• Finger theater three bears templates. Master class “Finger theater made of paper for staging the fairy tale “The Three Bears.” Board game - adventure


    Attention, thinking, fine motor skills, help strengthen counting skills, colors, shapes and sizes. And homemade games can be an excellent developmental tool that takes into account the individual capabilities and interests of your baby.

    Participants of "" prepared several master classes on DIY board games. Lotto, adventure games, memories and even a floor walker will be an excellent educational aid for any child under the age of 3 years.

    Lotto made from baby food caps

    To create the lotto, I printed out color pictures in duplicate. I pasted one copy the size of half an A4 sheet onto cardboard and covered it with tape, from the second copy I cut out pictures in a circle, stuck them on double-sided tape inside the lids from baby food.

    You can simply look at the caps, expanding your vocabulary, play lotto, finding the same pictures on the field. You can draw pictures yourself, you can use stickers.

    Learn to count while learning colors using bottle caps

    I pasted a number onto the cardboard and colored circles made of colored self-adhesive paper corresponding to the number, and covered everything with tape.

    You can look at the cards, study numbers up to 5, you need to put the corresponding number of colored ones on the circles or repeat the same pattern of circles next to them.

    Learning to count and compare using milk caps

    I cut out cards from cardboard, onto which I pasted colored pictures in quantities from 1 to 5, and in the middle of the card I pasted a circle of colored self-adhesive paper. I pasted numbers from 1 to 5 on the milk caps.

    Unlike the previous game, in this game you need to correlate the number of animals with a certain number by placing the corresponding cap in the circle. You can simply find all the cards with one animal, two, etc., and in the future play addition and subtraction.

    You can draw any objects as animals.

    Olga Antonenko and daughter Olesya 1 year 6 months, Yaroslavl

    Board game “Visiting Bear”

    I want to make a simple board game, due to our small age. To begin with, I took: a thick sheet of watercolor paper, velvet paper, a book about bears for decoration, PVA glue, a hole punch, colored pencils.

    Using a hole punch, I made circles in which to walk on the playing field. In the center of the sheet I glued the main character Mishka with a guest. From the circles I made three paths according to the number of participants leading to Mishka. On each track there is a cell with a checkmark, which means roll the die again, and a cell circled in black, which means skip the move. Decorated the playing field with cutouts from the book.

    In my opinion, it turned out to be a simple board game for the little ones!

    Geido Olga and son Vanya, 1 year 4 months, Novosibirsk.

    Game "Memory"

    From felt I cut out 24 circles with a diameter of 4 cm lilac color and the same number of circles purple, the edges of which were trimmed with curly scissors.

    I sewed multi-colored paired figures onto the lilac circles. I made loops from ribbon. I folded lilac and purple circles, inserted loops there and stitched them on a typewriter. We got twelve paired cards.

    Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

    To begin with, you can take four or five pairs of cards. Place them face down on the table. Now we begin to open the cards, looking for paired ones. The one who collects the most pairs wins. This game develops memory, and fine motor skills also take part in this game.

    Kosteva Oksana and son Sashenka 1 year 10 months, Dolgoprudny

    We took a soft cube and glued four squares onto it: red, blue, green and pink. Two fields remained drawn: the bear is sleeping (skipping a move) and the bear is moving (one move forward). The field was a twister.

    We came up with several variants of the rules:

    • Option 1 - roll the dice and see what color lands on that circle and stand. And so on until the end of the field;
    • Option 2 - we start as in option 1, but if a new color appears, we go through the path from the beginning and so on until the end;
    • Option 3 - the presenter names a color and an example, the player takes as many steps as the answer is. If the answer is unknown, then skip the turn.

    Maria Trukhacheva and daughter Vasilisa, 7 years old

    Board game - adventure

    We made a basic adventure game with rules, a dice and several players.

    The essence of the game: We play based on the fairy tale “The Three Bears”, so three players are required (father, mother, daughter). The bears' task is to collect "mushrooms" along the path to the house. Everyone has their own path and their own “basket” in the shape of a palm (large – dad’s, medium – mom’s, small – daughter’s), into which we put the collected mushrooms. The number of moves is determined using a die with three options for dots (one, two, three). How many moves did you go through, so many mushrooms did you collect?

    Materials used: two sheets of cardboard, scissors, glue stick, colored paper, sparkles with glitter, plasticine, mosaic parts, cube from a construction set.

    Process of creation: connected two sheets of cardboard with reverse side tape to expand the playing field. We cut out multi-colored paths from colored paper and glued them on. Using the appliqué technique, we made decorations next to the paths. Balls were rolled out of plasticine and glued to the paths (8 on each path). They stuck parts with mosaic legs into them (they turned out to be “mushrooms”).

    The hand of a father, mother, or daughter was traced on colored paper (these are “baskets” of bears). A cube was taken from a building set big size and glued dots to each face (one is a dot, two dots, three dots). Using the resulting cube, the number of moves was determined.

    Olga Salimova and daughter Alena, 2 years 3 months, Ekaterinburg.

    Lotto "Three Bears"

    I offer a game similar to lotto. For the game I drew 3 sets of cards: spoons, plates, chairs, beds of three sizes, for each of the characters.

    Rules of the game: The cards are shuffled and stacked face down. We turn over the top card, discuss what is shown, what size it is and who it will suit. To make the game more interesting, you can draw a room of bears with a table that will be set. If you wish, you can add new cards with new objects that are no longer from a fairy tale.

    Kudryashova Nadezhda and son Misha 1 year 4 months, St. Petersburg.

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    Natalya Kochurova

    Master class on making a cone theater based on a fairy tale"Three bear»

    Master– the class is intended for preschool teachers.

    Target: To interest and encourage creative people to production of theatrical dolls and their subsequent use in theatrical activities for children preschool age.

    Arouse interest in theatrically– gaming activities.

    Introduce technology making cone dolls.

    Increasing the professional level and sharing best practices of participants, broadening their horizons.

    Train participants master-class specific skills manufacturing toys for dolls theater.

    Develop creative initiative, imagination, imagination, manual skills.

    Cultivate interest in theatrical activities , to popularize innovative ideas and original discoveries.

    Expected results master class:

    Understanding by its participants of the essence of the teacher’s work - masters;

    Practical mastery by participants master class in manufacturing skills toys for dolls theater;

    Activation cognitive activity participants master class;

    Increasing the level of professional competence of participants master class in the theater activity and growth of motivation to form one’s own interest in theatrical activities.

    Materials: cardboard, pieces different fabrics and felt, tape, titanium glue.

    1. We make blanks for the body and head from cardboard.

    2. Glue it together cone and sew the cone from fabric.

    3. Cover the cardboard cone fabric cone, secure at the bottom with a stapler.

    5. Glue the fabric parts onto the cardboard.

    7. Glue the front and back of the head together. Glue the head and paws to the body. Like this it turned out to be a teddy bear!

    8. Glue it together cones of other fairy tale heroes and on the details of the head we draw the faces. Then we make each hero fairy tales in the same sequence as teddy bear.

    9. These are the dolls I got!

    Family bears

    Masha's family

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    Tatyana Shiryaeva

    I would like to present to your attention a master class of my author’s development of a manual with a presentation phased implementation work.


    The manual can be used for children of senior and middle preschool age, as well as games with children early age during the adaptation period; for the development of speech and communication skills of children.


    To make a screen for a puppet theater, we will need a shoe box, self-adhesive colored paper, lace, a hole punch, eyelets, colored cardboard, velvet paper, an awl, a glue stick, superglue, pictures with illustrations for the fairy tale “The Three Bears,” pill molds, red crepe satin, needle, thread, stationery knife.


    Using a utility knife, make cuts to the bottom of the box and cut out a screen on the lid.

    We cover the shoe box with colored self-adhesive paper.

    Glue the sun with rays and clouds to the corner of the lid.

    Using an awl, make holes in back wall boxes and on the sides.

    Insert eyelets into the hole and secure with a hole punch.

    We thread the cords through the holes and tie them.

    We make tree decorations from cardboard.

    Glue pictures onto cardboard.

    We make a hole in each picture in three places and also frame it with eyelets.

    We use an awl to make three holes on the box in front of the screen with grommets.

    The pictures will serve as photo decorations.

    We thread the lace through the holes in the pictures.

    We connect the pictures to the box and glue the cord into a ring so that the photo decorations can be easily flipped through.

    We make blanks for dolls from cardboard.

    We make eyes from pill molds.

    We glue cardboard tubes the size of a finger to the back of the figures.

    We make a platform stand for dolls. We glue tubes of smaller diameter onto the cardboard than on the dolls.

    We glue “curtains” behind the screen and collect them with threads. The result was two swags.


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    “The Three Bears” is a fairy tale beloved by many since childhood. We all remember its simple plot and sometimes wonder why such a simple story captures our attention even as adults. Let's remember what this fairy tale for children says.

    There was a girl named Masha in the world. About the reasons for her ending up in the forest different variants fairy tales are told in different ways. Masha ends up in a house where three bears live. She sits on their chairs, eats from their plates, sleeps on their beds. Most of all the girl liked the little bear's things. When the three bears returned, they saw Masha sleeping in their house. The girl could hardly escape from them.

    What does she teach?

    The fairy tale teaches caution and obedience. Children should not do what Masha did. They must obey their parents and fulfill their wishes. The girl ended up among the bears due to her carelessness. The fairy tale “Masha and the Three Bears” instills in children responsibility for their actions and adult behavior.

    Of course, it cannot be said that a folk tale contains only this meaning. The fairy tale came to us from English folklore. Initially, a girl named Goldilocks ended up with the bears. Leo Tolstoy developed this story literary.

    How to use pictures

    Pictures and coloring books for children presented on our website will help you in the development of your baby. Since most children love fairy tales, they will be happy to complete tasks based on this story.

    Pictures for children will contribute to the development of speech and memorization of the order of actions in a fairy tale. Arrange the pictures in in no particular order and ask them to make a fairy tale out of them, arranging the actions in the right order. You can also try to tell a story based on pictures.

    Coloring books for children based on the fairy tale will also be useful. The coloring pages represent Masha and the three bears, illustrating individual episodes of the story. You can use coloring books in kindergarten, in an aesthetic center, in primary school. Coloring books promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands, speech, imagination, creative thinking. You can offer children coloring books as early as three years old. Using a pencil will prepare the child's hand for writing.

    How could coloring books based on folklore fairy tales be interesting for little ones?

    Folk stories are usually very bright and varied. It has everything: richness of color, variety of illustration elements, the opportunity to show your imagination. Children usually color these images with enthusiasm. There is room to show your imagination here. Girls can colorfully paint Masha's outfits, and boys will be happy to fantasize about decorating the bears' house. While the children are coloring, the teacher or parents can show them a cartoon based on this fairy tale. After the lesson, you can discuss how the plot of a cartoon differs from the story told in a fairy tale.

    Pictures and coloring books for children for the fairy tale “Masha and the Three Bears” will help educators and parents develop the child’s abilities, captivating and interesting the baby with the help of folk tales.

    Educational materials for downloading


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