• A child in the company of adults: rules of behavior. Communication between adults and children in the family: rules, principles and features


    Cool hour- dialogue

    "Communication with adults"

    Classroom teacher

    A cultured and decent person can be quickly distinguished by his manner of behavior and communication, especially if these manifestations of politeness concern respectful attitude towards people of the older generation.

    In Rus', from time immemorial, rules of behavior were observed that were simple, but deep and wise: respect for the “father-father” and for the “native mother”, for those older in age. All these rules were set out in the 16th century literary monument “Domostroy”. The rules of this source covered different sides the life of a Russian person - household rituals, conducting trade affairs, housekeeping, raising children. “Domostroy” asserted the power of the “head of the house” over the lives of the household.

    With the advent of European etiquette, most of the Domostroy rules were forgotten, but some of them were preserved. They concerned respectful treatment of older people. For example: a nobleman who held an important position or position stood in front of a person older in age; such a rule did not exist in European etiquette.

    In modern civil etiquette, there are a large number of rules that relate to respectful treatment of older people. Let's get to know some of them:

    1. Consider the mood and busyness of adults.

    Imagine that your parents came home from work tired and worried. First of all, they need to rest a little and calm down. You shouldn't bother them with your problems, at least for a while. Put yourself in their place, and everything will immediately become clear and understandable to you.

    2. Say polite words more often.

    Polite words decorate human speech and make human relationships more friendly. The words “thank you”, “sorry”, “please” are absolutely necessary. In addition, it is necessary to remember: intonation and tone of voice play an important role in communication.

    3. Listen patiently to adults' comments.

    An adult is wiser and smarter than you, since he has a lot of life experience. He understands difficult life situations better than you. Therefore, you should listen to the comments and advice of adults.

    An adult reprimands you with good intentions. For example: one girl named Irina, openly defying the will of her father, began dating a guy who took drugs and drank. She defiantly began going to discos and stayed there until late at night. “I thought he was too strict,” the girl recalled. - Then I was fifteen years old, and I considered myself quite old. I argued with him. It seemed to me that my father was just nagging me, so I left and did whatever I wanted.” After some time, Irina began taking drugs. This would not have happened if the girl had listened to her father’s advice and prohibitions.

    Surely you do not approve of Irina’s actions. But if your own parents demand that you clean your room, do your homework, or return home no later than a certain hour, many of you will immediately become indignant, forgetting the biblical commandment: “Honor your father and mother.” Translated from Greek, the word “honor” literally means “to consider as precious.” Therefore, you need to treat your parents as people who are infinitely dear to you and worthy of respect.

    Discuss the situation: Andrei spoke with dissatisfaction about his parents, considering it unfair that they did not want to buy him a bicycle. How would you respond to his complaint?

    4. Always tell the truth.

    A lie does not make a person beautiful. Firstly, lying is not profitable. There is a very high probability that the lie will be discovered. But then adults will be angry with you not only for the act itself, but also for the fact that you lied to them!

    Secondly, lies and conscience are incompatible concepts. The more a lie takes root in a person’s behavior, the more his ability to distinguish between good and bad becomes dulled.

    One girl, named Maria, unfairly accused her brother of breaking some expensive thing, but then she realized that she had to confess to her parents that she was lying. “I felt very bad all this time,” explains Maria. “My parents trusted me, but I let them down.” This example clearly shows how conscience operates in people. Maria was tormented by remorse.

    Question: Have you ever been tormented by remorse? Assess your condition in those minutes.

    5. Don't interrupt your elder.

    To a young man It is not permissible not only to interrupt an elder, but also to begin and end a conversation with elderly people.

    The relationships and communication between children and elders also presuppose their relationships at the table. There are several rules that must be followed. Here are some of them:

    You should not interrupt the conversation of adults;

    Don't express negative things. emotions about dishes (try not to use expressions: “I don’t want, I won’t...” or “Ugh, how disgusting”);

    Do not take anything from the common dish first, but wait until one of the adults takes it first;

    Don't get up from your seat without getting permission from your elders, especially when everyone else has not finished eating.

    If you consistently follow the rules good manners at the table, this will gradually develop into a habit, and it will be easy and pleasant for others to communicate with you.

    We live in society, that is, in society, and we cannot do without communication, thanks to which people exchange information, life experiences and experiences. Without dialogue, discussion, conversation it is impossible to imagine human existence. For the convenience of human communication, rules were created, among which there are those that relate to relationships between people of different ages. Let's get to know some of them:

    Well-mannered interlocutors show maximum attention and respect towards each other during a conversation, especially the younger ones towards the older ones;

    Young people, if possible, avoid arguing with members of the older generation. This applies even to those cases when the elder is really wrong.

    Question: Why, in your opinion, do they not argue with their elders, even if he is wrong?

    (However, this rule does not apply to philosophical and worldview issues.)

    Representatives of the younger generation listen carefully to the speech of their elders and do not enter into a conversation until they are asked to join;

    The young man tries not to show his irritation and bad mood to the adult with whom he communicates.

    There are many more of these rules, try to study them yourself in the encyclopedia of etiquette, knowing and observing them is in the interests of your upbringing and culture.


    1. Which adults can say “you”?

    2. What do you think should be done if adults abuse their power? Is it worth losing your temper? The Bible says: “Let not wrath overwhelm you...” One seventeen-year-old girl was very offended that her parents were constantly sorting out their relationship, and seemed to have completely forgotten about her existence. To spite her parents, the girl began to lead a dissolute life and take drugs. By becoming embittered, she only harmed herself.

    Sometimes it's better to forgive adults for the pain they caused you and try to forget about it. Instead of paying attention to your parents' mistakes, it is better to think about their good qualities.

    You should be polite and attentive to your parents and other older people; minor quarrels between family members are common. But we must not allow it to get to the point of insults and swear words. It should be avoided as a contagious disease. Only those who have learned to control themselves since childhood, observe the above rules of behavior, will be able to maintain self-control in the future and grow up to be a decent, friendly and intelligent person.


    2. List the rules for treating adults with respect.

    3. List the rules for relationships between adults and children at the table.

    4. What should you do if adults abuse their power?


    1. Remember and tell us about something you did that made you feel remorseful.

    2. Think and write how the disrespectful attitude of young people towards older people is manifested and why, in your opinion, this happens.

    Explanation: A few minutes are allocated for work, after which everyone reads out what they have written, and then there is a joint discussion of what they heard.

    Wise thoughts:

    “True politeness lies in treating people favorably” (Jean Jacques Rousseau).

    “Nothing is as rare in the world as complete frankness between parents and children” (R. Roland).

    (13 votes: 3.6 out of 5)

    People know from childhood,
    “What is etiquette”...

    Do you know what it is? Etiquette rules for children are magic rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Knowing these rules, you will be able to communicate more easily and simply with your friends, parents, loved ones and complete strangers. You can easily learn how to say hello correctly, give and accept gifts, how to visit, talk on the phone and much more...

    Well, are you ready to learn? Then let's get to work!

    Greeting rules

    Rules of conduct with adults - For well-mannered children

    Rules of Friendship - For children and teenagers

    It is very important not only for children, but also for adults to know the rules of behavior in the theater, cinema and concerts. Since nowadays there are also adults who do not behave very civilly at such events.

    When going to a theater or concert hall, you must remember a very strict rule established by etiquette regarding the clothing in which you can visit such establishments. Take this seriously so as not to look like a black sheep among the people present there!

    It is not customary to come to the theater in jeans and sneakers, much less in a tracksuit. Men usually wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie. Women, as is customary, come in evening dresses.

    You need to come to the theater or concert early so that you have enough time to get yourself in order, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, and just take a walk in the foyer.

    If your seat is in the middle of a row, try to take it early so as not to disturb those sitting at the front of the row. But if such a situation occurs, go facing those sitting, and do not forget to ask forgiveness for the disturbance.

    It is bad form to eat or drink anything during a performance.

    It is better not to go to the theater if you have a cold. With your cough you will disturb both the audience and the performers, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward situation.

    At a concert, do not sing along with the performer, understand that people did not come here to listen to you sing.

    At musical concerts, in order not to look stupid, do not rush to applaud if you do not know the piece of music very well, because a pause in the performance may not mean the end of the performance, but a break between parts.

    The rules in the cinema are simpler than in the theatre. However, you still shouldn't relax too much. There is no need to turn the cinema hall into a dump of popcorn, candy papers and drink cans. Behave yourself.

    People usually don't take off their outerwear in the cinema. However, you must always be aware of the people sitting behind you. Take off your hat before you are asked to do so. Not only boys, but also girls should do this.

    If the person sitting in front did this for you, be sure to thank him.

    It is a sign of bad manners to predict what will happen in a film. Do not comment on what you see, do not express your opinion about the film and your attitude towards the characters as you watch. It bothers others. And if someone thinks differently, an argument or noisy discussion may arise, which has no place in a movie theater. Don't forget that people came to watch the film, not to listen to comments and arguments.

    Visiting the theater has recently become increasingly popular, both among young people and adults. That is why it is very important to know the rules of conduct in the theater, like the multiplication table. After all, if a child behaves defiantly in the theater, this will certainly attract disapproving glances at his parents. In order not to blush and feel awkward, you need to teach your child these simple rules in a timely manner.

    How to give gifts

    Not everyone knows how to give gifts correctly. But this event also has its own special rules of etiquette that you should learn and remember.

    The holiday is coming... and we, as always, are at a loss... But what... to whom... and how... can we give?

    So let's get started. How to give gifts according to the rules:

    — When preparing a gift for your family, you can draw something, embroider something, or do something with your own hands. For your mother's or father's birthday, you can learn a poem or a song.

    — If you buy a gift for a friend in a store, ask an adult to help you choose it.

    — It is indecent to give money to a friend and at the same time advise him to “buy yourself whatever you want.” If you really care about the recipient, then you should work hard and come up with the right gift for him that will bring joy.

    — First of all, it is important to take into account the tastes and hobbies of the recipient. Remember what this person loves and what he is passionate about!

    — The best way to wrap a gift is to unwrap it, it’s very pleasant!

    — You can attach a card with a wish to the gift.

    — Don’t forget to remove the price tag from the gift.

    - You cannot give animals as a gift unless it is discussed in advance! Your friend will most likely be very happy, but his parents may be against it.

    New Year is a magical holiday when everyone expects miracles and surprises! Therefore, gifts should be given to all relatives and friends, and gifts can be inexpensive but pleasant little things. In preparation New Year's gifts try to show a sense of humor - it will greatly please and amuse your friends and family.

    - Remember, well chosen and a heartfelt gift the person will use it and remember you well. Nobody will use a gift that is boring or made for a simple formality; such a gift will be given to someone else, or simply thrown away.

    Now you know how to give gifts, which means you can safely wait for the coming holidays to congratulate your loved ones according to all the rules of etiquette!


    A cultured and decent person can be quickly distinguished by his manner of behavior and communication, especially if this manifestation of politeness concerns a respectful attitude towards people of the older generation.

    Rules regarding respectful treatment

    to older people

    1. Consider the mood and busyness of adults.

    Imagine that your parents came home from work tired and worried. First of all, they need to rest a little and calm down. You shouldn't bother them with your problems, at least for a while. Put yourself in their place, and it will immediately become clear and understandable to you.

    2. Use polite words most of the time.

    Polite words decorate human speech and make human relationships more friendly. The words “thank you”, “sorry”, “please” are absolutely necessary. In addition, it is necessary to remember: intonation and tone of voice play an important role in communication.

    3. Listen patiently to adults' comments.

    An adult is wiser and smarter than you, since he has a lot of life experience. He understands complex things better than you life situations. Therefore, you should listen to the comments and advice of adults.

    4. Always tell the truth.

    A lie does not make a person beautiful. Firstly, lying is not profitable. There is a very high probability that the lie will be discovered. But then the adults will be angry with you not only for the act itself, but also for the fact that you lied to them!

    Secondly, lies and conscience are incompatible concepts. The more a lie takes root in a person’s behavior, the more his ability to distinguish between good and bad becomes dulled.

    5. Don't interrupt your elder.

    A young man is not allowed not only to interrupt an older man, but also to begin and end a conversation with older people himself.

    The relationships and communication between children and elders also presuppose their relationships at the table. There are several rules that must be followed. Here are some of them:

      You should not interrupt the conversation of adults;

      Don't express negative emotions regarding dishes (try not to use expressions: “I don’t want, I won’t...” or “Ugh, how disgusting”);

      Do not take anything from the common dish first, but wait until one of the adults takes it first;

      Don't get up from your seat without getting permission from your elders, especially when everyone else has not finished eating.

    If you consistently follow the rules of good manners at the table, this will gradually develop into a habit, and it will be easy and pleasant for others to communicate with you.

    You must treat parents and other older people politely and attentively; minor quarrels between family members are common. But we must not allow it to get to the point of insults and swear words. It should be avoided as a contagious disease. Only those who have learned to control themselves since childhood, observe the above rules of behavior, will be able to maintain self-control in the future and grow up to be a decent, friendly and intelligent person.

    Wise thoughts":

    “True politeness lies in treating people favorably” (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

    “Nothing is so rare in the world as complete frankness between parents and children” (R. Roland)

    Enter your email address:

    Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a child in today's hectic adult world? In the age of information and incessant noise, even adults sometimes find it difficult to make themselves heard. Now imagine how much more difficult it is for children?

    Good manners and good manners make it much easier to overcome the noise and be heard. Manners are a kind of social glue that allows dissimilar members of society to stick together. It is important for parents to teach children the language of ethics so that they can use it when communicating with peers and adults and gain the necessary benefits.

    By teaching children etiquette and giving them a set of guidelines for managing interactions, we are actually equipping them with the tools to help them be heard, develop their confidence in their own abilities, and set them up for future success.

    So, here is a list of thirty-two rules of etiquette that parents should teach their children.

    Greetings and farewells

    These rules can also be used by adults as a refresher course. Consistency and practice of potential social situations leads to the ability to communicate in a positive way, which over time becomes second nature:

    1. Greet the person by name, and if you don't know his name, ask. Greeting them by name is a sign of respect that tells a person that you value them. Therefore, it is important to teach children to always greet adults by name and patronymic or ask if they do not know their name.

    2. Never be afraid to ask again, if you have forgotten the name of the person you are talking to: People understand that sometimes children can forget names. Everyone does it. In this case, the phrase: “Sorry, I can’t remember your name, could you remind me of it?” is quite acceptable.

    3. Try to look your interlocutor in the eyes: looking into a person's eyes while communicating with him is useful not only for children, but also for adults. Also, teach children not to be distracted; V otherwise the interlocutor will receive a signal that you are not interested in him. A look into the eyes - simple, but effective method to help children win the heart of every adult they meet along the path of life. Of course, if such eye contact is typical for a given culture and social norms.

    4. “Nice to see you”: It's important to add positive comments at the beginning of the conversation. Examples of such comments are: “Nice to see you” or “Nice to visit you.” Going beyond the standard greeting shows that the child values ​​the person they are talking to.

    5. “Thank you for the invitation”: no matter where you come - to visit, play, kindergarten or home to grandma, you need to teach the child to thank for the invitation, for the troubles, for taking care of himself; Such words will give a much greater result than a simple “thank you.” Such words demonstrate the child's appreciation - a quality that is so lacking in today's youth. They will definitely benefit children in conversations with adults.

    6. “How are you doing...?” and listen to the answer: We all automatically ask “How are you?”, but often forget to wait for an answer. Teaching children to ask and then listen carefully is the first step to the next rule of etiquette.

    7. Remembering details and active listening: This is a simple rule of good manners, but it has a significant impact on how other people perceive you. Remembering names and specific details (such as illness or recent return from vacation) suggests care and respect.

    Additionally, if your child is shy and hides behind you every time you meet someone, you need to accept it... up to a point. In reality, these children simply need "conversation scripts" or the language of social interaction.

    Pick some of the tips above, such as making eye contact when greeting, even from behind your legs if necessary, and work on perfecting it. Start slowly and gradually.

    Your child should not be forced to hug, kiss, or otherwise physically interact with family members or friends. As a socially acceptable way to smooth out the feelings of an offended relative, the following is suitable: “I am sure that the child will definitely show his feelings towards you.” warm feelings. Let's not force things."

    Physical space

    Children are extremely physically active. They love to run, jump, tumble and play. Add to this limited impulse control and quick feet, and you have a recipe for disaster when it comes to interacting with adults, especially those who are not used to or simply do not like the company of children. By teaching your child the following rules of etiquette, you can ensure that he can succeed and impress even the least patient adults.

    8. Be careful- stop and look around: children are often blissfully unaware of their surroundings. For them, one impulse replaces another. For example, you came to the zoo with your kids, and while you are looking at the elephants, they suddenly notice something interesting in another place. Without thinking for a second about what is around them, the kids run headlong and almost fall under the wheels. wheelchair an older person who becomes understandably worried and angry. It is very important that parents constantly remind their children of the need to stop and look around before moving on, and not only when crossing the road, but everywhere and always.

    9. Red light, yellow light, green light: You may have noticed that teachers, swimming and soccer coaches, and many other adult mentors in your children's lives use this valuable tool. By using the green light as permission to “go,” the yellow light to “slow down,” and the red light to “stop,” you can control children’s movements and movements without raising your voice. Start using this method as early as possible and introduce it to your kids as a game. Soon, with practice, they will become very good at determining when they can “go,” when they should “slow down,” and when they should “stop.”

    10. Remove your hands from the glass: This rule may seem a little funny. Teach your children not to touch glass surfaces with their hands, especially dirty ones, so that they do not leave stains, and your dance teacher, store owner, librarian, doctor and many other people will be very grateful to you.

    11. Do not grab, do not snatch: This is not only an important rule of etiquette, but also safety. Understanding this comes when you see, for example, how a two-year-old child snatches a knife from his mother’s hands. If your child likes to grab things, take what he grabs from him, but do it gently, and then gracefully hand the object back to your baby. Do this until the child understands that snatching things from other people is unacceptable.

    Eating and behavior at the table

    Eating is a slippery area of ​​etiquette. On the one hand, good table manners are extremely important, on the other hand, etiquette in this area may vary depending on culture and society. As children grow older, they often eat with other people. They attend birthday parties, spend time with relatives, attend holiday dinners, and visit friends. Moreover, eating is an area of ​​etiquette that can be taught from the moment the child is born.

    When a baby eagerly pounces on his mother's breast during feeding or snatches a bottle of baby food, parents have a great opportunity to start teaching their baby the rules of good manners. Hold your child and gently explain to him that he needs to be patient, and then start over. Young children do not understand words yet, but eventually they will learn that if they snatch the bottle before it is offered to them, or put their hand under their mother's shirt in an effort to feed, they will not get what they want.

    Toddlers should be taught not to throw food, use cutlery, or put food in their mouth. big pieces food. For children preschool age You can talk about how to properly set the table, eat with proper manners, and serve yourself properly using various kitchen utensils.

    Good table manners are important from the first time a child shares breakfast with a friend to an adult's first lunch with their boss. When eating socially, a child can either succeed or lose it. The following tips should equip your little one with the most current social eating rules.

    12. Eating off someone else's plate- even from mom’s plate is a bad idea: some families play a game where you can “steal” food from each other’s plates. It can be very funny and acceptable at home when the whole family participates and enjoys the game, but it stops being funny when it involves someone who doesn't understand this kind of joke. Eating food from another person's plate is unacceptable. It is much better to politely ask for more, even if mom or dad has to help the child get it from their plate.

    13. Don’t forget about the internal rules of each family: In some families, children are allowed to get up from the table immediately after they have finished eating everything. However, in other families, all family members sit at the table until the last one has finished eating. Teach children to always be interested in and follow any rules of conduct at the hosts’ table.

    14. Try food out of politeness: We all have our own culinary preferences. Fortunately, gone are the days when it was considered good manners to finish everything on your plate. However, children should be taught to try some food that they don't like for some reason, just out of politeness and to show respect for their owners. Afterwards, it's perfectly acceptable to say, "Sorry, I'm not a big fan of..." or "I don't really eat...". Firmly explain to children that under no circumstances should they tell the person who feeds them that the food they are served looks disgusting, terrible, or that they cannot stand it (this also applies to dishes prepared by their mother).

    15. “Can I help you?”: offering your help is appropriate in all areas of life. But offering to set the table, clear the table, or wash the dishes is considered a special form of politeness.

    16. Napkin on laps, elbows off table: These days, these rules of etiquette are considered old-fashioned and many people take them a little casually. However, since in different families exist different traditions, children should be taught these table manners so that they remain on top in any situation.

    17. Don't reach for anything. An old but true rule. Etiquette rules do not allow you to reach across the table for anything. Every parent knows how frustrating it is when a child tips over a glass and spills its contents on the dinner table. In order not to spill tea on your neighbor's lap and not make everyone sitting at the table nervous, you need to politely ask them to give you what you want.

    18. Permission to leave the table: This is a very important etiquette rule! As soon as your child learns to speak, you should introduce him to the proper way to ask to leave the table. This can be useful not only after meals. Every time a child needs to leave the table, he should be able to correctly ask permission to do so.

    Hurray, gifts! (And other rules of etiquette at holidays/aways)

    Holidays and birthdays are events where children come into contact with other people, often without their parents. Therefore, when receiving and attending festive events, it is important to know the rules of good manners.

    19. Invitations: Children's birthday parties can be expensive. Therefore, it is not always possible to invite everyone you would like to see. Teach your children to give invitations carefully and not to discuss the upcoming holiday in public unless everyone is invited.

    20. Respond to invitations: just do it. Nothing is more frustrating than worrying about whether you have enough of everything you need for the holiday, or whether it is too little or too much. Inform the host in advance in writing, by email or by telephone whether you will be able to attend.

    21. Be a good guest and hospitable host: It is important to teach children, as hosts, to ask the guests what they would like to do, and, as guests, to offer their help in cleaning up after the holiday meeting. Teach children to welcome their guests and create for them comfortable conditions. This will lay the foundation for properly managing social situations in adulthood. If a child learns to be a good guest, this will ensure that he or she receives more invitations in the future.

    22. I already have this, this is not what I wanted... You just need to say thank you: this rule speaks for itself. Teach your children to be polite, hide their disappointment, and show appreciation for attention.

    23. Look for nice things to say about the gift. Important rule good form says: when receiving a gift, you need to look the giver in the eyes and say “thank you.” But to achieve even greater impact on your environment, say a few good words about a gift, even something as simple as, “I can’t wait to start using this.”

    24. Thank you for coming/Thank you for inviting: standard but extremely important words.

    25. Letters of gratitude: There are many creative ways to express your gratitude, but the easiest ways to express your gratitude are to teach your child to send handwritten letters expressing gratitude to people who sent them a gift, who went above and beyond simple politeness, and to those children who took the time to come to the day. the birth of your child. These Thanksgiving letters can be as simple as, “Thank you for (name of the gift), (some nice words about the gift).” Preschool children can simply write their name, while older children primary classes schools may rewrite your letters or write their own letters.

    Interaction with adults

    While there is no doubt that children these days are more isolated than they used to be, they all have to interact with adults who are not their parents at one time or another. The following skills will help facilitate these interactions and make children welcome in any company:

    26. When talking to adults, wait until they address you: This is a rather old-fashioned rule that has lost its appeal in last decades. However, in today's technological world, where it is difficult to tell when an adult is busy, it is actually very important that children do not interrupt a person when he is speaking.

    27. Teach children to identify pauses in conversation.: almost all parents know that they need to teach children to apologize correctly, but the 21st century is moving so quickly that we need to take another step forward and teach children to correctly identify a pause in a conversation; a pause is an acceptable moment to start speaking yourself.

    28. Is it necessary to interrupt the interlocutor: So, your children know how to politely interrupt someone, and now it's time to teach them how to determine whether to intervene in a conversation at all. Does the conversation cover a topic close to the child, or does it touch on adult topics?

    Rules of courtesy when using the telephone and high-tech devices

    In today's fast-paced, instant access society, it is extremely important to watch your words, especially those in print. In an age of screenshots, message forwarding, group messaging and random recipients, it is important that words or images reach the intended person.

    It is especially important to start teaching children the etiquette when using high-tech devices in early age, since many children in primary and secondary school already have access to them or their own mobile phone. When Internet-enabled devices are in the hands of young children, parents need to pay more attention to how little ones use them and take appropriate action if necessary. Here are a few simple rules etiquette in this area.

    29. Watch your words: Previously, bullying and persecution only occurred in person. Most parents teach their children that it is important to show kindness in personal interactions with people because bullying is unacceptable. However, mean comments and insults have now moved into cyberspace and are often beyond the control of adults. Make every effort to make children understand that words can hurt another person.

    30. Transmit, send online only what everyone can see: We've all heard stories of images or text messages being accidentally sent to the wrong person, or sent to the right person but ending up in the wrong hands. Technology can be dangerous, and it is essential to teach children to use it with extreme caution. Photos, texts and messages may be made public on the Internet. Children don't always see the danger of damaging their reputation until it's too late.

    31. Hide your phone away during live communication. Seriously. Sometimes it's difficult. Many people don't follow this advice, but we must teach children to be present when communicating. If we don't teach them to focus on the task at hand now, they will never learn to do so. Teach them not to be distracted. Apply this advice to yourself as well. Put your phone away and pay attention to your children, mute them if necessary, and show them that you appreciate them.

    32. Gesticulation Among other things, it helps to avoid interruptions in telephone conversations: teach children to give and understand hand signals so that they do not interrupt you when you are talking on the phone. Now that personal electronic devices have permeated the business world, working from home, in the park or in the stands of a football stadium is becoming increasingly common. For their own benefit, it is important for parents to teach their children the basic rules so that they can end their phone conversations without unnecessary interruption.

    A great way to achieve this goal is to teach children to use hand signals. Signals may be specific to your family, meeting your specific needs; Only your imagination can limit you. Gesticulation is useful not only during telephone conversations. “No” or “stop” signals can interrupt unwanted behavior without having to shout throughout the house.


    It is believed that in modern world the rules of etiquette are more flexible, but at the same time even more necessary. The miracle is that if you give your child these simple tools described above, you will be amazed at the positive impact they will have on his ability to manage the world around him.

    Positive interactions create confident children, and a confident child is a happy child who becomes a happy adult.

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    Are dialects of mutual respect established in modern society. Everyone should have information about the basic rules of etiquette and follow them: regardless of gender, age and position in society.

    Etiquette lessons when communicating between men and women

    • On the street, men are supposed to follow to the left of their companions. Only military personnel can walk to the right of women in order to be able to salute if necessary.
    • A male representative must enter the restaurant first, so he informs the head waiter that he will pay himself. However, if there is a doorman on duty at the entrance, the man needs to let his companion go first, and then look for a table where he can sit.
    • A male representative must be the first to go to his seat facing the people sitting at a concert, play or cinema.
    • If a lady greets someone on the street, then her gentleman needs to do this too, even if this person is unfamiliar to him.
    • A man should not touch a representative of the fairer sex without her approval. You can deviate from this rule of etiquette when communicating in those moments when a man helps his companion cross the road, get out or enter a vehicle.
    • A male representative can smoke in front of a woman only with her permission.

    Speech etiquette rules

    • If you are insulted in public, you should not succumb to the provocations of the offender. Leave the scene with a smile on your lips.
    • Anyone entering the room should be the first to greet, regardless of their position.
    • Social etiquette dictates that certain things should be kept secret. These include: prayer, information about material well-being, love affairs, dishonest and noble deeds committed and other moments.
    • If your apology was accepted, there is no need to ask for forgiveness again, just do not repeat your mistakes.
    • It is necessary to say thank you to those people who showed generosity towards you or came to help in Hard time. They were under no obligation to perform these noble deeds.

    Business communication etiquette

    • The rules of official discipline must be observed.
    • We must not forget about punctuality.
    • You should express your thoughts briefly, without using unnecessary words.
    • You need to listen to your interlocutor very carefully.
    • You should not only take into account your own interests, you need to listen carefully to the opinions of your work colleagues.
    • In clothing, you should adhere to the style adopted in the institution. Female representatives should forget about too bright makeup and inappropriate jewelry.
    • Don't forget about letters.

    Social Media Etiquette

    Social networks can open a window into the personal lives of people registered there. The etiquette of communicating with people does not recommend opening it too widely; even close people should not see intimate photos or be aware of family events.

    • You should not focus on the statements of some commentators in in social networks, respond to inappropriate sayings.
    • It is not advisable to look for sympathy on your page on social networks, because there are enough negative events among the people who read it.
    • It is not recommended to overuse abbreviations of words or sayings filled with rhetoric: strangers may not decipher them and distort the meaning.
    • The etiquette of communicating with people considers offering friendship to strangers on social networks a manifestation of bad taste.

    Telephone communication

    On the telephone they say that the conversation should be conducted politely, regardless of whether the communication is with acquaintances or strangers. This rule helps to form and strengthen a positive impression.

    Politeness is also an important part of business telephone conversations. Following certain rules of etiquette can help strengthen the image of the company and the employee directly conducting telephone negotiations.

    Etiquette lessons say that once you dial the desired number, you should not wait for a long time for an answer. The most optimal waiting period is a period that includes five or six telephone rings. If there is no answer during this time, it means that the called subscriber is currently unable to answer the phone call.

    The rules of communication etiquette state that you need to answer the call on the second or third ring. A prompt response will highlight your professional quality and will save the interlocutor’s time.

    Rules for talking on the phone

    • Business and personal telephone conversations should be separated. Official conversations should be conducted from work devices, informal conversations from personal ones.
    • It is not recommended to call before nine in the morning and after ten o'clock in the evening.
    • If the call is addressed to a stranger, you must definitely explain where you got his phone number from.
    • Telephone communication should not take too long.
    • The person who answers the call may not identify himself even if the call is from a work phone.
    • The one who calls says his name first.
    • You should find out from the called party whether it is convenient for him to carry on a conversation at the moment.
    • News phone conversation You need to use a friendly tone, clearly expressing your thoughts.
    • You can end a telephone conversation only after making sure that the interlocutor has said everything necessary.

    Etiquette for communicating with people is constantly present in our lives. People who know its rules do not experience difficulties in communication and feel free in any society.

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