• What to make a basketball hoop from. How to make a basketball hoop with your own hands. What should a basketball hoop look like?


    Basketball is a great game, and the yard version is the most democratic sport. You can play it team of 6-8 people or alone practice throwing.

    A basketball hoop installed on a personal plot or in a yard is sure to attract fans of this sport. And often homemade product is better than store-bought options, since the age, height, and preferences of the players are taken into account.

    It may be much stronger and more durable bought in a store. And a person gets much more moral satisfaction from a ring made with his own hands.

    How to make a basketball backboard with your own hands

    First, you need to decide what kind of ring you want to get in the end. Just a basket with a wall or tree mount or a full-fledged shield complete with everything you need. Then - choose a place to install the shield and prepare the site. Further - break the work into stages.

    Photo 1. Diagram of a standard basketball backboard with the necessary measurements. To play in the yard, it is not necessary to take them all into account.

    Tools and materials

    • jigsaw for metal;
    • hacksaw on wood;
    • drill or hammer drill;
    • adjustable wrenches;
    • paint and brush.

    To make a ring you can use thick steel wire, with a diameter no less 5 mm, iron band or old hula hoop. It will have to be shortened a little in the future. Used to make a shield plywood, at least 5 mm thick. If the shield is installed in the yard, then it is provided strong pillar for support.


    The ring size should be 45 cm in diameter(a little more basketball). Shield size - 180x105 cm.

    The product will be attached to the bottom of the shield: 5 cm from the edge. This means that from the ring to the top of the shield there should be exactly 1 meter.

    The shield can be hung at any height depending on the average height and age of the players. But it’s also possible on the standard one - 3 m 5 cm.

    This will allow players to feel comfortable on any standard site in the future.


    If the ring is attached not just to a tree, wall or pole, but has his own shield, then it should have the appropriate form. The shield is usually white with black stripes around the perimeter and a drawn square directly above the grid. Square size 45 cm high and 56 cm wide. This standard will make the game correct and will help to put the ball straight into the basket, since if it hits the square, it will bounce straight to the target.

    Making a basketball hoop

    If the ring is made of wire or steel strip, then it is needed wrap it around a cylindrical object and fasten both ends. If you use a hacksaw to cut out the unnecessary part of the hoop from a hula hoop tube and reconnect the ends. When making a ring, you need to remember to make fastenings, for example, bend the ends of the wire in one direction so that you can then attach them to the shield.

    On the ring there must be a grid: after the ball hits the target, it will direct it straight down, and not to any corner of the court. To make it you will need long cord.

    Cord lengths approx. 20 cm each, you need to tie them to the ring at such a distance that they are evenly covered the entire circle at 12 points.

    Then, with another piece in a circle, tie all the ropes, and so on several times at intervals of 5-6 cm. The grid is ready.

    Shield cut with a jigsaw or hacksaw, having previously made markings with a pencil. After this, the product can be painted.

    Important! Black stripes and a square above the basket on the shield must be 5 cm wide otherwise they will simply not be visible.

    After the paint has dried, you can attach a ring to the shield, and attach the shield itself to a pole or wall. Standard and type of fastenings depends on what the ring was made of and how the shield will be attached. The main thing is to calculate so that the design withstood at least 40-50 kg of load.

    Fastening at home

    If the ring is made round wire, and its ends are bent down, then they can be tighten to the shield with 2 bolts, connected by a metal plate in the area of ​​the caps.

    If the ring is made from a wide iron strip, then you must first bend the ends so that the strip fits tightly to the shield.

    Such a product is also fastened using bolts threaded into pre-drilled holes in the strip and plywood.

    If there is no shield and the ring must be attached directly to the wall, then instead of bolts you can use anchors. In this case, you will need a hammer drill to make holes in the wall.

    To a tree or wooden post , the ring is possible nail with 100 mm or screw it on long screws.

    Attention! Whatever type of fastening is used, they have one thing in common - It is necessary to place the ring horizontally. If it hangs crookedly, the ball will slide off the edges and past the basket.

    After the shield and ring are secured, The site is being prepared. There should be no stones, puddles, or protruding stumps on it. Basketball is a very traumatic sport and players do not need the extra risk of tripping over a bush, stump or stone sticking out on the court. If the ring is installed indoors, then before the game you need to make sure that everything breakable is hidden, and the glass on the windows is reliably protected.

    Useful video

    Check out this video that shows how to make a basketball hoop out of metal rod.

    From this article you will learn:

    • What are the dimensions of a basketball backboard with a hoop?
    • How to make a basketball backboard with a hoop with your own hands
    • Where to buy a ready-made basketball backboard with a ring

    Games similar to basketball were found among the ancient Scandinavian peoples and Mexican Indians. One such game that is popular today in northern Mexico is Pok-Ta-Pok. It is believed that it appeared thanks to religious rituals, which over time turned into sports fun and an attraction for tourists. How the game “basketball” appeared, and what a basketball backboard with a ring is as a necessary element of this popular game, we will find out in this article.

    When did basketball and the first basketball backboard with a hoop appear?

    The predecessor of basketball is considered to be the children's game “duck on a rock”, common in the 19th century, familiar to the inventor of basketball, Canadian James Naismith. The principle of the game was to hit the small stone on top of the big one.

    The concept of playing basketball finally took shape when D. Naismith moved to the United States and became a physical education teacher at the YMCA College in Springfield, Massachusetts. Already teaching physical education and being a college professor, he was faced with the problem of creating winter games between baseball and football competitions. Naismith, given the weather conditions of this time of year in Massachusetts, decided that this game should be played indoors.

    Naismith's goal was to create an outdoor game for Christian Worker School students that would require the use of more than just strength and dexterity. It was supposed to develop coordination of movements in teenagers and at the same time be interesting.

    So, in the winter of 1891, under the leadership of Naismith, the first basketball baskets were installed in the college gym. The role of basketball hoops was played by fruit baskets, mounted on both sides of the hall on the balconies that surrounded the perimeter of the room. Such baskets were fastened at a height of 3.05 m; this figure became an international standard, which is observed to this day.

    The players' task was to throw the ball (at that time they used a soccer ball) into the basket. The first basketball match was held in the same hall on December 21, 1891. According to the playing conditions proposed by Naismith, each team had 9 people, which exactly coincided with the number of students in the group.

    News about new game spread across America very quickly, and Naismith began to be contacted with requests to send rules. On February 12, 1892, after learning the rules and mastering the basics of technique, Springfield College students played the first “official” match in basketball history, which ended in a 2-2 draw.

    This meeting turned out to be so successful, and the rumor about the new type of competition spread so quickly that soon two Springfield teams began holding demonstration competitions, which already attracted hundreds of spectators. The initiative was taken up by students from other educational institutions, and next year The Northeast of America is in the grip of a real basketball fever.

    The rules of the game of basketball, which Naismith personally wrote as a college teacher in 1891, were a list of 13 points that eventually formed the basis of modern international rules, barely fitting into 200 pages. In 1893, instead of baskets, iron rings with a net were installed, two years later shields were added, and two years later the team was reduced to 5 people.

    What is a basketball backboard with a hoop today?

    To play basketball, two backboards are installed on the sports ground, onto which baskets (rings) are attached. The shield is made of transparent material, usually from a single piece of tempered impact-resistant glass with a degree of hardness corresponding to the hardness of a 30 mm thick hardwood shield. It is possible to produce such shields from other materials, but in this case they must be painted white and meet other requirements for such sports equipment.

    The front side of the shield is made smooth, a marking line is drawn along the edges, and a rectangle measuring 45 cm vertically and 59 cm horizontally is marked at the place where the ring is attached. Moreover, the upper edge of the base of the rectangle should coincide with the level of the upper plane of the ring. White outlines are applied to transparent shields, while in other cases black is used. Line width – 5 cm.

    A basketball backboard with a hoop is installed at right angles on both sides of the playing court, parallel to the end lines. The center of the front surface of each shield lies on perpendicular lines reconstructed from points that are located on the site at a distance of 120 cm from the middle of the inner edge of each front line.

    The panels are decorated with upholstery, the following requirements apply to it:

    • the sides of the boards and the bottom end are covered with soft material at a height of at least 35 cm from the bottom corners;
    • the lower end is upholstered with material at least 5 cm thick;
    • the back and front surfaces of the shield should be decorated with upholstery material, the thickness of which is at least 2 cm, at a height of at least 2 cm from the bottom end.

    The following requirements are imposed on the structures on which the shields are attached: their front parts, including the upholstery, are placed at a distance of at least two meters from the outer edge of the front line. They are painted in bright colors that contrast with the walls of the sports hall in order to provide sufficient visibility to the players of both teams.

    The structure on which the basketball backboard with the hoop is installed is attached to the floor of the court so as to prevent it from moving during the game.

    Structures used for fastening shields must be upholstered with soft material behind the shield at a distance of 120 cm from the front surface of the shield. The minimum thickness of the upholstery is 5 cm, and the density is the same as that of panel upholstery.

    The base of the structure on the side of the playground is upholstered with dense soft material to a height of at least 215 cm, the thickness of the upholstery is 10 cm.

    The minimum value of the so-called “indentation coefficient” of upholstery panels and structures is 50%. This figure means that when an appropriate force is applied to the upholstery, its indentation should be within 50% of its original thickness. The upholstery material protects players from possible injuries during the game.

    Dimensions of basketball backboard and hoop

    It's hard to imagine a basketball court without a basketball backboard and hoop. The world standards established by the International Basketball Federation have been adopted for them.

    A basketball backboard is a rectangular or square panel to which a hoop is attached. The shield is provided with a mount for installation on a pole or hanging on a wall: rigid installation is required, the product should not wobble or move.

    The dimensions of the shield are 1.8x1.05 meters, with an installation height of 2.9 meters. By NBA standards, the backboard must be 72 x 42 inches. Two shields are installed opposite each other from different ends of the field, the material is impact-resistant (as an option, tempered glass, acrylic, wood). Lines are drawn on a smooth surface. Models of basketball backboards with mesh not intended for permanent installation, are equipped with the same mounting elements as in the brackets for hanging punching bags. This method makes basketball backboards able to withstand heavy weight and securely fixes them.

    A ring or basket includes a metal (steel) circle covered with a mesh without a bottom. It is installed at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor and with a distance of 15 cm from the lower edge of the shield. The internal diameter is selected from the range 45–45.7 cm. Basketball hoop painted in bright color usually orange. The load must not be transferred from the basket to the shield, so the installation of the product is carried out with special attention.

    DIY basketball backboard with hoop

    Homemade basketball hoops are installed in dachas or hung in the courtyard of a house. In the summer, you can enjoy throwing a ball and feel like Michael Jordan for a moment. This game is available to everyone: both children and adults. The benefits of such a seemingly simple activity are incredible!

    Have you set out to make a basketball hoop yourself and don’t know where to start? This is exactly what we will talk about next.

    To make a basketball hoop yourself, you need thick wire and rope. Instead of wire, an old unnecessary sports hoop is suitable, which is cut, shortened and reconnected. Don't forget to leave an extension for attaching to the shield.

    In order to make a basketball hoop from thick wire, you will need to use some tricks. To obtain an even circle, a cylindrical device can be used as a template on which the wire is wound. But, before cutting the wire, do not forget about the “branch” for attaching to the wall.

    The diameter of the metal blank for the ring is slightly larger than the diameter of the basketball. Next, the pre-prepared rope is cut into 20–22 identical pieces. The length of each is 2.5–3 times the planned length of the mesh overhang.

    These segments are attached to the metal ring at equal intervals. The ropes are tied in the middle, and two ends of equal length are left free. Then two ends of nearby ropes are tied in turn, and so on around the entire circumference of the ring. This results in the first level of the grid. Ropes of the next level are tied in the same way, etc.

    When making a basketball hoop for your home, the bottom of the net can be tied, allowing the ball that hits the net to stay inside. This way the ball won't accidentally bounce to the side.

    Now we know how to make a basketball hoop yourself. But it is necessary to answer the question, what is better - a homemade product or a high-quality product purchased in a store?

    Making parts with your own hands is fun. For this you only need free time, necessary materials and third category welder. If you don’t have this, then it’s better to purchase a basketball hoop with a backboard from trusted manufacturers.

    In order to make a basketball backboard with fastening, you will need six meters of a 2x2 cm profile pipe, 8.5 m of a 2x4 cm profile pipe, a backboard made of laminated moisture-resistant plywood, a basketball hoop, and six anchor bolts for mounting to the wall. The design is assembled from three parts for easy installation on the wall.

    The required part is cut off from the shield.

    Metal structures are welded and prepared AKZ is applied to them.

    The shield is drawn, covered with tape, and lines 5 cm wide are applied to it.

    We fix the two components of the structure to the wall.

    We attach the shield to the frame.

    Where to buy a basketball hoop with a backboard

    In such an active game as basketball, every little detail is important! Even at the finish line, troubles happen: the ball is in the ring, but gets tangled in the net and gets stuck. Such a moment is ruined! How to avoid such troubles?

    The following requirements apply to the ring mesh:

    • 12 loops for fastening;
    • length should be 40–45 cm;
    • use hard white cord as material;
    • The top is made in such a way as to prevent the net from being thrown onto the ring, or the ball getting tangled or stuck.

    How to choose the right basketball net? The main thing you need to pay attention to is the material, diameter and thickness of the thread, type.

    1. Products made of nylon and nylon are used more often. The latter is more wear-resistant, so for professional training, the bur falls on this material.
    2. The diameter is selected in accordance with the diameter of the ring and ball.
    3. For professional basketball nets, thick threads of increased strength are used, but for amateurs, more fragile ones can be used.
    4. Type: knotted and knotless. Products of the first type are widespread, but knotless basketball nets for hoops look better, absorb the impact of the ball well, and are more reliable.

    The Sportstyle company was founded in 1992 and has been successfully presenting its products and services in the markets of Russia and neighboring countries for more than 25 years.

    One of the main activities of the company is the production of frame-awning structures, sports equipment, and recreational goods. Our products are very popular and in demand, including everything for:

    • Martial arts. Equipment and sports equipment for boxing, wrestling, wushu, taekwondo. Punching bags, punching bags, projectile gloves, paws, shields, stuffed animals.
    • Gymnastics, fitness, aerobics. Gymnastic mats, hoops, sticks, jump ropes, wall bars, horizontal bars, rings, ropes, benches. Platform for sports aerobics.
    • Sports games. Sports equipment for basketball, volleyball, tennis, ice hockey, football, mini-football, handball, etc.
    • Athletics. Ball throwing boards, throwing grenades, steeplechase hurdles, high jump equipment.
    • Winter sports. Safety cubes, mats for short track speed skating, protective mats for ski slopes.

    Basketball is a sport that is popular not only in America, but also in Russia. Many fathers strive to build a playground for their children in the yard. What requirements must be observed when arranging a basketball hoop?

    Shield and ring standards:

    • Height 105 cm;
    • Width 180 cm;
    • The square in the center of the shield is 45 cm high, 59 cm wide;
    • The distance from the edge of the shield to the red square is 15 cm;
    • Ring diameter –45 cm;
    • Ring mesh 45 cm long;
    • The ring is attached at a distance of 15 cm from the shield;

    The shield itself is raised to a height of 3.05 meters.

    Required materials for the ring and shield

    A basketball circle can be made from a plastic pipe, metal rod or other suitable materials. Also for the ring you need a mesh, which is made from lace, rope, braid or chain.

    The shield is made from a sheet of fiberboard, MDF, multilayer plywood, high-quality and thick organic glass, and plastic. You also need fasteners and red or black paint for markings, white for the base.

    When choosing material for the shield, you need to take weather conditions into account. The location for the basketball court should be convenient and allow the hoop to be hung at the desired height.

    Making a shield

    1. Use a pencil to draw lines along which the workpiece will be cut.
    2. Cut out the shield with a jigsaw.
    3. Paint with white paint.
    4. Draw a rectangle in the center with black or red lines for aiming before throwing. The base of the target should be on the top edge of the ring.
    5. The width of the rectangle stripes should be 5 cm.
    6. You also need to outline the outer edge of the shield.

    Making a ring

    1. Choose a pipe or twig 45 centimeters long with a little reserve. Using the formula, calculate the exact length:

    D(ex.). = D(o)*Pi;

    D(ex.) = 45*3.14=141.3 cm.

    1. Take a length of approximately 150 cm, taking into account the fastening.
    2. Bend the ring onto the round template and secure the rest with bolts to the shield.
    3. You can make a mesh from a metal chain or rope.
    4. You need to make ears for the mesh on the twig.
    5. Take 20 m of rope, cut it to the number of lugs, tie it to the ring. Tie all the pieces perpendicularly with a sea knot. There should be 4-5 rows.
    6. To prevent the ends of the mesh from becoming fluffy, you need to tar them with fire.

    Fastening the structure

    Powerful steel brackets are installed on the back side of the shield. Together with another person, securely attach the structure to the support. The lower edge of the shield should be at a height of 290 cm, and the basket - 3 meters.

    Made from thick, unbreakable glass tempered in a special way. Due to the high cost of such material, shields made from it are not very cheap. For home training, it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment - if you wish, you can make a fairly durable shield for the ring yourself. That's why we have prepared for you detailed instructions on how to make a basketball backboard with your own hands.

    Required materials and tools

    To prevent the shield from falling apart after several hits from the ball, you need to use durable wood materials (multi-layer plywood, MDF or fiberboard) or high-quality thick plexiglass to make it.

    What else do you need:

    • electric jigsaw;
    • tape measure, square, long ruler and marking pencil;
    • bolts or self-tapping screws and metal brackets for attaching the shield to the support;
    • narrow and wide flange brush;
    • waterproof paint in red and white;
    • sandpaper;
    • drill with bit attachment.

    Sawing the workpiece

    Before making a basketball backboard, decide on its size. The standard dimensions of a professional backboard are 1800 by 1050 mm, but for home training a design measuring 1000 by 800 mm is sufficient. In accordance with the parameters, draw a rectangle on a sheet of plywood (plexiglass or MDF board).

    Place the sheet on the workbench and, moving the jigsaw blade strictly along the intended contours, cut out the base of the future shield from plywood. Sand the edges of the workpiece with sandpaper.

    Painting and marking

    1. Paint the shield with white waterproof paint in 2-3 layers on both sides.
    2. Using a pencil, mark the contours of a rectangle above the ring on the front surface of the structure, which serves as a guide when making throws. To do this, at a distance of 15 cm from the bottom edge, draw a line parallel to it, find its middle and put 29.5 cm long segments from it on both sides. The ends of the segments will be the lower corners of the target rectangle. Parallel to the side edges of the shield, measure 45 cm upward from the lower corners. The resulting points will be the upper corners of the rectangle.
    3. Connect them in series and draw pencil lines with red waterproof paint. Apply the paint with a 5 cm flange brush so that the markings limit the outer sides of the rectangle frame.
    4. In the same way, outline the outer edges of the shield with red paint.

    Installation of fasteners

    When the paint has dried, attach a pre-made basket to the shield using powerful screws or bolts, and install suitable steel brackets on the back side of the structure.

    Together with an assistant, place the shield on the support and securely fix its position. Remember that the bottom line of the shield should be at a height of 2.9 meters from the ground, and the ring at a distance of 3.05 meters from the ground and 0.15 meters from the bottom edge of the shield.

    Read about how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands.

    It’s easy to please your family and friends: how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands at home

    Basketball is a great game, and the yard version is the most democratic sport. You can play it in a team of 6–8 people or alone practice throwing.

    A basketball hoop installed on a personal plot or in a yard is sure to attract fans of this sport. And often homemade product is better than store-bought options, since the age, height, and preferences of the players are taken into account.

    It may be much stronger and more durable bought in a store. And a person gets much more moral satisfaction from a ring made with his own hands.

    First, you need to decide what kind of ring you want to get in the end. Just a basket with a wall or tree mount or a full-fledged shield complete with everything you need. Then - choose a place to install the shield and prepare the site. Further - break the work into stages.

    Photo 1. Diagram of a standard basketball backboard with the necessary measurements. To play in the yard, it is not necessary to take them all into account.

    Tools and materials

    • jigsaw for metal;
    • hacksaw on wood;
    • drill or hammer drill;
    • adjustable wrenches;
    • paint and brush.

    To make a ring you can use thick steel wire, with a diameter no less 5 mm, iron band or old hula hoop. It will have to be shortened a little in the future.

    Used to make a shield plywood, at least 5 mm thick. If the shield is installed in the yard, then it is provided strong pillar for support.


    The ring size should be 45 cm in diameter(slightly larger than a basketball). Shield size - 180x105 cm.

    The product will be attached to the bottom of the shield: 5 cm from the edge. This means that from the ring to the top of the shield there should be exactly 1 meter.

    The shield can be hung at any height depending on the average height and age of the players. But it is possible on the standard one - 3 m 5 cm.

    This will allow players to feel comfortable on any standard site in the future.


    If the ring is attached not just to a tree, wall or pole, but has his own shield, then it should have the appropriate form.

    The shield is usually white with black stripes around the perimeter and a drawn square directly above the grid. Square size 45 cm high and 56 cm wide.

    This standard will make the game correct and will help to put the ball straight into the basket, since if it hits the square, it will bounce straight to the target.

    Making a basketball hoop

    If the ring is made of wire or steel strip, then it is needed wrap it around a cylindrical object and fasten both ends. If you use a hacksaw to cut out the unnecessary part of the hoop from a hula hoop tube and reconnect the ends. When making a ring, you need to remember to make fastenings, for example, bend the ends of the wire in one direction so that you can then attach them to the shield.

    On the ring there must be a grid: after the ball hits the target, it will direct it straight down, and not to any corner of the court. To make it you will need long cord.

    Cord lengths approx. 20 cm each, you need to tie them to the ring at such a distance that they are evenly covered the entire circle at 12 points.

    Then, with another piece in a circle, tie all the ropes, and so on several times at intervals of 5-6 cm. The grid is ready.

    Shield cut with a jigsaw or hacksaw, having previously made markings with a pencil. After this, the product can be painted.

    Important! Black stripes and a square above the basket on the shield must be 5 cm wide otherwise they will simply not be visible.

    After the paint has dried, you can attach a ring to the shield, and attach the shield itself to a pole or wall. Standard and type of fastenings depends on what the ring was made of and how the shield will be attached. The main thing is to calculate so that the design withstood at least 40-50 kg of load.

    Fastening at home

    If the ring is made round wire, and its ends are bent down, then they can be tighten to the shield with 2 bolts, connected by a metal plate in the area of ​​the caps.

    If the ring is made from a wide iron strip, then you must first bend the ends so that the strip fits tightly to the shield.

    Such a product is also fastened using bolts threaded into pre-drilled holes in the strip and plywood.

    If there is no shield and the ring must be attached directly to the wall, then instead of bolts you can use anchors. In this case, you will need a hammer drill to make holes in the wall.

    To a tree or wooden post, the ring is possible nail with 100 mm or screw it on long screws.

    Attention! Whatever type of fastening is used, they have one thing in common - It is necessary to place the ring horizontally. If it hangs crookedly, the ball will slide off the edges and past the basket.

    After the shield and ring are secured, The site is being prepared. There should be no stones, puddles, or protruding stumps on it.

    Basketball is a very traumatic sport and players do not need the extra risk of tripping over a bush, stump or stone sticking out on the court.

    If the ring is installed indoors, then before the game you need to make sure that everything breakable is hidden, and the glass on the windows is reliably protected.

    Check out this video that shows how to make a basketball hoop out of metal rod.

    Which ring is better, homemade or purchased? There is no clear answer here. Homemade product performs sporting functions and is more aesthetically pleasing for family members and friends of the manufacturer.

    Even if it looks a little more unsightly than store-bought. In addition, homemade calculated for certain loads. Whereas a store-bought product, it is unknown how long it will sag under harsh conditions.

    On the other side, high quality, expensive, ring with shield, produced at the factory in compliance with all sizes and GOST standards, handmade, unique. So it’s up to the players to choose.

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    Source: https://sportyfi.ru/basketbol/ploshchadka/koltso/kak-sdelat/

    DIY basketball hoop | ServiceYard - the comfort of your home is in your hands

    The summer season will come very soon, and many parents with their restless children will leave the city. Adults, as usual, will dig in the beds, but what should bored children do at this time? In this article, we have prepared information for you on how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands, and with it a playground.

    Choosing a site location

    This issue must be approached very responsibly, because many factors must be taken into account. It is advisable that playground was located away from the house and from the garden.

    So, here are the places that are by no means suitable for placing a basketball court:

    • On uneven terrain. Any playground implies a perfectly flat playing surface.
    • Near bodies of water. Playing near any bodies of water, especially if you have children, is contraindicated. It is possible that the ball will fall into the water and the fidgets, wanting to show their parents their independence, will go to get it themselves. They will most likely end up in trouble.
    • In the lowlands. There, the site will dry out for a very long time after various precipitation falls, which means that it will be used very rarely and will soon be abandoned.
    • You should also not play on a site where there is groundwater nearby. Every year the landscape will change, as a result of which the fixation of the shield with the ring will become skewed.

    Creating the surface of the site

    In order to cover our future court with a flat cement surface, on which a homemade basketball hoop will soon stand, we need to do the following:

    1. Remove the fertile soil layer from the surface. To do this, dig approximately 50 cm of soil. This procedure is necessary in order to subsequently lay a drainage cushion, which is laid in front of the main covering.
    2. Place geotextiles on the soil. To do this, it is cut into separate pieces, because it comes as a whole cloth. Such pieces can be laid in any position. The main thing to consider is that they cover each other by about 20-30 cm, which prevents subsidence of the top layer.
    3. After this, the geotextile is sprinkled with sand and leveled; the thickness of this layer should be approximately 15 cm.
    4. Lay a geogrid, which will further strengthen the entire structure. The grate is filled halfway with sand, and the other half with crushed stone. The layer thickness also remains 15 cm.
    5. Fill with cement to form expansion joints. This is necessary to ensure that the top coating is well fixed for a long time. In addition, after various precipitations, water will quickly seep through all layers, which will contribute to the rapid drying of the playing area.
    6. After all the steps have been completed, the most upper layer. It can be any covering: sports turf, a special mixture of sand and clay, roll covering and others.

    Setting up a basketball corner

    Already when the foundation was just being installed, we should have thought about where our ring would hang. For convenience, racks with rings are installed along the edges of the site, as in a real gym. Here are the dimensions that must be observed:

    • The minimum distance between posts is 3 meters.
    • The field area should be approximately 20x35 m.
    • The ring itself should be located approximately 2 m from the ground.

    Making a shield

    Making a basketball hoop with your own hands, like a backboard for it, is not at all difficult. To make a shield yourself, we just need to adhere to the following algorithm:

    1. Make a frame from metal corners that need to be welded together to the specified dimensions.
    2. Select the necessary boards to make the wall. When they are fastened together, there may be some gaps left, but they will not interfere with the game at all. Just make sure that the boards are level.
    3. Next, the manufactured shield needs to be painted to your liking. You can involve children in this procedure, because they are known to be the best designers.

    We make the main component

    Here we will look at the classic wicker version and learn how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands. In general, it is not so difficult to make, the main thing is to show a little accuracy and desire.

    To create wicker rings, summer residents will need only two things:

    • The base of the ring. Typically it should be made of iron.
    • Strong threads. They can be noticed: thin rope, cords, thick yarn, any rope.

    So, what needs to be done in order for its main component to appear on your site:

    1. At the very beginning, you need to make an iron blank in the shape of a ring and highlight a small protrusion in it. The diameter of the circle should be such that the ball can pass through it freely. It is better to entrust such work to the stronger sex.
    2. Then comes women's work. To do this, we take a rope and cut it into 8 equal parts. Then you need to tie them at the previously planned distance so that two ends of one thread hang down.
    3. After this, it’s time to start weaving the mesh. To do this, adjacent ends of sections of thick thread are tied into knots, resulting in different mesh cells. All ends of the ropes are required to participate here. Thus, it is necessary to make several layers of cells until the threads run out.

    Which ring is better?

    After making a basketball hoop with your own hands, you can’t help but wonder what’s better: a store-bought hoop or something we made ourselves?

    Of course, a handmade item always remains the most pleasing to the eye. It’s just that it takes much more time to make it than a ring that you can buy in a store in a couple of minutes. But still, if there is no time for self-production For this item, it is better to purchase it at a special sporting goods store.

    So, in this article you learned about how to properly install a court, as well as how to make a basketball hoop with your own hands for your beloved children who will use it for a long time. Most likely, you yourself will be interested in being active and participating in the game.

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