Yawned showing her teeth
    And sank to the bottom... (shark)

    Pear with long legs
    Settled in the ocean
    As many as eight arms and legs
    This is a miracle - ... (octopus)

    For myself at the bottom of the sea
    He builds a house with his claws
    Round shell, ten legs
    Did you guess it? This is... (crab)

    What kind of ball floats with spikes,
    Quietly waving its fins?
    You just can’t take it in your hands
    This ball is ... (hedgehog fish)

    Both on land and in water
    Carries the house with him everywhere
    Travels without fear
    In this house... (turtle)

    A transparent umbrella floats
    “I’ll burn you!” – threatens – Don’t touch!
    Her paws and belly
    What is her name? (jellyfish)

    Looks so much like a horse
    And he lives in the sea too
    That's a fish! Jump and jump -
    The sea horse is jumping... (horse)

    4. Physical education minute
    Educator: For some reason we guys stayed too long. Let's warm up a little.

    Waves splash in the ocean (alternately swing your right and left hands)
    What is there in the fog? (raise your palm to your forehead, “peering”)
    These are the masts of ships (raise your arms straight up)
    Let them sail here quickly! (swing your arms left and right from the elbow)

    We are walking along the shore (step in place)
    We are waiting for sailors,
    Looking for shells in the sand (bend over, reach the floor with your hands)
    And clench it in a fist (raise clenched fists)
    To collect more of them (squats)
    I need to squat more often

    5. Main part:

    - Guys, would you like to meet underwater inhabitants and make a photo drawing of them? What do we need to do for this? (dive underwater)
    - Children, look what’s in the basket here? (masks for scuba diving). Why are they needed, remind me? (to see underwater)
    - These are the ones that will be useful to us now. Let's put them on and dive in! Before diving, take a deep breath and hold your breath a little.
    Children put on masks and “dive” into the makeshift gates of the “Sea Kingdom”. The teacher invites them to sit down at the prepared workstations and take off their masks.

    - Guys, we have now dived into the underwater world. Let's close our eyes and imagine the seabed and underwater inhabitants (turn on the audio recording “sound of the surf”). Look at them carefully: who you saw, what size, color, what surrounds them, remember them. Open your eyes and let's take a photo of what you just saw. We won’t tell you yet who we met, but when you draw, then we’ll try to guess.
    And today we will draw using the grattage technique. We are already familiar with this technique. What else can you call it, how do we apply the drawing? (scratch).
    The underwater world is a world of magical beauty, it is very colorful. Everything in it mysteriously shimmers with different colors, and some animals even know how to change their color themselves (octopus). Therefore, for today’s sketch for each of you, I made this small sea with a colored base, there is already water in it, you just need to populate it with inhabitants and plants. Choose the size of your future photo drawing (children choose the format of the blank).

    Let's remember once again how to draw using the grattage technique (scratch a design with a toothpick on a workpiece). A toothpick is a tool, be very careful and attentive with it. Now imagine again what you want to draw and get started. If anyone needs help, call me quietly so as not to put water in your mouth and scare away the fish.

    Children, under the supervision of a teacher, draw a composition on a marine theme.

    The child with the finished work puts on a mask and “surfaces”, the teacher directs him to a relaxation corner (a bath filled with sand with “surprises” - the game “find a sea souvenir”). At the end of the lesson, children's works are filed in a common “photo album”.

    6. Final part:

    - Guys, our album of “photo drawings” is ready, let’s look together, admire and try to guess who met whom under water.
    Children, together with the teacher, look at the album, discuss the work, and guess what is depicted.
    -Did you enjoy today’s trip to the Sea Kingdom? You are so great: you talked about swimming accessories, solved riddles, guessed the inhabitants from pictures and made a whole Sea Album! Let's leave it to our guests to watch, and we ourselves will go and refresh ourselves, a second breakfast awaits us.
    The children leave the hall to the continuation of A. Kanachyan’s song “In the blue sea, in the white foam...”.

    Summary of an integrated open lesson on non-traditional drawing " Magic flower for Baba Yaga" B middle group. MKDOU kindergarten No. 22 Vashutino village

    Conducted by a 1st qualification teacher

    Materials and equipment:

    A letter, a chest, a “Magic Nut”, a finger theater, a stream of ribbon, a seven-flowered flower, electrical tape, a cork, a plastic bottle, gouache, a jar of water, napkins.

    Preliminary work:

    A conversation about the seven-flowered flower from the fairy tale of the same name by V. Kataev “The Seven-flowered Flower.”

    Musical accompaniment:

    Grandpa "The Lonely Shepherd".

    Program tasks

    Developmental tasks:

    Develop in children creative thinking, perception, fantasy, artistic and aesthetic taste, color perception and creativity, good attitude towards the entire world around us.

    Develop a sense of self-confidence and promote the formation of positive emotions.

    Educational tasks:

    Foster a love of nature and interest in activities.

    Training tasks:

    Strengthen the ability to work in various non-traditional drawing techniques: electrical tape, plastic bottle, cotton swab, cork.

    Strengthen the ability to arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper.

    Continue to teach children to convey a joyful mood in their drawings.

    Progress of the lesson

    The children enter the hall to the sound of calm music.

    Children greet guests.

    Vosp.: Good morning us!

    Good morning!

    Good morning everybody!

    I want to give you my mood (blows towards the children)

    I will give you joy, Egor and Vova,

    Diana, Valya and Sasha - fun,

    Kolya and Alisa - I will give cheerfulness,

    Diana and Karina are in a mischievous mood.

    Did you catch everyone?

    And I wish you all health

    Playback Guys, look, there's something here.

    (picks up crumpled paper)

    I don’t understand anything, but I know for sure that Baba Yaga wrote this, only she writes like that, in hieroglyphs. Let's go find out what happened to her?

    How can we find the path to Baba Yaga's hut? Who will help us?

    (A squirrel appears from behind the screen)

    Playback Look, guys, a squirrel. Maybe she can help us.

    Squirrel, squirrel tell me,

    Squirrel - show me squirrel

    How to find a track

    To Baba Ezhka's hut.

    Squirrel. Guys, I have a magic nut, where it falls, that’s where you need to go.

    Playback and children. Thank you squirrel.

    Playback Throws a nut. A nut falls into a milk river with jelly banks

    Playback Guys, look where the nut has taken us.

    What do you think this is?

    Yes, this is a river with jelly banks.

    River, my little river,

    Tell us without hiding

    Where to find the track

    To Baba Ezhka's hut.


    please me

    I’ll tell you everything without hiding,

    How to find a track

    To Baba Ezhka's hut

    Playback Guys, the river asks us to surprise and please it with something. Let's use finger theater Let's show her one of our favorite fairy tales. And it's called Teremok

    Children act out the fairy tale "Teremok"

    Playback Well, river, did you like the fairy tale?


    Thank you friends

    And I'm glad to help you

    A path leads into a dark forest

    There is a hut on chicken legs.

    And a trickle will help you.

    (Player rolls out a stream of ribbon)

    Playback Guys, where have we come?

    (They come to Baba Yaga and see that she is grieving over a flower stem).

    Playback Hello, Grandma Yaga, what happened to you?

    B. Ya. Hello children! I took care of him! I was already guarding him! I didn’t show it to anyone! Sometimes I watered it! I locked it with three locks! And he flew away!

    Playback Who flew away?

    B. Ya. I picked a flower in the garden - a seven-flowered one. I wanted to keep it for myself for joy. Yes, the trouble is, the storyteller found out and demands it back. You know how to contact him.

    In an instant he will turn into a frog. What will I return? Woe is me!

    Vosp. How did this happen, grandma?

    B. Ya. As soon as I opened the chest, he flew away. One stick left.

    Playback First of all, grandma, this is not a stick. Guys, tell Grandma Yaga what is this?

    (stalk) Secondly, what is this in your chest?

    B. Ya. Yes, some kind of piece of paper.

    Playback Read it.

    B. Ya. I can’t! Read for yourself.

    (The teacher reads the note: “I’ll come back when you draw a magic flower yourself.”)

    B. Ya. Draw it! Aha! But I don’t know how to paint.

    Playback Not to paint, but what should the guys say? (draw, depict)

    Vosp. Don't worry, we will show you, teach you and show you how to draw

    Magic flowers. I invite everyone to our fabulous workshop

    And Baba Yaga will study and draw with us.

    Let's get our fingers ready for drawing.

    Physical education minute

    The flower slept in a magical sleep

    (fists clenched tightly)

    It was closed. But after

    A petal appeared

    (straighten your thumb)

    And behind him is his friend


    So the third one didn’t sleep

    (middle finger)

    And the fourth one was not far behind

    (ring finger)

    Here is the fifth petal

    (little finger)

    And the whole flower opened!

    (the hand depicts the shape of a tulip - a deep cup).

    Today we will draw with electrical tape, a cork, a plastic bottle,

    With a cotton swab. Think and decide what technique you will use to make your drawing, choose the material you need and get to work.

    (while working, watch your posture. Pay attention to the accuracy of the work, consistency, cleaning of the workplace).

    (Children do work to the music unconventional technology drawing)

    Playback Look, Grandmother Yaga, what flowers the children drew. Do you like them?

    (Baba Yaga walks from table to table).

    B. Ya. Real wizards! Which beautiful flower! This one is even better! No here

    This! Or this one? No, I don't know, they're all wonderful. Well done boys!

    Playback What do you have, grandma? Now let's see what kind of student you are.

    (puts Baba Yaga's works on the easel)

    Guys, what technique did Baba Yaga use to draw her drawings?

    (duct tape, bottle, cork, cotton swab)

    What kind of flowers did Baba Yaga get?

    (Wonderful, beautiful, fabulous, festive, unusual).

    B. Ya. Thank you guys. Thanks to you, I learned to draw. I'll go and have a look

    Has my seven-flowered flower returned?

    (Runs to the chest. Opens it and takes out a flower)

    Hooray! He's back! I want to thank you. I have some treats in my chest for you.

    (Gives the children treats and says goodbye to them.)

    B. Ya. I’ll run and take it to the storyteller, let him help do good deeds in fairy tales,

    It’s so great to give joy and help others!

    (Runs away).

    Playback She ran away and got away. I was very happy that the seven-flowered flower returned

    And now the storyteller will not turn her into a frog.

    Thank you guys so much. You tried your best today, you drew some beautiful ones,

    Fairytale flowers and Baba Yaga taught.

    We will use our beautiful, magical, wonderful flowers to arrange an exhibition in your group so that your parents can also admire your works.

    Elena Yagudina

    Integration of educational areas:“Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity” (non-traditional techniques of drawing with “stamps”, “Fiction “Health”.

    Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.

    The purpose of the teacher’s activity: strengthen children’s ability to depict in drawings the structure of a flower (stem, leaves, petals) using a variety of materials. Develop aesthetic feelings, accuracy, imagination, creativity. Cultivate love for mother, independence.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Time is running out

    Snow and ice.

    River bank

    Water floods.

    The day is lengthening

    The night is waning.

    How is this time

    Tell me, they call it... (Spring)

    That's right, well done! Spring will come to us very soon. And although there is still snow outside, the sun is shining warmer and brighter. Tell me what holiday we celebrate in the first month of spring, March (children's answers). That's right, well done! This is the holiday of March 8th. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters and give them gifts and flowers, but what is especially dear to mother is a gift that you can make with your own hands. And in order to understand what we will do today, please listen to the poem:

    We'll draw for mom

    Beautiful flowers.

    We will draw it ourselves:

    And me, and you, and us!

    It's very simple -

    draw flowers,

    And if you want,

    Try again.

    Painting with yellow paint

    And red, blue.

    We will give you different flowers

    We are dear to mother.

    Guys, tell me, what gifts will we make for our mothers? (children's answers) That's right, well done! Today I invite you to draw flowers. But before we get started, let’s remember what a flower is made of (pistil - the middle of the flower, petals, stem, leaf).

    So we told you what parts a flower consists of, and now let’s try to put it together.

    (Children using a flannelgraph to make a flower)

    Guys, tell me, how can you draw? (children's answers) Well done, you named everything correctly, and I want to invite you to draw with stamps today, but first, let’s rest a little.

    Flowers grow in the meadow

    Unprecedented beauty. (Stretching - arms to the sides s.)

    Flowers reach for the sun.

    Stretch with them too. (Stretching - arms up X.)

    The wind blows sometimes

    But that's not a problem. (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.)

    Flowers bend down

    The petals drop. (Tilts.)

    And then they get up again

    And they still bloom.

    Now let’s sit down at our jobs. You have sponge stamps and three colors of paint on your tables. Please tell me what colors these are? (children's answers) That's right, well done!

    Since we will be drawing with a soft sponge, there is no need to press hard on the stamp. We take the stamp, dip it in yellow paint and make an imprint in the upper part of the middle of the sheet. Look, did we get a flower? (children's answers)

    Of course - no, we only drew the middle, and now let's try to add the petals. To do this, take the next stamp and dip it in red paint. Then we begin to place prints around the middle of the flower, first from the top, then from the bottom, left, right, and so on.

    Now we need to draw the stem and leaves. We will draw them with cotton swabs. Please tell me what color the stem and leaves of the flower are (children's answers) That's right, well done! Dip a cotton swab into green paint and draw a stem with a smooth movement, after which we finish drawing leaves on the stem.

    Which beautiful flowers you got it, they are all bright and you can immediately see that they were made with love. And your moms will love them. And now I suggest you collect our flowers into a beautiful bouquet.

    To summarize: Guys, please tell me what we did today? (children's answers) For whom did we draw such wonderful flowers? (children's answers) What wonderful holiday is our creativity connected with today? (children's answers) Did you like it? (children's answers)

    I also really liked it, I was glad to meet you, I want to thank you for your joint work and give you these funny balls.

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