• Open lesson on moral education of children in the middle group. Topic: "Teach me to be friends." Summary of the lesson on moral education “Family”


    Ekaterina Kupchikova
    Lesson summary for the middle group on spirituality moral education"Country of Good Flowers"

    Lesson summary for the middle group on spiritual and moral education"Country of Good Flowers"

    Target: Learn to be restrained and friendly, develop coherent speech, work on the expressiveness of speech; definition of the concept of good in the process of communication, assimilate moral concepts through play activities.

    To evoke an emotional reaction in children, to awaken the world of feelings of every child, including them in the thought process of thinking.

    To deepen students’ understanding of kindness as a valuable human quality. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express your opinion, show kindness to the opinions of other people).

    Material: Magic chest with a letter, keys for the castle, ball, magic bag, sheets black paper, flower, cup (stained, felt-tip pen and sheet of white paper, broken toy, torn book, flannelgraph, flower with six petals, coffee table.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator:- Let's say hello to the guests.

    Invented by someone

    Simple and wise

    When meeting, say hello:

    "Good morning!"

    Good morning, the flowers whisper to us,

    Good morning, streams are babbling,


    Good morning, the bird is singing to us,

    Vit, vib...

    Good morning, the cat will tell us,

    Good morning, the bee buzzes to us,


    Good morning. How are you doing?

    Good morning, - the frog said

    Kva-kva, kva-kva,

    Good morning, the mouse squeaked to us

    Pee-wee-wee, bee-wee-wee.

    Even a crawling spotted python:

    “Good morning,” he said,

    Sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh….

    Good morning, the poplars are rustling,

    La la la la…

    Good morning, native land,

    Good morning to the sun...

    …. and pti-i-i-tsam,

    Good morning to smiling faces,

    And everyone becomes kind


    May good morning last until evening!

    Raises: Every new day must begin with good mood. Let us all hold hands, close our eyes and convey to each other the kindness that lives in our hearts. Feel how your warmth and kindness are transmitted through your hands, from palm to palm. And now they all opened their eyes, smiled and quietly sat down on the chair.

    The teacher picks up the chest and approaches the children.

    What a strange chest

    And it's locked!

    Guys, look how interesting it is, what is hidden there? Are you interested in watching? How can I open it?

    The teacher draws attention to the castle. Children notice the “keys”. The teacher suggests choosing a “key”. Children choose a key using the selection method and open the chest.

    The lock has a hole in a geometric shape (small rectangle). Children choose the appropriate size “key”.

    Well done! Let's see what lies there?

    There is a letter here, let me read it to you.

    “Dear children of planet Earth”! We are residents of the country “Dobrotsvetik”, in our country we grow flowers of goodness. But one day a sorcerer named “Zlobikus” bewitched our flower! Its petals fell and under each petal Zlobikus prepared a task. To prevent the flower from dying, these tasks must be completed. We know that you are very friendly and kind guys. Help us please!

    Dobrotsvetiki ask for help to save and disenchant the flower.

    Shall we help?

    Yes (look into the box)

    And really all the petals have fallen, look...

    Let's count how many petals there are...

    Now sit down on the chairs.

    Bogdan, please give me a petal whose color name begins with the sound “K”... Thank you.

    1 task: Game “Say the Word”

    I'll read the poems now, I'll start, and you add lines of magic words.

    It will even melt ice block from a warm word... (thank you)

    The old tree stump will turn green when it hears (good afternoon)

    When we are scolded for pranks, we say (sorry, please)

    Did you sneeze? Without further ado, we wish….(bless you)

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom (thank you)

    The child is polite and developed, says (hello) when we meet

    How to call these words in one word? If a person speaks polite words, what kind of person is he?

    Polite words are the key to a person’s heart, without them kindness can be lost. Let's call this petal “Petal of Kind Words.”

    Natasha, please give me a petal whose color name begins with the sound “S”... Thank you.

    Second task:"Pyramid of Good Deeds"

    Playback Now we will think of a good deed for whomever you want - for loved ones, relatives or friends. And our palms will help us. Let me start!

    Children with a teacher build a pyramid of palms, placing one on top of the other, name a good deed (I will tidy up my things, bake a cake, give a flower, wash the dishes, help my mother, etc.)

    Playback Did you get a tall pyramid? Why? (we have planned many good deeds).

    Let us never forget to do good deeds.

    We will call this petal “Petal of Good Deeds”

    Nastya, please give me a petal whose color name begins with the sound “B”... Thank you.

    Task 3: Game "Good Rain"

    Children stand in a circle. They are all good raindrops, in the middle of the circle stands a mother cloud. The teacher stands with a cup of magic water of kindness. Cheerful music turns on, and all the raindrops dance and swirl around the mother cloud. When the music stops, all the raindrops stop, and mother cloud takes turns splashing water from a cup on everyone in the circle and asks the raindrops who they helped. Each raindrop must come up with an answer.

    I saw a flower that had withered and watered it.

    I had a dirty car and washed it.

    I saw the dirty clothes and washed them.

    I saw dirty dishes and washed them.

    I saw my hands were dirty and washed them.

    I saw sad children and cheered them up.

    These are the droplets that help me. You have done many good deeds. And water also helps our health, let's drink water to be healthy and continue to do good.

    We will call this petal “Good Rain”!

    Artyom, please give me a petal whose color name begins with the sound “O”... Thank you.

    4 task"Good Deeds"

    Leading: You see how many different objects there are: grains, a flower, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty cup, a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. Look at these items. With their help you can do a good deed. Tell me which one?

    Children: feed the birds with grains, give a flower, water it; repair the toy, glue the book, wash the cup, draw something nice on a piece of paper and give it to a loved one.

    Leading: kindness is an important human quality.

    We will call this petal “Petal of Good Deeds”!

    Sonya, please give me a petal whose color name begins with the sound “Z”... Thank you.

    Task 5:"Friendship"

    Let's now show how friendly we are:

    Boys and girls are friends in our group

    You and I will make friends, little fingers (the same touch of both hands with fingers)

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers)

    Guys! You are so friendly that look... appeared

    Rainbow above us (draw a semicircle above your head)

    Above the trees (hands up, fingers open)

    Houses (fold your arms over your head like a house)

    And over the sea, over the wave (draw a wave)

    And a little bit above me (touch my head).

    Well done! When a person does good, everything around him becomes kinder and more beautiful.

    We will call this petal “Petal of Friendship”!

    Polina, please give me a petal whose color name begins with the sound “F”... Thank you.

    Task 6: “Magic bag”

    Educator: Guys, have you ever been angry in your life? (Children's answers)

    How to learn not to be angry, how to cope with anger?

    Do you want me to teach you?

    Offer the children 1 sheet of black paper, crumple it with your hands, and at the same time make the mimicry of an angry person: frown your eyebrows, forcefully crumple the piece of paper and you can stomp a little. The teacher suggests putting everything in a bag negative emotions: anger, resentment, anger. And then, at the end of the lesson, these pieces of paper turn into candy, a treat from the good flowers.

    Look, the bag is really magical, instead of bad emotions, little flowers of kindness appeared, and the flower of kindness came to life. This means we completed all the tasks correctly. Let this flower of kindness remain in our group. Thank you guys! Well done!


    1. Deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person, the importance and need to ask for forgiveness, experiencing an internal need for this.
    2. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, show kindness), skills of cultural communication with peers, following speech etiquette, and encourage understanding of universal human values.
    3. Achieve friendly intonation and expressive speech.


    Images fairy-tale heroes, candle, grains, seeds, living flower, broken toy, torn book, dirty cup.

    Progress of the lesson :

    Children enter the group listening to music.

    Educator: Let's say hello. You know that it is a good sign to give greetings to everyone in the morning. Let's do that too. You need to start every new day in a good mood. To make the mood good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle and hold hands. The sun is red...

    Children: Hello!


    Clear sky...

    Children: Hello!


    Adults and children...

    Children: Hello to you from the bottom of my heart!

    Educator: Children, please sit down on the chairs. Today in class we will talk about kindness. Amazing, magical word! How do you guys understand what kindness is?

    Children's answers.

    Educator: Let's repeat in chorus and listen carefully to this word - kindness. In ancient times, as books tell, this word was pronounced softly - kindness. Good to you - good from you, how true it is! Guys, think and tell me, about whom or what can we say “kind”?

    Children's answers: About a person, action, path, meeting, etc.


    Look at the pictures. Who can you call kind and why?

    Children name the heroes and characterize them.

    Surprise moment.

    The bai enters without knocking and begins to brag about how greedy and evil he is. Leaves.


    Is he kind, why? Can you call him well-mannered and polite?

    Children's answers.

    a kind person kind, so what is he like?

    Children: Attentive, caring, not greedy, affectionate.


    And if a person is unkind, what is he like?

    Children: Angry, rude, greedy.


    Do you think kindness can be touched, does it have a smell, taste?

    Children: No.

    Educator: Guys, kindness can be seen, seen in a person’s actions and feelings. Please remember your good deeds and tell us.
    Children's answers.


    Is it easy to be kind? (children's answers). And now I will ask you to read I. Tulupova’s poem “Kindness” and with the help of the poem we will find out - is it easy to be kind?

    Children say:

    1. It’s not easy to be kind
    Kindness does not depend on height,
    Kindness does not depend on color
    Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

    2. Kindness does not get old over the years.
    And it will warm you from the cold
    You just need to be kind.

    3. And in trouble, do not forget each other
    If kindness is like the sun shining
    Adults and children rejoice.

    Educator: A wonderful poem. And now you will tell us how this amazing quality is manifested in another poem.

    Children say:

    1. I am ready to help the weak
    Suddenly in trouble.
    Always friendly and healthy
    And I'm telling the truth.

    2. I am never greedy
    I feel sorry for others
    I will always forgive everyone’s mistakes,
    I'll forget about them.

    3. I always make friends with a smile
    I'm always happy to have guests.
    I value true friendship,
    I love all the guys.


    Well done guys! Now let's play a little and help mom with the laundry.

    Physical education lesson “We rinse the laundry ourselves”

    Together we help mom -
    We rinse the laundry ourselves
    One two three four,
    Stretched, bent over
    We did a good job.

    Surprise moment

    A boy runs in with a backpack. He pulls out a bag of grain, broken toys from his backpack, tears up a book and throws it on the floor, etc. He boasts about his bad deeds and runs away.


    Guys, who is this? Is this boy kind? Guys, look how many different objects there are here - grains, a flower, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty bowl. Tell me, what good deed can be done with their help?


    They answer questions and discuss.

    Feed the birds grains, give a flower, repair a toy, glue a book, wash a dirty cup.

    When a person does good deeds and deeds, what kind of face does he have at that moment?


    Kind, pleasant, with kind eyes, with a smile.


    Well done boys! Kindness is an important human quality that has magic words, do you guys know what these words are?


    Thank you, please, excuse me, excuse me, good morning, etc.


    Guys, what do you need to apologize for?


    For a bad deed, for offensive rude words.


    Yes, guys, you need to apologize and ask for forgiveness so that you will be forgiven and not be offended. We need to make peace and then it will be more fun to play.

    Lesson summary:


    Children, you did a good job today, you learned about the amazing human quality of kindness. I liked the way you worked in class. What did you like? (children share their impressions, their opinions) Let's hold hands tightly and give each other goodness, smile and bow to everyone and say magic kind word“Thank you, see you next time!”

    GKKP D/S "Arai"

    Summary of a lesson on spiritual and moral education for children middle group theme: “In a world of kindness »


    Khamitova L.Yu

    Abstractclasses middle group (4-5 years old)
    Topic: “In a world of goodness”

    Goal: To form and consolidate children’s ideas about friendship, about each other. Encourage children to do good deeds towards a friend, loved ones, neighbors, comrades. Continue to improve social and communication skills (listen to comrades, ability to answer a question, show kindness). Exercise the ability to carefully paint over drawings, show imagination, curiosity, and thinking in the process of drawing. Bring what you started to completion.

    Continue to strengthen the ability to draw a house and its components;
    Strengthen skills and techniques for working with a pencil ( ability to hold a pencil correctly, direction of painting).
    Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control;
    Develop imagination, independence, initiative.
    Evoke positive emotions from the work done;
    Develop Creative skills, work independently.

    Integration educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive and speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development(in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard).

    Methods and techniques:
    Visual: Looking at photo albums, illustrations, observation, using ICT.
    Verbal: reading fiction, conversations, explanation and discussion of the progress of work, selection of poems, riddles.
    Practical: joint and individual work of children and the teacher, generalization, surprise moments, analysis of drawings.

    Material and equipment:
    ball, computer (or interactive whiteboard), landscape sheet (for each child), colored pencils.

    Also interesting activity on moral education:

    Preliminary work:
    Reading the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Fedorino’s grief”. Didactic game“Good and bad”, “Choose a word”, “Guess the word”.

    Progress of the lesson:
    On the computer screen (interactive whiteboard) there is a screensaver “Journey to the City of Good”.
    Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet.
    Educator: Hello my good ones, hello my beautiful ones. I am so glad to see you healthy, smiling, and this means that you are in a good mood. Listen to me carefully and you will find out what awaits us today. Friends, today we are going on a journey, into the most unusual. Does everyone love to travel? (children answer - Yes! )

    Educator: We go to a place where laughter always sounds, smiles and joy shine on faces, and the environment is so quiet and calm, and this is a magical city of goodness. (children get up, music sounds) Prepared:
    Spun around, spin around
    We found ourselves in a magical city of goodness.

    Educator: Oh, how beautiful, quiet and calm it is here. And the residents of the magical city have such radiant smiles. And so that a smile shines on our faces, I suggest you play the game “Smile at a Friend.” Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other. Everyone must name sweet Nothing to the person standing next to you (clockwise) and smile (a game) And who will tell me: Is it difficult or easy to say pleasant, kind words to other people? (children answer)

    Educator: Certainly! And now let’s all hold hands and feel the warmth and strength of the hands of our comrades. Reads a poem (teacher):
    The breeze makes friends with the bird,
    And the dew is with the grass.
    A flower is friends with a bee,
    We are friends with you.
    We are happy to share everything in half with friends!
    Only to quarrel with friends -

    Educator: addresses children-What is this poem talking about? (children answer— About a friend, friendship )

    Educator: That's right, friends! And we never need to quarrel with our friends. But here’s a task for you, who can tell me: (asks children questions):
    What is friendship?
    Do we need friends and why?
    Who is a friend?
    What will you do for your friend? (children answer)

    Educator: You coped with this task, what a great fellow you are! People on earth have long respected and loved friends and valued friendship. Or maybe someone knows proverbs and sayings about a friend? (children's answers):
    "Friend is known in trouble";
    « True friend better than a hundred servants";
    “If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.”
    “Hold on to each other - don’t be afraid of anything.”
    On the computer screen (interactive whiteboard) is a slide from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.”

    Educator: Guys, look at the screen: Residents of the magical city sent us a task. Who remembered the name of this fairy tale? What bad happened in this fairy tale? And how can we help the poor bunny? (children answer)

    Educator: That's right, we'll draw him a new, big house. But before we begin the task, let's carry out physical minute:
    The children stood exactly in a circle,
    And then they suddenly sat down.
    Together we took a leap,
    There is cotton above the head.
    And now everything is together
    Let's jump over the puddle!
    And now we're going in circles,
    We smile at each other. (Movements according to the text.)

    Educator: Well, now you can take your jobs. (children sit down at the tables).
    A house is depicted on the computer screen (interactive whiteboard).
    - Now look at the screen and think about where we will start drawing the house (children's answers - foundation )
    - Of course, first we’ll draw the foundation - this is the part on which the body of the house stands. Which one geometric figure does he remind you of? (children's answers - Rectangle)
    — That’s right, then we draw the body of the house, that is, a house without a roof. What geometric figure does the body of the house remind you of? (children's answers - Square)
    - That's right. Now we need to draw the roof. What shape is the roof of the house? (children's answers - Triangular).
    - Well, at the end, we’ll draw a door and a window so that the bunny will have a light and comfortable home.
    - You have a landscape sheet and colored pencils on your table, you can start working, but don’t forget the most important thing - How should you hold a pencil?
    As the lesson progresses, I give hints and help the children. At the end of the lesson, you need to praise the children who contributed to the drawing additional elements. Example: “Near the house they painted a meadow with flowers, a tree and grass grew. The sun rose or a cloud hung over, or maybe it rained or a rainbow appeared,” etc.

    Educator: Upon completion of the work, the children show their drawings and examine them. Together with the children we analyze.
    - Children, you did a great job, you drew wonderful houses. Now the bunny has his own bright and cozy home. You did a great job, well done!

    We studied for a whole hour
    And we got a little tired,
    And now kids
    It's time for you to rest too!
    On the computer screen (interactive whiteboard) there is a magical (fairy-tale) city with inhabitants.
    Residents of the city were very pleased with your knowledge about kindness, about friend, about friendship and your creativity. And they want to give you a cartoon: “The Greatest Friend” , but we will review it as we see off our dear guests. (cartoon show)

    Title: Lesson notes on fine arts and moral education in secondary preschool educational institution group"In a world of goodness"
    Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, visual activity+ moral education, 4-5 years ( average age)

    Position: senior teacher
    Place of work: MBDOU No. 5 “Zvezdochka”
    Location: Zverevo city, Rostov region

    Middle group

    Lesson 1. Ant grass

    Household. Hello guys! Look how much grass has grown near my hut! ( Pre-prepared herbs: chamomile, red clover, tansy, marigold, mint, knotweed - laid out on the floor.) I’ll walk down the street, admire the grass, and collect some in a basket ( walks, humming, stroking the grass, admiring it, collecting it in a basket).

    You are a street, my street is wide!

    Green grass ant!

    Oh, no one was walking down the street,

    I didn’t trample the ant grass.

    It’s good that no one walked here, didn’t trample the grass, it grew fluffy, juicy, green. I collect the grass carefully: I pick off a leaf and leave another one so that the grass does not wither, so that it continues to grow and turn green.

    Grow, grass, a leaf a day,

    Blossom, grass, a flower a day,

    And the dew on the grass is honey-like,

    Silky grass ant!

    Why do I need this weed, have you guessed, kids? You’re right, the cow loves to chew grass, and so does the horse, so in the summer they mow the grass with scythes, like this ( shows):

    Mow, scythe, while there is dew,

    Dew away - and we're home.

    Then the grass is dried in the sun, raked, raked into heaps, and stored in haylofts ( show layout or pictures). Hay is obtained from grass - soft, fragrant. In winter, all the cattle eat and chew this hay and praise their owners.

    But the grass in my basket is not ordinary, but medicinal. With this herb, all sorts of diseases can be treated in both children and animals, both big and small. If I need to treat Vanya, I’ll dry the grass ( shows tufts of grass on the wall), I’ll put a pinch in the teapot ( shows), I’ll pour boiling water from the samovar, like one brews tea, and cover it. Let it sit now, and then I’ll strain it – and you can drink it and drive the disease out of your body.

    This grass, clover, is used to get rid of coughs. Gargle with chamomile decoction to prevent pain. But the marigold flower can be used to treat even the throat or the stomach. This is fragrant mint, smell it! This is a wild rowan, its flowers look like rowan berries, you can’t eat them, they are bitter, but you can treat them with a decoction. This is bird buckwheat with tiny pink flowers. Do you remember? What is this weed called? And this? ( Children's answers.) Well done!

    Some herbs are even inserted into brooms, which are used to steam in a Russian bath. They pat you on the back with a wet, steamed broom, and it will stop hurting.

    Sparrow bird ( toy). Chick-chirk, chick-chi-rick!

    Look how the sparrow got excited and chirped! Did something happen? Why is she alone? Where is the little sparrow? Isn't he sick? Here comes the little crow - the wise little head ( toy). A little crow flew in and started a conversation with the sparrow ( sings):

    Song “Is the sparrow at home?”

    - Is the sparrow at home?

    - At home, gossip.

    -What is he doing?

    - He's lying sick.


    What hurts him?


    (Sings, addressing the child.)

    - Go, Nadya, to the garden,

    Pick the bird's buckwheat,

    Give him a coat hanger!

    (The child finds the necessary grass himself or with the help of other children and brings it to the bird, which thanks him, goes behind the screen, then appears again.)

    Crow. Well, how?

    Sparrow ( sad). Soared, gossip, soared, my dear.

    It doesn't produce steam, it only adds heat. Bird buckwheat does not help the sparrow. The crow goes to the sparrow again.

    - Is the sparrow at home?

    - At home, gossip.

    -What is he doing?

    - He's lying sick.

    - What hurts him?

    - Belly.

    - Go, Senya, to the garden,

    Pick a marigold weed

    Rip his belly!

    (The actions are repeated.)

    - Well, how?

    It doesn't produce steam, it just adds heat!

    Little Crow, how will you treat her now?

    - Is the sparrow at home?

    - At home, gossip!

    -What is he doing?

    - He's lying sick!

    - What hurts him?

    - Back.

    - Go, Lesya, to the garden,

    Pick wild mountain ash

    Steam his back.

    (The actions are repeated.)

    The sparrow was completely ill: he had a fever, a temperature.

    - Is the sparrow at home?

    - At home, gossip!

    -What is he doing?

    - He's lying sick!

    - What hurts him?

    - Heels.

    - Go, Misha, to the garden,

    Pick the herbs mints,

    Steam his heels.

    (The actions are repeated.)

    - Well, how?

    - Soared, gossip, soared, my dear,

    The steam takes over, the sparrow stands on its legs,

    Snooping around the yard, collecting crumbs,

    He's chasing pigeons!

    Here comes the sparrow! (Puts a hat on the child or shows a toy.) Have you recovered? Play with us now! (Playing to the joke “Andrew the Sparrow.”)

    Andrew the Sparrow

    (“flies” in a circle, children clap their hands rhythmically)

    Don't chase the pigeons

    Chase the tick

    From under the sticks.

    Don't bite the sand

    (crouched down, tapping their finger on the floor)

    Don't dull your toes

    A sock will come in handy

    Peck the spikelet!

    ("Sparrow" catches up with the children, they jump. The game repeats itself.)

    That's how happy the sparrow was! Apparently, the medicinal herbs helped him! Do you know where is the best place to collect weed for treatment? In a meadow or in a forest, the grass there is the cleanest, not dusty, and the most healthy. Let's take a look into the forest and take a walk in it. Look how tall the tree is! Among its branches, a blackbird has made a nest, and in it small chicks squeak. ( Toy theater based on Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Blackbird.")

    Now, guys, it's time for you to go for a walk. If you see medicinal grass on the street, don’t tear it up or trample it in vain. Remember: grass is our helper, it will delight people with greenery and flowers, and will be able to cure illness.

    Lesson 2. The goat dropped into the garden

    Household. Hello children! What's happened? Why Grandma Nyura ( big doll ) crying? I guessed it! Look how messy the garden is, all the vegetables are scattered. Who did it? Grandma Nyura, do you know who did this?


    It's the one with the beard, not the old man,

    With horns, not a bull,

    He clatters his hooves

    He shouts like a goat: Me-e-e!

    Household. Did you guess it? Yes, it's a goat. He should have taken care of the garden, but he was acting up. Come on, little goat, come out ( brings out a toy goat from behind a tree). What, shame? You've scattered everything, but you don't know how to collect it? Guys, we’ll have to help Grandma Nyura collect the vegetables into baskets, but let’s name them first. Guess what it is.

    Green calves lie near the garden bed.


    Yellow, not butter, with a tail, not a mouse.


    The red maiden is sitting in prison, and her braid is on the street.


    The vegetable is red, like boots, at least put them on your feet!


    They will collect vegetables... ( calls the children, the game “Collect vegetables” is played. When the vegetables are collected, the goat runs up and knocks over the basket.)

    Ah ah ah! Ah, the prankster! Yes, did you do this on purpose? I'll have to tie you to a birch tree.

    I'll tie the goat

    To the white birch tree.

    Stop, my goat,

    Stop, don't butt heads.

    White birch,

    Stop, don't stagger!

    (Tying up the goat.)

    Walk near the birch tree, but you have nothing to do in the garden. No wonder they say: “Let the goat into the garden - you won’t save the cabbage.” You and I, guys, will have to get to work again. ( The game repeats itself.) Thank you, well done! Look, Grandma Nyura, the guys have fixed the problem!

    Our goat is bored standing by the birch tree ( playfully), what, you want to butt heads again, stubborn guy? I know how to teach you a lesson. I’ll take you by the horn and take you to the marketplace. Torzhok is a place where they trade. I’ll sell you for three rubles or exchange you for gingerbread. ( Sings the Russian folk song “The Goat Dropped into the Garden.”)

    K o z l i k. Me-e-e!

    Household. What, don’t you want to grab a horn and go to market?

    Kozlik. Forgive me! I promise not to butt, not to kick, not to kick. I will walk on water, I will light the stove, I will cook porridge, I will grease flatbreads with cottage cheese, I will sing songs and tell fairy tales!

    Household. It will be better that way. Who is the fairy tale about? About the goat!

    Russian folk tale “About a goat” (“Like grandma’s goat…”)

    Household. Did you guys listen to the story carefully?

    K o z l i k.

    Who listened to the fairy tale?

    He ate honey

    And who did not listen and yawned,

    He licked the empty saucer!

    Household. Remember who was the first goat to meet in the forest? ( Children's answer.) Who knows the riddle about the hare? ( They remember the riddles about the hare.) Who did the goat meet later? Let's remember the riddle about the fox. Who was the goat scared of the most? And there is a riddle about the wolf:

    Grayish, toothy,

    Prowls through the forest,

    Looking for prey.

    Goat. And about the goat, let’s all say a riddle together! ( Repeat the riddle from the beginning of the lesson.)

    Household. Well done! And the goat has also become a good fellow; he will be a good helper for my grandparents and me. See the kids off, little goat, wish them a happy journey. Goodbye guys! ( The goat sees off the children, bows, says good wishes on the road.)

    Lesson 3. Cheerful guests

    Household. Hello my dear! Aren't you cold? The wind today is cold, northerly, blowing and blowing. Let's sit next to each other, it's warmer! ( There is a knock on the door.)

    Who's there? I'll go and have a look! Fathers, this is my bag! He is cold in the hallway and asks to warm up. Come in, come in. I store vegetables in this bag, but guess which ones. ( The hostess or the Bag make riddles about vegetables from the previous lesson, and the bag contains the answers - dummies or real vegetables.)

    Bag. I’ve warmed up a little, I’ll go back into the hallway, otherwise the vegetables will spoil. ( He goes behind the screen, and soon laughter and the ringing of a bell are heard from behind it.)

    Household. Do you hear? Someone else is in a hurry to visit us. Maybe there was someone else in the bag and we didn’t notice?

    Parsley. It's me, Petrushka! I also came to warm up. Let's Play!

    Household. What game?

    - I know fun game"Ayushki" ( disappears behind the screen).

    - Well, he wanted to play with us, but he disappeared. Let's call him. Parsley! ( Name:)

    - Ayushki! ( Appears above the screen.)

    - Where have you been?

    - By Grandma!

    - What did you bring?

    - Pancakes.

    -Where are they?

    - I put them under the bench.

    – What would you guys do? ( Children's answers.)

    - A-ah-ah! And I will do so. ( Disappears.)

    - Petrushka has disappeared again!

    - Where have you been?

    - By Grandma.

    - What did you bring?

    - Boots.

    -Where are they?

    - I put them on a plate!

    - What an eccentric you are, Petrushka!

    – What would you guys do? ( Children's answers.)

    - A-ah-ah! And I will do so!

    - Parsley!

    - Where have you been?

    - By Grandma.

    - What did you bring?

    -Where are they?

    - I put them on my feet. Almost fell!

    - What an eccentric you are, Petrushka!

    – What would you guys do? ( Children's answers.)

    - Do they pour water into buckets? Then I will do the same!

    - Parsley!

    - Where have you been?

    - By Grandma.

    - What did you bring?

    - Sieve.

    - Where is it?

    “I poured water into it, and it spilled through the holes onto me, now I’m all wet!”

    - Wet? Then run quickly to Grandfather Yegor’s stove, where you will dry out and warm up! ( He transplants Parsley onto the stove.)

    Which cheerful guests! The bag amused us with riddles, Petrushka played and joked with us. It's time to tell a fairy tale. ( A moo is heard, a bull appears - a homemade toy or a picture on a flannelgraph.)

    - It seems there is another guest! Who are you?

    - I am a bull - a tar barrel.

    - So, we’ll tell a fairy tale about you! ( Theater of toys, pictures, etc. based on the Russian folk tale “Bychok - Tar Barrel”. See color ill. 5, a.)

    Lesson 4. Hostess's assistants

    Household. Do you guys know that in my hut there are various useful things, my assistants. (Utensils are collected near the chest. As the lesson progresses, the hostess acts as each item, emphasizing with her voice the purpose of each item, tapping it, clinking, gurgling, etc.) Which of these useful things do you think is the most important? (Answers. children.)

    You think differently: one called a poker, another called a grip, the third called a rocker. My assistants also had different opinions and once even argued. The first to boast was the grip:

    - I am a grip, I am a grip, I feed everyone: I take the cast iron out of the stove and serve it to the table!

    There's a spoon on the table, jump and jump!

    - Oh, you grip, iron horns yes long leg! It’s true that you take the food out of the oven and serve it on the table, but I’m still more important, I’m still more needed: I bring the porridge and cabbage soup straight into your mouth. That’s why I get more honor: they put you, the horned one, in a corner, and I, the painted beauty, they put on the table!

    The samovar heard them and began to puff:

    – The main place on the table is mine! And rightly so: although you feed people, you cannot cook anything yourself. I’m a samovar, that’s why I’m called a samovar: “samovar” means it cooks itself.

    The spoon asks:

    - What are you cooking, samovar?

    - Like what? I boil water and give everyone tea. Here I have a place for wood chips or cones, and here for water ( shows). The cones are burning - the water is boiling.

    I am a samovar, bird of fire!

    The tap opens, tea is poured ( shows)!

    Here the rocker creaked and began to argue:

    – There is no tea without water! Walking on water is only with me. Here I am the most important helper: even though I squeak, I carry buckets, because without water and tea you can’t drink, and you can’t do laundry.

    The washboard heard them:

    - Who is talking about laundry? Better than me, washboard, listen. It’s me who helps remove all the dirt and stains from clothes; I scrub them off with my ribs. Without me, everyone's clothes would be dirty and ugly. That's how necessary and important I am! That’s why the owner takes care of me and washes me with soap and water.

    - Ha-ha-ha! This is how he takes care of you: he rubs dirty clothes on you! The only one they are protecting is me, bitch. They clean me until it shines, and I have a separate, cozy house - in this trough. The work is both clean and fun: I chop cabbage and prepare it for the winter ( shows).

    Here the ax could not stand it:

    “Does anyone here besides me know how to chop?” Here I am - yes, you can’t go anywhere without me! He swung his hand, bent down, and the stump fell in half ( display with fake ax and log).


    I'm chopping wood!

    I'm pricking at little bits,

    Burn, fire, in the stove!

    Without my work, without my firewood, the stove cannot be lit. You can’t cook porridge or cabbage soup in a cold oven, or you’ll even freeze!

    Then a blanket appeared from the cradle.

    – Whoever is cold, the blanket warms him! I have a soft blanket, sewn from scraps and lined with cotton wool. I am the warmest thing here, and that means the most important thing!

    Things started making noise and shouting. The chopper knocks, the ax grumbles, the rocker creaks, the samovar puffs, the board cracks, the spoon squeaks, and the grip butts.

    The cat Vaska listened to them, listened, and then meowed from the bed:

    - Meow! Meow! Everyone is screaming, everyone is bragging, but I, a gray cat, have no one to even give me milk to drink! Meow! Meow!

    Then the door opened, the hostess came in and clasped her hands: what a mess, what a noise! But no one notices her, everyone shouts in different voices:

    - I'm in charge!

    - And I’m even more important!

    - And I’m even more needed!

    The hostess laughed and said:

    -What are you stupid people arguing about? You are all important and I need you all. Everyone is the boss in their own business, and together we will change everything. There is a lot to do, and you need a lot of help.

    Each of you is great,

    This is where the argument ends!

    The hostess got down to business and took help in her hands. She carries water with a rocker, she washes clothes with a board, she carries cast iron from the stove with a grabber, she didn’t forget anyone, and she fed Vaska. All the things were useful to her, therefore, they were all necessary, all important. And here’s what’s interesting: while everyone was arguing, things stood still, but when they fell into the hands of the owner and stopped boasting, the hut became clean and cheerful. So that! Business before pleasure! If you want, go for a walk, if you want, rest, cover yourself with a blanket and get ready to sleep.

    Here it is, the blanket, let's take a closer look at it. What is it made of? From different scraps. Not a single scrap of a good housewife will go to waste, everyone will get involved and find a place for themselves. Who likes which scrap better? All are good, but sewn together - even better: bigger, warmer, and more elegant.

    Everyone now lives in harmony in my hut: the scraps on the blanket, the pets, and the things - my helpers, good workers. They are friendly and the work goes smoothly and gets done quickly.

    When all the work is done, you can relax, listen to a fairy tale, or you can get into it yourself.

    Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Turnip"

    Children participate in the staging of the fairy tale: you can “plant” two turnips, call several granddaughters, Bugs, cats, so that all the children in the group can participate in the action.

    In parting, the hostess wishes everyone to live together, not to quarrel, to do everything together, to act like the heroes of this fairy tale.

    Lesson 5. Visiting the nesting dolls

    Household. Today you guys and I will go for a visit. Do you know who called us? The dolls are wooden, cheerful, rosy. They live in that house, they are called nesting dolls! Remember, we have already visited the nesting dolls, and today they invited us again: they are such hospitable hostesses! There are exactly five pupae there. What gifts should we take? Whoever goes to visit brings gifts! I have buns - like handbags. These are rolls from a Russian oven ( fake)! What a treat! Here are the pies ( fake). And these are pretzels ( real) for tea ( ties a treat in a knot). By let's go down the path- We'll get straight to the house. Here are the nesting dolls ( toys) are sitting by the window. ( Knocking on the gate.)

    M atreshki. Who's there?

    Household. These are the guys from kindergarten. Hello, nesting dolls!

    M atreshki. Hello, you are welcome! ( The gates open, nesting dolls greet the children.)

    Household. We are glad to meet you again, nesting dolls.

    We came to visit you and brought gifts.

    When you start drinking tea, grab a pretzel

    Or a sweet pie

    Do you want rolls? All blush, hot!

    Matryoshka dolls ( bow). Thank you for the gifts, dear guests! We have been waiting for you for a long time, we invite you to play with us!

    (To the tune of a dance song, children with matryoshka dolls dance in a circle; to the tune of a lullaby, children in a circle “fall asleep.” Then the children with the nesting dolls put their toy in front of someone. After the words of the Mistress: “One, two, three, look!” the children “wake up”, take the nesting dolls, and the game repeats.)

    M atreshka. We had so much fun! We wish we could play some more, but we don’t know what game.

    Household. Let's play sparrow!

    M atreshka. Like this?

    Household. Now the guys and I will teach you! ( Game "Andrew the Sparrow".)

    M atreshka. Now please come to the table! The samovar is already making noise, the tea is ready! The treat for tea today is simply wonderful ( unties the knot). We just forgot what it’s called. Remind us guys!

    Household. It's simple!

    As soon as you start drinking tea, take it... ( the hostess shows the children a pastry, the children remember its name: pretzel) or sweet... ( pie)… and the blush will jump hotly into your hands… ( rolls).

    M atreshka. Thank you! A wonderful treat for aromatic tea! ( Tea party with pretzels.)

    Household. Thank you, nesting dolls! You are hospitable hostesses!

    Time to say good-bye. Goodbye! We invite you to visit too. Come, come, we will be waiting for you!

    Lesson 6. Birds are knocking their beaks near the dancing bunnies

    Household. Take a look at what I brought you. ( Shows Dymkovo toys.)

    Look how alive

    The horse is galloping!

    The horses are daring, proud, dashing!

    And here's another one, but smaller.

    Guess what these toys are made of. It turns out that it is made of clay. First they were sculpted, then dried. Why are they so beautiful? How did they become so elegant? ( Children's answers.) First they were whitewashed, and then patterns were painted. The patterns are multi-colored, elegant, and they are not at all difficult to draw. Here are the circles - as if a finger was placed on a toy. Let's try this too ( imitating dipping a finger in paint, apply it to the Dymkovo horse). Such toys are made in the village of Dymkovo. Take us there, horses! ( Horses gallop, children click their tongues. The hostess is putting up decorations for the houses.) Look at these houses - maybe this is the village of Dymkovo? The houses are light, small, and look like toys; imagine smoke coming from the chimneys.

    They love songs and dances there,

    They also love fairy tales.

    The toys made by Dymkovo craftsmen are not just beautiful, but also fabulous, like these horses of ours; They have gilded ears and twisted tails.

    Here is a beautiful girl - rosy cheeks, long braid. Where do you think the girl is going? That's right, on the water. How did you guess? Of course, she carries the yoke on her shoulder. Here it is, like a humpbacked cat, rubbing Masha’s shoulders, and there are buckets on the yoke. ( Sings.)

    Masha went for water,

    Golden rocker,

    Oh, li, oh, lyuli,

    Golden rocker!

    Golden rocker,

    Oak buckets,

    Oh, li, oh, lyuli,

    Oak buckets.

    Here's another one Dymkovo toy. It runs out into the meadow under a birch tree... Of course, it’s a cockerel! It is also made of clay, also from Dymkovo. You look at him and you want to sing a song. Sing with me! ( They sing the Russian folk song “Cockerel”.)

    It's good in the village of Dymkovo! The craftsmen who live here are skilled and cheerful. There are many toys in every home; not only adults, but also children can make them. They will sculpt, dry, whitewash, and then paint with cheerful Dymkovo patterns: circles, checks, stripes, wavy lines.

    I wonder what kind of village is behind that distant forest? Maybe they make toys there too? Horses, help us get to that distant village!

    The horses galloped and clattered their hooves. Goodbye, village of Dymkovo! Hello, Bogorodskoye village! ( He puts up decorations from another village and other toys.)

    Look, miracle birds are not starlings or tits.

    They flew to the meadow and pecked at the cottage cheese.

    All the people watched as they flew.

    As they sat down, all the people marveled.

    Let's sing a song about them! ( They sing the song “Two Grouse”. Bogorodsk birds flap their wings to their singing.)

    Do you think these toys are also made of clay? ( Children's answers.)

    Craftsmen carve Bogorodsk toys from wood. Look, behind this bush is another Bogorodsk toy - a fox. A little fox sits and looks at a stump, and on the stump there is a bun. He probably sings his own song:

    I left my grandfather

    I left my grandmother!

    The fox listens, twirls its tail, and wants to outwit the bun. No, fox, I won’t give you a kolobok to insult you, it’s better to leave on good terms. The fox left, but not far away. The cockerel saw it and let’s treat it with a sunflower. He pecks sunflower seeds, and the fox sings to him:

    Look out the window

    I'll give you some peas!

    Don't trust the fox, little cockerel, be careful, don't fall into her clutches!

    These are the toys they make in the village of Bogorodskoye: you can sing a song or tell a fairy tale about each one. And who is this coming to us from a fairy tale? Bear! A bear walks through the forest, carrying a box behind his back, and just wants to sit on a stump, when the lid opens, someone appears from the box.

    Can you guess who this fairy tale is about? ( When telling the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”, use the appropriate Bogorodsk toy.)

    It’s interesting in the village of Bogorodskoye, but it’s time to go home. The horses had a rest - and were on their way again: clack-clack, past the forest, past the field, past the village of Dymkovo straight to the kindergarten. Whoa, here we come! Thank you, fleet-footed Dymkovo horses, it’s time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye!

    Lesson 7. Guest for guest - joy for the hostess

    Household. Remember, children, those toys that you met in the last lesson.

    Look, guys, the horses are running again!

    How beautiful they are! Good tails and manes!

    All the horses are white, they were made of clay.

    Decorated with dots, stripes, circles.

    They are galloping from this village. ( Shows the decoration.) Who remembers what it's called? This is Dymkovo, and the horses are Dymkovo. I wonder where they are going?

    Horses. We are horses made of clay, hurrying to celebrate our name day.

    Household. Whose birthday is it?

    Horses. At Matryoshka's.

    Household. Did you bring the gift too?

    Horse. Yes, on name days people come with a gift.

    Household. Can I see your gift?

    Horses. Look! Our gift is also made of clay.

    Household. Do you remember what such dishes are called? ( Children's answers.) This is a krinka; milk is poured into it. You can make a lot of delicious things from milk.

    Horses. What can you make from milk? ( The housewife and children remember famous dairy products.)

    Household. I also have a krinka in my hut ( invites the children to show it), this is the necessary utensils, Matryoshka will like it.

    The horses are galloping, galloping without looking back, and suddenly they hear someone flapping their wings and catching up with them. This is also a toy, only not from Dymkovo, but from the village of Bogorodskoye. Do you remember what material Bogorodsk toys are made of? ( Shows.) Yes, Bogorodsk toys are carved from wood. They are cheerful: they move, they flap their wings! ( Shows the Bogorodsk birds and says.)


    Birch stripes!

    Two birds were flying

    They're not big.

    How they flew

    All the people were watching.

    How they sat down

    All the people were amazed!

    They flew away, but I didn’t have time to ask where they were going. What kind of roar is that heard from the forest? ( Gets Bogorodsk bears.) Why are you, mama bear, so gloomy?

    M e d e c a . How can I not frown? Mishutka and I got ready for Matryoshka’s name day, but he still won’t have breakfast: I feed him, but he turns away from the porridge! ( Shows off a toy.)

    Household. Ah ah ah! Mishutka, have you lost your appetite again? Our guys love porridge. Do you know what it is made from? Guys, tell Mishutka what the porridge is made from and how healthy it is.

    From fresh milk

    Yes, from small grains.

    The one who eats porridge

    All the teeth will grow!

    Mishutka heard about this and said:

    – I also want all my teeth to grow.

    Household. Then eat your porridge quickly!

    Mishutka stopped turning away and ate all the porridge. As soon as he and his mother went outside, he fell into a puddle and got dirty from head to toe. What should mom do? Mishutka needs to be washed. ( Shows another toy.)

    Mom washes Mishutka, rubs her paws, and he whines.

    Mishutka. Ah-ah-ah! Soap got in my eyes!

    Household. Don't be capricious, Mishka! Our children love to wash themselves. Do you know what they say when they wash their face?

    (Together with the children he pronounces the pestushka “Water-water...”)

    Mishutka. I also want my mouth to laugh and my teeth to bite!

    M e d e d . Then quickly wash up and go!

    The bear washed Mishutka, took her to Matryoshka for her name day and did not forget the gift:

    “We are wooden toys, and our gift is also made of wood: a wooden spoon.”

    Household. A wonderful gift! A wooden spoon is convenient; you won’t burn your lips with it, even if the soup is very hot. And how beautiful! Matryoshka will like it.

    The bears went to congratulate Matryoshka. It became quiet in the forest. Suddenly - what is this? Birds are flying, bells are ringing! The birds came down and said:

    We fly everywhere

    We send invitations to:

    Matryoshka is waiting for you to visit

    And meets you at the gate!

    Thank you, fast-winged birds! We will definitely come. Children, Matryoshka also invited us to our name day, she didn’t forget anyone. Let's go to her quickly, and we'll grab this little balalaika as a gift. Look, the first guests are already approaching the house!

    - Hello, Matryoshka! It’s us, the toys from Dymkovo and Bogorodsk, who came to visit and brought gifts. Happy birthday!

    M atreshka. Thank you, dear guests!

    And they had fun! Loaf-loaf, choose whoever you want! Matryoshka chooses everyone and does not offend anyone. Let us congratulate the Matryoshka dolls and give her a gift. ( Children congratulate Matryoshka and express their wishes to her - whoever comes up with what.)

    Happy birthday to me! I love it when there are a lot of guests! Guest for guest - joy for the hostess! Thanks everyone!

    Household. Here's our gift for you, a cheerful balalaika.

    M atreshka. Well, thank you! ( Sings.)

    I'll start playing balalaika,

    I'll start playing balalaika,

    Lyuli-lyuli, I'm going to play,

    Lyuli-lyuli, I'm going to play!

    Now let's play blind man's buff!

    Game "Long Arina"

    Long Arina,

    Rise above the barn

    fold your little hands,

    Who is calling, tell me.

    (The blindfolded driver stands in the center, the children dance in a circle. The driver guesses who called him. If he didn’t recognize him by voice, then he could do it by touch.)

    Toys want to play too!

    Game "Guess the toy"

    A blindfolded child determines by touch which toy - Dymkovo or Bogorodskaya - the Mistress gave him.

    M atreshka. Now it's my turn to amuse you. I’ll tell you a fairy tale about how a fox and a crane went to visit each other.

    Tabletop theater "The Fox and the Crane"

    M atreshka. Since then, the fox and the crane have not visited each other, but why? They didn’t want to treat each other for real, they were cunning so that they could get all the treats for themselves. I won’t do that, I’m a matryoshka doll, a Russian toy, and Russian people are happy to have guests. Remember the proverb: guest for guest – joy for the hostess! Here's my treat for you: for the toys - a toy treat, and for the kids - a real treat. These gingerbread cookies are sweet, I baked them myself. ( Children treat themselves to little gingerbread cookies or something else, thank Matryoshka, and say goodbye.)

    Come to me, I will wait and wait, a new fairy tale compose!

    Lesson 8. Mishutka's fairy tale

    Household. I have a barrel in my hut, and in it there is honey - sweet, fragrant. Guess which of the forest animals I saved it for? Of course, for the bear. He promised to come visit me, but until he comes, let's dress up as a bear ourselves and play the game.

    Game "Guess Who's Calling"

    Bear, bear,

    (A blindfolded “bear” guesses by voice who called him from the round dance)

    We came to you

    We came to you

    The honey was brought.

    Get some honey

    Guess who's calling.

    So we played the game, but still there was no bear. Maybe he got lost? Let's call him! Bear! Bear! Doesn't respond. Who remembers what else a bear is called in Russian fairy tales? We'll call him different names, maybe he'll respond! ( They remember the different fairy-tale names of the bear: “Misha”, “Mishutka”, “Mikhail Ivanovich”, “Mikhailo Potapych”, “Toptygin”, “father bear” - and call him.)

    That's how many fairy-tale names the bear has! I hear, I hear, someone is stomping their feet, it’s like a bear has come ( a soft toy bear appears).

    Mishutka. Hello!

    Household. Hello, bear. Why are you so small? Perhaps you are not a bear, but a bear cub? We are so glad to see you! Let's get acquainted. What is your name?

    Mishutka. Mishutka.

    Household. I knew it! We have a treat for you - sweet honey.

    Mishutka. Thank you! I’ll try it myself and treat it to mom and dad.

    Household. What are the names of your mom and dad?

    Mishutka. Mom is Nastasya Petrovna, and dad is Mikhail Ivanovich. We live in the forest, in a fairy-tale hut.

    Household. Ah-ah-ah, I guessed it!

    In the dense forest, at the edge,

    Three of them live in a hut.

    There are three chairs and three mugs,

    Three beds, three pillows...

    Mishutka. Yes, yes, there are three beds, three pillows, and only two chairs!

    Household. Why only two chairs?

    Mishutka. The girl broke my chair! Swung on it and broke it!

    Household. Don’t worry, Mishutka, I’ll give you a chair. Here he is. Look how handsome he is!

    Mishutka. Thank you! How many children are there! Won't you break my chair?

    Household. No, Mishutka, our children know that they can’t swing on chairs. Our children are obedient and don’t break chairs. They love fairy tales, and now I will tell them the tale of the three bears, and you will help me. Agreed?

    Mishutka. Agreed. ( Toy Theater "Three Bears".)

    Household. Thank you, Mishutka, for helping me tell a fairy tale.

    Mishutka. And thank you for the gift and treat. Goodbye!

    Household. Goodbye, Mishutka! ( She accompanies Mishutka, helps him carry the high chair and honey, and says goodbye to the children.)

    Lesson 9. Three bears will be happy

    Household. Guess, children, this riddle.

    In the dense forest, at the edge,

    Three of them live in a hut.

    There are three chairs and three mugs,

    Three beds, three pillows.

    Guess without a hint

    Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

    (Three Bears)

    Of course, this riddle is about three bears. Remember when a girl accidentally wandered into their place? She didn't know how to behave in someone else's house. What did she do there, who remembers? ( Children talk.) The bears got angry with the girl, and she barely ran away from them. The girl found her way home and came to her village.

    Girl ( doll). Why were the bears angry with me? What did I do? I told everything to my grandmother.

    Grandmother. It’s not good how it turned out: you offended the bears! She broke the chair, ate the stew, rumpled the bed and didn’t even apologize.

    Girl. And it's true! What to do? How can I make peace with them? I’ll go visit them again, but this time I won’t slurp up the stew without asking, lie on the beds and swing on the chairs. I’d rather ask them for forgiveness and bring them gifts: new plates – painted, with patterns. I painted them myself. Do you want to paint plates with patterns? Then get to work! Here, on the tray, there are a lot of kvachiks, you can use them to draw circles ( shows), and if you add spouts to the circles, you get berries. Leaves can be painted with a brush or with a quachik like this. With the same kvachik you can draw a flower in the middle - like this, and with a larger one - curls. What else can you draw? ( Children's answers.)

    Drawing painted plates with quacks and tassels

    (Finished paper plates are painted. After drying, the Hostess can coat the plates with varnish, and the doll girl brings them to the group.)

    Girl. I will give this plate to Mikhail Ivanovich, this one to Nastasya Petrovna, and this one to Mishutka. I will ask for forgiveness and invite you to visit me. And you give your plates to your family, let them rejoice!

    Lesson 10. How grandfather Yegor went to the fair

    Household. Listen to what I tell you, and watch what I show. Our grandfather Yegor went to the fair! Do you know what a fair is? This is a big bazaar. You can buy anything there. If you want, buy pins and needles, ribbons and hairpins, but if you want, buy a cow, a horse, a pig, a rooster. There are pipes, accordions, krinkas, and spoons here. Here are printed gingerbread cookies and flavored sweets. Here are dishes, there are toys, and here are pets! And nearby the carousel is spinning, Parsley is tumbling. It's fun at the fair, and there are so many goods that no one comes back empty. Grandpa Egor brought a whole basket of shopping. I’ll tell you riddles about these purchases, and then I’ll show you the answers.

    Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle.


    She doesn’t eat herself, but feeds everyone.


    That's right, it's a spoon. Here she is, a painted beauty! Grandfather Yegor bought not just one spoon, but two, so that they would not only feed, but also entertain. Look how spoons can make you laugh, and listen! (Show different techniques for playing spoons.)

    Small, round, but you can’t lift it by its tail.


    (Inviting children to try to lift the ball by the tail and repeat the riddle.)

    Two bellies, four ears.


    (While counting, they repeat the riddle.)

    Friends of different heights

    And they sit next to each other.

    (Matryoshka dolls)

    And here’s another toy, it also looks like a Matryoshka doll, but it doesn’t separate into halves. But no one will be able to put her to sleep. Want to try? ( They try.) Do you know what I call her? “Masha the Tumbler”, or in another way – “Manechka the Tumbler”.

    I’m sitting astride, I don’t know who.

    If I meet an acquaintance, I’ll jump off and greet him.

    (A cap)

    (Explain why the hat “jumps off” when it meets an acquaintance: according to Russian custom, men, when greeting each other, bowed and took off their hats. You can call two boys and invite them to say hello this way.)

    The little pebbles hid

    In shaggy bags,

    Four - in the big one,

    And one is small.


    Curls up like a cat,

    It will stretch out like a path.

    It doesn’t heat itself

    It's cold without him.


    (Show how the belt becomes sometimes “like a cat”, sometimes “like a path”, explain the second part of the riddle: the belt does not warm, but does not allow the wind to blow under the fur coat, therefore it is warmer with a belt.)

    That's how many purchases grandpa brought from the fair! Here are the things that are needed in the household, and toys for Ivashechka, and warm clothes, winter is coming, so you will have to put on a hat, mittens, and a belt.

    And now it's time to listen to the fairy tale. The fairy tale is called “Frost”, because winter clothes it will be very useful.

    Summary of a lesson on spiritual and moral education for children in the middle group of kindergarten, topic: “In a world of kindness”


    To deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person, the importance and need to ask for forgiveness, experiencing an internal need for this.
    Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, show kindness), skills of cultural communication with peers, following speech etiquette, and encourage understanding of universal human values.
    Achieve friendly intonation and expressive speech.


    A candle, grains, seeds, a living flower, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty cup.

    Progress of the lesson: Children enter the group to the music; on the screen there is an image of the sun with a smile.

    Educator: Let's say hello. You know that it is a good sign to give greetings to everyone in the morning. Let's do that too. The sun is red...

    Children: Hello!

    Educator: To the clear sky...

    Children: Hello!

    Educator: Adults and children...

    Children: Hello to you from the bottom of my heart!

    Educator: You need to start every new day in a good mood. And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes, and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Feel how kindness passes through our hands, from palm to palm. (We take a lit (safe) candle in our hands and the children pass the candle to each other.) Look how the spark was lit from our hearts. Let her accompany you throughout the lesson. Let's smile and wish each other good morning and a joyful mood. Children, please sit down on the chairs. Today in class we will talk about kindness. Amazing, magical word! How do you guys understand what kindness is?

    Children's answers.

    Educator: Let's repeat in chorus and listen carefully to this word - kindness. In ancient times, as books tell, this word was pronounced softly - kindness. Good to you - good from you, how true it is! Guys, think and tell me, about whom or what can we say “kind”?

    Children's answers: About a person, action, path, meeting, etc.

    Educator: A kind person is kind, so what kind of person is he?

    Children: Attentive, caring, not greedy, affectionate.

    Educator: And if a person is unkind, what is he like?

    Children: Angry, rude, greedy.

    Educator: Do you think kindness can be touched, does it have a smell, taste?

    Children: No.


    Guys, kindness can be seen, seen in a person’s actions and feelings. Please remember your good deeds and tell us.
    Children's answers.

    Educator: Is it easy to be kind? (children's answers). And now I will ask you to read I. Tulupova’s poem “Kindness” and with the help of the poem we will find out - is it easy to be kind?

    Children say:

    It's not easy to be kind
    Kindness does not depend on height,
    Kindness does not depend on color
    Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.
    Kindness does not get old over the years
    And it will warm you from the cold
    You just need to be kind
    And in times of trouble do not forget each other
    If kindness is like the sun shining
    Adults and children rejoice.

    Educator: A wonderful poem. And now you will tell us how this amazing quality is manifested in another poem.

    Children say:

    I'm ready to help the weak
    Suddenly in trouble.
    Always friendly and healthy
    And I'm telling the truth.
    I'm never greedy
    I feel sorry for others
    I will always forgive everyone’s mistakes,
    I'll forget about them.
    I'm always friends with a smile
    I'm always happy to have guests.
    I value true friendship,
    I love all the guys.

    Educator: Well done guys! Now let's play a little and help mom with the laundry.

    Physical education lesson “We rinse the laundry ourselves”

    Together we help mom -
    We rinse the laundry ourselves
    One two three four,
    Stretched, bent over
    We did a good job.

    Educator: When a person does good deeds and deeds, what kind of face does he have at that moment?

    Children: Kind, pleasant, with kind eyes, with a smile.

    Educator: Now give each other kindness, smile, look at each other with a gentle gaze. (Draw the children’s attention to the demonstration material).

    Educator: Guys, look how many different objects there are here - grains, a flower, a broken toy, a torn book, a dirty bowl. Tell me, what good deed can be done with their help?

    Children: Feed the birds grains, give a flower, repair a toy, glue a book, wash a dirty cup.

    Educator: Well done boys! Kindness is an important human quality that has magic words, do you guys know what these words are?

    Children: Thank you, please, excuse me, excuse me, good morning, etc.

    Educator: Guys, what do you need to apologize for?

    Children: For a bad deed, for offensive rude words.


    Yes, guys, you need to apologize and ask for forgiveness so that you will be forgiven and not be offended. We need to make peace and then it will be more fun to play.
    My dear kids, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, and start the game “You and I are one family.”

    Game “You and I are one family”

    Children stand in a circle, holding hands, and the teacher invites everyone to repeat the text and movements to it together.

    You and I are one family:
    You, we, you and me.
    Touch the nose of the neighbor on the right,
    Touch the nose of the neighbor on the left,
    We're friends!

    You and I are one family:
    You, we, you and me.
    Hug the neighbor on the right
    Hug the neighbor on the left
    We're friends!

    You and I are one family:
    You, we, you and me.
    Kiss the neighbor on the right
    Kiss the neighbor on the left
    We're friends!

    Lesson summary:

    Educator: Children, you did a good job today, you learned about the amazing human quality of kindness. Let's hold hands tightly and give each other goodness, smile and bow to everyone and say the magic kind word “Thank you, see you next time!”

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